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Marketing Cloud Email Marketing Specialist

Topic Weighting # of Questions

Subscriber & Data

29% 17

Marketing Automation 19% 11

Content Creation &

18% 11

Email Marketing Best

15% 9

Email Message Design 13% 8

Tracking & Reporting 6% 4

Word Search = Features and all

1. List Detective
List Detective is a database of bad email addresses that cannot be used in Marketing Cloud
lists and sends

2. Einstein Copy Insight

Einstein Copy Insights uses text analytics and natural language processing to analyze the text
from your commercial email subject lines to uncover language insights. Use these insights to
craft subject lines that drive stronger email engagement.

3. Einstein (EMAIL) Recommendations

Use Einstein Email Recommendations to observe customer behavior, build preference
profiles, and deliver the next-best content or product. You can also refine recommendations to
match your business rules. Recommendation content surfaces in placeholders for
recommendations on your website.
4. Einstein Content Selection
Einstein Content Selection is a no-code, open-time experimentation tool for personalized
content. Because Einstein selects content at open time, it continues to evaluate for winning
content while also experimenting to ensure that click-through rates are optimized.
5. Einstein STO Activity
Marketing Cloud Einstein Send Time Optimization (STO) determines the best time to send a
message. Using machine learning, Einstein predicts optimal send times so that a user is likely
to engage with your message.
6. Einstein Engagement Frequency
Avoid a lack of awareness from too few messages or burnout from too many messages.
Einstein Engagement Frequency in Marketing Cloud evaluates your contacts and subscribers
and identifies the optimal number of email messages to send.

7. Einstein content tagging

Einstein Content Tagging automatically applies searchable tags to image files in your
Marketing Cloud account. You can tell Einstein to add up to 25 tags per image. Einstein tags
existing JPG, JPEG, and PNG files that are 10 MB or less.

8. Einstein Engagement Scoring
Einstein Engagement Scoring predicts consumer engagement with email and MobilePush
messaging. It uses customer data and machine learning to generate predictive models that
assign scores for every contact’s likelihood to engage with emails and interact with push

9. Default (out-of-the-box) Reports – Email Performance by Domain

This report showcases the email performance categorized by each domain.

10. Tracking data extract

Tracking extracts provide granular tracking data for import from Email Studio into external
systems. Use tracking extracts to export granular data regarding several different aspects of
email send jobs, such as clicks, bounces, and survey data, from Marketing Cloud. Then,
import that information into an automation or system.

11. Audience Engagement Over Time Report

This report helps identify the group of contacts that is engaging more with the email content
in the last 3 weeks.

12. Publication Lists

A publication list helps you manage how subscribers receive several different categories of
emails or SMS messages. For example, send newsletters, advertisements, and alerts. Each of
these is a different category, so create a separate publication list for each category. When
you send a newsletter, associate the send with the newsletter publication list to identify to
the system what kind of content is inside the publication.

Publication lists help you manage subscribers' unsubscribe or opt-out actions. Having a
separate publication list for each communication type enables you to honor an opt-out
request from one publication type without unsubscribing that person from all previously
subscribed-to publications. If you use only one publication list for all of a subscriber's
communications and if that person opts out of one publication, that subscriber will be opted
out automatically from all publications
Publication lists can be shared between parent and child business units.
13. Interactive Email Form Block
The Interactive Email Form block in Marketing Cloud Content Builder allows marketers to
receive subscriber information like profile data, product reviews, and sales leads directly
from embedded forms in an email. Allowing subscribers to submit forms without leaving
their inbox increases customer engagement and gives marketers more data.

14. Content Builder Approval Workflow

Approvals is a process for reviewing and approving various objects in the Marketing Cloud.
This process allows you to submit an email into a process which requires an approver to
approve it before it can be sent to an audience.

15. Data Filters

You can create a data filter definition on the Subscribers tab in Email Studio. Choose
whether to create a filter that segments a subscriber list or a data extension.

16. Engagement split

Determines a contact’s journey path based on their interaction with your message, such as
opens or clicks.

