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中 国 国 家 冲 浪 队


To Whom It May Concern,

The Chinese Surfing Team is endorsing PerfectSwell® Technology by American Wave

Machines as the preferred wave pool for training the Chinese Surf Team. Siqi Yang has
trained extensively at the PerfectSwell® pool in Waco, Texas and she has just been selected to
represent China in the surfing competition for the 2024 Olympics.

PerfectSwell® repeat, made‐to‐order waves are perfect for surf training. With the push of a
button, the technology has the capacity to produce natural sets at similar wave and set
frequencies found in the ocean and over 200 different wave configurations. With right point to
left point to right point with a perfect air section, PerfectSwell® offers the Chinese Surf Team
the opportunity to train in an environment that closely mimics ocean conditions.

With PerfectSwell® technology, China will be able to expand the surfing community
throughout the country. As we’ve seen with Siqi Yang, this will be the start of athlete
development and many of the athletes will be strong contenders for future Olympics.

The Chinese Surf Team highly recommends PerfectSwell® become part of a comprehensive
plan for optimal training that prepares athletes to compete at the highest level in the super
competitive international surfing scene.


Zhihao Guo

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