IOE5 - Đề 2

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1. but I’m / your birthday party / I’d love to / much too busy. / come to
2. in Vietnam is /of England. / different / The climate / from that
3. Thank you very much _ _ _ the flowers you sent me last night.
4. The feelings for him are so strong that the word “ love” can’t______________them.
5. I got wet because I lost my umbrealla. – You..............your umbrella.
A. alsways lose B. are always losing C. are always lose D. always lost
6.I’d rather you.....................that.
A. do B. don’t do C. won’t do D. didn’t do
7.the two / beautiful of / the more / Linda is / girls.
8.write essays. / In Literartre, / we learn / about the / great works by well known authors and
9.Jane doesn’t spend much money _ _ clothes.
10. Mrs Lan has to get up early this morning in order to get to the meeting on_______ .
11. A.tablet B. chocolate C. medicine D. pill
12.My dog as well as my cats......................twice a day.
A. eat B. eats C. has eaten D. have eaten
13.instruction at / remember all the / It is / the same time. / difficult to / maths / better at / Mai is / than
15. I’m reading a book_________the history of China.
16. Don’t______children play near the lake.
17. When should we brush your teeth? (nghe)
A. After school B. After meals C. Before bedtime D. Before breakfast
18. I received a friend yesterday.
A. from B. by C. on D. at
19. because she is / always tasting / things while / She gets fat / she is cooking
20.about 200 / employees / in this / company. / There are
21. She hasn’t finished the letter _ _ _ .
22. He believed in his ability to jump down from the fourth strey____________getting hurt.
23. Millions of Christmas cards...................every year.
A. were sent B. are sent C. send D. is sending
24.When will she have an appointment? (nghe)
A. 3.40 am B. 3.40 pm C. 4.30 pm D. 4.40 pm
25. at the / Were there / night? / many people / party last
26. my mother / hour watching / spends one / Every day / television.
27. i put my hat on in order to p__________my face from the sunlight.
28. He doesn’t have much imagination. (nghe)
29. A. cough B. runny nose C. fever D. stomachache
30.The old China is five dollars.
A. make B. makes C. to make D. made
31. can’t spend / to stories. / all her / A little girl / time listening
32. costs? / know how / banana / Do you / much a
33. He is never absent________school.

34. _ _ next September, I will have paid 4,000 pounds in income tax.
35. What did her parents do? (nghe)
A.They took a lot of photos. B. They bought a lot of souvenirs.
C. They booked a hotel. D. They bought some chocolate.
36.Would you like to.................for a walk later?
A. have B. make C. do D. go
37. waiting for / minutes? / mind / Would you / a few
38. Finding an / apartment in / city is / not easy. / a big
39. What’s the name of the movie which you are going to see? (nghe)
40.If you want to____________your English, we can help you. (nghe) improve
41. As a child, he....................his parents.
A. ought obey B. ought obeying C. ought to obey D. ought to obeying
42. Where are they going? (nghe)
A. The village B. The market C. The supermarket D. The ticket hall
43. age / Hoa. / as / the same / Tim is of
44. in the world / in London. / Most of / the best museums / are situated
45. He works five days a week from Monday to__________ .
46.I’m going to watch TV tonight to see a movie__________America.
47. Who is your brother? - ………….
A. He is the boy wearing a white T-shirt. C. He is the boy is wearing a white T-shirt.
B. He is the boy won a white T-shirt. D. He is the boy is won a white T-shirt.
48. What is important? (nghe)
A. Brushing our teeth B. Washing our face C. Brushing out hair D. Washing our hands
49. music room. /Ba is / in the / play the guitar / learning to
50. are in / at the back / English. /Those books / of the library
51. Last year my brother worked _ _ an engineer in a printing factory.
52. Hoi An is famous______old temples, pagodas, tiled-roof houses and narrow streets.
53. When did they arrive home? (nghe)
A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening D. At midnight
54. Can you wait........................please?
A. out B. out of C. outside D. for
55. will be / a famous / says Ba / artist one day. / The teacher
56. Video games / fun but / players must / be careful. / are good
57. They built this house more than one hundred years _ _ _ .
58. At this time next week they________be sitting on the train on their way to Paris.
59. If he eats all that food, he’ll eat…………
A. quite much B. too many C. quite many D. too much
60. Stress: A. computer B. shortage C. village D. teacher
61. so there are / more and more / old people. / living longer / People are
62. Does / a library? / have / school / your
64. Mr Tam used to type faster than he________now.
65. In the past, women used to wash clothes by hand. Now we have …………..
A. steamers B. dishwashers C. hair dryers D. washing machines

