Leadership Journal 3

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Journal 3

Journal 3

Aastha Acharya (200548862)

PRJM 1003–03 Leadership
Professor Ralf Spaeth
February 7, 2023
Journal 3

Reflect on the personality type identified in the test you conducted and explain why/why

not the test results are a reflection of your personality.

The Podcast “The Power of Personality Profiles” gives an overview idea of personality profiles which

elaborates on the power of understanding every people as a great leader, team member, spouse, and even

parent without understanding their personality profiles, working styles.

The personality type identified in the test is Turbulent Advocate (INFJ-T) which may be the infrequent

personality type of all who always leave their mark on the world. The results are quite surprising as it

reflects my personality exactly. The result about my mind surprised me as it gives the result that I am is

59% introverted which means I prefer fewer, yet deep and meaningful, social interactions and attracted to

calmer environments. The energy is intuitive which is about 55% which tells me that I am very

imaginative and open-minded nature which helps me in focusing on hidden meanings which are somehow

similar to my personality. The feeling is 66% which means there is a great value in emotional expression

and sensitivity, prioritizing empathy, social harmony, and cooperation. The judging is 61% which

explains that I am likely decisive, thorough, and highly organized.

The podcast, as well as the result of the personality profiles article, makes clear that we all have a

weakness and strengths which helps every people to choose a working environment in which they are

particularly good. Every people in the group are frustrated, don’t care about each other as well as they

don’t like each other as their personality is different and they like to do things perfectly.

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