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Paciano Rizal or Paciano Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda

 Born on 9 March 1851, in Calamba, Laguna.

 Paciano Rizal was the second to the eldest of the 11
 children of Francisco Rizal Mercado and Teodora Alonso
 Because of hard work and perseverance his father rose form a mere tenant farmer of the Dominican
estate in Calamba to a wealthy landowner.
 Teodora taught Paciano the rudiments of reading and writing.
 Pacianos mother belonged to a dignified and respectable family from the district of Santa Cruz, in
 Paciano was a founding member of La Juventud Liberal, a reformist student organization that
worked under the direction of the Comite de Reformadores, among whose leaders was Padre José
 Among their tasks was to secretly distribute copies of the reformist paper, El Eco Filipino, while
pretending to be purveyors of horse fodder (zacateros).
 When Jose Rizal was arrested in 1896 Paciano was also arrested and detained. This was to insure the
incrimination of Jose Rizal. The older Rizal was tortured and asked to sign a statement linking his
younger brother to the Katipunan and to the Philippine Revolution, which had broken out in August
of that year. After three days of fruitless interrogation Paciano was released
 During Jose Rizals away abroad, Paciano met and fell in love with Severina Decena, a beautiful lass
from Los Baos, Laguna. They had two children a boy, who died during infancy, and a girl they
named Emiliana.
 Before the end of 1896 the Philippine Revolution spread like wildfire to the province south of
Manila. Laguna joined the fight for liberty. The emergence of Paciano Rizal as a revolutionary leader
was something that could not but draw attention.
Rizal and the Propaganda Movement
 The Propaganda Movement started in 1882 when Jose Rizal started in University of Madrid
 The principal “organ” of the movement was La Solidaridad.
What is Propaganda Movement?
 cultural organization formed in 1872 by Filipino expatriates in Europe. Composed of the
Filipino elite called “ilustrados”, exiled liberals and students attending Europe's universities
gravitated to the movement.
 Peaceful crusade or campaign for reforms
 It began 1872 when Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA)
were executed at the Luneta (February 17, 1872)


 He angered the ruling clique in the Philippines with his satirical novels about corrupt colonial
officials and hypocritical clergymen.
 He went into self-imposed exile in Hong Kong in the fall of 1891.
 February 3, 1888
 Rizal stayed in the Philippines for about six (6) months, left Manila for Hong Kong on
aboard the Zafiro, with Php 5,000 in his pocket which he earned from his medical
 FEBRUARY 7, 1888
 Their ship made a brief stop over at Amoy but he did not go down because of three
main reasons;
 He was not feeling well,
 It was raining hard,
 And he heard the city was dirty.
 FEBRUARY 8, 1888
 He arrived in Hong Kong and was welcomed by Filipino residents, including;
 Jose Maria Basa,
 Balbino Mauricio
 Manuel Yriate (son of Francisco Yriate, alcalde mayor of Laguna)
 He stayed at the Jose Maria Basa’s house
 FERBUARY 19, 1888
 With Jose Maria Basa, Jose Sainz de Veranda and some Portuguese, Rizal left
Hongkong for Macau on board the Kui Kiang.
 In Macao, they lived in the house of Juan Lecaroz. Rizal went around for observation,
especially the botanical garden.
 He stayed in Hong Kong for about 2 weeks, and left for Japan aboard the Oceanic.
(February 22, 1888)
 February 18, 1888
 Rizal accompanied by BASA, boarded the ferry steamer Kiu-Kang for Macao.
 And on that same ship, he was surprised to see among the passengers a familiar figure -
Jose Sainz de Varand
 Rizal describes Macao in his diary: The city of Macao is small, low and gloomy. There are many
junks, sampans, but few steamers. It looks sad and is almost dead.
 Don Juan Francisco Lecaros: A Filipino gentleman married to a Portuguese lady. He was rich
and spent his days cultivating plants and flowers, many of which came from the Philippines. It
is in his home where Rizal and Basa stayed during their visit to Macao.
 During his two-day sojourn, Rizal visited the theatre, casino, cathedral and churches, pagodas,
botanical garden, and bazaars. He also saw the famous Grotto of Camoens, Portugal’s national
 February 20, 1888
 Rizal and Basa returned to Hong Kong, again on board the ferry steamer Kiu – Kiang
 Rizal was again on board the S.S. Melbourne on November 16-19, 1891, travelling from
Saigon to Hong Kong.
 NOVEMBER 19, 1891
 He arrived at Hong Kong in the evening
 On December 6 of the same year, Francisco Mercado, Paciano and his brother-
in-law, Silvestre Ubaldo, escaped from the Philippines to avoid persecution, and
arrived at Hong Kong to join him.
 That month, he was visited by an Augustinian friar in his house. The friar pulled his
ears and wanted to attack him, but Rizal stopped the intruder by twisting the latter’s

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