欧宝锅炉 Mission 系统3

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Service certificate

Apnoval or the asslstanoe


Bank DMsflaEanhAIS
Td *6m304Ow SWIFT mde DABI\DKKK
Fax u159BIOP33
VAT 1wnOwDK31011337
Rsg number 17EQUS


turn (part-turn actuatofil

Dliver pin must be set la the value of the

Only message (NDINC contact)
slwk confiaurimg (NO contact)

down /-down

Drive valve t o p s . Down

85. PRST key for 5 seconds. Stn

'oCAY' dispk following successful
factory settlngs oCAV
CAUTION: preset result is "NO I M P
Limit switch
Project No:
Item No:

Relay 1 Ignitor flame surveilance 1

Relay 2 0 NIA 1



JPI and JP4 to be set to U (voltage) refer manual for PR 2231
... E-ma. aai@aalborg-lndu3frierdk
e 1 89 30 40 on
+45. nttpliwwwaslborg-odvrVlsr corn

P 0 Bhx 844 F . ~445 98 15 83 15 ~ a n ~ a iDanrks

w Bank NS. Capnnagsn ., ,,.,,,,

1 U 5 T
R lE S
ele ex 69705 aibndk
olro NO. 844.7766
IBAN OK73 3000 3201 658135
Nordea NS. Cqpnhagen
, a , - ".L ~
ospmah -


Boiler 2:

Position of ignitor was relocated on both windboxes. Old Ignitors w~thoutflame scanners were replaced with
new type ignitor with flame scanner.
(general sequense for existing orders)

Power on and not overload FDF

or no feedback FDF

One or more safety interlocks adive

Deactivate start rauest to PMS
Stop lgn~ton Close gn tlon soleno d vaves, swtrch of power to
+ Power on and overload FDF or no
feedback FDF

qnttlon transformer draw b a u gn,ler

- Close oil valves
-Close atomislna steam valve
- Open steam pdige valve. and start steam purge timer
.ff Stan stan tmer to exptred and req-esl from PMS a or. Keep
1I 11 Sameconditions as STEP
shutdown 1 unless
FDF runnlnq. Start postpurge Brner STEP STEP Stop FDF and reset start start
-Set 011flow to stand-by posttlon Shutdown Shutdown tlmer. Set aftilow valve in
- Set alr Row conlrol output to 100% open (aclive wlth postpurge 1 2 manual
- Set all hmerS to zero, excepts tbmers for water level alarms1
shutdowns. start start tlmer steam - m d .nost~uroe
. - tlmers / I
- Close steam pbrge valve wnen llmer nas elapsea
- Set atr now control outp,~ to stand-by h e n postpurge tuner

has elapsed
stop FDF if tlmer penod for start start and postpurge has
L* alapsed
SI ok and Alr
Safety rntertocks ok When all shut downs can be and are reset
change to step step

To enter thls step d must be chosen on the local panel1

t t ~hutddrmstay in
shutdown step
~fSI are not ok
Shutdo&. Stay tn
shutdown step 2
~fSI are not ok
flow valve in
auto (manual

.. -

I/ 1/ II I1
7 -

- Set all tlmers to zero except lamer for narl of CAF

- Stop CAF when tuner perloo for stan nas exp reo STEP
- Set burner to st00 mode Sloaoed
When the step is changed to step 0 (ready) on the local panell
computer the burner In stop mode 1s cancelled
I1 I '

I Stay in step stopped
- Set oil flow to stand-by position
-Set air now to standby position
If timer period for stan start has expired. stop combustion air STEP 0
&?an Ready
-Reset post purge timer
-Reset steam purge timer

Resten som eksisterende sekvens... . ... . . Shutdm Stop

Stay in step stopped



I One or more safety ~nterlaoksactive One or more safety tmerlocns amve





Instruction manual for MGO conversion

of boiler plant

Boiler type: 2 X MtSSfONn model 35 t/h

Burner type: KBSD 2650 + MGO
Project No.: 308699
Classlficatlon: DNV
Customer: General Maritime Management Lda
Hull No.: 1353
Date: JUL 2010
Aalborg Industries o

