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Bhagwan Mahavir College of Computer Application

Bhagwan Mahavir University, Surat, Gujarat, India.

Final Year Project


For Students, Supervisors

Prepared By:
Dr. Sanjay Buch, Dean, BMCCA-BMU
Dr. Jaynesh Desai, Asst. Professor, BMCCA, BMU

Table of Contents
1. About The Project ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1. The Purpose and Objective of Project on the final Semester ..................................................................... 2
1.2. Guidelines for Project Formulation ............................................................................................................ 3
1.3. Type of Project ............................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4. Benefits of doing a research project........................................................................................................... 3
1.5. Steps in Project Formulation ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Guidelines for Students and Supervisors ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Purpose of the Guidelines: ......................................................................................................................... 4
2.2. Responsibilities of students ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.3. General Guidelines: .................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4. Project Time Frame .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.5. Role of A Supervisor ................................................................................................................................... 5
2.6. Eligibility of Project Guide: ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.7. Project Evaluation Criteria: ......................................................................................................................... 6
3. Project Proposal (Synopsis) .......................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1. Project Proposal Submission and Approval ................................................................................................ 7
3.2. Communication of Approval ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.3. Re-Submission of Proposal in Case of Non-Approval ................................................................................. 7
4. Project Report Guidelines ............................................................................................................................................ 8
4.1. Items should be Included in Project Report: .............................................................................................. 8
4.2. Project Report Format Guideline ................................................................................................................ 8
4.3. Structuring Your Project Report ................................................................................................................. 9
5. Project Presentation Guidelines ................................................................................................................................ 10
5.1. Required elements. .................................................................................................................................. 10
5.2. Project Presentation Outline .................................................................................................................... 10
5.3. Tips on Giving Good Presentations ........................................................................................................... 10
6. Seminar Topic Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................... 11
6.1. General Guidelines: .................................................................................................................................. 11
6.2. Seminar Report Preparing Guidelines: ..................................................................................................... 11
6.3. Seminar Report Format Guideline ............................................................................................................ 12

Appendix – I (Project Proposal) ............................................................................................................................................. i

Appendix – II (Project Report Related Documents) .............................................................................................................. ii
1. Project Title/Cover Page Sample: (Gold Letter on Cover Page of Black Book) ........................................ ii
2. Project Certificate Sample: ....................................................................................................................... iii
3. Progress Report Sample: .......................................................................................................................... iv
4. Seminar Title/Cover Page Sample: ............................................................................................................ v
Appendix – III (Project Report Sample Index) ...................................................................................................................... vi
Appendix – IV (List of Broad Areas of Application and Related Tools) ...............................................................................viii



1. About The Project

The students who are enrolling in following degree program:
• Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)
• B. Sc. in Cyber Security
• B. Sc. in Data Science
• M.Sc.- IT (Integrated)
• M. Sc. in Cyber Security (PG)
• M.Sc.- IT (PG)
should conduct a compulsory final semester project relevant to Computer Application or Computer Science discipline.
A project should be an in-depth study of an issue or topic in Computer Application or Computer Science. Topics can be
selected by students with prior approval of the supervisor, or the coordinator of this course unit will assign students
for relevant topics.

Students are advised to plan the project early in their final semester (4/6/10) of the respective program. The project
is equivalent to 14 credits in UG Program and 25 credits in PG Program, and the students are expected to conduct a
proposal defending presentation, mid-term progress review presentation (by the supervisor), carry out the project and
write a project report under the guidance of a supervisor within a period of 3 – 4 months. At the end, students should
present their project as presentations. This final year project is designed to,

• improve individual analyzing and working ability under minimum supervisor guidance,
• practice scientific writing in accordance with acceptable standard,
• conduct and complete the project in given timelines with proposed deliverables which is an essential skill in

These guidelines provide information on the scope of projects and what students should aim to achieve, how to plan
the project, important considerations, and what examiners will be looking for.

1.1. The Purpose and Objective of Project on the final Semester

The Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) program equips students with the skills necessary to pursue positions
such as Programmers, Software Engineers, and Systems Designers in the fields of computer science, information
technology, and IT-enabled services. Alternatively, students can choose to pursue higher studies in this area. In the
BCA, M.Sc. (IT) Integrated, B.Sc. (Data Science), B.Sc. (Cyber Security) as well Post Graduate Programs. We have
provided students with comprehensive knowledge that covers core areas of computer science, emphasizing both
theory and practical application.

