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Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Recent Work



Northrop, Theodore G.

Publication Date
1961 Powered by the California Digital Library

University of California
r I

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~:)'\;~~~. '\'.
'·_~~ '-3~·.'-~w·· . .UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA
lq : ",

Lawrence ~adiation Laboratory

w . ....

Berkeley, California

Contract No. W-7405-eng-48


AUG 21 1987 .

~.. . .

Theodore G. Northrop



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which may be borrowed for two weeks.

This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States
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University of California.
-i- UC~L q:) i 7_.=..
,, .• .

::a? Page
:: .... .... Introduction 1 .,
. ) '
II. The Guiding Center Motion
A. The Equation of ·Motion j,.n Dimensionless Form
·"· ,-
B. Derivation of the Guiding Center Equation of '

. ~.

lv1otion 5 · ...

C. The Drift Velocity and the Longitudinal Equation
of Motion 9 .. ,
~ .·...
Do. The Geometric Interpretation of the Drift ,· :· i

·. '·' .. , ...',
Equation and the Longitudinal Equation of . ·.. ·. . . i
Motion 20 '·
'. E~ The Relativistic Case 25 .~ :.· ::. F .

III. A More Formal Derivation of the Non-Relativistic

Guiding Center Equation 33
. '•. ~

· .. I
,· ·<
., :.. ,:· . .·i
The Adiabatic Invariants of the Motion 38
'•. .'l'·j
'.:.' . Ao The Magnetic 1\1oment 4o . . •·. .1.
6 ·,,,

Bo The Longitudinal Adiabatic Invariant" 45

.. ·.: .... ·. ·~ H: f
'·, .. ' ... .·1
~··.' .··.. ·.
Co The Third or Flux Adiabatic Invariant ]! 6o ·. ''. >:' j.
. . \'·;.·. ,· .·' l
~;j,.. •' .

.. '
. .· 'l'
Do Adiabatic InvariantD to Higher Order · 69
. •' . !

.. ·· Eo The Adiabatic Invariants of Singly Periodic·

.. ·.. '
·,: Systems
.k... v.' Applications of Adiabatic Theory . ~ ·' ~. :
r.:. ~ r;., . ·: ,· -.1 .. : ·.;.

1;'. '
· A.. · . T'.ne Current Density in a Plasma,

Bo Lose Free Geometries ;· . '

Co ,The Geomagnetic Case ·

. ,· .. /~
··.· .·
.... :: '~ ·,:
___ I·, .·· ... i
!._,,. . ,·:-· . ·' . ~- :.: ' ..... f.·
·.··,·1 \,
'·!:. ·': ;. .··. i
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... ·"0:·

.· '


-~' ' ' .


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,· ' -~

:. '! ~'
f· ·-, •. : . '
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• f • '· • ; •• ' , ., , : ,, ,' •; 4 . I ' .' •• , • "···. ...
':· ~ ' ;. ' ' .•: ..• ' . i ;· . ·. :

VI. Unresolved Problems 91
,·. ,., ., :,
A. Non ..Adiaba.tic Effects in Mirror Machines-- · ...
"i .:
.. ·
.. /.·
. ·: .. '. '
, ....,.-·;··
91 '.·:·

.>·"('< '·. ·... .'1':'
.) I . •' ,{ ~

· · Be Non-Adiabatic Effecta-·Experimental 95 /


·, '·
.· .
VIIo' 91
. .
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\ .
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m ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS . ··.... t .• , ·;,;
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Theodore Northrop ·· . · ,' "-• • ~. ' '

" • ·, .";


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Lawrence Radiation Laboratory··
· . ::UniV-ersity of California
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.:: ~ ~ .
· <.:.
. : . ': ~. :
· The trajectory of a charged :particle in an electromagnetic field is in · ' : ·.. _: ::' · <:.·~\
' ' ·,

i> -'·.-..:.:· ,_,:; general. very complicated and must be obtained by a numerical. integration of' .the · · .. ::·j ·
< ' I~. ~·,: •j; • • ;' • }•

~'/ ~ / --) (~
• '


+. mg-4 (~
r, t ) , ·..·. ..,. . . .. ~ ·. . ·.:. ·. ...._, ~~·
' '• •' ':

eq_uation · o.~.. motion·.

. .., .\.1) dp dt =. ce )
dr dt X B r, t + eJ!i
r, t

, ' . ',' .. :' .. ··:;:

., -4 ·.•. . . . ~ .. . '
where r is the position of the particle, p is the relativistic momentum · ··~' . .:.;:, .··'<)
••• 4 _m0 r ~. ·Jt a:id Jt are J,~e •.-np.agnetie and. electric fields, m . is the
:: ~:;-

;-; ·: ... rest mass,
.-4 :'• I; ·~' ~ •,' '. ·.
'!· is · m/mry and g is the total non-electromagnetic force ~r
.. : ... ,.

·:unit mass. In special cases, analytic. solutions ·can be obtained, such as in · ,: ' .. : :.\.
': ~\'<);:;':,.I I · '

'·· ::.··.':: '{' · ;:_::.:'( ... the trivial. case of the· uniform static magnetic field, rrhere the particle ,· I ~· •

·._:._ . /··/>.: . ·.. ·. gyrat~s hel~,abou~ . B. :possib~e

,. . ~·

in a Usually_ such solutions are only because· ·'.;· ..
f -~ • ; .... ' '

.•/ . ~~-
. ~

_In a general field, a Taylor ex:pa.nsion of r( t) ·. about the initial conditions '
,. . . '
would be practical only for short times. Suppose the particle is in a.n · ·..·.. ·..
... ·.,
approximately unif~rm nagnetic ·field (tme which varies. slm11y :l.n space and time ~- .·

;.,. . .. ,.::
slowly compared· to the gyration radius and period); the :particle motion is ."

.. ;:'· ,_r:
~ : ~ · · approximately helical. A Taylor expansion would be practical. only over a ·fraction > ·. ~·: :; ....\
;. ~~-

.. of a gyration period; a different approximation is needed if one wishes to foll<Yvr . ::. · .\,~'ij
J '
""; :' ·-·.
' •• • • -t'

. ~·.,
• .\ • • ; • • '-_. :,

. · '. the particle over·; many gyration periodf3.. The liY:ration and motion parallel to · ·. · · -~·:: 1

;~~~:.. \ ·\:··.·~·:·:. the field lin:e should ber introduced explicitly into the expansion and derla.tions •: }•
. i:{~ ·:.f •.\:'
·. . . from. strict· helical motion treated as the perturbation~ . This is· the so called
o lo ''•

.;~·v·. ~:
, . Center" Or . ''adiabatiC II apprO~~tiono ; The terminOlOgy tiguiding centeJ:'
' ; _;· ~ 911

. :::.'1 >/·' ; arises because in a slowly varying field the 'pa.:rticle moves a.:pproxi.mately in :a.

. ·... : ,·
.. ·-:
,··;._., .:.
~ I :
' '

•• •
.. '
~ . . ~: '~ .. •. ··.... ~.. ' ... ~ ":• ~ ~ .' . ·. .··.'

The approximation would be of no use where the ·fields vary at a frequency

comparable rlth th~ gyration frequency_. In spite of the limitation to

:~ .;
. slowly varying fields 7 . there are manY applications. of the guiding·center . •-'"'-: ... '•

•. . . .
. '· ~: .< :: .·

approximation, to plasma.phys'ics and to particle motion in t)le

• . . -:•••.• : t . '
··' .....
.; ; ..
. ':'.
' ..
terrestrial (Van Allen) radiation belts. 'i.

'.·.· /··
Not only the equations governing the guiding center motion;

·any approXimat~ constants ("adiabatic invariants .. ) of the particle motion. ·.,.· ... ·:.r

will be usef'ul in applications~ :.Tb.e~'guiding center motion and the adiabatic

in~iants will be treated fully in .this·review.
·: ;_ ::; ·. ··..
It should be pointed out that the approximate (actually asymptotic)
(· ... ;.... solution and adiabatic invariants of the charged particle motion in an
electromagnetic field is a special case of a more general theory of'
. ': ;
asymptotic solutions and adiabatic invariants of differential equations of
a. ·certain type o · ·The more general theory will be reviewed to. some extent ~
... ,··~··
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: .~. 'i'' :. ··~

In this section we will first give ari informal derivation of the
• ~I

guiding center motiono Although it is informalg it makes good physical sense ·. · .;

and of course gives the correct resultso There are, howeyer, points· t.ffiere .·
\,; ... :'!'-·
objections can be raised. These objections cannot be met ~thout the more ·:r.::. ~·

··., formal mathematical proofs, which will be. outlined in Section Ill: The '.>·

I' . ·:_ ... ·•

i •. •',;_'·- author believes that the derivation presented here is a good one for classroom : · : .
1'. '':
. ... ,.... · . ' .. ·· .
.. -.
•' , ..

•• •. i
usee It may leave the exacting reader wondering if something has been ... ·.
., •...

.. ., overlooked. ·, • .

., The derivation does not proceed by considering separately special .t.,

~ ' .:.. -. ;
,, .. . :. ~

field.arrangements in which one guiding center drift or another appears .. :

alone, and then superposing the various drifts~ This latter method has been

freque~tly used (a,) J (.3) .P but is lengthy. Instead, all the drifts will be . ., · .;
dttlue·hvefjl.. . .. , ... ..
obtained at· once by starting with. a field of genern l geometry and doing a · ·.
A . TM. "'"#ocdl~ Sfwul•" -to l-lb,...,,/lfl..-+ ,~ e=;::.~ f:tln'l..:t 6u1-fwlltr1'11(;"'? J e-_U;'>tr::JJ,/r
small amaunt of vector algebraoA It will be .assumed that the particle has~
equati~n _t;tft:a:t,r,·~ :· : i}
. ~ ~
- ·.•
non-relativistic energy. and the non-relativistic of motion used .·
,.. , .·: . · '· ... \{
as a starting J)oint o After understanding the geometric reason for. each . · .· ·•· · ··.·.· :: ·,
{' ,·
.. · ' .

.· '.· ·. . .
drift, it is easy to write the modified equations for
. a particle :tdth. . ·,

··. ,!, •

• 1,', ·: ·.; ·;_ ••

... relativistic energy, . ·at least for the- case wh~re· E :is sm8.11. ·
: A, . The Equation of Motion in. Dimensionless Form ., ....... 1

. .. ,; (\'_' .

··. As a preliminary; ·it is ~orthwhile I •

writing· in dimeneionlese
form. · · · · ·; ·
• • : . ' . ' ' •' . • "

-·. .... . . .. · .·. ·, ;.t·.-:; ~ '

the non-relativistic equati.on of motion ,.4> ·,
• ~ • • • 'I • .• ' ' ' •
'..: .'.·:-. ., .::··,
•..:' .· ·; ...

[~, ~· g{r~ ·t_il·o ~ .x a(1~. ~) _+ -~(~~. ~). . .''

. .. ..,
•. · '
• . . . ' . \,: <_-._:".· -~: ·. ') •
' ,·:·.
' : .· .. :.. ·
' .. ..r:. : ·.. . ' ·•· ... •. ~ ·: ··:···
.... .
. .., '
••·•••· \'

' ,

.. ;. ... .,.
' ~
; 'i
.". ... ~ . .
."·. . . ' . '.
·'•..:.: •· ..... ·.· •• ·.• ~ ·:-.•·:. ,' ,· :.·:.:~... ··•• . .. ' . ~
. I
:' r:,.· .
1···. '• .. ·. . :t, .

'•'. ' ..

.' ~ ' ..:, l ·•.
~ \ .....,· • ; • : •. •' .~.' ....... ';.'•'>?
·- ',:
... 4 ... ( .· ...
. r·.· . .. . . I ... _,
. ' :'

' . Let
_:·.. : ,:) ..
·~·-·-~ :·
..,., . . L ' ·~ D _1/L,'.. ·. · ....
,•. • : i_ ', ,. • • .. ,·, -~

... .. . . !.:

.·.···;·. \'

• l ' ···.;..'

.· ····. ·.l -';

~-; . ..· .. • r I ~

" B~(t) is the magnetic field a.t a. ·. '·'·' .., .

o.'· ia the irlitial velocity, . .
........ :·
·,· '·

: .::·.:··· .."-·::;:~,

•' .
t;y·pica.l point at time t, and L is a characteristic dimension or diatanca ··' ,·'

.. ·i :/ .. ; ·.
. .. ·over which the fields ·ch~geo Then the equation of motion becomes

I. 11,
..... •••• l

.. _.; '··, ···.',·:··. ma'~ v 0 [ d 2:;;!1
Cl<.· · . · ,.,...) dCl ";"'' .,f. . . ,_,.,· ...., . .
··.. ·.·
eB L
....,( ......
--b a.;~
. . . · .
.a. Ci7' . x (fJ. <~,n +e.; <~, n,
0 • . \t •• .
.' r , • ' •

t1 (Y..-c.o..-K . n !& . ·•
a- -:;tr/L ·. and 2E
d.u- . . Y

· , ' · with. th~ iilitial conditions that at :f."= 0 9 m

A , where
•• _ •• >'· . \.::·. :,-10 · is the ·initial pc;siti'on of the p~ticle an~ -;0 equals "'ct~o· Equation ~ · -'·~:
., . .. . · ia formally identical with ( g) by the. substitutions . : ,:.i~,;··.t: ....
. ._ ... . r: ··)

... 'f.
.. .. . . .... , ~

i B,

i·. >;.' :·: .•.•. . ·:

I .·~-. :.: . . ··: ~ Thus· any r.olution of (a) by these substitutions~~~·

gives a solution of ( I)
l:... < ~ <' '.mc.v ... :
1· .-. ·· ··. ··Now · · Q is .the ratio of the radius of gyration to the characteristi:()~: .
I . . . . ... .: , . , . . . eB0L . ,,
I .:· ··'- <.... ·' ·.distance over wi:)ich fields change and .therefore is the quantity t:l1ich one ··.!•-\: ....

! .·. ., . ,·· .:
1 ·~ .. ·. ·' · :·.:.:... . :, .. expects must be made sooller in order that the adiabatic appro:r.imation :.\' ·,·:··.
j .: ~ ~· ~ .' , • ,

! : :-:·. -_:·:·_;: , · '.:become more

I \... ~

valid$ · But bOOzuae~ ie1,1,1ation (I ) . is formally identical with . :. . (·L.':

I. • ::.. , ( :!.), we can worll with . (I ) and just use the' dimensional quantity m/e u ~ .. :" '.•...· .
~ ~{ :{...:. as the smallness parameter. It obviously is ~impossib~~ ·to make the . m/e
~ .· . ' ,. ·. 0 r aay an ele ct:ton. smaller in a series of exp~rimen ts< in order to .make .it~·;:. ' . .:::

:j~.: .') behavior more adiabatic. But it reall;r ia'o~ :~~ . that. m>lst be made,,,:, ·.

:\;;..;;·:. \. smaller, and this ie possible by chang~ ·:'~6~. B0 or . t~· .The advantage
h~ r-·;_·_:;:~.·:.~: :. : _ .. · ·. o.r'ueing m/~. ~stead..,o.~ ·._.J'II~VO ·: is· tha~ one. d~e~ not have to worl< with···
·; .. ·.·. ,·.. ' .. ·,·.,:~··".,~~·; .·,. . . ~- . · :-~eBr)L:,..._' . ·. : .':·:·:_·,·_,·.,·-·· ' : .t: '. ·-.. . ' ·.·':. ', .:.,~. .-::.... ,: '.,
,f ·.··~-~~· ••::.•::... ~:.·
:\i.:.:,·_u,·:.·.• ..· ·, '· '··......:' • .· ~ .~- ,.: . ;~.
·..· .. · .·. ·~· ·... ~··. .. . ..
j· :

'- .r ..j_·,~ ··Qo,• I·~""·'·>.~ .·:~: ··,t, .... <.,. ~~ ,, .. , .

! ·.:'...·
·.··. ''·':

- 5'

·., . ........
.· .. ·,·:.l...;._.·>(.

dirneneionleas equations, and results~··are obtained dir~cti; in diniensionB.l

. ,'

forme· A ::iOre· complete discussion of the, scaling o.f ili~ ~quation_ ..or'motior{ '~ . -~. '

.• • ' I >' t ',:','' • : · , ; ' · ••

' .. haa peen given .in r.eference (.S) ... • .-.. ,., ·,..• ; '·_·._.1


r~·- ·.:

r\~<·: ~ ...
B.. · Derivation 'or the Guid:ing Center Equation: of
. '

·t·? .:_·
,.: {~0

-r .,... a+~~-.:-:;.·.:.
,,; ~

· 'l'o derive_ the equation of motion of the guiding center, let t''\. . •''
' ''/' ' ' ·: ::'
where is the instantaneous position of the. particle;· is the. position ' ·.'!I, .
;, '

i . -· '
' ' ,;;·
~~ . '
of the guiding center, and e is a. vector from. the gu:iding center tot he
. .: . : ~'

!':: '.,:·::/:·~:·~·:·.:·; • i . particle (Fig.. 1). The vector e can be given a p~ecise definition by-
. .::··.-.· ...

the equation' e .. :{mc/eB2) Bx (v..; ,M;B2),· where'' E and B are evaluated' ':. .'. . ' '· '• ~
.">·.: ·::
:: .

· This .:OO~ined · r ... R' + (. gives a precise definition or . .B:.- :<:: ,
.: -'

· ·-; . To lowest order· in e the fields can of course be ·evaluated at eithe~::: -; ·

.. •
~J)- ·•the difference
being of order . e
2 in the equation· for: e .•.:
' . .' . : . ·:··· .·.· ···. •.

-.::~ :!·.'. .
..... : (:.
. .... . ...,. . ..

.. ;.. . ' ... ·~

. '·::·. ,·
'•. ,· -~ ····)

.. , ..-'~
·' ,., -;,·· :~ ' : ..·.

',\ ....... ..··

Fig<> l The charged particle·
4 . .
and· its. guiding centero
. , ..
; ....,. ~·

'1 R · + f? ',into Eq.· (1!'~ siz\, radius of gyration is: :;:_ :::::
. ·.~ ~i~:
Now substitute l!fl
·' '·2·.:. . .::· .. ' ' . ' ·. ··;;,._
proportional. to ·. ~.··I . terma · ·: e '. '...can be neglected i compared t.~ --:"<:. .. '

,:~ .. .
·: (' •:',.o>'•'
·, .. . '
thoae 'in . e• ,', ''
'•, .:

.... ' ~ ' ..·

· ..
. I
,, .'
. . t.

: f'. \ .
,:·,, ..
· ..
., ... ;.

;·.· .. ·. /•
:~'•";"·' "/ ·,· ....
... t

.: ..
.... . . . . . . . .

· Tl'le res~lt of substituting· ~ "': ~ + ~ into Eqo ·(A-) and expanding

l;', .... ~: '; ..
(1..-.--- .. ··; .:···,:
l~.~; :~:.: , · .;. the .field a. ~.·~.Taylor. series about .
'~ ~ -· .. : . .. . . . ' . rf is ·•,' ·~·
'·-:· ,'• .J

.' -~·

~ + ~ ~ l ~ <~/m{E(il) + e. vECill+Cl/c >(ii+ ~,.f.kR> + e. J

17 B<llil + eC& ~, .. . •. "
.: ~
~) _,-,., .
, ...

I:.1- .. . ..
., ~
.~ ... ".

,. ·._-:;::-
•.· ~ ·:. " ... .-'.
·_ must be ~~tained in Eq._ (3); as will become appar~nt shortly, this ter.m
l . '
1.': ,. ;
r.. ... . • • ~,I . ' .' ' •.• '. ::.;

I- ...,..
r -. -... ·:·'
· ... is not ~r order· t: 2 but is of order 6 • Now define three orthogonal ·. ::_::·~>~-- ; >/
i ... '; ' I , '..,(_ ' . . • . , •: .···.'· '·' '., ,-'_-:.

~ ; ... '. ...


.. · _' ,:,(: unit vector~:·. · let ~l . equal· B/B, let ~2 be· a. -unit vector direct~ <)/ .: (, ·-{
towards the center of ormhlre of the line of force, and let ~ 'l?e' ' :. <:-<'-:,-.:~>}
._,_ .. A ,: ._. .. - . , . . ·.- ,,_,··-·
:·r::· :~ .e1 ,... .
_1( . a2 , a uni~ vect.or along the binormaL
In order to correspond to the · ·
.~ .. ' •:
:, ·, ... :.:
. . . _: ;_ -~ ( .
.. ·>.:: ~- .., '• .~,~
picture of the particle moving about ·a circle of radius e' let '
.. ~

' ; :. '
N. <


e: e<~2 sin 9 +OJ. cos e), "here e = f~dt, wbe~g the.ll)lro frequen~( : .
eB(R)/mc~·. Then .#"" r.~e (a; cos e - ~-sin e) + (e ~2 )'"~in e + Ce8))" cos a~ .;__;,;. ,·_ '+-;: _:.:;
·The first .term contains. wp and is of zero order ,in e;. since. w-1/6 ·and . :;
• The second. and third terms coniain e or e

! .. ·..-' ·.:· _· ·.
.. The reason for retaining ex (f d.? )B. in Eqo
.. ~ :...a.o . .
(3) is now formally apparent, . : .. >:·'::· ·.-:;.
: .
-; . '-·....
. ......_.::;.<·~-- .. -~.-·;· . ·:·.

tl':: ._·_·_-_: .. -.
,.. since it is' of order e ' whereas a.' tc-!rm such as ( e ·'>7 )
2 E .in th~_ Taylor·.. ,.:, ( -. ::·.-; '
:- -;. . . -. :2. . '.. . . ' . '' ., . ,.f ,._ ,..

f'- expansion is of order 6 · .• · A second_ differentiation gives .~ · :_;'·; /'\:.::<' ...

i .•.. ·. ~ a- [w2 e (~{•in e + 1i'3 cos efj+.; e~2coS 9- -e;~in G_] < ······ ·.<',, ,:
!:.:_.:.>:_::·_:, .· +. 2 . wge~2)_'" cos ~- (~~)·':sin f)~,+ [~e2)"··. ~in e +· (e~)~· cos_.~ ' .. · ,.•'•. ':, . .' . ;,

r; .· .· :.: . the four terms being of order: '1/"' '· l., .1, and e; respectively. These ' ~ ' <.. . '" . : . ... .

ti /<:--
~-~; ; -_< .
. expr_esaiona for
', . . ' '
·e ' .
e, .·' •and" .~ \'are. now, , ..substi'tuted
• ' <
illto' Eq;. (3) and tha
• ; 7r.
• •• ' .,
-.. ~· ~ . ..
[·~ . • ., resulting equation time~avera~ed• QV~ ·," gyration per~od/-~~~ia!dn~ ~O <·,::)d~: ••· '.
I . ; , · :. .coetficients,;:·auch_ as~;- (e~)o 11 to be constants-~ ~-:Then:: ; . _. ~
j· ' ~ .. '., .• ~' ' :. . . ' ' • -: .. '· . ' ' . ·.' .' -. . . . .• ' ' ,. ·. q ', .• •. . . . -.-: .•

\ · ·· .- ·. <.e >~-. = <b l.e>.m _0 ci 1

.where the. angular ·.brackets. den~te ·the aver~ge_e ·:,-The ; ' ... ._· ·.- ..~ -:·, ·

... ·· · ·· · :H; ~-i ;:z·:~· .· ...~ . ,.,i'·.• :.;. rc.i; ~Jtl; ;. J?: ~.·;-~.,·. r:;< · ···· <..;,. ,.;;"P·i:;;~~::;~::,: L) : ·•·...
' '.... '•
.: i

... 7 .... ·.
. l
·. . .... , :

:' -~ .
.since '
~' '

. ,~ ,.,.'
... ..
• ••,_

.~I.· ...
·.: ', ' <o" ' 'I • ' ~ I ''l- ·1
• : . . .-. L~

' ... ··. ~ ·· .. ·-~--~_;,.~~ :
.· •....• ·' .•'' =:-..·
The cosfficien~ . e2 w/2 is an appr_o~ate .invariant of the motion and is

. i.

Mc/e» 'Where M .is the •

well-kn~wn magnetic mommt.
- II , • • o

. .. of the particle.
motion . has been. demonstrateC;i
. .
in reference ( 6 ) . · ·

. ·.'
and in numerous. othe~ places~ The adiabatic invariants wfll be treated ·
in Section Jr{ e The invariance
. of
M. .is not used. in deriving
. . the guiding
. ' '

~·. .' .


~l: ~..~(~ o'\?)B:~ ;i ·~.(s; ~ t7)(~1B)·~.-(Bf2)(~;/..$.l7)'8

,. . .'
1~: ..+~J o~B a~ .,

,, ..
1 •. :Therefore F.q •. (b) becomes . . ,·,
.. ''

·:·. ; !>. _.:' ,•'

'< ·.·
... ...
_ '.

·' ......

. ..

' ~3 ;' <~2 .·rf>B ~ _-:,l· ~2,.'· <~2 ·.lnSJ + ~2 .<~ ·17 >s: .' '-': . · · <f> .· .. : ~/ij j

' I ' \ '' '· • . •' l ' ' ' " ' ' • • :• ·•~ : ·.: '~~~ ~ ...

. 'l'h0 .f&et ·tl1.~t ·'. v~ 1 m 0 '.must n~w- b~ ~aede .:>~·e .operato~·v··can~ ba<i.~e..~rea~OO. : . :: >. ·.:::~'
1.: ~· / .. : '.~. '·: .:; ·. ':·::..:.{, ~; ;;;~::,;·- :·.•:.}(~:.~, ':·. ·~· :~;~~-; ::_ ·.:'; ·. :i ));~ . ::~:;. :):~ :: ;•.i;~:.·~ : ,~:; . :~ :: ~. •. (\:·:~.:·;),: }:·::.::.:. ·.~· :· .~. ' .::: ·. . :. ;. :: ·~; : :>.· ':. ~.; :::-:: :~;-, .,.,.,· .. ;,; :..:.:~: :. : ::·· . . '


;;,_' .... : .··


i . .t

I,· · •. \ '

;:. '~ . ~ ..
r ~-:. ·. ·:
' ,.
! -;~· 't . ' • . {1/)
''· . . ' ·.: ·::)
~ .':~· . -...:~-~·:·.< ·~~·<:- ..
The time average of Eq. (..3) then is

:. ·... ~
....... :
,• .... •o . • ~ -...~.--~-~:1

g(R) ~ (e/m).[E(il) (~/c). :x; B(R)J: ~ ---

11 .. ::·:.
. .' .. '; . ~ . R :a + (H/m) VB(R) + CY(t:: ), (/a)
,. :. .
: ::;_-~}-
• . ' ,. . . '• ·i

: ·..<'.:· ·... · with an initial. v~looity R(O) equa"i_to.[~e1 ·v. ~

.... (ci x.B/B 2.)] tmO + e-_( & .>"&··_:·,.. : ·,·:. _.·_;)
'. . :. . . . ....... "'
t.· ... ,·
Equ~tion (J:t,) is the basic differential equation for the guiding center
I ~ .. ' • • .·_
. "-:..
~ . . ~- . ....-:. ': .
. . (tJ) . . . ~ ·. ' . . .. ' .
t" : ~~ ' :•. ·• • .
motion~ . It is the same ·as the equation of motion of a particle in a
• ' 1 • • • t I • ' ~ "' • ' ' . • . •
... ..... ,·· ·, ~

t ,!· .,·.·
: magnet.ic i'iel4. B . and an equivalen~ electric. field 1·-. (M/e)V B, ar.d ' '. . .
:. . ·. ~
.. ·.· . -~.
~ . . . I
:·~. · ... : . -.. - :·,.· . ~ ' i . -;.
.. , ., . :-.:-r
~. :. therefore. for. numerical,mol"e .complica.ted.than was the · ... .. '
. •.
r-. ·,· ,..• ,'·;
::'t·:·:' ..
i .·.• ·, 0 . . ·, J• :. ·.:·.
~- J< ....:. origi.rial equatio,n ·of motion ~ ~ ) " If a.

. .solution
" . of :
(I :J..) were :-_ ~.-:. ·;:_:._ ./
: .. ;:. .·•
:~ ~- ·.. . ' ..
! ~- :. .
t' ~. ~ performed, it would ~e fo~nd that the guiding ce~ter ']. t
rav~ls in roughly:;: .· .. :~".. ·_·, ~; :·.. _.}
I .. 0 0 0 ' 0 OM 0 0 ' •• 0 0 ", '':· 0 ':.· 0 0 '

I • .~ ~ l . (.
<· •.' ¥ • ·,- : •• • : •__

. .. . a helix about the ·field line. just aa the'par'ticla doeso However, it"can i ..

~ ' ... . ~ . . ·. . . "' . . ' ~ ,.· ~ : ,: • ;; I ·:: :::,

j.• :·· .. ... ·.. ~

~ ..
be shown that the radius of thi~ helix is one order of e smaller than·the ,·:.
·; :_,> . • .
. ·i .. ,.:_;
~adius of gyi-ation of the particle,· as w~ul.d · be ·expected for the guiding . :" ;- '.,

·:' .·
cent~r. · This small amplitude :oscillation of 'the guiding center' is be
. . .· . . .. .
:. ~ .

igr~red 1 ~inca it
. ~
i~. of_ord~r.
~ ~ ' '
or . .
no significance 1~ a. first~rder.
. . .
' '

•• •

1', ••·•
' ·, '~I

. . .

l<)lrthermora in the. p:recedfu.g analysis.· oth~r terms

. ·'.
·, ..
theor;ro _of this order: · .·.
Equati~n. (;~) ~ll n~~;b_s aolv.ed by 1terat1;ont~o ·.:::: . ..... :
. -~ ~ '

: hav® been _negfected •. .. "\'

... · ' l
t • ' -. '·' "' . \~~~.-- ~ . ·' .~ .:.,.
. . : . : ·:

·,,. ·' '' l


··~· :y-~.
' ·.' _·-

·.>· :~ .~ .. ; .

' .. ' ';

,• , ,·,: ··

' - .·, ' , ~ . ,t'

'.... : '.'
i ,j \ • ''

. ~ .<· ~ ' ..• ..
' . ·.' \ ·-.-· ;" •': • • • • d
·, ·-."~ :·;~-:i~: £.>;·: : ;:'~.; :::::; ~~LLx_::. .~:....:;·;~· -;~: :~ -: ;,{,-~LL -~ -~,i:-; . ,P .~ ~.-~ ': •, . '.

' '
. . ·•· ·~

:. :'
- 9 -

' " • ·.. ·>
..... . 9btain the ~ equations for the guiding center motion parallel and
.:· .• ..
perpen~i~lar to Bo .

' .. " '·:,

' . ~
• ' .' t-' ' ' I . ,· -r .
·... 'r,· r

.·. ~-

c. ~...

•• 'f ' •

The Drift Velocity and the Longitudinal Equation of Motion

. ·.: ,··'
.. ·..';',
~ ' . ' .:
The differential equation for the guidin~ center ·motion can be . : ·.· ~ .

.. . r
• J
' ' . :,. :~.
separ(lted ·into components _pa:z:oallel and. perpendicular. to. B.,; Crossing Eq._ (J;J.J ;. -!'• . ·'.;{;
' . ·'·y

. . •. . . ! . . . . '<,': ~:-•.

I •' ,',

... :.
·on the righi;, }'lith ~l~~ · gives the perpen~icular component of the vector ,'·J.
. ·.
! ~-
,, ... :•.
. . . .·
e~a.tion e.a · t,•· , .
~ •J ..•
·"·· ·.. · . , .
.. . ... : . ·.

.. ·.· .
, ' : ...
:. ;·

.. "~ere 'trJ.; is the eomponent . of it perpendicular t9 ~1 (10. It is called ..' ·. :.... ··:' I

... ..·_'·,
_·, the drift veloci~y." The first term is the usual ,;Ex B" drirt. · The second·· ·::' ·.:·, :: ::;>:'.!;
. . .. ·.· ,-:;

.. · ·te1"1ll _is the ngradient B" drift,. and the third. is the "acceleration driftts·.. ·· . ·.. > :: ... ;_,,·~·<~
:, . ~ ,· ,:.-. ~ .... : ._:. ;')
: :'·.·,
1\ ..... . , , • ~ ~' ,1

By dotting Eq. (I~) . with one ·obtains the scalar ~x:-alle~ component . ,
' • • , I

e1 (R) . '-;-
... ··
. .. . . . '••
~ . .. .::. ·. ..~ :: ·....... t,
, ..... : ...
.. :. . ,' ·, .. ~:· ., ';'.

. ·. ·; •'

,.... ~-
m '-"i
g . • e""1 + .-E (I¥) : .·.:, :. ;·...~ .·
.1 6 '• ., ,· •.' . .... ;:
· . '1.•·' ., • . . ·.·:·.-.~..:: .• ·. :'· '; .....
... .::I

....• · · : ; •.'':· ·.l

In Eqo (/3) the guiding center accelsr{ltion fl is ne~ded to calculate the

·r· . , .•
. ... ··,(
drift. :velocity; bUt becaus~ the term in which it occurs .eJ.ready contains ~
".;; '. : :' -~~-·-.. '•,' ... I

. . ·. ~·.. ~ .:1,
~ zer~ coefficient, R is needed only to
'· ·'
order in _6 o
.·. :'• ~

·.,- ..
R; is not .of negative ordal,"; such as . 1/ c .. ·. If i~ were of riegatiye order~ , . ·: :, \ ~;r
.. ·. >~·
,. ·. ·. .. .~· ~·~-:

the fields would: change by a large amount in.. a gyration .p9r'iod' ~h~ 6 ia
•••• ' J
.. ·.,.
.' -; ~ ... ~'
'. ,, :• • I I i

; ~. ~ .:

. srnall 11 and the guiding center picture would not be valid.• · ••·: L . . ., ·. . ':.'d'f:t
:: :·;:' .. '
, The .acceleration. ~~~ ~/dt. = (d/dt}{~.J.. .:t" . e}_·i; ·:o ·~1 ),· a.nd: ~ dj{J. /dt:i.< ··.
can bs obtained to zero. order .in(: from Eqo (43 ) a~·.,·;~ o/dt co (dfdt)(cEx~~/B)':~ ~~ (S; )o ·/.~
. ·,
.. ·.
~ : .~ .. ,( I '

~- ; Only the fi~at term in the drirt:1~e~t~!~Jed,.aince. th~··iM.rd term ia ~-~ ~d · ~ ·. ,-·· .·.~ . ~ •.. •:j

:_'::.:': :~·,· ~: : : .:': ·'. · . the ·second term contains· lVfJ .·UJ m( e,;, )2/2.eBAI' 6 ~ .· If the perpendicula~ · ·; ·: ...;
' I ~ • > ; • ' ' • •, ' ••t 4 ' • • ; > • • •.. ·, ' ' • •• • I .
•< ·~ 3, ·~ R'·., ''.1"~ r '. '' • ·,,, ••'.' ,·,',•,' :.," ~.;.;,_t·~·· '' '''

. !_ ,!.-~<-:• ; o"":( .. ·; .:· ,..;\ ; ·.. :_.·-.~;;('~.--~-~~~·i.· •-~~.:: . •-•: .. . ·:':.J .. ; ··'

' ;.· '. ,:-.: <~:.:t£~,~,::-:,~;~:;}i;.:}_,;j_:;:.\\. '·.~:l;_·, '.''i': ... ~->· . .,;;:; ,., ; .... ·.· ''. . ·' ;~.,:·!);/' '

- 10 ·-

.. ','

electric field_ har·pena to be of ord~~ t: instead of zero order, the

reten~i~n o£ cEx~1/B E tlE. would be.~u.nneceasary in the ·ca.l~tion ot

1l"o The acceleration ~ is · · .·. . . . . . , . '>
• 'f.
.• '•,r :

~·' .. dv d~l d~
.R ....._&-( G ) !!:~ __f!_
v, J!;

-. ' 1 dt ..... dt . + dt'"
':. (

·~~ + r~
. . ., . '

. + ""'t
u,) - •·r}e ~·"+
. •,, E · 1 . u t ..

,' ,•

. ·~. ..,.•,';• ..
~ . I

.. . ~ .·. . l
'.~:.··;•::' • -- ' -~· . ·_~J:'';w~ ,'' • _, \~\,

,, ;:~:· · .where vlt·m~ans it" ~1~) •. Other. "parallel". velocities.can be defined, ,. :· '-.~·~/1:(

: ;?; ·..• ,.' ..
, .
::h;:.t~t~:l~)th:rt::n~:):.:::.::::on~~~hea~:: ::an;:· ::tr:p:t:~ (ii) • .•. •• ·.•.•• ,;, :· ;~ ~
'' -~. ~ I

' . . ,:::·::t::n:~::: ::::::.o:::•t::.:::::i:h:i::::·::r:.:: :~.:t:~t:: i~c..:_:\~~

:presence of a zero-order electric field. It should be stated tha~. the . ~' ·· ::.:..~·:·:_: <iJ1
': :- . .·.
preae~ce_of a. ttzero-or~er electric_fieJ_d~' means that in a se:d!3S of·experimenta'.":. ·.·.",-';·~·

> cOnstant . 'i7 , :;:'0 .and

·U:'which .m/e .·is successively reduced, the electric .; ' ': :/~l
.. ·.· . ·!. i ·.1 'I;

-·. field is held constant. The electric field is of orde~ ~ .if it is reduced ',; : .·, ·. . . ·..:. .. '·;. : .-. :: .'_,:';~.: ;
.. . ·. ::.: ._:· ·. '

:;::o:i::wt:hem~:. :·::::~t::~l::l~:; i::: ::·:.:;·:~: ::~::.. ., \~ ~ ,,~ ·~i!
·:· .. •. ~ ; . ;

of experiments •. ·If the time acalei~.heldconstant, 1;.heJn o/'dt ,·is o.f·zero<~: :;;'~,
.order ~d.,- . ()~/ (} t. contribut·e~ a. f~rat~~r,der. drift.:· . ·I~ ~he time_ acaie /. :_<;. -·~. .. . . :-.-.'·>· ~.
. ' ~ ·. . .. . . . . . . . ' : :: :-~~~:

.,. ia proportion to .1/~ .· 1

:then._,.~/~ t : ;s of~ order& ·~d .·· ·\ . , · · ·.· , >~·~

..-·_ ....:. .~~1/,() t ... .ia .not ne~ded~ ( ~.>. _·ot_co~~~~:(.~~~·~ausa.•:·.mi~'; ~a fj.xed·9_·-~~:_:ia __ . , ·.· ."
..•- ••..
lt . • '~ ~ .... ~--
. .
t·< ·.·" ';•
. .. . . . . --·:·:
:~ ·.• ·•... ·; ....~_:·. · .• :. ··~ ~-. -~-_-.=·. ·•.· .. ~:. ···:
.. . I . -~
.·. <.· .. ;·.·,-.... \ ' ..···. •• ···. -~.::;·~.' . . '.;_:~-~-~ ... -
. -' . ·: .; ..' ·•··. :· ~·-; ' ' '
~. ~ /~ ~
<• ',' 't ' .. '.'. ··' ••
·~:···· . ~:.¥.·/-·:~ . :·~··<:· ··~··1;.
• • ' • • ' " · . • • :; ':

i"~l, "\ ,._, •·•·.

··. ·.
.. · '· · · · , ·~ '. ··. · •: I ·. • ·. \ ·..., .. · ·· . ~. i ,,. .,. ' •
'f; :
. '.;·:. ,_:;!· .•:.:,\::.):·i·_~:.:~;~~./t~,:;;;:;: . ' .. .~. ;: ..;; .·. _':/;.:;:· _;
- 11 -
• !•
' ~ .~
:, '.
.·i .
really B0 , v 0 , or L that must be varied· in the series. or. ex~rime:ntss ·. . ) :··~ .-:. · i
.' '
. . . .. . . . ··.:·-· .;.-~_·... ':;: ..~ ·...
Appropriate modifications. of the actual fields. and time sc~le ~st b~ made , ', ··.· 1 .. : : ( · · • ."·:~


.' to keep_ th~ dimensionless. fiel~s. CB , ?.., .a.ndb unchang~ at a given ~ B.l'ld •.. -· .. ·.: ~ '>/;. ;:'·.:i
i ~ . ~
. '
:f.·. Details are given :S,n Ref. ( S'). .i'·:....
With expression (lb).for R,Eq.(/3) for the. drift becomes

. "fl.L. = } x{~- .E+


.··~· ... ...
:~ \
··: •', '•.·l,'
.., ...,,• ,...

I .'·· "··.- •• .: .....

·on -~~1
':· ,t ·:-.·

vuij + ~-- ~2)

•,r,' .. '\'.1
. .:

. . where. ~
..., ...... . ·. ~
~ .'
'. .,'•
• .->\ cExc;_/B •.. :.(.
.. •.. i
. ... _,

, ..
. . '~- . -·: ·.:

'; '
..., The longitudinal Eqo (/£/) showa E11 _... E ~l . mu:t o be of. order G ir.·..::~···. :;:· .·);1
"';·:-::·... :·.: .· to be of non-negative order~ Thus. in contrast.· to. E-'- ».which maY' be.· .. ··.· .. ··-( · .·:··-~

~/.: ;·.·.·;._, :):

',, ...
.. · If this were riqt s.o, .the parallel> ....
. of zero order, f.
~ ~

must be of ordez: 6 •
11 ' . ' .~·-:· : .. ~ . ·_:·_,-·. .;}'_·~-'· . . . :·::·_~>;
acceleration would be -1/~ ..• -~·--·_i'
. :'
. -. '7'; ..
.. . •
;:,l~ t' '· <:·_ . ·.. )
:·· ·. .

:: ;
•• •• >;,
.: ·,:. ·:· '. :_.~ '/
1: .•• ;·;:_ . ,. Equation (U{) can be put in a form more useful for obtaining an·:·:: ':·:.
. ,· . .";.
''!..'• . ·'·· ~
: '·'··
·-·-- .. '.·:
·-:- .' .. :-,.:'. • • • • ' • • .: 1

'.~ :. . ~--,.;.# _; ___ _ ' ·--~.: ··- .:··.:·

.. ' ' '.::',~
'· ..
'.''. :Y . · ; -~.-.:.":

••· .j'
.-:·. ' ..
I ·' .....
~ .... . :·::•
. ...<' lfi;', : . <. ::·. .·.-~.~'.~-~
. .'· ; .. ' . -~. :. . .. ·, ·-;\

·t"' ', '' ~ ''

;_·:·; .
and noting .that. · ..· · · '.
,'.... . .
:· , ... . .. .· .. _;,,-
'•' ''
... '' .'·;·_
·-.·; .' •, .
,t .·'

·. ·.. ~ ..
.... '...
. . ·: . ···, ..',. ; ~
. ·.;·····
' : ' .' . . : . . . "' ,.
(::·~. .

. ',·• ' . :·. · ..

.• -·, •! •.

·,. !''

:..-:. ·:
~' t.); ~~(~vu' ~ ~) ·~val .~<~> .. ' ,;
. }•

! • -: •. ·.: ·.•
·~4 1 .... ,' ~. .... ·':
.-; +
·.. ~ . . . . . '• . . . ~. :
..·."""""~··~ ..
• : ' ." I ~ •

.. : ... } . .
~ ',~
':· .. •'
.' ... '
I' ,. .
'.I. ., •.

.. ;
,• I ..

. ..... ....
I < ,)• • ', .•
·,· .... ,·

. .
'• ..r·' •.) ,·: .

r··· .. ··. ,··.·

.., .. :, ' . ..


.. ;· .~ .. ..• · ..
:; ', ' .~ ' .. '·
' .. ' = .. ~' 1 :... ..
' ..
.·• : ~ ·... ~ . .:. ( :' :~ .. '
'i- ' ~-

- 12 - . '
~· .
.- ~ '.
,I ; ·, ;.,

In Eq'a. (lS) and (lt:tj we consider only, the col}tribution .or the .zero order, ·.
-~motion to d/dt • . This is all that is requ±red~.sinca _'}r,. ~. haa_~r~~ ~--·-::-'· _x'-,:.·-

coefficient in Eqe .(J!I). The ·longitudinal Eq• ( I'!) then becomes 1

':-· .. ' •. ··:
... ·.. r---~-----:---~--------------___,..~---t~·
'.: ,,

·-- -· ID.
dv11 .
"" ln. g· + E . M· ~ +. !!l -'t ,. d~l. ..... ..o(. --2)

dt e 11 ll - e ua e· ~· dt rr""' I; .f.
';' ' -:.,
·' •'

. ·J'

• ~ < -·~~

Equations (l'j) and Qd are equivalent to the original: differential Eq. (J;;J,. · . ·- ·-::.;~;;

Let us n_ow.introduca_, a tr.ue. curvilinear coordinate system, ( ot., (J, sf .' :. : .· ..... -~ ~.;
. ! . • ~ ::~ ~ ·:
. .:.:;
such that t:J..:fr, t) _ and fJ (~ t) are ~wo paramete~~ specifying_ a ~in~ of

.· force and therefore const~t 6n it; s is distance along the line ·aa .
. '.: ;
. . ~. ' '. . .- .

.. ·t:... ·.-- pravibtfsly. For a divergence-free. field such as -B,, ·"'-and . t> can be ,-.
\'•' I ,\• ;·',···' ·,'

•; -~-' :·.:;· .· · ,_ ' so that the vecto~ potentiB.l 7. is o1. f7 p and To prove that, . _ · · ·.·
I;-~-"; ···_t , ·.;·
~ '\" ' ... ···. · this is PQsaible_,. let ··)·.··,.- .
. '· .

are constant on a line of force, but such that A•. is not .· c 'i1 c ..
1 2
The :,' '
,· ..\. ~~
are at. tirnf!l tthe inteJrsectiona. of the two families of surfaces
I • • • . ·• J•O ••••• ,.

!.. :-::: ·.• lines of for.9e.

' .
.··,,.., Now·
!o • '--~· '• ·, ·:
I ~·'

. ..~· ~ .. ..
· ·: ..

i. :, :-:.:: ..•

.; .
.·.. --;·. . . :·
B · is constant .along a.'line -of.for_ce, since

This says that ··::.

. ' ~ ·l'iJCl X (7C2' .. ~-' ·;.,

I . ·. .:
, ....

i .··_...·,· ••.
_·;··' .,•
Jvc1 · x ·V o2f ~ .·..ami . '1.1,. ~..17.""
. .
.£.. .
_08 •
Th .
us a genera
r c..
.J..' c2 ....
'· ' : ; '
' -~~. • r, B.
~- o:~. ~ ~-: ...... coordinate. system has the property that ._· ~ l!7 .cl x 17c / is conatru:t along
·:.,,''. 2
a given .line_, 'b].!t varies from. line· to line.. Starting \dtq a..: .~ .. c 2 !3yat~Sm
' • ..1, <·. . . . .. .. ' .:. ~. •.. • ·; .-~. . ,:. :..... \ . . -~ .
.• . ,. . : . ..r . . I ' • ?, • ' . ,'•, • • I , •, • '_. . • • ' ..
···;. = .,_ • •·••• . •• r~. .·. . . . . ··.· .
. .
.• .·'.
·' "· ·., ·. .··. ··: . .• . ·: \ • ,_._. 1'\ "f (. . ·. ~ •. .'. ~-
I!· : ~·:· :,"" -: • • •: . J ' .. ~ t'
•. < • ~ '..... •: •. " ,_' ~. • • . •• ••
' ' ;. • r ' -~ I

. ,·.··'
.· :·'
... 13 -. .I . >··A
~ .
'';' ·.- ·.··. .' ' ;., ~

~- ; . .' :· . .. . for naming the lines of force, an
system can be obtained aa follows: ·_ ·
~ . '
. ··.
: ... - .. ·' .. ·,.
. · '.-o;_· -' •• ·' :. ~.~

i·-~~-· ,,!.:':,.,_ ·. since B/{ iJc1 x "c2 j is i~dependent of

a,, let it equal$; (cl'. c )c. · >:__ ::/:· . :-_,. -~::
'!'hen-~ ·.J ~c 1 -x 't)'c2 •. -~ wher~ --.;.; .-·~:- .. :~
~ :
,.. equals Let (3 c2 . and .d- ... oL.(cp.c2 ),

; .~
. the fun,ctional_rorm is to be determincid, Because J1 is to:-·e~al 1;1.,( x ~,1, \:<', , , i~
I ~~ •,' ·, , . . .'

it must be true that . 5 rt~ _.x ·t1 c 2 .""' !7oLx. l7f1 , or ·,that .'.;-~; . /.-_~j
'! •,<
'. '~ .

•• •. ''">
~· :' . ' .
. ' -:--:: :. -~-~~
~- : . ·.. {!' \7 C.. X .'(7 C
:::> .1. . 2
"'" , or ·".- ·',1·.·.
._ ::~- :: .-_: ·· · · ;:.;_
..•. . .. ':•. ·' ' .
~. .' : ·• :
.; .. .
'~-- . -~: . . : ... ·~---~-;.~
c )~c ~. It is therefore possible. to g9 froJJ. · · · · ·
~ . .. ; :. ·, . ·finally that
2 1 cL
.. . .' .
' ~ ' ·.

'' . ~~ ~ ~ . . . ·.' .· :: a gen~ral . cl' c · ~ystem to an r)-, p syateno. Because oJ.. is th~ integraJ.
. -.

. .. ··
! '.' ,.,__
:' .• " \
. of g
with respect .to cl' it is clear that the oL 1 (J sy~tem for a given .
• ~. . ·.
~- '·,.

f~ .. .

