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2015 Metrobank MTAP DepEd Math Challenge

Eliminations Level-Grade 5

Directions: Check your answers. Analyze the solution given in every question. Be sure you
deeply understand the concepts involved. Test yourself again by answering the questions.

1.) Write the missing number: 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 9, 4, ___.

Solution: 1, 3, 2, 6, 3, 9, 4, 12.
Answer: 12
2.) Using only the number 87, how many times will you use it as a factor to get a product whose
ones digit is 7?
Solution: 87x87x87x87x87 = 4 984 209 207
Answer: 5
3.) Write three hundred thousand twelve and 5 tenths in symbols.
Answer: 300 0012. 5
4.) How many 0.001 are there in 1 000?
Solution: 1 000 ÷ 0.001 =
Answer: 1 000 000
5.) The ratio of two numbers is 7:9. If their difference is 24, what is their sum?
Solution: 9n-7n = 24 9n= 9 x 12 = 108
2n = 24 7n= 7 x 12 = 84
n = 24 ÷ 2 108 + 84 = 192
n = 12
Answer: 192
6.) When Daria bought a glass of juice for Php 15.00 and a sandwich for Php 37.00, she still
had Php 73.00 left in her wallet. How much money did Daria have at the beginning?
Solution: Php15.00 + Php37.00 + Php73.00
Answer: Php 125.00
7.) How many 3 cm by 3 cm square tiles can cover a square floor with an area of 36 cm^2.
Solution: Area of square tile = 3 cm x 3cm = 9 cm2
Area of floor/ area of square tile
36 cm2 ÷ 9 cm2 = 4
Answer: 4 square tiles
8.) The volume of a rectangular block is 30, 000 cm^3. What is its volume in dm^3?
Solution: 1 dm3 = 1 000 cm3
30 000 cm3 ÷ 1 000= 30
Answer: 30 dm3
9.) The product of 2 two-digit numbers is 351. What is their sum?
Solution: 351 = 27 x 13; 27 + 13 =40
Answer: 40
10.) If 2 * 5 = 3, 4 * 9 = 5, and 5 * 12 = 7. What is 12 * 17?
Answer: 9
11.) How many 15 thousandths are there in 3/8?
Solution: = 3/8 ÷ 15/1000
= 3000/120
= 25
Answer: 25
12.) What is the sum of the digits in the product of 23 tens and 32 ones?
Solution: 23 tens = 230
32 ones = 32
230 x 32 = 7, 360
Sum of the digits= 7 + 3 + 6 + 0 = 16
Answer: 16
13.) What is the sum of 3 consecutive whole numbers if the smallest of these numbers is 9?
Solution: consecutive numbers are 9, 10, 11
9 + 10 + 11 = 30
Answer: 30
14.) What is 1/5 of the sum of 6 tens and 5 ones?
Solution: 6 tens = 60 ; 5 ones = 5
60 + 5 = 65
1 of 65 = 1 x 65 = 65 = 13
5 5 1 5
Answer: 13
15.) Dolly had Php 155.00. She bought a glass of juice for Php 18.00 and a sandwich for Php
41.00. How much money did she have left?
Solution: Total Expenses (juice + sandwich)
= Php18.00 + 41.00 = Php59.00
Total Money – Expenses
= Php155.00 – 59.00 = Php96.00
Answer: Php 96.00
16.) Marissa called her friend at 10:15 am. They talked for 157 min. What time did their
conversation end?
Solution: 157 minutes is equivalent to:
157 x 1 = 157 = 2 hours and 37 minutes
60 60
10:15 + 2 hours and 37 minutes = 12:52
Answer: 12:52 pm
17.) Liza wants to buy a cake for her mother on her birthday. She already has Php 460.00. The
cake costs Php 675.50. How much more does she need to buy the cake?
Solution: Php675.50 – 460.00 = Php215.50
Answer: Php 215.50
18.) How many 25-centavo coins are equal to Php 5.00?
Solution: 1 peso = 4 25-centavo coins
5 pesos = 4 x 5 = 20
Answer: 20
19.) If two congruent equilateral triangles are placed side by side, what kind of shape is formed?