In their final semester, all students are strongly encouraged to fully engage in project work. It is advised that students
develop projects aimed at solving software industry problems or addressing challenges faced by research organizations.
This practical experience exposes students to real-life project development issues and provides them with valuable

The courses undertaken during the Computer Science and Computer Application program provide students with a solid
foundation to work across diverse application domains. The theoretical background acquired in various courses equips
students with the necessary foundation, principles, and practices to develop effective solutions for computing
problems. Practical courses provide hands-on experience, enabling students to work with different operating systems,
programming languages, and software tools.

The inclusion of project work in the graduate and post graduate program offers students an opportunity to develop
high-quality software solutions. Throughout the project development process, students are expected to be involved in
all stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC), including requirements analysis, systems design, software
development/coding, testing, and documentation. The primary focus of the project work is to understand and apply
the principles of software engineering practices and gain a thorough understanding of the SDLC.

Students should approach the project work with utmost seriousness. The project should be seen as an opportunity to
develop software that exposes students to the SDLC. The selected topics should be complex and substantial enough to
justify them as Computer Science & Application projects. The projects should be genuine, original, and not copied from
any other source. If any project is found to be copied, the project report will be forwarded to the Exam Discipline



Committee of the University as an unfair means case, leading to appropriate action. Students are expected to strictly
adhere to the guidelines provided for the project.

Ensure that you include the following while submitting the Project Proposal (As Shown on Appendix – I Page - i):

1. Proforma for Approval of Project Proposal duly filled and signed by both the student and the Project Guide
with date.
2. Biodata of the project guide with her/his signature and date.
3. Synopsis of the project proposal (12-15 pages).

1.2. Guidelines for Project Formulation

The project work constitutes a major component in most of the professional programs and it is to be carried out with
due care and should be executed with seriousness by the candidates.

1.3. Type of Project

As majority of the students are expected to work out a real-life project in some industry/research and development
laboratories/educational institutions/software companies, it is suggested that the project is to be chosen which should
have some direct relevance in day-to-day activities of the candidates in his/her institution. Students are encouraged to
work in the areas listed at the end. However, it is not mandatory for a student to work on a real-life project. The student
can formulate a project problem with the help of Guide.

1.4. Benefits of doing a research project

After completing this research project, students will be able to

• Learn to read and interpret other students’s work critically while doing their own (This gives them an insight
into the effects of practical difficulties and theoretical debates on published research)
• Learn to develop a conceptual framework to address the identified knowledge gaps applying learnt project
methodology concepts and technical theories.
• Publish the work on live webserver (This will add additional value to students’ CV in academic and industrial

1.5. Steps in Project Formulation

System Implementation
System Study System Analysis System Designing
Development and Testing



2. Guidelines for Students and Supervisors

This project is an in-depth study of an issue relevant to the field which is significantly related to pure software
development project. Final outcome of this project would be a conceptual framework or a working software prototype
which inputs quantitative or qualitative measures about the issue. Students are expected to contribute something new
to existing knowledge about the project topic while conducting their own work. The contribution should be original and
free from plagiarism (The students will be penalized for such attempts).

2.1. Purpose of the Guidelines:

1. To guide the students about uniform practices to followed
2. To educate students about the various guidelines in advance so that common understanding can be
3. To educate the student about evaluation criteria and its importance

2.2. Responsibilities of students

The students carrying out a final year project are expected to undertake the following responsibilities:

1. It is a requirement that the students engage in their project work for at least 120 hours and complete it
(including the Project Report) within the period of an academic semester.
2. Students should have a preliminary discussion with supervisors before starting the project.
3. This project is a compulsory course module; hence it is required to meet and discuss the project related
matters regularly having prior appointment with the supervisor. Contacting through official channels such as
emails is also recommended.
4. The student should maintain a work diary and needs to update the diary regularly with important decisions
after meeting with the supervisor.
5. Students are highly encouraged to refer to the library and other academic books, while they are making
project reports.
6. The students should keep an informed supervisor and course coordinator, if any problem is raised interrupting
their project work.
7. The students should maintain discipline environment with supervisors and colleagues in laboratories.
If the student is required to access university assets such as computers, routers, sensors, etc., they need prior
approval through proper channel. In such conditions, students should be responsible for the assets and should
avoid misusing them.
8. The students should make 10 to 20-minute presentations to defend project work and the progress of his/her
project at the mid-term Progress Review Seminar, arranged by the Project Coordinator/supervisor.
9. The students should get the necessary actions to finish composing project reports and presentation slides
providing enough time to review by supervisors (at least a week ahead).
10. Students need to make all marked corrections by supervisor prior to submitting the final report.
11. Students need to submit Project Code, PPT Presentation, Project Report Soft Copy in shared Google drive
before final examination to project supervisor.
12. Minimum 70% attendance is required in mini project labs to be eligible for appearing in any presentation

