OECP Stage6unit3 Testanswers

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Unit 3 End of unit test answers

Unit 3 Stormy weather

Reading: poetry
1 Argumentative mood described by the words “They argue and quarrel, loud
With angry thunder”. Sad mood is described by “They rain rivers of stinging tears.”
Sulky mood is described by “They hide their sulky heads in cloud”. For days and
days, and a happy mood by “Then suddenly, all smiles again”. Award one mark
for each correct answer with evidence. [3]
2 The word “magic” is used to convey the way the mountain changes so suddenly.
Award one mark for the correct answer. [1]
3 The poet describes stormy, rainy and sunny conditions. Award one mark for
three correct answers. [1]

1 The lighthouse is used as a metaphor to convey the brightness of the sun.
Award one mark for the correct answer and one mark for evidence. [2]
2 The sulky mountains are described in that way as the tops can’t be seen in
cloudy weather so it is as if they were hiding and not wanting to be seen.
Award one mark for the correct answer. [1]
3 Rivers of tears means they are copious and stinging refers to the way tears
can burn when we cry a lot. Award one mark for the correct answer and one mark
for evidence. [2]

1 The poet talks about the mountain as if it were a person with different moods
and uses adjectives such as “brave” and “angry”. This is effective because it
gives the impression that mountains have feelings and behave like humans so
we can connect with them. Award one mark for the correct answer and two marks for

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Unit 3 End of unit test answers

Reading: poetry
1 warm, white, stir, swell. Award one mark for the correct answers. [1]
2 big, strong, firm, white. Award one mark for two correct answers. Award two marks for
four correct answers. [2]

1 Big as a polar bear. Award one mark for the correct answer. [1]
2 The snowman’s nose began to run, his hat and head fell and he melted... ceased to exist.
Award one mark for each correct answer. [2]
3 The sun’s effect on the snowman was to melt him slowly, throughout the day. By the
end of the day he was gone. Award three marks for the correct answer with evidence. [3]

1 The poet uses this phrase as a play on the words ‘to catch a severe cold’. As snowmen are
always cold, when they are unwell, they would need to catch a ‘warm’. Award one mark
for the correct answer. [1]
2 The funeral bell would announce that the snowman was dying, but nobody was there to
witness this, so it implies the snowman’s feelings of loneliness and insignificance.
Award three marks for the correct answer. [1]
3 The poet uses time to describe the life-cyle: ‘...awake all night’, ‘...the morning sun swell’, ‘...by
tea-time I was dead’. Award one mark for each correct answer.  [3]
4 The mountains shine in the sunlight to reveal their full beauty; by contract the sun slowly
melts the snowman until it is nothing. Award three marks for two correct answers with
reasoning.  [3]

Writing: poetry

Give up to 15 marks for answers which successfully compare the two poems. Give up to three
marks for answers that state which poem was preferred and gives a plausible reason why.
Give up to four marks for answers that successfully compare and elaborate on the mood
created in each poem. Give up to four marks for answers which compare and elaborate on
the figurative and descriptive language. Give a further four marks for answers that compare
and elaborate on the powerful imagery used. [15]
Write your own weather poem
Give up to 15 marks. Give a mark up to five for poems that successfully create a strong
sense of mood in the poem. Give up to five marks for poems that use a range of figurative
and descriptive language. Give up to five marks for answers that use a wide range of
simple and some complex grammatical structures accurately. [15]

Please refer to the CD for guidance on progress assessment.

It is now time for the Revise and Check test for units 1–3.

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