,. ;:· ·:·i_<·:·:~·~_:.. .. field .is not Un~que; -~ ~rb_itrary fun.ction of c2 . can b_e added. to of:- (cl" c2)?:·•. /:'·_:_:·::.· ..-::;
·. ,. .. " l !7~ X D'i I . . ... : , .· . -· ,,
·--_ -~-..:·::·/ •.' _ . In an .. rl- 1 (I system B P'~ i~ constant. not .only on a line of for~e . ·. :<- .· :· ".'_ .. ·.
.".:.-~: . \:·-: __ ·but everywhere,. being equal tounity •. This fact_often simplifies :the al~ebra,_ :_•.(,'.' ..':.;-·_.·<;
. ' .. '· . . . "' ·. .: ~ . ' . . . ~- :'/.~: . . : -~ ' ',

-~ .· ·,
~,.· .:
_·. ·- . especially in _connection with the .adiabatic invariants. .
~ •·,: ' • t '• ' -
i'·.:· -.- · · ·' ·
• ~ I : , , f, ·; ,;::·,~·;·. • .
l • • ' ' '). • : ~ •

· ,- · .· .· .. · ., .. '·' , In equation (~o) the parallel electric field is giv~ by

:, :·~·-.; .·. :r
~ :. ·. .·.. .·..:
. ·.
,·.i· ;_ ·,......·. ; . ·._.. _, .... ...
·,·'· ·'.
. ., . 1' "Jf: . ;; . .
.··.·.. : \ ·'.
E .t:;' ~1- •. ( ..,; - 5"'""t ~
,, . c. v tf ¢) .a .., · ; -
"'8 .
( f +. ¢) p . C~ o· ·:_-.·_·-.·.: .- .... ·_:-; :.!
::'' ..
.' · .. · ...· '· ., ·:·:
.·.' ..•, I
•. '

. '' ~

·...... .
.\. ·, ' .. ·
where ¢(r, t) ~ is the. sqa.lar .pot~ntial !o~, . . E~ 8J1d
Y'. .is QL0 . oPJ!.
()t .•
·.: .' ·.;: ,_:: }!
'. L '· ' '··~ • .:. >~ ";·~·:
.·"--' ·,.
·. ·.
Multiplication,of ,Eq. ~O) _by and aubsti~~ti~n: of:·-'(~'1) for E 11
:-. . ; .~ . :.; :' . v .- .

I ,~ •

,. ":"
·gives (the i f'ielq·<,.n.n
.. . .
be omitted from. here on,-bu.t:,co~d-·be retained,
. .. . . ' ', '. ''""" .
. ' .. { . :.~;
. if desired)· ~ ', :
.· ..·.. ~.. ~- ...
:": : .. ·
.. -~

:' ··~

., '
.. :
..... ~ ... \' .. '
·... -~ \ .· .. o ~
'I I •

.:,_ .· ·. \ ..· ·,· .. .. ·. ~

. .. . . ::. ~·:·· .. ,···

· ..
'. ' \•

L .( ~) L ( lli'l) +v ;) ( MB)_, ~ ::.· '"( MB.) ( 2) '. -· ·.•

,., t;

......... dt. e
ut s . I! "§& ;- ;~-~--~:v ·;;-~· +:&_6 ._ .. : : ..···_· o :' -::I •

• •' • ~ : ' ." 1 '. "; • ·.1 0.' • '' • ' ' '. • • • I .
.· ..··.::
.. ·... ·.· · ..
' ,· \
:. ~ : ', ... .. ., • • • • 1 .' '·1:···.: . ' : -~
. . ' . ~.
. ' ...
Equa.ti'on (aa) can then be :·~:ttte~ a.a (··:'' :- .
.. '.

. :... .·
· . ·~~·.· ._':· . .,.:·· ':(':: ....·:··.· .... ' _.:·.: . . :~·>! -;_·,_;.-;·· ···. "·' ....,_._.:: ...:_•.· '.. • ... . '. j
' • ;, .~ ••• • ··:·
t ' ,··) . .. •
I . ·' ·~ ·: ..
14 -
''. <

v 2 + !1I}. ) ., -v £... ( 1f+ ¢) + £.... ( HB) .+ .. _;;.

. II . e · II os . ut e . • '~ •' I·. ,

· ...·'"_:- ,•

.. !.1!! ) + +.O"(c ) •
. 2

'· e.

The rate. or c:hange of kinetic energy or the particle, averaged .over ·


a gyration period; can riowbe calculatedo The average kinetic energy is

~ 2·

. :!
mv II m~.
~ .. +MB + 2 ,.:,since ~ is the energy of rotation about the gu~ding
mv :A. · ~ · mu3-·
center 9 and _ft_ + j',
is the kinetic energy ?f the guiding cents~.· ·--;_
2 2 ·-·-. i
. motion, sinca '· i ~1,1als . ~ 1v 11 +tiE.+ &{ 6) •. Or to gi ye a. more forzn.e.l .. . . .
~ ~ '.
proof,~ start ..wit!t . v "" R + e0


1l+ ~"'"'(~2cos wt· - ' .

. · ... -._

' '. . ..· . •·y~o"

l .. . .
. .; . ; ~
. ,.

-l::l!- ,
- :::· .·'
mv ., • me 2·(A,J2 m 2. ' 2) : . :l
2e .2s.
+ - -
2e . .
- · .(
.... .213 .u... +-v,
. j!i' el •'.; :~
....·!- ':
.' ' ' ~

.,: :. :~- -~
:_ :~ : .. ' . ,; ·' •. I • ·-.~ ~
. ~·>.
' . . ,· '. ·.'. r,
. ·.'
. '•,
I, ~ . , .· •. '. ~

:·.·· ·.... ;:·:.·; .. ·... :· .. l.···~ ( ID._v. 2 .o} r.m + .m2 u... 2 ) 13
- :·:.·~·~:.·;·_·: ...... --·~~-e :.d.t... 2 II :j!i.
t' -:·::_
.. ·.·.
<!: H · m~ ..d~lc, :·.· .. ;
. ;.·
+ ""'>
•. -'O'B·+- u.;.. ·Gl .v . ,· ';. ·.,·_-.::'
.l!.i' a· e. .t!.i· 11 dt -~ :.


. '•.

: ..
fL. ', u..., 2 .; &( 6- 2)
dt'' '
~- .. ·....· .· . . . . : •
.. 'I,• ..

. ';: .....')
. : .. . ·,i .- ••
. (, '.
. ·. ':/,! ·'·.. ·;'t
,. I

·.. -.· ., ·.·

.. .. ,
.~ ...
\"., _.'•
.. .....
'· ... :: ~

'' . .
',l . '• '

·.,!. ._ . -- ,·,',

·· .. ·_... · ··
~ .. ' •
_. . . . . • !
·~ ...... .
. . ~ -~- -~
........ :· : .. · •.
•••••• 1_

-··:-· .. . . - .. '' .. .•~

.' \ ··.:. ,! ,.·.

; .··!
.·.. ', '
r·., , ..... I ~ _'
• '

~ ,• '

·.._-, '' .·..

~ ' ; '.'.. . .


' . · ...
.... ·,
,-... · ..
.... .' . : i.
./. .. '~ .. . ·-· ,'- .·.- ··. .·-· :.- '•
. •:·· . ··'
••• II

...·, ·-··.· ::•. .·.,, . ~ ;·

•: i·. ·: •.• 1;,•\.

' . .. :. . ! ;
•: ' :
l ~-
-.: _ ,1_· ... ·,_· ••• -··
., ..
'. ',. ,_.··.:~. .,. ' . .. ' I.,· ,1, '·
• ·, ·~.
- .-· • t ' • • ' • '

~ ·1 . ,< ·.~./~: .,:. }\ j~ ;~,~~ ~::. :·.~'.:~(.-~~~~,~·:·~ . :~·.:;~~~f..' ;~. <.:;·~. ;·.~i,\:i.~\:,:i:·:J,::; ~:.;;: ~; :~·~.~ :: :::.'.:;;-;~··'.::. )):,·:::' ~::•.:.:<' '' . ·~ .~J.~: ~-~ ·:~ ';.~-~: ':~ . ~:~.~~·:{~:~~::~~·:;~:~i _;~/ ~ >.~ ~~·~~::·~· :h· -~~ ~,_;. _~. ~ " ..
- 15 -

"'. ~"' "'

e·"B...+ ;'. vh' dt.
d-e, ~-
""t }' ...,., cExel M . m _._ m.· du.....
u... e . .J. VB + !!l
· r.. .. e e·
.l:'.i .
o v II .---*- + m_· g_ u.._ 2' ll:ll
dt · 2e : dt . .l\. . B. ·
e ·
( ..,.. ...e~ ~
r.. )
, : .

.·. . '
.. , ' ..
. ..., -a- . d~ . d~ .
I,,. ,t

. E • ..1 x ! + !:!ll:.. ·-.:,

. t . ,' ~ ..' . a ·( :.:l. +. me r.. ) . . ..
. ·; ::--·
. ';
.. B· e e .. "16 dt ~ · Cit. D. ' ~; ;

', ~ .. ·.':_.
··.· ..· :·... ·
.. ,_·

:' . : '.
··:· . "'·
. '; '' -~ . ;_ ., . ·.,.. •. ·J
', ~
't. (."

.. ·. -;
'', ... ..... ' :' i
. ·.6
.. (·'
{!;t} ·:.
~- ·~ .
. . ., '

. •, '·

.. (.

.. .

~· .. ~ (~eti~:: energy,) = ... vh fa( V+ ¢.) + ~ o E ~ .~ ~~ +. &-< c-2) ~r· ---·-..:

~ I' ' 1 '; '

. ·... : ~ .. '~ .. '

.' . ~ : ·..·.. . ':

.. ..
. •,·• ,. '
, I;' ;,~· ·",.' ' •
. ·.· ..
. .. ~- ~

: ._'··; ... or
' 0 I ~
... ,·l
·, .. -·

. . ..
·. 1e _ddt (kinetic. energy) ..., i •. E (R, t) + ~, ~
() B(it~ t) · + & ( €- 2)
d.t. _s
.. :~. '· ' .


_;. ····i
•. 'J
,' ..
'• ·.: .::'

This is not a, surprising result and .probably could be "Written dovm directly'.·.::. t ; .; .. • ·-~/·-~

terpt o
.E . is the rate of. increase of .energy. due ~o work ~oneby tha
... '::_, · · '·
::·.·! . ... ~~ 1~- ... .t •
. jB .·
electric_ field ~m the gui_ding cente,r, while H~. is the induction effect

of a time dependent field rmd is due to the curl· of

' ' -·o • ~ ~ ' • '
E o
acting about thG I
. ;


circle· of gyration$ ' . One. might wonder

....Why t-he second
.· .
term. doea not have '
·: ·~I ' ' '

dB dB.· . ~B -:· .
• the total time ~erivativEf. dt' ~ ""TI· :t" v 11 d 5 +·~ ~· r; B. The reason ia.t.t11at -~,

·a ~gnetio field gradient (a~

represented. by~
- . .
·v,, ~ + UE ,o VB'} .'does not
. .
: ··. ·. · . ... .
.. -.- .
; :... ·.· .. , ....
\ . '
~terch.ange~ energy betNeen.
change .the total.· k.inet:j.c ener:gy,, but merely .
. . •••
' ~
t' ·· ... .'

.· . the ~rpendicular and paralleL components Cl

.' : :· >
~ < ,' ' . ' ',
~ <
o ' • ' • o ' ' • • I 1
.• , •
o .. .
; .
.. .· ... .. : . ,.
·.• ·.·:
-.'~·... ~··~-~; . (. •.;' I, ~.. \' ' .. .

• ' '' . ' ' ·.~ '•/, .i ': '• . 'I ' •.'' ' ' • I • lj.: ··-: . ·-: '"
. ··..,. : . .
:• ' ·( . • .':':1. '. ,' ·. . ' .. .. ..
··, ·:, ~..-;: . -..:. :.,;ho:~~;.::x; . . · ·','
' .. . ( '.

~ ·-; )

:' '; ...' ..-,'
' .
'• . .} .
. ;.
. •.
1.•· ·-.• ..
'. 16 ""


.... We now have the three fundamenta.l equations (~/)I ~(j, 'and (;4/J). "·'
•~. . .··
·,. ·. ···.
:·: .. ~·-· ':_'.: ::.
.. ·...
I~ I : ·: ' ' :'
~ • 0 :, ·,f,
.~ ;
-· ....· ·,
t .• '·:: ... ' . .':
. ,.
.' :
~ '
.~ - ,. (
·. :: . ~- .' -~ . . '·

' ::::-- .· '-

- .....·. ..
··..._..--.·- ,.-.·
. ' :: ...
and Eq. ~·?') can be writtert as

.'·, -~ ; '

.. i'
. • . • ,I
' .,
•' •,.

' (.!Jf() ' .·' ..

.. ·

+ MB +e.( V" +·¢) is a. constant ·'·:· :'.


' ~ . ' ' ~-. ''·.

'i of the zero order motion_ along a line qf forcae
.. ·.l· . .--

!- In a _static· field, 1p.,. 0~ .. :·.

! --~ '
:>.~ . ·: _:_._. . ·-:.·:-.
! .... ·,·;.-_,,
f \. ,..:
and is just conserv~tion of energy~
t. ':. •,'
I. .: . . . ,.
.~' .'
I ·:·: : :. -~-- ~-.......
i '·.,
I , ,

! ' · doneo Tpis is the case of a st~ti~ magnetic field with rotational symmetry •'} ·.

. j''
(ouch as a mirror machine), c:tnd a static. E!l Where --'
E J.. has no azimuthal.: .
'\' :_:·;.!_ •. ·.

... ·..
;·· ..

. component .and E_
,.,. 0 {Fig a,). The 'POtentia~ ¢. is thus a_ constant ,on· ..: ,
'•' j

. '·....

' .
·. ,,
. -~'

.. .
a line of Jo~ce~ Such a mirror machine has been named Ixion 9 and is ·. . ·.· -., .
. ·,: .
.. dis~ssed by Lon~~, and.~ba. (~) Th.e zero-order drift ~
:; . ' ' ..k, . . ~


•; ,.
is in the azimuthal the componen~ pa~alle~ to .B .of the dirl!:)ction~.
f • . .: ,, ·,·.
I >., ; ~: .. , ·, ' 2. . .. ·.
. ·'
resulting radial ..centri~al ·force .m~ /r_ . ha.a the desirable property, of .'.:
'· ..•- .. :,
' . '·''.'
. :.
· . !' ·it more dit'f';lcult tor the. particle. t.o escape at the ends;,
. . .. . -~ ! . ! ,. . ·, ·'
:_,:; -·.
·• .. .:
. -_ I. '· ...·. _·:· .. -:·;.,
~- . ...,. ' .
. ·.
'·•'. '._·· _: ..
' . .·. .. ,·:' . .'.··
• ' • j.
• ,j
·:·: .... ... '. \ '\. ·.,_ i••
' ~
.'··· 'I·'''

: '. . : . ~ '

---.· : '.•. . \

'. '·.
. :
. . '
' !•

I .
. ..:'. :,.. /.:-:·- .·-~ :·' .·'.\• ._.·:··:· -:·
··:. .; ' . .. ' -~'

.F:·~ . ~ ·. ' ..
. ..·, .
. .. '
.·.·. ·: ~/ ~::. <· ·:- ~·
i ' ._,. '· ·',.
. ' , ' ·.
... ;

.·. \

. ,.
. ... ( _; . .,

. . :··.
· .. ,.

·• ,' ~ ..·.·· ':•.


.,; ... ·. ·' \

. ·,· .
.·.. ··:. ': ·. ;:.. ':·· ·.·.

,: :· ....

... ; ,l. ···.•
I ; ~ . '
. . . ., T .

#- • t .'·
., .
·.·· .. ··,·
'.; ....
.' .'•
I ' •
... · .. ·~
/ ..·._:·~
Fig.,,;;t, Mirror machine with large electric field perpendicular to 1l. ·i 0.
··.' . ·. ' ~ ... '.•

The effect is just that which would _be observed if a bead were plac~d ·on .....
' ··> ·.'
.:· /' .:.:_·.
·.• ··a smooth wire bent, in the shape of th? line of force,, and the wire then .· .
... .; '.
. ,/

. ...·

rotated.about the z, This analogy will become apparen~ in the .·._,

:· ·, ~ :\ . : ·.'. :·,.

... :

• '

/· .....~:-::. .

" ' \ ' · ! , •.



·.· ··.·.·
'Jt <
.. r ; , ~

..i ·~.

·: · :::·:··.:· :..... terms on the right side of Eq •. ¢?7) vanish e::r:cept R·"
followine analysis ..

Under the specified restriction on the .E

- B .field~, all
. . . ...

.. ,.
mv11 ...,
to -;--:- ~ • ~ • () ) ~ in this ;3pecial case~ and equal13 1
. . ._. ...::! :··:. mv11 .

'·, ..;.
~ , ::. · . . e (cE/B)
~J :. t~ • r7) ~1 • Because ~3 • e"1 a 0, the factor ,.• .

. ·.·:..~_:\·· ~3 e. (~ o T/ ) ~l equ.ala :.. ~l o. · ( GJ •V ) ~3 • But (~ • i7 ) 'GJ a -~r/re

. .
.where ~r is a'unit vector in the radial direction. Therefore - ~ ~ (~ "Q' )~ : ""· ' · ·
1 3 . :3 : ·,·'
\' ·.
~l o ~;Jr. . ·; :·

over the zero-order,


line of force about z), the variation of cE/B and · ~l " 'er/r .with
•,: ·'
. 'l···.'· .···
longitudinal position must be known. ,The following is a proof that
. "' . ·•·' : l·:
... t

~ ..

I , • ~ ,' •

,_ ,,.
•wl. . . . : '.•,'

;· ·~· ·.. ,
1 .. ..~.. : . .
• .f .• • ' •' •• :. • . ~' ' •••
.. ·,.
I • •j:•
•. ,1'·
..' . :
••• j

' . •'

'·. '1 ~·-.. ;",

' ' . '' '
' .',: ~. .. .......- .
18. . ·.·.
' . ;-.

•• '• ·•. • . ..1>;! . •

:· - .· perpendicular. to ' B, flux surfaces ~re also equipotentials and ~ . is · i ;;> .: · ~· ::;;

.:·.:· !..;., , U.ei-efore a .funC~ion of 'i:. The component." of electric field at"e' :. ~;:_, ' , :,':

: ; ' : Er a - 71¢/ dr .. - (d¢/d ll!) ~'l/Jr 8nd Ez .a -(d¢/d tz) 'a Yl I d z. Thua' f' ' '·:
".· :.~~. ' E_.e ErrY!;/ o r) 2 ~.(~W Jz)2J l/2 0.¢/d~:.~rB(ct¢/d'M?) and cE/rB·~ cd¢/~'!9 ~: ..'·:·.::- •.
. .
. ·:·'.
·.. '
which is constant 9n. a.flux surface. The quantity cE/rB is the.. angular ': 1

. ~
. . . . ' ':. :, . ~ ' :~
ve~oc~ty .of the ~ drift about z ~and will be denoted ,by A •. ·.Therefore
mv · . · ·
. II .~ (~ ) ;'\ . m/e ) 2 A A
. ·. . : ..
-:-~ '
~-- ·Tl . e 1 . is. ( ':lE .• . ~ .• v li ..a.: :re1 •· er;, .which equals 1 •f •t,,,: ,' .
.. . ''-:
' . . 2 2 '
·: . ··: .. (m/e)(d/dt)(...n.. r /2) ;. because '.,,

• ' ; ', I ' ' . I .


. 2
•.· 6
a ..0..


' . ·. .. ' :: ·, . ~ ·>:: . ' .

; " ~ .. '
(. .,. . ·. :: ..· :·: .
. · 'rh~ in'l!egral of Eq. (J../) is then
'·.<' ' , •• ,·) '

.: ·~--< . . - ' ..
./ , .

.mv1·1 2/2 + MB ·-:- m..A.~ 2/2. equals a· .constant .of the zero-order motion
on the flux sur face"
... ,

If the subscript. c . denotes: quantities..a.t ·.the· median plan.e of

Fig& a. and e at the mirrqr (i.e., ~t the loca.tionoi'fma.ximum magnetic.: .

• ·. field. on the .f~. sur.fa.cs)li Eq. <.3/) becomes.

. . . '··

... ,
·.•' v./12a Q% ·,2il c + (2l{Bc/m)(:l .~ Be/Be) -~r2o (1. .,.. r e 2/r~~)e' ::·~· .· :
,,.... .· ·.·;

•· .
.~ ~;·f~, .··:.:: ·.
. : . '~ . ~
. ·.
'' '•

. . . . . ··.
"'.'.' M a 0 1 the pDoblem is that of the bead slidin~. on the wire described ,.· ·.<
·. : ,· :" t '; : -·~ :
·,, .. ' ..
.. ....
. ·i !. ..

'.': Terms containing ~ . in the drift Eq. (/7) give a small (order~),;·· ...'·'.:~ '
.. ::. -~ ' . f . . -~ . . ' ,.
·"· . ~otion in or normal to a nux surface,, the zero-order. veloci~~ being Y.'.. ·' .. -· "· ·. ;':,./: · ·:~
' •; ,•.
+;.in the _surface •. When crossed ~th.
I, " ..

""~1 .vh. "e1 /B, the t~ir~

.. :·
...... R ' I

• . , .Jit.
_bz:ac_!cet~ azimutha~
' .'
. ~/ -~ '
term in the square is in the direction_. If· E . is .. ·.

·.· .... ! ;·...

.· ~
,I··. outward as :1,n Fig • .;a. , the fourth term is
·••.• ·
.. .:
~ '
. ...:· .... .•..
. . ··.·
:, '
' ,
.' where t} is t)1e. azimut.ha:l angle in cylindrical coordinate.s and ~z is a. .': :•' .':'·
·.. ,, : ... ·'·_;

unit vector in the z 'direction. \'Jhen crossed with e , this fourth
1 ···'··.··
.. term gives a drift normal. to the flux surface: The sixth term ir} brac;:ke.ts .~';.. ~::~;'(<· · _;:' .:
.... is v11 _ ( t) U'. E/'.f ~.) -:= - v.
11 (G>/~s)~~3 ) .. -v11..o. ~ ( tJ r/;;a).""
. 3 '
~3.(e'"r ~. 1 ),
• .,· :. . :····.<:.<.,,. !
. . •'' ·1,. .... t'':l

. ,\1' .. ...
hence is the s~e in .. this geometry as th:e '·.fourth term. The ~st term in . .-.· }.···<··;·> · . .
. .' .'.,.I ' .
,. - .

., the. a~uare braqk~ta i~. j,_r~ ... V (.n.z:~3 ) = ..o.. r (~3 , ~ 2 2

v:1 )~ =. -.d- r~r· · '>-·::.':>;·_:·:. ,:,

::::::·:da::io~\0 ~:t t::: : 1::·:u:::::: ::::.~

. .
drift 1n tne
::.:r,;·. ,:. .
Because of the two order ~

drift terms perpendicular to the flux ·
• -1 • • • .. •: ?:. . .,~-. i

·surface, there .
in.¢ (and.
an ord~r 6 change
. a,f kinetic energy).
. c .' '

: -: ~ : ' ' 1
.· .
surface.,· This change in · ¢ · can be calculated·
' ~ ''
' ... ~ ;·.
as the particle· traverses the ·.... -· ·. '·J _~. ,: ··,:

.. . \.
. .: .. -~ .:-~~~-~
: '

'7t ..:.'
•. · . •'
directly .from: the product or the dri~ · veloc~ty .normal·' ~o the. sur:t'ac® ·and . · ·· · · ~; '... · · :>.,
·., .. • '

. '-":!:
• 0 • • ••

·. '," .
•• ' ••

,;- -·. I•
' . ·... . .. ...... ~
' .,... :. • ' J -~ ; · the. elactric .;·'
. ·.· .. · : ·~ .~: }'>
;':. •'. . '.
·-:; ~
.. .
,' ' ' ,l

·. ; .. ·. ·,

: r ·,•, •

. ' ~.~.~. . .: ;, ,.. :

o';, ', _ _.•.
'• >

-~- ; .: ..·.. ' ..
. '{
! ,

20 ....
.' . ~

•On integrating
. '

. (.3G'J >\· :.,:_:;. ·. ' : \

'I'~ 0
. : ,·_
. '• .. ..
' .~ ..
· T'n e change in e¢ caused by the first-order dri_ft off. the surface ~quals ·. ·~· '· . : • · ., . • til , • . , . ' ! l' '

.~ . . . _:
,' as the particl~ .in zero ordez:- on the· · .....
,. ~-


. :_· ... ,··, :. ...

surface c. This result can also be obtained,
. . . The
by. energy conserva.tion.
"-: ·.
-. .'
' ..

,. ~- ..
'; · .:' .
totn?-- a~erage ~nergy associated with the perpendicular motio~ is
. ...

j· . . -. ~ ' :
.. HB
+ m~ 2 •. Therefo:re
. 2/2). + MB. + (rouE.
, (mv·
. 2/2) rl
+~ 'P , is .a constan~ of
. . · ··
.:·-, 11
_..,. '·'
But from Eq. (31) · (m/2)v 2 ·+ MB -. {m,{.2)u._g2 ·:. :::: ._,
. ·· .. . the 'zero plus first-order

~onstant =.. - .2./l.{~2/2). ,.:·~.-.:· . . ·,

.·,' ::
·• . ·':·.· !-·- is ·a of. the zero-o_rder. motion. ·By subtraction .6 {e¢)
...... ·,··''
This. dr~ft normal 1;.o th~ flux. a~fac~ is not cumulative.~~ sinceJ ..
,, the s~gn o•f. vII . r~verses_ when the pa.rticl,e_ re.flects pear the mirror. . 4:

'· . . . ' . ·'· ..

The Geometric Interpretation~ of the Drift Equation and the Longitudinal·:.>·:·> · ::
·.·.. ·.....
. ·..· .: . : ... . . · ~
Equation of Motion .
' jl .., -:~ •• ~ ·,· :;. .

::. :::( ...>. ' . , ...... ·.

. ·, •' .. . ' '. .~

.r·~_.· : ._:;· y.~.· ..'r:. ·....


: ' ': ' .. /. ..·.:f._·. 1~ , . :-

' .. , }.'i- To get some physical insight _ihto equations. (/f) ·and ~6, it is .·. · /:-:
f ...;: __ .. ·.·,,_:,..,:
I · .-:\ , :;.:.: ·: , .. instructive to l~ok .at the geometric reason for the mcmr:ence of some of.· .. :~ · .< (."'·.: ~
l· . :·; .·; ~~- :· ~- • ~ . . _:,::J,.,~' :-.~ .. '
.. ' .
:-._;· > the terms •. All. the drift terms· .in Eq 0 (//) arise because. of a variation· :.i />>··:
•• ;1., , · .
:,: ~· :
. ·:' .~ ':, ..
! ~ ·.. . ·. J at the gyration £:r.equency of the curvature of the;.particl~ trajectory., .


,, ,-1 • •_·
·:. ·: . '~ ' .
This variatio~ results .in a cycloid like. motion at right angles ~o " . .I
. ~ '• . : ·.. '
.. ·.
-~ ..

·.. The r.eason J'or the variation at;. the _gy:rofrequency is different for each

, ~irt. .Th~' f~ar drifts . c~f',c ~1/B~. · :~ .g_x_ ~1 ·~- and -~~ ~1 x~B \"

;.· .

.·have often been.illustra~ed. in·theliteratu're\~) and will net ·be

•.; .. '

·· .. ·
•J • ,· ,· .
-ri. : ~~ ·... 'l

,, <
~ .....-: ..
.... , 4' For example 1 the 'Q' B drift occurs because · B varies
I ,
( .. ' ;
t··,. ..
: '
during a gyioat.ion .. period, a:nd therefore the radius of cu.rvature doe a ...
":'·; ·,.
1 .. ·:
·:: ··,
I, :·•.,
·. ~so ... The rem~i~g drift terms. in Eq. (//'). ~me from the . 1£ x ~l ..term.:
....·. L: :; _.:·: :_ ..
· in Eqo .. ( 13), and are usua.l,ly described as the result of a.' d 1Alembertian
' '~· . I . • • ' I • • •' ·. '
•• ~ ;.- l •• ' ' •

•' . ...,[ .
.~ .
- 2l ....
. ~: . ;
:• '·· ..... ·. • • j; -~

does not help one's geometric un~erstanding .. ' . '~ ' : ', ...~ -~
.· '•, ~
'1 .'
·.. j

~-t~b Consider, f"or. example~ a physical situation in which the ..•. :.}." ·:· : :, . : '· ~
.. .
"' d.rif't app~arso Leta magnet with large parallel pole faces as shown·.-:::: ' · .··, ·.:···:.;,
.... ..- \. . . ! • :-~~ ' ': . • • • • •:

in Fig.~ be rotated about. the Z-~s ~to give a ~ ~ 1/ ;> t =..o.},. where. y .· . ,., < . '•
> •
• • ~ ,.

is a unit vectoJ:" along the Y axis and 4 is the ·magnet'~ angular veiocity
. (..a.~'- w)~ .·'Be.cau~e ther~ is ~ : ..JB/ dt there :dll ~· general b~- an. E:. I
.. ,. .~:
'. '
". ~ ~

... ' ::·:· . ~ .:. ·.: •. -.J

. ·.:·:·.!.:
,·. y ~- ·~· '·._.~·--··)'·:"'~:
·. ··' ··.· .'.'!. · . . ..1 PiS VIA C.V : (/£· . .Il-l ~G •••. :·.•~: •. .
.··,. . .. i 0 Ol 1"40 'J
,I', 0

.. .
Yl oi:e'. . . ; • .. .. . .
. . ' !' •...

.. ,
. ,• · · ··,· · '·Vr:t:-fo,.,..,~ /J.c,.:-,::
I '.J . ·. · . .. I' ;.'>
.. \. ·~ ;· .. ; ; ... 7 ':· dtrc<-T'~ ;:o;
.' .. ' :. .. :. : ·.. .'J.
.. . ~- "; ',
. :'.

: ,1· • · ·.. r'>o~ -L~.· hoi;~~tc.i ' ~~
:~ ..~:. <::.·:·~·.. ( ' ~
. . ., : liicA-~ . ,· . . . ;
-~·· ; . .. . ··. '.
,. '.
,• :' . ···~·.
... ~- -: ; . ·' .. .;.

;.,. ·
... · ': ... ' : • '': •• f •'~ •

•: ' · : •• ·.; ~--.... ,; ·: •• ··;~ j. ,.',''·,·:·· ••

··...... -~ .. ••• l . ;
.. •,.:;,•

:·. { .·; . ·'· ' ._.>:•/

.· .. :· .
·:. ··. '
. . '•
,: ~ ' , ·.,
-.. . :
'· • '
I '": <

·... :: .:: ', ·,:, ·•:.::r:-:

;_:{:'·-':~::',{:;···.'·.. Fig.3 Rotating magnet .gives a 'J"J1/ Jt drift,. • in the Z direction : ·;·,.,_··; ,:; • .·,.·,

·.. ; <' . .. and therefore there will also Occur ,the drift lrE .~ ~c ;;1 x E/B. -<~e.•lwo' ·F: · . ' }).%
. :·':-.. . ;_.; ·' terms .in. Eq. (J/) t..h,at ~!"~ pr.oportio~al.t?. ~l ~.J'UE/ Jt. and to ·>. ·.·;:~:f>:·· -:.. :- .i-;~
~- ~~:· :?.·

.·. ': ·
•. ·.-·

·,. ·
t ,.'

~l x. UE ~ V-; ·are not obviously zer~,, although tl:lis will turn out to . . ' .· .. ! · . ' : •·· ·:(

·.··:, be tho case. · From .c V x E' a. - Ji!/di' one finds '.dE/~ x o.n.B/c •at ·,· _<\ >.{ ' ~. :
·..·.. •·.·;; ·::;·:
• · zero time, if we·· :tak·e. Ex. and Ey zero. ··~hen ,. E~ :"' .n.Bx/c + E z (xaO)? · Now ''. .
" __;···.· 1:
", / .
' ;

~-:. ::~<:.:· . :· ...., '.-~ . ~. ~

: Ez(x=O) also ~quala Ez . everywhere for.~ • O. Let us assW?~_.there is': ', : .. : ., >·' .··.:.. '.
•• /'.

1' ;;


. ,
•. · · .... . ·,.....
,t'i" • • •
no E ·ill th~ absence of rotation,. so .that', ..Ez(x~>. .. is -zero~: ~Th<3: ·~ '
' .:


.. '·.. .
"';.. ..~· .

I • ' • " • \ ' • ! > '"',

' : ~ ' ·. .
..... .... ::.
::; ·:·
drift· ia. · ' ·· · ·. i~~·~
: ... ·. . '
.... ·
·. :- .:-"..· ... : . ·~ -:' ~
·Us ~
..... "'I
cE_ X e _B ,• x..n...r
a.t zero timeo · ·.
. ,.

.. .. _.:.
.... ....
· ' ',·,,".
·· .. · . 1 . ' ·,' . . . '

•,, .· , ....

.. ..
~ I • ~ • •
• , .. 1

-.; .·.

·: :.· ....
I, '.
. "~

... 22 ' .
~ .. .. .
. :~ ' ::.·
•. . . >.
' . .
,· ·t: ;_·:;_ ·.• ~:· ..
leaving , ~
.. I '.

···: '

. .
, I
.... ·
'~ .· if.J,.. "' cE

~~(~ 1/B) .. + v 11 (mc/eB)


~l.x. Q'e1/Jt ""y.n.x + z~~.A/(,t!J


o ~) ·>r. --~ .
' ; ' ~ .. •' '' I • "I > ' I_ I' •.·•

. ~ '.. ' .. .·," .,

t ~ . ·• ,_.;
0 • ' I I i

"" .· ·~. ·. , ... :·, ' ., ' '

~--~~: _b.~1/at
.drift ·is perpendl,cular to .the page ~d of ma.gnitu~e · v A/~o _
11 .. ,

' . . equatio!} of motion ~ {)) becomes

· . ·--· .. The f>8:!&l-lel
.. ~ ~ . .

;. ' .
.. ' ' :~ ,. . ~. .
'··.·· .
··:.• . ·-· . - . :., ...
.-·. '·/·
., .
. ..,

. ~·· . .'' ., . This ia just the centri~gal~cceleration a.t a distanc~ x from the axis ::- .
. ~ . ; . ·. ;.. . .. . .. ;

of rotation~
··.: i'· ·.'

The geometric .reason that the curvature .of the trajectory_ varies

~ the presence :of. U~l~ d t , is that the perpendicular velocity J.~ X ~~

·.·:· ,.l.

varies as \ _changes direction, The drift velocity' ~an be derived

., :'.,. . . · (exce~t possibly for a.··.n~erica~ factor). by:, ~i fixed for .half'
\ ;-,: _., . "' I . .
'... ·. >: :.- ..
';•'.:,·.·:::·: _a gyration per.iod,and then changing~its direction !or the next·ha.lf period, __ .:'·
.. ":"· ·: .·,--·;.._:·,·.

.· i
~: .. '
etco . A view: along· ~he X axis of. Fig. 3 "1-r.ill ~:.appear\:at 1ift:.. s:.t:;:.~.rt.· .~:. tn . ~ '. .
: -~ -~ .f.. . .
' ..-~~- . ~ ,; ....
• ,r ·. ,...:...-··j ·.· ·:. · .. ·...
•, ·'·
Fig. _:'f." ·'.· .• ... '

. ··\

. ;·.·
.... .,_ ....
.. . ·
) ,, : 'I.

.' . .. ~

' .. ~ .. ';

I. -...
f·•. •'/J.

' · I·,· ....

' -.:. . ~ . '.•' I

. ., ·.
.... ·~... .- ··
... ·.··-·.
. :· .
·_;, .'.
~ '.

. I :... . '
., . . • ''-: ; >
-. " : .,. . ' ~

' .

-:; .·
Fig.¥ Geometric explanation of the .. tfo1/. dt · drift~ ,. · ·
-~~' ·.·
I .. ·.

'.• •
l@t ~- be. th~. angle bet\\feen. _l . Md. ~ 1 , so that·. · vJ.. is . v ~in£':
_:· .· . .' ?· ' : ·::. and~ .v ~~~is· v cos &·••. ·At the end. of the first_ half periocr (y >O)·:.. let .. · ·:.' .·
! .. ., ' '
~ ·. :_ .~:. .
' . ... A ' · A . . \ . ! '

i ... ,:·.·.··~: ·:·-':\. e1 . ch~ge .~Y· .a.ei ~-the_ y· direc'~'~?~.~- . For the· second h&~f' ~rlod .. _ •: .

1. : •• · :=· ·._ _ (y ( ~)_)v~; ~ll b~ ~~n~e.d -~~ :< ~ ~.~.-7;~~::.:~~-a& A! :

·,v 18 .A~ .::·:~.:_;·~S.· ~~~ .':::__ ::··__:.
· ~- ·~~~~:~~_:ti. ~\;i:~~;;f.:~:·:~L:_.~_;·;,L -~- ·. · : , \:· .· :~.~:-... -~- :.~ -: ·. ::.-;~,<:~:·< ~<: ~·-";-~ ;;:: , :_.
23 .·!·...

. ~. '

. . ... ··· .. ··
velocity equals the . s~Inici,~cles
. the diaineters ..of the ,two,
difference in. . . ~·.
.. . . . .. '

Since' e equals..• {· : :'.

:~ ... :' ·..~ ~: .
'lhus the . :: ~

.. , ....
dr:i,ft .velocity: equals v 6flw , which in this case. happens to be. correct
:·· • .1, ,., ••••.

, .... · .• ··.··' .. ·even to numerica.l factors e

··' ':..··,.
~ ' ' '
Similar geometric .derivations. can be given ,of the. other:lc::lrifts :· .. ..... :
, :.. ',1.

:i ~. ' " .. ~ .
'' .

. ~

..,i ..:·.:

~~.' :;.· .•· .' . ' v11 and· \IE. in Eq. : ·{:. ..·,·::
In Eqo (ao) the parallel acceleration .of the guiding center. come~ .'·.·~:~) . .. ·.~:
·:·... '·1 ,• ;. ••

~omponents of. g
' .... ! ·•
....,. from several sources. It is obvious that . the parallel. ··.· :··
.·• ~~ .' . : t .....
. ...
. and E will accelerate the·particle.along the line of force. The third ,. '• •,.·.:,..:_-,·
. ··.... ;..! ,I

... -.:·
H ~B r· · .. -'_:·..!
'; C)s is the well-known mirror effect. It can ba understood by.
~ ·.. '
. .. ~
1 {'
' . ·. ~- ·.·.
..·.· . t· ..
field,• (Fig. SJ" The force
. .;'-·..,·¥
the 'particle :.

. ·.:·.
,. _l
.•.~ ·. _;;
~ · '""~> ~ e ~' :· · ~
0 v x ~(r )' .:
"t. _., e "
...., ·
-:t )
{e1 11 + vJ.) x ~Br. + Bz) "" c v.i.\x: (Br + tsz • The ..
., · ··· ·
•··.'>. ·;· .
~"';A. ·x B~ term is a radial force. and gives the centripetal accelerat~~n. · ·The.·, : ,·;·:'.:· .· .·~: :·
' . .: ·.; : •. ·~~ I.~·,'~; .:._:.
.. ·.-. .• :. . . • _". ~-. !

.: ~- .. \ . ;··:~ ~.:.. ..

. ·:····: .

.··-.. . •.;
~- ; ; ·.•. ; >
·.,. !· . . . .

•.: ..

··.· . , r .....

. ··. .' j

!, :-···
. ·... ·;· • :: 'J. ·• •''.·.

... Themirror effect• . .: ~ .

.' '} .. ' ..-~. .. . .... ·.. · f
.. ,'.···.
'~ :' .._. .~. . ..... ~.. . 'i : :~ . l .
. ... ·..'
·t. e ~.h· :'i :i rJ.: r:\i.: .i :1J: , :t-:~l~(.\ e ~~~~!.; ,~•i v/: :i. {h r~·· clf\lll. r·.ilJI:t~'.J.. :,; ~~·~;~1/.·l.'/ ~t1·~m .: :··1.i1t~.,
:-.! . '.~ . :" ..... '. . :·.:-: :··~:\': >' ··:_...,.·· ...... ·-~:;~·~ . ;·· ....
'/~~-~;· './':~ . .; : ..
' ~ '·. ;·,
.. (, ··, ... ··. ,. . -~·

:': .. ·, '.•.; · ... :. :.·.

i '· ..; .·.' •" . . ;.·!-
~ ~ J • • _:. • ••
f ·/
~: ~·-·:

··-· .. . '·
. /.'
'-; / _:.. .... ;
·< ;·. ': . -~ ..
:·: :.•· .. :f .;
.. .'...
' ' ,: I_ •' ,.' .:
. ':•".
~ •.·. ., . ··]', .
. -. ,c··
.. . .· . ,;_'
.· •·•.• • • 1.·

r ..
• •• ,! • _._; .••• : . , ·"··
• '~·... • ' • J ••: ::. .. .' :·.:, ,1. . ~
.. •
. r •
: \ .. ·~>

.... ,-:--~ ·~ ., -~ . • ··~-·- ·-w...,•··~,-:-.,.-~--~~~
'..,¥ :- ,:.;: <- .•

i· i •
: _ . .J'•
. I .
· ....... •



~ -;..&... x Sr term ls dfracte·d to. the· ieft. and eq~als -M ~~~ ·since_;-:·:_';:_:,':_:~:;;_.:
.. . .· ·... . . . ; .·
the. Br at ,a gyratipn radius fr~Hii the z~~is is related to . __,;: . i :·- \_:·
....,.. -.
. '"'TS
by- V• :B: a O. ,.. . -:~-.:·,

The lf:!.st
term· in
: . .
Eq. · Q.O)
. .
·.···. _:.· ',· .··
·: ·" '. arises ·because the :Pl rallel veloci:ty v
is ialtered not only.

by an acceler~tiOJ?.·. j · c;>f
. .,
the ~id~ng
. .
cent_er 8 • but also· _by a
.. . e
. ..- '.
,';'' ..... _ .in _directlo:q. _of' the. B : fiel<\ withOut. a change in- R., ..
; · ,: ..:.: ··.A specific. examole oi' this t~~'S seen· in the ·illustratio~ c:£ the; :' ;:<··:. . . ,·,:
. . .... ..;. ·- . 'A. ·-:... .
. ···- ·:
'.t'.•.' • .
't·' ·.'' 0 t:J . ···. ..,
;-~ ' ___,....:_
drift due to ·___1.
i) t • . ...... ~.-·. ·_
: ·-~
:·._· ..
...... -
. ·.··
.. -,,.
. -=· ',·; ~- ..
~ )

' .. . • <'• ·.·

.. ...:

' . E.- The RelativisticOasa . · ...

:- '. ~ .-.~ ·... ·. ; ..... . . ~-
I ' . ~ .: ; ·. . ·.· '
<'.,. '. .
·,_··::· ' •• -~he drifts and ;Longitudinal .. equation of motion for a
. .... ·

. : ;·: · . c·._: ~article of rel_a tivistic ~ne:t"gy c~ now be deduced, at least
. ' .. . ·.·· ..

::\for- the ~ase :w~ere .EJ. and. ~ -·~e.' or ~- ( <: )G To- begin with,_ <· ':_ ·:~ >,.;1

. :· let us· consider .the case where, E :~O; the' relati_vistic equation· · ·, •· .;:.... , .·
.. '·.
•· .. :· of motion is
i "< <. ,· .•
'·. ' >' .; :. •• ~ •

I ,. ·•.. '· . -'~···... ; : ......

. ·

I-.·,,·.':. . ,,. d-"
v .;,
i .• .
.'' ·:~:, ·, ~ ~
,. ~
.... '
(37>. :. ·, '_..>': ,:· :-'. :: . _
i .. ' lll-(9 2' at'· ' .. ·.,
. . sinc_e e~ is constant ·1n .the absence or i.. Thus the trajactory · , ..... ·
t's corr'ectly. given
datail. by. the non-relativistic
. . .
equation · ....:·:· ~ ·...
.. ,.
:.·> :::_.··> ......
·· ... ·
··.:-. ·,,;
for a pA.rticl~ 9f mass
m-· ·.. : : .·:;.

·. r'·

.... ;

.. ·... ::.....

. ·.
. ..
25 ....


~~ 2

' .... ~

1.L "".
. e
B x
VB+ 1e a:;]' , . W/) . <
·<: :·.·>.;

whe:re Mr 1s ~oB . , the l."ele.t1v1st1e magnetic moment~··( /t'P} To .. ;: ·<. =,.· ·.

'.... ,.
understand; physically the relativistic. effectp .consider. ·the.
J.. ~· ,.. ! ...

VB drift term in Eq. (7{0). . It is y times as large as ·the :. ~ < ;

·.non-relativistic ·!9xpressi9n .for the .same V;. • Relativistically. ~· ·
the partic:l'e. has · Y times~

. .
the. mass,·
. . hen((
a Y times the radius .

or gyrat~on, .and ther~fore s~ples. 'I tim~s as much of~ the B

'·· ·- . :

· · field .inhomogeneity as non-~elativistically •. Since the 17B

drift. comes· from. the small difference in. r·adii·. of curvature on .;.. ··.·
'.· .
'_:: .. . ~ -·: . . . . . . . . . l . . : . ,.

! ,.

. , . opposite sides ..or the "ci.r.clfi" of gyration,_ the larger the rad~us, ..: ~ ·,· ·
J' <'. ~~- ,:· ·-"

.. .·,·......
the Ja. rge~ the difference, and th~refore .
the .larger . the drift . '

. '·:J·


i. . . ~ ~. ':.<:.··velocity ... The fact. that the period or gyration is inc.rea.sed ... _-_:,
'.: .
>:'<:···by y is just. comp~nsat.ed by _the ra.ct _that _the dif..ferenc~ .lle .·.· •.:" ..

.·, .... ·
·:;: ··
,· : in radius ,of curvature on the t~o, sides __ of the .orbit _for: a .··.·

. ·.·'( ·':.'
. . ~ . ·,. , .. '.,;•·
,,,',I', giyen AB betwsen-the_two also~. times.larger •. These. :'·": .... .... )'•

.... :. :: ·-~ • ·. .:·. ' .t . .

· · .·.-. :: ·., .· •· statements }'till be cla.rif'ieq by an order ot magnit~de calculation. ;
·' . . .· ~~ . . ...
-:";:·,.:,:::.·.·':·\<··sim.ilA.r .to thq, Figo (~) u~
',•' ,.;,.

f'or. the drift. The radius . · ... ,. . ; '·"


,· ..
· ot g~ation .is 'II
' .
. ··;·.
' ' ' ;
. .·.. ;•··

....,·;• ..
(~,..'"l>\ . -.. <:>···.
; : .. . . .
• . ··.· .. ;·. .
~- .
'•' "·'I

·.. · . ·.
i '. ··;' :. .·.

•" ,,

: -~ ......
. ::~ _: .. : . ·.
. '·.'

.. . . .. .~ ' ; ....· •. ·.· ..

, I
····. '

·.. --~ ..... ·..., ·. i:•.

'.. ·'·.,
.' '
.' I' 0 '
~ : .· .· ,:-·-.,;, . ',t • ':····?' .•. . '"· ' .·

• ,..i
• ,.
.... . .·.. ·,.•'

. . ' ;, ': .': : ·..

. ....
.·., .. ·
25 •.•

. ~. :
.-.•:. . ...,
; ,

•.;. '.
... .. '

.....__, .
... v
--a- fVB
~(; . _( Yff ''>,~··.r';.:·,).
;.'\ . :./. ,·,
,'.i '•
·' .· ... .L..
·.·.· ..... · '. ··:- '.,":,::

... ~
•·••• 1

··;and· ABo. fVB 1::; Ytimes larger.relativistically than .. . ..'

···:r-t·. ·:·-·
.. ,•
. A simil'ar argument. holds. for the term .}n Eq. (~}<ia

aE\1 . . ' 2 0 el , .
containing ') s·. .• Non~rel9.ti vistically,, v 11 vs is vlt <it .s.:.';. (L·
. , .. ·•: :::; . /-:
·and the explanation o:t the dri.ft is .similar. to that gi van ·in · :·: · · · " '' ·
. <secto$l> for the . ~: drift •. Re~at;tvistically,. the increaa·a -. ... .'.:. ··_::···/·_:~··:· .. ,·
1\'o ...-.... ' ·~• ' • ' ~··,J:
:'·'·, ,_:· < ./l,·•

mass. rln1JtJ:P~e-~s. the gyrat.ion period by. t ·· The difference :{;:_'b · :·:.> .. _
-·. ~'. : . ..

. in radii o~ curvature. between one· halt: per1,od. and the

. .
. is .. ·......
,·1 ••

,.(from~' ·Eqo·~~) · .· . ·, ··,

' ~-' ' ....
·.f··.:,:· .... '
,.· _..;f.

.:- .. . b. e Q mo t c . ;.•_. ;. ·.

. ·. ·. ··.· -eB A v.J... •

Drift. ~eloci ty due to ~2J.. ts
.,···, ,p }Ae( d' -a ~ b
I e!== A V .,
arlo· ..!... ·.'

• ~... 0

The parallel equation of motion t:?a··.· ..

in the absence.

:... , . · 2B
• ·-:· • < :.~ •• •·.·.~:·: :
.;:_.,. ,", .·
..... ·~
' ~ ... ' ·~· . .. ·:

.. '\'
·. ~. '

.~ ;
·_.! '.
f ,!:' ''.,."
' ~ ' .


·• :.-.
··.·.:. .. ~. ~-
; .

... ' ·;· .,
·' " o : .. I ~:· :, ' I
.' 0 '
· .... -
~. . t'' -~· '. {' .. ' "-'. '
.·.' . ~--
· .....
l , ' : ! ., . ., ~. . ~ 1 ' '

.,• • J,;

times lsrge~ tha~ ·.

.·. . . :
,. · .... ;·<<·•:.<From Eq., (47), the parallel. force is y . -
~~ ~

'. ~


~' .. ·.: ~

. ~ '

·. /, non-ralati vistically •. This can be understood.from Fig.

·' ·_,·,-.·..,
: ~.:.:::,:.;.·;and the 'non-relativistic explanation. o.f the mirror effect. . . : ., . ·~; · :· ... ·:;
~-,,'."··_-._~···,~ . . .- • . ·.=·.··.:_.····:.r·"·;:···~~
i ~:. /:· ...·, '·._Rel_attvistically,. thi ra¢tius .. of gyration is lB. rge~ by Y, and.. ;.< .. ·,, ·.;
··.· ... :
' •, . - .