2.3. General Guidelines:

1. Project should be done in group. The maximum no of students per group allowed is to decide based on the
students’ strengths and available resource.
2. Read the problem definition assigned carefully and understand before beginning actual work.
3. Do not change the Project definition at your own without permission of Guide. After first presentation is
completed, the change of Project definition will not be allowed.
4. Discuss with your guide assigned for any clarifications and clearing the doubts.
5. Prepare the Project work plan / schedule and follow strictly.
6. Project progress report should be prepared and submitted to guide once in 15 days.



7. Project Progress presentation should be prepared in advance submitted to your guide for review before 3
8. Each group member should be present at the time Project presentation & review. Each team member of the
group should be aware about all functionalities of the project.
9. Avoid copy and paste from others. Attempt to develop your own creativity.
10. Follow the standards / uniformity while developing your project like naming standard, indenting, database
structures, database queries, memory variables definition and naming, etc.
11. Follow the format of the Project report / documentation. The Final report should be submitted one week
before the schedule date of submission.
12. Follow the sequence and format of project presentation.
13. Develop a common understanding within the group before project presentation.
14. Keep your team members well informed about schedule.
15. Verify and correct grammar mistake before submitting presentation and Project report.

2.4. Project Time Frame

The students are expected to conduct and complete the research project on time. Hence, they need to manage their
available time consciously and deliver the outcome in the suggested time frame. The suggested time frame for this
project is an academic year and the project time frame is as follows. When students propose a time frame to their
research proposal, they should take these major timelines into account and make proposal accordingly.

Suggested Timeframe Activity

1 week Submitting Proposal to Project Coordinator or Class Mentor
2-3 weeks Submitting the project outline; planning and starting the project, requirement
Preliminary discussions with the supervisor;
4-5 weeks Submit Progress Report No. 1
Carrying out the project, analysis of data, preliminary conclusions (E,g. Database Design)
6-7 weeks Carrying out the project designing and user interface design
8 week Submit Progress Report No. 2
Presentation of work carried out at the Mid-term Progress Review exam
9-13 weeks Continue the project. (Coding and User Interface Design)
Submit Progress Report No. 3
14-15 weeks Completion of project work, preparation and submission of the draft report to the
(The supervisors are expected to return the corrected project thesis within 1 week)
16 week Preparation and submission of the final draft (loose bound form) of the project report
to the department
Submit Progress Report No. 4
17 week Presentation of work carried out at the final Progress Review exam

2.5. Role of A Supervisor

The supervisor is expected to help the student under their supervision by following ways to complete the final year

1. Guide students to formulate an appropriate project proposal and outline of the project report.
2. Conduct meetings regularly.
3. Inform students the progress of their work whether it is satisfactory or not.
4. Advise students to improve their project activities, composing reports and presentations.
5. Guide students to hosting their website/Application on internet platforms (web server)
6. Review the draft of project report and presentation slides provide suggestions to improve them.
7. Intimation to all students well in advance about your availability and free slot



8. To direct the students to complete the Mini project within the specified contact hours.
9. Educate the students about evaluation criteria and importance of the Project.
10. To attend the project presentation on regular basis
11. The presentation and report should be validated and verified within 3 days.
12. Guide should attempt to update Course Coordinator/Academic In-charge and respective Project coordinator
in advance in case compliance is not possible to submit within specified time duration.
13. A guide should fully involve and take the interest in guiding the student for developing best project. This will
help the students to develop and sharpen their skills.
14. Guide should motivate the students to develop innovative/creative approach/method.
15. Guide should be vigil and ensure that duplication of content / method is prevented.
16. Project progress report should be submitted to Project Coordinator of respective branch after every 15 days
in specified format.
17. Irregularities of the students should be informed to the respective project coordinator of the branch.
18. Project Final report duly signed by Guide.
19. Act as one of the examiners on submission of the project.

