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The Project Manager,

Water Supply and Sewerage Management Project
Besishahar Lamjung

Subject: Request for Time Extension of Project [SundarBazar Water Supply project]

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to formally request an extension of time for the [SundarBazar Water Supply project ]
currently being undertaken by your esteemed organization. Our project team has been diligently working
on the [SundarBazar Water Supply project], but due to unforeseen circumstances and challenges
encountered during the implementation process, we believe that additional time is necessary to ensure the
successful completion of the project.

The reasons for our request for a time extension include:

1. Unforeseen Delays: Despite our best efforts to adhere to the project timeline, we have encountered
unforeseen delays such as inclement weather, resource constraints, and unexpected technical challenges.
These delays have impacted the progress of the project and require additional time to mitigate.
2. Scope Changes: There have been modifications to the project scope requested by stakeholders, which
have necessitated adjustments to the project plan and timeline. We are committed to accommodating these
changes while ensuring the quality and effectiveness of the project deliverables.
3. Resource Constraints: Our project team has faced resource constraints, including limitations in
manpower, equipment, and materials, which have hindered our ability to meet the original project
deadlines. Extending the project timeline will allow us to address these resource limitations and optimize
project execution.
4. Community Engagement: Effective community engagement and participation are essential components
of the [SundarBazar Water Supply project]. However, building consensus and cooperation among
stakeholders have taken longer than anticipated, requiring an extension of time to facilitate meaningful
engagement and ensure the sustainability of project outcomes.

In light of the aforementioned factors, we kindly request a time extension of 6 months [ Till 31st
December 2024.] to complete the [SundarBazar Water Supply project] successfully. We assure you that
during this extended period, our team will continue to work diligently and efficiently to achieve the
project objectives and deliverables.

We understand the importance of adhering to project timelines and are committed to minimizing any
further delays. Therefore, we will provide regular progress updates and milestones achieved during the
extended period to ensure transparency and accountability in project management.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration of our request. We remain fully committed to
collaborating with the Water Supply and Sewerage Management Project to achieve the desired outcomes
of the [Project Name]. Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate
to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

Santa Parajuli

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