66. He had his father.......................his watch.

A. fixed B. fixing C. to fix D. fix
67. wonderful. / Liz’s / visit to / was / Cham Temple
68. the assitants are / all polite and / It’s a nice / very helpful. / shop and
69. Can I help you? -______, please. I need a kilo of beef.
70. This morning I had bread and milk_______breakfast.
71. We may know the land very well, but we know very............about the oceans.
A. few B. little C. much D. a little
72. Playing chess after dinner me.
A. boring B. bored C. boringly D. boredom
73. if I / photo? / Do you / take a / mind
74. for his mother / a telegram / to learn / He sent / good news.
75. The strange man asked me to show him the______t the post office.
76. The weather was fine so we decided to go _ _ foot.
77. Stress: A. important B. community C. organize D. diseases
79. are playing / bluff and catch. / blind man’s / Some students / games like
80. sugar. / much fatty / We shouldn’t / food and / eat too
81. Suddenly, the canoe overturned and everyone fell________the deep and dangerous water.
85. everyday. / doing my / homework / I spend /an hour
86. There are / February. / often / in / 28 days
87. Don’t make too much_________ . You might awake the baby. (nghe)
88. Who will________care of the house while we are away?
89. My brother speaks………………
A. English perfect B. perfected English C. English perfectly D. perfectly English
91. you a cup / like me / of tea? / to bring / Would you
92. last year? / How often / the stadium / did you / go to
93. Robert has been______of work for two years.
94. The destruction of forests has brought__________floods recently.
95. A. wrong B. stomach C. cough D. online
96. Take this cake and cut it into eight................pieces.
A. same B. like C. alike D. equal
97. Now people / of Cheop / can / in Egypt. / admire the Pyramid
98. about us. / me tell you / Here is the / family and let / photo of my
99. She is afraid _ _ crossing the busy street.
100. Life today is different from life in 50 years _ _ _ .
101. Stress: A.cartoon B. open C. paper D. answer
102. That was a.....................ceremony.
A. prepared-well B. prepare-well C. well-prepared D. well-prepare
103. no one / who does / it. / There is / not know
104. to hear / that you / are well. / I am pleased / and your family
105. That man has been standing at the bus stop______the last half hour.
106. Water has _ _ color. It is a colorless liquid.
107. He asked me.........................a driving license.

A. if I have B. whether I have C. if I had D. whether I have had

108. You..................forget what I told you. It is very important.
A. must B. have to C. can’t D. mustn’t
109. to go / to the / meeting on / Don’t forget / time.
110. Will you / help you? / if he / be angry / refuses to
112. The students learn______to recycle waste paper. They are very excited.
113. _ _ her youth, she was a very beautiful girl.
114. What was wrong with your printer? - ……….
A. It didn’t work. B. It doesn’t. C. It hasn’t work. D. It’s won’t work.
115. My mother often gives me advice..............water.
A. to save B. how to save C. on how to save D. with how to save
116. in comics / are interested / very / My children / much.
117. rather than / new car / a used one. / to buy a / Bill decided
118. He congratulated me _ _ winning the competition.
119. My aunt sliced the beef________thin strips.
120. I have a..............................sister.
A. seven years old B. seven-years-old C. seven-year-old D. seven year
121. Milk bottles can be.........................after being cleaned.
A. reused B. recycle C. thrown away D. broken
122. fewer TV / programs for teenagers / There are / for adults / than there were
123. after / this one. / There aren’t / buses / any

124. Is it all right if I _ _ _ _ some photograps.

125. It was unkind of you not to help him when he was _ _ trouble.
126. Of all the students in my class, Nam is………………
A. tallest B. taller C. tall D. the tallest
127......................the next turning on the right, the post office is in front of you.
A. Go B. Make C. See D. Take
128. stories / Have you / ever read / by Nam Cao? / short
129.celebration for /holiday is the /Vietnamese people./most important /Tet of Lunar New Year
131. I often get up nat 6.00 and do morning_____________ . After that I wash my face then I
eat breakfast.
132. She needed..............these postcards to her friends.
A. to send B. sending C. sent D. sends
133. Do it right now,..................?
A. do you B. aren’t you C. will you D. don’t you
134.happens / careless / The accident / driving. / because of
135. He reads / about Yoga / a book / problem. / for medical
136.Their parents are happy to hear good news_______their teacher.
137. I kicked the ball________the gaol yesterday.
138. My new friend, Nam is....................His jokes often ake his friends laugh a lot.
A. generous B. humourous C. out-going D. unusual