. . ·.: · ~:· · therefore B is larger by ~ at the position of the. part~cl's ·. ·,. :-:• · r~ ··,- .. ·. -~
; ... · •· ~·-.". ':"'>-. ·. . . r'... j • • • • • • ••• •· • <::~-- .. ' . ~. :: ~;.·
.• ;r

:·, ·because or the convergence ..or the field lines~. ·.,··<:· _·:~:·~ ;:·.... ::· ·.
• _1.
''· ·xr · 1 is different from zero.and if the fields are . .. ~-'.
; .' ·•. ·.. ·' ·: : :~<
;.<.. .. ·:~ . / ~ .· .
-: -~ \. ';•
......: •'
' ..
non~sta~ic~ ,the drift. and parallel equations .cannot
' .::
. ·.:

, .:'.:.·: be obtained from the. non-J;"eli:>tivistic onesg si.nce '( is no. longe~ '', .. ..:' ::. '
' . ~
·:~ .....
.r ··~ :.
l . .
. :. :. • • ;; . 1' •
,. : ·.. ·· · ' . constant. One might surmise. that the drift equation (.V/) ·would·
:- '·.:... . cExa' . . . : ;: ·' .. _.!
·. ;;


b~ modified by the addition of: the term l ·, an9:. that _the· ' : ~ • r ' •

..,. ~
'.;. : .

B , .. · .·'.
loJ?.gi.tudinal ~quat ion <-¥9) would have ~e term added.· eE ·:" . 7 :- ·._.- ....
.... '
11 __ :·;'.·:.··:··;:·.:. ·.

· · · This surmise. is· correct for the ciase that . E L. is " .( e.)_, and
·... • ::.·
the rela.tivis.tic eq-gations .become. .. ... ' .
~· .. ·. ~


.. ~ . .
. p IJ . 1 .
. s
·~ ... '
:- ·_·

~ .

~~.,----- ......, ' .·..... ·'

.· M
= eE - ..!:. as
· Relativist 4 c&)E
. ;;-:" • 19
)·_,· .. (s~
.11 . ~ ~
• ·•

p.L 2.- M E.L and rt' _, / .

t::'8· ( !tt_)' ~
' .. 2mB ~ r ""·Constant, whene
PJ.• m ~-~~/)
., · ·'·· ... ·· ,. . perpendicular relativistic momentu~ · }./'·/' . .
. :..: . . : , ' ·. P;7,f 'to ctfdu
.. ,. . ·. H)J~"' c ~~~~a
.~;·:.:\·;.~·~>These equations were giv~n (without proof} in reference (~o) .. ·. r~J"t·,L})/~·/,j[·
i· ,.;>·',' '. The mora general case where. E.
is <r(l) has been ,~~.i~&!~li~·~
:. : . .· . ( /..I )
,, '
.L .
' (l!J i•: ~-r ~
• J (ft>> (~)
i:.~·:. ::<·::_': . •. ·:. studied by .Vandefvoort. The method. is neo.essarily covariant .. ·:·., -: '. ·
·:. I ,\

. ··-: . .-.' ...:

and· is not restricted. to cases where, E . is
. . u
or '(t. (. G ) ~. The ·

i :'·: c: •. , : \ : : ' analys_is :will not be reviewed in .de.tail. here, but only .the.
:, _.·';\ •.•. ~·~_I .·, ·• .· . ' .. . . ·. . • . ~. . , . • . . • • . . . ·'.:.·
~ d ... . '

·~;-.-.:· ·.·. ·.: · met.nod 1n~1ca'!;ed .and the resulting guiding canter. equations. of · .- , .
. .,· .. ··.·........'.:. '· ' ···:· . . . . : . \. . .::~· . ~:>·.:. .:~·· ... ·
... '~ ';·:' ~ ·~· '·.·: ~-' ..
,.··.,,·.··.:· .. ·.motion gfvenJror· the oase .where· . Ell· is <7( If:)),. The. starting·. , ....
. · ~
' '. ·. .·. ·.. . . . . · . . ' ' . . ·. ( ~~ ., . . :' ' . ;

r.·.::: ·~. :-~ .:. :~: ·. :)'~i'~t:. ~e·. ,;.~~e;·c· 'fo·~.~di~en~.ional. e~ua~ion ·; of ~:tion .:; .;.: .··:(·::·;:·:.:. ' . .
'(···~··,'. ~~ " ~-· •.'.':'' ...... •·'· .•.. ·.· ~-:.-·';··•.·:·~··· ·,, ' .·.:·.~.·:-'
······.:.,. ,~ ·.:::-::··_:_.:.::.: -~ ,··.· ...~--~··· . . ._.',·'::·.. ·-:'r··.,.·~·~
~.. • ~
'~~,~ :_.~',--~~
... ·.',·.·.·.....:.,·.·.··.·.·,:·..'.:.'.·,'·...·,..,,:,..:_.. ...
• ''
· :~.~ :_·.v~~.: ·,-~·u~, .·~ .· .1:~·•.',:;-.•·....'•...;,•..•••.•., ....~_':
. =.: .. .. ......
'• • ,.\ -~ ~-~ ,
'. .
: •• - . : ; -~ .L~ ~~\·,:~\ .:• ~~
.·, ,
~- - .· ... .' ·._... ·.
'• :~·-'j~,~>.·~·::·~:~~-~~~~·!,:',{:;~·;_.,{:f:~_::::L.~~/3.~;_~·~.-;··.-
. . . • :.: ·: '; .·., -~
•,. ~:-. •
' :·
. .. .
. ~ .... . .' .•. ·~·· ....... . -.
\ .!. .

'·_; .. •. . ··: '·

. ,_.

d. .· . •, ..
j·· .·.·: .. :28. ·""
·· . _;_·
,•, \ ' J
: •' :-.•
. ·.
': ; ... ' :~. ':. • ,t

"· . 2 ·. ·.·· ·.•·:·

~ ! .. . :~_:

' i .
·dx _. . ·.·• ~·
... . : ::-.
~2 = '1;;,~. d.,... . ··. ~· ... :

~ ( '
~. .I '· .
a~ ..~,.A.
••· ' ; .. .'· • • ·.. •• 'I"

,j! - "'
·.·. ;·
_, ·. ·,' ~~-~
' .. : ./ '·· .
_, .,.
. ...·.
·.·· .. .~"·: .
':.~-<· .f
r.~· ~ ..
r-; ·.. ,: .•
t ••
. .. ' . . . ~
i . ~- . ~· ·:.

r.·. ·. ·.. :.:., . .-,-·.~~ : .~ ' ... 0 ·· .. Bz ... '·.•By

,.· •iEX
"· ....... .' /.
·' .,1 '(''•
.. .. ....... •;.
~... ~ ~
.,;"..- .. \ . ~ ' .
~ :' ~: · . · · -B 0 B -iEy
z X

-B·x. 0. .-iE z,. .., ...

iE 0 .,·.
Y· ·,

. -~

'is the foUr.-vecto~ · (x.!.' Y.:J. z.;,~ ict). ·and 1::" is the proper time ..

1 .•':. ".\.: ~~ '.

··. the· solution .of Eq. · (,).2) exhibits. a gyratio~ in at- .: _; .. :'
. ·'·
' •, ~ ..''·
·..... .'

:.. ~. where ~is the angular frequencY,· in radians, per unit proper·. time. The
. ' . d't'
·, .~ ·.-··.
. ... . -~ :·.- .· ...

·... actuaJ. gyration :frequency; is w .:=

·: ~- When
- E = o,
= ~
·radians. per unit re_al .time~~: ..... ·

.the.. .frequency t.J reduce~? to the· usual relatiVistic. fr_e.quency

w'!;" dt

; .,·.·..
. more . ~ ·.·

The gui< center equations.. of motion are the equations of motion-. ; ., > -...
.:. ./'
. with the gyration _at· fr~_quancy, w a~raged. out. __ There are three equations, •.

· cor_responC!-~g to;the f-irst -three components of, Eq. {5;iJ 1 .which give the · ·

actual gUiding center motion. in three-s~ce. And. cort~sponc'ling :to the


. . . ,1'
.,_ .
::.·_:·::fourth component 9f Eq: (5'ti1) there ··is an equation ..for· the average .(over a . . '";
- :·->,~::·.: ·.. .... ~ _. .
~· : ~. ~ r•

I ·,, ·,· ,-

·.. ':'. ...

.' '· ~ '
.. •.
. ....' -
. ·~ • . . I ... .' '. . .' ~... ·~
.. ·'\.:: . .l . ;. . ~ .•.

. ~

,· ...... · , , r •

·~ :·p :;. ·.; ~ ..<:·' . t1 </ )cE : •.

..1.. ... ._.,·,.... ·: ... ·.·.

' . ' ... ~ - ·.' ' . ··::
........ i
··7 .· ,··: .•:; ... . ·,,
.i \
.. ..:· :·: ·' .·:>.
J • • . •• : .•~ • • '
. . •. :. ;~ .·
~ •. ~-. ' .
.. :· /
~-. ~ • '. - • .... j ::; :;· •: ·:.- ;: 1.···

i ' •• •••
. ·.-... M c E 2
+ -_:;:_
. 1.~-
,. . -.132
: ....
. .....
.. '(.

'• ! f.' :··

'' .. '
. . ..
~-. .

' .... ;· ...

.. ,., . ' .. ·-
i .
. ,·.
.. .:. . '···

-.:--: ... · :.·.·

·.· ·

•• t ~ :..: . , ..
. . ·~· :' ' ,.
' ... ··''
' . ·... ; ·. '..
........ -. •t::
.·: ... •'·.··
0 ) . ::. ; ' :·.~
d't e;,.. ~l.
I<S , .: . , . ,. ,_· r
,., . .-., ~. ·J
.·.·.... \ .'• I •, . ·~· •

(57) __ ;:f
. ·. . ~ .

'~.. .

_..,. .·.
' .. :: __ ~_· . .-:. .--~
···:. :.· .. ·'j

' .....
•. ·~·:
. ·.... ~-

~. ~ '· • •• . . . :, !·..• • ::
' ' .
. . '.
<;· Here *
--:·: ·~~ -~

i..: . .'. ': ·. ::_>: · · '. · p J. ~s the )?er,pendicula.r mainentum the particle has when observed

i ';, ·: ~:. ·:. :_' ., ::','·:·: :~·-· ·,, :f'ram the t'rame r;rt ~eference movirig at ; , and B* is the magnetic fie~ :.~··}'"·.·. :;::-:
::. · ·..:· ..·_: ·. '·,:/i_· observed in that i"rameo It i_s give; by. B* = B(l ""E.f/B2 )1 / 2 + ~(€)o :<>·:·.. .
i, . . .. . . ··.• •'
1:', .. , ·M is actually proJ?ortional. to tl:;Le :f'l:w::· through the- circle of gyration .. · ... ,
! :·· .... ·.·.,··,,- . : ,._ . . :' :-:··· . .- r .-. ·•.
; •. •' •.• * ·-·. . ~ .

l: ::,.,/.·. _.. _. ·>: .:·

·.·. ' ;i·' . . . ~ .i ., .

as observed: in the frame of ref~renee moving at ~o tfuen is . . ' ' .. .

)/. ·:j,;~;::~:(:>::: .· •· :;',!:h"~- 0' (~), :P ~~ /~QB* _equaJ.s · l? J./~0-a .to :Lowest in. €1 . {

·. -~' .·.
. . _,.,_ .... de:f'ined. J?reviousJ..¥ fen: that ..
. ''·
In Equat~ons (55) "" (58) 1 7 Oscillates at the gyrofrequencye ··,,

this oscUlation aan be a:verag~d aut to give. llla.-vg

. = '7*<
2/~~·)""l/2 :· <.l=E.~.o ~:. _ ."

.:, :<)-:. '. '-: ·. ,:· Equations_ (55) and· (56). ·~a the guiding· canter eqti:at1oo~,- of ·.moti~.· .• . ._ .·
~-! >--~:i',:):,· 'Whil<t;(58) .is ·lila· average x-a.te- of exl1!!1rg:f inareaseo · . .: .. ,·. ·. '
; ·~ ·.,. •. . • J· ..
. .· .. ·' .. ...· .

,_., -:
, ,

· 2!.:;;;:.-;;:{;-~,;;;·,:.~. iL:.'< ·

... .··.. i·,
_. . ·'- ~- .
' '· .• •.'y .••
•" .·. ·
'~- . ·'~. .' ,',· .
' -·.
.,. 3:{> ..,
.~ '.
' '
. . "
•. ' .' ~.

-; .''
•.;· '
' ' ..
.' ;. ~...

. , /,'.·:., _ ::_.<.>. ~Because of the denoininator 1- E L 2/B21 it. is apparent that EJ. must
. .··... ·. ·:·<:. :'
/I ,::. ·. .- ·.:
• • •' : : '/ ' . "f ·. : ~' !

:.·:..',I -. !,.1 •• • ''

·~:tf..:~ ~ ~ ..·:·.~-.
·.. ' · be. less than B for the equations to be valid c. _ _· . _ _ . .:· ·.:;

Equations (.cs'J tJ. (.:){,),'and (S~) are. respec:tively_ the .ge~eraliza.tipna_ .,,.:_·; .. 1
':; ('. ·, ·.' • ,
. '. . •; './ ~.. ' . ' ~- . ' ; ...

, ':\:or the relativistic.equation~ _((/f;, Lr'a, and (.d./) to t~.(!,.·case where .·,·.. ·::o:·, ::';:_:,·~:.<'~;~
. ..... ...., ~-.. ..., ;~~:\.~_-•:

··EJ.. is 8""(1) instead of t!t(G). If E.J. is 6'( ~-- ), ~hen::so.ara·

:/>;-.;_ and E.t./B,. ~d equ~tions. (:S"'..JJ and fS'6) reduce to (~ and· (S~ upon .
. , ,• .

. .· ·,. dropping. terms. of order c 2o • .. ' ;~

•• ,.1
-~ ' : .
'·.- .. '• .: l-: ..

. '·. ·.
Equations (5".5], {Sb), and {.!if/) are respectively. the relativiat.ic;~: ;:,:_.} ..::· · ... ':;'
' I' ~ ' t :• .'

. _:.·;_
fox;ms. of. {f)) 1 ~C), and (~g'). · A comparison of (:!i5J and (l'J ) shows .... , ..
, . . ·._:·\ / .. ~. ! ·-~ ·•• ~. ' •
:. :. . ..
.:~:·.::<. ·:··that
rel~t±.vistic effects_not_only modify the existing terms in {1'7),
: ~ : '.' ·-
·.·'···,- ....
. ·.
. 'y ....
'_·.1,. ,-
~ :.·· but also in~roduc~ two new drift ~erms ~n the direction of
· ..
. ,•.
- .• _' ! r' ~- ·.· . •.
' .~
,. : ~;
·. '· '' .
:. ' :' '•A I>;~ •' ', •

,· .·-:· •·.· .
;• '•. I
·, ':··,.;1 · . .- ·:._·
.and therefore are. indeed purely relativistic effects. To. show 1;-his, .the .
•. • • • • • h• • • ' •••

. . ~ ~

. ill:! ·c. ~ must be ~wrj,tt~n

. . ._B. + e~
. .re1a ti_v~s
. ti c t'1.on .o f. mo.t 1.on dr :X·
. ···- · 0
.,_ '
~qua P.t .., Cit
· .. (, · ,!:· ' in form. The scaling_ is similar to that for the non-. •' .... ··.

·. . . : ··' .· ..
~ ~

· ·; ::;: -:. · ~ ·. · .-re:la:tivistic equation.

·~.. p: t .
· ·
D a{~~

t)/B (t),
i = · ~o; E(1, t),
110 0 · m ·v-
: j. ,,

i'..". -· -.··



_·, :r r3

'··. 0
~p.'· and.a -'~~jL . . ~
""'r 1 . where; :Po i .
s the in' .i
~t a
1 O__0; ;. _- - - - :::_ _...
2 1/2····. ;. .··

..• ~ .- f.,
• \ i,
• .•
;. :· (l:~ ~0 -~ -~· -~.- ~ .. ' :

......·:_.'.".: .':... ·::and

. , ... '
other syrp.bola are the same as.non-relp.tivisti.~llyo ' lb 'tei,ns_,or :· .· .
. ;:_:':.• :· ·. :::,?/!.these guantities,, the equat:i_on ·of motion

. -~ ..: t",
. .:• . . ~ ~~-~~. '·· ·~ :-·.-

t' [1 - ( ~ . d~).'2l-l/2J
. . "• I

..-- ..
·-· ,··.·.·-··: .:1· .
gi .,.·
J · ·
. ,, I,

'\· -''··' -'' .. -:--· d 3' . d~ . -· m c · d~

.' . . 0 ·. -;,__ . . .
.. ·. . . .·,·.
... ~
- .
. ;j:• . ,: with the initi~ conditi<?fl• that at :r- 'o,_ if Q 1oft,_ ~~ • .Y0 fl. + ( =~· )~ -1/2 ~
· _'.... <:-_ . .': Y0 x ~est energy/initial. :total en:ergy •. The pr.obl~m no~ contain~ the two .· . --

';_:.~~-. :.-;.>; ·. · dimensionless param~t~rs. ·_-p·0 c/eB L _and.

p·Jmoc: .whereas :t; . .-:·:.
. ..- ..... '! ,.:-·~ . . . . .~ • . . ' : •.

·· . ...-.' : . :.>·~·-problem contained just the .first ons.: Th~ net<~_paramet~r. ilr/mr/~ ~s .... ~ .-·. · .··.' -~~
_.·.) ... :. :;;:_._;;:-:·::/· ·_: ... -:. . •.·· ' • .. : . ,· ,; . . . .· . '. . :_:.· . :_ - ... 'i " >. ·. : ,. . . . ' ._·.· .·· '... ..
.,': ·;·: ·:. ,", ·.·· .m'Q 'JI0 ~ofo V"o/c +'r:r( ')To~/c:3),,' An order :oi ~gnituds .compariao."'l. 9f s~: ·. ·:·:-_·· .. :. ' ·. m .

·.... :;:~>;_:~:_;\::·;,;_{:~-.~~~t·?~:,~;-~Ji~~.{:;\~;::.:j.~}·:~~\_:~;i~:~:;·. ,:.:· :. ...' · ·· . . -.. ·-·- . ·... ·. :,:\:.<:·::i~:~L·.::: ,_.--

. ..
- '.'• ,·

- ... 31"' . I
I .- ·: .. • - .J_

-' ~{- ., 'l!J ;. .

·: • t,_,
. '/ .
M ~. _M a

.. ···~.


..)'·.-,· t: . .
. •. '
:..: -~. '..!
... -·
-~ ~~.

~\ .. - ;

e a dt
.1. _£ 0 B(l with the term.

- n
»t:i. .. ' '


' ·i
'. ~' ~· .,, .. .,·:
' .· ... ;· ~·~{:·;: <::: . •• '.' ' 1 ,c.

.. '· .. a;ivea·.·.
'. ,.
~ .. '.
',• ' ,·_.·. . '. ~:
... :.

. .·E

0~ ) (8,~-:. :~
_. But· E/cBt equals
_,. . 2 2 .
' ..::·: order _v/c .. _·S1m1)arly {viiE11 /cY;
tb!t ;prece~ing . dri:f't te.rm.s in Eq. (55).
. ~. . ~ ,
"'· . ·. '·. ·~ ...
··.: .. ~·. It may seem strange that drifts in ·the direction of ' ...

.: ~ .: .

' ..~ ~
.. ,,
.... ' .
·. ', . . . . i•
occur., The origin of the drif't _which is proportional to v E II '-
'··: ., :
11 . ;·' . ;·~ .. ·. ~.:
-. '. ·-...
is easily understood. Because of the para.JJ.el electric fieJ.d, the ' . . ..· '. ·\'·:.·
;:- ..

. ..
. '.' ; : ->
' ;

: ·.' .. '.: ',.:. :.)

. :· ·: , ·' · :magnetic field is not in the same direction when "Viewed from the ':' !I

:·. ·~.
·::;··.<: ·._·: -~ ., . ', · ·
: .1, :, '.,.:-~·: '/; ~J /:. ...

' I
• ) • ·~ ' I ' '
!rallle of reference moving at ~ as when "Viewed. f':l:"om ths laboratory __ . . ·.
. -+* :,: ,.-.'' :..:_..·. :· i
,'. : '·', ·.•

.. :f'ralne. Consequently a velocity which is :pa.rallel to· 'B' (asterisk

. ,. .i.
. ; . :_·: ...... ~;·' '

.. :refers to U:g :f"rallle) idll have components both parallel and .
. .
..· · :·-_ . ~

- -+
:· \ .,. .. -: ·:~ '·;'· · to :S when· obse-r'17"ed tram. tha laboratory f:rameo. Su:p:pose that in the . · ·· ·· '.·': ··-.
: '..... '... {· ; ·~ :..'
·, ~ ~ ·~ . . ~
·>~. ·:-: . : ...... :. (.. ~··frame t~ere _is a ~~orm static field B.· and an electric field _, ...

; . '·' '~ :,., .

·' ;, : ·.- Jf t.o it, as shown in Fig., 6a.. The guiding center ~locity ., ,_. \' <. .~ ,
' .: :.:,: :· .' j~ "Will consist of Y.~ only~ - When a J:;orent~ transformation:r~:J~ .. · . . - .':; ~~
,; : :·to the labor~t~ trame1 the .fialds cent~r 'Veloc~ty appea.x- .·; :-.<.-~::>h~~~-_;,
.>::"}:;.,:.-';:.-'as in Fig. 6b. The i and E Vectors lie ~ th~·, .Y.Z: :plane, but· .. ;--.'·":.,··:· ,·:~.<J
' ·::, , .: (: w ii does not :!» · Z and . E ia ,;ot parallel to ;:, The angle ; / :. .'i
~ ,:: _,.·!·•• ~ ... ,..~·.: .' ; _'.' • ,· • • ~ • I . "·;·: r,. ,._ . : .... • . , .. {

·::.:.J:/::<.'-:; .·:-~ ·:_;:_ ,·:·. be~en :a and tha . z_ a::ds is :;proportional. to E U ~> . As shawn1 . -~ ..__..·,: :.·.···:·::. _.: <·~
·.::;·-'··-\ ::_::.-.' :.;. _ <_:_ >.i 'san be resol-ved .into: two components, one of which is ; _:_and. : . : :;· :'<. · ,- -~-~-
•.. ··:-··,_:·:-. ·. /:~~ .. the other·is th~.drifi,:..(llEUJj)(~~(l~E}/B2). -in·~ d.ireation. of_ .. ··:···;- ..-.:?'
·:.-_,~:·:·:.~\/-~--/.E.~--~·.·:·: _ _ ·_ ··':;:,:·_~·_:: . ~·<-·.
,. :·::· .. ·.· ··.!_-·:····. :'·'". ·_,: :.:·.j','___ :~~::·'·•. ·,•_ \:·.,,
.. . . .. . . . . . - : .· . : -~-~- ~---./
·....~.·- · ht.,·~::;!~/~~·.~·. :~L-:;.:~:/·~~)}, ·:-}:i.:Ji~:.~\:~.; . :·;f\-:;:\::~ .- _:·_ X::<}.: _ · .;: . - · ... . . . .- -_.. · :;· _ ::·<<~:·. ··· ·
.. :i ._..
~ ••~
32 - ,:·'J
.... f

• .f.
:. ·,
. ;·: .... ~: \ .· ·. . ....:._·_,_
··;•:'. y·:. ··.......,
!/ .... :···.
· ~
~ •;• I .'

I· •''\
': : . '.
·....... ~ ~ ~-
The origin of the last drift term in Eqc. (55) 1 which is '·,·,'( .

in the direction·· of -::.EJ,.l is less obvious .. One can start with a. . ~· .

magnetic field having straight lines of force and a gradient ot

,. ,... ·. ·.·'. B
:'{, ~~; ~ :',· ~ . "
·' /

at right angles to B.. There is a. drift velocity due to \i'B.. If'

'j :· ~
.'·* :· ..
one nOW' makes a Lorentz transformation to a frame (denoted. by · . )

,'., '
! .~ .. ......
moving at right angles to the drift and to Bl there 'Will appear an ·

and a
Cb:-ift velocity1 when transformed to this ·(

ot* ,·''.,

:: ':' ~
new fi'ame, would equal the sum of severaJ. drifts as calculated for . ·
' ·' ~- "
the new :t'.rame f'roni Eq. (55) 1 includi:Dg the second drift term in ··:. ;,. .-~ ':
. ··-::
tha direation of -*
E.J... • Making .the tra.nsforma.tion does not' · ·.,:~_·,'{:,·:
> .

•:. . ·,'
' '
) . '. '' ~.. •'

i./'; . _;-::

·~ ·.. . : ~ ' ...

. . •
,,. . '~ .. :·
·.. · ... '•:.
. .-;'•.
. 2. . ··;· ;';.· ..
: ·:··
' '
,,. '
' .. ,·::•
,- ,. '·' ·.<.
. . •. : ,' ~· ,,···

. i ·. ' •'



'1~·. :_. :. ·:
... ..· ...


,,~, ~
,8 (1·,~~)

., .............. :·.
·:...... ·
. :-' .. •'
.. :.
';:'.> ·.· .... :.~·'
. ,.:., ;":. :·.:.· .·
' ....
.•. ·;·--/
·:·,,: ,_,:• ,: ·>,;.
~ •,. ," :· ' . ·.~ ... '
.~ : . .,.. · .....: . ,:·'
f.:: .. ~ ., . ;.'· I )
. "!' ... •
.. ·· .. ·',
... :.
/, '.'

. l /, l ..

.. '\"> .. ·. ,· ·. \
. ·.·· ....
.... <, • ~'I ;

•'. I
~- ' ... '
.,., ~-· '

. .' r

';• . '.
:·~ .

.~. ·'·
·. I
<..· . ·. ".
•.:~ !.1 <''•.' I

.-~ ~;·( )~ ::~. ~ . .·.:~.:;;~> ~~:;\,,:: ~;: .. .




/, •

::... ,•. .. ( ·.• .

: ~:.

': . .~ ·. '\: ·~; .·

-.• ....


""32a"" ·>·

-_.', ; ~.· .. '

'·''•. . ~.

~~- a: conrpe.rison of Eq. (56) (20) a.nd Eq.

.... · •,'

'{;/·:~:·With (28) _shows no new terms, only'_ a. modif'iaation .of ax:tsting terms (J
; .

:· ~ ' .
_; ..· ': ,.
·... '; ~ ':.'. ... '•.·
',.·, . ~. . .'

.... "• .. :
•· ; ' ., ~ -~. :' .''
·.\,< .
I ,·~.

r. ·
,/ {: . ~· '.
. \ ' .
. ', ,.~ •· .:.·
... ·
:·.·, .

.. · .
• J ~ • •_,, ••
·,. . .•f..'

. ·' :!,·
.·... ;·.
·:, ·. . .. , ~
: ~- 1-. '

. '
.·. '.·. ,'

· .... ·,,
.··; · ..

. ~ ·,
.. •
' ~ ', . 1. .~ ....'.,
·:,· ... :··l'
· .... \ ",,;
. ' ;'·.· ~: ~ ;; .. ' . .,. ',;:
t· ..•

... , ··,:

• j .. ~·.
.. ·.: .... ··.·
.. ,_ ....
I, • / ,:...
·.. .... '•.•·f
~ .'·. ': ' .
: '\

:, . ~ ' .. ~ .. .;
·· ..··:.
.·: .
~- .
... ; :)~~.. .......,

. _:~ .
i ...... ·.·. • \I
(. .. •\'
_., "• :.. ·•
· ... :'/,:
:/· ' ~ ..
. .,. ... /
., ·':' :

... · .'1. ,··. . .·

,.. •• r • ~ :,-· ......
.,. ..
.; .
;-~::·... ~' >·. :·'

·· .. ·.
·:.:.. ·
.'. ~.
.. , .... :.. ,.,
. , .. '. ·.-~
·> .
·, . . ,.·.
· ...··, ·, .,
. ,.
..•... '~ "', i \. .'·

.·: ,., v ,;· ,;'·

.·.···t.':·'· ... , '. , .. ;.i'.' .···. .. ·:· . ··.·: •, ·..... ::
·.- ·:_;. \•', ,. /,
, :. ' ,. ' ~ .

'~· .
. .... .. ... \,',"
-:· r·.
·:' ...
.... .<.•
. ·-
·;. . ." .
;: ! .. ·'. ··;

~ :.I ... ·.·
·'\ ~-···~;~~:· .·.,·

.•' ·, .

..·· .:·'
.... ·.
.. .,i,·

···.·· ... ··,·

··...:. ......

' ~
' ~
I .'
.... '··
,...., ,•

.: ···~
·;: .. .:·· •. - '1'. .•
.· ·.·
.' ... .. ~

. .,,
. ·:· :.·. . · ·. ;'.',,: ·;:t"· \_:· .:· '•,· ,··: . . • . •, • i.<! '· '··-" .. ,_...:,, __;:J_· \ ' _,:.:":;:~;;LL2<: ~·~: ::,. :'-~·. ·- --'-~·- .-,-,
't,J.,,... -,
_. l ...
•' .,;., ·" .. ·..
.' ' ' -~·

. ,. ,.. ~ .·.
33 .· ... . .., ·· ...
,j' .: :-~ ' .': ~·- ··}
1'. '/ .

The derivation of the. guiding center eq~ations. of motio!l for.

·>_non..:relativistic particles. presented in .Sect.·!£ · requ_:l,r_es rigorous ;

~ . ' .

_:.>ju~t~fi_ca.~ion •. The work of Krl_lskal ( ~- >. and· of B~rkowitz mdt;Gsrdner(/J'~· . ···

~ 0: . . . •
the. justification

of Eq. (-'/ ). Kruskal. ·: der~ve;J equations for .. '
.:. ··... : .. ,
·the.;:1n: apppearing in . a serie.s of the form
-~ .. . ''

~.,. ~-
~ .
6 lnJ Rn.(tMrin
JB(R ) dt)
0. ·
...00. . '
··. ·.··:I
. <<.:t:;
; _~by eq~a~ing~ c~effic_ients .o~ ~qual pow~:r~· dt) after_su~stituting I ' ~ . '
'~ • :4
; • ~I.

the series. into _Eq. ( / ). The fields are. expanded in Taylor. aerie~ abou~ . · : .. ;.·

Each a·. is its~lf~

a power series in.e ,·so that . ~(t)
(t).:+Ea (t)._.'+.&:·•. /.,
,.·:r~ . ,n
. . 'I~. • . .'. tJ.4t- .
. n . . . . ·_.;·n·.·,_'···-.:;'. '
:~·-.<., '. R must equal the complex conjugate of R 1 :in tzi:de:i7 1'. .be real. . J;t is · · · · ·
··-n· · · · n 1\ · · .

. ~not immediately C?bvious that equating the coe.ffi~ient .of ,each. eine. (~~~~.::_...,
'·<:>:. :;- .-:> 0 ""jw<ff'0 )
·r {:' . ·• ~ , b
dt) to zero .is justified; the. ~ . are functions of
t~me_, so .. ·.
·:.>:.·_.:_·that the se~ies ,is not simplY, a Fourier series~ HmO\)'ever,~~ Berk.ow:i,.tz and ·
... ";- ;· .
Gardner. prqve .-that. the ~eries. obtaineq by this pr·o.ces.s ia actuallY: ~-c . ::'
;• ... ·. '- ....
.·> -\

..: ..
,, ,.

-~ "'. •I . • •

", .
expansion of
·· .. r for· small £ ·.,
Their proof is ! . .• '-

' .. .:.:·,t·.·.·. a formal mathematical. one .and will not be repeated her~$· But it is

· '•:: · · <'l·rorthwhile to .dis~u~s -wpat .is .usually mean~ by an a~ymP..totic expansion .. ·• .

~ ~
• •. . •• ' .. ., ' • •• • 4 • • • ' • • • • • ' :. •

.; '

an asymptotic eJ..1'a.IlSion;·
',• . ~

(';~~:i":,::; and what i'j:,jS ~jthey proved.. The USUal definition of

·;;_.··::::~"<:to _b~
·' ..
found in 't\'hi~~aker: and'L-Watson (~ :~or e~ple, _can be stated. as ,. .
. •,
~ ~ _.., .
;. t~: I

. 2 . ·-:.··
:-;.:_.'..';. .follows: given the po'!'ler. serles S(e ) • , A _+·A~ E +,A~~ +. o o • It ·.. .' :.-'··::::.
0 . . :. ¥: .
.- . ~ : ... :

. is called the asymptotic expansion. in. c of ·,;, :furi.ction .f( (; ) i.f . .

r('E=) ... sn(6) I · ·· · ·. . . . . . . ·.. f
. . .!: . .: · ·>·:,.:·.:·:··.-.. J. .•~:·.·· ~,
....... .-•'. ·~"~O . ~ n_ I is .zero,, wher~ ·Sn(_ ~). is the ~um qf~ -~ :'t_l~·.·,:>:.O:.·.~:i.:;··:_._:·_.····::..

:·:,-.,' ·:~,;_:_te:rns:(i.,e.,_includin~ -~C.n) of.the ser.iea.• ·.·Or by-the definit~on-,o~_a, ·. · . ··.,:·· .. ·.;

·. ' ; : , ~t, :fo; ·~veey ~er Q. there .is a n]llnb•X: G~(Q) . such. that <> ,; :,}. C; :. ' ·. ,, . .....: /f
'<):..·:··-·_:':·.·_:_.··.-·.-·.-::,:.~- .~-;:_:_:_·. ._··. ·: ,::: . ......
• '"
. r,
. ' ,. < • ~
....~$' .··.-:~_::;·. ;. '''
• '
:·.... ··~·.; ······ '• ., . . ·.. :, . ·:, ··\,.:'. . '.·
o •f • , '· , .~

~' ,'
0, " • . ," • ·:' • O : I '• • 1 ' ;'_. ; .. , ; • :.-. . . . ,

. ..
~ 'J:

': >_.'! :··. . .. ~ (

"·i. .; ·: . '•
. . .;'
. .
. . ·. ·. . .·:~ .··.·-.-~ _; :·.' ~

. ...
:., .~. _;·_~· ·.... . "' ··. ~.: . -~.' :. .
I •.\

'' ,'_ ~:. i; ·. ' I

' ···.,'

·{He take 6 as po~it~~-~ only). .; . '! : :, ... • -~


_:;:/) ::..
>. :,. . :~::.·:this is true, one can Dhow: that giv,~n s value of,~ , say E- 1 , a numbe~
.. _;_

... ·~·-·.:_A( l!:l_) can ~e found(/S). such that fr.{€)- Sn~G >/~A(6 ) 6 n+l ·for.
1 .. ... • • l .·,

~ '-. E-1 ., precis~ statemen~. _t-hat· . / f( e.) ... · Sn(~·.. )/.
i. 0 '- This is the meaning of the

·· i.s · (} ( t7: n+l) •. N~w ~he series .in Eq. _((p/) is not a simple power aeries .. -···
. . . .
\' •..··. ·.: .. :: •, '. ·.4.~:.-· ·. ·. -~ ~ ·.. ~- .. ;
.. ·· . in G a Each ~erm is _itself an_ infinit~ a·eries in e , .multiplied by- ' . , ··'·· ..

(:' /. ···i>J:~ dt; . - this s~ri:. in/': . i r2 ::: ; . '

expone(ltial ;is not expanAilil.e in a power
: .. Ncvertheless,_Berkowitz and Gardne.r pr?Vf!.' that i f 2:n .is the sum of terms - :·,.·. ·. -~ -

>.~. ><·-,._ -b~trreen and· i~cluding (/h) 1n and U-n 1 then is an. A( 6l) :·_ . :.·, :· . :

,·;·_;.:; .:·. . fo.r which /t_<~ ,t) -~nl .LA( 6

) c n-l- if; e-'~lo Th~refor:_e _I~- z;J=" ~ G-n~l)_· ': .:,:':_-·-..-,
,:·. ,·and. in this ser:~~ :~ is the asymptotic_ series for to It is also true ·_. :· :'::.•;.::; _,
~~..., 0 ~-n~~ . .'a· o. ~qual follow~ ? :- ~ = 0 {&)G .... ·..-·-~.:
_·'.· :: ·:_:::·.. .that \'lith n to 2, .it that_
. , . :_'But ~2 ... Ro:+ e(Rj_ .ei6-· + R_l e-i9)- + ~2 (R2 e2_i9 + -R-2 e-2i9), _so that ·... ,,:_ \: ::?
.•f>~ ... ·. ;. ~2 ~ Ro ... ~(_6 ) •. By. subtractio!}, rr- z;> t·( ~ ~- Ro)-,.. r.-.Ro .... _. :~c~}~.---.(_··:r_::::.::•:'
. \-.:~.-··?--This means that the differenc0 between the actual pa:r.ticl~ position and ;···,·.:-:,: . ,, :~.. :
·~·:/~:' ·:'.-tt
. . ..~~:-.· ":·~··"··~-~~' ·.

: ) {, : Ro . is.
. . . '
of first order ·~; the radius 9f gyration, and therefore lfo is ...·· :,rh \(,

,; : ·:.·;';::·'·:':··.·_a .suitable definitiol} ( 4 tl)e guiding cent-er _position. '- .-, · ,:''>:~ :·."_·;.-

Foilmdng Krus~al»
. . we will
.derive .equations
'(some algebraic, ,·.
/.-><.·.; .::,:,:·:•.~· s~me ~fferential) f~r the . ~· It will be' found, that the equat~on:' ~or
: . -'!:> .. ' . .
; . ., ... - R0 , the guiding. ~emter p~si tipn.P, ~s ·equation ( 11). Substituting Eq •
.·.. · .. .· • . .. :in9'
, :_: .. _ into Eq .. _( J)
and ~ollecting coefficients or: e ... gives for
! .. ·:'_. .. ·· . '., .... _. '-• ..
\~ ....

·'·'. t
' .···
.·· . •' . ··.:·· .. ,
. ·' ...... ~' . ....'• f ~~ .
·.: .·•, :I
•• '1 ... .: .. ·· . .· ..
·.. ;·;·

.··;·... ·. :· .... ·
. ·.· :.. : ;'
,_ ... ·,
. ,1,
. ~. ;. '•';

,·· ....
. :• ... ·, .., ' .
·,.:. ..
,• r ',,
.' ~. ·~. ,:~~
. ......

.'' .. '
. ·:
.. ·•'. ·... ·
i .···.·,
i·". ...
·.··., ... .., ,· ,.: . ,.·.·.
·... ·'·
.. : ' ··' ~
···:: .·_'';l
... :.. ·.
. .,, \ ~. ·:<'1 ..
.. : . :.~ .:··.{

':·. J~
. ':· ... .;-.
. .~· ...~
. ·......
:.. ·.·.· ..·.:. :<·~~~
·. •.. ' ~ . .:: ·,., ~t


G ·tl ·.(~_,.·· ... ·;·:··:···;~
:.,.· n ' ·~ ,. I ~ , ', ', ~ '• • , : ' ::~
.• ' . ':' " ' :. •' &
. Y.ihere~ .. · ~ ; ..

I '• ' :' '1
. ,' .'· ., •.. ·:: ·.

'.: .
: ,. :.:/ler--f,;a
. '
velocity 9f light. c
~ ;>~·-:·:-.: ::··.~
will be taken .= L. It can '.· :··
... ~-(

· \ _. : :·:.: ·, by dividing
': ~· . _'. I ·,
B. and B .by. c. l In all ·four equations. the fields ~e .·
~~ ~:)• ~ .. \

·::_(·<.i<,·. ·evaluated at ·10_· and . to In Eqo (65) the lowest. ·ord~r· \,_denoted· by:
.·,·.·::·· ~ .... . . '

./ ·,:·, .··.
. • ~ 0 ,. w:il~ ?-:l,,~eya_ con~ain. only' .R.p.O (1trhere ;1. ~ p~ n. -:-· 1) •. · For .example,,
:'~ · _·' ... ··:~·· .. from Eq. (/;'/), "G20 = ia(R09 t) -IS_~ x. {a _o 17
)B_ (R'0 , t). In general
, ...

:. _:·l:: r::· Gnl. 'frill contain' Rn~ I~· is ~hus po.ssi~le to .soh•:e ~gel;l;r:aic~llY fo~·· ,.• ,,·

:-,::. <:\::.: ··
' . •
·~nO in terms 'pf the .~ 0 ~_-·R'20 ,.•••R'~_1 :.d~
. ·. :,.. --1!> .
· To•
·a.o,lv:~,.Eq$ (d.$) for Rn.0 ,' ...
·,' .· . ·, .' . ·'. :. .

. ... . -. .. . take i:ts 53ca.Jar product with' ~ i' B/B · .t~ · get :: · · ; :,- ·. _~ ~-·.
cr ~ . . .... · ....
..... · . ..' ..
. '~ ·. ' ,;·: ..":
. .. ~ ' '
. . ., aolt
.J!O ". el ... .·. ... ..
. ; ·.........
·.·. R .. .'-'-·
e1 ·.· .. '•
. ' .. ;
.. ·,
.;. I• ··~

,__ '
··<.nO Cl ·.-·
.·B2 n2 : .. · :· ,'•:
· ... i':. '·.
.. ~ ,·..
' · . . : 'r-~

. ··.. .. .
• ~ !
', . ~ ·,.
.. ' .·.·· .. •'
.. · . !
,, ... •: .·;
·r:. ! '

·: .·:,,-.. _.'"·.'; .. A ... .. .. , . .

. . :.. .· :: and ita· cross P:roduct with e
~ ;

' ..
., . •'
' ..

1 •'
·' .. ·.... : ·.·-: ....
~ •'
~ . . .. .. ·,

.. 'l
'·/ .
' .. ·.
. ~·

~ -'\ J! . ("" _...,R • ~ ~R : .) ·''., i ,·

.. • ' 'J,'~

· 11 ~n0 ~ el. + m! el nO · ·"'l - nO . "" '.·.

~··.- ·~.;: (:
.. / ...
,·, ....
".:-· .
·.. ~
. ·'
'.·.· ~· ~ r , '-:~.".'•. ·• , ., •

... ,
,;•, • I ~d .:"R~~.~:~·.~ ~ <n%0 _+_ ~n~- ·>rt:···. -·r>:
.::: . .·
.o ,.,, ... ,
. . , ·.·. ·.•...... :. · .... ·. ·B ..'I .·,, '.'

. : .. ~
·; ..
.... '; ·. ,:
~ 1'
..... .,.· ,• .
.. •·· ...· ::

., '\ ,; ·'
'· • j :- ·..:..: • ' • .~." ', . . .'? ;

?-'~'.' _{>.:~i:~;Li~.~·;~::; ;i LLL<::L3J~_;-~~j;'}:.·:;:. /~, ~:;~~):.:·:;:,:~;~,~f:.;./·. . ·~

.!· ; : ·.:.

I ·.. ··· :~

- 36, -
•• : •.1· . ::
. /; . ''. ~
·- ..
·:-::··:'::·:~~:·.. :\· from (651 fnto Eq.· "7); the resulting equation can be solved for
Rn 0: ·
· .. .:· .,_,
..... '

I '·
. '·.·

· · : _.",•,_.

' ·.
' .
I . ' •. 2 ~· ;o'\ ~ '\, ' ' ~ " . .. . '
~ ~n__·_G.,::;n~O,_+~.(~e-=1~·-G~n~o.>_e...:l::::o....+_·_in_.G..:.n:.:::O:o..·x_.c.. ::::.l
. '; <;
. ..
. nO B2. ·n2 (n2 _ l) r
·- :··,. ... ~ ·-.~~- ':.

.<f> ' where the q~lda and ~l are evalua~ecj. a~ (~, ~) as usual, , ,; /; : 'ill
"'.; I."l order to fi~d ·R~,.· equa.tio~ ~ is writ~en. to next. ·< :;_· .',:,.· :,_.·.i?.
,,' .
. ·. ~ .··.'

·:....:.n2B ~ - inB.'ir x a = 'd , ·· · "?'J ....., . __.

... · n1 . n1 n1 · . . -~
•, . ....
' ·. -.~

.... ,.:Y:/:::., where Gnl ~ wil~ contain ~P (p· ~ n-1) ..and Rno• . Thus. there exists a . 11 ·.!~\
. _·;>;·,' .. · recl:U'sion.scl!em~ for· n2 . and higher.., pro~ided ~O. and R;, are known; so ·.. ·. . . · .:~
. . . , - ._.. - . --··--....- - ./1/ot . ;_,
.... ·: ··. " ' .... that the r_ecursion schem~ can ~e i:ffi.tiated •. J~.Jf ~~ations ({,~) and (63) ... · ·.·:·. JJc: .e ·. · :~
,: . determine to·. ,and ·"R:t ~ .The · ~ero order. equ~~~Oll (b.3 is ., . .;: . ~~G:'t""Gph · : \
~.. ,i . • . • '' '.::·_, .;j .·.
' _.,!
. ~ >~
·• ,~: ~
. ;- ~~
·:.' ·~·""_1,
' . -'il ...... ""' ~ .. _··:: _,·_ .._·.;; ··:'
Dotting '4-th ~1 (R0 )_· gives l1.o . e1 = o, so that R10 if! a. v~ctor· ...:: .· · :;;~(
' ~ . •· .· "" ::1
· :·' · · . . perp~J10.:,.cular. t? ..the._magnct~c .fiel~.. Therefore l~t Rio equal (a.+. ib)_~-.~. (c t .id.)e3 ,_:;

:,;: ...: ···::::'.:· whe~~ .'6'2<Ifo> .. an~ ~3 (~)·. _are .each (R0 ). ·;: .· . :~
;:. ·.' :,_ :~:: .·:
.:... ,.·:·,··';~~ -'~ ·a.~ previously,_ and a and 'b.are real,.. Substitution ~tq }4. l>'~) givee
' ..:·,.... ·:··... :·.·. ·. .. . ' . .•,.

_;:·:.\.';· (';· .· c ....:;;..b · and a ad~ .As a result_ ·.rt;_0 . 1-s of the form .'··
.. "! ·; '. · ~ :. ~- i ' '·: .~ • •: .
' ·:.·:. ' '· --'9 ' ,_. .
·. · : :. : : ' .·. ··. 11.o "'"__.(a. +· .ib)(~ + ·iC))~ ''

~ . ,. '
'. ' ~
. '

... ·
•.'. j.
. . If . Eq. rJJ) is now a~bst:Ltu~eq.
into .. the. square ' '
{b2, -:~
.. .~.

_·.' -" the result is·· f •• ~ :-

. ; .
.· '
• •• · , o"! • •• .,.

; ·.:
. •.·
.... ·· ·' ......

. ·.\.
,. '
·.: ~· ·. ]' .. · ... ·, ,·r,, \
' " ·,·
;,': 37 '!
. ·•·
.. -~- ·.

:.::·' · />' ·The coefficient B-;;_0. • "!S_ ~ will n'?w.~e identified .as the ma.gnetic,mom~mt 0
' ' ' *
· :· by, ditf~~entiating . Eq. (6)) with respect to. tirne.. Since ~ .,. R-n. -·.:;
; ;_.-.. \':
', · ·: d!it.terentiation· yi,elds. · ·. ' · ·.·.· ·. ·;: ' ····
•• ~ .: . ;i. ~-."' • .. . , r . .. .
· ...

. .·.:,.·;:

- ... ,.

:,. ' ..,

' '

'.· ... ~ ""'P iG. ...- -ie . ·. · . .


·-.-~.:·· ·..( v . ~ "" iB(~;tO· e . - ~0 ... e. \ ) + 17 (6 .J,


n0 J. . '',

!·· .is· perpendicular

. . to B by Eq. <?J) . · Squaring. (llJ)· gives·

~6. "'
. ~
rs_0. ""' ·0~ .However,
(v-:" RQ) .L. . is .the. per.pendicular or gyration· .. :· · ..
. ~ ' .


:. :ve}-oqit.y _in the !ra,me ,of re.ference ·moving at tho gt1iding center ve:,locity; .·
~ _e 2 f.N2
;:, . ....., ; . . (02w M. . .~ . . . • .1r·'!.·.

Therefore ~. Bl1_o· o. RlO =-· • «-2B ew . ·

"" ~ = # e '
•, :'.
... ~
.•• ~

r. •

qa) beco~es

.=; .. ~ oJQ
-":(..,. ..)·- .. ~2w [""" ("" . ~·)~B . . .,
(s:-2:, . . )-B]
C: R E(R 1 t). +. ....Q. :x B R01 .~ ~-
20 · e 2 _x e3 "'· v_ ..• - e3. ~. . . •.'!7.
.••• • ,I
0 . .e.·

'(}t'J . . ..
~ ' \
~ ·~. :'

· · \~.which is the same as' equation (f') for thus.· jU;s~ified ~he ll,Veragirlg:'(. :. ,· ··::'.:.
. .
' ' . ,:: :' . ··.' '. : .· .··j'(>. ··:' ...•~f.:.
.:··.- :.•.
pr~cess u~ed !-o .get ~· (l.f) in Secto ,'Zl: •· 1' '.. • • • ':: '... • • '. ..~
. i': ' '· ~.•..
··. :. . ,':. ~· . ,',I
In the next Section, equation
• •
(b) ~ill be use~ tq ne.xt. Jligher , ·
··d . • ' ··.
.. 1 ,; :;:· ..
:'• • . ',

.··.order ~o ~h'*{th<,it . ~· .<B~0 .··\0*) =:·-~·-+.~(E_), and.thia1.dll~e a·.·:o~.-·.)':>·~·:><'·

':· proof of the a.di~(b~t.ic.. inv:ariap_ce. of. th~ ~rtl{tgnet:J,.c ·mOJ?~nt ,lin !:-he~ g¢~al:: ·_. ·· ,.-,".'.. , .·

.~.:·: ., <ca~~<~~-~~ -~~.·.an~··.·~

• • ~ ' .• • • • • •• ~ •

. are,.~~ ~~~)e: ·
• • • •

( ' •. ' .•

• • •.

