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acoustical – Of or relating to sound, the sense of hearing, or the science of sound.

Adequate- satisfactory or acceptable in quality or quantity:

ancillary- providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, system,

Antiquity - the ancient past, especially the period of classical and other human civilizations before the
Middle Ages.

Asepsis- the absence of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms.\

Auditory- relating to the sense of hearing:

Bassinet- a child's wicker cradle.

freight yards - a large railway yard in which freight wagons are organized into trains:

illumination- lighting or light:

Optimum- most conducive to a favourable outcome; best:

Premises- a house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or
considered in an official context:

Quenching- is the rapid cooling of a workpiece in water, gas, oil, polymer, air, or other fluids to obtain
certain material properties.

remote- (of a place) situated far from the main centres of population; distant:

Seclusion- the state of being private and away from other people:

terminate- bring to an end:

Unhampered- not impeded or encumbered:

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