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Y Hackers TOEIC Vocabulary 2020
Vincent Nguyen Editor

All government regulations on business require companies

to comply with federal, state, and local statues and regulations
administered by legislative bodies and carried out by regulatory agencies.

Rules and Laws

dress code adherence


No exception! severely refrain

 As soon as you hire your first employee, you’re legally obligated to purchase
workers compensation insurance. All states, with the exception of Texas,
require businesses with employees to purchase it.
 The government mandates that employers must verify that their employees
have permission to work legally. There are several employment categories,
each with different requirements, conditions, and authorized periods of stay.
1 accustomed (adj) thường lệ, quen thuộc.
/əˈkʌstəmd/ All our employees are accustomed to using the new design
(Tất cả nhân viên của chúng tôi đã quen với việc sử dụng phần
mềm thiết kế mới.)
Chú ý:
 be accustomed to doing something: quen với.

2 corporation (n) hội đồng, công ty, tập đoàn, nghiệp đoàn.
/ˌkɔːpəˈreɪʃn/ Deltroy Lee heads a multinational telecommunications
/ˌkɔːrpəˈreɪʃn/ corporation based in Virginia.
(Deltroy Lee lãnh đạo một tập đoàn viễn thông đa quốc gia có trụ sở
tại Virginia.)
Chú ý:

 gaint/ powerful/ foreign/ global/ international/ multinational/

finance corporation : tập đoàn khổng lồ/ hùng mạnh/ nước
 corporate (adj): thuộc
ngoài/ toàn cầu/ quốc tế/ đa quốc gia/ tài chính.
liên hiệp công ty.

3 demanding (adj) đòi hỏi cao.

/dɪˈmɑːndɪŋ/ Although Ms. Jenkins is a demanding supervisor, she has a
/dɪˈmændɪŋ/ reputation for being fair.
(Mặc dù bà Jenkins là một giám sát viên khắt khe, nhưng bà có
tiếng là người công bằng.)
Chú ý:
 highly/ extremely demanding: đòi hỏi/ yêu cầu cao.
 demand (v): đòi, yêu
cầu, cần.

4 colleague (n) đồng nghiệp.

/ˈkɒliːɡ/ Regular social activities can improve cooperation among
/ˈkɑːliːɡ/ colleages.
SYM: coworker, associate, (Các hoạt động xã hội thường niên có thể cải thiện sự hợp tác giữa các
peer, partner, workmate. đồng nghiệp với nhau.)

5 division (v) sự phân chia, bộ phận.
/dɪˈvɪʒn/ The technician will transfer to the automobile division after
(Kỹ thuật viên sẽ chuyển sang bộ phận ô tô sau khi trải qua quá
trình đào tạo.)

Chú ý:
 regional division of labour: sự phân bố lao động theo khu vực.
 divide (v): chia ra.
 manufacturing/ marketing/ retail/ sales/ training/ wholesale/
administrative division: bộ phận chế tạo sản xuất/ tiếp thị/ bán
lẻ/ bán hàng/ đào tạo/ bán sỉ/ hành chính.
 to be divided into: được chia thành.

6 request (n) sự thỉnh/ yêu cầu.

/ˌreɡjuˈleɪʃn/ Factory tours are available upon request.
(Các chuyến tham quan nhà máy sẽ được thực hiện khi được yêu
(v) yêu cầu.
Mike requested a copy of the contract from the sales director.
(Mike yêu cầu một bản sao hợp đồng từ giám đốc kinh doanh.)
Chú ý:
 upon/ on request: khi được yêu cầu.
 by request of somebody: đáp lại lơi thỉnh cầu của ai.
 at somebody’s request: theo yêu cầu của ai.
 request for something: yêu cầu cái gì.
 request that + S + (should) + V (bare): yêu cầu ai nên làm gì.
 be requested to do something: được yêu cầu làm việc gì.
 make/ reject a request: đưa ra/ bác bỏ yêu cầu.

7 efficiently (adv) có hiệu suất cao, có năng lực.

/ɪˈfɪʃntli/ The software helps employees work more efficiently.
(Phần mềm giúp nhân viên làm việc hiệu quả hơn.)

Chú ý:
 extremely/ highly efficient: có năng suất cực kì cao.
 an efficient way = efficiently: một cách hiệu quả.
 cost efficient: chi tiêu hợp lí.
 efficient (adj): có hiệu  work efficiently: làm việc một cách hiệu quả.
suất cao.
 efficiency: năng suất.

8 manage (v) quản lí, xoay sở.
/ˈmænɪdʒ/ The boss decided Colleen could manage the new store.
SYM: handle, succeed. (Ông chủ đã quyết định rằng Colleen sẽ quản lý cửa hàng mới.)
They managed to do the assigned work in time.
(Họ đã xoay sở để hoàn thành công việc được giao vừa kịp lúc.)
Chú ý:

 manage to do something: xoay sở làm việc gì.

 under the new management: dưới sự điều hành mới của ai.
 management (n): sự
 a lack of management skills: thiếu kĩ năng quản lí.
quản lí, ban quản trị.
 project management: quản lí dự án.
 manageable (adj): có thể
quản lí/ điều hành.

9 submit (v) nộp, đệ trình.

/səbˈmɪt/ Applicants should submit a résumé to the personnel manager.
SYM: hand in, turn in, (Các ứng viên nên nộp một bản lý lịch cho người quản lý nhân sự.)
Chú ý:
 submit something to somebody : nộp cái gì đến/ cho ai.
 submit a résumé/ receipt/ recommendation/ proposal: nộp sơ
yếu lí lịch/ biên lai/ thư giới thiệu/ đề xuất.
 submission (n): sự đệ
trình/ phục tùng.

10 directly (adv) một cách trực tiếp.

/dəˈrektli/, All regional branches report directly to the the head office in
/dəˈrektli/ Washington.
(Tất cả các chi nhánh vùng đều báo cáo trực tiếp về trụ sở chính ở

Chú ý:
 speak directly: nói chuyện trực tiếp.
 direction (n): lời chỉ dẫn.  to be directly responsible for: trực tiếp chịu trách nhiệm.
 direct (v): hướng dẫn.  to be directly affected: bị ảnh hưởng trực tiếp bởi.

11 remind (v) nhắc, làm nhớ lại.

/rɪˈmaɪnd/ Ms. Williams reminded Mr. Johnson of his lunch meeting.
(Cô Williams nhắc ông Johnson về bữa ăn trưa bàn công việc của
ông ấy.)

 reminder (n): cái/ điều Chú ý:
nhắc nhở.
 remind somebody of something: nhắc/ làm ai nhớ về điều gì.
 remind somebody to do something: nhắc nhở ai làm việc gì.
 be reminded to do something: được nhắc nhở làm việc gì.
 remind that + clause: nhắc rằng.