2.6. Eligibility of Project Guide:

Project guide is very crucial to students’ perspective to provide proper guidance regarding recent technology and trends
in field of information technology, Eligibility of Project Guide/ Supervisor as below,

1. A person having Ph.D./M.Tech. in Computer Science.

1. A person having B.E/B.Tech (Computer Science), MCA, M.Sc (Computer Science) with minimum 2 years’
experience in Teaching/Industry.

2.7. Project Evaluation Criteria:

Your assessment & evaluation during the project will be done based on parameters listed below. Each parameter will
have weightage.

Sr No Evaluation Criteria Weightage (%)

1 Understanding of Project & Approach/Planning 20
2 Design, Development & Implementation 30
3 Project Management/Schedule adherence during the entire project 15
4 Innovation & Creativity 10
5 Presentation 10
6 Documentation 15



3. Project Proposal (Synopsis)

The project proposal should be prepared in consultation with your guide. The project proposal should clearly state the
project objectives and the environment of the proposed project to be undertaken. The project work should compulsorily
include software development. The project proposal should contain complete details in the following form:

1. Title of the Project

2. Introduction and Objectives of the Project
3. Project Category (RDBMS/OOPS/Networking/Multimedia/Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems etc.)
4. Analysis (DFDs at least up to second level, ER Diagrams/ Class Diagrams, Database Design etc. as per the project
5. A complete structure which includes:
a) Number of modules and their description to provide an estimation of the student’s Reports effort on the
project work.
b) Data Structures as per the project requirements for all the modules. Database Design
c) Process Logic for each module
d) Testing Details
6. Report Generation (Mention tentative content of the report)
7. Tools / Platform, Hardware, and Software Requirement specifications
8. Are you doing this project for any Industry/Client? Mention Yes/No. If Yes, Mention the Name and
9. Address of the Industry or Client
10. Future scope and further enhancement of the project.

3.1. Project Proposal Submission and Approval

After finalizing the topic and the selection of the guide, students should send the Project Proposal Proforma given on
page no. 6 along with the synopsis and biodata of the guide to The Regional Director of the Regional Centre concerned.
Incomplete project proposals in any respect will be summarily rejected.

3.2. Communication of Approval

Communication regarding the Approval / Non-approval of the project will be sent to you within four weeks after the
receipt of the project proposal by the Regional Centre concerned.

3.3. Re-Submission of Proposal in Case of Non-Approval

In case of non-approval, the suggestions for reformulating the project will be communicated to you. The revised project
synopsis along with a new Proforma, should be re-submitted along with a copy of the earlier synopsis and non-approval
project proposal Proforma in the next slot. For example, if the student submitted the synopsis during the 1st of April to
30th June slot and is not approved due to some reasons. These guidelines are applicable to all batch of students whose
project work is pending.



4. Project Report Guidelines

The final year project report encapsulates the culmination of extensive research and development. It delineates the
project's objectives, methodology, and results. Through a systematic approach, the report highlights the technological
stack employed and the challenges encountered. Concluding with critical reflections, it offers insights into the project's
significance, contributions, and potential future enhancements.

4.1. Items should be Included in Project Report:

The project report must contain the following:
i. Project Completion Certificate Provided by College Format only. (Show on Appendix-II Page No. iii)
ii. Industry/Client Authorities/Approving Letter, if doing project with Industry or client
iii. All Progress Reports signed by Project Supervisor. (Show on Appendix-II Page No. iv)
iv. Introduction Objectives Tools/Environment Used
v. Analysis Document (This should include SRS in proper structure based on Software Engineering concepts, E-R
diagrams/Class diagrams/any related diagrams (if the former are not applicable), Data flow diagrams/other similar
diagrams (if the former is not applicable), Data dictionary)
vi. Design Document (Modularization details, Data integrity & constraints including database design, Procedural
design, User interface design)
vii. Program code (Complete code (well indented)/Detailed specification instead of code*, Comments & Description.
The program code should always be developed in such a way that it includes complete error handling, passing of
parameters as required, placement of procedure/function statements as needed.)
viii. Testing (Test case designs are to be included separately for Unit testing, Integration testing, System testing; Reports
of the outcome of Unit testing, Integration testing, System testing are to be included separately. Also, details of
debugging and code improvement are to be included.)
ix. Input and Output Layouts
x. Implementation of Security for the Software developed (In case, you have set up a Username and Password for
your software, you should ensure the security of Username and Password during transmission to server)
xi. Limitations of the Project
xii. Future Application of the Project
xiii. Bibliography