.. "
~ ••• ~ • . • • ,!, !,' '-:"


. ~.. :

> '.',. •i::· :;"· :\; ·:· ;t>··~ :::.>·' .: ':. \/ -: ' ·....., . ''
:~.... .:.· ·, .. '·. :··. . ·''. ( . :- ..
·· :..
-~~-' .·. -:.:--~ ::.· ' .
, : ..·. .
,:. '• :.

·.· . ·..
·. . . . . ~
..... ·
.... ... '·
-~ . . . ',•

•. •

' .... , ~ ~ .' .

,., • :1 :: ... :

··:·;. .·,_.~_, ·.'/.1;:_. _:,·:,.·:·:;.-.·. -·• ·.. t -~-~--- .;_. ;

:.· ' ' ... . .. ·-. '~-. •
•r ·
.....' '··.·. :· ..

~,.:;_~-:.:i.~~2A-S.J ~~~~~,; _ :; i~.~,:~j;,..i/L·~r;:.~ -~.~--~~·-,~j:····~ .:~.}:i::·_.;_~:··..·-0~L~d.-·,-i. '-~~.-

' ...... ' , ~:
'·, ..,·
·.. .·.'
\ .
.. .
• t
-~ . ' ....
• }
. ' :. ' :·~ . .... ,. . ·.·- ..
:~. :. : ·.. . . . . ·.r ·.i ·
38 ' ;

'· ··. ... ·


• '·i
. ~ ....
. .'"') ' ·*:. ;';
'•' .., .

:'-t>.: .
··,·: .. IV The Adiabatic Invariants of the Motion
• i• :_"_ ....... ' ·.~ : •
. .;, ~ . -~.. ·.

[,' ·:<~::~:_.··.·,:_.,:: :·: .~· :.. SJ.rteo thEI sol~tion o! tho equation o.f rnotion has been obtained
· --.. · · ~ · · ·:. ,. e Tt'- · . .
J,:·:.:.J;. ·i;.:<_·.. :,'as an asymptotic aeries inA the previous section, it is reasonable that .·

:·. ':· ·,· . ' '<··' '·.,·any constants (adiabatic invariants) .of the particle motion)~:·.:'.·.
·:·_. ~-., .·

"! . ... ~·:·~ ..·-:·:~;_~.· ·~ .' ~ .. '

·, . . : ' · .... should be obtainable as asymptotic series in G · • In analytical dynamics: ;;··

' ' '

·' · . exact constants of the Notion are usually obtained by the canonical
~ ..... i:t,. ~. ) . . .
. . .. . :/ 'formulation: . if the Hamiltonian is independent of a given coor~ate, ·
.. _: :: ~.
~: _: ·.: ~.. ·:·...; ' . ~-:;'-. ::(
. '
:··.; .: .... : .
< • :· ~ ' •, ,; •• •• : •• ' • • • '
:. ...:.<<.: .',.
•,. . .·: · the conjugate momentum is an invariant. By analogy, we expect that an .:·.::·.
.. . •·
~••.• ,:.: ·)· ... ' • ,, .•• t ... ': ··.. -~.
· :.· ·:::_expansion. of the Hamiltonian· in an asymptotic series in
I ~f
e should reveal. : <.:
, I , ~- ' . ,

··.:._:·.the adiabatic .invariants,· provided that at each s~ of the expansion,~ _::.: ·.: .. ·>
.~ ' .. ..
~: ~::- ' . .

.·'. variables can be found which make::~ the Hamiltonian independent of one of,:,'~·. : ..;:· i:): ·. :· ·.
. . ; .
~~i, the coordinates. ·(The last term Hn . in the expansion of H as .... " ,•

~-~: :· .:· .. ~· ~ :·.

;~i· . : ·/;:: :.:-H0 + ~ H1 . ~ ••• 6~n may contain the coordinate). · The systematic
.' _. .~~ ..
·{~·\ pro~edure for finding the proper variables has been given for the
'·? ·.

· .,···~;~on-~elativistitc case by Ga.rdner.Vfi ,

·.:.:~;-~J:: · It is ~imilarly true that to find exact invar:ianb.. the Hamiltonian·:.?~:: ..;;.;·:.·
' ; :. ·~; ~ .'. . .. . .
'·. :·;.·:must be expressed :ln:b:u-ms of. the proper variables~· As an exa.m.pla, if ~/::·. ->::'(,:
'·,; " /: ~ .. . ··

charg~d particle in a magnetic field having

.• < .
i;· the Hamiltonian for a. .' ,. .. . ~

i ', :<· . . . .:·. . . ,., · .· .· :- ' ·.

.1:···,··.·,.,:·:··.:... ··' ,azimuth~ written._in r~c~angular it is not at·;:·:.·.: . •::'.::·:_..· .....·-'

';., . :. · ,. , _, all evident that' the canonical momenttm,. . P "". mr 2. G+'! r Ae. is an ·; :.~·~,·. · ·.
y: :.:'::<.: -. " ,,
:j,'... , ... · ·· , ·)'exact invariant of the motiono It only_ becomes appare.nt when H is · . : ·' '···: ··.: :'·· _r>
f. ;... . . . . .)...
. ' . ,-
·'." .. :··_,·

':' ... :. ... .· · written in cylindrical coordinates. . .. .. . ·

t' ' ' ~~ ;, • .,; r.': .'. ~ ~; '
J :·,··, :· :_:. ·:; ·: ': : :
l ', : ,

There is an even more general theory of asymptotic aolut ions · ·; · :-:. >. - . i,
f .: :and adia'Qatic.invariants of coupled first ord~r <l:if!erentialequations · ·,:·.::·_):

. .\ ·,.::·:_.:::, :··(~,~- '·. :·of a. certain type. This is dua to Kruskalo (/1}. The eq~ation of motion·".:,.;:.< /;>>.
I i ·, _i: ' '. . ': .t ~ ·:. • • ·' • :· ': . . ' L.

ri . }· . •. -· .:~.W:: ~:::: :art~::ed~a~·~:::~a::. gene:u· ~~ey :~ • . .. ••_.. · ...

:r .·.···.' •,:··:.;;:·>:·.::··,.,. · · .. ,, : .. ·c.·.: .... :... ;'>,;·;.·'; .. : <.: ··; .. :.,:·. •.. :··,,,. ·
<~ , · .' .·, t,"c., ."! ··•. " ) :-. ·:. . ;_._ ....._ ~.: ..,··.·,, .. ~~~: i, 1.·.:.:.: ·.·. · . ;~~::·.~;· ·. . ·) ..

· t···. ' i£&:~L~-~r::~JE; ·1.~~: ,,•· · . •:.;,,2:.~~;~ i;~dlc;;~i::;;~;i~·4;i.i,,;';,i.,~::i.; -~{ ,-,:~:1b,i:; ;} 2•-J,.~:·~;i..~' ~
·- .. · -,'} .·• •! t '!_
:··' .·-·· /: .'
. ,·.' . '.' . '.; ..... ~~
.39 .. ,
• t
f • ·1
. "· :,

·Although th~ adiabatic inv~iants are asymptotic series

·_; i·:·:,:j
':.·._fo:rm:constant_ ""A +€-Al
+ ca;...~ + o••, it is customary to apeako£ ·,,
• ; "' ' ' ' • 1 1' : • f·~ , :.' .

'the. lowest order invariant A as "the" adiabatic irivariant. For 'the': · ·

_.,:_;,:.charged particle there arc. as many as three such series 1 one for the
~:.-~:· · ~ r · ·

. ,. ··.':: ,'magnetic moment, one for the longitudinal invariant,· and one for the
·,.-_. ;'_.. ': - . . ·, .

.·.->./"flux~'~ invariant~ 'J:!lese three series ':'ill be designated by M +c'Mo + • ~ ~-~;':_,(:.:·:.: :_~

, .... ·.···
.';of the lowest orders. _M, J, and i will be given below. . ,··

The number of adiabatic invariants is less· than or equal

·. .. ' ..
.number of degrees. of. freedom of the sys~em!' The charged }:9-rti.cle-! .which:_-~;_:;-':,:·:_-:· '• <.\j
~· ~,; ·. ~

• ;; • 1 .• • • ~ ' • ... 1 f I
.•..• ·, ·. ·••. '.1:
·.has three degrees _of freedom» may or inay not_ hav~ · M» J ~ and ... · ..

···.-. .
• J

·....... c: ··(, -~- ..-~~~~;'

· . depending on th'e fiel_d geometrl• The number of adi.abatic invariants is ·'. -~ ·. .-:. ~ .'>if
.: determined by the number ot periodicities~ · To illua\rate, suppose. that
~ ·. . . ..
;: ..·
. -: ,,
:__B ·
is nowhere
. . .
large enough to reflect the particleo The partl. cle motion

·::,,'·:.; ... is nearly periodic because of the gyration about the. line ot for.ce, but
:.' . ", .. there is no semblance of periodic'ity in the motion along :the line of

:·force. There wouid be only ~ne adiabatic invariant series, the one. for

:. ·'the magnetic moment, even th~ugh there are three degrees of freedom.
.. ' ' . . .
now the field is, such that- a particle is ahrays ·trapped and oscillating
. . ' . .

' · ::.'' · .. · .,. between two mirror a, there will be a· second or longitudinal invariant
·: ..<.'~;~ / r

J ... ·:._ · . \ · :- .
, .,
: ·;, .-,} ~. ~·->.Y~. Finally, i f the drift from .line to l~e as the· particl~ .oscillates between·:·: .:.· ... ·
.· ·. · ::: ·· · mirrors with constant M and J' c_arrfes the particle ·repeatedly around · .

... ··.
.. '
closed surfa.ce.,· .there is ·a third periodicity associated with the motion·:~. ·
. .

I.·· .... ·

· .....
•... :

. . , · · and there 'Will exist aA adiabatic inv~riarit

. • "'t./A{en:4· · ·
The motion of charged

·· particles tmieh compris~ the Vari Allen radiation

. . . possesa·es
. '
all.. .three
. .

...: .' :· .. ·. l>·eriOdlin~t.. ; and ~~ariantso {~~: The perio~cit~ee are:r .ih·e.. · .... ·_·, :'':i; _ ,_, :·. ·<:·:d
,.<. · ;' :,.: :_·,. ~a~~on about the geomagneti~ ti~l~ lliie~~ :t~e ·.north..;south· _oscillation~·: ··' .. · . .'·:· _.~::_;<~.
'· ·, :·· . ·: ·.. :. ...........· ,·.; ·;;'. :·;;.<-.,:·· -·>>>.::.\ .·;: .:·,.... ·:·.:.;·:·.;
'·, .. . ·,: :·a:nd· th~ preceasion.: about t~e·ear:tho::._.:i , , ... ·· ..•. '
.:·_;-~:~L"~~~--;~_.:.·,J&tLL.·}~.;.-.:-:·.Lii;:L~.n~.:::.-,·L~:,,:.~_·,~---·).::;ji~L~.:2::2J:~·{'L.·~···. ····-~~- ·...~·. · -·
' ·~·;:' ;-;. . . -~ ' . ... '.
' - 40
'. .·,. li
?~ i, ....... ' .. '
.:.' ...• ·. ' :. ~ .- .;· '

.. - ' . .. ... :·· ..> ,; .

···:. ~ ·_.. ·-(:·A.. T'ne Hagnetic Moment '•

~t... . . '. ~ . ~ : .- \ '. :. ;·. • ..

. •. .. '"

*· •• -~ ' '_·,·
. :·-·~ ··: .. ,··'

The invarianca of the· magnetic moment will now be pr·oven yia.

(t3) and Maxwell's equations. It will be shOWl) tha. t

Bl1_0 •
11_0 . ,
which is proportional to the magnetic moment, is iul.ependent of time :i

·.to lowest order in €. By way of clarification it should be emphasized ·· ···._ · · .

u v ~~~ .
m J.,.(9·--· - .. . ·---~--· SvPcrsr-
. . :_..,·.. .
<that the _magnetic moment is not always 2B 1 where v ..L is the ·.-. ~- ; .~ v.La_ ~.- ".
·. ~. -~ .
.. perpendicular velocity in the· laboratory frame of reference.. If there ·'c:_-_:... ::~_:: as._(:'., .
·~ ., . """">
m(v-iro>i ·-·:~:,: :;;:: " .. ·.
... · is an electric field EJ.. , then the magnetic moment ia
'. ::,, '·. ·;'-,:~ . where (V' ~ ]0 ~ equals In short, the 11 perpendicular .,
..... . . ·· .
. : .. '

:·~·:·.,::velocity" must be that observed in the ·frame of reference moving at·. ·· .• ;~

i,' .. ' :',,•.'

·, '. '· ... ~-

.,. .
be verified from Eq. (75j. -It does not matter whether
:. 'I " • ' '

'.·.. the component of v
~- perpendicular :to . B(r) . or. to B(RQ) is
I ;.·•
~ .. ~--- '. ,..
.. _:used_, the difference being of c;r( 6) and thE)~efore appearing in the _, :>/ ~-. ~. : ..·r --~-
->:~-:~ '' . . :.- :' ! ·• • .

.· '.: · ilS M1,•:. term· of the' magnetic moment series.

o; ~' ,•

--~- ····.·
' . . ,. ' Equation (t3) is of the form . ' :-_ :: '' :·~ ::; ': :)·.·· ' :.,

. I' '. ~ ·..

+ iR~
' 1 ~ "'1
~ .....
. 2 •
•:._,· ..

.• •. \: ~- . . ·, ~ . : . :. : , ...'
·-·' ~
• ' ' I_

~ .

:· . .
.:,··u this .is .fi.Tst dotted and then crossed with '(;'1 ·in an attempt to
.· . . '4,,:

,··solve for i\ in a. fashion similar to. the solution for, _RnO ..<~~,&)-,

' '-
L '.


:'1: :. >·-:·
·-_'.t .'



' the result is (by setting n ... 1 in _Eq._ (6!?.1) .. ··',.•

.. -:- .·.

_' ..
' ~

': ·-.-~ .: : ::
:'.; -: .. :.~:.-:;,; -·. . ;·-.:.-
• > ,,,·, I './• •

.. ,·:·
': .. ·'.: i
'• ·.·•
,_ .... ·I
\r, , ••

, :· , -v· . <._; ·,. ·;· •.

. ·.: ' ..~ . ,·.- ~~; ·-~~; ~- ·, ")

1 • ,·
. '>:. ~ ' ': '.· :. ...· .1"7~1
.... · ... ••• . ' l -~-·-. ,.
': ·, ·,:. \· \ > ·. ·. ._:~. :· ..

·_ .'
., • ,I

,, .. ·· .. ·.·::.·.·
. '·,. .• .. j'·:·
'' .. ·,· ·.··, :.. ·, -;_
.... ''t"
. ~ • .. ·.... : : ..: .:.;· i .,_ ...
J "·1:
: ......... .'.· ,.·
. .... ·' '
~' ..' . ···:
~------- ------------:·-------~......~~~,I"
>. • ~· ' : .I •
f ... ' ! ,·
. ·" ' ' ~- ., .
~' . ~ 'I ,' ' :-;.: • .·
.. '·
41 -
L. . ..··. ,- ·,.- ·... ·.
f: ·i
<· ·:~ : ?
- ~
.. .
•• "~ :"
.. '
' . ,·

::. ·:: :·: -· . ~.: This is a. cond.i tion on F'J,. J which to "*(J.) is ·a condition on
\. •< .

f" r
10 c ~0 • vE<R;y t )+~0xil(il'O'_t )+Jl0x /5o
!__._-· .;. '·.
L.f·. •.:,_;.
f''. . ·s·-:.:~-~-~ . 1 ••
and _\71) · constitute a differenti~ equat'ion. to~ _ R10·• ::,. ..
,, .. •· ta '
·~-. '

: If the terms With .1 ~ 1 are se:parate~. on the. left hand sidei the differential

. ·. ---; ,•
. ' ,'
·";.· . . :: ~-

x al = !.B. cr: . . _. iL,. x ~1 >,

J... •
.' ; -~ ' ...

• :1 .•
:.· .·

:·; where '"l.~.. = [-~ 0 . ~ '!? E-l~0 x ("R;_ 0 ·•. v )~ .. BR';_0J.L and ~0 is the
· z;ro order.motion~L vll'~l +
~ ..
One .might conclude from Eq., ((tt;) that u; . . ·: ; .. · .·:.

(R ~ must equal · BJ. Such is not the case, however;_ . a:ny complex vector
.. ..... .- -

_',-~::: -.quantity of the form ~· can be written as (g + ih)(~2 + i~)): .. :

~ . .
g~2 + h~ ~ and
W= 3
' ..• 1, .::-_.(:

<'·.:·where · g and h._ are complex:- By colle~ting all terms

'on one side of Eq. ((!() ), one finds that

• L.L.
·(R;,_0l- B also is of this
. ·.··.-· .
.:. :·: ;roz'm and is not necessarily zero. • t. • •
Equation (/Jo) must ·be used as it stands,' .

:·:-;,,to prove that '11'lO • -::.'t

d (B ...
cit R10 *> equals zero.
.··. _,_..,'
'~: .:-

;., :.'..

·, ;,._·

_Eq,uation ~q 0) c~ntains only _ ~ 0 ~; but this is all that ·is required in. ·'.: .· . ,· ..
;, MOO -~ . .
. . . ...., *. -'":1 '~-~ .\.' :.,": ~~-~,- .·:.:·.
Eq. (Jf{) be~ause of the fact ·that ~O . and .R10 ~ve no parallel _ . " <-· ..·;
.. '<7l> 'gives,'-: whencliff~r~ntiat~d. ~t~-/~esl>ect_to<time>· .. :
~ -~': ' ~ •• _. ' • • ' f~ ·,

~ : ••: •.• ·.'' 1', ', -~ '

~- 1
' •

- r.• ·.·· :- ,: •'

•1·'.. .-: ...': ·, ·.. •

;. ~ .

... •. ·.

;· .. ··. ..

;.·:,. ~ ..... •. ' ·'

.. ····· . '· ·.... ·_,·. ,·. . .. .
. -~ .· ······' . '·' '-~
. ·.
. .
'· .-<,>··:··.·.~--~: :--~ .. '• .... . .
_. ! ... . l
·., : .' .. . .·
'. _. ......
. / . ·, .

. • • '.j.... . • ·,· ~
'"j ;
·... ....
• • • .. . ~ ~ ;. ·' l
42 - ·'I " ''
. .· ...
'}• ,t ..,. . ~·

·; ~·-
. > ,; .·
.. .. .'.
.·. ~· ...

,.. ·: ':_\' .:.~. ·:: . . . 'I ' :... i.'


.' .~


; ' .I

·..:· . R;.0 • (~ + ib).<~2 · + 1~3 >· + (a + ib)(i + 1i

2 3
'. -~: ~ .~.:·' ·. .' .• ; ': . .: ' .... : •. I
~ ',.
:· \'.· , :·,.:·:· Substittition of· thd.s int·o Eq. (Ia) gives (via ..eith~ .th~ ·:._~;-, . ~r':;.·€-;f.··. :-,
":::_:· -., :. ·'component) . - --· · -·. ,
. ~ • ~ •••· : .... : . :.:_ ,· • • ; 1. : •'

':.,·~. '·. . ': ,": : ,_,; ,• I ·:: ' ' ·, ·~ :• t '

\~'. ~' ; .( : ' : ', . . •_' •: • ;~: < I ' ~ ., '

. !·: .<.· •.
:... ·.~ : ., : ~ ~ (e'3')'

,.;here ( g + .ih)(~ .+ i~) now stands· tor From

equa.tlions:- ~. ·< -
. ·... •

·_ ~£?2)- and (8~) it_ follows that


>~>::~ _\
:.·' .
a._ -i ~ -. A
e -">
FL + "" + i_h
· -, 2 -_ 3 --~o 2B(a + ib)
' ..· ,: ~- ·•.
·'· - -'

·. - ... ·......

. ... ·.:-
··- .'·.·,
:. '.: , ;: ·': ':_de~ined by
'-. ""'LJ,;.- iLJ..
\ ~ ""'
x e 1 ..,
; ·.

:·~_:::;:._.· _ ,_··. ·: :' g + :ill·· by with~· ~2

. -:··
·:· dotting .. : ~

~ .' r . -;, •
. . ..,. ,

. ·._.- ·c;'/J . ,.
' .,
. ...
' ~
·- .. I

.-.~ ~e explicit expression for L J.. given immediately following;' Eq·.. :' (9~

, . . , . ',i· mu~t no~,be used; .· tJ.. c()ntain~.~- -~o>whi~hls ~?:ba·:.~eplaced\ii<·~·a :~"-;~_)(~2 .'+ i~!···:J
. :. . -' . ' ~- ·~. ' >.'. ... . '.. ·. ·t. ':'",,), .• -:~··:.:_-:,·:.-r~·. '•!. . .......... [

: ~ ' < :-~.J ];;G~,i;i;C:;~;) ~ ''~~;),,::~ , ..,.- Aci]:;:,dX:. ~-Li:l~~-';; •·- ·'. •. •:
"'.' •' ~ . , .•
..... · : . ',1 ••
.. :
._·, ·.
I • ·' ~ . ~'


[~ x <~ ·v% + -e; x <€"2 ·<?rEJ + 1 <t.. >

' .. ....

. ··:·
···.• .... -1!1 •
. .';
''• I'

' -~. (a,)

t • ~ •

:.· .. ' .· ;'·:·~:

·.The imaginary part does not have to be .evaiuated because only the real '•1.

'· ·: . :~;::~l
' part or (og) isi required. . The second term on the right}···side of· Eci, (eo) . .;· ·~·~.:{!i·
. :>;!·.·t
: ·::· .• ' ~

~2) [<~ - i~2):~~(B~l)J :~:r~

\''.< •
•[ (1~3 X

•.B[~J· X (~2·" V) ~1·- 62 X (~ •. V )·~j. .,

:\:C • . ,:· :.·,: :.
·. :··... ·: .. ·,
.:.r•; .
.:~:.~. i~~~
·. :.
. :· ., '. '·.: ·, .~:·:.~\~
·. : ,'....:"'<

. ,. :

. ·.:.
. / ·: . '.

" . ··'.
t· • ;

•; .. ·.,. .· ;.•
···: ..........
.; ~.. . '' '' .
";·. ~
. :. ' . ;·I
.... ~.. '
. . ..... ·.' .~ ·, ....

. .:' -~. :
..· )
.: ....
···.Because . ;.-.·
.. ·.-·.··.·.
·.r ·•... .. -· . .-_, .·
I ' · ·. . . . ;... '.
' ,' .

. _,; . '· ·::·' L Q .:l, .1711 B.,.. {7o (~i B) = ~1 • VB+ B '17•' ~() .•:
·: <


.... ' ' '

' ' ' . .. :,':;

• • ,: •

' ',

'•'' .
• ••

. .. ' ' , .:.

' ' : :~·· .

<~t fo~that ..~rr V• ~l =~1 ~l VB o .·and .the .real par.t.; of.~e· right~':.;'.:·.:.·-:" , ;:~·~·
". ,," . ·'. : : ~ .. ; .· :\. -~s~de·: of Eq •. ('-o)·. ···is..~d-~ply:. ifoo .~ .VBe ,. · ....; . ·.:.~· :.: ·.. · .:.:.J,')

•~; ;•' I,,

,··.. ' :
I '
o~i;;:·. ' '. :~: ,, .•. . •. ', .·~ ~<:.> ·'. .: .. '> . . ''<·' ; ' >·; ~r·
.... ·.
. ..

'• ,., ·,·. .·:· ..•
·· .; :~- :.~

44 . ~.
-~t . ... ·.. ' ·· .. ,,1. •

·-.::·.·, ·-:. .. ,
;.·' ··... .. ·:· . 1, ~ '
ot (9fl)

. ''rho lnmt tann on th0 ri({ht oicte

I·~ . •:. . '.=···-·.

~ .,r.
·.> ·~ ,··:·...and
J :. ·.-..·-
g+:ih 2B" •
a+ ib .. ....
-., •.

.. ': . ~ oB :. .
. ' ' ,:
- By Maxwell 1 s equation., VxE"'- ~ ·. • t1x E""' ...
1 . ' it' since
•·- mQ. '•·.· , .r.-··
·,, ~· .
··;,. -·-::-
.. :.
~·: ~-_:. ..
i ·.,
-: ·.;

d..e ( _g+ ih)

. • ·.... ,\_ . ,'
: .•. • VB - 2B ""-BJ ;i
;· ·, ~ a+ ib · ·.;:__ , .,.
·,. ,.. :•
' ' ·,
. ''
-<~ ~\-; . .
+ w .•
-~· .
- ... ·
Thus. it is proven iha~
.00 .. ~-. •' ~- ,• .

.' ..._--~ '

~ <BR;.o • R;.o*> = 0 + <:?' ( G ) . or that equals a.· '

:· .,_. •,"I

constant +. 00.( e) .. ·.·. _.;.· ,.-·

·.-. . ::, ... ' .. ~ ~

' ~ ...· .. ·. ·' .. ·.. '·

·'· : -~-.
.. _~ . '' .. ··. :,
.":'.: .. ·>-··
'• . .. ·-.'

., .,
'· ·.:
.. ·.· .·:
·. ·:· ··:•,:',
.. _: •.,

;- .... . '. : ~

.-... ·
-:. :-.-.-·
·. •,-·· __ ;• : ... ~ .. ..

; .

.; :
... ,•
·,, \''

',• /
; .. :• '' . . .....
. -:':i \. ,.,.' ·.\,. '1·_.-
..,.. / ..

. .--
....·. ;

. . . ' -·-. , .. __ -_
;.' ~

I' I, .
... :.~ . : '.:
. ',:_. ' _, .'
.·._· ._ '·

•,I .-.•
·····. :.. ·· ... ' .
' .. .•,.
:' .·

..... , •::
~ : ,..; • •• l

.:-:-. .., ·. .. :.~

· .. ·,.
·.,;.·~ --~~::..'·_.__,~·-_;-
' • <

i· ,:,

•, ··.'
.... 45 r, < <

. ·:· .. <

B~ 'lhe Longitl:ldinal Adiabatic Invariant .


. The next adiabatic invariant to be studied is the longitudinal · · < • < :.

·~ ~. ·.~· ._·. ~ . .:. •.

.- invariant· ....

: .. :- ·,;_ ·.
J ... f:P, ds;, . c~~:
]j i11 .... _ '.
· .· .: :< •
: '.'

::~: , ..
i·. ·... ·

' !

is the ·guiding center momentum parallel to the line of force, .- ..

; ·.

>-~ ·, and the. integral

~ .· ~-' . .is taken ·over a complete oscillation from one mirror · ··.·.

.... '-:
Point to the other and back againo As stated previously, the longitudinal ...:_ . ;
• ' • ~;:·; ' ~- -~~- i_

. -~ . ·, :: •··.
\ .· ., .; . · · · ;: : motion must be pet-iodic for · J ·to exist o The procedure thus fa.r has
t -' ~ .· .. /. ,;~ .
i' <. ;. _ :··:--·' ; '·. ;' ',' been to start \dth the equation of motion ( l ) of a dBaged particle and
; :. . . :~': .' ':) \7' 1,

\ ' . : '' ,:: . ' '

I ., ·'-' ... ' . , . -:·: .:,-:
to average over the gyrationo The resulting guiding center equations ( /?), :·,
J· ·. . / ....
·-. and (~o) · are new equa~ions of mot'ion. ,... ··· .
The next step is to average over·. ·-·.·-.·.,
', .. - ; ' :. ~ ..
·.,. ·.. - ...
~ ..
·, · .. .·,. . ·; ~:the longitudinal oscillation and obtain a third set of equations of.· · ' . ··-'1-• .
. ,.· ·. :.

i: >-':--'..,',:· . -... ' ", ., , ~~ ;, '.

, ; :; .. motion governing the average drift from line to line, and then to show

'··~' ..

i. '·.. ~ ·, ..... ' "

) '·

. . . . '~-.·. ' .·,; ~-! .. . •' <

<:· ·, , : .: ·:;::;{. that this average drift conserves J.
> '
• •' '' ' ~ '." ', ~ ' '
'• r
. '
\' . ··.
·' -· ·-' .. As the guiding center moves along a line ot force in accord with····
. ! . .-...:~ -~ ·.= .~"' '.
.. ·,,•: ..:···..
~ • . -! .


'i; ('•. {do), it drifts at right angles to the line at a rate given. by,. ·.... ,.
) .-; .- ..: ·- .
. ,•, . :.
·.. , ····<:~ .I
.. . . .: _.: ~' .. ·.
.. ~ ·_ . -··. .~ ,•' : .
. ;


' i
·.: ''' :.·~:·:::_~.' '

i_- ••
.· .. ,· ·. . J~_-:~ ':::.-~ "
·- /~ :-
- .. ·.·:
(·, .

. . :::·.. .._\'·:_.-:
_ -
__ .. ; .·.
._ ''

. Gui( ·:center. oscillates .along. a line .~:f force and drifts. '·
-~ :.
., __
·.-.- ·.·.
_.· right. angles. t~~ ito. :··· ·... ,• .· -~ ', ,: . .·.--,_
_-:·~- '.: ·: .
...-1,- ·.:: ~--t ~-- .:·.: . ·, . ~- . ; ~ _.., -, I --~ ' . '. '• ,'. ' : '
' ', ~
,,· .: ,•·, j • • •-_ ••
•' ·_!,•,: \•
...._ .. ·:-;
'I •' ·,' •• ·:. : •. • · · . •'• .''

' ~ '; '

• I ·,,,!
.... :. .
.·. ~- :._ .. :-.. ;

:.· ·.-j. :':'-._: _(- .. :· . ~. ~- ., .. ;

.:_' ',
. ~ -,. .
.• '·
. . .·) ~ ·-._ ·.·(· . ' .
. .... · .... ' _,.,
,",.: .·· ~·
,I ,·,

.. , :··
:.· ·'
", .. ,.·,·'
. . .

. .--.. : .- ' . ·- -:
·'•. . :.. '

.. ::· . • I • •
... ' ..
I :
. '
'· ' ·. .
~ .- -. '. ,.
(.: .. ,· .• : .-.· ' •• : - . ,'j •• '._
· :
~- ' '
\,, ..
----'j· ..... "'.
~- ' .• . ' • : '• ' : ~ •t ~ ..
. . ., :

..·:.. ·..
. I
' ..

·, • I • ' ' ' ! ~ ''o

·, ,.r '.I

._ ... -:.
·. •, t
f) . . .. .
ft. ···.}
ar.e of C"(G )), one can calculate. the average .• _:-;

' .. :··.{~drift r:ate at right angles· to the line during a longitud~al oscLillation. ·.
.' '•:'~ .)•
•• • • II!

·.;<(.as if the ~iding center did not deviate from the line of force 11 the • !_ :· ;·. : ~-
~ r :· -~
:., '• • ·:. '· r_
• c :• . . . . ••

6-. 2
. <. ; : ~. ; .' ... ' .: ":~
·_. ·• · error bein'g of order since the drift rate. R.~. · .is 9 ( f5 ) o . _ 1·_,. • . • , ,; . ,I

·'· '
• :. l I •

::,is <!'" (l), contains the C? (1) term-~ and the guiding center moves·::'.>· :·~1 - : · ·: ;
. . -~ '~- ~ ' ' .:
.·I-'. ·- ... ·: · i
.. ,; .a
ways from a given line of force in one ··oscilla. tiono It is then no . ,
·-·: ·r· .
·-.·: ·,.,.
-,_ ·.
. ~

,/ .

,>::,longe~ possible to ·ignore the d~viation from the line· of force; the .·'

~- -.l .
~-:: . . .
:. ~ , ::

I'. • ;_.

· .;<guiding center does not remain ·even approximately on the line and it will · :. . . ) .:~
_.. ·:·:-: .. . .· . . · .. · ~ j, c. •. 1 ' , · . • .. · 1 .

., fo~d ~uif~d~ is not conserved •

A- proof has been given in reference (:1.0) that the average drift ,, ·. .
~ .: . .. .

··:from line to ·l.ine conserves J; the proof is for relativistic particleso · .. .. '

, .. ' ' '

.. ·:,_(Rather than repeating tthat proof in the present··review, a somewhat different·· ..... ·.' ·
.... .'
:- .. ·.·:.
.. . ._. ': ~. ~ ~ .;'.. :
:··one '_'~ill be given \r~hich is more algebraic and less ·geometric. Also it

·.·F;.'~will be done for non-relativistic energies, but the . modifications of this. ...... . ~- .· ·;::_ t. -~·:
.•• t ,·,_

:proof to relativistic energies are ·slight. since the relativistic expressions ..:. ··.: .· ...
. . t. ~~> ·~·
·..:< ··' ~-·
·.. :. -';
:::(~<\), (s-o) , and (GB) ·are known. ', I, ~ ,., ,:
·.... ~ . ....... ·:·: •. •'
.. ·, ' '

: ·. ;-.'· ~' l·"

?.'.' To forinulate the problem explicit)..y, the o! ,·(I, s · curvilinear ·~ .1' ·.··
(' ..
' .
:' ' . :~ coordinate system introduced previously will. be used. Let ': ·.... ...... . .. ;·.:.:. :·
· ·::_-.·.·:::_.: . .
l- -. +
cs _mv_l...

.'l....,.,1·-:; ··'. .'. .

·~, ~.k
+ e(¢ +1'),· where : "P c '~MB ~. it<
. · (at-)·
,. . ... '. ~ . . K is a constant of. the longitudinal motiOJ?.. Then J · is given .bY .
. •.... ·
. .... ·..
,~ ·
.. ··... ; ·.. <·
' :
···.·. ·..
'· .

,. '<

I ..
'. :,: 47 .'
· ..
.. •' -~ i ;

' ,, .· . ,·..
.. .-:.. '

'~r·. m·ft~rK ~ e('f+?)

,• .''

~J~:.d~ (~+?t~);·:

'· '
· ..
.... "
M ,· ·.·.·_ ..·.

= ~e f ds
v,, oct
<., +~ + -a B_) . , ' , . • .,1 •• '··:···

l. (tt~ .1" fjjl-. . .. '(

} r~ a~ -~! • ·~ ~ l • ··: ,i '_( . . ..."

. ~- .'; ·~'
. _: :'. ds o (1P +<P+ MB
-:-- -. -) ·~·· -:<_.(f'J) .;-
'li uf3 e ' ..
. -~ '.
. . .. ~ '. .:: ' .• ~-.
'· ·' -.- .
~ ~ f_-fm_U_K.....-..;;;d;....:-(-V-+-ct-)--.~--~-=-1/"1"':. = f ~:

... ~.. > ~: ·~

(IM:!) . .· _:._.:
: = m 2- = T, ···:·_:·_·. • •• ¥ ~-

···' '.'.·
. . ' .. .'.· ~

i~:··the ._pe:dod of the longitudinal oscillation. ·. :.·.·

,., :; :
.... ·.

·:...~: > ..... · ··.•.

. \.,.
= ·- e ("'f +f+ MB ). (lol) ·

···In equations·\~9')- (/ol), 'It·, 4', -and B are to be considered as
.·... ,.. -:-:

·.· · •• '~; :.;ji

of (a, (3, s,. t) and not of the_ guiding center position _It and of· t~
,· ·t···
.~ ~.
R · is
itself a function R(cr, ~~ · s, t). · It must be remembered that . : ~:. : ·'"_,, ~ :'··,,';\ .j
: ~ . ,'

: •. ·~ -~ : . 1 t;;.,~.)_ _ .
... ;· .;;..~_'lf..._(.Jl,;;a;LI;@u·z;.,;;;SJ- = rR(cr, f3, s, t) '.' 0: )'.1
.' :::·· ?J t ~. t ..
. ~

.. ' ,· .
(1 Oci~J ·~

: . ·...
·.' t
. "•
.·• .~

J> and $ .. . > ,: ' • > ::·I

·f' ,: . ._... ,' .. ·.. .. ~ ·{
•.···· ·.. ·.·.' \~ ~! • ~

' .. ) • .... , ·:, _:; )

·s.";_;'-.~·.;.:··J·.~: ~- · · ··r
:: ; ' :: ' ,• Since a(ii, t); and' fl(~ t) constant~ ·.F . : ?f.·t~rcie, ' •.:.'· ' '
: ,; ,.· ' ~h~~~ time de~i:"'ti~ c~~f"~ ~": and ~ot ~I : , ' '' · • ·.•.• .•..'·' .•.....·· ,, j.
~ .'· .:· :·~;
;.;'~1 , , .
; t
:l. ·: . ·:- .. . . ..
. ,.:.:·: ;:~ .·''...\1 . •.
.:~· ~. .
,···~:•. ~.;
~... ,r .. · ~···· ,••: ~
'' ~: .... •..
· .' c '.'
. . ·. ·~.f.'·.·
~· ~ •;/:> :• ,•' ··; ~· ~ r' '• -~··.·.·. ·,. . '• . •:._·.L
' .. . .:; .·.. .:.> .. ; ' ' ';: J'. :· :- <, : ·. : -: • .; .. . • ;· ' ..: .-:·. : . :
. ~ :. . ' ' . ·1: ::=. .. . .. . ' .. ··. ,",/ .. .' ~ ' ... :··
·:i 48 .....
-:'.', ·,

-·= . ( /&J)
dt ·,·,·

~ ~( ..,..2)
2fl !f?.··.. ""'R• . ( ht§.) ... '.....
; __

dt =· +
. at . J. ·v~+v""

. -' ~
. ::. Th® expression _for R.t. (with ) must now be substituted
I I .~ ',,• . : k , ~ :;•: : 1 • ,;: ' . . . . ,~ I '

~ into -equations (I~ and ( /tJlf) •


It is the same for (except for a sign.) •

1 ......

. :··
da .· ..·oa . ~1 r· ~ . me
.at - · .._+-
- =. . at . B x -c,t; . . .
e + e ·va + ~< G~)' . '

13, s, t); t] and s = · s['R(a, ~~ '~~· ~~~ t1_. ·. . '·.·. ·,

' ~. ~--'!,•. ·:· .: •. j

:, By implicit. differentiation: of :. ex: ... with respect to .a, 131 s, S.t1d:.t;,. atl.d 'of, ·: _;: · : ,! •

. . ·;·>:/_. •'
With respect to the_ same four variables, 9~e obtains the ·. }· :·
··:_: ·.·:·,

equat~ons: ···..

··":~_;;_:·:1··= •. va(~, t) ·: ~! (a,· ~>a, t)

-: ~.. . . '
·.·/. ::

.. .·.···:.'
.,_. '·' ',• '


:, .... ·. ·.·· : ..,_._. o = va ·

~· . .:' '
., , ...
._,__ ! .:· •·

. •!,
~ ....
:' . ;., . '0:= ;, ;''

· · lcovt 6 ~ ~ .
. -··.-.... ;
• _$;>(,~ '.·· .
..;_ .-·... ', . ·:·. 0 = :.- :_

.···: 't•;

~ . '' .
... ·
'< ,:_,
! ., ·6 ·,'
.: ~

:- ~- ..
................... ,•
··., j, ' • ·, -~ (. •. : •

f : ..
:-.· ..··:·. _ . ·.·:-.
: ~ ·' . . .
~- 6R .... ::
0 = at +Vt3 dt

I;·' ·I': ..,

· ·.• .. I:'C.vt ci .. __,,; . ·- .. ' .
:;,"R ...· : -·_ ...::
• 'i ..• ~ ~ _).... '
... ·.
·.·. o :=Vs(R~ .t) aa . (a,


~ ...

.0' :.:: Vs ·• • u_
·. "R • • -~ l

'· >_:_;':'<:i·<· ·' .


.· . d 13 '· :-· 'i':

1 = .'i! s .: • '· , - '·
, -o~ '>:.:'·.:.:· 0,;>:>· ·>· ·' :-

·.,. ·. ·..•. ~s .·
· ·; ·, C>s. .+.. , · ·.·. < ·d'R . ,.
..... : 9 --~' ~-. •' ' vs .:'\ '3-t ':\
:.. ·' '; -~~ ~'
: .·.

. ! .
. ~ : .
. ';,
;_._ .·: .·.
··. '-: _, ...... .. ~­

. ~-- :>; ,: :· _: '
'•' -·····
-· .. ::·. ... . (·.

. . ·· ,\ f·

I :,• . :.. , -~ --:~: ' ·.· ',

·• ' ··~ • ~
' / ··I
I;':O~.:c··-: ..... - -:-------·--;c··.---- ·,-:----·-··-·,_·: •-·-··• .,. .. ·•'.· ...:. .. ·
! ., • ',• .. · ~ . ' .:: . . ,; .

' .· . '~ .
. . ··..:
49 ....
. ·.... ~ . !. '
. ::.;., i ·.;
\ . ,_. ·. <i
·'. :-

...,., .....,.
I; 0 ,'.

.: In Eqo ( los-) v~ can therefore be replaced by d"R X B,

tinea. B(R)::t7oc.x vp and

·or ..
.. lr'.'
.·~· ., .: ~

: - . I· be. ta. ,

.i: '

Also in Eq., ( /o.rl

····.. .J
_: vlith these substitutions Eq. (/or) becomes, after interchanging : ;_1
·.;: ,.
.. -;,
·.the·. dot· and cross 0 and expanding the triple ·vector product.·. -~.~._~. ..

''·,'• :'· ... ·.

' ; . p t • ·.:;_;
. ..-•:
·.·. .,,'1
.·.:· .. .:-·. .:\~ .
..' ,.
. ·-;--t

'~- ' ! : .,_


,· -· ·,·!.: ..
.. -·:-.
~ ' '.
., i
-:'. -- ...... ~

.. ·.,.;

9 equation (/tJ?).

• ·~ l
'' ..
~ -~ ': .... _ .:_
~.. ·_;: .. :..
,. ...

•• J '": ·. . . . . '':,-._
: .. __ ;
.. · ~- ~

. . ·.
... !'\,
'•, r
.··.:: ;·; ~
'. ~ ... ' .
·.\··_, :'· . . ··,;
'._ .
~ ..
,·, ~ •J ~. ·, .. '•'. ')'· : ": .
. :. ~:·.··.... :·~·.'>·. -~ ·_·.-
• ' • .. • • .' •: { •. '.· • .; - •
_·, .
., . ~'
. ~-.·.·· ..,.
.·,' .·.··, ' . ' '·.·· '1·. ;_· ..
': .;._ ·,··I .. ~.,. ,
. . .. ; :.. . ."_:· -~ :·.: ".·.. r·~. ·. '_; ·. : . ·>• ':I) ....... •',••

. . ; .·.
• '-::, •• <- '. . • • •
... ·•·
• • ) -~: .•• -~ <: .·· : .. '. ~ ,,
' ... ·. ' ·. ~ .. ..
. '·
.'~ . ·.·, ' .. ' :\.. ' ..
. ··'··'
.' ' ..
~ .
. .. . ....... .·· ··,. .._ ..
! . ~' • • • • ' ' • .
f·~·. -~
h .·· '.;'
'.· ···~ . :. ..· '.
·. ' . ,.. ~
.... . .
'f .
;;~ lJ ( . 'JK). ~.2,.
r ~··::. :. \: . ~ -r; .:·~.·. ~:s'. =. T.i t. ~ ¥ .·i'
. ~-.'


~-- ~ . ~- ~~- ..~-•. :;.:._. '·,·! ·, • ·•• ·•

. .. (

. \. ~ ' '
· ... ,:,,;·
•'....' ,'•
= .P.·(~ •. ~i) - ~. /J
ai _. ·_.J ·(/1e•o. . :;-) --u·~
. ~ ~,
. ,., .. as . -;ji . ap os- ~s. . ' .. "lj . .. ' . op . ... , .r

·• ..

' I ' ·,
.• '·.
·· •. ·.
r·. _.. "···· ' ,•.
. ' . '·. .

~1 ·= ~R/os •. ~ The last term of Eq_.

. ~ ·..
.... . ~.
···since (110 ) then is ·,;'
.. ·'... ~.- . ·'· .. :·: .: .···. i;
,•. '·
. :.'~ ;- ·:;· •·
·: .·.·· .,:
"""".c.v, d (e, .·J~) +-iK~E-a;. ·::,:(_ '·'··;,._).:.
4 dx- . dp .. . . .
. ,.
(110),. combine to
. ':. .· ... : ..
·.' .· .. , .

. ·:-.
. . .·

' . . .,.. (/13 y.·· ..

.... '

.. .-·
:·. ,·
An analogous procedure is need~dJor dK{ Eq_. (97). The Clu&'"ltity

• •• • 1_ ••
.·~ .: . ... ·,·.·.·K was defined as the particle kinetic energy plus e(-y + c(). From Eq_. (:2'/ ), . :<.):'·':;' ·. •
···;; ..

.,_·· ;-'\ ;

... ; . :·. i
.;.. ''
.... -· ... .....,I

' r
·'' • I'
.,· .
.' ·~ '
.' ..
·.. ··.,·_.-_'
.~ ·. :,: ,>: ~ .: .

. ~ '
' .
It E.L. and ~t- are C7 ( G ) , both y and pJ are themsel vas ·.· .

·.· ' . B". ( 6 ) and their partial time derivatives. are

. --:


~ .~
...1>p •• ' . '

induction ef!'ect t!~ , plus terms of 0(1::2-) at least when · E ,: '::..-.·. ;·:. . . ·I •:· -~
',, ~! .
' 11.. &1t. . I . ' ,r. .~.,.
.... r

'•; .•

and &·· are. .0"': (1). also true that if and are ~
,, ':~
', .;· Ot:_ : .. ~· :: ,: ' .'
.. •. i

.·.· .... '

. .

.·• .~··
... ','

•• •
·. ; . ..
• 1·• •
. :: ; '
__d(Kine.15±~ enex,gy) - i . .. -'. .\ ( /16) :. ::~..
.. ' ·'
\,:·,. .. ': ' - -~

. edt .·.·.·,·~ .··...... · ·. ' ....

.. --~·.:'

·.~ ...... :-:: ~ ... ·. ~- : . ? .:: :: ~: .... :

) \ ' ' ' ..... ~ ... '•'

...... .
~/) ~
'~ ', '

\ . , ··:·· ,.

··.. -~-~ . ~. This can be verified by starting with Eq., ( . for and '· :. ·: .. · · · ·:·:_ :_ \,:;\
):.\:<::_calc-ulating. d(Kinetic energy) ::a e~ ... E(r, t) •. Upon expanding ·_·_· . . _ '.':,.~i_•._·-_._:_;_::··. · · ,.,. ·"
·.. t ' .
;• . . dt . ,- I .

. . · :-._.:_,: it~; ~-) S:bout .E(R09 t) . and tiroa averaging_ over asgy7~tion ·.7.. • ... •...
~;:. ;\:,,.:·,:;·(over. f7 I) that is), equation (II~ ) results,. The Maxwell ... - . ·. -:·:·.:<~
-,\. ·:,:::.·:;_J.,-·-.:·:;equa1a~n ·. V x.E = . . d.B/ ().t ~ust also be used.-
.... .r
;:·._.:,_··, .·.:· .:_·_';.:
: : ·, •• •

(1/~) and (//~ L, with E from Eq. (/011); '\ ) • :i ·-dJ
·yields '" ,;

.·.· ... _)/Jj

.: '· . .. .
~... .' . ·.
>~~ .·:::.:,. • ),A

::_.:::. :~ . . \' . '. fc . _.'2- (. 'IY+A,+' MJJ) .... - & ~ T 'f -

''I · e •. q"/: . . • . e..
... ..

i? •1- ( ~-rlr/. ~J. t7C c-~

: 2-c y.,. 4'f !:9) ;-

at. ·. . : 4! · . at
J.. .C.
r?f' 1 t-
j . I ·
.. -:.·.·· .
.. .- .·.'• .
:. t;· ·. where 'If 9 · flJD B ~ r;).., ~ are all,.:,_to be con~idered . .fUl:p ti_ons· > · .'/
.( ·.: ..

:·.. <:': ... of 1L and- t~. The v~ctor. ~Y"i- ~ 1761 · 'app,et;lr~ .frequently ..; .. /~-:;
·. :·and tiill be denoted py_ ·.-; .. The dri;t- ii'.J..:·.:.· repl~ced :'··.};_:_:_~<;

·. ,:• ··:: .t ~ F~i! ~ i0.~~ ·~~~-?~J . . /• .· •· )'he~e -~ - i- . V$ .• .•.. , .. •• .;', / ;;:!!

. . .. \:i'-'·.· -~ \1 ( 't/'1-
··.·; ·,·~-.. :t.".'~.' \, .
t/) 1- e .~ ':· . ·~· \ .'. .. .. ·. . .· :. . ~-.
·.-:. ~ ·. -~ ·. ·.· .., ···.··
_;.':.". ·.·.'. .
·,·· ·" ·,,,··~·-.'~· .·.-·., __ .· 1 ....
. _. :·>: ·.::):! ;
~ ~;·~·-. ··~·.::~:~;
• • ' : ' • . ~.1 • • ' . •. • • ;: • :. ' • ':' ;'. ~ :. • • ! .. ' .. >: • .-. • • •• : · ;

.;~~ ~;-.)·,:· ·.. .'.·,J·.' !:'' ,··."·~-.~·_,·.. ;., ·~.. .'.: ., .·• . ;.1 .; ·' ... :.~ir.'. '· '·:·:~;·.·_;·:.. \:~.·:~....... ,,::~
.'• '' l ~;,-:· '~~~ ~~·:_.·.~ ·:~•
.. ,• '·( I~~ • .'•',' ·'•I~ •:•::' \, ·.·~·~'.,r •' ;-' • :·~. ....... :,:,'">;·.:._:· ,;, ,','' ~e •' !.'" '' • ~:.0
• 1 l., ';-:•''~·:; .\:- :·~ '•,:.,' ',' ,•' ' '\·.' ' -.. .,,
·', • , >.