12 instruct (v) chỉ dẫn/ bảo, huấn luyện.

/ɪnˈstrʌkt/ The manager instructed the staff to read the conference
materials beforehand.
(Người quản lý bảo nhân viên đọc trước tài liệu cho buổi hội nghị.)
Chú ý:
 instruction (n): có thể  instruct somebody to do something: chỉ dẫn/ bảo ai làm việc gì.
tới/ sử dụng được.
 instructor (n): huấn
luyện viên.

13 deadline (n) hạn chót, thời hạn cuối cùng.

/ˈdedlaɪn/ The team worked together closely and finished the project
ahead of the deadline.
(Nhóm đã làm việc cực kì ăn khớp với nhau nên đã hoàn thành dự án
trước thời hạn.)
Chú ý:
 meet/ miss/ extend deadline: kịp/ trễ/ gia hạn hạn chót.
 ahead of/ behind deadline: trước/ trễ hạn chót.
 deadline for something: hạn chót cho cái gì.

14 sample (n) mẫu vật.

/ˈsɑːmpl/ We need to prepare samples of our products for the fair.
/ˈsæmpl/ (Chúng tôi cần chuẩn bị các mẫu sản phẩm của mình cho hội chợ.)

(v) thử, thử nghiệm.

The customer sampled some cake at the opening of the bakery.
(Khách hàng thử một số loại bánh trong buổi khai trương của tiệm

15 notify (v) thông báo.

/ˈnəʊtɪfaɪ/ All staff applying for leave must notify their supervisors in
SYM: inform. writing.
(Tất cả nhân viên xin nghỉ phép phải thông báo cho cấp trên của họ
bằng văn bản.)
 NOTIFY = INFORM: thông báo.
 Notify/ inform somebody: thông báo cho ai.
 Notify/ inform somebody OF something: thông báo cho
ai về điều gì
 notification (n): sự  Inform somebody ABOUT something: thông báo cho ai
thông báo.
về điều gì.
 ANNOUNCE: thông báo.
 Announce something: thông báo về cái gì.
 Announce something TO somebody: thông báo cái gì
đến ai.
 REVEAL = DISCLOSE: tiết lộ.
 Reveal something TO somebody: tiết lộ điều gì cho ai.

16 perform (v) thực hiện, biểu diễn, chạy/ hoạt động.

/pəˈfɔːm/ All work on the assembly line stopped while equipment
/pərˈfɔːrm/ repairs were being performed.
SYM: conduct, complete. (Mọi công việc trên dây chuyền lắp ráp đều đã ngừng lại trong lúc
việc sửa chữa thiết bị đang được thực hiện.)

Chú ý:

 perform a task / duty: làm nhiệm vụ.

 perform an analysis/ a test/ an experiment: tiến hành phân tích/
thử nghiệm/ thí nghiệm.

17 monitor (v) quan sát, theo dõi.

/ˈmɒnɪtə(r)/ The new director will monitor progress on the project.
/ˈmɑːnɪtər/ (Giám đốc mới sẽ giám sát tiến độ của dự án.)
(n) màn hình (máy tính, ti vi).
The security staff can see all the outside of the building on their
CCTV monitors.
(Các nhân viên an ninh có thể nhìn thấy tất cả mọi thứ đáng diễn ra
bên ngoài của tòa nhà trên màn hình CCTV của họ.

18deserve (v) xứng đáng.

/dɪˈzɜːv/ The person with the highest performance evaluation deserves
/dɪˈzɜːrv/ the Employee of the Year Award.
(Người đạt được hiệu xuất công việc cao nhất xứng đáng nhận được
giải thưởng Nhân viên của năm.)
Chú ý:

 well-deserved advancement: xứng đáng được thăng tiến/ chức.

 deserved (adj): xứng
đáng được.

19 assignment (n) nhiệm vụ được giao, sự chuyển nhượng.

/əˈsaɪnmənt/ Walter took the assignment in India because he was promised
a promotion there.
(Walter nhận nhiệm vụ ở Ấn Độ bởi vì anh ta được hứa sẽ được
thăng chức ở đó.)
Chú ý:

 on a difficult assignment: làm một nhiệm vụ khó khăn.

 carry out/ accept/ take (on) assignment: tiến hành/ chấp nhận/
đảm nhận nhiệm vụ được giao.

20 entire (adj) toàn bộ.

/ɪnˈtaɪə(r)/ The entire team gathers every Monday morning to discuss
/ɪnˈtaɪər/ plans for the week.
(Toàn đội tập hợp vào sáng thứ Hai hàng tuần để thảo luận về kế
hoạch trong tuần.)
Chú ý:

 entirely (adv): hoàn  the entire region/ nation/ country/ community: toàn bộ vùng/
toàn. quốc gia/ đất nước/ cộng đồng.
 entirety (n): trạng thái  entire life/ population: toàn bộ cuộc đời/ dân số.
toàn vẹn.

21 release (v) tung ra (sản phẩm), phát hành.

/rɪˈliːs/ The new company released its annual report.
(Công ty mới phát hành báo cáo thường niên.)
(n) sự phát hành/ tung ra.
The new clothing line will be ready for release by early next
(Dòng quần áo mới sẽ sẵn sàng ra mắt vào đầu năm sau.)
Chú ý:

 press release: thông cáo báo chí.

 release date: ngày phát hành.

22 extension (n) sự mở rộng, số máy phụ/ lẻ.
/ɪkˈstenʃn/ The manager granted an extension of the deadline.
(Người quản lý đã cấp phép gia hạn thời hạn.)
To reach Mr. Jackson, call our main office and press extension
number 727.
(Để liên hệ với ông Jackson, hãy gọi văn phòng chính của chúng tôi
và bấm số máy lẻ 727.)
 extend (v): kéo dài, mở
Chú ý:
 extensive (adj): rộng  extension of something: sự mở rộng của cái gì .
lớn.  extend one’s sincere gratitude to somebody: bày tỏ lòng biết ơn
sâu sắc với ai đó.
 extend deadline: gia hạn hạn chót.

Phân biệt EXTENSION với EXPANSION trong Toeic:

 EXTENSION: thường được dùng để mô tả sự mở rộng/ gia
hạn thêm về thời gian (extension OF something).
 EXPANSION: thường dùng để mô tả sự mở rộng về không
gian (expansion INTO something).

23 electronically (adv) bằng điện tử.

/ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪkli/ It saves time and resources to send invoices electronically.
/ɪˌlekˈtrɑːnɪkli/ (Việc gửi hóa đơn điện tử giúp tiết kiệm thời gian và nguồn lực.)