139. A. probably B.woman C. aquairum D. finally

140. Vietnam are / those in / different from / the USA. / Schools in
141. English / speak / all over the / People /world
142. You had better not eat to many____________because they are not good for your teeth.
143. Mrs Robinson is asking Nga how to________spring rolls.
144. I was cooking for dinner………..
A. then the phone rang B. then the phone ring
C. when the phone rang D. When the phone was ringing
145. A. doctor B. nurse C. dentist D. teacher
146. mind lending / dictionary? / Would you / your / me
147. past six. / since a / He has / waited there / quarter
148. When my father has free time, he often__________us funny stories.
149. She started learning English_______she was eighteen.
150. Are there...........................for me this morning?
A. any letters B. letter C. any letter D. some letters
151. is bigger / in Britain / the cities / than London. / None of
152. very worried / taking / after / He became / the medicine.
154. Color television was______________by John Logie Baird in 1928.
155. Hung and his home yesterday.
A. didn’t are B. wasn’t C. weren’t D. not were
156. Helen doesn’t / or meat but she / eat chicken / to vegetables. / prefers fish
157. travel around / tourists to / It’s not / easy for / London.
159. I take part _ _ most youth activities of my school.
160. A. enough B. young C. country D. mountain
161. of animals / does she / best? / What kind / like
162. are in / author. / These cards / and by / alphabetical order
163. The shirt looked beautiful. I tried it _ _ but it doesn’t fit.
164. It is far________your house to the school.
165. A. virus B. flu C. headace D. stomachache
166. My mother doesn’t like coffee and ……………………
A. neither do I B. neither I do C. either D. I don’t too
167. This lovely / two bedrooms / apartment has / and it / is furnished.
168. It’s not difficult to translate this sentence________English.
169. In Da Lat, it is usually cold at night, but it’s warm___________the day.
170. The Statue of Liberty the USA by the French.
A. constructed B. disigned C. completed D. presented
171. She talked to her friends.....................her vacation in Da Lat.
A. about B. on C. with D. for
172. I have to stay all day at home on Sundays, so________she.
173. Billions of cans are thrown________every year all over the world.
174. Is there anything good.......................TV tonight?
A. on B. in C. near D. at
175. My father is player.

A. skill B. skilled C. skillfully D. skillful

176. After many years of failure, Edison finally succeeded _ _ inventing the light bulb.
178. Tow team members try to make a fire.................rubbing pieces ……bamboo together.
A. with/by B. by/with C. of/by D. by/of
179. A. result B. undersea C. scuba D. adult
180. I have to go to the bank in_________to exchange some money. next birthday.
A. I am 14 on B. I will be 14th C. I will be 14 on D. I am going to be 14 on
183. A. ill B. sick C. sad D. unwell
184. Hoi An is famous______its ancient houses.
185. She got _ _ late this morning because her alarm clock didn’t go up.
186. Yesterday, we took part in a.............contest in our village.
A. cook-ricing B. rice cooking C. cooking-rice D. rice-cooking
187. A. series B. detective C. equipment D. vessel
188. Children in Africa don’t have enough food to eat and warm clothes to_______ .
189. Their wedding the Rex Hotel next week.
A. is held B. is being held C. will be held D. is going to hol
190. We are now wet. You....................the raincoats with you.
A. should bring B. should have brought C. must bring D. have to bring
191. My sister doesn’t want to drink coffee, and……………….
A. I do neither B. I do, too C. so do I D. neither do I
192. Tuan is a good student. He always answers the etacher’s questions ………….
A. quick B. quickly C. too quick D. very quick
193.It’s recess. The students are eating and drinking as________as chatting.
194. My mother and I.......................our grandmother next weekend.
A. visit B. am going to visit C. am visiting D. are going to visit
195. Tim and Hoa are of the same……………..
A. old B. year C. years old D. age
196.Can you tell me what…….word for “father” is? – I’m sorry, I don’t know…….
A. Russian/Russian B. the Russian / the Russian
C.the Russian / Russian D. Russian / the Russian
197.Farmers are very hard-working. They work from morning________night on their farms.
198. My sister tried her new dress _ _ but it doesn’t fit.
200.Jane feels unhappy.............she misses her parents and her friends.
A. although B. though C. because D. but

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