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Slide 1

1. The rapid advancement of AI is transforming warfare, introducing a new era of

mil ops. At forefront of this transformation is human-machine teaming (HMT), a
collaborative paradigm where humans and machines work together seamlessly to
achieve 676 obj. In next 30 slides, aspects regarding the Concept and Its mil
Implications will be Covered. The undermentioned quote from UK mil highlights
significance of the topic.

Slide 2
2. The Aim of the Psn is as under “To Understand Human Machine Teaming
(HMT) Concept and Its Mil Implications”

Slide 3
3. The pstn will be covered in following parts
(a) Basic of Concepts - Covers tech parameter, challenges and key
(b) Mil Aspects - Covers need, challenges and applns.
(c) Impact of OODA - Covers effect of HMT on each phase of OODA loop.
(d) Future Prospects – Attempt at gazing into future regarding the use of
this tech.

Slide 5 - Heading Slide

Slide 6
4. This slide covers the definition of the concept. The gen definition covers all
appln envts civ and mil. Next one covers mil aspect of concept.

Slide 7
5. Human-machine teaming (HMT) represents a dynamic and interactive
partnership between humans and intelligent machines. It is a collaborative
relationship where both parties contribute unique strengths to the table: humans
possess creativity, adaptability, and social intelligence, while machines excel at data
processing, pattern recognition, and tireless execution. By combining these
complementary strengths, human-machine teams can tackle complex challenges
and achieve breakthroughs that would be impossible for either entity alone. Thus
transition is reqd from considering machines as tool for productivity to team
members collaborating with each other.
6. The Traditional computing sys lack bidirectional comn. They provide output
based on algorithms and conditionalities encoded when given an input. The HMT
seeks to incr the overlap between tasks of foraging and sense making. The
Machines will also be involved in sense making and human will also incr contribute
foraged data to collaborative apch. This apch make the future tech dependent on
humans rather than dystopian concept of world dominated by AI.

Slide 8
7. The video shows the change in rect strat of UK mil in view of Human Machien
Teaming Concept and imp of “Man behind the Machine”.

Slide 9
8. The next slide touches upon the key tech enabling human machine teaming
(a) Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI algorithms increasingly contributing to
decision-making processes and also aid in data analysis, pattern
recognition, and predictive modelling. The is cornerstone of HMT as
machine need to be “smart” for bidirectional interaction.
(b) Robotics. Involved phy manipulation in real world applns. In HMT,
at exec end robotics are necessary to perform tasks that involve
danger or tireless execution.
(c) Sensor Networks. These are imp for providing real-time info to both
humans and machines. These range from camera’s to radars and
covers a wide rg of EM Spectrum.
(d) Comn Tech. Adv comn sys are significant in facilitating seamless
interaction between humans and machines. Secure and reliable comn
chs are reqd for data tfr and zero latency helps in real time world
applns for control and comn.
(e) Cybersecurity. It is crucial aspect to protect human-machine
teaming sys from cyber threats. Measures need to be taken to secure
data and comn chs from hacking threats.

Slide 10

9. This slide highlights the tech challenges in emp of HMT.

(a) Human State Sensing and Assmt. Involves monitoring
physiological, behavioral, and cognitive aspects to enable machines to
interact effectively with humans. However, it presents challenges,
including data collection, privacy, real-time processing, human factors,
and integration with HMT systems. Despite these challenges,
promising research focuses on developing advanced sensors,
enhancing machine learning algorithms, implementing human-centered
design principles, and establishing ethical frameworks for responsible
HSSA use.
(c) As HSSA research progresses, the future holds more accurate,
reliable, and user-friendly systems, impacting the efficiency of HMT by
facilitating effective collaboration between humans and machines.

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