 ELECTRONIC: dùng khi đề cập đến các thiết bị bóng bán dẫn
hoặc con chip vi mạch. Ngoài ra cũng dùng cho những gì liên
 electronic (adj): chạy
quan đến điện tử. (electronic music/ calculator: âm nhạc/ máy
bằng điện.
tính điện tử)
 ELECTRIC: đề cập đến các máy móc, dụng cụ sử dụng điện
năng hay tạo ra năng lượng bằng điện. (an electric cooker/
generator: nồi cơm điện/ máy phát điện)
 ELECTRICIAL: nói về đồ điện chung chung, dùng trước các
danh từ equipment, appliance, compenent, fault, …

24attendance (n) số người dự, số người có mặt (danh từ không đếm được).
/əˈtendəns/ Attendance records are taken into consideration when
determining eligibility for promotion.
(Việc điểm danh mỗi ngày được xem như là một tiêu chí để xét
duyệt cho việc thăng chức.)

 attend (v): tham dự/ gia. Chú ý:
 attendant (n): người
trông coi/ phục vụ.  attendance figures: số người tham gia.
 attendee (n): người  attendance rate: tỉ lệ người tham gia dự/ tham gia.
tham dự (đếm được).  attendance record: bảng chấm công/ điểm danh.
 parking attendant: người giữ xe.
 flight attendant: tiếp viên hàng không.
 gate attendant: người gác cổng.
 a certificate of attendance: giấy chứng nhận tham gia.

Phân biệt ATTEND với PARTICIPATE nghĩa tham gia:

 ATTEND: sau attend + something (không có giới từ).
 PARTICIPATE: sau participate bắt buộc có giới từ IN, một số
cụm tương tự như: take part in, partake in, be involved in,
engage in.

25 absolutely (adv) hoàn toàn, vô cùng (cảm xúc).

/ˈæbsəluːtli/ It is absolutely necessary that everyone on the board is in
agreement with the plan.
(Việc mọi người trong hội đồng quản trị đều nhất trí với kế hoạch là
điều hoàn toàn cần thiết lúc này.)
I am absolutely furious with Charlotte because she forget our
 absolute (adj): hoàn weeding anniversary.
toàn. (Tôi vô cùng tức giận với Charlotte vì cô ấy đã quên lễ kỷ niệm ngày
cưới của chúng tôi.)

26 delegate (v) uỷ thác, giao phó, uỷ quyền.

n. /ˈdelɪɡət/ Managers must be skilled in delegating responsibilities to
v. /ˈdelɪɡeɪt/ subordinates.
(Người quản lý phải có kỹ năng giao phó trách nhiệm cho cấp dưới.)
(n) người đại biểu/ đại diện.
A delegate sent to the trade fair returned with a profitable
business deal.
(Người đại biểu mà được công ty cử đi hội chợ thường mại đã đem
 delegation (n): đoàn đại về một thương vụ làm béo bở.)
Chú ý:

 delegate responsibilities to somebody: giao phó trách nhiệm

cho ai.
𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞: người đại diện, đại biểu − danh từ đếm được.
 [
𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: đoàn đại biểu − danh từ không đếm được.

27 attentively (adv) một cách chăm chú.
/əˈtentɪvli/ Stockholders listened attentively as executives explained the
company strategy.
(Các cổ đông chăm chú lắng nghe khi các giám đốc điều hành giải
thích về chiến lược công ty.)

28 supervision (n) sự giám sát.

/ˌsuːpəˈvɪʒn/ The company must make changes to the current safety
/ˌsuːpərˈvɪʒn/ standards.
(Công ty phải thực hiện các thay đổi đối với các tiêu chuẩn an toàn
hiện hành.)

Chú ý:

 under the supervision of somebody: dưới sự giám sát của ai.

𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧: sự giám sát.
 supervise (v): giám sát.  [
𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐫: người giám sát.
 supervisor (n): người
giám sát.

29 workshop (n) hội thảo, xưởng sửa chữa.

/ˈwɜːkʃɒp/ Mr. Kim was asked to speak at the workshop on Friday.
/ˈwɜːrkʃɑːp/ (Ông Kim đã được yêu cầu phát biểu tại hội thảo vào thứ Sáu.)
 SEMINAR là một cuộc họp mang tính giáo dục, thường chỉ
tập trung vào một đề tài cụ thể. Người tham gia gồm nghiên
cứu sinh, học viên và các chuyên gia. Hình thức họp thường là
một diễn giả nói chuyện và sau đó thảo luận.
 WORKSHOP là một cuộc họp nhỏ hơn và không quá chuyên
sâu như seminar. Một workshop có khoảng 10-20 học viên,
nhưng không có chuyên gia. Trong workshop có thực hành,
bài tập dưới sự giám thị của người giảng (còn trong seminar
thì không có bài tập).

30 draw (v) đi tới, thu hút, rút thăm (trúng thưởng).

/drɔː/ The company’s annual conference usually draws 800
SYM: attract. employees from around the world.
(Hội nghị thường niên của công ty thường thu hút 800 nhân viên
tham gia từ khắp nơi trên thế giới.)

The day of his interview was drawing near.
(Ngày phỏng vấn của anh ấy đang đến gần.)
Chú ý:

 draw somebody attention to something: lưu ý ai về việc gì.

 draw praise/ inspiration from somebody/ something: có được
lời khen ngợi/ lấy cảm hứng từ ai/ cái gì.
 draw near: đang đến gần.
 draw on somebody's experience/ knowledge/ resources/ ideas:
sử dụng đến/ dùng đến kinh nghiệm/ kiến thức/ nguồn lực/ ý
tưởng của ai đó.

31 revision (n) sự/ bản xem/ duyệt lại.

/rɪˈvɪʒn/ The team manager will make revisions to the proposal.
(Người quản lý nhóm sẽ duyệt lại bảng đề xuất.)

Chú ý:

 make a revision: duyệt lại.

 revise (v): sửa đổi,
 revised edition: ấn phẩm đã được sửa đổi/ duyệt lại.
duyệt/ xem lại.
 revised policy: chính sách đã được sử đổi.
 revised (adj): được sửa
đổi/ duyệt lại.

32 reluctantly (adv) một cách miễn cưỡng.

/rɪˈlʌktəntli/ Ms. Danvers reluctantly agreed to cut the advertising budget.
(Cô Danvers đã miễn cưỡng đồng ý cắt ngân sách cho quảng cáo.)

33 acquaint (v) làm quen.

/əˈkweɪnt/ The training program acquaints new employees with company
(Chương trình đào tạo giúp nhân viên mới làm quen với quy trình
của công ty.)
Chú ý:
 acquaintance (n): sự/
người quen biết.  acquaint somebody/ oneself with something: làm cho ai/mình
quen thuộc với hoặc hiểu biết cái gì.
 make the acquaintance of somebody: làm quen với ai.