.~ ....
'/ '• ' ,\' ·.'' t ~ ~; .. ~~,
. ,.,':' ~~·. ::< • "< ~. ~·:
:ll .. • ' , ' .
··~ :.. .....
• • • • ·.·:.. ·.:,( •.
-;:, .. :;
: •. ·,.. . :_:·
. ·_•. ••• ' •·
# •• ' ''( • ~ •

··,' .t·
52 •.-

. '·' . :·'
· ... :'•
:-...··. i· :- .•. _:


' ~ . .
' .~

..; ' : ·>

., ~I .•. : •:

. ~ .<:·:
< ;,;·.'
J.. •.PJ.. -
. ~-
.. ·

; . ~
'·.· ·~ . .
. :·.:. '~ ,' ' ·: .
\· .... ·,
-- I •' .. ~· ' -~
.· ..

r'.!' '


• .'•
-~' 'I '

'- .... ' ' I . ·, ' '.' .' ~ :.. .... -~:
.·· ',..
), ·.4.. t. ~~-
• 4~


' .·... .
..·.' ' .. !:· ,: ,. '. ·.•
• ''J' ,'
... .~

. '. ... ··

·.• ·,
., '
.. '·
- ',"',• •'
····- ... ,: ·.
, ...
... ~
" ··.·-. -_;
.. " .
.., ·.. ··-··.'
~. '
. •, _t '. ! ~ .:.-· . .' ' .

·, . ~- ~: .
'·, ... -.. =:,.
.. j ...

:-.:- • .' ··.,. }_ ,. ' • 1 ; • ~~-~

. .. ;_·.;' ... .~ ·'·'. . \: ·~ . .'-{)

'•·' • : j ~ ,, .

~here Vel--has been replaced by ·~'ft(otJ(l' Sg t) X B

f'rom Eq •. ( /o?),
.and similarly '.tor .V ~ ., Now :'11. .~:: 'R ( ~ , f3,.s, t)
' ... ::;
. ·. =- 'R [ o~- <r, t >19 . fJ c'-r, t >jj • s <r, t ), t] 0 By :tmpli(:i t. dif~e~enti.atl. on
: '.< · .with ,x•esps ct ·to time J ·:::... ··.,..
·_. .:·.)
i• •. ·r ' '

-1- dX
.. i ,--;;.
· · From (1 11"1 ) and ( /d..O}.,, . and the f'act. that ;;"R..jas ..:: ~ it.· .,
. ····· ?; . . 1.,
.·.. · '·
.~ : ··follows that ::. .~ ~ ~ . .,·

:· · . ,. '. :.- .·
·.· '· . ''• . ', t.·

.• ll'j ' , : ' ·,· ' .',/. '·,··.' -~ ' ' • ' "', 'I '
,.·::. ~
. ,' .>
' ' .'

• ' .. ~x.-a,
' I -... re

.. ;'···;~-.~·;:,:B ::~:

: ..·· ........
~ '! ...... _
; ,'

. . .. ~-}
. ..... .. .~ ~. . . . . ..
-~···, ..
,' ··: : . ' . '• ·,

'·~ . ·.~

~ ;·.··
. .·::. . ' . ~ :·..
t. ' ·' ....
. ':'
.r, • : • ~ •• .. • • ' • t • •
".. ·. . ·. ·,·
. .. •'.,
.·.·1:... '.
... ..... . ., .. ,. :. .~.~ '~--- :' ··.:.: ..
" \ .•
. ': ,;· .,. ..: ;· \.· '' \ ~.