17. (Einstein) scoring split

Customize contact’s journey based on specific engagement levels or personas

18. (Einstein) Frequency split

Segments contacts automatically, then sends each contact on a split path based on the
engagement frequency that’s individualized for them.

19. Decision Split

Determines a contact’s journey path based on their data attributes. For instance, to
customize the experience for silver, gold, and platinum-level customers, you can use a
decision split.

20. Random Split

Selects the journey path for each contact randomly. You determine the percentage of
contacts assigned to each path.

21. Primary Key

A primary key is a column or group of columns that uniquely identifies an object record.

22. List-Unsubscribe header

In various email clients and webmail provider user interfaces, an “Unsubscribe” link will
display based on the special "List Unsubscribe" email header.

23. Universal unsubscribe

A universal unsubscribe occurs when a subscriber unsubscribes from every email your
company sends. When a subscriber uses the universal unsubscribe option, their status is set
to Unsubscribed on all your lists and your universal list.

24. Send classifications include these components:

Delivery Profile
Sender Profile
CAN-SPAM (Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing)

25. Delivery Profile

A delivery profile within Marketing Cloud Setup specifies the delivery information for a
message in a central location. Marketing Cloud reuses the information, across multiple
sends, without requiring selection of the information each time. When you create a delivery
profile, specify the IP address to use.

26. Sender Profile

A sender profile within Marketing Cloud Setup specifies the From information for a send in a
central location.

27. Subject and Preheader validation

This feature displays a notification to the user to highlight words in the Subject and
Preheader of emails prior to sending. The notification warns users and prevents accidental
live sends that contain test-related words in the subject and preheader.

28. Path Optimizer

The Path Optimizer activity enables you to test up to 10 variations of a journey path to
determine which path performs best.

29. Maximum send test threshold (Send Throttling)

Send Throttling is a feature available in Salesforce Marketing Cloud which allows you to
control the number of email or sms send within a time period.

30. Import Completion Activity Notification Settings, Marketing Cloud Alert Manager Settings,
Automation runtime error notification settings

31. Report Snapshots

A reporting snapshot lets you report on historical data.

32. Email send flow

Send Flow enables you to send an email to any audience type, such as a list, data extension,
or even Salesforce reports or campaigns.

33. Dynamic Content Block

Use Marketing Cloud Content Builder to create dynamic content to deliver a targeted
message to an audience. Dynamic content lets you define attributes to content, making the
information your subscribers receive more relevant.

34. Automation Studio Email Activity

You can choose to configure a send email activity as part of a multi-step automation, or on
its own.

35. Data designer

The Data Designer tool in Contact Builder defines, organizes, and relates information to
contacts within your account. All contact information resides on subscriber lists and data
extensions contained in Marketing Cloud account. Data Designer enables you to manage
how data extensions store that information and how those data extensions relate to each

36. Audience Studio

Audience Studio enables you to create more precise audience segments using AI. With this,
you can send them hyper-personalized messages on their favorite channel and at the right

37. Automation studio

Drag and Drop interface to define a workflow that automates various activities. E.g. import
data, refresh segments, export data, or send emails.

38. Wait activity

Wait activities in Automation Studio cause an automation to wait for a specific duration or
until a specific time before performing the next step. You can include one or multiple wait
activities in a single automation.

39. Mobile Aware

Mobile aware are user design tactics to create a single, mobile-friendly template that can
work across all screen types.

Testing Tools within the Marketing Cloud:

Content Detective – Spam filtering software to identify words,
patterns, and phrases that are likely to trigger spam filters. It also
suggests solutions to potential problems. It does not scan HTML

Validation – Will confirm Correct field syntax, content and data

being used for Dynamic Rules are being used correctly, Guide
Template Language and AMPScript is being used correctly and also
validates for the presence of Unsubscribe link and From Email

Send Preview – Allows you to see how your email will render with
Personalisation strings populated, Dynamic content displaying
based on subscriber data, and Guide Template Language and
AMPScript will be executed and the data will be displayed or the
content will be rendered.

Test Send – Allows you to see how content will render, will send up
to 5 email addresses at once, though personalization does not
populate, dynamic content displays default content, AMPscript code
and Guide Template Language is displayed, and not all links are

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