HR Project

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In the partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of degree in Bachelor of Business


Under the supervision and guidance of

Mrs. Sreejana Saha



I Nikita Chettri (19MC201005) hereby declare that the project entitled " EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT "
submitted to SRM School Of Management & Commerce in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award
of the degree of BBA, is a record of the original research work done under the supervision and guidance of
Sreejana Saha, school of management and commerce , SRM university Sikkim and that it has not formed the
basis for the award of any degree / associateship / fellowship of other similar title to any candidate of any

Date :30/05/2022

Place :

Signature of the candidate



Title page i

Declaration ii

Bonafide certificate iii

Acknowledgement v

Abstract vi


1.1 Introduction viii

1.2 Company Profile viii

1.3 Objectives of the studies ix

1.4 Need of the study ix

1.5 Scope of the study x

1.6 Limitation of the study x

1.7 Literature Review xi


2.1 Introduction xiii

2.2 Research design xiii

2.3 Data collection xiii

2.4 Statistical tools xiii


3.1 Data analysis xiv

3.2 SWOT analysis xv


4.1 Findings xvi

4.2 Suggestions xvii

4.3 Recommendation xiii

5.1Appendix xxi

5.2 Questionnaire xxi

5.3Bibliography xxii
This work would not have been possible without the help and support of many people. I would like to thank all
of them and especially the respondents for giving their response. Their support helped me to generate the
essential information for the study.

I would like to take this opportunity to convey my sincere gratitude to my guide Mrs Sreejana Saha (school of
management) for her guidance, careful supervision and advice throughout the process of this work.
The core objective of the project report is to fulfill the requirement of BBA program as prescribed by the
University. As a student of final year, I had to prepare a report on the basis of my field of interest and get some
knowledge and understanding on the particular field and provide the findings accordingly.

The title of my project is "Employee Engagement " .

Employee Engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their organization
and it's value. An engaged employee is aware of their job and their roles . It is a positive attitude held by the
employees towards the organization and it's value.

Employee engagement is a human resource concept that describes the interest and dedication an employee feels
towards their job in the organization. It is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards
their organization. It is the extent to which employee feel passionate about their job, are committed to the
organization and put voluntary effort into their work. Employee engagement is the barometer that determines
the association of a person with the organization. It involves employee to care about their work, about their
performance towards organization and feel that employee’s efforts make a difference in the organization.
Employee engagement is not the same as employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction indicates how happy an
employee is regarding his work towards organization whereas employee engagement indicates whether an
employee is aware of their job and work with full personal interest to improve the performance within the job
for the benefit of the organization.

Thus, employee engagement is not only about bringing employee to work hard in their jobs but also the process
of how individuals give their best effort to perform their job. Employee Engagement is the process of two-way
relationship which requires or involves both the employer and the employee. Employee Engagement also means
an employee being valued and trusted, and enjoying doing their jobs in the organization.

Employee engagement motivates employee and increase their dedication of work towards organization. It helps
in increasing productivity, growing and developing organization and creating a better workplace environment
for the employee.
1) It motivates employee: Employee Engagement is important as it creates interest and dedication among
employees to work for the benefit of organization. Itmotivates employee to perform their task and makes
employee aware about their work in the organization.

2) It creates a sense of loyalty in competitive environment: Employee Engagement provides and create a high
energy working environment for the employees, it helps organization to 8grow and develop in the competitive

3)Build better relationships: Employee engagement enable an employee to build better relationship, it enables to
build relationship between employee, employer and the organization.


There are various factors that lead to employee engagement which are as follows:

1) Communication

2) Health and safety

3) Job Satisfaction

4) Equal Opportunities and Fair Treatment

5) Cooperation


1) Better production

2)Less Employee Turnover

3)Positive Employees

4)More creative employee

5)Higher level of profit

The study was conducted in Swiss Garnier Company in Sikkim.


No other industry wears as heavy a burden of responsibility as the pharmaceutical industry. Precious human life
and health are dependent on it. Swiss Garnier is a company that takes this responsibility as the fulcrum of its

Swiss Garnier is a global pharmaceutical manufacturer of health products specializing in development and
production of innovative pharmaceutical formulation. The company was incorporated in 2006 as a contract
manufacturing company today the company has four manufacturing facilities which includes both domestic and
international markets.

Swiss Garnier is among the few Indian pharmaceutical companies to have well equipped manufacturing
facilities for almost all dosage form of tablet capsule, liquid, ointment and powder.

The company has vast experience, technological strength and product quality due to which it has now spread all
over 40counties across the world with its own brand.

The success of Swiss Garnier has been acknowledged and awarded by various well known and reputed Indian
business organizations and magazines.

Swiss Garnier company is dedicated to develop, manufacture and market highly effective and innovative
pharmaceuticals, food supplement formulations at its state-of-the-art facilities with global standards.

The company is committed to customer satisfaction employee empowerment and environmental care.


The company is determined to become a leading global health care provider in the areas of pharmaceuticals.

It is determined in duly providing consistent quality service.

