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A Secret for Two

This story is about Pierre, who delivers milk in Montreal with his horse Joseph

for thirty years. Pierre has been doing this job for a long time. Joseph is his best

friend. Joseph is a big, white horse. Pierre names him Joseph after a good and kind

saint. Pierre and Joseph work well together. Joseph knows the milk route so well that

Pierre does not need to use the reins to guide him. They go from house to house,

delivering milk to the families. Pierre has a good memory and remembers how much

milk each family needs without writing it down. As time goes by, Pierre and Joseph

both get old, but Pierre does not want to stop working because he loves driving

Joseph every day. Pierre refused to retire and said that when Joseph is ready to retire

then he, too, will retire. Even though both of them are old, they worked together well.

One day, Jacques, Pierre's boss, tells him that Joseph, his best friend horse, has passed

away. Pierre is very sad because Joseph was his friend. The secret was revealed that

Pierre has been blind for five years, but nobody knew, except Joseph. Pierre's

blindness was a secret between them. Everyone never knew his secret and thought he

was a normal man. However, Joseph’s death made Pierre so sad about Joseph's death

that he walks into the street without seeing a truck, and he gets hit and dies.

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