34 convey (v) chuyển, truyền.
/kənˈveɪ/ The secretary urgently conveyed the message to the director.
(Thư ký khẩn trương truyền thông điệp cho giám đốc.)
Chú ý:

 convey something to somebody: truyền tải cái gì đến ai.

 conveyor belt: băng tải hàng hoá ở sân bay.
 conveyor (n): người/
phương tiện vận chuyển.

35 check (v) kiểm tra, rà lại.

/tʃek/ Please check your computer regularly for disk errors.
SYM: inspect, examine. (Vui lòng kiểm tra máy tính của bạn thường xuyên để xem có lỗi ổ
đĩa hay không.)
Click this link to check for the latest updates.
(Nhấp vào liên kết này để kiểm tra các bản cập nhật mới nhất.)
Chú ý:

 check A for B: kiểm tra trong A xem có tồn tại B hay không.
 check for A: kiểm tra cái gì.

36 headquarters (n) trụ sở chính.

/ˌhedˈkwɔːtəz/ The company headquarters is located in London.
/ˈhedkwɔːrtərz/ (Trụ sở chính của công ty được đặt tại London.)

Chú ý:
 corporate headquarters/ firm’s headquarters: trụ sở công ty.

37 file (v) nộp, xếp vào ngăn hồ sơ.

/faɪl/ Old accounting documents are filed in the storage room.
(Tài liệu kế toán cũ được xếp vào ngăn hồ sơ trong phòng lưu trữ.)
The department filed an insurance claim for the water damage
in the conference room.
(Bộ đã đệ đơn đòi hỏi bảo hiểm cho thiệt hại do nước gây ra trong
phòng họp.)
(n) hồ sơ, giấy tờ, tập tin, ngăn/ hộp để giấy tờ.
The service converts video files from one format to another.
(Phần mềm chuyển đổi các tệp video từ định dạng này sang định
một dạng khác.)

Chú ý:
 file a claim/ complaint: đệ đơn yêu cầu/ khiếu nại.

38 oversee (v) giám sát.

/ˌəʊvəˈsiː/ Natalie will oversee the office relocation process.
/ˌəʊvərˈsiː/ (Natalie sẽ giám sát quá trình di dời văn phòng.)
SYM: supervise.

39 involved (adj) liên quan, phức tạp.

/ɪnˈvɒlvd/ Dr. Mair was deeply involved in the decision-making process.
/ɪnˈvɑːlvd/ (Tiến sĩ Mair đã can dự sâu vào quá trình ra quyết định.)
The plot was so involved that very few people knew what was
going on.
(Cốt truyện quá phức tạp đến nỗi mà rất ít người biết chuyện gì
đang diễn ra.)
 involve (v): liên quan.
 involvement (n): sự Chú ý:
dính líu/ liên quan, sự
 be involved in: liên can, dính líu đến.
thâm gia.
 be involved with: có quan hệ mật thiết với.

40 concentrate (v) tập trung.

/ˈkɒnsntreɪt/ The sales team concentrated on developing new strategies.
/ˈkɑːnsntreɪt/ (Nhóm bán hàng tập trung vào việc phát triển các chiến lược mới.)
Chú ý:

 concentrate on = focus on: tập trung vào.

 concentrate all my efforts on doing something: tập trung mọi
nỗ lực vào việc gì.
 concentration (n): sự tập  powers of concentration: khả năng tập trung.
trung, hàm lượng.
 concentrated (adj): tập
trung, cô đặc.



01 a sheet of (phr) một tấm/ dải/ tờ.
02 business card (phr) danh thiếp.
03 cartridge (n) hộp mực máy in.
04 daily (adj/ adv) hàng ngày.
05 edit (v) biên tập.
06 hand (n) bàn tay, (v) trao/ đưa bằng tay.
07 in order to (phr) để (chỉ mục đích).
08 laptop (n) máy tính cầm tay.
09 name tag (phr) thẻ/ bảng tên.
10 on vacation (phr) nghỉ việc.
11 paper jam (phr) kẹt giấy.
12 paperwork (n) công việc giấy tờ.
13 partition (n) vách ngăn.
14 rush hour (phr) giờ cao điểm.
15 section (n) phần, bộ phận, khu vực.
16 sheet (n) tờ (giấy), khan trải giường.
17 tabletop (n) mặt bàn.
18 telephone call (phr) cuộc điện thoại.
19 trash bin (phr) thùng rác.
20 upstairs (adj/ adv) tầng trên.

21 as if (phr) như thể, dường như.
22 as well as (phr) và còn thêm, và cả.
23 be aware of (phr) nhận thức về.
24 be known as (phr) được biết đến như là.
25 be likely to (phr) rất có thể.
26 detail (n) chi tiết.
27 offering (n) sự đề nghị, quà tặng.
28 on one’s own (phr) một mình.


01 adjust the mirror (phr) điều chỉnh cái gương (xe).
02 advance reservation (phr) đặt trước.
03 arrange an appoitment (phr) sắp xếp cuộc hẹn gặp mặt.
04 bulletin board (phr) bảng thông báo.
05 call back (phr) gọi lại.
06 confused (adj) rối lên, lộn xộn.
07 errand (n) sự làm việc vặt.
08 extend an invitation (phr) đưa ra lời mời.
09 get a permit (phr) nhận được giấy phép.
10 hand in (phr) nộp.
11 have a day off (phr) một ngày nghỉ việc.
12 have a long day (phr) một ngày dài (mệt mỏi).
13 head up (phr) lãnh đạo, tăng (giá).
14 in a hurry (phr) vội vã.
15 in alphabectical order (phr) theo thứ tự bảng chữ cái.
16 in luck (phr) gặp may.
17 leave A up to B (phr) được quyết định bởi ai.
18 leave A with B (phr) để ai lại với ai, giao ai trách nhiệm làm gì.
19 listing (n) danh sách.
20 make a call (phr) gọi điện thoại.
21 make a correction (phr) sửa lại cho đúng.
22 make a final change (phr) thực hiện thay đổi cuối cùng.
23 make a note of (phr) ghi chú lại.
24 make an impression (phr) gây/ tạo ấn tượng.
25 move ahead with (a plan) (phr) bắt đầu hành động theo kế hoạch đã đưa ra.
26 on a business trip (phr) đang trong chuyến đi công tác.
27 on business (phr) có việc, có công tác, bận việc.
28 on duty (phr) đáng phiên trực/ làm nhiệm vụ.
29 pick up the phone (phr) bắt/ nhấc máy (điện thoại).
30 scrub (v) cọ rửa, huỷ bỏ (dự định).
31 seal (n) dấu niêm phong, (v) niêm phong, giải quyết.
32 speak into the microphone (phr) nói vào micro.
33 speak on the phone (phr) nói chuyện qua điện thoại
34 stand in a line (phr) xếp hang chờ.
35 take a message (phr) nhận tin nhắn.
36 take apart (phr) tháo rời cái gì ra.
37 utility provider (phr) nhà cung cấp tiện ích.