It is determined in providing timely delivery of service for the satisfaction of the customer and all the associates.

The objective of the project are:

1) To understand the concept of employee engagement.

2)To understand company’s standards of ethical behavior.

3)To ensure that employees are treated fairly,by their



1) To study the entire organization.

2) To study the participation and engagement of the employees.


Following are the scope of the study

1) To study about how the employees are engaged in the organization.

2) To study about the employee satisfaction level working in the organization.

3) Further, the findings of the study will be useful for future research to use it as a reference and secondary data.


1) The study is only confined to employees of the Swiss Garnier Pharmaceutical company.

2) Limited time period is the one of the constraints of the study.

3) Some of the information of the company was confidential and hence unable to include in this report.

Despite the above limitations, I tried to give the best attempt to fulfill the objectives and topic as far as possible.
Schaufeli et tal. (2002) define employee engagement as "a positive fulfilling , work related state of mind that is
characterized by vigour dedication and absorption ". They further state that engagement is not a momentary and
Robertson Smith and Markwich (2009) throw light on what engagement is and reveals that it is an important
yet complex challenge and there remains a great deal of scope for discussing the various approaches. Simpson
(2009) discussed that the
current state of knowledge about engagement at work through a review of the literature. This review highlighted
the flow lines of engagement research and focuses on the determinants and consequences of engagement at

Lodahl and Kejner (1965) define jobs involvements as "the degree to which a person 's work performance affect
his self-esteem. " They also argue that employees who are highly concerned with their jobs also reveal high
involvement in their organizations.
Tower - Perinn (2003) suggested that " the emotional factor tie to people's personal satisfactions and the sense
of inspirations and affirmation they get from their work and being part of their organization". Contemporary
jobs satisfactions measures are largely considered descriptive.
Bijay Kumar Sundary (2011) focused on various factors which lead to employee engagement and what should
company do to make the employees engaged. Proper attention on engagement strategies will increase the
organizational effectiveness in term of higher productivity, profits, quality, customer satisfaction,
states employee’s retention and increased adaptability.

Arnold B. Bakker (2011) that employees who are engaged in their work are fully connected with their work roles.
They are addicted
to their work and immersed in their work activities. The articles present an overview of the concept of work
engagement. The review shows that job and personal resources are the main predictors of engagement. Engaged
workers are more open to new information, more productive and more willing to go the extra mile. Moreover,
engaged workers proactively change their work environment in order to stay engaged.

Susi and Jawaharrani (2011) examined some of the literature on employee engagement, explore work place
culture and work life engagement in their organizations to increase their 'employee' productivity and retain them.
Work life balance is key driver of 'employees' satisfactions balance policies and practices followed in industries
in order to promote employee.

Research is the process of systematic and in depth study or search for any particular topic, subject or area of
investigation, backed by collection, compilation, presentation and interpretation of relevant details or data.

In order to reach the objectives of the study a survey was conducted and the responses were collected from the
employee of Swiss Garnier. A questionnaire was given to the employees and were asked to respond to the
questions respectively.


After formulating the problem, the research design has to be prepared. Preparation of research design involves
selection of means of obtaining information, time available for research and selection of method of tabulation
and presentation of data.

I have obtained information by the employees of the organization and also with the help of search engines.

Sample Size : It is the act of choosing the number of observation or replicates to include in a statistical

sample. The sample size for the study is 15 employees in Swiss Garnier.


Data Collection is one of the most important aspects of research. For the success of any project accurate data is
very important and necessary. The information collected through research methodology must be accurate and

Primary Data is the first hand data in which the information is collected for the first time by the researcher.
There are several methods in which the data is complied.

In this project, the data was obtained and collected by mean of questionnaires. Questionnaire was prepared and
distributed to the employees of the Swiss Garnier.

Following are the few ways in which the primary data are collected :

Questionnaire : It includes set of questions was being given to the employee to fill it based on which data was

Secondary data : Secondary data needed for the project work were collected from company websites and search
Sample Technique : The data collection is done through convenient sample through questionnaires.


Statistical tools are the tools which are used for the data collection and analysis in research

methodology. For my study I have used pie chart to represent my data.



1) Do you like your workplace and surroundings?

Interpretation : From the above data we can interpret that 92.9% of the employees like their workplace and7.1%
do not like their workplace. We can conclude that majority of the employees of the organization likes their

2) Are you treated fairly by your superiors in the organization?

Interpretation : From the above data we can say that 85.7% of the employees feels that they are treated
fairly by their superiors and rest 14.3% feels that they are not treated fairly. We can conclude that almost
half of the employees of the organization feels that they are treated fairly .
3) Do you have a clear understanding of your responsibilities?

Interpretation : From the above data we can say that 78.6% of the employees feels that they have clear
understanding of their responsibilities whereas 21.4% feels that they do not have clear understanding.
We can conclude that minority of the employees do not have clear understanding of their responsibility.
4) Do you have all the information and resources necessary to do your work efficiently?