. ·:..·' ·,

. : _·,..:,_ ·: ,1,._
~ . . ... ' .. ,. :·· -~ '• ~ -.
'' :
~~~· f ..;.. :, .. •• ' t. '! ~ . :·.: ,: •• ' : ,; .,.: <.· ~- :·, ~ ·' • •' -~; ... • ••• _. ••
·. \ .·.. ··v... .: ··· .
·,. !•. ; ' : ~.-·. •• • • ' ~. • . ·.·.-·
-~?-::--;,.-r-:::-:--··-·:,::-..;-~~--=-~·--·...._..- "'""'""::-~.;-,.:._,;--~_·'u'-;;...··=.v:""":r,;;,;_'
. . ' - . .....:!_:·;
-.......- .... ... .. :;.:.-;.~:.;;.),
-- ,. •.,;::::...,~~-;:.-;:.;::,·
---.. ~:..:..··-~~-
• " .. ~.
. ~-~....;· ... ;:.~~<:~_';·
. ~-~:.~:.: .:;_~.::;·:'~·:;.:;:~f;-:;~~-= .. -~ ~-----~=~::::::"~·::~~·~.,~~~~~~-.#>~~- ·'
..:~ .
. . . '"-" . ,__

•. ·'' ,· '·. -? j

·' } ..
\ ·' I';

.... . ·,

f· ' •
... t ...
-~ ·, .
·.· ·"·
. ' ·'·, ...
,;' .. •·- . ·' ,··
'I . . • : : ;,·: .}, ' ':. ' , /
~· .,.... '·•
·.. ; ·: ,· and ,. ;· ·.·

:· .;;}?·i;, t~_0 =·L[l{'f+fi- ~~) r ~ 11t #l. c1 -~ ~ ·;tJ ;.. ·

•) ,, ':.
·;::·" ··...
•. . .. '·':
·- ....... ... ...' : ...··
. .·... .
'I·'· ... •,•·.!
. ,_·. ·•
..... ..., .
·.· ' .,~ ·1
.. ~.
. ."·- ' . ·-·. ~ :·~

. ·:. ~. .·: _'·r:J·

.' ·'':'.
·...· :<: _: ·. ·. ! ,1.:£~; ·. • .·. . . .:
··· ·., ·;· ( . ..:;: :· ;I;
. :::-:.-
' •: ·. I ' ~·< '• ~ ...... : • •'.' ' • •;,1.
~- ~
I !, '
...... : .. . ~' .. -~ '.• .
. .. ···''
··:' ....
t' ., ' . ··....

. . ·~· ·. ·. ., ._ ....... _.·!...· . •.' .. ':•

. ·... ·.
. ,;••,, ·'·.'.
,· ·.···.···
. \ ; .-~-. ·. .:• ; t'
.'. ~
.. :, .. .,.·
.', ' ~·,..'I .. • : '~: ·, ' •. =: ,'
. ..
I' . ~ << , ._-~:!
;'·. '
' •i, •.

': -~~ -~·;.,:

'·,;! .. .. ·.. -:.

' 1 ·, ~-. ~ •....

~-~. >-r
_, .
.' .·
. ,.
·; 4.; • ~
-:.: · .· ..•. The last term in Eq .. ( ~~~) is
·> ···.:·~·;.:~ .. 'j_ ~it
. · ::.- 1 · as at.
' .
In. addition

.. ·.

. .::; ..:'~.·:Replacing a
~ ~-<
v+P.d. +- . a:- > by
: :· •, -~- • •: t_ ,, • •
,, ',
... · .
. :i· ·:~\·:. ..· ffnall.y give~ .•

_·,.·;.:·: ...

.. ,:_.."
·7(J.. o_#- .
.. . .·...
':i..' ;=.· :~ _; J • j •• '·

-· ' .
. ;,..
.\. .

,· '· ·;·.t

and .:.:}!
' .• '~ t

i ;,_


~-?·;,,._.~·: . As indicated, ,'If, {0, and .B . are .function~of ._ . R :arid ·t, ·while ·
[ · :i R ~ H( o~., ~. a; t )~ .· It now. "1'.• yj;
' and B · are regarde</- as J:unc~ions . · .
: ·>:-,.-'.: .: ·. :.!':.of,::;do ~-;·-~~_.:, __ ~,:.· t ... as in Eq~:-.~< 'l~l )-~ than· by, Fq~·-.. ·( _1o:JJ ·_. :':/•::'\>.-::··· :·_ '_
_. ?. ::~:·:_ : . : :.·:· .
:_ ... "'t ~.::=... ~--~ ::·~· .......·. ';._:,_;, .. j•: --~ .·• ;· •. :·-· • . ;-~. ., i ·.• :·:· . ";·' ·::.1._·,
~-=··... :··,· ~·· . . . ::··.·-~·.:~, ·,,;·:·:.· ··,: ., ·~ ·.·.:··.·:-'.::
• ', I ~ '< : :. :; ·:_. !i . ' I I • ' ' '' ' ·._-;;:
. ·.·:
I .;
•. • ' · j ' '.', I

;• ~
. .:t ' . ','
.~ ''. ·~ ...
·. .... . ·. . . . ·' .

54 ..'·'·',
.. ·•
.... . .·.·. .....

·.·.• *~ .·-=··1r ' . :, .

'l{l(.i,P, ·~) -~- 1+':.11] "'"~· ::r {"'!, ~ • 'tJ + (J-((i$) .: ·; . <···:tJ~6)


• I
·'·: ..

. . . ·.'

Finally. we are prepared to· evaluate !!...!!" . . . Comp·a.rison

. d;r .
or ~ in Eq., (/1'3 ). with from Eq9. (99) reveals a· ·
··similarity betv-zeell do~- end the integrand; of
. dr

. .~. ·. . .
~L .:~~---· . .:.
.... ·.: . ' ~ \- :· ·.. ·. ~-.
... _., . ' ,-..
.:: ·. '...... .-::·\-, .: '

' .·'···:;·:.···
1:~ .
. :, ·But ·
~ ~
_ds equals. dtg .the time :for· the gu.iding_center to
. : ;,.:· •' .~. . . . '11,

.:. ·..·.' ... ~.... ·· t;raversa ·. ds, .so ,that the last integral . in.(/~/) is the net

:,i. · ,.: '.·.': · :.:· .. oscillation..

' .
...... ,\ ~ •
change in vI/

fl'1 • ; : over a per1o!l· of the longitudinal
Thi,s change :+s zero., · ·As a. special ·case if one
. ' '!'
. . ·...·: ~ .;_·--.

... ·,,

' .. , .


' ' ...

.... .-,·.

'. ·-.~.


. . :··::,

. ;.


. :·..... ~he period .fro~ one mirror. reflection to the next ...... ·
... , .:. :-. re:flecti.on at the same ~nd of the line or force, _vanishes .... :
.' ~' . :

r::· ),: ,.:;·,/:·:;·:.both time~ .-,and 'therefore. the integral .vanishes.,.· Equa~io.n (/~)'.> . '··
•,' •• I','
, ..
·-!·- ·"r''

:::. -:.:·(_··:_ ... 'can be l-tritten· as

' ' ' ' • • .. .' ·: I ' ~ • ,• , , , '
·.H""· ,'

' · , .,
. ·. ' '·, .
·..· ~T( J.7 ~ ~· .lf (rJ ,(1 1 ~-t:)
'; ~ ·, •, . ·~ .. ;.· dt9 .
. . ·. .•. ~

~: ....
,.·•..• ·•
l where (J.) is the average rate of change of· Ql.. over a.·
·:~ ..,

0 .··.1
., -.···1

............ .
' .
. i·.: '

( I.:J,ll)

,· ...

-~ ~

;:} ... · '·, ~ : "·

' ' -~·
' -~·
.. ' •.' .· ·,·
' . \ "' I
' ,. .
·.·-. :'.'

. .,

i ...
·.:;: .. ·
. . :• .
.•.. ··
:.~ r •
. ':·

. . .."·.·. ...
'.':·· .

.-.'- ...

( /0 0)
. . . ....

',• ..

. · .?,- ~· • : ( 131) : : :tlf.:r

Equations (2~~) - .(J:3J) may be regarded_ as a third set or . . .'.;~.t.: :.t·

·' ··equations . of motionj the)'· govern the average motioii :f'rom one · : . · · .· ·\".:: · ; :A:fl
. line ot force to another:~ : •·'· ·/· .',;(!, \ ,• ,· ·}.•·" r

> · .· · · · ·.· ·~·


:.. . dir
. ·~ ·;
Equation ( 'l/ ) for d(: when the guiding centep is at ·. > •. .,. ..

some point . ( f/- 11 iJ s) can, by virtu·a.cof' thes~& equations. ·:-. . :: _.

·" '· . ~ •. ;
. ·, -:.,.
··of. motion,· be wri tteri as / . ..~ ..

+ T [itsJ - <;i->]
.• .

. >..
.. , ...........
- f ds'{.ef·t
.... . --; - ~ s) t1. ·c.s') - o1.. ·Cs)
~~ A- .

where is the parall~l·velocity the_guidin_g cen~er has
-::.:.'at sao - There is no raaSOt;l in general that. . ~- should.·
.. ~- ·'-
.,., ;,
-. .
,_,yanisho .·_However, ~

'; . ~· .
. ·~
. ~ . '·,··

··;··~J ~ 1£,. [f ~ ~{i'~~~(•'l+~[~isJ .zc$•) -Jc·1~<~·J]J 7~ ·:: · .·.

. t<'•

. ·. ~.
•• • • ; :.. •

.,. . ~. :' ·. " .'~ .' . . . -:

• ,! '

'·. : .. •. ·~· .·: ·,.:

.J,- ••. ·-· .. . .: :~.' ';
,;.,. '

' :··-·
.... · . '"
~ ~
• - • . l
• t '·, :': .':':: ~' - -~
~ ·, ' · ......

.. '.·::· I ~ ..
,·,, '·
··. ~'
·····. .. •' .'· .
:. ' .~ .;
··.' ·. · ' j -

.. . ....
··: . ..
·, ·',.ll't.

. 1\ • ·,.' :'.:

·~· ,·' :::

··.::· ....... ,. ,,.
.,;;.· -~ ·

·~ ,·. ', ·: .... :;·':··· .,·''

: •• v- ....... • '· ...... ",• i ' :'· . ·. ~ ....
. '
56 ·;

:, :;.· ·.
,. .. . -: ~ • •

·. n
• ' ' I

.....,·,., . '
. The double integral vanishes because of the anti;symrnetry. of
. -:l...-:::.
' ' ' .
. :
' '\.
'' _:the integrand,in. s and s' • Equation ( 133) means that ..... ··.·'·

a.lthoug~ ~he· inatantaneou~ rate of·chang~ of J is not zero, ..:./:!

' . '. . (~3)
,.. the change\, .averaged. over a complete oscillation is zero,. .
. '· '•
: . ..

. ;, . ::,,
-: .. ·The above proo( of the invariance .of .. J: · has been
. . . ~
. . . . .~.~~~
.<·: carried out. non.. •. The relativistic.modi~ioations· • ....
. .... . :·:.;: ·.:. (~o) . .:_.;·,·.·:
·'' , ...
..'. .. ' .~. .
: :., . \
>•·.. : . are
, .·· .

·:-:··. I
' ,
. ·.:
.. :
....· ;'' ·.. ··. :·
., i.

··... .. · .
. •'

.... ...
.. . c· . •.

• ••• •• : •• ·:. 1 .. '!

··.•. • f' '.
' ', ,I~ o' :, ' ·~; '. '

' ,._l_-, ' ·_~·

'~ >' ~ '

..:. ·'<.. l 2 &? :: . ~
I'.; • , . .:· •..

'·. ·' '; >:~. :· ... · . .:; .• ·. .

.• J
• •• •• •
• .J.

. ~ : -:: ; ... . ... .~ ' :··~·:- .

' ', '
.. · ·''·'· 1

.• ~~ ~ ~ : •. )· . . 1, •. ' I' . · .· · • :. ·· i•
·:~ <'·.' : :_.. ~ ' ' ':. ' •r ·•. ( ·_. •• -., ·• • ", , ;'

.' ... .{ ~ '.. ..:·· . ~ . ; . ' ; . ' .. : : .. · ...:.. :::J :

,.;· ~. ... ,·, ' ..·' . .
. ~ ".'
' ., ;
. ':
,· ,·,~ '.'I' •:

·and the relativistic. guiding center equations (5"/).· ·.:.·

.. ·.' ·....· .. .:.: ...;....>I
With these~ a .Pr<?of. similar to tha:.ipreceding on.e can be carried ., . ·.> ·. ····. .;·1'~·... _;',.
:-. ;. .. , ··'. ~ . I_':>·

· <<:··., . ' . ' •t

.out,~.<:>r ~he proof irr reference (ao) can be used.... In eithe~ · >:>:
• ';,: ••:. -~ :' '
... ,c:1
., ., ~ ::

:· ·····::·,
·.>.;·;:'\ .case: exactly ~he same equations of Il).otion (/'J.U) - ( 131) result e
~· ·:
... ·...
. .. ' . ,•.
. '! '·.. ·.
... -~ .·'
.. ",' A conve.nient spac~ in which to illustrat~ the guiding
{······ .,
.... ·,
... '.,
.. ,-:.-' · · :\'~ '. center mot.ion.:is a. Cartesian. ( cl , (3 , . s)

sp ac~.- as show,n in ;,

. €!$'
.. . :. :~: •.
Fig (8!3. ) o · In.' space a line. of .forc.e appears~ a. straight .
•••:.· .3
• ~ 'j

:.:':::.-line parallel; to . s" At any 1Z?-stant . of time the guiding '. ~ :\;
•• ;.4 ••
:• ~ ·.: ·:· . :.
·,, ·,

. plane with velocity_components

. . . .
. ·,,

......... ~ and. j · as_.given .in. <ll3) and (//lf) and

.·· ·' _;< ~
·: .:.,··,·. :. .. ,· ' '
. ;_ i' ~

. :~ ..". . "' :
• ' ; · - · ... , I
(, .
. . center mQves along •.·.·• s, ;the· direction
As the. g.u.i.ding, : '
.. ·'.
,:'· ~
: (
... ,~ ·. '

. .. . .'· .' . ~. ·'


.-'.·• :
I .,

. '\ ::. . . ~ ..... ..·. ··..
.. . . ...
,' _ ' .....
··';·, -:. '•t, .
.·' .

.....· .. .'
:· i < :. • .' '~ • ·.:
• • '
~ ,. ':.
. ~ . .
. :·· .. , r: ...... · . ......... '

.. ·. :·. ', •, ·' .,

. :·
. ...,···. : :
\ •',
.. .· ..
.. .' ' . ·-~~-' ., . ,_ .' ' .

.... :-;'.
i::; : • '' I~, '•,. ' ,•.


.': . ....... .
. ··, ·.' ·..
,· . --;
~ ' '• ', .: : ' I I

,·· ' ... ...

.~ •'' ·: '_·, .' .. . ' .•.;
:! ~ ~ .~ '
. ·;' . I,'." ,•,, . ~ ... ; ' .'
r'· . . .
··. ··.',,

' .. 57 ·.,~.·. ··:·~•; I ! '~ ,' ~~-~
·,, '· ..... ,'· ' '· i
~ .. . .. .. ':·· . ., .... ,'

,: . I ':· ~ f,~ ' '~ • ·, ,•. : •

. ;_.... .•. . . : . :~ .,
~ ~
. .~
. ..~
',· . . . . .: ~-;''~'}
>' ' I -. ;
;·.·. •. • . .
~- .,r
~· . . ,,; ,.· ... . •·)

' '

·:· .· ' (
. ',! . . . ' -'

~ ~1 •

• . 1., ,•


: j


.. ·:
· .. • !'•,
' .

· ...

... ·.. e ·..·

.. ·'' .. ·. . ;: .r . .
., ...
. 4 •

. . :_;·;
.. .
,. .. ..
· '.


'· . I ', ·~ ,·

.'· {'

·:· .,.
' ; •..
:f . A 'line of force 'and t~e ·drift velooity in a Cartesian a, (3, s1 space •.
:· '.

·. :.- .. ;· •: ..•
·. ,:,.


···, ..
. -... ..
. . ,. ~ . ... .. ·::·f.

\' ,;,·
and magnitude of the drift vector in Fig .. (ip) change, '.··.

since and ·f are functions _of s ~ The guiding. canter.
·,._· ...... . 1:'' • . t.. . .: , : ~ .

,· • 1. . . ."'.

therefore. doea.not ~lways.

drift. towards .the same adjacent .. ·. j: --~ (.: :·>.- :_>
. .·'·' . :· ' .···· .

:.: :·. ,'.,· ...
·r· ...
'· line of force ..during .its rapid, motion .along st. In a spacial: ' '
: .

case it could however.always.drif't. towards. the same adjacez:1t

lire o
Considex_- for exam;>le a static f'ielq, so that . K =0.
. .:
If the·qt;fft ~s towards the same... adjacent line at all s, then
. .....•1 .......

: '...' .:.··.-. .'

~·.' .
. J / p . must b.e constant. ~nd the constant ..consequantly is <.J)/(1/ ·
; ,1_.,:

.'. ·...
Under these circums.tances . d£- is 1nsta.n1faneously zero, by

:· .•... Eq., U3::t.L Such would .. be .the case .in an e.zimutnallY. symnH:>tric ... ,
' . '
. : \ : ~· ::'
. .' ·, -~. J • • •

· .. '·, .
~ ..



: ...:
~{' I

~ '~
..... '
•• • ••• • •• •• p ' •
:. ,. .,
' ' ' ~. ::·. ~- l_ •
. ' .: ~
....... \.: . .. · . . . .
' ~.
. . ·.,:.,
·,._ ' ,.::.
·· ... .. ·. ... . . ~ :..
·....... .
'· ..
,· . ··' :·'.
• "t / < I

·:'. . ~::
.·._, _- .. ·. __ :,· . ~ :. '
' . ,>; ···~. ~- ':
·,·· .. •• "< ••
·; :.;)

•':' ':_:_·; ,•( ·.. ,. '

. ;.•
.. ~ .

. ..... ·-;
~: \
... :
/' .;
.... ·,
, ..
• '!
·' .. .
•.·. t• • - ~. 4(
t '•,

The equations (J~S) and (/~Cj) for (..t) and<!> .may•awear.·:~.<:.~··._..·

.. ' :---

' ...
to be canonical, with .J as· the Hamiltonian.
. ·.::_·not,
for the. rea.sol} that T. is also a function of
·-. <; ..._,
~·· ._::_··"" If J= J(~~·fJ, K,t), is-solved as K =K(~,~,J, t),·: . ;·:. ·.o:·.. ·< .. i
·'. :.-,· .. ' : .: ___ ,. ,;
: '·-.
\._, ·; -·; .

. . then by implicit differentiation. Jr=--(c>K/~f )/( () K/;; v-. )1 . . ~: ;,, · :·,

. - . . '~ . " - ·. ·..... · ·' ;'
etO e g . and : , . . , ' ' ' ' . · : : .' ·.; .. . : .- .· :1 .

.~ .
. I_. ~' .. . . .
, ..
·.; .·: ,' 'I o :'.:

~ ' :... ~' ..... ---~ ..''\:!

,. •. )"

•I .·,

. :·,.- . -·
. I,.
,. . '· . --·· ·.·_· ..
' . .;
,,·.. .
: .''! :,. ·.
; . .'

.. . . . . _ ... . . :. :. >.:::> ·.·:. ·.:~;;: ·:·: .c l3&) ·:~:~.!·. ' '

-:..:· •
. ·- '·.


~ ~ . . -- dl(
Tt: .
-. -· . ·-~··
~ .- .. .. .

.. .
• '' :!

. .. ~
. • :::_.-,.

. ·.·· ;~ .-.·
. ·.... ·, .. - ' . ...:"•

•. ·.··
-:;-···.· .. '• '.!,. ,.' .
:~ ~ .; . .-: -: ' ... ·{ ·, : ;_, . :~ ~- . ..... . ' . :~~ ·-

'•-,, ' I ~: '.

·. ,.·'
. ': . . ,..:~. ' ... ~ ... ' .. .-:·. -.- .
. ..
. .· .. '/.'.-.--:-:
'f : ·•• :·.
.•;. _ ... '· .

~ ·: . ·-.
· :. :.· -
These are canonical_ in form, with the. resuJJ;t that:· a Liouville
. ............ . ·- ..
'• .. ·, .' .-:: . theOrem eXiStS. in (ol- ' .(J 1 rr ) .SpaCe.,, See ·:reference· · (2o) .': :_ : : ·· ~-· ':. ·· : ~~ .'i ~- <,.· .
'•.. . . :. . . ' ~ :
,.-· ....
. ' . ':· ·.!: ;. . -:_ \.~ .'-~. : :. ..; -'
; . '•
.• .
~f ' _:, . ',
~ .....

_·,·r;· -··.
'', ,!>,· ·,·' ':.
.;.:·.::::>·... ::· . \).
; -; :;. The an:tasJ111Inetry. of the integrand .in Eq. (/33} b:as an ,. ~ '' :' ~ : / .;e '
:' . ;: ·.• •,.
,' •·:·.
• / O ' 0 ~ 0 O

·' ...
-~ .' . . interes_tin& physical meaning. By equation (J3:t.,) the m ntribution ': . ;-:· ·!.-,·.
...,-.-..- ·
; .. .;

. .' '·.
of ds•- to the rate of change .of J when the guiding center ... .. .

is at- s . cari ba (but does not .have to be, as .will become '
, :-.
·. ·. ',.,
..·:;... /:

:'I,· ·.•'• :·. • ' '•

· . apparent belo>l) Considered to lie the integrand.· ~:: {• •• • ; s',. ~f.~.: ·< . l ~
! 1 ~
.:,:·\ :'. 'i
The contr_ibutiqn of . ds • t:o the. change .in·
·J . while· _the guiding . · :_·· · :· ·
,. . ··:,~

•.... ' center

. .traverses
. . . ds . .is. dt = ~ · tim~s .this rate 11 .or' · · ~­ ·'• _: .·

I · ·.•

~,·'·· ,...; ~. ~:{ ,· e lSl


p 8 I• • ·J· • See ~is.·9·.·

.• vu.··
·.At :·a ·later .time,·: when the
·. /cr <:
...•·' : ~
.. ,. ···II
. vl v,II . ·
~ ·, I •
... .i -~
-_ .·'. ,. ,•
... .' -. . • . : ,t.~
... . f.'\...
··.~ '_j ~
._ ~ . c •• ~ • '
=.· ;\.-:..•
', ..':.· . ~· .;. . . .. ; ..
' .
. I
I • ',
"·.'· '· .-i
! -~ •' ,_;.·' :.~ ... . •• - i .. _. . .,' '·'
-:·>_-_. ....._.:·- .. .- ~ .._: .. :: .. . :. . .·, ': . ;;•. ·,.~;.
'... ~ ' ._ ·, . -.
' ·f···;·~:: :_:~ :..:·.;; i;.. ..·, •,:.• . . . :.'i ~ \ . ,,·,.
.' ·· .... ··;'·.

.. '.
,, - . ,\
. ; .; .
_·.! :- .-
· .. ;. . • '.

~ ...
~ ., ' t ;, • . ;, 1
·.~ '_·.-~~ ;:

.'.} ,.' ':.'-:~·- ~ . ··' ·:' _'>._ '··· .. . ·.-:'' ; ,,,. '', .. _,,•,
.' ·:;, •. ';'- --! • .
• o\' -.' :. . _. .' ~ ,.: ' .-~ . .. : . ;; '
. ,,... . ·'' '•" . ', 1· ,.. ··-::- .. ,
' . ~ .
.:·, J~
' ... ~ : ' ~
... .·~ .~ ( .:. .' ",,« . .'. ~
··: ·'·..
' . .
. ,• : -.i i~ ·, ..
··, .··
. ...;:..:.
: lt :;., ''' .' '
. .. ·. ~

. 1 -:·1 . .:
' ., .
' 'I ..

; ~ .. ··..• '.

' .... •.>·

.. : ;· ... .
., :.
. ~
'~ . . \. '
::- ' ~ ·,; :,_ .' . '· ' ~· . . "·. .,
.·. : : ~:·.~ . . <:.':<·, ;·'
'.... ': ~. ~ • ' r I • '• '
' ••
' . ' ·.~.
. ..
··· .. ·; ...
' ; '. '.
• •• • ' ~. t .

·, '.
J. ·.• ·';. '.~ .... ·~
.. . ,·,
'I •: i ',
::· .. . .·· ·. ., ;
~ .. ", '•"
I' · .. :'"\ ,.
··. ·.··.'
,, ·:. ·:.
• '· .• 1_ ... }.::

I' 1 .·
·:_. ··.. .... , : ._,.: i . •'

Cancellation of the effects of ds and ds' on J.

~ .. :.· ...
Fig. ·~
.' .... ··-~ ..

guiding center has actually arrived. at dsa,·the contribution ,.•.

.. ~ . ' ~ .

or ds· to the change in J while the guiding center t~averses, . >·. ··.· ... ·, .·
.··. '~ . .: ,_·::::. · ds •
.··: v ,, '~,
is. ds,' ds[ ••• sv,· .s ••• j, which is just the negative or .,.
. . ' ·. '
:·..... ·J'.i
>J. .·.;
. : . ..~~-·· , ...
.'·'' .. the contribution of ds' to the change ,in
J when the guidirg .' :::·'. · · :, '
. '.·.,
~ ...
~ .·.· . .' ·- : . . .I (··.
center traverses ds. This.cancellation is an interpretation . .. , ·,. '' ·• ~
... : .
' ... .'~ :' :~
,.'j ,,
.,. ~ '. .. .f· .·: . . ,._·
.. · ·i <i
··.· · · · ·~ . of the· anti symmetry. 9£ the integrand in Eq. {/3 3) and holds.
,· ...
·, ...
. ·: . ~· i ' '

·..·. ·: .. for all pairs of arc elements . ds . and ds~. Such a cancellation·
c. ' ·. ~;- ', ' I
. ' . \,

... .'.'::·
:·-,.·. ·is somewhat. remarkable, especially if one recalls1..that the .. . : . . ;
', ,.,
. ·.
., .. ·
~ -~

.. '.:•.
' •• • 'I ,·/

~ ' .: .·'· :" '

guiding center does not even drift towards. the same adjacent .·· · · .' .. :· .
. ·..
•· : '
. '.
._.-,_''."\• ...·.·. :.:;-
, ...... ! -:
. .' .. ~ .~
; 1 line of ~orca at s and· s'. The .remarkabili ty. dis~pl::e ars . ·.· ·. ·. ' \ ·: .·, ..
:' ' . ;.,: ' .
·'. ·: ·. ·..
... . .... ..
'," ,
... ·..· :::_:, .....

. to s orne extent i:r'·, one realizes ·that Eq.. ( 13 a.) can also·. ' . :: .... -; • ~1
1. .. . . t :-1

~.-\:. ~:
:', . '. ·.. ~
be Wl"itten as (for_., simplicity 1_ at E ~er..1
.. ()t:,
=0) · .. ~. '·
. ·,, ··:··.:,_·. ·... ···_:'....
: :;,

. ·. . . '
f .' •

."-~· . ,.. · . <·-~:.'1'.·.·.~:.)~!
:' ': .. ·;. :;_'. ~ •' ': '~ ' .I ' : •~ '

.:cJ31j!. ·. ·'• '

• ' ·, ' : ' I, '

. '
. ·,·

~~ ..:.J
' . .. 'j 1
•! . .:.;.
. . :! ' ' ' ~.
'·- . ,j.
.~ ~- .·:·~

... :• ·. ::

, I,
. .':.; \•·
- . .~ ..:.:' .....
- 60 - .
•, ~

I ~ ·, >

:· \. ~·!:.:· ·,_ , . when t~e s 1 integration is performed •. In truth, anything can be added to
~ . .'~ : : .
.... · & (a') a.rul J:( s ' ) in (132) which in"t1egrates to zero wer s 1 o
. '
. :,_,.
in. (137) is no longer antisymmetric in
) __

';:·_ ... ... -·· :-

s and s ' 1 and the _nice pbysicru. ·'
'· ,•
. '
inte:r:pretation is no longer presento The interpretation of the e.ntisy.mmetr;y · ·

. '.:~ '.
.. .
.• is therefore not unique. It is nevertheless true that
.... ':_ . ~
'. _·1' ·,_·. . ~- .

~. • •• _, f
[ -·~ MB'
( - ) ~(s) ]
is zero •.
,-::. ;.·: ~.)::~
,, .•. e
,.. ' ;....

.... -~- /
' ·. :.. ' c.
;. -~
The Third or Flux Adiabatic Invariant I
. '.:·-
. ··--· ·:!
As ·a. particle oscilla.tes between mirror points it drif'ts. a.qross lines . .. ' ~ '

:)·· .. :;;;:··,,:·:.:··;:'of ferae on which J is constant. These lines form a. surface in space,. It ~.. ' ·~
• ' ••• / •. • l -. ,'
··-· ·. .'. ,;~
~ -~
'I1JaY" happen_ that these surfaces are closed.

Such· is 'the in la.boratory-_.we .. ' .

.-.·'.- .. ' ~- '

' ;..~ ~

'· , ~or machines and probably ill the geomagnetic field. A "longitudinal invariant·: ,_: : · · :'..:
.... .
' ... '· '' ·. ·;· .... ' .· .:
. ·_,::. ·.. _.._;·'. ·.;.-·(;;1
' .' ·. ~:·
surface" _is. ·ilJ.ustra.ted in ~ig. J..Ofor the earth 'a field,; . , .. >:: .. -'::;l :·:.
1, . ·• . • ;t' ~'1..:
· ... I•,:
' ·' -:.~ ' {. ;.,_:
'.. \~·:
; '
.' ... . ···( ~
.· .,
. ',.' .
'.:~- j ·,. •
~ _-._:· ..
. ·
.. .. ,. ' •• , 1 , -;_ -:' ' . ::· • • :·· .-... · ' ' ••


·' . . ........ . .. ::·

<\• :·-~ ::••• ' : ~-~ • •

... :
... } ,..
... ,.. •. •'
·-,; -··· . -.: '·' ..._... ·~. -
..·.::•.'. .·
. ·~ :

::.'' I •o: ~j
·_;~:- ·.' - .
. .
~ :-. -~ ;:-, . . :;· . ... .~ .·
L(}n,ji-i:Mc:/t;us{ lnYon~/1-b $G.'"foce : .. ·
:_: • •, ;' '~I ·•' '
~.- .,: ~--

·...... ' .. __ . : ' .... ·-·. '•1

I .... ..
:· : -~: . '.:·-.:·.> ·'

·•:,-: ::-_... ....... ·' 1.-.

. ·... ·· { .
._., ··;. .
<. ••. •. ·,., •••• ~ : ..

' .
• I,. ,<' ~ .• .


., . :
i '• ;;-··.: -·

': ..:·_.

.. -~ .
·...........~... .
..·;. ,J,

·A longitud:tna.l.invaria.nt surface .in the geamagnst1a 'field. .

.. ;-

... :·.-··
.. . ..
-~ :
- ...,
. '.
I· ·,' ',
; ... ,._.- ~-
.• ,•; ·''::·.::-.-_ .. · ... •'. •.···

... ::.·: ::-:-;-'•. ..

. ·: '' ':. •-:/::·• • ;- I ..

'.·_.:. .~' ' :~ . \' '', ,, , \II

I •'"

... . ·,- ·.· .;: ._: .'·-. . ·'

. ~· .. '
t"\• .,
,( .,
.': .· ..' ... ·.:_~- ,;.
:.·- • ' l. : . . ,, -'~
. '' ;'';
; ~· t" '(,
·. ·.··_. ...·
. .•-':,:
.' },','
.... ·. ·'··: ~. ·'. ·. ~ :·, . ·." _::, • ..- c.· L-' :.-:. ·;_.··~~~-- /_;. -. : ·" \. .-.~ 1
·• ;'' :• '
. . .. ~
-~ :. ,, . : . :. ·,
- 61 - . .!

' 'I In the Cartesian _.!.

a, ~~ .s space of Fig. $a. longitudinal invariB.nt

·>~·< :.: : · surtaces are ,.curved ~ one direction only, the elements of the surfaces being

. ·. :···, ;/· ...straight lines parallel to If the invaria:n.t surfaces are closed1 they s.
~; ·./.. -...: ._; '
,.·' . : ·_ .\·. ·~r. :~]
·:,. :~·.',:.
~ : '
.! :
; ·: •
represented by cylinders in a, 13 1 s ·space as shown' iJl Fig. ll a. Tb.e

. . ~-··

.... ·· ".·'',\

'<::. >: ;·elements of a cylinder are not all Of equal length because the distance between .· .· · ...... •, .. • '
:~~-~--~·.:~·-· . ' '
..... -~

: . •'j
reflection points is not a constant of the guiding center motiono

·:. ·of a With the a, ~ plane appears as a closed curve. in Fig. llb .•. .:.· : ~:·_: .. . . .. ' .)

.. ' ...
'l'he intersections of the cylind~rs with the a, ·~ plane form a three · ~' · :::/.·. :,-:: ·
;_ ..

:·' ,. -~
·.. .::
:· .... .. :
·. parameter famiJ.zy" of curves. The longitudinal invariant J is a function .... · ' -~ .
. . . ... '
: ., . ~ '

,: .. '. -:_-;.._

J(c:t,$ 1 K,M1 t), as can be ·seen from the defining integraJ. in (96). The M
', ·'' ' '~. • I

~'s been sui>pressed heretofore, but ex;Plici~~ · .:', >~

i ·.•
"· ·:''

dependence 'Will now be exhibited -'. _:

' . ' '' . : ·.'. :·_!:· <· 'l

T.fle equation J == .r(a,~ 1 K1 M,t) can be'solved as a= o:(~ 1 J',M1 K1 t),.w~~ e.t'·: · ···,i.· : .. <.)
-~ -. .. ~ . . .· . . ... ·: ...)· .·. - ~-_:.. f/ "_ .· .. ;~I .
. ,.
' ......
•· e:ny t:illle defines a ·fa.m.ily ·of ~~ with J, M1 and K as the- parameters.
. ::.:
' ;
< . ..
..; .. ' \. _. :, :~'
. . . ' : . i . ~ :, ~. ' •· f;!
·. :. ·>·:· .:·.; ol \.... . .: ··.. ;,:· ·~ ·• ·: ... :. :··. ·..·• .· .
' Tt, ,·~,e.,./,; nc+ \

. -·.
' ~-
" : ,· .. .....-- ?t<-lf't~ll~ I -t:o t"lu
" ',.'

.-,' · ,J.- (1 pta.u

.: . ' . . :: . ' ~ . '. -~ :. ' . . ·.... ·.·.,

\ ... '· ·• .. '

. -~-· .:. ' -· ...., . . . ~~
, .. ''. .. _.-·.
:· 'J ··.·, ••
·n.. ,-s e ,..; tj ',,. t·k ::::_.:·~..·
/ ' rJ., (3 fie.""-< ' '
't .• ').- •

. r·.- .....·. ~· Notl t'"O 4r~i-t$J~(l.. , ''··... '· · · :;\·,:

e . ·. :.· .·:

~~----,-«--)----.~.--- P .])()fl ~ 'PC.·: cl~-t,;.,,;.j .-~------(}:;---:-->-.---


A longitud :f nal in-variant surface in a, ~;, s 13pace .: , . ;' . ' '.· : J:(
"1<4 ,..,. l l , . :·.: . . . . . !:A
.... ""'6. ' ' ,· ',.' ~ ·' ' ' .;
., .· .. . .

Suppose that at a given instant the time-dependence of the fields were

turned off; K as well as J and M ·. . would be constant and the guiding
. ·. ~

. center would precess about the corresponding (J1 M1 K) surface... The third

:·< :
. adiabatic invariant J is the f'_lux. of .i through this surface.. That if
is a constant is a triv.ta.l statement if' the fields are static, for the .~iding
' .-·~ -· .. •

·~ . ". ·. center repeatedly precesses around the same surface and the .surface does not
· ~·:,·: 1.> .cbanga with time. An anaJ.ogous trivial statement would 'b~·~ha.t the ma~eti<l -· ~

.:· . ·:,)"<: ·:.. ·.:moment ia constat).t. in a uniform static· magneti~ field. I:f1 on tba contrary1 the
. . ' .•
·_·:·~·::·./.: ·>:;:.'fields are· time dependent1 the time dependenc~ being slow to the
' ~
; ...
. ·~· ~
. . -~~;
· ·. .' :. ·.., preaession time once around th.a surface, ·tha . •. . . · · . . .. . . · .
.. .. .
~· .. .-~
-· . ..... ... . ... ·.·. '· ,. '

: :..

:·. . .. .. . . -~-- - ·. ' : '_.: , <".I .~. •' ' : .• ', ·' 'I' -~ ,
•. ·.( '
. ~ ..-. : .~·. -:~ . - '"' -.: . . ·..... ·: ·.. ~ ..
' ~.
••• l. . - ~... ~ ·.~
:. •·. '- .: . ~ . .. .. • i ' . :: ··.... ·~ :
, .,_,

. {.

..·. ..·, .... -··,
..... ·.

i 62
•.·' :.
,,-{. , I ,•
... ., ... ~:
~ .: •;' :· . - .. -~ :.. •.
. -::_1..
F·· .&- •. <. • :.'··.
;:., .. -
'.; · " third _invariant applies and yiel-ds non~tri vial inforrnationo · · ,., __

.,_ l,t

' ... Since .K

-~ .:. ':

: . ;..
~·, • •' I ' ' • .. moves- from._one. · J, M, K ~urface to another. as it rapidly_':· .. ·
-·~- a
: ·. ·'_precesses, and is at all times on surface:.. with the same
. .· ' ' ... . . "
·Thus although one oo nstant of the motion
i,t. . , .. ~~
I . .
The proof of the invariance of is fortunately muc_h .. -.,
' . _;,
J.,. ·The flux through -~he inv aris.nt. ·_'. -·_ ·~·
. ::
··· ·· ...- ,,. simpler·. than that. for. M or
-~. . ~ . . ' ·.. •)
. .:. -~- . .. .
~ . I
-· . ': 'j
( .·1

·,·.,_~ . ·_.. surface_ is . . . . . .. \

. . ; ~ '. ': ' ' : .i

-.~ . '' '. . . • ' :..·~. :. t

.-~ ' . . ' . '
.··, · - . -r - ..:1
~(Ji14,·K,-r)=·fA.·R ~ fo~-ve·P = pr;J-(P~ 7;1"1,~-t.;et~. .. ~ .
. ....
.' -~ J
: : '

• • • '-

~ ~. i
.. . ;--~
,. '. . ' f • • • ~
' ....
.. ·, --.·:· .. :.. --.•·:··

•·• where the con~ou~ is any closed curve lying on -the surface ,•. ·

(in real space). and going. qnce around 1 t.


.However f r;~-de
.. ; .·:.:~-

.i . __ :

. ···. _- ... ,
·,.. ·j. -..
· ·., :.~ --~- is the area inside the closed curve in Fig.,/l-b on which .. ' .-

i_• ->~~~-<- ·.··the g:.,iding center is located ..

.!"' • -~· ~ ' ••

.·:.'~ .. ~ ~-:. , ' ....... ·.: .. ·-. ·.· ..

;.·.. ·· ,:.
. ..:· ,· ,.
. ;\ -~ . ''·,
. I "':--

. ..
' ; ," '

~ '•,



• o

··cuJtt). -·_.: .·:
••• !·
'· j",.
.. -:.·.
,),_ ·,_.
f .will not be. carried eXplioi tlY,':
.,__ ....
;'' -,:.
The J· and

since they. are constants ... · The average,

M . dependence_· of ·
<K), .
has been used .
::1 ·.·:· .

I ·: ... ·
i •o -.

''in place. of_ K,~ pecaus~ . . :..

I ·• •. ••· : '.
. t1re not
in fluctuations . ':-. :.. • t- :·
I._· -.• -
1 J.
·of ..
.. ~ .
f over a· l.ongitudin~l,ion~.
. . : .· ; '
No~. • . :·
.• ...
,.. -.
. ~··

. !. ·; : . . . ~ \ ·••. •. 'I : •.

. ',: : . ·....:- . ----~\;·: ~-- ·...· ._.. ·. -~-.-~.:.' >:''·: ..

,,~- . . '•

' ·_ ._-.·_.,_._: ·,- _. _-.-------.~ ~--·.··-··' ...- ---:----} '8;(

() rl- ( {1I' /(,I~) .. ; :;' ' .~- . •, '. : .. ·

~ · . ·dP,:·'.:·:~-_,-;: . :_:_ .. ·
' ';'.,
.• ... . • .~,-~-'
~ ··~ . ·. . '

'.' ::,' '. '.:1 } ( .·' : . . .• -- ·-. '"•

. ·..... ·~. '\ ;_
fl -. : ,: :~~·.
.~ -~:,.
. . :.• ~:·-: .. \' .· .
..... ; ; :, -· . ;_ i. . '· ' .·
.· .·. ·.
r;: ,_ ...· .. ·...'. \ ~ .·- ..... ~.
,·. :•. . ': •,. . . . : _J: '.-
:~ '

. ~ >, Y,
\ . I '

' . ' ~ :'. '
:: ,;._:.;_·,.._:. 'r ·' .__ '.·.,.:,··
'l :· ,: .•.• : ·~ ·. . ' .' ' -~ ..
·, :_; ''
·- . ; . ~ ~-.' ·. :.·. ·:.... . . \. ' ' .·..... ':·.:.
' . •;

I, "<, •' • ~ f; , , ' '• . ' • •• ·.' .

.'·; -~. .• ~· 1,' ' '
: ! ... ... ~ • •. . ..
l ·:
.' ... '

~ ,. .' .. ..
. ' ' . ' : . . 63 .....

:_, ·:_· .. ·' ; :

.··>·, ·.··
... I ~··:·, ;~ \

...z: ,.,
. By irnplici t differentiation of K:- K ["': ( f , K, t), (1 j tJ ' H'
. ).
...... <,:;
' '
' ' '< ··,
. .. . ~ ' .. ; .;

• .j ~ • we obtain . •. >'

'';:';· :,·'. ·.;: ... \:

'" ·.:... ·.-·

.. :·.
..' ··.;·
!. ''' . ..·.·...
.:.·... _.:.·;
d(3 -

;~ .:--:·
. ; . "··.
~. '. f --~--

:::.· ·.: .· ,: ·. .·. i:he last equality being via Eq. <! 3'-).
1 ...
. •

-~>-·_:·.·.which ·is. the· tiif).e T .. tor the guiding center to ~ ec·ess once <..-:~: ,...... ·: ···::-.
. '<· P· .,.;.: ·. ~- : ·~. : .... {
around the surface!> Therefore l!-::; ~ TP,- and this the analog·· ·.··. ,. :,'I
• .:·*

" :,,.)i·;·

ot Eq., {/'3/ ) ., The Ja st term in ( \3~). is ' '. '·'·) •j

.' '· ,;.·
..:.. ··

· ot: :·.
o! = f~{ r)t: . :
P,l(,-t:> d P =- . ~
f 'd/(/Jf::
~-" •
. . ·.· ···. •'

-t • •·• ~;.:;.
we : :· '
.. :· ... ...... : · :.;;_·::...

,' .. ·
• ·J . ·.,• \·.' ,.

·.··· .::·1
.. (/4,S'):
. .• ·r. .
' '·, : : ·-~ ' ..
. ·.:)

;''·, :;·_::. .\

:.> . .·•. • .. ···. ;.

~: .
•' •• t,
where ((:K'>) is the average of· (K) over... a pra~ess_ion period~ . · .. ·.. · .. ·
. r·,. ...
·Equation (/'IS") . _is the analog ot: Eq .. (/30).,:. The .inst~taneous . . · ·.i·
· ....:J:.''\. ·,•
. -:~. . .•,.;. '·, . { :. . .
1: ,•.

'\ :·.-· rate or change' or ! ', is therefor~ ', .:·.. ,:: ', ,·.-:; '·.;.' ',. ' ·, f. . ',.' ~ . ' ~ . ,.

'.~~. ~. . ·. ;_
• • 'l• ,, ' :··,-,, ·>, ' ! '•: ,.:'. ' : I . ' L ' ' : : ,' :.·· ·.. .. ' ,·.

1~ ~.:[~b -@h?i'
~ ·\
·, .•c'

> ' .. ' > ' .> ' .· .. .-.. ~ ''

. : .: .·

.. ,'~'.

.·· .
: · .... ~~
. :·. ,·
. !,'

•.. _.,. ' ' .; '' :-1 .. ~-.' : '•
•.'' ·. ·:.
·.' : ~ . .'· . . '' 4 ... · · '

' ' : : ' • .:. .f ' ~) ' : ~ : ' .• ' . • '. '. .l •• . ' . .·: . • ,' . . ' ' . '; ' ' • ( r, ·•· ... '.·,-:.

I • ': ''

>. ·.: ·~.·. ~ '/; ·; :

' ' ' ' ' ' ,•, . ?·
. : :.: . . ·.: ·.
'' • ''
.. ;. ' • . •.• •.

' '
~ •.

' .:
l ~ :. ' ~ ·, "'
·.~; :: . ' . '
• '' . • '

· .. \.

... ·.:

• ·. I
l. •
I) o• • '< , ~ ,; • ' • ' : '· ~. '. ..· ·.•.
,, I \i
'_.;· .·;; .· .· ....:
.. : .... · :_.·.·. .··, .
i·< · · :."_. \ . . : _: . <';~.:·' ...·:.··:··:_:·': ... ··::'
',;. :, .,..-·· .. ·:r: ..;···: ..
; ,'• ._

.' . ... . ' . : ~ .~

.~ ' ' ~ ·,· :. , ; •\ ,
. . .;
·~· .

·.' ' ,:··. ·> .:·: -:; .:· · ._:· .· . . ·" ": ·. :.
' 1 , t " :. • ' I'- · ' •.. !' , .•
~ '; . • • •
. ..... : ..-·:

: .•
:..... ,'
• •' ·,
·~ ,,·, · . ~·· ·.. " .. · ..... : ,,. : ·.: ,·:
• ' ; • • .: J • ". ·, • '
' .~ . ' . . ,{.
... :•,' . ·.f ,'; • ' < ., < ' ~ 0 • '•.t '• ',I \ .~ ~ \ 0 0 0 0 < •u: ' ....
.". '-~ ·.. ~ ....
·.· .. '·•. ·' ' .~

' '' ~ ,.. .. .." . ' . ~ ·~·

·...·, .. :. ·-: .. ;: ·. ..
.···ri::··...... :,:'i. • .I
. :·'! ···.·
.. '•'

64 - ::·:.· ··.··
..... :.·;..:
. ' .. ,
· , f..•

. '·
.... ..... ,. •,. J

A's with. ::- , we again find that ::- .-:f O, but that .( "-:? >· ·:,_ ..· .· ·, .. . :-'.
·. t_he rate .or chanr;e 'over a precession p.eriod~ ·:: ·· ·
. :. .
·~ ' . ' .. ·.. : ...
~ ' .

. ' . <. 'va~ish_,_ '· aga~n by the_ anti.~ym.metry _or the dlntegrand in: '.,I

• .
··.· .··
.: (~),.= ~ f' i!::.' [<;() . -<fi7r.r''] ·::; ; '• '.
; ':. (/If 'I) .. ~..":'

: ~ .
... ~:'' ·. . . . '1.1' . q- ,· '.:. _· .i

.. ·...:·.. \;·,'. ·.
.. ri-p . . ) ..
·. . ' ·. ~-.:.': ,' . ·. , .. ·. ',• •,

. . ·t·'
~.'. ' ., ~
~~ . :; '. '. .. ·:,·'
,. ....,' .
.· ;, . \ .·::·. ·... ~

1':' ,:·. ·.·.

· ·: ·: ·,.:·; ·. ·
•, ~ 1-, •••••
where d~is ~he element of arc length.:and v /fJ is the · · . ; . ,.

'· .·:.....
· ~·.. ',· .::. _,;elocity at '
·cr.' about the clos~d curve in Fig.#.b· ·~ .
' '·r ~
... ;, "
' ''' .' .' :,
. ',
~ ~
The. new ·and final set of equations of motion .is· .' ~ ~.:
r .-.,::,· ·,,.·.•,

. ,;.:,. ·:. ,···:. ·.

.... ...
.. .
r , •
. ·:·.. :.'. __ '
{!~e). ;··.;:
. I .
.' : . . ....~-. _: .. . :) .' :' . -~ ' . . .. .
, .... ·,·:·.. .....
. ~ '
. . . .·', ·'·.;
~ ' .
. ···:· \ .
\· ' i . .
.. f.:
·. ·_,.··.
The '::· . .' · ..

.: .. ·.· ...... :··:{:

... _ . . . 1 .

·.:: ·.'" · · . adiabatic invariants and sets of equations of motion are •. '/ .. . :: '.'·. :. ~- ,\
. ··. .·. ,, .·
·:·,·summarized in·.the following diagram. :

.... .
~- ..... . . ' ·.. ..
.. •.
·. ,. .... \ .
• . .i. - •• _ ,.

... ., . ·, . ··~:· ..
. ~ · ~·

... ,··. ;'t·

· .. •. .
.. ~
'' . ''· ... ":'
,·,,. ·.·,_., :_ ,',
'·' t
'.· :: . ~ .:.·;
. ' .·. ;' ,·.
·.•,.. ' : • ·:. :!
·::·.•·· , ~- ... !
... . •, .. : .. ·· . ~. ' .. ' .' -.. : <...
. :: · ..,,
-~ .
.... ~.
. '',',

' . ; ~ .~ . .
•' )
:··~ !'

• .' i •. . ' .
·\ ·_..'
... · :.._··:.:
... ·. .
' _·· ',: '
.. ,·
. .. ·.. .·• .. ·...•. · .. ,
',·' .

~ .'

. ·.
.. :. ' .....
.... I,_•·•• ·:.:.-..·
' .... · . ... .-··.:: ~-~ '

·:·:_. ...
.....· ~- ... '·:< . '
.• ,•
J . . . .

. :

.' :r,.,,.·· . '

) ...l··\ _;\ ··t·

·'' '.·:.·
.• • .'.. t
''·.· .. ·
, I •!
:•.· ..;·_ ·..
,· ... : . ·~
••• •• 0
.. · t • ' ,' •' . ~-.. ~-· • • ~

.. . .. ~

.. .
:. '
. ~·
~-. ·: •.J· . .'· ,. ' :. : .,· .~ ' .. , .. ..·
, I ~ :, ; '

,(•: >.
... ·. ·.. ·. ·... -.; , ·~.
.. ·
. . -~: ." ··:. ;

. . ,.
. ., . ·..· :- .: '.

~· '
. ·-·-/·····
··. ;~· ·'\- . . '! -' • ...

' ...... ,··
. ' • r--. ·•. .• ~
·. :.·
... <: ~- .. ,... ·• ,. ..

.· '·
..·.:.. ·.'
~ '• . . .: ·. . .. .,·.· ..
!',-' ·.·:.···.· '.··; • . ..;, · -!
., ·'. ~ ·. ·.·. •. ·~
.... ~ '' . . t,' '•' .. · "
,5 . ~ { ~,.._.

'·/ ........
'' •'.

I' •·.
··:., .•
... ...
65 ~- -~-

I ' ''

~ ; • : #
' .

. JEq~at i~n or mot. ion] _._A_v_e_r_a_g_:;Je_o_v_e_r..,. Guidi~~ center equation.of ·.. ·...
. '

. .
motion (/'7) and (~0),

•. !";".'
..·' . .
lot. .a '.. .
· (l) ,
. the. gyration and the
: ' f

·• , •.• , ·, '., 1i .• J; . • . ~

-~::·~--~ .. ~; -~.

. ~

' ' .
,y • • '·

' : ' ·,.· .: ' .' .. :'· ...

. ,· ••

,· '·,
... adiabatic invaJ;>iant · N
··..- ~ ..
••• ,', ... ·: J
' ;~ .' : . ' ·.
I ' ~ • f > ~ , ~ ! '
·- ~'I ·• •

. ~-;~ : -,·· .. :·. ·. :~-. ....·

• , I' I~ , ,. • '
' (
. Average over .. '
:.:, '\

i.' ! -~ ~·<'. I ...

·.:-::,. the longitudinal ·•

. I
·., .~ '. . .·
' .~ '. ·.
• ,t',
' .
Equations· .or motion Average over .the . Average guidirl;g
. ·(1'1.~ ) ~d (/ ll1), and
'. '•

. .,·. ·,~ .') ... ~ precessional motion .cente~ equations
'r.: ,_.•: ..

of motion ( /3~),
:-:·· the adiabatic.· invarilint ~
·... ,. I' . '
·,-_'r·:. .'·.:-·
...... ·.·.
i;,' '; .. ' '.
~.- _" ~ ~:o· ·.I •, •
' cnva ~I' fA~ ;r- .· . : .·

. The averaging process used to. obtain the three adiabatic invariants .and · ... · ·. ·. · ·· ·. ·
,, equa t·ions= bf motion. ,,:
I • •

.. . ,....... :/yt ?:-::.:
Fig. )12 ~
....... .
, ... ·':·.':. ·. ·. ·......
A few fficts about the family of longitudinal. invarian~. ·.·.r·
··, ·!

, · •• '•,"· •• :.. C I o ''

~ ~.

.·:··. : ~urraces shoula be made clear now ... In the.first place, at . ' ·: ' . . ' .
.. ::_ -:
, r •.. .'
''' . '~ .
: ' .' .

'~ :
any instant " of time .they are not. simply .nested
' . but intersect ~ ' ' ~ • •: <

~ I.· •
.. , in a. very complex fashion;, this is. to be expected. because '. ' ', ',

.... ,·,
there are .three parameters,
. .
not·. Qne.
. '
For· exarnple, ... two particles
.. \ ~ ~

·. '.

with the same K which are. oscillatint;. along the same line . :~:;.. ;
~·of force, ·.but which have different ,trlirror points, , hav~ ~i!'~e~<:mt M ).:: .. ·
. ~ ....

. ..... ':· ''

· '·
·_·.. ·:
:· :'
", .....···
I,'· .:•.
:-:::. ·.
~-.·~~/:. force a.nywher!3 else·.•. Fig.,J.:} . th~ir.two J· ..
. . ,',.

/<.' .; · -:,: invariant· s.urface~ mgli1;·.t appear 1~: ~he : o! ,·~.-~ .· plane o. · (Of. course
r~·.,<:.:.:.···'.; .·. '. ·:..:. . .... ·· ·. ·:.·.-;.: .... :. . ·: ... '.. .. .· .· :. : ·.. ·. .: ..

r.r:\··,·· ..•::'\ . ·':· ·....} ' / ,: . ..... ··.' . . · . . : •. ..·.. . : < ; ' . . .• ..·. .. • ' . ·< ..•.
l ~ I :· .~. ' I "\,. . :, • \ i . : . : ; : ' .........

.... :_· ·:y:.·.·.;>···..... .·' ,··. i:.' .... , ·.:.~><·:~:··'''

~~< •'- ', • ~, ,• ~~··~. ~·:·~-~~·<.: :>,;'.·.·:.. ,·; j·:: n,, ·, ,·\ ·, ·,·, ·;,·,,·.,, ,'\•_·,:~• ·:,:. ~ •,,'• '•'' ''•:= ... :.·. ::•;.", ... '
... ··
•:··. ,:. :.·;_.:I.' .
I - • •.
... • ~ ·; • i
,.! •••
.< ~. • I
66 .... ·.. ·. ·: .•. ·.:.:J.::.::
. ··' ., . . •' ' , • ·..'. :I , • . f~ •,
···:·· '< •, ' ., ' '
i '· •• • '.'
~ ' .. · " •;: I

. '
. .' . ~ '
.-·;' .. :• .. ;·


.' ': .:
. ,· ··: ·""··"''
. ~: .· -:· . ·.. '. ,·r'_ .
.. ' t •' :. !. ' •...... 5o

.. '
. ~ ... .....
·.· ..
.•' ··..
. ;\· -
. .. : .. ' . ~
.. :i.

' . ·.:.. ~ . ''.
', .,_ .
' ·,
. ,·
.... ; ',: . · ·. ·. -~..
,\ . ' .. .. . ' . .. .·~ .. . ... ~- .• '
.... • • ' ' • ,• • . . . 1 •. ·;.• ' . . - ..~·

Longitudinal ~variant surfaces are not simply nested and may intersec~~·.... : ··:·.· ·'·.. ,'· .. ,· ·;; :·~
' ' :
: . . ·~ .
.' ,, . -~ ,' . '
. , .. . ..,: . ~;. ... .:, . : .
Fi g. / '="'
.. •,,, .• ; ; V' : • / . ;'/':~;
:.·. ' .. ·' . . : ... ~
r· ;.·. ·.... . . .... ' .:· :'· . . :. -~- ·;;· ' .
.•. 'f
-,,'\_ ) . \ ....· . . ...
., .. ·.,..·. .··.· .. . . .-.::
#,, •

t.·' •;, I''

they !Jlay intersec:t, elsewhere; there is nothing. to prohibit .•. . ,._ .,

.· ... '> • ~(.'

. .-~

•,' ~ : .. ,. . '• •''

..: •'
~ -~·: ·. \ it in general.) An infinite number of surfaces therefore ··. . . . . ~. ";~
' '

....•·. • •• • h

. '- . . .
- ••

r ,•
:·~ '
inters.ect along any line. of force.;. if particles are injected ' :. ·:: : :.: .. ' . ;· :J
.,;,;' • • !,
. .' -~ ' ~
._,·. .. ~ ;:
on one lin~ of. force with a distribution.of mirror ~oints,

they sp:read into a layer .of finite :thickness elsewhere.


f t ' f I ' 'i" •

._· .. Seootidly, in.the . ()1. f plane a surface denoted, by .fiXed

t'·• .
·•' .
1 .

' .'
values of J, M, K will move in time as indicated schematically .. · ··· · ·· ·'·""... · .u . . -~ ~
In . . ... . ...

. . . :·;,. i ;:< ·<:.'. ·~ .

in Fig .. J.!J
. A
, curves .I and II. It is clear ~hat. the surfacE> l ' • . ~'
!.,-.' I .; .. ,·.. . . :_ ~ .. ·~
must move, beqa~se o(. equals o(...( p, ·J, N, K, t )· and therefo~·e .: . :'·:. · ·. ~ :...<·.·~
. ·. . .. -.--:·/
.·:·':: .·:.
the valu~ of o/...· for a given e varies with ·t at fixed J 1 11,·· Ko .. , ·/:~ :· :·~·-.··:· ~
' '
..... ~
The fact that a constant . J, M,· K surface moves. with time '. .. . : .. ...' .
.: ' ~
. ·.:
. ';'; .:. ··. ~·
' . . :~. . ' .
.. i ..
does not mean that the lines. of force move . in o/., (3 , s space~· . . ' • .' ·. ·, 1.~: ' . . -~,: ·~:
'' ' ·~'
. . .;_:. ,_..
~· .
'' . '·, ' ... 1 • I I ' ·, ~,
In fact, they can be considered fixed, even though they move '':. . :.. ,.··:_j.J
in real. space ... :. The velocity ofA magnetic· line of. force is_
- ' . a. . ·..
. .' .....
. . ,: ~:.

not a physically observable quantity, and therefore must be •. : .: :<~·}.:j

· ·. ' ( '1n ) . : . ·...
. . ... ...-:r ... - .''i,• .
. . defined·., ·The usuall:de f'inition. is. the "flux preserving" one.:
.... : ... · . >· :::<
• ,.t

.:. let an. a'rbitrary closed loop be drawn in space a~d let the
..-:· ·;··

' :.:. >: ~--. · ,; ' • ' ' • 0 • • •• • ••• • • •

. ··-;
. ' .:.;
. .. • I '•, ...
. I ...

( '
. velocity ";! ·'
of each arc element
of the loop l;>e
. '
. ~ ' •.· .•·
• ; .I
• :;._ l''t

. ..,.: . - ....
. 4'
£i1~lo:C....~Be; through the .loop is consta.n~ in timee ~e v:eloci. ty .
' . -~ ~ ;
of the line.' of ·force at each point ~s defined as . -a. It is . ·. · · ......
: '

muatt s~tisfy fE 1- E X B) =·o •. Th~' ..>.·,, ·_::.

. ./

"~ • -...
·Vi ~. ;., • • · · · . : . · •. -:---.. J,t;' .·, •,•

. ~

. ! ,.
'·.· . .' .·
.. .
. ' ;:./:· .:.. ·:·. : .- .. : ..•
} ...\-.:~·-... ··_::·:··:.:--·::- .'!··. ---·~:·.·~;> . .·~.:

' .. ·. _:\'.: •··· '. ( .. '.··'··· \ •. ~ . ' .••• : j' ~

..... ·.: . '~- .t • . :.~· / . J
----~ -~:·-


'• ,I
•. ·:· .....
' .'
· ......
t" ,.· .; •. ' •

'\ . 67 \· .. -~- :)
., :·
... . "~
• J. ••. • ~ #. ;;

i·.' ...,
velocity is-such a velocity, where : w
t •• .
as ..defined previously •..
. ·., . .
'·· ... '.

'· -~ x a

'•' E + 1 ,. '

...... "'' :',~
(/~$' ) , . ·E ~quals
·/ . ·, .. ·:
' ,. ..::,::
so ....
.. ' .. ;'·:
.,·. ' .· .~~- :· •
' !
. ., '·
;·· ....... · ' .~ ' .
. ·, (

': ;::1
'····· X B .::
. ,.
J -: • •
·.. -.~ ; •• • ••
. ,., .
: .. ' . ·:· :' ~ :··: : .

. '- '. ,_·. .

. . ~

·.·. '\ ' .:; :~. and indeed the curl vanishes~ It has thus been established
wx-a ...
·that J can be· taken as the velocity of a line of force.'·.. :>:_ :_.' ·
B .
. _., .. It will now be·· prov.en. tha~if an observer moves
''c. I

·~ ~· ·, .
~ .- ~ ;. ' ; . :-: tl~ ;~ t ()
~··' ~

:: ·' •' the total rate of change of ot. (and (3 ) he·

. .
observe.s is zero. ~ ·.. } .' .
I ~ : ·~:

In other words tne· ( oL,f3) .label on a .line of .fore~ is
,, not·• ehang_ed+.l?Y the motion of the line and ,all .li'nes are fixed
in space coi).seq'l,tently •. ·The rate of change 9f g.. under ·'
·-·· . i
; "
the time. dependence and the velocity of the line of :force is ,!,

.•.. ·.
,. , · .

I '
~ ..
.•. ~ ·,-
I'> '

: .. ··
"' (

. ,::·;··
.. '.·


., ;: .
'., ;_.,
: ~ .· _,., ..
't:'<. :.·
' ·~"
~ : . .
. ·.. , .·:.. ·, :.. ··.· ,' ,''
. ·.·:_.·
. ···.i.. •''
-.·: .. ==o .·,·-· ....
.· ·.

. . .:.
·.·.' ') : •. ·.·
. . .. ..
; ~ ~ '. ~
·. ·:.

.;,.. :. :- .•.
''· '\• '!"_,'

. ,.
·-.:· .. •' '" '~
' .... ...
_ •••••
• •
j ~

::· ' • .' · ' ' .... ·:

!r ... · .. ', •, . ....
·. '•' _:·. ·,. ··'<i-.
..··, ...
·:-· > ,.
. \'•, ,' •
.. <',. '• I • .

.,: . ' ... . .· ,
··.· ,·_
··._. ',1 . ·. '•

. .' '~. ' ~ ....

•·.· . '.·. ::. .. -.
: . ~
·~ ..· ·.··.·,
. i
. ' J, •
~ . .
' . ·.,'··
. ·'.; .·.; .:·.· .. ·::
. •'. '· " .. ~ ·• ~ . '.··'
.•'·· ...... ,:·· .
·, ;. •.
. . . ~: .' .. . . ..~ .~ .. ~ ' . '
.. '. j·,
. .. ~ •"
. ~ . ': ·.. ~-. :
·' .. .._.: ..... '
·:. 1' ':.-: •. '· .; ; · r,' ·,· \ ..· _- ·.
. r' .
. .
·.. .. : '.
~- ~
.r. . ·, •• ..:. ~-. : : • \ :"

.F ' ••
-. .i • ~. ; " :
. \":
.... \ •. .
; .6l
! ·..• !! ~
L' ." • .... 0 << 0 I

•'· .... ;
J • •. . . : . : .',·,_,
, .. --·r.· _·, ., ., ... ·. .. ; ... _,. .-... - ··. • ~ • • .• ,'I • •
'1-•·"! . .
II ' ' ...
. ~

.. ;
' ,'

. ,, .,~. .: ' f -~-

68 . ' ..: .
\. ·.: ~ ~
: ·:_·.___ .~.~-- .. , .··--...:~;~'1.-
.' '. ·, . . ... .
.. ·..·-· \

; ~

.. '
' . ~- ~
.·, :.-.:· '·. '•
·.. ·.. _;


because B ---a
- 1
• i -::. "a1 •. ( (Jot.: x Vf3 ) • It is therefore
. ' ..
• ·: •
~. ' ~.

,.: ,>• •• ·.~\.:, • ' :. '· ' •

·.:I ..·· ~~~
I •' ~
: ·.: 'j.":

- ., ':
clear. that altnough lines of force do not move in <.~·, 63, s) .. · .: · · \ ,·.
•" .,
.; > ;_ .... -~- ·.:
. ' .. ·.· . space, the locus ' or :lines . which form ~n invariant surface with .' . . ." -. '
'4. - · · .. ', • •• i• ~- ':- . . ~
•' ....... -
' ~ ':.... •• • ~1
•, -:•.'• I

. ' ' ..
< ·.,·. const'ant J, M, K does. In Fig.l~: · curves I and II are
'.-'.1 '·(··
·' :-. ... · . : the proj~ctions on the r1.,p plane of two surfaces having the
. . ·' .:, ''. . ~-
: . :. :.l .. \.;. ·. : ~
... ;~ r :•... · :-.· ·. ·s ~ ..... e
Q...1.U J, M, and ·K at different times t and
0 ';. ·-. ·'.'

A third point ;ts: .. the actual surface ~n ol,, (3 , s .. -·

. ~ ':'
.·: ;. :-~ ·. •.. ' ; ~ 't • : 'o I • ' -: ~'
' ··. . . . . . . ·• '. !'i-
~ . ;- .' ' -: .•'"' . '
' .~ -~. on which·the guiding center.precesses at time is neither ···. •·. ·: 1'.·.;
,: ····· . ·. :· .: :·: ~
•:: ·~_: .·.. '·.- ' ' '

. .
····, curve ·.·I ' ~

. ",' ··.·.
.• .. ' '...
This is necessari~y so because the partiqle~

K has '':•
..· :";
;. . .. ~'.l
.. •. .· ·.·.:
·' ~ '
·.·.·~·. :t changed and longer Curve III has the same enclosed· .·,·
.... ·
t '; ·. ·: l
>_:-..>·...>: :~ .:_·:·:.area as curve .· I ·.because the flux invariant. i.f is this area •. . .....,
. ...
• ''•i ...
It.~~· true.that if the.guiding center were on curve,r at time·
.. . . ; ~

' •' .. · .. , .. ;. , .. J
~ •• 'i
t 1, ~-t wou,l~ have the ·same f. as at t ·- but
0 J '.
its J. would
. <:· J:j·
have to be different. · •
'· .• ; J . ' : ··~
. r· ,,
,; ,• • ' , I
.. v •.•
·i .. ~~ ... ,: .•~ .': '. . .
.: ·.. :··~-.. .\ .' .~ ·.
··.;· .. ,
. . :.. ".: .;' . :. ... .. ,:,.f
. ;.,_.·,·.· t'
. ·~ :~

. ~· . .·.. ·. ....·..:(•;
.... ,
w.~ Vo J 14o~ ffc at-·~· ~;.:: ., . :.·: :;·:;
~ '
.: .: ',. ~· .
···.--··. 1·.
.... '1:1
:· .... ·.
. ~··

:.: .. :··.· .·.

·.~.,·· . ·, ~··

..... ' '
.... ' ~ .':
I '.:-•
. ~- ;·
~· 4 ·:
,··' t ......
. '.
····.··. ·· .. : . . '·. ·.·.
. • ·'·
j /

• . .\ . 'A'!~-··. ; ': . .· .. ';,

. .... ·..~ ..

'>/. •
· ..t:
·. . ..:.,
.. ..
_:··~~·. '
... ... •.:t.

, .' ' ' . I ~ ' •'

:. ..-'."';.. ·:.. · LOngitudinal invariant ·surfaces at different •.. ·. . . .- ·. · .

•, j, ' •• > ,!, '{ ' .: ' . • ., . • :• ' I ,¥' ' > ' • ~ '• ',' < ~ '·. \I ' ,: : ·• ··~;
...... ·..': ., •.·.· ·-~--)·.;Fig.Ilf· .. ·:··:,· ·;·. ·'' . .
.. "'.~
~ '

·..... ·· •• \t

... . ' ~

\ .: . ..

.·.:,, ·'': .,
.-~ :

~·.-.: '}


. ''~'..- .: ; :- .....

' -.>::
:, '' ·: ·: .. ~~ .·. .; .
'. ' ' '•
.. ' . ·. -~~

.. .

,. ' :_.. :: ~ . ~' • \.~ :, .:: l . . . .. · .

. ''
• ,L' ,
.~ ~ . .. .. ......
: :.ij
.• :·· •'

.:.i ...• .. ·,
··.,', . ...'·:1 •... '.:. ~

f~~\*~t;-~c-:-~-~------ ~
, ... ..., .,.,......,.,.•• ., ...-.,~~........,.,.-~c""'~""',..,..,~,_....,., .,.........,,.1_.,,,...,.,.,,7,,.,,.,,....,,,.,,..,.."··-· ..,...,..•.,_ .. - .... ~1""·