PART 5, 6
01 acquired (adj) đạt được, thu được.
02 adapt (v) thích nghi với, sửa lại cho hợp với.
03 administer (v) thi hành, điều hành, quản lí.
04 clerical (adj) thuộc thư kí/ văn phòng.
05 conclusive (adj) xác chứng.
06 delete (v) xoá, gạch bỏ.
07 editorial (n) bài xã luận, (adj) thuộc công tác biên tập.
08 endless (adj) vô tận.
09 furthermore (adv) thêm vào đó, hơn nữa.
10 in one’s absence (phr) trong khi ai đó đi vắng, thay vị trí vắng mặt
của ai đó.
11 on purpose (v) cố ý, có chủ tâm.
12 overseas (adj/ adv) ở nước ngoài.
13 perceive (v) nhận thấy, cảm thấy.
14 reminder (n) phần còn lại.
15 roughly (adv) đại khái, khoảng chừng.
16 strive (v) cố gắng, nỗ lực.
17 translate (v) dịch.

18 boardroom (n) phòng họp ban giám đốc.
19 in person (phr) đích thân.
20 including (prep) bao gồm.
21 on time (phr) đúng giờ.
22 panic (n) sụ hoảng hốt/ sợ.
23 past due (phr) quá/ trễ hạn.
24 put forward (phr) đề cử, đề xuất.
25 regard A as B (phr) xem A như là B.
26 return one’s call (phr) gọi lại cho ai đó.
27 secretarial (adj) thuộc công việc thư kí.
28 be/ take charge of (phr) chịu trách nhiệm.

29 take on responsibility (phr) đảm nhận trách nhiệm.
30 throw one’s effort into (phr) bỏ nhiều thời gian nỗ lực làm gì.


01 arrange items on the shelf (n) sắp xếp hàng hóa trên kệ.
02 call in sick (phr) gọi điện xin nghỉ ốm.
03 cover one’s shift (phr) làm thế ca cho ai đó.
04 day-to-day operation (phr) hoạt động hằng ngày.
05 in line with (phr) giống như, hợp với.
06 officiate (v) làm nhiệm vị, thi hành chức trách.
07 on hold (phr) vẫn sẽ tiếp tục.
08 set down to work (phr) bắt đầu làm việc.
09 stay awake (phr) giữa cho mình tỉnh táo.
10 strew (v) vung vải đầy.
11 take (the) place of (phr) thay thế (ai, cái gì).
12 take turns (phr) thay phiên nhau.

PART 5,6
13 behind schedule (phr) chậm tiến độ, chậm lịch trình.
14 condense (v) cô động, súc tích.
15 follow up on (phr) hoàn tất, thực hiện.
16 in writing (phr) bằng văn bản.
17 popularize (v) trở nên phổ biến.
18 productively (adv) một cách có ích.
19 sincerity (n) sự chân thành.
20 utilization (n) sự sử dụng.

21 administrative (adj) thuộc hành chính/ quản trị.
22 be affiliated with (phr) là một thành viên/ chi nhánh của.
23 conglomerate (n) liên tập đoàn.
24 default (n) sự mặc định.
25 impending (adj) sắp xảy ra.
26 proponent (n) người ủng hộ.
27 proprietor (n) chủ sở hữu.
28 site inspection (phr) sự giám sát hiện trường.
29 subordinate (n) cấp dưới.
30 subsidiary (n) công ty con.
31 take initiative (phr) khởi xướng, tiên phong.
32 telecommute (v) làm việc từ xa.

01. Managers often feel reluctant to ____ responsibilities to other staff members.
(A) take (B) exercise (C) delegate (D) align
02. Sheraton Road is home to the largest ____ of fine dining establishments in the city of
(A) reservation (B) appointment (C) concentration (D) mobilization
03. Research assistants must be ____ of all safety guidelines followed in the laboratory.
(A) aware (B) current (C) intent (D) alert
04. A competent supervisor usually____ authority to other personnel in order to improve
employee morale and performance.
(A) delegates (B) organizes (C) introduces a (D) initiates
05. Appreciating the high response rate for last week’s survey, the marketing director
thanked the participants for their ____.
(A) respondent (B) subject (C) involvement (D) satisfaction
06. The research has ____ that workers today are more interested in enjoying their work than
in making a lot of money.
(A) merged (B) approved (C) revealed (D) expected
07. Having had complete renovations over the past two years, the Arina Arts Museum has
finally ____ public attention.
(A) made (B) drawn (C) ignored (D) deleted
08. The board approved various cuts at Tuesday's special meeting, with thirteen ____
positions being eliminated.
(A) administrative (B) inadmissible (C) lengthy (D) capable
09. Fantasia today confirmed the approximate timetable for the opening of the ____ of the
new Snowland.
(A) remaining (B) remain (C) remained (D) remainder
10. If you cannot implement your pollution prevention plan in the time allotted, you can
request an ____ of the time period specified in the notice.
(A) extension (B) exhaust (C) explanation (D) expedition
11. The department was ____ to issue guidance to specify the technologies that render
protected information unusable to unauthorized individuals.
(A) intended (B) demanded (C) instructed (D) agreed

12. Some businesses rely on applications to run ____ and avoid costly downtime for
employees or customers.
(A) effective (B) effectively (C) effectiveness (D) effected
13. Career Connection, a leading provider of professional network management services,
____ the promotion of Shayne Lee to vice president of the company yesterday.
(A) applied (B) informed (C) announced (D) joined
14. A ____ of officials will attend the annual security summit scheduled for September 12
at the Oceans Blue Resort.
(A) subscription (B) description (C) projection (D) delegation
15. The statisticians ____ on their knowledge of probability and sampling to interpret the
information collected.
(A) selected (B) referred (C) drew (D) sought
16. After becoming famous as a TV dramatist, Emily Wood decided to work on short
stories to ____ her writing career.
(A) spend (B) recruit (C) extend (D) expand
17. The conference, which is mainly focused on organic agriculture, will be ____ by the Ole
Farming Cooperation.
(A) faced (B) directed (C) released (D) disposed
18. Ekia Public Relations has adopted an ____ to create effective advertising campaigns for
customers in the publishing industry.
(A) initiative (B) inconvenience (C) indication (D) evaluation
19. The digital library has a(n) ____selection of books, tapes and videos for children of all
(A) occasional (B) spacious (C) distracted (D) extensive
20. An ____ marketing campaign will shape your customers' image of your company in a
positive manner.
(A) eligible (B) artificial (C) effective (D) obtained
22. We must remain ____ of changing trends and how changes will impact advertising
goals and customer needs.
(A) current (B) dated (C) aware (D) timely
23. Customers who are unable to resolve a billing issue ____ with the travel agent can ask
for help by calling us at 080-888-1515.
(A) directly (B) accurately (C) intensely (D) sharply
24. The program is aimed at helping small or midsized companies lower costs and operate
more ____.
(A) elusively (B) eventually (C) expressively (D) efficiently