Note: Students who have done their project for any organization are permitted to attach detailed
algorithm/specification instead of code, in case, the organization doesn’t permit them to attach the code. Students
need to attach letter in the project report from the Project Manager of the project in the organization that they are not
permitting student to attach the code. In the absence of such a letter, the student needs to attach the code

4.2. Project Report Format Guideline

Following guideline follow while making project report,
1. Report should be created using Microsoft Word 2013 or Upper Version.
2. Project report should be hard bound; should consist of a Contents page; all pages of report should be numbered;
content should be well organized in a meaningful manner; printouts of text & screen layouts should be original and
should not be xeroxed).
3. Report should be of 20+ A4 size pages [no. of pages are including Index pages].
4. Report should be in well predefined format using “Calibri” fonts of size like below given.
Title (14 Size)
Sub-Title (12 Size)
Text (11 Size)
1. Point1 (11 Size)
a. SubPoint1 (11 Size)
5. Document must be end with Conclusion and Bibliography, Webliography.
6. Margin parameter as follows:
Top & Bottom = 0.8” Left & Right = 0.8”
Gutter = 0.4” Gutter Position = Left
Header & Footer = 0.5”
7. Black Cover Page and Golden Letter, Side Strip of report contain Project Name and Program Name.



4.3. Structuring Your Project Report

(Sample Index Show on Appendix-III Page No. vi)

Chapter 1: Study of Existing System and System Requirements

• What is the existing system?

• Define its scope.
• How the existing system works?
• What are the issues/problems with the existing system?
• How are you going to improve on the issues/problems with the existing system?

Chapter 2: Analysis
• Context Diagram
• Data flow Diagram
• Functional Decomposition

Chapter 4: Design
• ER diagram.
• Data Dictionary
• Table Design
• Input forms design
• Report Layouts

Chapter 5: Coding

• Data Validations
• Sample Code

Bibliography and Webliography



5. Project Presentation Guidelines

Students have to preset their project work in the form of PowerPoint Presentation at the end of final examination of
Project Viva, following outline follow while making good presentation,

5.1. Required elements.

i.Your presentation should be 15 minutes long with time (5 minutes) for questions afterward.
ii.Your presentation should be a polished, carefully planned performance.
iii.Follow the outline included in this document.
iv. Include a short performance of some kind: a skit, a reading, a demonstration of a program, a PowerPoint
presentation with screen shots or images, etc.
v. Each member of your group (if your project is a group project) must play a significant role in the presentation.
vi. If you are using the projection monitor (i.e., a computer to present), come to the room where the presentation is
to be held 15 minutes early to upload the presentation to the computer in that room. You should verify ahead of
time that your presentation will run on that computer; for example, some animations developed on a Mac will not
run on a PC and vice versa. You can use a thumb drive and the program fileshare as a backup, for the file(s) you will
need. If you plan to have a live demo (and thus need software installed), you will need to coordinate with your
project faculty to make sure your own computer can be setup to project properly.

5.2. Project Presentation Outline

Your presentation outline should address these topics, and proceed in this order:

Title Slide (Contain) –Project title, logo of Institute, Presented by Name with Enrollment No, Guided by Name (Name
of Supervisor), Institute of Adress (at bottom of Slide)
i. Introduction – summarize your project’s purpose and platform.
ii. Goals (Objectives) & Constraints & need – related programs/ projects / apps that you knew of going into the project
or that you discovered while working on your project. What were the limitations going in.
iii. Tools & Environment Used – including client-server specification.
iv. System Design – Data Flow Diagram or UML Diagram, Data Dictionary (Some Important Tables), System Layout
(Important Layout)
v. Demo – Show us something of your project. It doesn’t have to be an application. It could be a handout.
vi. Testing Environment – which testing prototype and environment used in project.
vii. Limitation
viii. Future Work – Will you continue with your project in any form? If so, how?
Thank You Slide

