A BRIEF Lesson Plan

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Manalo Ext., Puerto Princesa City

A Brief Lesson Plan in Social Studies Grade VII

By: Ramon D. Ysulat Jr.

Date: April 6, 2024

Section: Avocado

Time: 1:00-2:00 P M

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students are able to:

A. Cognitive Domain
1. Enumerate the Presidents of the Philippines
2. Compare the performance of the 18 Presidents of the Philippines
B. Psychomotor Domain
1. Choose among the Presidents of the Philippines
C. Affective Domain
1. Evaluate the Performance of the Chosen President

II. Subject Matter: Philippine Presidents

III. Materials or References
Textbook: History of Filipino people by Temdoro A. Agoncillo
The Philippines: A story of a nation by Acosta V. De Viona
Materials: Visual Aid, pictures
Values: Develop a sense of responsibility to look after the nation
To be fully aware of the common problem of our nation

IV. Procedure

A. Routinary Activity:

 Prayer
 The teacher will begin the class with a prayer; she will ask
the students to arrange their chairs properly and to pick up
pieces of paper.
 Checking of Attendance
 The Teacher will check the class attendance; He will also
account His students on who are absent.

 Classroom Rules
 The Teacher will set some agreements to present formality
and organization in the class discussion.

B. Review
The teacher will ask about the previous topic.

C. Motivation
 The teacher will show some picture to the class and the students will
identify the name of the person in the picture.

D. Lesson Proper
 The teacher will facilitate learning thru art of questioning skills
anchored with the objectives of the lesson.

E. Generalization
(The teacher will ask the students questions to test if they really
understand the lesson.)

F. Application
The teacher will form a group with four members in each group. He give
question to form a platform. The teacher will give the students 15
minutes to prepare for the activity.

The group will be graded by the rubrics presented below

Rapport/Presentation 25
Team Work 25
Relevance to the task 25
Creativity 25
Total 100

G. Values Infusion
For you, who was the best among all the Presidents and why?
(The teacher will prepare an Essay question to measure the students
learning towards the lesson).

V. Evaluation
(The teacher will give an assessment to the class thru multiple type of test)

VI. Assignment

Search more about your chosen president and give their accomplishment.
Write a reflection about it.
Prepared by:

Ramon D. Ysulat Jr.


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