25. If you are interested, please ____ your resume and cover letter indicating your areas of
(A) omit (B) admit (C) remit (D) submit
26. Mr. Andrew teaches seminars on all of Polaroid’s creative techniques and he is
available to conduct workshops around the country ____ request.
(A) in (B) upon (C) at (D) under
27. Increasing market share is regarded ____ an important business objective at Mc Gahern
(A) with (B) to (C) in spite of (D) as
28. This summer, the publisher of Eric Hanlon's The End of Days is releasing a ____ edition
with new cover artwork.
(A) revise (B) revised (C) revising (D) revision
29. With the support from her friends and ____, Katherine Simpson could smoothly launch
her private art exhibition at Terrace D.
(A) acquainted (B) acquainting (C) acquaintance (D) acquaintances
30. Following the first lecture, ____ at the second lecture nearly doubled because Dr. Lee's
presentation was quite informative.
(A) attendant (B) attended (C) attendee (D) attendance
31. The next stage of our corporation's growth will be simultaneously exciting and ____.
(A) demand (B) demands (C) demanded (D) demanding
32. Any questions or issues about the new product should be ____ to the service center
(A) directed (B) shortened (C) authorized (D) obtained
33. Ms. Ooshima went on a business trip to Singapore unexpectedly, so she had to ____
some of her tasks to her subordinates.
(A) delegate (B) complete (C) invest (D) reply
34. The Grand Villa neighborhood is known for having the city’s largest ____ of high-end
(A) mobilization (B) concentration (C) recipient (D) commodity
35. The construction of the sports stadium is likely ____ at least 800 employment
opportunities in the Langhorne Creek region.
(A) to create (B) creation (C) creative
a (D) creates
36. I’d like to extend my ____ to all full- and part-time staff for our being voted Company
of the Year for the third consecutive year.
(A) sympathy (B) qualification (C) exposure (D) gratitude
37. To effectively ____ employees, supervisors must understand their job duties and be
willing to listen to their concerns.

(A) compare (B) relate (C) manage (D) locate
38. The frequent substitution of materials that occurs in the production process is ____ to
cause defective products to appear on the market in greater volumes.
(A) essentially (B) roughly (C) likely (D) overly
39. Because of the recent service interruptions. Vita Tech has decided to ____ the
subscription period for all customers free of charge by three months.
(A) extend (B) promote (C) evaluate (D) subscribe
40. If First Moving hopes to stay ahead of our competition, we need to remain ____ of all
new product developments in the market.
(A) aware (B) timely (C) current (D) dated
41. Assistant director James Krueger will present on the ____ vacation policy at this
month's meeting.
(A) revise (B) revised (C) revision (D) revising
42. The extension of the ____ has enabled most of the sales representatives to complete
their proposal on time.
(A) deadline (B) qualification (C) committee (D) productivity
43. For more ____ about this month's special bargains, contact one of our customer
representatives at 555-5258.
(A) detail (B) details (C) detailed (D) detailing
44. James Polson was regarded as having created the advertising campaign for Truffles
Manufacturing mostly on ____.
(A) his (B) his own (C) he (D) himself
45. Our company has concentrated ____ new style development and on perfect after sales
services since it was established.
(A) to (B) for (C) on (D) at
46. In order_______ the editors to make necessary revisions, all articles should be
submitted five days prior to the publication date.
(A) to (B) of (C) for (D) about
47. Since it is difficult to learn the specifications for all of the products on ____, we have a
reference chart available for new em ployees.
(A) yours (B) yourself (C) your own (D) you
48. When dealing with difficult customers, sales representatives are ____ to treat them as
politely as possible.
(A) agreed (B) demanded (C) instructed (D) secured
49. Jessica Simpson and Kate Lecher have been ____ acquaintances over many years.
(A) full (B) strict (C) close (D) exact

50. Dorsey's overseas recruiting office has been under the ____ of Alex Hardy for the last
couple of years.
(A) attendance (B) supervision (C) sight (D) provision
51. Passengers taking the connecting flight to Paris should be ____ that flight 237 departs
from a separate terminal.
(A) embarked (B) mentioned (C) reminded (D) admitted
52. In the course of their half-hour meeting, the managing partners at Brand X Retail were
able to ____ up a plan for how they might negotiate a merger with Homeland,
(A) grow (B) draw (C) come (D) show
53. I would also like to ____ my thanks to Ms. Porter, the hotel clerk who located my
missing luggage.
(A) expand (B) expect (C) extend (D) exhale
54. The following information should be ____ to the students who will be using the library
facilities over the holidays.
(A) conveyed (B) consumed (C) concealed (D) contributed
55. Guests are reminded ____ use of this facility is restricted to people over age of 12.
(A) to (B) by (C) for (D) that
56. Most of our employees are interested in doing this job, eben though it is considered one
of the most ____ positions in the company.
(A) demanded (B) demand (C) demanding (D) demands
57. Because an unprecedented rise in tourism is this summer, many local businesses are
recruiting additional staff members.
(A) liking (B) likeness (C) likely (D) likes
58. The head chef of Pantoliano’s Restaurant travels to a large number of farms ____ select
the best ingredients for his dishes.
(A) so that (B) in order to (C) such as (D) provided that
59. Ms. Crawford hired a highly-regarded accountant to ____ all financial matters affecting
her company.
(A) accumulate (B) demand (C) oversee (D) participate
60. Sheraton Road is home to the largest ____ of fine dining establishments in the city of
(A) reservation (B) appointment (C) concentration (D) review
61. In accordance with company policy, managers must submit all ____ to department
work schedules to the personnel office.
(A) forms (B) expenses (C) revisions (D) suggestions

