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Abby Poortinga

Friend Painting Exchange,

2nd Grade

Big idea:
Responding to Change
Essential questions:
1. How can we adapt to unexpected changes in our piece?
2. Why might an artist want to work with another artist on a piece together?

Students will paint a landscape of a house using the 4 different watercolor techniques(create)
Students will share with their partner feedback on something they liked and something they might want
to change. (connecting)
Students will share how they adapted their work based on the changes their partner made to their
piece. (respond)
Students will display their work on a gallery walk. (present)

Graffiti mural artists Hera and Akut, came together to create these street murals, their collaboration
name is Herakut. Hera uses her knowledge in classic art education and graphic design and Akut uses his
knowledge of graffiti. Together they create giant murals all across the world.

Change: making someone or something different by adding, subtracting, or replacing something.
Adapt: thinking of something new to go along with the change added.
Collaboration: people working together using their different skill sets on a shared project.
Watercolor: paint made with water rather than oil, giving a transparent color when activated.
Palette: a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colors.

Watercolor paper, watercolor palettes, brushes, newspaper, water and water cups, paper towels, plenty
of examples of each of the 4 ways to use watercolor.
The children’s book: Nothing Stays The Same but that's ok.
● It gives students the skills to deal with changes in their life that they were not expecting or
wanting. I think it would pair well with my lesson about figuring out how to adjust to change and
they will be able to use the skills they learned from the book and apply them when creating the
Abby Poortinga

1. Teacher will begin by demonstrating how to use 4 watercolor techniques, wet on dry, resist, salt,
and bubble wrap
2. Teacher will explain that students will have partners and they will work together in these
paintings, adapting to each other and using the 4 watercolor techniques; 2 in each painting
3. Then they will collaborate by giving each other feedback, and they will adapt to the changes
being made to their piece.
4. Teacher will ask the students what does collaboration and adapting mean? Then explain what it
5. Teacher will then model with a student on how to collaborate and adapt with a partner, and
show them how they will work on the painting together.
6. Teacher will ask them for a rating on their hands, 5 if they understand what they are doing, to 1
if they are lost
7. Teacher will assign partners
8. Then students will get their materials
9. Each partner has a sheet of watercolor paper, names will go on the back so we know who’s is
10. Partners will pick/divide up the 4 techniques of watercolor between the two of them
11. Then students can dip into their watercolor palette and begin to work on their first technique.
12. Once they are done they will switch sheets with their partner and begin the second technique
13. Once they are done with that one they will switch sheets with their partner for a 2nd time and
begin the 3rd technique
14. Once they are done again they will switch sheets with their partner for the last time and begin
the 4th technique
15. Then make sure everyone has their own piece and start cleaning up
16. Once cleaned up then everyone will go back to their seats and discuss with their partner 2
things: 1. something they liked and something they might want to change about each other's
paintings 2. one way they adapted their painting to what their partner did to it.
17. Then do a gallery walk of everyone's paintings
18. Teacher will give an exit ticket saying, now that the students have done it, what does it mean to
them to collaborate and adapt?
Formal Assessments:
1. Hand rating
2. Partner Discussion
3. Exit ticket
Abby Poortinga

Example image:
A watercolor painting my friend Abby Lusk and
I did it together using the friend painting exchange
method. Wet on dry example.

Salt and Bubble wrap examples.

Oil pastel resist example.

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