5.3. Tips on Giving Good Presentations

1. Practice ahead of time. It’s surprising how quickly time can go by; going through your presentation a few times
beforehand will help you to be clear about how long each part will take and, naturally, will help you to work out
the kinks.
2. Start with an outline and end with a conclusion. At the beginning of your presentation, let your audience know what
to expect; at the end, concisely review what you’ve done.
3. Be confident; speak clearly.
4. Maintain eye contact with the audience. We don’t want to watch you read your notes to us
5. Use visual aids! Even simple visual aids will help keep your audience’s attention and will help keep your talk moving
along. At a minimum, it’s a good idea to have a separate visual for each segment of your presentation. Whenever
possible, show an example in addition to (or instead of) telling it.
6. Consider using handouts. Handouts are a great way to show your audience detailed information that doesn’t work
well on the screen or blackboard; if you want to write a lot of information on the board, a handout may be a better
alternative. If you do make handouts, remember to account for the time it will take to pass them out.
7. Plan for what to do if time runs short. It happens all the time, so be ready – that way you won’t waste more time
being flustered if it happens to you.



6. Seminar Topic Guidelines

When conducting a seminar for IT students, consider the following guidelines to ensure a successful and engaging

6.1. General Guidelines:

By following these seminar guidelines, you can deliver a well-organized, engaging, and informative presentation for IT

1) Topic Selection: Choose a relevant and interesting topic that aligns with current trends or challenges in the IT
2) Topic Submitting & Approving: Student must submit Seminar topic to allocated Project Supervisor and approve
from him/her within a 1 week of guide allocation process. If the topic is not approved, resubmit the topic within 3
3) Clear Objectives: Define clear objectives for your seminar. What do you want the audience to learn or take away
from your presentation?
4) Structured Content: Organize your content into logical sections such as introduction, key concepts, methodologies,
results, and conclusion.
5) Engaging Introduction: Start with an attention-grabbing introduction to captivate your audience's interest. Clearly
state the purpose and significance of your seminar.
6) Interactive Elements: Include interactive elements like polls, quizzes, or Q&A sessions to keep the audience
7) Visual Aids: Use visually appealing slides with clear graphics, charts, and images to enhance understanding. Avoid
clutter and keep the slides simple and focused.
8) Demonstrations (if applicable): If your seminar involves practical demonstrations, ensure that you have a well-
prepared and smooth presentation. Test any live demos in advance to avoid technical issues.
9) Case Studies or Examples: Include relevant case studies or examples to illustrate key points. Relate theoretical
concepts to real-world applications.
10) Clear Communication: Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Ensure that your audience can follow your
presentation easily. Practice your presentation in advance to improve your delivery.
11) Time Management: Stay within the allotted time for your seminar. Practice pacing yourself to cover all essential
points without rushing.
12) Question Handling: Be prepared to answer questions from the audience. Encourage questions throughout the
presentation or allocate time for a Q&A session at the end.
13) Professionalism: Dress professionally and maintain a positive and respectful demeanor during the seminar. Avoid
using inappropriate language or jokes.
14) Technology Check: Test all audiovisual equipment and ensure compatibility with your presentation materials. Have
a backup plan in case of technical issues.
15) Handouts or Resources: Provide handouts or resources for the audience to refer to after the seminar. Include
references to additional reading material if applicable.

6.2. Seminar Report Preparing Guidelines:

When preparing seminar documentation for IT students, follow these guidelines to ensure a comprehensive and
effective presentation:

1) Cover Page: Include a cover page with the seminar title, your name, affiliation, department, university, and date.
(Show on Appendix-II Page No. v)
2) Acknowledgments: Express gratitude to individuals, institutions, or organizations that contributed to your seminar.
3) Abstract: Provide a concise abstract summarizing the seminar's purpose, methodology, and key findings. Keep it
brief yet informative.
4) Introduction: Introduce the seminar topic and its relevance in the IT field. Clearly state the objectives of your
5) Literature Review: Review existing literature related to your seminar topic. Identify key theories, methodologies,
and findings that contribute to the understanding of the subject.
6) Methodology: Explain the research or investigative methods used in preparing the seminar. Describe any tools,
frameworks, or technologies utilized.
7) Key Concepts and Theories: Clearly explain any key concepts, theories, or models relevant to your seminar. Use
visuals like diagrams or charts to aid understanding.