62. Goldwell Corporation’s new policy prohibits staff from making phone calls to
employees who are ____ vacation leave.
(A) on (B) there (C) going (D) over
63. The full research paper was too lengthy to print in the science journal, so a ____ version
was published instead.
(A) condensed (B) sustained (C) extended (D) restricted
64. Team-building workshops are held once a month to give employees an opportunity to
interact with ____ from other branches.
(A) vacancies (B) tenants (C) assignments (D) colleagues
65. Every year, our ____ typically receives 20 percent of the annual spending budget.
(A) divide (B) division (C) divided (D) divider
66. ____ of daily job duties to the right individual is an important aspect of the floor
manager position at Benson’s Supermarket.
(A) Relocation (B) Commission (C) Attraction (D) Delegation
67. Applicants have not yet been informed of the dates for the upcoming interviews, but
the human resources department will contact them soon to arrange ____.
(A) appointments (B) establishment (C) obligation (D) expectation
68. Merril Outsourcing will always ____ to meet even the most demanding challenges to
help customers solve their problems and achieve their goals.
(A) implement (B) redapt (C) strive (D) complement
69. Rexington Engineering has recently set up an entire new research ____ because of the
increasing interest in robotic technology.
(A) separation (B) partition (C) segmentation (D) division
70. Since jobs in the global division require extensive international travel, employees must
be able to ____ to unfamiliar situations.
(A) arrange (B) remain (C) adapt (D) behave
71. Belinda McKay fans who are ____ to the author’s formal writing style will be surprised
by her latest biography.
(A) fortunate (B) readable (C) comparable (D) accustomed
72. The colour, material and design of our jewelry products can be changed or tailormade
for clients upon ____.
(A) request (B) question (C) knowledge (D) curiosity
73. The new program coordinator will manage day-to-day operations within the
department, ____ prodvide support for special events
(A) so that (B) as well as (C) as a result of (D) in order that
74. A ____ template to help employees complete their weekly progress reports is available
on the company Web board.

(A) achievement (B) sample (C) template (D) organization
75. We are looking for an experienced library clerk to ____ various duties as assigned
by the head librarian, including but not limited to processing of library materials and
assisting with circulation duties.
(A) perform (B) predict (C) deposit (D) benefit
76. The production levels of the factory are closely ____ by a team of managers to make
sure there are enough items to fulfill orders.
(A) deserved (B) showed (C) attended (D) monitored
77. Depending on qualifications, your main ____ will comprise using plastic injection
equipment to form toy parts and assembling products.
(A) positions (B) pursuits (C) engagements (D) assignments
78. It is likely that ____of the annual conference will reach an all-time high this year, with
more than 1,000 people planning to attend.
(A) attendant (B) attendance (C) attended (D) attendee
79. The Research and Development Department has come to the conclusion that customers
purchase kitchen appliances more ____ compared to twenty years ago.
(A) attention (B) attentive (C) attentively (D) attentiveness
80. Business owners in the town have been ____ to keep their shops open after 7pm.
(A) optimal (B) reluctant (C) elaborate (D) preferable
81. Emergency phone numbers must be provided to all lifeguards ____ on duty.
(A) while (B) during (C) for (D) as
82. Please make a note ____ your customer and receipt numbers in case you need to
contact us about your order.
(A) for (B) from (C) of (D) off
83. First Bonneville Bank ____ 35 branches of CPG Financial Trust for $90 million,
strengthening its presence in the region.
(A) explained (B) canceled (C) acquired (D) committed
84. Numerous favorable comments have been posted online about the Cobalt Hotel, with
many reviewers citing an efficient staff that responds very ____ to the needs of guests.
(A) inadvertently (B) fortunately (C) conditionally (D) attentively
85. Bachman Pharmaceuticals has advertised an opening for a professional ____ to handle
affairs at its branch office in Abu Dhabi.
(A) administering (B) administrator (C) administration (D) will administer
86. Angela Fitz, a strong ____ of environment protection, proposed a city ordinance to ban
the use of plastic bags.
(A) proponent (B) applicant (C) registrant (D) nominee

87. A professional pharmacist should be ____ with new medications that are constantly
being introduced into the market.
(A) learned (B) acquainted (C) combined (D) invested
88. If the task is too complicated to figure out on ____ own, please don’t hesitate to ask one
of our representatives, who are here to help.
(A) you (B) your (C) yours (D) yourself
89. Mayor Greggs was a major ____ of the tax cut legislation, having advocated for it for
(A) controller (B) proponent (C) subscriber (D) dominance
90. Mr.Rouja would like to see all employees take more ____ in developing contacts with
potential clients.
(A) initiative (B) initiated (C) initiate (D) initiating
91. Glasstown's mayor, Edward Raston, will ____ at the opening ceremony for the new
Compton Bridge on May 18.
(A) encounter (B) officiate (C) generate (D) experience
92. I’m writing to ____ you that I do not plan on renewing my contract when it expires on
April 14th.
(A) announce (B) indicate (C) declare (D) notify
93. Congressman Graham has ____ the formation of a joint commission on economic
(A) applied (B) informed (C) enclosed (D) announced
94. ____ turns driving, Jared and Emily managed to make the trip from New York to
Miami in a little under 18 hours.
(A) Making (B) Baking (C) Bringing (D) Taking
95. The performance summary reports a sales performance that is ____ the most optimistic
(A) accustomed to (B) in line with (C) in order to (D) on account of
96. Formal complaints should be made ____ and submitted to the main office if you want
to solve the problems immediately.
(A) on the basis (B) in writing (C) on file (D) out of order
97. Although our employees did not write the correct address on the shipping form, the
machine parts arrived at the dairy farm on ____.
(A) schedule (B) appointment (C) authority (D) condition
98. A reminder was sent to the staff that wise ____ of company supplies would decrease
monthly expenditrures
(A) utilization (B) utility (C) utilize (D) utilizer

99. I would like to take this opportunity to express my ____ apologies to you for the
problems with your item.
(A) sincerity (B) sincerely (C) most sincere (D) more sincere
100. The hiring manager is looking for an experienced business developer who will
take the ____ in finding new clients.
(A) supplement (B) initiative (C) circumstance (D) advice
101. Greenleaf Press will soon publish a ____ pocket version of Manuel Santiago’s book An
Insider’s Guide to Travel in Argentina.
(A) gathered (B) replaced (C) condensed (D) acquainted
102. Following ____ his pledge to improve the company’s working environment, Mr.
Lawson has had the entire office renovated and equipped with up-to-date machines.
(A) out in (B) throughout (C) up on (D) across with
103. The majority of people questioned ____ themselves with a religious group.
(A) affiliated (B) adopted (C) requested (D) recruited
104. If you default ____ your payments, the bank will be forced to repossess your car.
(A) at (B) with (C) of (D) on
105. Supervisors are reminded to ____ all subordinates with consideration and to
remember that any discourtesy will be viewed as a serious breach of company
(A) give (B) treat (C) leave (D) mention
106. Due to the ongoing repairs in the laboratory, please do not enter the facility until you
are ____ otherwise.
(A) realized (B) searched (C) notified (D) achieved
107. Unlike ____ mobile phones, Tektone’s innovative TX-81 can be repaired with parts
produced by other companies.
(A) habitual (B) defective (C) appropriate (D) conventional
108. Having made a reservation, Mr. Quinn and his colleagues were seated immediately
____ arriving at the restaurant.
(A) up (B) in (C) upon (D) to
109. ____ a workplace injury, Mr. Galvert was provided with three months of paid leave.
(A) On behalf of (B) In compensation for
(C) To the extent of (D) In preference to
110. Most employees have read a notice saying that, as of July 1st, smoking is strictly
prohibited ____ all areas of this building.
(A) in (B) by (C) from (D) since
111. The team leader realized that he couldn't _____ with the project when, to his surprise,
insufficient funds were allocated for the project.

