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damaged = broken
on purpose = deliberately
examined = studied
below = under the ground
revealed = found
prevent water entering = watertight
the center of the work = the focus
the replica = the reconstruction of the boat
half-scale = not... a full-scale
more commonly referred to = better-known
the back of the nose = human nasal cavities
link = draw together
the savory elements of eating ~ the enjoyment of eating
single out = find
central to = key to
pleasures of = enjoyment of
specific = certain

Landlord=host=proprietor: chủ nhà
Helpful = accommodating = obliging: có ích
Suitable = appropriate = timely = opportune: thích hợp, đúng thời điểm
Rich = well-off = wealthy = prosperous = affluent: giàu có
Poor = badly-off = impoverished = penniless = needy: nghèo khó
Very big = enormous = tremendous = immense = giant = sizeable = vast = massive:
to lớn
Very small = tiny = minute = miniature = microscopic: vô cùng nhỏ bé
Significant = considerable = notable = marked = substantial: đáng kể
Traditional = conventional = orthodox: theo truyền thống
Beneficial = favourable = advantageous: có lợi
Harmful = damaging = detrimental = injurious = deleterious: có hại
Modest = moderate = small: vừa phải
Acceptable = satisfactory = reasonable = adequate: đủ tốt
Famous = well-known = celebrated = renowned = noted: nổi tiếng
Infamous = notorious: tai tiếng
Clear = obvious = apparent = noticeable = visible = tangible: rõ ràng
Prone = liable = susceptible: có khả năng bị ảnh hưởng (bởi thứ gì xấu)
Generous = munificent: hào phóng, rộng lượng
Lavish = extravagant = luxurious = sumptuous: xa xỉ, đắt đỏ
Weird = strange = peculiar = bizarre = curious: kỳ lạ, khó hiểu
Difficult = hard = challenging = tough: khó khăn
Time-consuming = laborious: tốn nhiều thời gian
Strenuous = arduous = onerous = demanding: cần nhiều nỗ lực
Effective = efficacious: hiệu quả
Understanding = sympathetic = compassionate: thấu hiểu
Kind = thoughtful = considerate: tốt bụng, biết nghĩ cho người khác
Unemployed = jobless: thất nghiệp
Hard-working = industrious = diligent: chăm chỉ
Successive = consecutive: liên tiếp
Competent = able = skilled = capable: có kĩ năng (để làm gì đó tốt)
Doubtful = dubious = uncertain: nghi ngờ

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