8) Implementation (if applicable): If your seminar involves a practical component, describe the implementation
details. Include code snippets, algorithms, or workflow diagrams as needed.
9) Results and Findings: Present the results of your research or practical work. Use graphs, charts, or tables to
illustrate key findings.
10) Discussion: Analyze and discuss the implications of your results. Address any limitations or challenges encountered
during the seminar preparation.
11) Conclusion: Summarize the main points and restate the seminar's significance. Offer suggestions for future
research or improvements.
12) References: Include a comprehensive list of all sources cited in your seminar documentation. Follow a standard
citation style (APA, MLA, IEEE, etc.).
13) Appendices: Attach any supplementary materials, such as additional data, code, or detailed explanations.
14) Visual Elements: Use visuals like charts, graphs, and images to enhance understanding. Ensure that all visuals are
labeled and referenced appropriately.
15) Consistency and Formatting: Maintain consistency in formatting, font, and spacing throughout the document. Use
a professional and readable font style.
16) Proofreading: Thoroughly proofread your seminar documentation for grammatical errors and clarity.

6.3. Seminar Report Format Guideline

Following guideline follow while making project report,
1. Report should be created using Microsoft Word 2013 or Upper Version.
2. Project report should be hard bound; should consist of a Contents page; all pages of report should be numbered;
content should be well organized in a meaningful manner; printouts of text & screen layouts should be original and
should not be xeroxed).
3. Report should be of 20+ A4 size pages [no. of pages are including Index pages].
4. Report should be in well predefined format using “Calibri” fonts of size like below given.
Title (14 Size)
Sub-Title (12 Size)
Text (11 Size)
2. Point1 (11 Size)
a. SubPoint1 (11 Size)
5. Document must be end with Conclusion and Bibliography, Webliography.
6. Margin parameter as follows:
Top & Bottom = 0.8” Left & Right = 0.8”
Gutter = 0.4” Gutter Position = Left
Header & Footer = 0.5”
7. Report should be submitted in the form of spiral binding.


Appendix – I (Project Proposal)
Constituent College of Bhagwan Mahavir University 0261-6770125/23, +91-7575803091 VIP Road, Surat, Gujarat–395007



NAME Person Name



Are you doing this project for any Industry/Client? (Yes/No):

If Yes, Mention the Name and Address of the Industry or Client
Provide Name, Title, Phone, and Email Address for each stakeholder below.

Project Members Detail



Program Coordinator:
Name & Sign
Page | i
Appendix – II (Project Report Related Documents)
1. Project Title/Cover Page Sample: (Gold Letter on Cover Page of Black Book)
A Project Report on

“Your Project Title”


“Bhagwan Mahavir College of Computer Application”,

Bharthana-Vesu, Surat
As A Partial Fulfilment for The Degree Of

<Program Name>


Guided By: Submitted By:

Mr. Internal Guide Mr/Miss. Student1 Name

Mr/Miss. Student2 Name

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Computer Application

Bharthana-Vesu, Surat
Affiliated With

Bhagwan Mahavir University, Surat, Gujarat, India

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2. Project Certificate Sample:
Constituent College of Bhagwan Mahavir University 0261-6770125/23, +91-7575803091 VIP Road, Surat, Gujarat–395007

This is to certify that the summer project entitled “Project Title” has been submitted by

<Stu Name> <Exam No. 00000> at Bhagwan Mahavir College of Computer

Application. As a partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of <Program > for

the academic Year 2023-24.

Place: Surat


(Project Guide, BMCCA) (Program Head)

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3. Progress Report Sample:
Constituent College of Bhagwan Mahavir University 0261-6770125/23, +91-7575803091 VIP Road, Surat, Gujarat–395007

Date: - / /2024







From / /2024 to / /2024

Project Members Detail

Sr. Sr.
No. No.

1. 4.

2. 5.

3. 6.

Task Details








Comment By Supervisor

Next Progress Report Date: / /2024

Is Progress of Project Approved? 

Project Supervisor:
Name & Sign
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4. Seminar Title/Cover Page Sample:
A Seminar Report on

“Your Seminar Topic Title”


“Bhagwan Mahavir College of Computer Application”,

Bharthana-Vesu, Surat
As A Partial Fulfilment for The Degree Of

<Program Name>


Guided By: Submitted By:

Mr. Internal Guide Mr/Miss. Student1 Name

Mr/Miss. Student2 Name

Bhagwan Mahavir College of Computer Application

Bharthana-Vesu, Surat
Affiliated With

Bhagwan Mahavir University, Surat, Gujarat, India

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Appendix – III (Project Report Sample Index)
Before Index Pages Sequence