Interpretation : From the above data we can interpret that 69.2% employees thinks that they have all the
information and resources necessary to do the work efficiently and rest 30.8% thinks that they do not
have, we can conclude that only minimum number of employees feels that they do not have all the
information and resources necessary to do their work efficiently.
5) Do you feel your work makes good use of your skills and abilities?
Interpretation : From the above data we can interpret that almost 76.9 % of the employee feel that their
work make good use of their skills and abilities and 23.1% feels that it does not make good use of their
skill. We can conclude that majority of the employee feels that their work makes good use of their skills
and abilities.
6) Do you think your manager or someone at work cares about you?

Interpretation : From the above date we can interpret that 71.4% of the employees thinks that their manager
cares about them whereas 28.6% thinks that their manager do not care about them. We can conclude that almost
majority of the employee think that their manger cares about them.
7) Do you think your workload is reasonable for your role?

Interpretation : From the above data we can interpret that 57.1% thinks that their workload is reasonable
for their role and 42.9% thinks that their workload is not reasonable for their role. We can conclude that
there is only few differences between the percentage of the employee who thinks that the workload is
reasonable for their role.
8) Are there somethings that your organization is doing great?

Interpretation : From the above data we can interpret that 61.5% of the employees thinks that their organization
is doing great and 38.5% of the employees thinks that their organization is not doing great. We can conclude
that majority of the employees think that their organization is doing great.
9) Are you given the freedom to make decisions about how to do your work?

Interpretation : From the above data we can interpret that 84.6% of the employee thinks that they are given the
freedom to make decisions about how to do their work. We can conclude that almost majority i.e 84.6% of the
employee of the organization thinks that they are given the freedom to make decisions about their work.

10) Have you accomplished any career goal in the last six months?

Interpretation : From the above data we can interpret that 57.1% of the employee feels that they have
accomplished any career goal in the last six month and rest 42.9% feels that they have not accomplished. We
can conclude that almost half of the employees feels that they have accomplished their goal in the last six


SWOT analysis is an acronym for strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats and is structured planning
method that evaluates those four elements of an organization.

A SWOT analysis can be carried out for company, product, place, industry or person. It involves specifying the
objective of business venture of project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favourable and
unfavorable to achieve the objective.

 Global leader.  Limited disclosure of
 information on the
 Strong manufacturing unit. internet

Strong development.  Wears a burden of

huge responsibilities

 Growing income
 Strong competition
 Partnership with strong
 Competition for
raw material supplier
generic products


 Swiss Garnier company includes both domestic and international markets.

 Almost majority of the employees of Swiss Garnier like their workplace.

 Many employees of Swiss Garnier think that their company manager cares about them.

 Maximum number of employees think that they are given freedom to make decisions about their work.
 Some of the employees think that they have accomplished some career goal in the last six month.

 Few employees think that their work is not making good use of their skills and abilities.

 Majority of the employees of the company knows and understand their responsibilities.

 38.5% of the employees think that their organization is doing great.

 14.3% of the employees feels that they are not treated fairly.

 Give employees opportunities to make good use of their skills and abilities.

 Focus on letting employee to know their major responsibility.

 Let employees to know their abilities and skills.

 Promote more happy environment with the employees.

 Provide resources to solve the problems of the employees.

 Treat every employee of the organization fairly.

 Managers and the superior of the organization should value their employees.

 Employees must be given freedom to make decisions about their work.

 Encourage employee to accomplish their goal and to maintain feelings of involvement.

 Enable and try to make employees understand their responsibilities in order to make organisation better.
Employee Engagement is the buzz word term for employee communication. It is a positive attitude held by
employees towards the organization and it's value. It is rapidly gaining popularity in the present scenario of the
world. Employee emphasizes the important of employee communication on the success of a business and
organization, the organization should thus recognize employee more than any other variable as powerful
contributors to a company's competitive position. Therefore, employee engagement should be continuous
process of learning, improvement, measurement and action.

From the summary of my findings , I conclude that there should be good work place environment for employees,
employer should let employee know their responsibilities, employees work should make good use of their
abilities and skills then only organization can raise and maintain employee engagement in the organization.


As per the project suggested by my guide I, Nikita Chettri of SRM University Sikkim conducted a small survey
on the employee engagement as part of my BBA course.

1) Do you like your workplace and surroundings?

a) Yes
b) No
2) Are you treated fairly by your superiors in the organization?
a) Yes
b) No
3) Do you have a clear understanding of your responsibility?
a) Yes
b) No
4) Do you have all the information and resources necessary to do your work efficiently?
a) Yes
b) No
5) Do you feel your work makes good use of your skills and abilities?
a) Yes
b) No
6) Do you think your manager or someone at work cares about you?
a) Yes
b) No
7) Do you think your workload is reasonable for your role?
a) Yes
b) No
8) Are there something that your organization is doing great?
a) Yes
b) No
9) Are you given the freedom to make decisions about how to do your work?
a) Yes
b) No
10) Have you accomplished any career goal in the last six month?
a) Yes
b) No

Ed Ward. M. Mone, Manuel London, 2014
Mark E. Smith, 2009
Joshua Hics, Clay Routledge, 2013

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