•-.·• =-_,,.. _ .• ,....,_,r .. ~··•~ '""'"-r-•-


-• -•
....... -..-~.,... ~.-.. ··"""":'"'..," .,.........., •.-p .. ,,.,..,,,...,,,..~..,-.- •

I ..
:~-~' ' .
'· ·.
r :-·
D• .Adiabatic Invariants to Higher Order .
.· !)
·' . . . :: . , .. ·)· . " !
It is ·apparent from the foregoing extensive analysis that ~o proceed. to :·y·<:_··:;. ,, ··_·:
.-:: ~)·
: . \ '~ ... ' .. . ',
higher orders iri the three adiabatic invariant series by use of these .. •' ·_ ~ ·: . ·,.

.. · ~
· :>.·· : '_:: .: : · · '.: '

direct·methods ~6uld be ~aborious. Indeed, even to gtiess what . €M',

. .. _ ,.:·-· . :·~ . ': :· > ....>.· ··,_:'}.
.·.•-. .:_. €J', and €i' are woula tax one~s imagination. Proo:fu of the' type presented: ··_ '·. , _r-••
- . . , )' ~---· .. -~----~ -· .. -~_ . .
• .· · .':
... ·'···
:C:··: /- for M, J, and
f are valuable in producing a physical picture of what is
. . ·-.. '

'''!. .. : ..
· · :. , . · . happening, but must be ·abandoned in favor of a systematic, canonical method·. . ' .•. ,i -~ ·,. . . •
•• $~ •
-.-~ ..
;.... :·.).~ike that of G~dner(/g) ~skal (If!) ·-, :·· ·.·.
. or to go to the next higher order.
. .. . .'
':'•. -·' .
. \ ..
~ .
.-: -·.:-··._ .
•.. · ..-·
.. ' .

. :· Probab~y nothing is ~est in the way of physical understanding either, since: _. ·.· ... · :"::

~~ ~---~ :-- . .:'· • . 'i! .~

·_. effects which are second order in the gyration radius are difficult to
,. '
.•:. -:_ .J
'·:.-: -:J .
. _: visualize anyway. .
: ·j
'. ·. ·:·' ,.
I,. 1 , • ; ~- • •" ~ ;' .~-},,
,, :·. -:-- In Gardner's procedure, to obtain each new term in one of the
. .. . ... ' ~ : -..,, . .·.
·, . .
. .:~; _-.
. ~ j

;· ·' -~-~---~-~~-~-~···.-~
:•,- ,. '
adiabatic inV13.+iant series a canonical transformation must be :made from the _.,..
.! f

.. . .~
· variables used· in the prev:i,ous order. A prescription is available f'or obtaining
,- ..
.. -~ ..' ·. . ·: : the·generating function of each successive transformation. At any order, al~ ; (_·:
1.", -_.:-
.:.,;:_. ·.·• ' the preceding canonical transfbr,mations must be inverted to express the · .:~ .;
·-.· ·!'
, ·-.'·t
- ~ ~ . , . I
' .\. ·.- - .• adiabatic invariant. series thus far in terms of the original variables . - __ :f
., .,; .;',

.· ·: .·.-: -:,,'. " . (velocity and position of the ~ticle) •. , I.n practi-ae this may be very labor:Lous:, _..:-: : · ·[
.-.·. . . . ,/ ·'; ·i
·· · ·: · ·. •· :. · ··but at least a· ded~cti ve methOd is availabl~ and no guessing of the gigher . ·.-.' '.!.
. : ·r:,: ... \
~ :;.
;'· ·I
:···... ·. ':·
~ ·,. ,·. : ...
.,_ ,'",
·, _
order terms is re~uired. To .the author's\ knowledge, . . EM'
is the only higher . .. .:•-

:-~ j·:

-:~ .. - .' :· ~. term in any of the three series that has 'been workeq. out. . It. :i:s ::·il:.n-~efei-e'noe ··. ..-:. .. ' .. !· ,
!:· - 'i

. -~-- ._ .: 1
.·.-.: and:ts in a slightly different (and mo:re usef'uJ., it will turn out) ·f'orm thB.n'
. ··,.

.The series . correct. t~ough · ~ €) ·. ·is given (fOr the

: '
'. ...... one might· expect. .
. . . . ~ . ~ .· .·· . . . ;:. . ·;:. . ·. -.·
.· .· / . . ~ . '. . .. ·• . . '


',-_ case_:whe;_e-· 1 .=· 0 ) >\ ·' . ~·........ ' . .·.: .::·:,: .. . .-.··.
'. r''
,. ·. .
1 •.•
' ,. . ' · : · ..... ,; l.

• •• .•

. :-':~ ·:.'.
·., • • . . ·:-.·· ·-- . . . . . . • ;~ • •• ' • 1. • •
·· , 1
., ~ '., " -, .· ·'',-· ·.· ',•, ;.

-· .· ... ' . . ~ ·: '. .. ~ ·:. '·~- ·..
' ' ... ~ . •... ·- t . .:; .
r ,,._.·
,' .,,.., •·:· ·,. \·, .·. · ..., . ·.-. ·. • . ·.. ·i
. _. ..._
.. ·. ~- -~.:
. ___ .-.· '.
'f 'I ' -~. . ~
. '
.. ''
' . .. . . :-. ··•
~ ', ~- :- . .. : -. :

,· .. · ..- . -. .. ·.
-~; .-
-·.,·_ ·. .· . . ··.
.. . '··-·'.
. . ..
' ..
"-:' ~ ~·
-·. ........... .
. ~.·:·>·.. _,. ·~--···~·;:·· .·. ·-,·:·"~--· ~

' \ -~. ': . : .;

· '. : ;•

,.-.,. : .··-·- .: :'·._:. " . .. ·... ~ '

•• \'•' r
.... '.
.: :··.
·. •'

·-· . .. ~
....... ·•·.
,_..· :- ...
.-._·_.· ·.:· -~ . ....
. •''. ; 1·
i.: -... : .· . , '' . .-· . ........ . ·,
.·· .. ·. ·... ·. -·· .. :,- .,
. -·. ·"·
. I•. '•-.
. ,
.~ '
··· ,.....
'·. ~
~. ' '

: ., . '~ '
f. . \.'.
'• ··'·
·':· ·.'":···
.:\ ..

l : . '. : ~ :· • • ••
. i}

.. . I,·','
',':· '.. :· . ~. ;_ .' .. l
iti>>~ ~ [ (h
;· : •'

',: I;, < ; ';, : •: I~ • •

Oo;'B/a;' 1 + V ;1
) ..
' \
r- ~ .

~.. f ;
.. · '. :-·-· · .. · . .. ·.·, .. vss> ·'.:. \.:.' :;· ..:·.; ·
,, .....
••• 1

.· .. ,
. \' :::'i ;:··:·. .·; ,·:.:J
2 . "> .. ', ~; .

... _,
':> .· ;_. .~· / ' .
';. . •'. ~-·
l '


-. ~... ..
. . • ~ •.
~)('V X B) (v; ~l + 2~.._ ;;-J, • ~)J + ct<2) •

.t .:<

••• . • • . • • • •

.·.-~> :·.-·~---~. ~.
. •

. ~
J . ;"· '.•
• • l;

.... . .! ···:·
.... -~:"" .,:
~- ....-,_ ...' \ :· ~
.. ...
~-~·:. •. .,;,· ... / '•, .. .';,.
.~ ;,

,' ;~ , • <- • • ,'! ' • •;', I • ' ' '

-:~:- :>.'··( :-: . . -_. ~~ •, .· ~ ·. ,,,... ,., ...~·.:

' . ~ :. ' ·. ' .·;

... ·····.~:.~;where V: 1,:s the ins~antaneous. particle velocity perpendicular. to ~1 (~) .. ·· .: ·.·;·::'·.·_·:··~ · _·.:·.. ,:.:
,:~ ~./·::·<:-.not ~1 (it0 ) ..: Also note that in the first ter:t11 B is evaluated at "P 8.nd · .· ..... ·· · .:;.·;:;·
'' . '.. ;'·..', .·: : not il'0 • In the. 0"( •) ter,n, it does not matter. whether . the field and ~1 · · ' ,_' ·. ·.: :'> :. :' . T. ,
.'~ ·. ·;~::'.·;·.<.:. are at 1 pr R0 ;,. nbr does_ it matter whether .V'.t_ is perpendicular to , ::. ·.·;::: :~·~. <-.~·~\~:
·;· :::,'i/'~ :: ·. ~1 (~) .. or. el (Ro) I •. since 'the .differenc~ ~s t7( l). The form (/$3) of the . ' . ' .'' :--: . ·::·;··::
·. ;·. '' · ·· ,,. . series is usefu1· for comparison with a numerical integration of the equations c. · ··. ::·;: :;\'.'
· . ~~< ~·.~ .· ':·!,.'.'
.. . .. ·. '
of ·motion because the re.sul t of such a computation wouid most likely be · .the ·
' . ·.•
... ::.·. · ·· : ·. :.:·:r:-
: .......·:; ~ ~~
. ; (:·;··:~:: :. ·::.::·.
:J,.: ~.;.. particle velocity and position as functions of time. The fields at the · ,.
)' . ~::_ ... : ... ·. , . ·:.r;·
::_ .: _. ,';: · · · particle position would therefore already be present ·in the code, whereas ·._:_-,;,:_:_' ·:·. \.f:
:··.'. :; ··:·.:.:.·.·:··.' . the fields at It0 .would require an auxiliary computation.
~ ,:_. '• • ·, I ' ' ' '' ' •

'· .. '·
The first term of Eq~ V&-3) can be con\rerted to velocities
\' ~ •;:-,v~· '/ ·~· .' •' ·, ;

.~ ·.·..: .··. .:.,-..::·to ~l <~o) and to fields at .the guiding ce.nter 10 as.follows:

;,: ' ~.L (i") = i7 - ~1 (1) ~l (~) • 'V = ~ - ~~\:)vii (r)

'·. ...
; .~:


;·, ·.'

·.•. t
·~:- ·.' . .
= ~ -L~i<Fo):·+.1I. · v ~<Ri)] fel(r\) +~ ~-~l "R;U· ~ ·.·_. } .· ...
= ~1. (~): v.l/ (~o.) tJ •. Wf. -. -e-1. ;7, • ..<P' •' V)ej_.+ Cf'( ~ ).
: '· ij
.• '.• .. ··' .· :!
. ,. ~t~
• :t

:.· ..:: 2
v .1..<1) = v .l. 2 (Ifo) - .:., (""" . -i-7)"' ""' 2)
2v J((Ro) v .•. p :,, ": e1 +u" € (; 5'S) ~x
>· ·' ....
~: .: '
. :.~·

where the ? or R0 following the·J. or II . subscript signifi~s the direction

. -"P
to which the velocity component· is perpendicular. or parallel. The vector.. p
. . . .. ;·. . . . ~- x· ¥.. .. . .·
~· ~' . . . . : -9 i9 . l J. . 2 . . .l
·.: ~-:····:··.;.is e + c • c,) m . :.·:.. ~ (7(€ ) •.. addition B(r) must be transformed: :. ..j,
... . ,FE11.o =·. ::rn ~ \

.. ~-. .. . . I

;' . ·: . ... : . ' • I ~· it
.. ·-(·';'' ';·;
. ;.·,··;:. ·!,. ..
j ••••
~ ·.... : ~·· .
·. •·. . . ll·.
·~ .. . ' •• ·~ / .• : ·.: .:.. .• ~·, '' . : ' I
-.. .·.!·;'' . ::·
! ,•' ... ·,,
I •
': ' ; ',• .' ., ·• • . '-!' . . . ':
.: . :. . . ...
....· .. ·· ~1.,.·:·~ ~ ~·.." . ~. .1 ..... 1 .... <._.','.
~- •'
•; ·.I .:. ·. ,;.. r .~-~- · · :, •.. \.·· -·: '. :; • ~.:; · ,l ~< . • l , ,' 'I ....
' .i
- .. ·7l ;.; ·:. .. -~ .
·•' 1' .-. ..)

' .. -~ •·. ·, ' ·' . .

·.·.) .·, ···,. ,;·--.~_-\'

' . ·.: .
• • < ~ •• ' : • ' • • ••

. l'. ' ; ~- ·, . ' •.. ' •

'·:,.· :·.: B(¥)
. ~)

~·:. . - . ..
';. -'~ .

. ·~ .
.·'> :::;,: _:· .
·, . ~: ··
<~ ~ ::~I
··· · · With the subst:L tutions ( /G'S)
.: ;~ .' • • ' '
and (/S't,) and some vector algebra,. Eq. ·.(/$J')
' '•
·', ...
. ', ' fI •
--~· . >.'
.. :.: becomes:
: . . :· ~ _c . , ~~ ~~- . _:·. /
.·.' -·"' -~-- •·, ··.· -; . 2'.
_::;·.... t·:· ., ;; '·- ·y -(~)
~· :: ' .. ·.. : .. ··.L. no 2v;, 2.
.... -:
.· '.·· ~~nstant = ., B(~)
. J.. ·. u@l . ·''.
X ¥J.) • \7.~1]+
·.·_· .. 1:; J.' •
'/ ~
'.,. ·..

.~ · v_ . (v x !J). ~ ~ 2)
. ( . .L )
. + 2v1.. v + ~\..€ •
:B . 1I_ . . 2 11
'~ ... ' .. -. -~ :
-.•. ,··
:· '·. It may be observed that. if ... vII

· e·";;;;)re.. is constant. to .one higher order in € ••

There i~ a. third form. in which the

.of the a$ymptotic peries

;, .:; ., . . .· Eq. (7~). v was obtained correc~ through zero .order in Now, 2 h~::reyer1 . €•
.. ··.:. .
v.J.. (R.t~\:)" .
:. ; .·· :- ..:·.: -::; J. is needed cor:rect .through . 0'( €) 1 because the _first term.
B(~) ..
... ;\

>·:'. will then yield more .- ~ €) terms •. It sho~d :not be overlooke~ in

differentiating the. series. for ~ ·that· : E2~ · 2iS · . ~
.,,'... ·· ..: · :.·...
~· '
R2 e . .
terms :llti
. '1 ""';;;

·:contribute a{€). 'terms. to a result .of differentiating. the .exponential.

·· ~--·u,·:_.- '.: When Y · is sub!=ltit~ted into VS'/), the.;esult ;ts.'_ (~s.pee-oi1:1~~ :.· i:


constant -
t.' .··
. I :''
(/Sf) ·:.:.
.. -. '.. -:;; --~ ~ E v 11 Q1·v:J..i') + c:rce) ·' ··.·., ·-·:·;
·.•. :- l

'~ .- ~- ·)
. B~
. :~ ':
·;-·; : ''l'
. .,,
coeffi~ient ,in ·-~ = Rfo +· Efflt + ~ • -~
···_ .. -~·-: i~
.··.where ~ iS the . second. •· This. ifl certainly ; ·
.',' . ' ·.·' •·· :_, ,:.. !
~-,t· ' '
•· -.-~
:~.- .
. :
the least use:f'ul form for com:pa.risol! with n'UII,leric~ ..computation., Because ' ' .•.
._.·.:· ·'
. d
. ·.

th~re. are no

:·. ·.· .·" ;. y contains. ein 6 : it me:y· seem surprising: that

''-:' : . . '
exponentials of.
, ,. -··.·:.- . ·; thla .type.left~in .:> (/S'j).·:. The·, reason is that the adiabatic invariant series .' ' ~ • ' ~
~ ·.. ~ .
-.- ~ i
. ·. ;~
. <...;
: <

.. _,._,_ :_,__ ·' -~·-.· .,.::....,~-~--·:-..>::.·· ~->: '·<---·-· :.. ··.·-~ .. ..,•. .. . .. . . ·(i
·. i~ ::.,·,J~-~iS.:.~5.;::~ r~~>~Z.§fF1±_.,,.;,:~;;t.-.g:/}1i;:::ti:{~:L~x>·i: ,·-·. · ·"'

·72 - ~.

.: ·: '.
,. ;
; •'

'·· . ,.•'' .'·

. ·'' ' ;. . '·

...... . '·

· ·. · · ,. · is. an integral over e and therefore e cannot ~:P:pear~ This will became
,l, r

.... . , ....·
,. 'l·',
. apparent .in the 'dt."'<l:rs~on 1n .. S¢ion, :E! of adiabatic invariants .of syst~ of
.: ' ..

· , coupled differential. equations •. '2 ~- ::·1... :. ~-,~ ',. · ...' :-~:,

. ''····· .mvJ.
The statement is often made that the masnetic moment is
2B :
t ·:.
~ .' .
,< ·•
..:• !' .
: ·.·.···.
· . , •• ' • • • _:

• •.... ~· 1 •
.. . •' :J: . .·: . .. .::. ~\.

"constant to- all orders". The meaning ·or this statement is that if • a :particle
. . .. . . '··~<',·.:...
·. ·:.:'·'. . ' ·. ·. \ ;, J'
-.,. ,·
\ . ..· ,.
-+ -+
~ • ··' • •. l
. ,.·,'·f.
f • • .... • • ~
goes from. one regio:c in space and time where E and B are constant to·
.. /.
:;, "

i::. ··;
·::.. another such region via time and space dependent fields, t~t the change
'. ,:_; 2 ., ,., ..... .
·in v J. /B betveen the ·initial and final states vanishes faster than any ..... ;
::power of €; even though the change at intermediate times may not. · Th:is 'I,;

., . ····.'·
• J

. - .· ·_;
. conclusion follows· from the fact that ~(€) and ·higher terms in the ·magnetic' · · . .
:. l

. .~ ;
. . . . ,· · .. · }.
·..• . . . .. '.
moment ~eries vanish in Uniform fields. That the tr'( €) . term vanishes when ·,. .. ':I

',. _!, :·.

~~:~ . ·. '.. ·.. ·'

B is constant• can b~ ~een in (/S3) or· (JS?).

Righer terms always contain

• •
I .. ~
...·.•· t' ;i
. · :, , · ._. , field grad:ients ·an:a vanish in uniform fields. If the magnetic moment series · . I
··,·.. ;• ·!·
. ' ., ·. ~. '. 'were convergent instead of asymptotic, the change in
,. I

v .f./B would be rigaroos3:-y '. :· l

.7. I
.' . . ···i


::~ , ... zero, but because of the asymptotic :property, . all we know is that the change :: ·-:.. .: . . > ., l.
·. {

· ....
,; ·I

.. !
........ :: ,, , goes to zero faster than any :power of €. It is frequently suggested that
.... ....·.: .·}. ·. ' ' i
2 .::. :i
,· the change in v.;_ /B. is :proportional to ··. exp( -constant/ €) 1 ·which does . ', ·.·
... i
.. I
.. ,
.,. indeed vanish faster t~ any :power.of €1 but the change certainly could be ·' ' . :.;J
;. . . .•.' ........ . ' . '~: .
. . . ''·: ,,
. .' ·:·.··.:,: .

. .
same other tuncti9n of € that has no :power series expansion in €•
• ... ·.-
·· .:::'. E •. The Adiabatic Invariants of Singly .P~riodic Systems ·
r,.. , , : ~· ..
A more general· theory of asymptotic solutions .and adiabatic invariai:l.ts 0" .· .. · ·

,. '
'·1 ··,_:
has b~en .given by ~skal ~'I). for ~OU::pl~· differential equations. of' a certain
. .. ·,
../.: .
. ... . ,•.
·'.. ~

· .. .:·.: ........
·.. •·. .. .... .. ' .. .

type.· .Let· .. . ·: .. ~~· .. ' .. ". ·.....·:. . ..... ',

~ .· •. i. _)',. ' ., ~:;
~ .' ·,

. . .. . .
. ···'
·: . ... ·.·.

. •.:·
. •·'
.. .-\ ·:. . ' .... ' ., .
:~ :· ::
• ·. •. ·.·'I~- . . . ' . ' .•

,. . . . :.·:r·'~..;:,.-· ;· .,· ' .. ·· ·· ..... ,... .•
.·. ·' . : ·, ~
.: / ... . ··:, .,.·
- '· ;~ .~ : 'I.·
. ·-.~-·
,':!:··. .·
.... ·:·· ; ....

.. .. ...
::, _j. •, ·,."

-·, ., - ' ·~ ·.' .. . .

~"'·" . . ..... :~ .. ., ' . .. ;
. :"- ...~ ' ....,
; : .,

.. ..
. ·:. ·:· .
' .·::.. .
:. .
...•:.... · .. ··.· .. ·.
. '• ~. ~ ·,
. . .··.·... ··' ,•
·. ·:. /, ...

.. '•
·,». . . •' ·'. .._ '
.· ....... . '·' . ·.· . .. :, \. ·
':"' • '.·
, ~. '
r , .•
... ·. :-'.. . .~ : :_;'

. ~
' ~.
.,, ·.· : .. .: ·' ... ,·.
, .•. '~
;:~ • .. : : •• ' ••- • ' •• .:.:· ' ; • ! ' ' .
. .
·' :~) . .. ·, .. .. ·
1:. ...
.· . ', ;· .·' ..; ·.. ·..... •'~ ':.;.·.·'
. ~ I.·. ' .' ,·:~~· -: ,/' ~.,
,. ·.:.
. ~-

.. :
; ;
,• . ~
~· " · t i' , I ':
\ ,r
. I,' ".

' ' 1
\ ·... '·'
.. . ~. .

t. .·.
f _ ....

' . .. .'<" ·:.:/; :.> :·... ·: :~;. / .. ... :.··

·' •,;'

·.. ... ·...

•., ... ,· .... ··.:. .·:·- ·,
. ,· .,,
··_' . '.
.. )'.


·, ·. . · ·:.!' 1.'\;.··, .
. >. t,
.·._.;.. · .. :.· .. .. •.,. \· ..., ··.· .. :' .
L 1 .'•
.. ' ' ' '_: .. ~ '~ 73. -
'··.:: :· ..
·,'I . :\.···

: .· -~ ~ .·< ..
;~ .
.• 'j

,.· ds ... ' .
. ,;·... '·' '·
(/. ) .. .. ~
. ;
i ·' .. ·.. '6"91 . · .· . ··' :· ,' . , ._ .;) . .

i ' ... .\.:..
·.. ·

, .. '•.,;,.
·. , . · '· ;\be a ·~et of coupled first order differential equations in which the independent
. ; ·....
· ..· :· .. Va!riable · s · does not appear e:icplicitJ.Y. on the right harrl.'.Bide; £ . is a I.

;: : . : ·_. .. . .
.· •.
;· ...
) ,:: :, · · . :·parameter. · The set of equations may be1 ..written vectorically. as
.\ •.·
. t '·.· .lr
i .•
~ . :. ·I
, . .·., :.' •.' >·. ! • ·.. \

~ -+
X 1 € ),
... ,. ....
,.(· '•
: ·. .. :
', . _.,
''r.-. · ·.· .· ·where ·x is the vector Distinguish between the independem:t .
·:; :,: ., . ," .';·i:" .... '
-variable s ....
used here and <tstance along the line of force; we will use the t;

··notation of .reference (/9) . insofar as possible. Let the system (/to) have ·.. ·. :·.:
-+ .·..·.
't· ·· ·' ,·':~::.~::: i. :.;· :'.the property that solutions of
·'. ' . . .
~ = f(i, 0) are simple closed curves in.

.0:~ space, as illustrated·in Fi~.).'? for two dimensions~ .Ali the components
•• ,· ••• • . ••••1

. •, .
; . .......
I . of. x are periodic with, .the same :f\mdamenta.l frequency. It is ·_also assumed· ·
... ·. . . !,

.... ····.. ·~·.

that ·.'1 possesses • · '• ; ' .~

. ..
' • ,.· ... ~ l •
;)' .. •
."·l·. •··••·. •. •· .•.. .. .. \ ; · •:,. . ·• . .
,, '
,_:·:,;; .
. :. :.· ; 'J . ~: •• ..... .. ....
~ ~
· ...
....· ·
._ ... ·.:·..
~ :' ' ... ,: ; '•

... , ' ··.\

' \ . :.·· .. . ... ::,'
• .. •

I,' •.I
• " •. · .:~ •.. .!" .

.. :... • ·::..
.. .. ~ .·

'.• .. .f.
··· ...·:.''
''":..:' '. : ....· ·... ~
~: . : p... ·... :~ .... "\ ,'
· ~:•· ·.·The unperturbed .filOlilt:$-:on is . a closed· curve in . ~
';·. ··' .. ·'

.•.. . : . .,-:,
•• <• • ...,
. Fig. l5 .. .· ''",'''
. ·''
5:· ...... '

.. ~

.. . . . .
·power series ·expansion in ·-e. ·Under thea~ conditions there exists a.
•. •.
; ... ·) ·• • • • 'i·· _,. ~ _.. _-..: :. ·~.. • • • •.
-+· ..
~,~ '., ::·::.:::_:._:_,_::::.:·: t~anaf'ormat·1on · x· ·= x. (z, e, . £), where X . i~ periodic in G,' such tha.t. t.he . ~;

: !:.~:Di:~··;;_;_;?·;~~j~,:_ii:. _};;:_:{: ; ,;: : ~::;)/

·, _... <· ···: ..•.. ,.. :· . ' ''
. - . ,..·(.: . . .;.:;·::/(~:<I:.:_~,}·. {\;:~·:.c.·.<::; . ;, :'-.: .:. ,:;:_.
. ,···. ....

..., .·
• l .·
·... ····
' ·';

:<·.· • .. ;· ·. r
' .,
···. ·' . ~:
( ~ -

transf~ed equations · (/6(J ) assume the form.

,.., ,\'
.. ·; '·!t'
,:: ,: ..• ·t'·"7'~'"-
. . ., ·' ' ~·
\• .. j\....-·:.-;..
~ ··.: ~-:· . .. ' .. ·. '\
-+ ·.
- 5 ~ : '-~.
- -+ (...
.= €h z, €)

... :-, :.:· .:. . ·. ~i .

.. . ds ..
~I., :'I~ . .
, . ·~. ~.

·~.: ,•
: ··.
ds ..; ·.. :r .
. ·. ~·.-.: . '• .1 .' ' •. , .
.. ·. ·' .. ~ .
. ..
...z . /.:.: i;
'•! •.
- ~ . -·· -~. ;
: ...-,:.·:..... .. . :-;'.'' .

.. · :The vector has only N-1 components .• It is not immediately obvious that •
'. ~ ;'.'

~· .. :_· · ...
" 'there even exists' such a transf<;>rrnation., which makes .. h. and . w . in9-ependent_.
.. -.. •... ·. :
·~ . --

of e. The first part .of reference (Jq)
. '
is devoted to proving thi~ an~ to
'· .: .
. ·.·
developing the step by steP.· repeysi<;>n metho<I. which gives. ·the .t~ansj;"ormation
• : l

;, .... ·.·,.. ~ '

.· ..
., .: ·:~ ·: :· ,~ (i, e, €). and the ·functions. h. and. ID .as series in ·:e.. According_ to. .. . ·....


·. /·\: ,:··. ! ·. ::1

... 1: .. . ·'
- ·. ·. Kruskal, it i~ possible .to pro~ that if the .solution_ i'(s,. ~), 9(s~ €) ·Of •'
::~- ·?.: ':,_: . ·;.
. ' . , ... '", (I l6I I) is suostituted into i =i

:·: ..
. ·"·
,1 ·.. ·g, <),_ the result. is an asymptotic (in <) •• · ..
·. ·:.: '
c;;, r-. ;
approxiln.a.tion ~to the exact solution of (J $'~). .,::.·
, ..
•.. ~· : . '
., .,, . ...
. t', •
.- ... ..
~\. ·~;. '::_' ~.... :

'· . .. The equation of' motion . of a charged particle may be written . in: ' ~

~ ·:_.~ ~ ·: . .'.·. ·.
-+ -'>' . ·>,1
f·, . .
(~ ··': :;<,:·. ;the :form (/Si]) •. . If' were the six-camponen~ vector ( v, r),~ the ~quat.ion ~f . :· . • '..: • -,1

[',. " .',-: ' ' ...... ~.. :..:...

r ..
motion WOuld not be Of the requireq_ form beC~?-US_e ~he indeiJen9-ent Variab;l.e . t
·. ~
.. ·.
f.···;··. ::.· ·would appear. or the right
' · . ·.·'.· • l
hand sides when the fields. are time_ dependent •. But
• • ' • • •
. ',•

f·~. · ·. ~ .. ·:. ·. if
. •· ..'·
time is. treated as a seventh dependent variable via the substitution . ,._ ,

;:.. ~ :~ . . !.:' :; ·.. '! ,. • . . . .. . . • • ~ • . '

~ = ~e), seven 'equations of. motion. of the rel;l,utred form z:~sul~.
;; :. ; ·.: ...... t = €s (where
~. , <·.!. ~-.~.-~. . · _; i . . . ....
~-:- .
f. <'· :.: :,. They
:::- . .• ·.
are ,
. .. '

.. ...
···,·- .. ·i'
)" .. . : . ~..,. .;. .'
' .... -+-· . '• .: .. .• . '·'•
' .
.- E c:r,·. t). ~ ~.
1_.,•.' . f • .
. ' ~- :. ' .. . ·.
. . '.
.. .
:. ~ ....
· .....
... .
. ·.
." : i
·_.. .
·._.•. · .. ; .
f '•: i .··'
. :;.
-.. .... I~ ·_. :

. t ' . . ' .• ' . !, I ; ' '
. , .. ~- . ··,' .·
. _,''
~ . ·' ..

ds ..·=
f!_. .\ ;;' €y ~·
' ~ '
... : ..
t ;.· "•·:· ... ·-~ >, I .-•
t\l'-"' ~- :' ,;_ ' ' . .-·. ·, '· ~-

. .. ...-. ·. '::,. · .• >.••• • ....:.

;.•:· :· •'
. <--~- - '::!'".€· •.•. \ : : • • •' ,. • <' /'-~ -'.:
· ds.:· .
'.·.· ;, ',c,; 0 l_:.• ..... ,.

'-! ·'·'·' . ;,
.": .'·.: I·' '• ,· '
··• .~ ' .. ' . .
, ..
"';.; ·:"' _l• ·:
.··.· .
l····· · . . . .:·~ ,'r.: ~-·
.. . . ' . ..

:··,. ~. ;
,'A, '. '
'. :': ·.. .
,·;. -· •::
... .. ' .~ ' .'

: ,•
. ·.•
,. ·,·····.-
, .. ~ '.
. ' . .'
F' . ·... -
f' .....
;·:::: ·•. :
) .: ..
{. . ~-._.
. .. .

'• .•.
. _.,
. :·


;_ ::'.:

-~ '
l,:' :. . . ' . ~. : ....
. ·' . ~. .
,: ',

~ r.

-?, "-'.:.'

... ,'~ , :, ' ' ' ' ,

. ~

' ·,
' ·

•I • " '
.. ,.
' .
' .

' '
.... ..
, '' • '-. '
·• J·


I :.
. ,. • ,
. .... ,.
. '·-~:~~---;~
- . ' ..
. . ·. ..
.. .· ·.'
·: ·. ·.· -~<<:· ··. ., ': ,·
. : -~
..... ·; -~\ :: .. ·7 ,·
.· ; - j : • " '
< . . :: ":·:··
;. •' .
.,. r·_ .,..
.. ·.• ~:
. : . .'...·.' :·
','.:'.. -·.· .
. ·.··
,.·, .
.·.. ·. ··~.
•• t


. . .~ .
When , £, ~ .o,·, this' set reduces to ·.: ..

/ ...... •.:.
·~~.. ' ..
. ;'. -+ .
dv ~ -v ~·
~ .. '
:.·. ',' -<·,· =~ ;~ .1 ...
- =.t!it
d5 . c: x B
.·/. '' ....· '. ·.:,·' ·:}....
' . ~ ' ..
-+ . :·; ·• .
.. ' j • .. . . dr. = 0
·. ,.·

. l ~ ·.
.2:1 = 0
~ •·. ~ ...• .... . :

dt/d~ /vanish, -; is; con~tant : -;.0' ~
I~ • ~ o >
. :I'>
Because a;/dS.. and and t is
•,I .•

t • ! .~ . •·:··· I.:,·
' -+ ~ .. ~ ·. ,· ".·
dv ·v
constant :-,tO' ~o . ds-
=.E -+(-+
r 0, t 0 +
c x
B. (r , t
· )
0 •.. Because .. E and
. ··.. .: .· .....
·.-.· ... ·•.··
~ ·. ......
:~: '
. ·~·: :
,, :.· ..· .::,'
. . ' .
are constantEi when the~r ~~guments are constant, the zero order motion ·. .. :-:. '··:. : .
)' I'

:;.·:.:<< .·:... : . :.~is that of 9: .E.~ticle. in a USi:form :field~. In -;
,;: .:. .· cE(r0 , t 0 ) x. B_(r0, t 0 ) : .
. . " ..... :..... center a:t. 1 provided is. assumed .of ~€). '

. . ;.

B2 .
~ ·
·· . ...:.''.·.''·· ·' .• ....
..:..:.; .·.
": ,·. as usual, and therefor~ the motio~,in. the complet~ seven-dimension~ space : ·:' i. ~.
.: ' ...
•. r ~ ' .(· ·····' ·.:., ~!
· •.. •'·.'1

is periOdic when € = o. Conseq_uentlY,· the· theory applie:? and :would give. 't:he · .. · 1: · : · !.::
in Eq_. ~I) and its derivative for ;. ·:,~;_·:J:' ,:':.·· /'';:;: I
. \ ' :
•,•,''·,.' I

Thus far the theory has produced: no adiabati~ invariants, only .·. .....
··..:· ,·•'

. ~:/ ·, ·:.
·.·.• It, ·however, the. eq_uations (/$cjJ are of canonical . ·~~>· ·~:


;: ::.: :form,. 'there exists.' one or more invariants_ in addition to asymptotic ': .::_': ..: -
.\... · ·.· .· . ·< ~: :·,
·. ·,· ~· ·. - ~ .' solutions.~ Let·:; · the vector x. qe • Jp, .·o
q). ·and . s.
'·'/. .t.
eq_uations are '' ,'t. . ·.;:,_).

.:• '.-. . '•. '. :·,~

~. . '! .. '.' :.·.· .fi ' ~~·.

.. ·'. pi:= ;.1

.• ., . ··· ... .;. ~/;:-:

.• ' ···, > :-..

. '•" .·

···;,, . }~,\v·':··,
......... '·''
.. ·. ;~':
'. i:
•'l I
•. . . • ' ~ 4 ·t

. . :,:\ !
... ~ . If the Hamiltonian. is time-dependent,, time and energy can be ~: .' ,·.~ I
·::: ...
~ •. .. '~ I

. .

,; ' ;
use.d as conj~~te variables. and the number. _o:t; degrees of freed~ increased_ .. . ... .:.-.. ~
.. \' . by one. Given the necessary; conditions .on· the_ pe:riodicity of the ~e:ro order ·
.. ~:·

' . . .· . ' ·: . _.:. . ;_ ... : ·. ·.·.. -+ .... ·... . ·.:.: . . ·.... ·- .... .
·.·. ::,.: aplutions1 ·~here exist•·. the_. trans:fr(lma.tio~s; _: ,P .7 p .(~ 1 ~~ • E) . :~d q~~. ~ (z1 9,
I • ',•

. . .... ,, ,•.,'.'.':' ··.· . . .· .·· I':

::...· ·., ·~.·: •. ·.• •. _:·~-~ ,·::\_.••·.: ·,' . i .. : • .•
';' ,..,. ~·:: ·~ ~;:.'',.. ··::·~··.-.~:· ~~,_~:.._:·:1~~!·.··•.~~-:.~.; :.<·:.·}~.~J . ;:< .:_ ..~...~

,:;'·.; :···:,.,>:.: f, .·: •.. •• l··· ':< i ..:,. :.(.
·.· ... ,-.·.·.
'· •.. · :,'·.:t.: ..
·'?. . '· .··, ·.'•
·-· J.
;.•., . : ·'
..·:' :- "• ·:-_.:·
·' ~. ~ ~.. > >· ~ ' .... , ..
l '( • •••• ,r''f· ·- '·
. '," i ' ~:
.... t .• . ·''
I;" :
. I
~ £ .·.··
. . ... •. :· • . :: • · which are periodic in and are ·such that the transformed canonieal : :. . '

':..~· ~··· '· ' ·, ,' ·. . . - ... '~ .. '• ' .

.. : .. ·· .. ;·,.. 1'.. ·"

::·: ' · :· :.. ~··equations are:·::.': .... ·· · :·,

'' . ..

·: ~-:; . . ·~
' ' • I• .. • • ' ;: . ·,, ~·. •:

.. :.-:··:
·; ~ .. /'','~./-·,;::':; '·· ... , .. · d't
; ~ .. : • ·, • : . ' ' ' • • • ! ••

.'. dt
. ..~ . ' .. , ~ ' . ·: .. .• ~- .. , . ·?: ·.
... ·· . :· ··: ~ . :J
.... · .,_1.
·-:~~- •. ' :..
•• _i ,•
! :• ·,.·: . de
.. dt

.. ).' ... '' The solutions ; = r (t, €) and e= Q ( t, €) of (/,c-). can be substituted·
. ·.·'
. -~- ··:.J
~: ...,·:·:-·:· (·:·~:to give · p. ;;P·/) (t, €)

:' 1 e( t, €) 1 €} as a series in €1 and likew-ise for < .:·:·:· ·.:· ··.:·:.: <(l
r ; ~-·
.. ' "
.'! ~ . ''·. :· ' .•.
,;·/-.. ,: ·.·:· q.... .are not exac~ solutions of the canonical. equations, only asymptotic ..
. . 1 , · ·•• •
... ·,
~ ·-~·'
'', '.' :. ··.>::. · s·olu't!ipns ... . . .
. :·3 ··-: . •." " ... ,· .··.'·-~\~:' ~ -'·;-:. i
''.; .. ·
~ ;: ,• •
'I ' ·...... ' '. <·~: • -. <(

• .··.·.t
• ·_,.,..t

.,,·. •'.:J
:~~-. ..: ~; ~ i{

• ~
' •
~ :''
' \•,, ,., .;
,... ~ ... . ,·.
, .. ·' .
.., ...
' ...............
~--·. '. . ~-, ...
' ;

• . · ./t"".·. . ... \.
(/'') .. .. -.-:·::
i ·:~. ·, ..;.·. :·: <~(:'!'-~:··, ..· .. •,
·, ·.. ·..
·,' '
: '· ... : ~,. . · . : where to. be specific the angle variable.. e is ass'UI!led to have the :period.· . ' ... :..... · .: ··.!
i, >' ·,;' ~ -::.· ·;:;·._ ·.,
.. ': -... ~·
o _'"' ', I' '\.' ' ' ' '.

. .;'·'·· ·:, 0 ;.. · "•t,'·'-:· : .t

to 1. ·. · ·The invariant· I.. will in fact be obtained as a series in e:_, · .·!, ~..::. 'r'~_·,· ~ • '_:-.: I '

'·.'· ,'·... ··. ; ' )',·~ •'' :, : ;.· .::. !

.. ....
are themselves series in €. . The :proof of the a.dia~~tic~ .... ·:~. ;:: , <·:./~
. ~

l',_ ...
since. :p. and q :,
' ... :]"')~:,:Y-'':::;.,~<·. inva.l-iance of ·I ·.consists of showing. that ~~ is ·zero, or. that .. ··· ·· . .- ·.;· ·.~.\

·.:<::,.'·~ . %i·<Io + -~.:t ·~.~. €n In)= o + CT(€n+ ·;)

'· • '".:.:
. .<.:. <.<\~'s! ' .. :J ::'l
!, .
.. ' ,._ .....
' ~. ,-
... "' ··' •·:
.-. "'
......,, .
dz. ( t, e:)
. .
~: , ... ·· .
. .•.:
' ... : ':;.::.'ii
~ ~
... ., eli( t, e:) =
"' • \'
.. ·..
·:;.)',} I
dt dt
.:., ..
... '. 2


,, ..•. ~( de ::J. ..' 0
:Pk ~.,;:;o_z_·-- )~
'· . dt .; . j

:-· > • • • '

•• _ }·

:· ··'

i- .. ,, ••
, dzj . ···-::
·.where. sums are to be taken over repeated indices.·. The factor · dt is not. : '•, ;·
: /.
' '
• .. '.· . .~ . ,• .·
. ··-·.
. \.\ ... :-~- ,'•
a function of. e and therefore .. has been put under· the integral. · .The second
~- ' •. . "~ . '.' r ' • . ' • ·'' •' '',. ,• • . I f '•... ~
.• •• • ' ,, , '. : ' • • T ,, .~ •' \ , ••• "" , , ~.
.. ·i ;_ terin in the integrand may be integrated. by l,>artB to- give ·.. t. ; · ·.··, , .

. ,. ".

·:.~:.:(·':~';:1~.{';>/' ,·::·.,:· :·:·,'':\~~···;~· ?>··· .•. ·:·,···~·::~; ..··. · ~

. ... ··:~:-~-r···_.~;·\···.·. •"·.·· · . ,, ~ ..-.........
: ...... ; .
. •• . •
. ; ~ ' .. ·· • " ·, .... ;.
- ...•,'.·· .., ·7,·. ...t ,_,,·:
·.' ~·" . : : :: .
.·: !·.~··
• . ~-.. ';
·:.; ..
. '·..,.. '.

77 ', ,• ., ·~· '

.'· : ' ~ : '•·' ..

....:... ~ ;-
':··.: .'

,,.,, ·di
-, dt,.
'.'. ~

... : ,, ' ~~ .:
•. ' • ' • I r ~
''·· ,•
-+ -+ ··'
vanished because .P and q •'.

integrand in (/(i). is simply '.:· . :

'·" :
' ..
' ·:< ..·.
r. .,, .·. .. · . ' ', . ~.; .
!/: ' -+.. . . ' OH SPk
r:. · :~) H(p(z; e, · €), q(~, e, €) €)_ = 0 ~ (fe
.:. ,. .. · ·... .. ~. . ..··;:
·· ........ ,·,

·.·.·... ·:
.. ,·'
., . '·. ';,,

r·· . ' ....

I ''··'' , •'. : •

: •


'• ':·

.·.. '·: ... . ' ' ~ ·. . .. '....

. . ~ ·;··.
' .
' .
.· ..
,· ...
; '
: .,,
. . . ) dt ! ..•. ;
;t· ,·
... ;· ..
~ ~·. . ··: ,·;

..... •.>:;
'·, ..... Therefore._. .. ~ ' .


:. '. '':·'
... .' ' . ~ -~ ':
\ .. · di
'dt = d9
de.= 0; (//o).
. .'~


-+ -+
the integral· vanish~s·due to the periodicity of p and q in 9. It ·should be

emphasized that the;: adiabatic invariant is the integral of -p -+

• dq around

a closed. curve :on w:hl~:h:.'>t.<is·:·cqnstant··- iri:.:t, -·~-phase space;!!;; and not about
J :~::, .:>· .
•' .. ~ : ....... __ ..........-·~· . -~\ . . . . .··: .: ... ,;·:..
the_ closed curve representing the zero <r.<ler {i.e. .€ = 0) periodic motion~~-
' . . ,·,.: ..\ ~)'. .~ .... :·
The difference .between the two curves is ·shown schematically in Fig. 16' ·for

. ,··.'
€ it does turn . ; : • ·_. ;.' .1 ~•

. . curve.
~.·. . ..
' ' . . ; '. . ~

·.: ·.:·
the· difference appears
. • ·· · · · ...
~ . :. . . ·''',
,·i ·,' ·'•'/:·: ·.'

·.. · .. .· .. ·.. (,

t ~·., \. ..... ·;

; .:'·: :·,·:..
. ..
:. f, ·,; ·,
···.., .
~ ~·

. .i. ~ '. . ':.·: . ~ .. .· ·::' ·.•. ·

,·,. '
;·.·.,- ...

; .·

. . <-" ··. :: . ., .. ·
~ . ~~- . "·

~ ~== '-.H-t...r.: & IS p~...·t:. .. ,f~l"' Ji"'';,_; . . ; .

r f>Jl-f,·t?H ,,;., .ct.,"J. c ,.,,c. .;. . - . ·.. ··:·~ ;_:; . .· i' ';;
. : ···<- <:.~
• • t .•' · · · : ,
. •
. ~:
• ..
. . ..;.. . ! :~- j
b-7-- c=e>: $ '" ptA"~" lv~-(} Jostft""' ": ... :·· ·.·.··. .'
Clio -ti..(J tt. r"~ · . ~
..· ' ·.: '·. ~ '
' • .. !-·· .
. ." ,:
·. ,
····, ~

··::, ., ..... ·.·,

'·•' ·:.. .. ·

·.· ....

".".:· ',

The unperturbed path in phase. space differs from the constant 1' curve.·
i _: /l, ·, -~-; Fig.'l6,
! /." ·~- ~
f, ··: .. •'' .. ·.·.:.

. .. -( ·.·= ·.. ' ~ . ·::

: .

. The constant . t .curvet are known to be closed due to the periodicity 'of
~ . '.'· .. .
..; ~ . .' . . . ~ = ~- (i, e, €) in e. ..,·: .
.... ~ .. ;

· In the present situation, where the coordinates all have the same .·..·..._
•· .
.·. . ··_;
t~e unperturbed st~te, the adiabatic invariant (Jc,r..) .· .
'' ~
' : . ~
. .fundamental frequency in
.... . . .
', .::· ,. ·.
'· '') ' . has turned out to be the sum. of action variables rather than any one of' them
.... ;."
t• ·' .· :: alone. :. Of .dourse for a system with .one degree of freedom there is. no .


t• .·;.
. ··'• -; . distinction. The: integral for I can be written
'·· ..

~. . ... f

·.·. ·< ·.:


-+ '·.
where the double integral is over the ~ea of the . z = constant curve, and "'

this is one ~f the· .Poincar{ invariants.. ·It is not surpris~ that I


,.i-' ..· ·; -~. -~>· ·should be a Poincare" inWxiant~ the value. of the adiabat:i,c invariant for. :a
: .... · .-!. ·. .• ~· ~. ~
.' .~
given_ sys:tem .should :t>e independent of the. canonical variables used in .·...•
,. tl . ' ·.
. -~ . .~ :~.

. '
.. ·.-''J'

and indeed. the Poincare integrals .are invariant under .
, I',

.,.. ... ·-~

'' '
·canonical transformations,
. . ea~h:.::term of de. P .· 0~ ·is not. '•: ;.'•

·, ·,- It is now clear .that .the number ·of d~grees Of freedon1 is not_ n~<?essarily the
f·j. .. •,',·,
:· .; .,. ·. ;.. i'·. . . ~ .. . .,
:: · -_._,_-. ::: . ·n;mmer of adiabatic, iri~iants 1• but is .. the numbeT of terms. in tb.e .adiabatic
. l

...: in~j,ant integral.. A system· with_ae.y;

. . two. degrees of freedom might have .
:.·._.-. ·:
. "
·::jus~ 'the ~n~ adiabatic ·invariant·.·: .· ·..:: ·: ·.' '· · ' . .· ~ . : ' • ·"r•' ,:• ...
. :· ··. ·;. ~-:: .: ..•.\ :' :... . .: ; ' . ,:~- . . . ' .. ·· t··· ~ ': '. ·.., .::. ··. ., 4 '.,

. ; :'
.·;· .. :\.;{
: ·• .··:: . ' ; ... ~- ·•.. 7·.'.. . :- ~- . :, ,·J ·, ... •'
::..;··.. ·.::·· ~~-:-~
. ,"·'
~·- :'.
,·.· '•:
. ,.
·--~-:: :·:~ ,•'. ..·
,.. •. .
;; ·.:-_:.:
·. : ' ·; ... · •·.
. '· .
·..•. :. <
,: .·~...:;.:>-:~·. · ·:
~ ' ,..
.."·--. --
...... .. - -- ---·.

I ,·

- 79 ..
On the other hand, there may be addit;ional adiabatic invariants.. It is

;-·. ·. . possible to prove that the Poisson bracket\) G, I] equals
. . . unity. '
The proof is a

little le~thy to be included here, but it is outlined in reference (19) i?

. .

i1· -- sufficient detaU.• .

The fact that (e_..
IJ =1 means that
e and I can be used as nevT
J .

conjugate variables in a canonical trans·t~rmation of the form (P1 • • ·I\~;q1 • • .qN)~, i

.. ·~- ..l
(P •• iP . I,;Q •.•. .,.Q_• ·. 9).- Let H' (Q,},_I,e) be the transfor-med Hsmiltonian. As
. 1 . . N...l, 1 1\f-1 , . ·
indicated the nevT Hamiltonian is not a function of· Q · because
' f
. H' - will have one less degree of freedom than · H, ·and I··
and I · is zero~
..,... ···will be merely a parameter• !f now the new canonical equations '·'
·' '


have solutions which are periodic in P, Qsp~ce when e or some other smallness

parameter is zero,· the entire· process from eq_n. (164) on can be repeated and

a second adiabatic invariant ~P . dQ obtained. For the case of-' the clia.rgeCit-
par.ticle .:thisc:·wollld ;~e: the ~longitudinal ~invariant ;·,:'di:P·it us'.· :t:r -it ··s().::rmppenl~ :'::l
that '·the..·ne'\'J; '.carioxr:i::cal;;equatioris-'agai:ri ihave periOdic~: solutions, there, 'tvill be a

third adiabatic invariant, the flux invariant ((> in the case of the charged

particle • Since ·che number of degrees of freedom is reduced by one for each
• •.
adiabatic invariant, it is now clear why for singly pe:dodic systems the

number of adiabatic invariants is at most eq,ual to the number of degrees of ii

freedom, and will be less if at any step the nei-1 canonical equations corresponding
T. ·: •

to (172) fail to·have periodic solutions in the unperturbed state. In connection

lvith the charged particle, this woult;i be :found the case if the motion along

the line of force t·rere not periodic •


. ·.•. :..: . ..·
I . .
·:· ,;
: ·.... ; /,' ·. : ~
.·' / .

1.•. ;·.: .i.· I .

I . . . 80 - ;·'·•
.I·,• •. ·• '~
' '-.~:'~- .·-·:/:
f. ~ .•.' ..
I 'i
I .
. ........ '

·~·:. ·' · By use of th~ 1 fok d~ensional relativistic H.amiltoni~ ~)

r ". •·
.•·• •. R( -r) = - ~
fl,/ 'LK
(p~ ce ~" )(pK
: ec cpK) the method. of 'this section : ... ;· ,' )'-'·
·. ·. .
'·. - ·'··... .. -·-·
:, _,.,
r :-. .,·.·-.
.· ·. · . .' would. ~ish an alternate .(to Ref. II ) way to study the adiabatic motion::-.::t,u:'. ..- ·:··.:.'· . .' ·
· .. ,...


·' . _ of telativisti~ p::~.rticles. To the author's knowledge this has not been done.
·. '· ,· .... :,
The .:Preceding proof that is zero would establish I ·as a ~ .' :. ..'., ·:' ~ .
•.• #.·

-+ ;·

:.: rigorous (not adiabatic) invci.riant of the motion provided the series for P. ·,.·
i ., _.,·:.:.' '· ~
; :-.'-
·_,.-_._. ·:·:
.·. . . , .
.•, .' i ·:>·and ~ were rigorous solutions of the equations of motio~ instead of ,- .. , .. :,
.. . .•:. .' . :.. ~-
' : -~- . . ' •',·. ;i .', I ~; ..• ~ •. . : ',

~ . non-converge~t asymptotic solutions. It is the asymptotic property of the. .. . · . -~·_." .- ..

'·>. ... ...
-+. .... ~ ~·

··series for p and q that makes I ·an adiabatic invariant. · The theorem
.1. ·- .; ..
~ -~
t :.·..
. ~
'· '
:. · establishing a rigorous inVaricmt woU,ld be: · Given (1) two functions · .'·. ·
··. '·
i ,·: ', .. '··

.·. ·. ~-:;: ..... 'p(t, .e)·. and q(t, ·e);· ·which are periodic· ~ (2) that 9 =e (t) ' .' ·~
.··· . ·...· .
...... ·.··. . ··:,.
(t) are such functions of time that p(-; ~ t), 9 ( t)) and '. ..... t.·:
.... . :

. .',
,· ,.
,. ' .. \ .

.. i.hv
~ . ~.
( t)) are solutions of eq_uations of motion :, .
i . A ·. 1,:
,.· _ ·' ..
·.. - -+
.·.em(~, q)
=- . ~
derived from a Hamiltonian. Then

.- .. ~
~·. . .•
'' I : ' ·, ,' ,• '.•· '• '



: .. :: .....
is inuependent of t. Such
:·; . ,·."'·-·.
.,, .... -+
· :,.~ :. a theorem is not of' muchuse unless one knows hovr to find :f'Ul:lctions· · p,' q 1
I ·:·.:,,
..... . . .I ···.. ,·

t. :.~·-
;- ;:,,·,
z, 9 with the.;required
. ~ .
.The•theory discussed in the pres~t :; ., .
1 ,· •I
...• _·_1-'·

as asymptotic
. .-·,.·
!-: ·: '·:_,. .,. . ~ .. . . ,· .

v· :··.:.('
·series in .' ._·;,i_
. .·.( ',.'.
··.·.. \, ;_ . ·· .... ;_· ... _, .~·.

·:.· . ~ _.,
,• '.
.,, .

'· . ;· ·.:·
,· ....
· .. ·, ..
' . ;.·! ·;.
- rI·'· ... .. . '. '
·.. ·.;.I·:.' ...
·~:: .... ·-
; ·..:-' ··· .. '' .. ·· :-. \ .
.. ··. ~-' :
';·; .· .......
·.\. )

. ~' ' ' ·_. - ' .. ~; ;.-: . . -J .' . :. \ .. -.
·. ' • ~. ~ ~- 'I :, ' . -',:' .·.
· ... '· ·•.:
..· .. :::
' .•, ~ l_: : '
'. I '' • .' ·~ ', ' '• .,_
-_..._, : ._·'
. ,•,'.\,
' .. '·.
. ,·. ' .
.. / ·! •.
':. . ·· ..
-·1·· .. · ; .i.··. .. · .....
~ ...
;. '·. .. :....--~:·.- ·, ' . . : ," ·. . . . ~:.
J _:_l

,1 ..
. ~-> :-·: ·'
: l
.··.. ·
,· '· · ...·., _.
. ' ';
t ., .
/ , ~ . ·.'. ·.. -.. ··... .... · ': ...
·. ·t-. ·:: .·.. _..-. .._.;. .·.-·:: -,·
;: ,:
. ~- ,• ' ._. .
::'·. ·._ ... ..-.
.. : .· : • .''·• r,''
. " ... ':·.
·,,' •'''I ·, ,.,'-
. ·,·::' . ,1·
.' ~: ... ,
·.: . .') ~ ·.:' ·, \;
. '
..···, •.
·) .
. ·, ..

. {·
. .., ..
i: .,: ' .... _':,1
·~4 .•••• , .. ,_
,·.' .


. The Current Density in a Plasma

_·· .. · (2{,)
In ·e}lectricity and magnetism texts it is· proved that the
~,· ' ' ' • I

•·. ~ • ....,, ; •r·_'

density due .to magnetization of' a material is given by· '
..... ·. . . • •" . 'J:. ,·

::-"~> . . ::-'>
... ' . ;--

c\1 x ?/i 1 where J?i is the magnetic moment per unit volume. One expects that·

adiabatic conditions the extension to a collisionless plasma would - .·.-···

' .. ~' . : . ·~ .. .
:-·· .
:.· ~to add to . _c\1 x 11l, the current of the guiding center motion. This is

indeed correct, but is not so easy to prove rtgorously for a general -


.. ;·
.. - :·

, field geometry •. The author is aware of no published proof'. and therefore will<:.

outl:ine~Oil~ here, with many of .the details omitted. ·The -complete proof is •>:, :
. ·... · • ..... _)i

. .:
. ~- ' .. ~- ,;-·. ..··-
. .
.. ~.;

::. _·: · ·... _ We wish._to prove that the current dens;i..ty at . -; ·is
... .' -: -·
',1:: ·..: ·.·: .. ··>~ . . ·:. . ~ '
\.' ·..
., . : ~' ':' ·'
'(?3)- ,_.
:·.... """ + c\1 x ~-
J. (r, ''(, I . .,
.. . \ .
..... _: ,·

. ~c;..
·, ·.·· .. ·

( ~ ·.
N =
of guiding centers per unit volume at - r and t.
-~ . .'
' .. · ; . ·

:; ~ {R ) =.average guidng center' velocitY: of' particles with guiding centers at r.

_., . :·'hi· - tot,al magnetic moment per unit JTQlume of ]?articles with guidini!; centers ·,,'
·-;_ .....· ...

-+ . / !'.
at r.

There will be an equation of this type for each charged component, ions and

. electrons for example. ~e~e exist_s a reasonably simple demonstration of

. .. . t . .. . . .

·; the perpendicular,: component, · J.!... ·= N~{: lftcb.. )+ c('V x ·'hi~ .·. The p:r;oof
-· .:·· 's~s with the second moment{.a'l)::· ·of the collisionless Boltz.naim (VJ..a.'sov)
:. (".· .·.,.
. ; ,·;
''·:: .. : · . '
second moment is- · · .. .~ :\ :~ ·. :'•· ..
. -·~ -·· .
. -.:: :·
. ,....
. .. : .
·,:: •. i' I :
•'' I'• I
-.- .. l

·.· ,.!
.-,·· ..- :. ·. -
'• ·,I ..
_; ·....
.. ~. _; ~-~:' <·: •, I, '· '\,
. ;.:_. . .· .>
, .•..
;: .

' ~ I '
. .. . .
.·.·· ·:·. \ ,.
..~ . . .~ ... . . ·:: :~· ·.. ,; .
'-~ ~-
. . ·. . '
. -~. ' . ·-· ~ ... ' '.... ~ ~ .
·- . . -~ . •'-;· ; .•.. ' ·- . . ._--..
-: .... ;.· ,.. ,:·::-, ~ '·
y . ..__ :1.. -:.: '/·
. -·. ~--:
·.· : \~ ~' ·: ·.·. ... "
• f ,:

. ~ ... ----~-·--· :' :·_: : .~·. :.··.:: ~) .·.•,·,~_-: .. :/'·~ .

~ .- . ~·-\:::' ,.. · -~ .... ;·. __
..•L.; .
;·· <,
:··;··-,;;.:. .,
. ~!; ':.
- ·~-. .~ . ·. . . . .
,' ..•.• ··~"J:' ::.:

. d(~} (~) ~ .... •·

nm dt = - 'V • 1 ·+ ne
c x B + ne :j!:, ( /';¥) . _: . . :: ;. :'
• >·
. \;·.·. •
.. ·

'• I 1
wher~. { v)is the avera,ae :particle velocity, n is the particle density a.ii.d' .·
: :- ...
. -· :' ~

p . ,; npl ( (~ - {-; >) (~ - (:;) ) > . The current density to B 1 ' ; ,_.:·:-:;_·:'_.,_', •. ,::>
.'. ' :' .-.'· ..·>'. .......:. ;.:'~-~>:..
·. "!"
:.·. · is J.La = ne( v }J. • Conseq_uently can be obtained from (17'1) by ,• '
. ._.(· •
.... ... . ·'

- -+
crossing it with B, ~ut . j LJ cannot. The a.I).alysis has been given in

detail in re~erence '(~).

~· ..

~l .'
In order to derive the parallel component of (173), it is necessay
. ~.- :·.
·. ;·.
·_. to work from the_ asymptotic. series (/,/) ·and the colli'sicinless Bolt.znann ~- :.
:: : . ,· eq_uation itself rather than its second I;llGmerit. ·. Eq_uation (J73) complete . ·; .·
. '!
.· ... r ..
· . is obtained· this way and not merely its .parallel component. Let ~ ( r,v,
) ··
.: .. i .·..
... ':.
'._:. .

. . ''.-
·.·; ·.:

... be the particle distribution function satisfying the collisionless Boltzmann .. ,.·.. ,
' ~
. . ,_;. ~

: :'_:·.~ :· : ~quati~~ ~ :+ v .v· t· +. : (E + ~ x B) • 'V ._. f

= 0. The. current density is ·!< ._;,
.. ., .
,. ~ .

-+ ..;:.
j {r,. t) = ne ·{......v) · =. e 1-+ . vf ·(r, v, t) d 3v.
-+ -+

t.' ',·' :..,~- ' .

·.. :·. ·.'·.
.·. _,,The procedure is first to differentiate the series ('/ ), for r with respect
•.... .. . . -+
r: ·. ::-:,to time and obtain v correct through terms of cr\E)~ Next the "guidi~ ·.

.·:.· center variabl~./J~) R'0 · and V are introduced, where the components of
I, \, ·; .•, ·: /. '.1
-+ . ,.. h ,...,. .
1"-.f • •• ·-

v along the directions: of el., ~2? and e3 are vl = VJI. ' v2 = p cos e,. ·.--:·.:. :.·
i"" .:' . (1)
• ,'I
.... ·.··
'·--~ ~-~ :_:·

and V ~ .- ~ sin e. ;iJ. is the gyration velocity in the ::f'i-am~ of reference

•." ,'I

·~ .• ., .. '. -+ . -+
~· ' . movin~ at the guidingcente~ _velocity R • The.:;particl.e velocity .v tram the··
' :-
·,I' asymptotic series can thEm :be :e'x:Pressed in :te~ of 1R and
<V: . :.L- ·:· .· .;
.. . . _. . :._. ' ,.~ .. ·..:. .' ! ~ ~·: ~ .: .· .. .'.·. .• ' _...... ' ·.' .;'. ·. . ' . '. ' '. . ;_ ·.. -. . ' .. ·, ':.. :. · : .'' . •.
.,.:. ·I!' .'
. . . ···. . . ·. :.. ' .,.•'. ; '
. ' I'•.. ·..
1,·• .:·. :: ..r.:''·' .. ·· - ... ;·:->-.:-- .. :._-.. :- ::;i_.-.!_·'.' ... ,- ·.·:;.' .• ·'' •' ···•· ~·:
.. ;·:::_._.:-... . . ~.-
. . \: ... ·. ·.....
'{•, I· _'

: .. ·

~.. ~ ~ .·
f" , . , •

. ·. . .' : ·:: : ;.,·,

r I ' • '.
.. ". ~- . .
·'' • · 1
- ;,


', :-' ' '• ·'
) : ;- .. :;
·, ' ·. ;: .. .... : ;. ·. :·' . . . .' ~ ....~: ' . •,' .. .·. ~

. -.; . . :/'.. ·.- ,·· . ·. ~· .·,

. ... :- . •. .; . . ~ ..
' .·:
., :·
\ ~ ... . ... -~ '. . .. .. ' ..
-· •.
·:.· .•., ..· ·..... .·. ·..... · •: .. ..
0 Y .... • .. I' .: .. ;, _: ·' '. .·. :· .; ~- ' _; .

:·~ ·~· . . . ; ·:·-· .. ......

,_ ·.·. : ..
.. · ·...... . :,, .
. ~

·. ,·
' ,· :-. . '' ~ .··. ·: ...-.·
; ... : ........
c .
:. ·''
·. ~ -
• ",J". ·,
.. .. ·. ,.
' ·.: .· ; ~
~ ...
.: '
~ .. . ' ...... ... :,:.-
.. \.'\·•
•.· '·. ~ . I
. 'l, ~ .
·.;,, :·
;,· ..
. :··-~ .. :.·· ,•

.' . .i

i'-,'-.·:_::_::.·:·~~\···<:_~}-~-)~o>k·:.+ ~1v1 +.V2~2 + v3~3 + ;;.·~ ~B ~2- ~2).";- : 2 ( ~B ~3·- ~) · . .<..:

. .......·r·..
. ··'; .. ·,· ,. ... ).,
·• '
". ~;
':1 : ' :.' ~. .

·... ·+
.-:_,:.;·>~.- :_ipi .._:(..,.~·-:·. . -~>R *11·. )V + _e:
_ 2 _,·. (-+lll·+ -4~* ) .v + 2ie:2 (-+R20 ~If >.(v 2 _-v.
"\_:. 2 >.::.r
. :.
<.: ' : . 2 p . ' . 3 (l)
• •
·.• .•
20 •
2 . 3
" ':'
.' . ·: .... ~.. :' l : •

. ·. u''> >:_·.: - .···: r

. I,
'•1',. •• '
. '
·. + .
' ... . ;
. .',

.. '.
' :~ i .
. ·.. ~ .

-;.:·:.>,where a11 \rectors ana. tields are evaluated at R'0 . It will be noticed that · · '·-
; .f
·~·:· ·i:·.·.·~.~!. ::.;· the ~O term, Which was of'· order €
in ;, gives an order € contribution· ...
' ·.

. ·~.~··

>':_-·to ;
. ·\·:.·
due to differentiation of . e 2 ifcriit with resp~ct to time. Terms of' .'· ~·
. ?,'·

/ ' •,. ' . ·:.'
· · · s,;.~ T.
· ..i ... .. . are ·needed in .·:; if'. : is to be correct through C"( €) 1 and 'i:.J,.,·~ ·IS hl!t:co:.s.~:r~ .l.
. • .A 'I .
. . -+ . ' · .. · .. ··.:.._._i_,.
cy -~-~: is .of' order . €. . ·.. ',

. The next step is to transform from the particle distribution function

. f
':··.to the guiding center distribution function F defined by:
.· (''
· '•
. . ·r . .


.. ··... ,'

. .
:. ·· .·
. ~, particles with parallel velocity in. dV
1 _· and, gyration velocity in dV av •
2 3
• .' •.. ,: 7~

"< : \ :·.:·'. .'

.. ·:.
Division.. by . d3r giVes
\ : ... ,_.: .
· . 3 f
'' '.··.
-.. ). d v, (178)

where# iv. !h~ Jacobian of ~0. with re.spec: to r .'at constant ·. :V.·. _:. ~cause.; ·.·.·
... '
~· .: .

R'0 = -; + . _ ru 1 · +·. c:1" ( 2 ),

€ the· Jacobian is .. · ·; ·. ·. · ••:. ·. . . ..
.• '· ·,';,

·' . . . .
. ...
,• .. ~.
,; .
.... ·· ..... ··
! .~

l·: .
.,....... ·.- . ,;

. ;:_;:_.;· ·,·_' • • I •
