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11 ABM

Critical Reading Worksheet

Bibliographic details Previewing analysis
Part 1:Preview of Reading

AUTHOR(S) Gerardo V. Eusebio The source provided information about

the author in the last part of the article.
complete before reading

PUBLICATION DATE May 23, 2022 The source would be considered as

current for a discussion since
misinformation majorly escalated during
the Philippine Election 2022 and
continues to spread in many social media
TITLE OF SOURCE [ANALYSIS] Fake news and internet Based on the given title, the article is
propaganda, and the Philippine about spreading fake news in the
Elections: 2022 Philippines where many Filipinos were
misinformed and how the Philippine
elections in 2022 are involved.
PUBLICATION Eusebio, G. (2022). [ANALYSIS] Fake It aims to convey its message to the
INFORMATION news and internet propaganda, and the Filipino people especially the netizens or
Philippine Elections: 2022. Rappler. the users of the internet.
What expectations do you have about the source’s treatment of the topic?
Based on the preview of the source, details about misinformation specifically in the Philippine Elections
2022 will be treated. Misinformation is a critical issue that should be given a full attention. I expect that
the article will give people knowledge about fake news and that fake news is even used during the
Philippine elections. I expect that people who will read this article will become more aware of the issue
of fake news, and how to get away with it. This topic should be treated in a serious manner. An in-depth
analysis is what I presume in this article.
Identify the author’s main point
As expressed by the author Your paraphrase
"Beyond the current elections, things look rather bleak. Far beyond the recent elections, the future seems quite
The current landscape of fake news and internet gloomy. The Philippines' current internet propaganda
Part 2: Analysisof Reading

propaganda in the Philippines paints the country more and fake news gives the country more and more
and more as increasingly vulnerable to, and more easily susceptible and easily convinced by fake news.
persuaded by, fake news."
Identify two or more things the author does to support his or her main point.
(1) The author reviewed previous Rappler’s Fact Check Articles published from October 2021 up to
March 2022. According to the author, “Rappler studied 256 claims from October 2021 to
March 2022. Of these claims, 207 of them were falsehoods, while 39 missed the contexts and
nuances of their claims.”
(2) The author provided a table which shows the major themes of articles and the number of
interactions and other statistical data regarding those. Politics dominated the major themes. (See
under Fake News 2022 section)
(3) “Not only were false claims in favor of Marcos effective, so were those against her.” A Survey from
Pulse Asia was provided to support his claim about a possible Marcos presidency.

What seems to be the author’s key aim (or aims) in treating the topic?
11 ABM
Part3: Critiqueof Reading The author’s key aim is to inform the public about the danger and major impact of misinformation
especially during the 2022 elections. In addition, the author aims to show that the Philippines has
become more at risk of fake news and internet propaganda, and it can be full of lies and deceit country
where fake news is being accepted. Because of this, Filipinos become more exposed to fake news and
just believe what they have read, watched, and listened to.

What are the strongest and weakest parts of the author’s treatment of the topic?
They provided data and studied different claims to support and show that fake news and internet
propaganda are happening. In the data provided, they showed that politics dominated it. They studied
256 claims from October 2021 to March 2022. And out of all these claims, they gathered nuances in the
claims, 207 claims that are falsehoods, and 39 missed contexts. Out of the 256 claims, 179 are about
politics. Moreover, the author has provided solutions to stop fake news from spreading —
the mobilization of fandoms and their celebrities against disinformation and most importantly,
education. The article, however, is still lacking. The author claims that the number of interactions was
extracted through their own estimation methodology. There’s a tendency that the data may be
inaccurate or biased since they did not fully disclose the said methodology. It may be just an estimate,
but the number they projected may still impact the overall article.

What is your overall critical assessment of the author’s treatment of the topic?
The author, Gerardo V. Eusebio, is an expert in this field and has the knowledge to share how fake news
and internet propaganda was being used in the Philippines. The article was explained effectively by
giving information about fake news in the Philippines and the Philippine elections in 2022. Also,
providing current data that they studied helped in understanding how the Philippines are being
vulnerable to fake news and internet propaganda. The article was an eye opener for the mass because it
shows how problems escalated when misinformation is spread to the public. The article contains not
only the points and details about fake news, but also the solutions on how to face and stop the danger of


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