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I will describe the debate that occurred in the House of Representatives and the Senate as a
battle of faith and practicality. The said RH Bill was opposed by some representatives mainly
because of their spiritual beliefs while some give affirmations because it can prevent certain
problems that the Philippines is facing in order for us to live a more comfortable lives. It is very
tense and argumentative. It really requires great analysis but it sacrifices our principles and

2. Those who supported the bill emphasized the benefits of imposing it. Providing
contraceptives to people can decrease the possibility of having a greater population especially
to the urban areas where poverty fosters due to early pregnancies, spreading of STDs and other

3. Those who opposed the bill stick to their belief and practices as a religious person. God
created the man and woman to create a family and reproduce. It is against the scripture to
prevent and find earthy ways just to disobey what God has ordered for people to do. And RH bill
will just make people abuse it since it can be used for some wrong doings where having
intercourse must only have a purpose of creating a family.

4. Catholic church has great influence on the deliberation of the RH bill because the Philippines
is composed of 92.2% of Chrsitian which follows and obeys the scripture. Most representatives
are born within a Catholic household where conservatism and modesty was ruled and must
obey the Bible.

5. So far, I have no incidence that could be compared to the passage of the RH Bill. But I am
willing to learn and study if there was such.

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