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Introduction to the
Philosophy of the
Human Person

Personal Property of Servitech Institute Asia Inc. Strictly Confidential.

Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Grade 11

Lesson 5: Method of Philosophizing

and Media
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1. Distinguish opinion from truth and Media
2. Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth
3. Evaluate truth from opinions in different situations using the methods of philosophizing

Philosophical method (or philosophical methodology) is the study of how to do philosophy.
A common view among philosophers is that philosophy is distinguished by the ways that philosophers
follow in addressing philosophical questions. There is not just one method that philosophers use to
answer philosophical questions. Philosophy is concerned with determining the concept of truth. Truth
lies at the heart of any inquiry

Truth in metaphysics and the philosophy of language is the property of sentences, assertions,
beliefs, thoughts, or propositions that are said, in ordinary discourse, to agree with the facts or to state
what the case is. It is most often used to mean being in accord with fact or reality, or fidelity to an
original or standard. Truth is also sometimes defining modern contexts as an idea of "truth to self", or
authenticity. Propositions is a statement about the world or reality. Propositions may or may not carry

Knowledge is the clear awareness and understanding of something. It is the product of

questions that allow for clear answers provided by facts. Facts are propositions or statement which are
observe to be real or truthful. Claim is a statement that is not evidently or immediately known to be
true. This means that any claim can be proven by verification and experimentation. Therefore, truthful
statements can be considered as based on facts.

There are several views regarding truth. Philosophers emphasize the importance of belief as
a basis for determining truth. But as a philosopher, we do not assume that every statement is true.
Remember the famous French philosopher, Rene Descartes traced the need to philosophize to doubt.
In philosophy, systematic doubt is employed to help determine the truth. This means that every
statement, claim, evidence, and experience is scrutinized and analyzed. Philosophers always engaged
with the concept of truth.

Philosophers consider truth as a kind of quality or value. Knowledge is the clear awareness
and understanding of something, since it is true knowing that we are able to determine what is true.
Doubt has a very important purpose in philosophy as it drives our desire to discover the truth. In
philosophy, systematic doubt is employed to help determine the truth.

A belief is true if it can be justified or proven through the use of one’s senses. Another basis
for determining truth is a belief or statement is true if it is based on facts. Getting consensus or having
people agree on a common belief is another way of determining what is true. Although this approach
has certain limitations. Getting everyone to agree on something may not take that belief true.
Philosophers also believe that claims and belief should also be subjected to test to determine truth.
In determining truth requires also that a person can prove a statement through an action.

Activity 1
Direction. Choose five words you found inside the box. Write down other related words or ideas that
can you think of in relation to the words you choose. Write you answer on the space provided.

Box No. 1
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________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Activity 2
Direction. Identify each statement. Choose your answer from the box and write the mon the space

Plato Wisdom Doubt Philosophy Holistic Thinking

Love of wisdom Karl Jaspers Partial Thinking Reflection Love

________________1. It is the study or discipline that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate
causes, reasons, and principles which govern all things.
_______________ 2. The Greek term, philosophia, means ______.
_______________ 3. The Greek word, philos, means _________.
_______________ 4. The Greek word, sophia, means _________.
_______________ 5. The Greek philosopher who believes that Philosophy is brought about by man’s
sense of wonder.
_______________ 6. He believes that persons engage in philosophy in order to make sense of
difficult life experiences.
_______________ 7. It is an activity that requires a person to examine his or her thoughts, feelings,
and actions and learn from experience.
_______________ 8. Rene Descartes consider this as a reason why people philosophize.
_______________ 9. It is a perspective that considers the “bigger picture” when looking at
problems and situations.
_______________ 10. It is a perspective that focuses on specific aspects of a situation.

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