(A) forward (B) exchange (C) eliminate (D) proceed
112. In keeping with the regulations, room reservations made in person should be ____
reported to Sarah Clinton.
(A) instantly (B) specifically (C) considerably (D) exactly
113. Although much of the world depends on the production or the trade of oil to fuel its
economies, these activities can cause ____ damage to the environment, either knowingly
or unintentionally.
(A) appropriate (B) dedicated (C) frequent (D) severe
114. If you are an employer seeking the ____ candidate, BLK employment agency will fill
that position with a qualified, expert team player.
(A) eager (B) exceptional (C) consistent (D) lucrative

115. Without the ____ from the author and the publisher, this novel may not be
reproduced in any way.
(A) identification (B) permission (C) reluctance (D) association
116. The number of seats is ____ limited, so please make sure to reserve early and show
up on time.
(A) densely (B) tensely (C) strictly (D) compactly
117. Drastic technological advances provide strong ____ to purchase new equipment rather
than to repair older equipment when it breaks down.
(A) elimination (B) occurrence (C) extravagance (D) justification
118. The annual material tests are conducted by the research team of Pulfix Engineering
Inc. under the ____ of Peter Hong, the senior division director.
(A) prediction (B) supervision (C) indication (D) completion
119. Darren Lang was recognized as the employee of the month for his ____ performance
at work.
(A) considerate (B) exemplary (C) reliant (D) prospective
120. With over 200 permanent staff, our HR team looks after traditional human resources
responsibilities such as ____, employment contracts and health and safety.
(A) legislation (B) establishment (C) accordance (D) concentration
121. All contributions to the newspaper must ____ to strict guidelines regarding factual
(A) comply (B) abide (C) observe (D) adhere
122. The government agency has the ____ to order a manufacturer to recall defective
(A) authority (B) authorized (C) authorize (D) authorization
123. Before leaving the warehouse, all products will go through a ____ quality inspection

(A) steep (B) high (C) strict (D) distinct
124. In order to ____ people's concerns, the state government decided to hold a press
conference to give all information regarding the new law.
(A) inform (B) summarize (C) present (D) address
126. The new company smoking policy will come into ____ to protect non-smokers in the
(A) effect (B) result (C) consideration (D) outcome
127. Please ____ in mind that Mr. Doherty will closely monitor the working hours of each
and every employee in this department.
(A) make (B) have (C) keep (D) take

128. The local economy is expected to recover within the next year ____ a recently
published report.
(A) instead of (B) apart from (C) according to (D) prior to
129. All industrial enterprises in China will meet national ____ of waste disposal by the
end of the year.
(A) findings (B) requests (C) constraints (D) standards
130. No attempt is made authoritatively to impose ____ on the number of imported cars.
(A) means (B) confirmations (C) restrictions (D) eliminations
131. In order to be admitted to the laboratory, you are required to show two forms of ____
(A) perception (B) selection (C) identification (D) recognition
132. All full-time employees are ____ to take 10-day holiday with pay after they have
completed the 60-day probationary period.
(A) admired (B) allowed (C) forgotten (D) regarded
133. When traveling to a foreign country, you should take care not to ____ the rules and
customs of the region.
(A) grant (B) violate (C) discuss (D) interfere
134. The representatives for the two parties tried their best to ____ the deadlock in the
annual labor and management negotiations.
(A) dissolve (B) resolve (C) revolve (D) involve
135. Social media has an enormous effect ____ brand searches, making sites such as
Myspace and Facebook powerful in today's online market.
(A) that (B) on (C) as (D) which
136. The policy requesting workers to use parking area C will be ____ enforced.
(A) comparably (B) exactly (C) normally (D) strictly

137. Individual team members' contributions to the new publicity campaign project varied
in amount and duration, so the compensation will be awarded ____.
(A) thoroughly (B) accordingly (C) diligently (D) primarily
138. New members have no ____ to pay dues for the next quarter.
(A) pledge (B) promise (C) engagement (D) obligation
139. Lancaster Textile Company recently released an important change to its ____
(A) safely (B) safe (C) safeties (D) safety
140. Nature Airlines passengers are ____ to carrying only one carry-on bag on the plane.
(A) restricted (B) allowed (C) permitted (D) required

141. ____ financial forecasts, the German economy is expected to recover strongly during
the third quarter.
(A) Due to (B) According to (C) Related to (D) In case of
142. Many people answered that they were ____ with the use of electronic books on their
(A) unfamiliar (B) difficult (C) completed (D) lucrative
143. Personal medical records are securely protected and ____ only to individuals with
matching identification.
(A) responsible (B) profitable (C) replaceable (D) accessible
144. Magneta Computing Company had to ____ recall the Fosno-042 Magneta laptops
when they turned out to have defects in their hardware.
(A) extremely (B) immediately (C) numerously (D) clearly
145. The manager’s speech on hard work was not _____ because he is not considered a
hard worker to the audience.
(A) effective (B) total (C) raised (D) complete
146. The banquet tomorrow evening is ____ for members of the Ravenport Country Club,
so invitations must be presented before entry is permitted.
(A) supremely (B) debatably (C) strictly (D) widely
147. Considering the amount of interest shown in initial market testing, the new product is
____ to sell out quickly.
(A) inclined (B) disposed (C) bound (D) restricted
148. Due to the contractual ____, the company had to keep supplying the raw material for
a cheap price even though there has been a rise in the overall market price.
(A) surplus (B) indication (C) forecast (D) obligation
149. When Paul _____ announced that the company is going to become a corporation, the

entire family got mad at him for making such an important decision alone.
(A) customarily (B) externally (C) observantly (D) formally
150. Matt managed to understand the presentation _____ for the part about how
nanotechnology affect the company in the long run.
(A) aside (B) even (C) additionally (D) except


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