Answer: rhombus
20.) What is the value of 15 + 3 x 2 – 6 ÷ 3 – 1 x 3?
Solution: 15 + 3 x 2 – 6 ÷ 3 – 1 x 3
15 + 6 – 2 – 3
21 – 2 – 3
19 – 3
Answer: 16
21.) The cost of a box of chocolate decreased from Php 120.00 to Php 115.00. What percent of
the original price is the amount of decrease?
Solution: Php120.00 – Php115.00 = 5.00(discount)
Rate of discount = discount ÷ original price
= 5 ÷ 120
= 0.04166
= .04166 x 100% = 4.166%
Answer: 4.166%
22.) Mark, Thea, Lota, and Lito want to divide 140 pieces of marbles in the corresponding ratio
of 1:2:4:7. How many more marbles will Lota get than Mark?
Solution: Partitive proportion
= 1n + 2n + 4n + 7n = 14n
140 = 14n
140/14 = n
10 = n
Lota = 4 x 10 = 40; Mark = 1 x 10
Lota – Mark = 40 – 10 = 30
Answer: 30 marbles
23.) A tank has a capacity of 50 liters. How many seconds will it be filled if the flow rate into it is
2.5 liters per seconds?
Solution: 50 ÷ 2.5 = 20
Answer: 20 seconds.
24.) What is the missing number in the sequence? 1, 3, 5, 10, 18, 32, ___.
Solution: 1 + 3 = 4 + 1 = 5
3 + 5 = 8 + 2 = 10
5 + 10 =15 + 3 = 18
10 + 18=28 + 4 = 32
18 + 32=50 + 5 = 55
Answer: 55
25.) What is the sum of all the numbers in the set {23,32,43,34}?
Solution: 23 = 2x2x2= 8
32 = 3 x3 = 9
43 = 4x4x4 = 64
34 = 3x3x3x3 =81
(8+9+64+81) = 162
Answer: 162
26.) An airplane arrived at 10:45 am. It was delayed for 1 hour and 25 minutes. If the flight time
is 1 hour and 30 minutes, what time was the airplane supposed to depart?
Solution: 10:45 am 9:20
- 1:25 - 1:30
9:20 7:50 am
Answer: 7:50 am
27.) On 6 December 2014, Risa bought a load worth Php 300.00 for her cellphone. If the load is
valid for 75 days, until when is the load available if December 6 is included in the 75 days?
Solution: Dec.6- Dec. 30 = 26 days
Jan. 1–Jan. 31= 31 days
(26 + 31 = 57 days)
75 days – 57 days = 18 days,
Answer: February 18, 2015
28.) The average of one set of 3 numbers is 25 and the average of another set of 5 numbers is
also 25. What is the average of the 8 numbers?
Solution: 3 x 25 = 75 ÷ 3 = 25
5 x 25 = 125 ÷ 5 = 25
8 x 25 = 200 ÷ 8 = 25
Answer: 25
29.) Lina’s weekly transportation expenses reduced by 75% when she joined her aunt in going
to school. If she used to spend Php 140.00 a week, how much does she spend now for
Solution: Php140.00 x .75 = Php105.00
Php140.00 – Php105.00 = Php35.00
Answer: P 35.00
30.) 34 – 6 ÷ 3 + 8 x 4 is ___
Solution: 34– 6 ÷ 3 + 8 x 4
34 – 2 + 32
32 + 32 = 64
Answer: 64
31.) If 50% of a number is 500, how many percent of the number is 250?
Solution: Base= percentage/ RateRate= P/B
=500 ÷ 50% =250 ÷ 1000
=500 ÷ .50 =0.25
=1000 =25%
32.) Observe the pattern: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, … If the pattern continues, what is the 30th number?
Solution: (n-1) x interval+ the first number
=(30-1) x 3 + 2
=29 x 3 + 2
=87 + 2
= 89
Answer: 89
33.) What number is 2/3 between 7 and 13?
Answer: 11
34.) An airplane departed at 2:15 pm and flew for 1 ½ hours. It arrived 25 minutes earlier than
the scheduled arrival. What should have been its scheduled arrival?
Solution: 2:15 + 1 ½ hour = 3:45 pm
3:45 pm + 25 minutes = 4:10 pm
Answer: 4:10 pm
35.) The vertex of an isosceles triangle is 36 degrees. What is the measure of its base angle?
Solution: Isosceles Triangle = 1800
=1800 - 360 = 1440
Isosceles means two sides are equal so;
1440 ÷ 2 = 720
Answer: 72 degrees
36.) The perimeter of an equilateral triangle and a rhombus are both equal to 45 cm. How many
cm shorter is a side of the rhombus than a side of the triangle?
Solution: Perimeter = 45 cm
= 45 cm ÷ 3
= 15 cm each side of triangle
Perimeter = 45 cm
= 45 cm ÷ 4
= 11.25 cm each side of rhombus
= 15 cm – 11.25 cm
= 3.75 cm
Answer:3.75 cm
37.) The sum of 2 numbers is 80. Their difference is 16. What is the quotient when the bigger
number is divided by the small number?
Solution: = 80–16 = 64
= 64 ÷ 2 = 32 smaller number
= 32 + 16 = 48 bigger number
=48 ÷ 32= 1.5
Answer: 1.50
38.) A tray of salted eggs contains 30 pieces. Each piece costs Php 11.00. Liza sells each egg
at Php 11.75. How much is her profit if she sold 6 ½ trays of salted eggs?
Solution: 6 ½ x 30 = 195
195 x 11 = Php2 145.00
195 x 11.75 = Php2 291.75
Php2 291.75- 2 145.00= 146.75 gain
39.) Ernesto is weighing his school bag. He says “if I add 725 grams, it will weigh 2 kilograms”.
How many grams does his bag weigh?
Solution: 2 kilograms = 2000 grams
2000 grams – 725 grams = 1,275
Answer: 1, 275 grams
40.) There are 36 packs of candies in a box. The packs of candies are divided equally among 4
children. How many packs will each child receive?
Solution: 36 packs ÷ 4 children = 9
Answer: 9 packs