' .. '

~l (R ) v , must be expanded:·.·<: . ·.. -_

, .. -. i ...
Zero order terms 'in the expression for :;;, such as ., ·
.. . ·.-- .. \1 :·. {_
0 2 ~ ~ . • ' .

~ -··. o. ... about ;; because we wish j (;) in· terms of guiding center velocities at - . :. f, ,:,;·,::. ·. · >~
I ~- :, • •', 1 ' ', :;(:

.. . . -+

,; ·: :t an~' :0:~:. F:eth~::i:.:::ntF;;, p~;ic:::t :t:x::sa:::•r•, or 0, .' . .: ; c ;

'.,·~ ... ·.~: ·. 'F(V, ~). F (.v, . ~;) + EF (v, r) + :• ~·.,. ·•... ·· .... :.. ;-
In addition F("v, ~) can be expanc'!-ed as
. ·. . 0 1 . . . -. -. . '• :. :i
:~.: .. ·· ·After these expansions have been made, equations (J'~ ), (//~h and (tJCJ) : , ·.::~ :.·\<
·: · . ·.·· · are substituted ~to J:;; fd3v. Even after terms of c7( €2 ) are dropped, . : :;:, , .
' ·.':.·, :. :•~ '~ . . ' ;_·. . · ·.. ·. :_:· :; .·.: .·. .. . •, ··~i.
. : ::~: .. ·. there still remain many terms in the integrand. A large fraction of · : · ,.. _ . ~/::1
'· .. ·
';.'.:.integrate to zer.o however by virtue of the following facts: (1) F
an~ F1 ;.o:· .:0:·--::: ...>'.]
are f:unctions of .v2 and v3 only through the combination v2
+ v3 2 ; ~his ··.·<_::./·'<::·f
~·:,. ·is not obvious :and must be demonstrated by use of the
"Bolt~mann" equation ,':::;.
.. :~,;·,\f '

2. 2 -+ . ::- ' ... . ':J

which F ·satisfies. (2) --~ · is a function of V1 , v2 + v3 , R0 ,t ~ _::: .>. ::::·(
'y',;· ,'· ::· . -+ • 2 2 . '·

.,_-:·:~/·~~ ,. (3): ,R20 is a function of v2 + v3 ' RO' t. The last two statements again ··.
,. '~:. .
. :~ .
· r, ' .... ·.. are ·not obvious but can be verified by examining the equations ·
ab.r,i . ,·
. ··. ·~

·}''• 'l •

..'. it · · satistY. . .· · ·1
.. '20 .. . . .. }
.' ,: --~ ..
,., ;_:,:·.'::·_.,-The expression_for J~a.. v 3 now simplifies to .' i.·.
'. ' .• 1',
. .. ... !:
-. -~

F(;, V,· tj}_-r .·,·

·. r.
·: .·!
.... ' i-

t. __. ',<'. ·····._.·; ....

<; ~:·-:
•' ·~ .. ' ; ' .. ,

•· . .·. ·, '~

,:' '·. .··:!

+ ~~ • :(~
' •'

.... ···1
. . . (/8o)
'\ ''


I 3 2 3 . ·...:- \'n
·. ..:!
~ .. •. '· : ~- •· :: ;

::: .~ ~
,··... -._

:.. · '·
'Where is the·: velocity· of::. guiding centers at The unit.· ... -.,
~: :.t
; . · .. l
. . ~ . '
. . . . ·. ;:
f ..
vectors and co are at r ··too·.··
. .The .long vector expression
in the:. last.·. . .. ..~ .. . •.. ' i ~

.. '
. . .

'' •
I• •' ·, integral of (/go) turn~· ~t- ~o. b~. : .>:? x ~1 ; . this is by- no means_ obvious. · So,
·~ ••
.- . ~ J
·.·. !-
.. :{ '. . . : '',: .... ··.:' .· • • •• • • 'f • . • ,:

·•• •• • ' ' • ,._ • l . . .. < f
:. '.' .., .. ~- . ' ·, ' .. : ., .. ,.. -: ...·.-~..: . ···:-:··: ·,· ' . .- .. :,,
.. . .
·, :•.
. • .. . '. , ''· ..
. .·.. ·_·;· ~

.. ;- .. . ... . \

'-' , 1, I

. ' _

::·. ... ;•'

~ lo
' I~ ·.. . ,;;: ·• . I ~ . • _l . ' . ' '
· ... · ·-:-: ... .
,.. ·, . ~ ~ ~
·~ I '•I;' ;,' :.,'"'' ~

.... ' : .' ··,:'' o 0 '' :· '' '.... 0 0 •' • .' I : .',

' I ,.'.

. ::~ ' .,' . . "'\

'' -~ - .;-,.
' ~ . :(
:·, ~ .' . ~- ..... ..: i-:.·. ·.
~ ' ~ J .• ·,·. :.~ ·::~ ,_·=- . • .• :~ .••
': i '
':·.·_.. ·,, . ·. .·.-. ' .~. ~ . ·: ~ ' . _:; .
.,. '• .. -
~. '' ,...

., ...
• '' • ;r •, ·~,
!. .
r ....., ..•. :
' "I'

. . 85 . •. . ~ ,. .
•,.' '
: .' ·v

.. ...
. ..

:.:.· :>::J ~(!; ~~ d~v ~ Jd3V i£0 F(~,

t) v, t)
" • ' . ' ; • .,_. "' ~. • • ': I .. • • ~ • ' • • '


.. ....... ' ... '·.•. · ...... ···,
; .. ....•.
_· . .. ;·_.
••••· •. _.J; ."···
··-~ ··j~·.
: <The magnetic moment :per unit volume of :particles with guiding centers at '-;:_
1 ".'.· ·:_-· i.s ·. \
I'.·. •.
_(; ·..
'.';' _-. ~ ·.-~·<..-. .... ::;~:
f :' ....
! •,
t:': . ··, ..
... '• .. · -: :~ "·
....·. :~_-t-r
r.. i·:r::_:·,·· . ~ . . . ·V 2 +.V 2_ {;,
~ ~ r~l(~·- inc~)

~·.·.\.:: 3 .
.: : = .; . (II~) ::·,(.: -'~ .. ·; :·
.... : . ......
..,· .... ··:
.. ·, ·
·. .-
.·. . :,
··.'.: ' · ;..
. ,. and therefore . . . ,•:_,' ,.,
-.. _ .. _..,

. ·: ~.
:.- __ 1.. -
:-..··. • f :.

i Jv ~ ~Jc?v ir0 F(r, V, ~v

•... · l·
d v t) + x ?;i (I i3) :. ;
. . . . . j···

''· : .'
:. . .e. i.'·:.
... ::.·
;:·· ......
. .i
. . -+ -+ ,: ~ ;
.: . .j _{r, t) + c'V x ?::,
.·. ·. ·. : . •·. uar>.:: ..... ·.· . ~h
' .' ~. ·.. ·;

.·· .... ,
- ..... ;. •'''

theorem is proved~
··.. ·


'2h9 fk''d'2Qd i ng -: e~1ui-';e

I ,
~il;f.i.;-;J:;,:t~o>;a;~;;;.·~~,..~oo~;;I~' •6•~Ciiii::eru;:;;·ie!-'=bcee

:.·; .
.... :.·
-'i _.,:
' •, '·• '•{•"

' .,· •' : • I I , • ; •' ~·t.·. •' '.

•·. :1,··.

f ;_'... :.'
B. Loss-Free Ge.ometries .'(.:.
,, :
I'· t ~~
~ ' .
The ordinary 1a9oratory mi~or machine with a magn~tic field like
!-" ·: ·,

..·_;: . .
·.that of Fig. (~) has a:"loss cone": If at any point the velocity vector makes
· :,::.·too small an angle with the field .line, the particle will escape thro~h the ·.
I:~~J, .. . . .. . . . . .. '
!{'.:<:,; .. mirror (by Eq,.~~). In~ the absence 9f dif£\ velocity: spa.c~ ·due to
b" .. ·-···' ' . . . ' .. . ''· .
1:~ ,·". .
• .'·' collisions With neutral or other· charged..:pa.rticlesJ there ·would be no way -,_ .
.. . '
' . '. . ~
.. . .... ":
~ adiabati~.uly· for. a part~cle to !!etC thi~
, ,.- ; ~ ~

[',. into. loss cone if' it did. not start • ..- .. "!

· k·:.';; :_ :~ · out in it~ ·.But ~ practia~ s~ch collisions. do occur~·. ~e q,uestion · therefore . · ·
~-~ .. ' •. . . ' : • . .. .... - .. .. ·: .. '. . i ' . . . . .· - -_
> I •
if.; . ·.. arise's: :Are there any static tield.cozifigurations fran whicha parlicle .cannot ' .. . . .... ·::·-

; ~ :

•_·._·_:·.:-<.·: · .. ···::.: -:~-- ...

1:\_·.M:_ . . ,:. ·.·-·.. .·. .·... .· .. .··" .·: . . . , .......:_._:
, •.. ; ·:· ' .: ';· . <,. > f '.: • •.; ,· '-~- •• :· ... ·.~ ,·<; ~: _:.
r.-~ . ~. • ·.. ·~ -~~ .. \. . . ··.-. ·.··. . ·.... ,. - :.~>:·. ·.. ·" . ..· .-..'· -.•~ :·~- __. . _.. _:_:,-~\ : ·.'·.
. ' ...
r~··:·~ ., . ._. ,. .. -_; <,.";~- .. ~.... ~.. : ·. •. , -....

,..~ • . '' • ·: ' : . . .• • -_ ..... - - . • •. • , '! ' • ' ' ~ ..: .. :' 't ••· •••· • . ' ~ • :. ·, .. ·, ~ ........ . . ~}

'J •• . ....
I. ' ..
.... ·.·
(~'I) ·,
. ",;, escape so long as it behaves· adiabatically?.'' (Non-adiabatic behavipr is another · · ·:.':.:

possibility .that must be considered). Although ~he adiabatic _invariants "'do n(?t
. .
. ,•: '.seem to tellba.r to find such a configuratipn, they do provid~ a way to test f1l " .• ~ ~ '

.. .
prc:pos::il. ore . The criterion is tba t all the longi tu<;linal invariru:t surfaces

passing throug~ an arbitrary point, in the co~taining volume.must at no.other :,.•

.. -._._. ':'·'..

place intercept .a physical obs:tacle,, such as a vacuum chamber. wall or a current·: ': _·: :.. ., ·.

'' · ·. ;~ carrying wire .. Since the s.urfaces··are n.ot simply nesteQ. and differe~t velocity. ~- '

::_,·.. :. ... ·.. · ·._, ... ·,.'

. '·'·' . 'vector directions ~t the same space ~orrespond to different surfacesJ
. .:.··
consid~able'effort may be. needed .to calculate where the surfaces lie. One .· .·, ..
. ·. . -~ i'- _:··
,J ••• •

lo~s-free configuratton. is that o~ t:; circular current loop (Fig .17;: ) • For tbf!rti .' .. .~ ;.•::. '-:


matter the field of Fig.;L is loss :free :i,f the external returiJ. flux is included . ,' · · '·." '
...... ~. ' .
· '·. · ·· ~ . in the vacuum system.· The guiding cent~r of a partic~e remains. on .a line·. of
.... .. ,
,, : .' .' ~'
force and repeatedly transverses it.·' The problem is to. supply
. .
the ~urrent to .· .. ··
: . . .. . . '
the coil and to support it mechanically withou~ int:r;oducing wires .and other.

~~\ ·. / .. :_: '
,, .
obstacles into the path of the
. .. .· ;..... ·.. :.~·.. ' ' . . .
~ines of force •. · ..
I •, ',•,: ,•;,
.. :· ::· ... . ,
~· ._ .... : ... ~ ...:·~--~~· .·.~;
. . ~ .... ' ..· ·.....·;: . . -,_r . . '
' ·. ·. -~.' '.
. -~ ·... f ..
.·.:"., .
.·: ..
,·.. ' ;':· . . '.·.

~ .. :
r, • • •.
I . .· .. .

'.' ·.:· . ..·.··

·.. -
·,' . .:.

.. ' .. ,·.
..... ~

... '
·., ::... .... .. ·.·, .
'; ..
.... _.;_- ..
. ·.·. ,•. ,• ·.·.·'
~ ' ·;
. : ~-·.. ·.' :,

·.·, • ,, I 1.'·
.: ;·.

... '·:
. . -~--
, ... ....
.-";·.: ..
-: ...' - ·>.·

..·. ~ .... .. :
. . :··
'-.' '····
.· ·

l. '.•
.·· ,: ..:
. ....... ;
.. : , ....
,·.i' .

' Field. of a current loop is loss·. cone free·; I •• • I

. •:'
(' . ' .......... .o ' '"I ·~·. '· 'o '
'•,' .. ' '•':
. :.._;, . ..
,_<' ••• ·,
:· ... 1 ~: '.
.; . ,._;
I , ~ ' • ' ' ,'

. ·.~ .. .
.. ' ' . ~ :' . •'. ' -.. . ' ''<' ···',.
.k ...:
... .
.. ... -.
·' ..
\ ·:

! ' •

,l ., ..


... , ...... .... .·.

: ·,

. .~: .. ' :: .'

.. ; .. ......... • ·' 1
•···. ,· . , .·
. .... .. .
. .",!
.•. ·,; '•

, I 'r !,;' ',

·.·.. :.: ,.•, .. _•,. ·,

~-. . . ; ~ •. ' ' .
' '· ~ ..
' ·:, Another geometry which has been studied (3 D) for loss-c·one: ', J-;
.. .
. .. . .' . . --~ : ::~ .
f, ·'
·free :properties is _the: "bumpy. torus". · ~t consists of several. discr~te Gircular

'. /
," ·' ' •: '• I., • ~-~
':' ·.·! .....
' . ~ • i

:'. -,·: windings.arr_anged around .a tor_oidal.vacuum chamber (Fig.J$) much' ~s if several _J."\;(;
.. -~

" ·;.
·•. ·, :... . ,·.
mirror machines~ arranged ~nd to end and then ben;t _into a c+rcle. .It does ' t .. •
·:.. · :,_
~.-:.- : t...... . . .. \ I • • • •, i' · ...__ ,.,·- •. -•.. r·. '..... ,_-_. :~
: : · · ·:: .:. indeed have regions .where a ;particle will not be lost· regardless of the direction •. ·.
f·· "' ~.: ' I • ' ' •• /' , ; •.· : ~

of its velocity.~ecto~~ and the coils can be supported~ such a .way.t~t.the

.·, ' ...··." ;_ •.
'•.· .... ,,
- ·:,;:
... .:. ·..
. supports do not interfere, with the containmen~region •.. However, losses.~till ~· ..
',· :--·.
•r," .· . occur. du~ to a rather no_ve+ type. diffUSion, . which is a consequence of there
.•. . .-· ~

··:· . ·> -..-·: · :· being many _inyariant. surface~ :through any one ;point •. If the velocity yector :·· ..... •;
,•, ">
;.··:· ·.<_
of a ;particle .is change'!- by scattering. at a :point, the ;particle changes. . , ., !'.:
. ·,··
·.·invariant surraces.and ~y-change to one that lies nearer:~an obstacle at some .
. :·,.
I'. .,, , • ~

other ;point .in the system. When the.;particle reaches this second po~t, ·it ma~.'_.:··_,··.:-f:<~:--_ \'
again scatte;r onto a third invari~t. surface which lies still ~ther out,. etc.:·;_: :. ·: ..

:r · ;-··._. >.· Thus be.cause of the :presence 9f many invariant surface~. at any one ;poin~,
·.·.· , _. .. . ·'·
. ·.
'• :particle rt::B-Y still -w:ork. its. way out of the system, but more slowly. than: by.'>~\_
' . ' ' . . .?D ....t......
· sc·a.tte~ing in, an. ordinary mirror machine._ Lauer, G.·&,,.,~,~~estimate that at
•• ·:;.'. j • ~ ~
' -~- ' .. . ,:.·
,-! •. ·
. ,. .·
.·.·· ·,· ·;·
~-- ~·
I • • I ...

•·. ··.

\' .... .. . ··..


..t. ~ . •, . . •
· ... .; :-· 1

.. ; _.,_,
....... ·
. ; •'

..... . ~\ .
.~ . . .
'I' .••
-~ : . ·.
./ ,'
"~ . .. ·,·.
.-., . . L··t· :·;.
. : :- ~ :- .
.... /': .· .. ·.· ·-.:
.., : . :. . _. ::--
:' _\· . ;. .. ~. ~ . : '

.... .-;,; •'

.. ... :'-.·: ·,.~·· ,' .
. ··:· _. ...•. : r ~-
....... ·.
.. '

.... '
·., • '· ••.. ~ ,' < ~-
.·!' :•;', . .' .
; • ~ ,. ' 4 ,. :~- • ...
! .·
•, ··.: .
··. :·'
.... •. .·:· . . ~ .. . '·
. t . ~ .
~I · . •. ·: .> . ·: '......
' ; ',,, :; .

~-. : . ~ .. ,: . : ~-
. • . •'

. ·'."
-~ '·
' '' ~··. . ··:; "·' ...
.~ . '/ ..
' '
.. ... ' ;.·. ;-_-
••. !
.,.· .
'"/-· ·.
· /

. _\ .. ·
·:-,·' t.' '' ·. /' .. : • ~ I ',~
.·... · Bumpy torus . -: ( ·. ·: : -·:· . '··
·., . .
' ~ .. ., : ·....'; : _:
:· ... . ·.': t'··· .· --; ···--,-
.. :
',• •• ,'..! ~ig • J8 :. :·,' .'. .·; .\ :. : : ·. ''• ~ ··..
,. '
. .. ~. ! . ~ . ~.......... ~ t .'· .'. . • • •• ·: .; . ·.: ~ ; :/ ..
~ I .
·' '·' :· ;: ,·...... . •.:.
·.·.. 'i. ~~.. . ·••. ! ... . . .-·:·.-,) ',.:_'·:
,.... ,'··
.· ._( '•.
'; ~·. ·' ·. ' ; ' ~- .. . / .... • ,·. ;I,:.;·-~

' ( .. ' ~ . :•
- 88 . .:·; ·, t ~ ..·J·•. 'r\ ~~ ~
'. ': . '; '. ~
t •• ·.--

. ... .~. . !.'.; '..

least a factor of' 9 increase in containment time aver the ordinary mirror

'.; 'I machine is possible with the bumpy torus.. Of course a loss-tree geometry '
. ~
' ,. :·.

does.not eliminate losses by ordinary diffUsion across the lines of force •

. . :· . .' '
. . . ·.·.
If' the loss due to the new~ mechanism in the bumpy torus is less than that · ·
,' • r ' ~ .l, '

due to ordinary diffUsion across the l-ines, :J; ~;"tor practical pur;Poses '. { ·:'< ,' · .:,
;\. . ··;f.·::'::··
loss-f"ree. The hydramagnetic stability of };he bumpy torus is another question. : • • ·"·_f
'· .....
Loss-f"ree geometr1,.es are of particular interest in connection· with
.,.·• ..

.. :1.··
. .. ,_·

. :. the chaDge. of e/m inject' ion methods· which have. been p~oposed (3l), (32 ). f~ ~
;,· •• '
• ; ' ~ r'
r, .

..' ~ ~ 'r,,

building up a thermonuclear plasma. In these methods particles such as H+

. ,,.·

., . _
or neutral H are injected into a .magnetic field at energies of many ~ovolts .·

or even an !1ev. ·Some of' these particles undergo a change iri e/m by means ..
. ~ . . .
of' collisions with neutral background gas or w:t th previously injected particles, _.,.·
' .··'·...· . .
and thereby become trapped .if' the geometry of' the field. is p:roper. The time :.~· ·. . . · ... .
.~- . . ·.·:
~-- .·. · · · · scale fo:r such systems to build up have been calculated to be as long as ··'

't'·r .. · · severa.l minutes.

,. '
:..~ of; par.thleo al:reaey · tr~:P:P~~
• ,I :

' . -:'
. One loss
.. mechanism is scattering into a loss .
..· !· ,· :·

·<.·· ; •'region of .velocity s~ce, so that a loss;..f"ree geometrY" wo;u.ld increase the ... ·.. -· .. ··· ... ··
.. · - . •.
.. •• . • ~-
, • • ·.t

i•; ., ..•

· :f':tna.l density. ,·,
. '•'
..·' Another advantage that a loss-free geometry may possess. is that of . '·\•'
greater stability. Sufficiently anisotropic velocity distributions .

unst~ble( 33) '

. ...
• I '\ ~ ,.

,, ·. t ... are knowntheoretica.lly: to be and the instability may pave been ' ; •' . ··'
,. '

• observed experimenta.ll~,.C3 4 ) in an ordinary m.irror machine.. I f a field. had

-,_. I ..: . · I


.. ~ ..
i ;'
' '. '· ..·
! ,.. .·_.·.·. ,_'. ·,· .. :.
'·. ·- . :::- :..· ·. ~

' . :, :, '. '' • ~ I

.. ...
,- ,·

. ,: ··' -.. -..._.

;' ~
; ' ....
·: .-:: ..~ ·....... ·. :
'· ...... ,l ,'· ••
··'; . '
.)_·· : .. ' . . .. . .... '•
_-. .'

. -.....
. ,1. ·'
·;·., ., •' .··· _ _.. _.,. ···:
i . ' .·· . . .- _. ~ : .. ,·. ;
..· •• -~ J • ••

I· .-.. ; . ·:· . ·. . ..~ -: . . ..· . .·

-· .. :··. ·... ·· ..
... ..·.. .
' ~

I • •.
.. _,...,..
' I ~ •f '• •
. ,· . :'. ·,: _ ._,
. . .. : -~.., ·.

.. ~ .· . .. ·. .-. (;·

- .. ·. . . ·r:·.;. :; ·..··:" ... ·:· '.·· .. '., .... ·.

.' _· ... '• '
·. ~ ·. ~' '

' ..... - . .- ·. . .. ·.._·;··,...

' ' '
.1_,. I\'
~ ' ' ~ . ' ~ .: •, ::. ,'' .. _; . . ·' ..... ··
.. . . .
' . ': . :

~ .. ·• :' ·.·. :·:·: __ '_,·. ;. .. .
•: ' .. . -~
\ '
. : •.•. _


f . • '·•.

,,•, ' '

. .. ~

.'• ·.
I '~·
. ·< ••

c. The Geomagnetic Case

The beh.B;vior tO be expected Of adiabatiC particles in the earth IS '•'

• ~ :. . f':i.eld. -has been studied in some detaiJ.. ~~).. The geomagnetic fiel~ approximates ·.. · ,, ,· ,.··. : ·,
·· · ·' ·~ Car¥~lnp. . · ·': ·." .. ·.·~.·. ; ·:·;
;; ..' ,:··_;_that of a~ ef!. 'iT~ 1 but the system is. not loss-cone :free because of the . ,:<·..:;::-. .._~:::·:~;·f~·:<;j_
presence of the earth. Neither is the field exactly azimuthally symmetric about ;: ,..:, 1; :.. ~/!
1 ;
I ·~J ,·;?. ·-~~~:.>~~:· -~ ·~~- ·,_,_: <····. )~:~ -~
i<· ·· an,y axis. 0

Neverthel~ss 1 : long as the three adiabatic invariants are conserved, · ·,. ·. :' . !i
:.;··:-:.\~-a :trapped charged particle ca.ruiot escape. One interesting theorem in 'connection.'(:·' <.:).:':'·~-~~
. ' • ', •'. • I • ' ' . ~ I ; ·.,: ·.r.:' ~. ''· ·~·~ •: ~~

0:.· with the ~apped (Van Allen) radiation ~~rounding the earth is a res~t of the ·. ·. -~:, · ·; )
;·. ;_:_:·;~. -~

j;>~· '<.". canonical form of equations (13 '-): Contours of constant· B . on an invariant .. :..; ..... ·;: · ·. :'._,-··.i~
,::·•. ·•.. ·: _;;. ·'-· .'. ,. '•1

,. ''' ~:·,;, surface ar.e also contours of constant ;particle density provided there. is a .. / '•> ·.·: ;}
,. ., ' ... :. ·.< ·......
[/,; ~:- _steady state no electriC :rield. and

' ,·: '/ ' __, ;,~;

:··, .. ·.· · · One as yet lfllSOlved problem in connection with the Van .Allen radiation' : ·,,_ . -> .Li
r>-· . . . ·:.,. .;_ . !. ::_·. ·: .....r.~
: : :<; .is· why the density of the inner or proton radiation belt falls off so rapidly :, _1 .-·-.:· '·: , : : : \;!

i ', ' 'm th radius. .· it observed that the density oi protons is (.36") Vi th energy greater' '' /~ ,(.i~
[~::\:~~:,:':·,·than 75 Mev falls from a ·maximum at about 10, 000 km.. :from the center- of the

>·.·-.·.earth to :practically zero: at 121 000 km. in the equatorial
... .-,'
plan~. If the theory

k :·:··.::is to be tenable that the protons are the product of ~-decay: of cosmi.c ray
··: ... :
!) . ·. -_.peutrons• 1
1.' '• . . :. .
it is necessary to explain the large decrease in density beyond
. . ' '

:.· .·. >:.10, 000 km. The. de~r~ase in 'the source strength is nothing like this rapid. One
.;._ .·: ·" ·~~- ...~. ·, .
. ~-

r,··: . '-· · · :::::::~ :~7~i:::: :~::e:i:::::s:.::::.::~d:~::::a::::tudinal .·-······<····· -.••••(

f·.O: :· oscillations, the particle would eventually be absorbed by the earth 1 s atmosphere. • ·:· ..> : .-~
r:i:; , Such.a :process mi~ht be!described as scattering' intoth~ los.s cone by' the magnetic: <.'··;>·;.·:1·
r :.
I . ' . . .. . .
I .:· . r,_:·)
~- f'ield, rather than by other particles ... Possibly the gyration radius of a proton .._:··:.__ .,: . :;.~

i' . of say 100 Mev energy. is so large at _12,000 kiD. that non-adiabatic effects ar~ ·/ · · · .. • •• .!

I·.~ ..· importan~: ev~n: in a static. dLLpole .field, as suggested' by· ~fuger. C3 ~) . l:t is . ' .' '·' ,:;
t /

L·-~-:·:.. :.: also ;possible that rapid spatial.variatio~-of the field_ due ·to Al.f'veh -wa-ves is·· . ·.. ·
~·-< :.'_ ~es~~~ibie, a~ ,~ested. by we:ch an<l. ~~~r. (a~),' · .· . > _. ,. ·.·. ;-::· '· ;' . . ,.'
I;'· ·;·j::. ··~· ·.·~·· ._ ... · ···.··~ ,. . _;.
·.r~:., ·:~-;~~ .. .. . ... ~-··· ···,.· ·.··.··· ·.. :·;····!.··:· ~--~ .. -·::·-.::_:~:.·:· ···'· .·>·· -~ . .-;: ·f
', t , t ,_ -< <.. .'• ,," I· • 0 ·~ • 'f
:; ' _,

.. :
-. 90 ·.. • ,.. .;.··


Non-adiabatic effects in a static mirror geometry. will ,pe reviewed

::<, }\·' ·.•.
•' i
,• ,.
in more detail. ·in· the next section. ... .'. ~: .• ..
.·.i".l ''.'
':, ..
·,. ; ..-··. 1·!,

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). :. ~

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. ,.,I ......
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' ·. .

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.:. .. ;· : .·,... ~ : '.
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.t .. ·..
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.. ... ... : ~-· . .
;) J' ·.·. -;·'r,'.
·. i
··.'·. ,·
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.., ,.·.
.· .

·'· . ,·
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. . : .
. ~- ' .

·'··· .. ·. ; ... ~:.

. '•
·~ ... .•."'
·.-• ·,-
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.. ··.·'
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'•. "','\
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1: .. :·.
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L ' 0

·,. . ~ ~: r. . .~ ..
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,_ '·
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. "(• .. ··: .·- ~-
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"~· ;.-
' .
; ·~. '
. , :· ... .. =· ·.·. . '\ ..
. ' t' ..
·,_,'; . ,._.· .·

-.·. 91


Non-adiabatic E.ffects in Mirror Machines-Num~rical ·

r .. : : ,·. A.r ~<~ i

_[;;~, -,·:· ·> ', .' .,

.. ·,
,._ L
: ::,, adiabatic predictio~s. The question is probably not capable ·of a general answer-1 .
. - . . ·.. :''

' ; •' ' ~r •
and each situation must be examined .independently. It is possible to follow - - . ~· .. ' .

particle trajectories, by numerical methods and to compare the results with the- •
·: ' ~.

~ .. ' . ' . . adiabatic predictions. This has. been dom for the. laboratory type mirror - .-.-..: .. :
, ... . ·.. ~

. ·: ..'
• 1 •..
_machine, or more precisely for many mirror machines end to end in a straight. :!L~! -· .: '..
~ ' :-,··
(fi~lds taken ·a~ periodic tuncti?ns of
' ~ '

i. ' -
line :z., Fig.l9;).

observation was made that .as the particle oscillated between mirrors the ~etic:
r .• - . . . .
t ..-.; ',

,·~· .. .,
• ~~ •
• •.•• l
, .,
: •

,.. _.. :. :: moment could vary by large amounts _b')it that· the variations were highly self . . .:: . -1":., .....
' ··. - ~ .
. . . ·. '.. .:
·cancelling from on~ oscillation to the ne.xt •
T9 be more specific, the pa.rticJ.e · · .:.:
. :;·.-.·· • 4·..: '" .. , .... ,
:· :-. ·~:_:_._· ·was starte?- off at the ;plane midway b~tween mirrors as shown iii Fig •/,3. .The·-··.-·-·
. ' '
-- ' -:.· ·.·.:·~~.:.·· -.. ··,- -·
/ .. ·.
··, ..
;;' ·- ·....

.. ·.. ··-.... .·· -~' '

I. .~·. ' ·.
I',. .
I· .. , __ , ..
... ,.·
..., - '.';

'8 : .. .·
.~ '
j'. . ~ .
! . .. -·. >
I, •
. ··<.
.}'• :... ·'· ',
... ,_ .... .: . ,·

.: ~.
,:.-.· J • ;1.
,_··. ..
., -:~ . ;,,
,·.;: .... ' • : .: j • ~ • • • " '

· ..- . .... , .;,_· :._ .·· ...... ·' .•:- ·,

'. · ...-·
·-,.: ...
' ~
..., ·-~
. '. )~ ··'.
.. ,' :-'
.·. .. ;: . ·. ''" ~. \ ·. ' ·.' '
' · '< ·.·:·.···
"' -·
,,·,..,' . ,- .. ','

' '•

A periodic mirror geometry for which calculations have· been:'

compared to. the adiabatic predictions~,:. - ·· ·
,I . •
.. _.: :~
.. .. :' . .
. -~: .··:.. _:::~- F_ig~· >.< .... ' .. '
·:·.>-·.:_ .:1:9.. -'..,:·.... ·. .

. ... ~

. -: .. .,_. . :
_.:·~: . ... :.'. . ., .. . . .. . .~·~; .. ': . ·.' '. : . : _·. ',... \ ....

.~·' : . '
< • • ~ ,; • ,.

. . .:.·:;/.~::~->~- ;:: -~-- ·_., : :..:_·


. : I . :' ·~ • . "
·<. -~~ ·:,:!.-.•.· .. ··..-..-. ·: .....-
'. ~ ~ ' .'~- .....
... -.-.,
, ..... I:--


!'· .. ·

~ (-+r) -+
. angle between -+
v and .o is o, while is the angle between v·

the :plane of the :page. Each time· the :particle returned to the midplane, new
I '

-· 9 'and il. were computed. A cumuJ.a.tive drift o:r o woul.d imply a gradual
.change in the magnetic moment; in an azimuthally symmetric fieldJ conservation
.•. ·w.

of the canonical; momentum . ~e :prohibits a radi~ dri:ft, and there:fore · ·

i. ~
. ...· ·2 -+
B(R ) •cannot change. Thus a change in v.L /B(R ) must come :from a change
0 0 .. ··.,
. . . ;,·

in v.J..· = v sin o and therefore :from a change in. o ·since v is constant. .::
. . . . Phase :plots of the ty:pe shown in Fig. (g.:o) ·.:ere obtained. The numbered :points
" .
~· • •

.. '
• •
represent successive traversals of the media...."l :plane,; zero being the initial
t.' •

·' ·.. · ..· :point. There are two types of :particle behavior evidep.t. The first might be

termed stable (curves .A or B) and the second type is unstable as exemplified

. ·'

· .' · by :points. X.
The o of a stable :particle may undergo severe variations, and
~ ': '.

. the l13-rger the gyration radius, the larger the variation. However, the variation . .;. r
', ', ~ I

... ~ . . .. '
I;·,;. ,. is highly self' cancelling; .the :phase :points always appear ~o :>all on a well- ' ..

defined curve. On a large scale :plot the :points appear to fall on a smooth curve. !':·

·>.. ....'to within less '

than 10-3 degrees in o, and that much scatter can be attributed
' : \.... · •. 1 · · '
·. ·~· . ..
..i • to numerical errors. Thus it appears that the stable points a.z:e very stable
indeed as a result of a "memory" from one median· plane traversal to the next.

:.. , By cont~ast the unstable partic1es show no such memory and form no \ ~- . . : ' ·.:· .

• .. ; ·,,
regular pattern. They usually escape within ten or so mirror reflections. The

·.·line of demarcation between the stable and unstable regions also is quite sharp,
I ......:~'· .
,. ': ~· .' .
. .. ·.~. .
: • t .'
alth.o:ugh ju~t how sudden th,e transition is has not been carefully studied.. It·
: .~ . ~ ..
I'·· ;' .....
I . . .· ::
,.. .
,. ' ~
would be interesting to investigate the transition region more minutely. The ·.·'
•/ '_i .. ' unst8.ble region, which begins at the loss cone and extends u:pward in o
' . to the line o~ demarcation does not a:p~ear to cover the entire range of ~ tram
i ; .·'""
0 to Near . ~ .,:: 1r/2 there· are stable ·curves of ty:pe B .even belov the
I . . ..

~~·, >> .: '>line. of demarcation. The fixed points at the center of ty:pe · B ~atte~s . ·
[' '··:. ·:·: : ', are. ~~orously fixed by virtue · of the symtnetry abo':lt the median plane • · . Because
..,. ··· . . . . '

~: . ' .
• •. ,i ~ ' ;. ·. ! ;'.

. ~ . ', l .'•. . • ...

-~ ··,·.~:.: ~. •' ··~·' ,· . ··.·
. -~·

·. -~

: .,._-

,- ~· .' ~ ..

! .·


·.·.. :.... ., ..

·.:: I~. ,

I .. '

_ .. -.

: __ ,,,

..... :·:

------..-.......:::1~s-ta.b/.e ~ v~tsrobl­
l•i.& 11-f. ~c.».ra~o.·6wH.

.·: :•:
,'J .
. !'
~-· :

... .···
'• ;.
. ,',"·

'> !:'r'-J .· ~..
~ ,·
;'_.__ . '
'I i

._·._ ..

i i

. t:

,, -~ .
• • •• ; .. 1_',
...: -~- ·.
. ·: .•· ~ :..·•
' ~- ..
'; ';_ ~ .....
. ,·
... ·, · ..',
· ...:
r ·~

.. ·. '·:·
... ~-: '
.·., ·.
,; .'.:.
... _ ·
. ::
:. ; ..· Phase plots for :pa.I.'ticle in the .mirror 'geometr;y' of Fig. J..9. ···
·.-. ·' ' • d ·,1 :·; .. •• ;.
-·:, . .

-..· ~- .... _,··:· .. ,'·•

,. .. ..... ··Fig. r,
'· l.'
·-_:. ...
_;· _'l:
the unstable particles esca~e in a few reflections, ·the demarcation between

t~e stable and unstable regions is the loss cone for ~ractical ~ur~oses. It

pas been found that the unstable region vanishes when the ratio of gyration
. radius to the distance between mirrors is less than Jome.thing like · 0.03 . ·:··:
. ., .' ' .~;.
. . . '•I,,).
. ·..
,,,·,. I

The behavior of ~ticles within the loss cone as they go from one mirror.
' . . ,'
section to the next in this periodic machine has not been studied. It would be
worthwhile studying, since these ~articles are analogous to those in the .t

bum~y.torus that.are not tra~ped in one section but go clear around the torus. ...

·.A theory of the behavior observed in Fig. ao,.- has been given by C~ikov. (.:37), '·

.According to the theory ~articles are lost which exhibit a resonance between

the fundamental longitudinal ~scillation frequency (or one of its harmonics)· and -·;•

the gyration frequency. The theory has been given only in the a~~roximation

of straight lines of force. This is equivalent to assum:i..:ag . "Y • BI 0. The

inportance in this theory of ~ine curvature would be worth investigating • It·

should be pointed out that the fixed points at the cen·cer of type B ~atterns
in Fig. go :r:o ssess this resonance and are ~recisely the ones \,hich cannot be ,.,· ·-~:· .... .:_··, . .

lost because of the symmetry. These ·are however very s:pe;cisl cases arid constitute ·
.~~ ..
·:. ;.:
.· · · · a class of measure zero.

'· The type A stable curves are predicted qualitatively by the first
. .,... '

two terms of the magrietic moment series (Eq. 153). From the fact that the·

canonical angular momentum ~e is a constant of the motion; it is ~ossible to ....

write Eq./fil in the form f(o,X.) =·constant".: The field used in the numerical

calculat!.ons .of. Fig. ~0) is derived. (in· cyl'indrical.coordinates) from the ·vector .
.. .
~otential: : .· :~ · ·· ;·, . ·:,'

... ..: :-': ,'' '• •, . ''

. . ···· ·._._:· .
. ·:..
... ·. ·.•
... ,.
' ~-


•. ....
. . -·...
: •
. .. ·.
··. \" ~ - . ...... ' •' .
~ I '. ' ' ' ,'
. '.,
. .. . '
_.:. ::;

··. \.
.· .. · '
. '·
.. .

- ...
·,: "" • ' .; I.'. •
~- .

'. '·. - 95
. I
·· .. ::.-·:.·

... ··.' '+
,· ..
-~'. ·'
.• ... ·. • . ·,.' ~)'· ··:~.··.· •.. ·.·'. . .,:·;:·-~
':_;_.j· j

21rz· · ,. ·~~-,;:;>.;·:if/.
where ·L·. is the distanc~ between mirrors~. p is is L ,a i~ 0.2_:;'. . , .
... .. .~

"'' .·· and B0 :. is :the field .hal:f'way from. the mirro~ to the median :pla.Il~.: . With th•iB . . .. .· ;:;~r
.. .' .: •. . . ·" . \. ' • .. ··~ ·. ;~.!. ~t
':.···,1. •
field ,' .; '
.-~-: .
: -~ . '. ... ·
·.'. ·'·./

· •. -• . 't
... ·

. ) ... .. f(g,· A)
= sin
. 2
5 (sin 5 + a .cos 5.sin A) = constant,
i. '·
~- :/. ·, ...
where ••• J '

I .:.. :- :,·. .
.. ...
. '·. ~ ·: _·,:_
) ·. . . -... '
·' ;; ......
.v g,)....· .,
1 ':
i' . ."-l '
! :_.;,, '•
",."" a=
[·. ;.,·.
~-·' :: .· eB t
0 '; ; .
·, ..·
. :: ~
.: ·-~ : )
.. '·· ......
·--~ :: ;. '·, ~ ·,.
.. ;

: I' -~·," • \ :.: ~.' _.;• .-.-

.:• ·.
. :;-·--.. .
..,.,_..·~::; . :and~.: Po is "the solution of ·. :_: ·~·
. . . ~.. ... ·.. ·... :"
. .. '!
·: •: :·.. ,·:. . .. ·. ;-:
. : ··.;
....... ~: ..
' ·... (J 2 g) . ··•,.t
.:. . :

.. ~-- -: ~·
-::..', ::._
Higher terms in the mag~-~tic moment series migh:t give· more de~ails of the stable · ·.

orbits~ ~9; H .li! c::~\1'9S fer i~":~~,. But the unstable behavior could not

be predicted f'rom the series.·.

. . .

An investigation of particle orbit~ in. other geametries1 such as the . . ~. ~ .':

' · •. •j

bumpy torus ·or a mirror machine without a median :Plarie qf ·• symme:trY1 or without .
~ . :;.::. ' I •(

az::.:muthal symmetry would be of iriterest·. : · ·~ ··. ~\_./'~<': . A- ....... '.

.. ·.. · .. ' . .' .

. "

B. Non Adiabatic.. :Effect.s-Exper:imental ·o

\ '.
. ·. . ' . ' ' ... ·.: .
· :. ·. · ·. . .The containment. t:tJ:ne ·of r.elativistic positrons :in a laboratory ·mirror ...
'.' · _:,_·:·
·.·.; ,.,

. ... machine has been measured by I.a.uer, Gi~son, and Jordan. (i'o) ]!xponemtial.decay .
. :~ .
' '

. ·'

' of the positron densii?Y is observed~ "With t:tJ:ne constants as as IIia.Ili .seconds •. :·:·::'·. ·
.. .·· . · .·. ·. .-·
.·. The: obsezyed loss '·rate is quantitat~vely 'attributable to scattering
. ' . . " ' . ~. ' :. . ' . .
rrlml .....the : :,~
. ' ' · •. ,.; . .
... ..

':.::· . '.". : ........... '
· .. ·.·

r ..

I· background neutral gas, and therefore is not a non-adiabatic effect, even th~h
-~.1 .... !
10 .
. '~ (

a :particle has made of the order of 10 mirror. reflections in the decay_.

time. The accuracy of the self-cancelling effect in the stable orbits A and

B of Fig. ZQ' therefore is quite phenonemaL It would be. impossible to test · · ..

for such long containment by n·U::r@rical methods because of the.-:camputer. time

required and the numerical errors that would accumulate.

If in the experiment .the gyration r~i~s . is increased so that the ratio
. ::'\. .
·of gyration radius to L is -;> 0. 03. J
evidence .. of .the unstable
region and ·.

enhanGed loss eerie appears. ,· ... ·

•'. l
.. !
·.Similar containment experiments with the ·bu,mpy torus or with a field.

resembling. the earth 1 s would be worthwhile •.

. .
" . .)

'·:·. c. Higher O; Terms. .. ·...

i: ·'
t. The first order terms .1.
€3. 1
and e:<V: 1 in the adiabatic series for · j

and ~ have not been calculate~. The first correction to the longitudinal ·· ...
; . . . . . . '

invariant would be particularly valuable in studying the motion of the . ·..

· · high energy protons in the· earth 1 s field. .. ·

· ..., h

: •. ·.
··,. __

·,. . . :, ....
. ....
. ,_ ...

. ~. :

.. -~ : ·· .. ,: .
:· .....· '
'• . : ''•'
.. . .. ··\~ :
' :·: .
. :. ' .. :
. . .. ' .

. ·,{'.
. .
'- .. .. ·...
:'':: ..· ... ' ·.··· .. ··
f.'.· . . ~
~ ." . -. '

l ·.' ' .. ,; ..
~~ . ' -~ .' . .'.
f.'.::: ' ... ' . '
.~ ' I :

·' ..
,' 'I•

. \.,_
1:. ~
·.,• .·. ~- :
; 1 • •

·:··: . .·-.: .. ·
t •..
I , .· ..
.. ,l. ~ .
',. -~
I ·. .
.. •. ·.·
I ;
·.. ..
·..... ,_ ..
I . , ·.
!.;-o-- __ __;'------'---.;......,;.- - · - · --'----'-'----- -. ''

. - ----·.··.·.:: -~ >:.
. .... ·;'
-.~-~-.' ~;:··.;,

If.· 'l'he eq'Uations of motion of a. charged. particle in an electromagnet:t:a '. '·.,

• ~l
· ...
' '

:field have been. used to obtain the so-called "guiding center" motion. Ina ; . ,_. _- .
. ' ~ ~ . .
slowly va.rying field the particle motion is approxilna.tely a rapid rotation ~bout :.:· _;·<··, ·
·a circle whose-: center· (the guiding center) hB.s .velocity comp~ts alon~·and at.':''.:.:,(:~·
-· ..

f light angles to the magnetic field. . The eq_uations governing the ~iding center. •>:, J.': . .......

l. • 4 •,: .: : 1 -.:.

· motion have been obtained deductively for the general time-dependent field. ··.: ·.· .:,: : .,
' . ' . • • • • ; .---· J
-~:' ..

f 0'
I . ,· ·' , ... ·;·
~- · .. ·.-_· . Several. unfamiliar ·drifts appeared because the time de~ndence and .the ~~-~~-~J · ·· ;· · ··~ ..
l:. '
. .': .·,·... ··.
~-/:: ~ .. perpendicular electric f~eld were assumed 1 for the sake .. of gener~lity, ·.. :·~.·~>/.'
<·. ··,,(;:, ..
..·.: .· ·:
·. . . '·..

1> .·;_;_: zero order ·in theradius of gyration rather than first order. These· less 'r .. ".
1; • · · ' ·.·familiar drifts have been :illustrated via prae;-..~.;al examples ·' ·· where .they ·•·
~~.·.: .·. · ·.· .occur. ....
. . ~. :' .

'I •(·, • :\
·"·. . -' ..
: ' ~ ..
>. ·:.:
The modifications o'f the guiding center eq_uations nee;C.. ..":. for particles ... :~: .
·: '. :. '. ~ ,· :..
~.; ;·,,:

:'.,' of relativistic energy have been given. ". ,"·-'. ·.

r . ...
:;. '

F/ :-· '·~. defined and .th~ invariance proven for the

: The. three adiabatic:: invariants of the :p2..rticle :notion have ',
··- .·
..... ; i
··,_., ... _ i: . .-:•

I' ..,
:)f' time deper":::.ent fields. · :>, :. ·:
F:..:_·: .:·.·.Several· applications have of the guiding center ~quations-of motion .. ·.·
t··- ' •.. - <·· , ..·_ .
..·.,:... .
(. ~
,..' · ' and the adiabatic invariants • . ''·
·•, ,. ··. ,· ::;'.> ''
'~,<~. •, . :· ..
devi;tion·s.: • _: trani· the~. adiabat~c 'predictions 'have'i•been disc~s~~··j:> ·
,_· .. i. . . •. . r . . . ,· ,': ~~:.\.~ -:~_-.. ,. /~>: ;{\:-H' . '.
-~ -~;: t •• :,'• • --~ ••• ···.': '," '. -~:-~5~:j·J·.. ·,. ·· .. __ , . '
~! . .. <
·.... ., ·.
-. -~-. -:- ·.' .. ·. ·; ··: ... · ' .. _:

,·oo; \~:·.:: • . • . ~

-·.I ..: ., -·-.1:- ·:-".. -

4. . . . .
..-:. .
. .- ~ .. -~ :' .
,\ '· (" ...- .. ~ •'
,_,.,- ·::·::_ .·
·,· .. . __

·. ·,_··.. ?:
· .. ·,_,.:.
;,.,<\ ;•""0• •'' I .

.. '
.. '
. ~ ... .".·,.
' ;
\ .~ ;. '
." ..
~ '
. ~··.·, .

·::·. !.:·:.
,•"' . ··~ : • • < :

... .f / .:"".~: '. .,.··
..... :.·.' . ' . ' '.": .
·· ..
. ~ :·
> ••• .'

... ., . .. -~ ' ·,. ' '{, . •. ~·

··:" ; ...- •• "=·'
... ~ .. '
··' \;
. ···. ·- ... '\,_'· ...
, .. ·... : ·; ~ ·. .'•'
·. ,·
;' ' ->'8-


.. , ,..
1. The radiation reaction force will be omitted. In m.any practical cases.: '·1 .'·, ·
.· ..·
• its effect' on·the particle motion is neg],.igible. '·:

. ~.·
2 •. H. Al:f.'v~n,· Cosmi~o.l Electrodynamics, (oxior~, Clarendon Pres~,::i95b) •.

:·.:-:: __ ·:-
: " · 3 .... J. Linhart, Plasma Physics, (Interscience, New York, 1960).
..... .=... :-

' 4. ·' G. Hellwig, Z. Naturforschung lOA, 50~ (1955). : ····:··
. . ·..


.... ,. ... 5· T. Northrop,. :"The· Guiding Center Approx::iJna. tion to Charged Particle Motion", : .

Uni.v •. of Ce.+if~;. Ie:w:rence Rad .. Lab.

Report, UCRL-5708-T, March 151 1960 1 ..
{M,eJ /lhn.,./5 -cf Ph-!~tCS },) ')q {! 96 f)
· · . · · :·:: ' :; •"

6• . . M. Kruskal, "The Gyration of a Cha.rged Particle",. Prince~.on pniversity1 ; ):,~ .·/·· ·.: · ...
· ...
. . .. ,.
.· ·.
Project Matterhorn Report PM-S.:.33 (NY0-7903), March 1958. '·.,.'

,, 7• · . ·For a ~iven
piece of_ eXperimental e'luipment it is .never in ·principle · .' "",
r• >·. .• 1. ·,

0 . -t' . .
wrong to :make the more general assumptior. tha.t dt . and '1jj are of
.·- .. -.
' : zero order f;Uld t_o :~;etain all the tei:ms • Some of them may turn/out to .:. ·· '. : :---:·
r:·· . i . . . . . .. ·. , ·• ·: :· ./,,, ,' .~. ,. \

:_ .. .. ·.
~. ~ t ,' '• •• • • ' :·_.:.,
:. ' ··- ..: .·>.. ' . ·.
.·, . {. '•'·
8. · C. Longmire, D. Nagle, F. Ribe,t PhJs. Rev.. U4 1 +H?') (1959) .
.' : . .'

r.· .. 9· . ,.. H. Lamb, Hyd.rodynamics, (Dqver Publications, /Je-w javlf J9LWJ 6th Ed.,

.' · ..
10 •.. It is simple to demonstrate ·~i. ·:. :Mr is the adiabatic inva.:.. :L8.I1~~ 1
for the
\ ·,.
·. r>: ... -;·_. .
; . . special ':!ase. of a\..ut.Liform1 az_... J.thally· s~etric, time-dependen·~ field .·:
·.:_.;. .;~ '>.:> ;,

···. 'with the particle gyrating a·o'-..::.t c~e axis It is e.:· '0
. .• . . 2
true (see Ref~ 11:) that · PJ.. /2:m B is the adiabatic invariant ir~ a

0 -;':?··

:-···.··~.:~general geometry '~o long as· E..L is. a(€) 1 :.and is. the flux of B enclosed·:··~ ··~:· ...:' ·
'): .

t: ' •.• ' t ~ ..,
[' by the cL ;le of gyration •. .: .
~ . .
; . . 11·.:_::. ·P. Vander". ::rt, Annais .of Physics· !Q, 4ol (1960).
1. ..·..
· 12'.'::... ·p. G. Bergmann~ Introduction td the Theory of Relativity,· (Prentice-Hall,
.: ~· . {

.7 •. .49.·.:- Bergmi:mn us~s a

·•. : ! ·.. :: .. : :·.New Yc::k1 :.942 ), equation different. metric· tensor:. .. ··.
. .' '. . ' . . .·.. .

' .., .. :~
. . • >

··. <... :·~han in Ia~l. h~~ver ··: •· ~.:'·.

. !. •

I ' '
. ;. ' .,~ "

. • '

. :. ..~. ·..
' . r"
..'. .. · .. ·.· ,·'
' .: ........ '. · ' . • ' .' ~ .,
. ; ~
. . ~·· . . . .' :;. ,, . . .. .:, . .·.···,
" .~:. ., .
. .:

.. .. · .
{., • •. ~~ •' '-'"i' ~... ~ r, "'
:: •· :.:-: _.;;· . -~.E: ~
1 •• __ , ; '·,< .:;_· -: ., •.. ,·

f: 13. J. Berkowitz and C. S. Gardner, "On the Asymptotic Series Expansion of
1': . . .

L_.-~ •.;.· ' .

· ·· the Motion of the' Charged Particle in Slovrly Varying Fields", New York

r . ·. University Report NY0-79751 December, 1957. . ...>: ::::.

1·:£-". · 14. :~E. T<"Whittaker and G. N. Wat.son, A Course of Modern.· Analysis_,- (Cambridge1 ·. · .. , >:-- >
:1945)'; 4thEd~ Ch~ VIII. ·:·:·::~· .
}:, ·.. ..:·· .··· . ·.- ·
It:: :·: . . ;·. ' ' .. . -~

i.'. . . '15. The converse is also true. If there is an A( E: ) . such that . ,, ·. ... l
!' 1
n+l ;• '',1

€ 'for 0 < e; _< €

, then 1
. i

. i

. ·:·'lim = o.
: €-()

~ E:(~ (R2 e2 i.~· +


'16. ·.·:·.·For example · means R0 + e 19 + c. c)) + E:

2 c.· c.)., ..
··' . -~ ~
1::·: . : .· ·.· _17. _R, as defined at the beginning of Section II, and R
0 do not agree to

r•·· . ·>• ..,;_·. .·.. all orders in In ·fact . ~ - R

R -7 """ 2)
= D\ ~ However1 .this is of no
!::: ' •
E: •.
. 0 . ./' ,:
j .... • ••. ••

/.>'. ,': _
_..:. ;;··. . ·:. significance here, since we are considering only effects which are first:.>·: . ·.!:..
.. . ·r \
I·<·':·.:_.:.,. •order in gyzoation radius. ' r.'
Gardner,~ Phys. Rev. 115, 791 (195~1) .
to I '
f-.:_ .} · . . .18 • .. . C•. s. .
.• ' r:

i ·:: ,, ·. ''' _:_X·:

1· . · : :. ·. 19. M. · Kruskal, in The Theory of Neutral Io:·ized ~. (John Wiley, · .: ~ .'
I' . .I; I;

1,·-~. ~: : ·~ :: .' . New York, 1960) ..
• !
·.:·. j
:- ;, :: ... . . ~ . '··...

\' ·..• .. .20 • T •. G. Northrop and E. Tellt::::c·, Pl::;;r_,. Rev. 117, 215 (1960~.
•:·.:· j _.- •• -·
21. It_ is best to define J by equation (96), rc.ther than by (:;j ;1 . and

!:-: : ' to define K ~s :particle kinetic energy -,- e:.\v + q:>).

l·· ..
22. B. B. Kadomtsev, Plasma Physics and the Problem of. Controlled Thermonuclear
t': ...
Reactions, Vol: III (Alred. Nauk USSR, 1958), has given . similar

f~·-:·'·. . · ';,'.; .;:oof for 'the case of static· fields:. and E Zero. '.·l:
1:'·:.: ..
! 'v : 23·. --:'If t~i. orders of are followed throUgh,. it is founJ. that, tk-
€ (§;i) =o:: ::_ ·· :··_>)
,1." ••

. .. , 2 1·1 dJ: . . _.. . . ,, • .L

' . ·. ' · : ~€ ) and . ax = 0 ~ crt€)..
m. ·.' / '. :;')'
24. < W. Newc0m.'8~ . ''Motion of Magnetic _Lines of Force "1 PBii.ugeto~: &i Vffl"'£i'H'-Y ·• ..
;: -\ : ' '? . ' : . . ·~ .

~: ·: ~-&l'Y m.selm;;l.ea.l R~port No.• l, .Apj!14J · 1955~ A Nvt.t;/j of· p~;.,,",·o· .1 ,:J'1'> ( hs"J') ·. ·· · ::·
. ,.
: :· ', ., ; ·: '' ', .' ',

....) '"·:.~ . .'
, ,
: . ' ·.. .

..• r.
,· '.
,. ·, ,. ...... ,
' • •
. ,., '•
•• '. • • •
,. ,; •II,. '.
".~ ·. . . . ' ' r' . ~ ; ·.'.·
'• •"
,; . : ·~ .. , . ,·:.
. ... ~! ~
'· '.\ ·.·. ··.: . . ·. ;..-· ..·:. . ··.· . ( :·
.. .,.
'.·:.. :~
·'. ...; ,·,.
• ... ·. ·· ..<
; I I ;, "..

25~ Reference 12, e~uation 7.53

26. R. Becker, Theorie der Elektrizit~t, Vol II (Edwards Brothers, Ann Arbor), . ''
' 'I
' 1
paragraph 21. : ','1


... ,.' '"

f. 27. ~.
' .
~.-a:.. Sp;itzer, Physics of Fully Ionized Gases · (Interscience 1 New York, 1956) ..... 1•
;' ·.· ~..:.
...'. P. 94 . I !,!'.

. . \
i .: .· 28. · These variables have been used by Watson · (Pbys. Rev. 102· 12 (1956)) to
.. \ ~
::.:·:. ,.., prove the perpendicular component of e~uation (173) for the special cas~ · · · · ..~
.--:.. '

where the magnetic ;t>:leld is static, torsi'onless, and curl free.

•' .',I

29.' · ' H.·. Margenau and M. Lewis (Rev. Mod. Pbys. 21_, 569 (1959) ):.point out that the.. '/
~-· .' ·..
-~ . '
opposite of ·"ad:iabatic" is "diabatic~' .. However, "non-adiabatic" seems to.·> .···::::

::.:.~- ..:._· '

F I ·J:··.·.·.

be firmly ~mtrEmched in the literature and therefore will be used. here. · ·

i'. -,;_..,· .. · 30. ··.. G. Gibson, W. Jord.8.n, E. J. Lauer, ~hy~. Rev. Letters-~ .217 (1960). · · · . .

~,:_. _:_;: . :,·

... See also A. I. Morozov and. L. s. Sc..i.ov·c:y, ZJl, •. Teklm. iz. 2.Q., 26.1 (1960). ; .. ·I

,.,. . 31 G. Gibson, !f. A. S. Le.n;lb) ·E. J. Lauer, ?cys. Rev. 114,. 937 (1959}.' · ·:'··. · ·
;>~: :~ . . :'.. 32 ~ A. Simon, Physics of Fluids .k 495 (l958) ·,.; ..
"'·'· .·· ... . •,.

:<'·, .:._: .:. 33· (alw. Newcomb~ "Stability cfa Plasma in a lv'JB.gnetic Field., " University of ' ··. _ .. ,,·'

ir ·..·.. . .
r~_-.. ~·-·>-
-~ ~ . . .
California Ls:w~ence Radiation Lab. Repc:...··~ 'C::.~L 6197 ( ::.:.:i ?reparation).
. -.. .::1 -.··.

~··f/;:·. ,··.' _j.::. (b)M. N. Rosenbluth, Proceedings of the Secx~.:.... ·:..inited. ·· ...::;ns International

Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic :~ __ rgy, \ _ - -J

. ;- '

(c)S. Chindrasekhe.~-, A Kaufman, K. Watson, f'roc. Roy. Sec . .A.2l·' ~~35, (1958)
[:~.- .'·' ~>
·.'~ ~

. . •.
34. W. A. Perkins ...d. R. F. Post, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 2_., 353 (::_ J) - ·..... . .. .. ·.·
' ~- ...
r ':.~. ~ . . ·.
[~ i:- . . 35· C. Y. Fan, P. ~·LJ;,.:.·, J. .f\.· Simpson; "Trapped and gosmic RaC..:....!.·don Measure- '.

,.. •·,
· ments from Explorer VI", paper given at the First ~:::1ternational Space Science .
t'< . · ..
~:-i '• :. .
f.~~ ' ·.Symposium (Nice, France) Univ. of Chicago Enrico :. erm.i Institute for 1

Nuclear S~udies, Report EFINS - 59-73 (Dec. 1959)
: ;!,

;,: ;:~-~.: .

r-~~t. ' 36~ .. S •. F. Singer, Pbys. Rev. ·Letters :2, ~~ (l959)

·37···. J. A. W~ch1 Jr. andW. A. Whitaker, J~-Geopbys~ Research.§:, 909 (1959)
38.. A. Garren, et al. "Indirtdual. Particle Motion and the Effect of Scattering

in an Axially Symmetric Magnetic Field", Univ. of Calif'. Lawrence Rad.

. . .
Lab; Re:9c:t UCRL 8076 (March 1958),. 'or ~roceedings of the Second United

~ . '· ~

... ; ··. . '·

~·-·-·r' ~-~'i ~ ~1 ~: ~~~L~~:::.~~::~i':·_:_~~·::;·~~~ ::_~, ~~-~.:.~.~~----·~---~*·

.·.. ··.· •,
. ·. ·: \ ~ ~ :. .. .... ." ', ··* · -·. ~ ._... ~~-:.:.._:"_.....Ji:;·_:~-~-· ~-~-~-~!. ''";_'-w.,.-7', .. ~-~·~-. -: ••
·.'• ..

39· B. V. Chirikov, Atomnaya Errergiya §., 630 (J.959)

, .,, 4o. G. Gibson, W. c. ~orda.n, E. J. Lauer, Phys. Rev. Letters ,2, J.4J. (1~6o)


.... . 'i

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