Operations and Automations

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Illumination: Illumination can be done artificially by LED lights etc .

Illumination can be also done naturally by using sunlight.

Internal transportation: We can use,

 Monorails
 Flying cars
 Scooters

External transportation: For external transportation we can use spacecraft which travel fast.

To provide security we need to be alert because it may harm people, we should aware of revolving
asteroids or any other heavenly bodies which can crash into the settlement, from harmful radiation of
sun. Other settlement can attack on us on intentions to capture our settlement, even we should
mention security inside the settlement that there should be no crimes and robbery

Communication is the major way of sharing thought with other people. Nowadays mobile is plays a
major role in means of communication and in the emergency communication is the most important
thing so we can spread news of emergency and can alert people easily

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