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Efficiency, mass customization, productivity, concurrent engineering, utilization, cycle time, run time, work center, assembly line, systematic layout planning, project layout, poka yokes, logistics, cross docking, free trade zone, dependent demand, independent demand, safety stock, stock keeping unit, EOQ, MRP, bill of materials, MPS , production rate, finite loading, infinite loading, forward scheduling , backward scheduling, shop floor control, critical path, early start , late start, queuing system, service rate, outsourcing, inventory turnover, TQM, Six Sigma, kaizen, ISO, External benchmarking, fail safe, SPC, lean production, kanban, preventive maintenance , operations management, holding cost, carring cost, setup cost, re order point, Andons, breakeven point, JIT

Theoretical questions What do you mean by JIT and explain in detail its elements? What is capacity balance and why it is hard to achieve and state methods used to deal with capacity imbalance? What are reasons for plant to maintain capacity cushion and what is negative capacity cushion? List some practical limits to economics of scale? Explain how cards are used in kanban system? What do u mean by six sigma , discuss various analytical tools required for six sigma? What is TQM explain in detail? Discuss importance of information technology in supply chain management?

Discuss outsourcing and its benefits? what are four different supply chain strategies according to lee? Discuss in brief different line structures? Project control should always focus on critical path comment What are some reason project scheduling is not done well? What characteristics must a project have for critical path scheduling to be applicable? What are objective of work center scheduling?
Define sequencing. State shortest processing time and earliest due date priority sequencing rules. What do you understand by shop floor control? What are its functions? Explain Gantt chart as a tool for shop floor control. Define supply chain management. Explain the recent changes in business Environment which made supply chain management highly important. List the applications of waiting line management techniques. What is difference between aggregate planning in manufacturing and aggregate planning in services? Draw the operating characteristics curve and explain producers risk and consumers risk. Explain the three strategies in aggregate planning. Distinguish between pure and mixed strategies. What are the four major costs associated with these strategies? Discuss the contribution of Deming, Juran and Crosby in the field of quality. Explain the pull approach of JIT manufacturing. Compare it with conventional push approach. Briefly explain the seven elements to achieve waste elimination in JIT. What is MRP? What are the inputs and outputs required by the MRP What is role of safety stock in MRP? Discuss nature of cost that affect inventory size? What is purpose of inventory?

Discuss ABC for of inventory system What do you understand by Operations Scheduling? What are the problems faced in the absence of proper scheduling? What do you mean by Demand Forecasting? Explain the various qualitative methods of demand forecasting in brief.

What are main problems in using exponential soothing in forecasting?

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