41.) Twenty seven apples are put in box. There are 6 boxes. How many boxes contain exactly
the same number of apples?
Answer: 5 boxes
42.) Liza has read 4/5 of the total number of pages of a book. Today, she reads 21 pages. She
still needs to read 1/10 of the total number of pages to finish reading the book. How many
pages does the book have?
Solution:Change 4/5 and 1/10 in similar fractions
4/5 is 8/10 and 1/10 is 1/10, therefore to complete 1 whole 21 is 1/10 of the
Find the base: base = percentage/ rate

= 21÷1 = 210 = 210

10 1
Answer: 210 pages
43.) Alice has 47 apples. She is going to give them equally to 6 children. How many more
apples are needed so that each child will receive 9 apples?
Solution: 6 children x 9 apples = 54
= 54-47 =7
Answer: 7 apples
44.) A container holds 8 times the amount of water in a cup that holds 2 deciliters of water. How
many deciliters of water can be poured into the container?
Solution: 8 x 2 dl
Answer: 16 deciliters
45.) Each marble weighs 25 grams. The total weight of the marbles is 2 kilograms. How many
marbles are there in the box?
Solution: 2 kg = 2000 grams
2000 grams ÷ 25 grams = 80
Answer: 80 marbles
46.) An 8-meter ribbon costs Php 96.00. How much is the cost of 4.5 meters of ribbon?
Solution: Php96.00 ÷8 m = Php12.00/ meter
Php12.00 x 4.5 meters = Php54.00
Answer: Php 54.00
47.) Which fraction is the smallest? 3/5, 2/3, ¾, 4/7
Answer: 4/7
48.) Mark added 2 to a number then divided the sum by 3. He multiplied the quotient by 10 then
subtracted 7 from the product and got a difference of 23. What was the number he started with?
Solution: n+2÷3x10-7=23 (work backward)
7 = 2 -9 = 3 x 3 = 10 ÷ 30
Answer: 7
49.) A ribbon is 4 m and 60 cm long. Rissa cut it into shorter pieces each with a length of 50 cm.
What is the length of the piece that was left?
Solution: 4 meters and 60 cm
= 400 cm + 60 cm = 460 cm
= 460 cm ÷ 50 cm = 9 pcs remainder 10 cm
Answer: 10 cm

50.) The area of the square ABCD below is 16 cm2. If CE = 1 cm, what is the area of triangle
Solution: 16 cm2 = 4cm x 4cm
4 cm measurement of a side
4 cm – 1 cm = 3cm

Area of triangle = base x height

=6 cm2
Answer: 6 cm2

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