• Project Title Page

• College Certificate
• Progress Report
• Acknowledgement
• Preface

Sr. No. Topic Page No.
01. Introduction
1.1 College Profile
1.2 Project Profile
02. Proposed System
2.1 Scope & Objective
2.2 Advantages
2.3 Feasibility Study
2.3.1 Technical Feasibility
2.3.2 Economical Feasibility
2.3.3 Operational Feasibility
03. System Analysis
3.1 Existing System * (If Available)
3.2 Need for New System
3.3 Detailed SRS (Software Requirement Specification)
04. System Planning
4.1 Requirement Analysis & Data Gathering
4.2 Time-line Chart
05. Tools & Environment Used
5.1 Hardware and Software Requirement
5.1.1 Software Requirement
5.1.2 Hardware Requirement
5.1.3 Technology to be used
5.2 Server-Side and Client-side Tools
06. System Design
6.1 Unified Modeling Language (UML) -> Activity, Usecase, Class, Sequence
6.1 DFD

6.2 Database Design

7.1.1 Data Dictionary
7.1.2 Database Relationship Diagram

6.3 E-R Diagram

6.4 User Interface Design (System Layout)

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07. System Testing (Any Testing According to Project)
7.1 Unit Testing
7.2 Integration Testing
7.3 System Testing
08. Limitations
09. Future Enhancement
10. References
10.1 Webliography
10.2 Bibliography

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Appendix – IV (List of Broad Areas of Application and Related Tools)

Front End/GUI Tools Visual Basic, Power Builder, X-Windows (X/lib, X/motif, X/Intrinsic),
Oracle Developer 2000, VC++, JBuilder
Programming Languages Java, VC++, C#, Python, Kotlin, Objective-C, Swift, React, Angular, Rust,
Scala, Ruby, Flutter, React Native
Scripting Languages PERL, SHELL Scripts (Unix), TcL/TK
RDBMS/Back end for Mobile App Oracle, Ingres, Sybase, Progress, SQL Plus, Versant, MY SQL, SQL Server,
DB2 etc.

Firebase, SQLite, MongoDB, MariaDB, IBM Db2, HBase, Firebird,

ArangoDB, Apache Casandra, Neo4j, OrientDB etc..
Middle Ware (Components/Technologies) COM/DCOM, Active-X, EJB, Rational Rose, MSMQ, BEA, Message Q, MTS,
Unix Internals Device Drivers, Pipes, RPC, Threads, Sockets
Architectutral Concept CORBA, TUXEDO, MVSS
Internet Technologies DHTML, Java script, VB Script, Perl & CGI script, HTML, Java, Active X,
ASP, XML, EJB, Java Beans, Java Servlets, Visual Age for JAVA,
UML, VRML, WML, iPlanet, ATG,BigTalk, CSS, XSL, Oracle
ASP server, VB.Net, AWT, J2EE, LDAP, ColdFusion etc..
Networking Technologies ATM, Frame Relay, TCP/IP, SNMP, GSM, VoIP, PPP, IP-PSTN, SONET/SDH
Wireless Technologies Blue Tooth, 3G, ISDN, EDGE, Mobile Apps etc..
Realtime Operating Systems /Embededd QNX, LINUX, OSEK, DSP, VRTX, RTXC, Nucleus
Operating Systems and Mobile Operating WINDOWS 10/11, WINDOWS NT, UNIX, LINUX, IRIX, SUN SOLARIS,
Systems HP/UX, PSOS, VxWorks, AS400, AIX etc.

Android, iOS, webOS, Windows 10 Mobile, watchOS etc.

Applications Financial/ Manufacturing/ Multimedia/ Computer Graphics/ Instructional
Design/ Database Management System/ Internet/ Intranet/ Computer
Networking- Communication Software/E-Commerce/ ERP / MRP/ TCP/IP
Internals/ Routing protocols/ Socket Programming/ Implementation of
Switches & Routers/Mobile Applications /AI Applications etc.
Hardware Based IoT, Sensor Based Applications, Home Automation, etc

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1. Document Change History:
Version Date Details of Changes Created / Approved by
Updated by
1.0 07/01/2024 Creation of Project guidelines documents for students Dr. Sanjay Buch

2.0 09/01/2024 • Add and update Project guidelines documents Dr. Jaynesh Desai
for students.
• Add Presentation Guidelines for project.
• Add Seminar general and Documentation
• Add all sample document related project and

2. Review & Approvals:

Version Role Name of Reviewer/Approver Role / Function Date Signature

1.0 Reviewer Faculty members Program Head/Batch Mentor of

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