tail m8-lS , S m W

Table of contents

Recommended system layout...........r..eG.,.-.. 1

~~~.~...,.......~fcv.... -
Technical da6a&.6wd , . ......,...,..... ,, :.......7..-,.-,......g.-.. v2
........,...........,,.,..,. ..........~.......SD.~SD.SDSDSDSD~S
. . , , , , & ,.,A,.?*,h

h e 1 Oil Suppfy RB" burner . <.


&nuol System MOO...............=



... .............
,., ...........

Steam Atomising Burner KBSD burner -

Descriptions....tei ..,,,,,,.,., E
,i ..,.....,......,.......,..,. %
. ,*
'., ,
-n -,$,.. .....2t.2..-..T
Operation and maimemam:~3~.mi,~,u,. . ...,..*........ !.- ...-. ........3
-.,,.,..,,...,,...,z5 ~,~w=.w


Fuel oil pump unit . ~;..~Txck.b~.a+~~...5.rv+ ...ez.s9%-..x....*~q =..= ..> ;c.>.%--..s...e.<f!

Cooler unit.... ..........iii.iii..i.i.iii.iiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiii.........~~..~. ............

Control Svstem MGO

Conud system ..........
&: , . . , . . - ....,,..:.,.,<.
... ,.,. . .......3..,.-...r-....,..... v-lI'
Operating principle^^,^.^^^^^,,^^^^^^^ we,m,, .s.,L-x.:.,

Frame Safeguard .....&-. , ..

, ...eaxs.m.+~vrG.s..... ....................=zE.z,s*e ..>.%
..-. ..m...*..!....- ..t-...17
Table of contents

Recommended system layout - -

- p~

! .t,lc!,:lcL, I b. I-' 1~
commended system layout
-- - --

I l n t i ~ I:f ' I h e follo\vinn s r r t i ~ l n sdescrihe sysleni c o n i p r ~ n c n t s .w h i c h :Isr ;!I-

r e a d y i ~ i c l u d e t lill (Ire t l e l i \ r r y f r o m A ; i l l i o r ~ I n d ~ l s t r i r s ,tlie slwcifir
i n s t r ~ ~ c t i o nf osr I l ~ e c rp;lrts s h o u l d also hr c r t ~ i s u l ~ r cIf l . system corn-
p o n c i ~ t s:are IIOI s I!:I'I ! ~ l ' t h e;ICIII;IIpl:~na thcsc r e c ~ ~ n i i i i e n ~ f a r i r ~ n <
s l ~ o o l t hl e ignorccl.


2.1 Feed water pumps

- --- - -

2.2 Feed water line layout

- - -- -~
- --

- ill.:~
111 ~ i t . ' : ~ICIIII~IC lhc>iler 1il:111;~ , \ i C<~IIII~IOII
ll~ fccJ \V;I~:I. [ 7 ! ~ ~ i Ill?
~ p <I ~ ! ~ L tI.[~ i ( l ~ c
ieed \ . I l r r l i n c i t'i~~c:li.Ii h o i l ~ , 11r I Y Il b e ~ i ~ - r a ~ i g\\IIIIIIC!I-~C.I~~!.
eil 11 call l h e ; ~ i r . ~ i l ~ ~ l
I c i~isi;;Ili~ig, c t i i ~\\I~L.II
.I r - c i > ~ i ~ i ~ ~1,!c.c1: . d i v i d i ~ i g~ji-C ~ I ~ ~ I I ~ O 12cd
II s7.it~t.rliiic
ilfrcr ,112 ~pll:llp\
- l l i e .- ~ l i ~li~ii.~ 11i11,sl
i i II,~\c :I I ~ I I ~ I ~ ~ I II;iII
Y ij.<l~i~ IIICIk.~i-!i,~llt:iiil\ r t r tlii. /p11111,1\
I ~ ~ i i l5i .!

-. --
I - ? I: I ,,,,C,,,,C< 1 lh
2.3 Chemical dosing
- .- -

2.4 Feed water control valve

. .
- T l i c ililct arid o ~ ~ t lssl tr e ~ c l ~ ~ \ ~ o lp' ti l: i>ci r ~<I~c>LIILI
~ l>c ,II \1ri11gl11
l-il>ir~:: IL~II!!I~~1 l i 1 1
t \ i o time< tlic pipe c l i ; ~ ~ i i ch!l c ~i ~ i l c,111dl six ~1111cs I?\ ~~IITIC~I.
- V:iIve p l i ~ type:
g l p i ~ r i ~ l i olpli~s,
l i ~ . i115lallc~l \ \ 1111llic l>ctl \\;11cr llo!\ ~ I ~ I C L I!!JIII-I
rlic valve cloying dil-ection.
- 'Tire \,al\'e SIIO~II~ he ~Iesigricdl h r :I [ ? ~ ~ S \ L I I~- ~ l r ~ >- 11;1r ~ ~ III:I~ \ I c . i ~ rt)lIil11ii
- R c y ~ l a t i n ntype: single loop P I [ ~ - c c ~ I I I I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ .

2.5 Safetv valve waste pipe

2.6 Boiler drain

- i l r n i r i pipes frnm llie CIIIII v i ~ l v ei i r l i l 1710\\ i l ~ > \ \ r i \ ; ~ l \ e \ 11111>1 Ih;~iiICI ,111 i , \ i .b11;1111

line. l f t l i e h l n ~ v< i o \ \ ~vi ; ~ l \ c s<lo 11io1 11icIt1~1e I I ~ I ~ Ill?< I ~ , IIi!ic\

:I I ~ O I I - ~ ~ II'~II~LII<>I. ~II
l i - t ~ ~these
n milst l i ~ 10 ~ <~y>arotc
d o \ c - h t ~ : ~ ~liiic,-d

2.7 Sample cooler

2.8 Circulation pumps


M i n . l \ \ o r i r c u l o t i o ~ pt1111p\
i sl10111dIhc i t l c l ~ ~ i c(311e
~ l . 1p111111' IIILI>I :,I Lq'1 i i i i o i i -
l i ~ i i ~ ~operatio11
xrs (also i ~[~oI-I'I
i ;III~tli: ~ > l l i cp11111p
s i l l ;I~IIOIII~III~ III<I-I~! ~ , I > C I .11i:v!
A; o guideline i o r the ~ i r c u l n i i ~atr ~~ i! c < i gload i ~ the l l ~ ) i >IIc,II!~!
\ l3c I~IIII -I.<. IIIII~\
Ill? lo;i(l Ibr \%;?lei- 1t1Lw cxliat~?!y:i\ lhn~ler\,111tl tlircc ri, i a ) ~ tIIIIIL.~ r 11.1: lo,~<llor
\ ~ i i o k ?~LILV c x l i o ~ ~%as s t Ihoilet-s. '1-11e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lpr-cssllrc
i i l > i ~clrc,~~~ c ;ICI~I~G..
~ l :II?II
IIIL,, 9 v ' l i c ~
I-cducin$ valve \houlcl r i ~ r br. l less lIii1110.5 - 1.11 li:~r
Oh.;en,c tlis icmpei.:llllrc n t rlic \vnri'l. IIC h t jpilil~peii

2.9 Circulation water line layout

- Tlic s u c I i ~ >a~~i i dprcsst~rcpipes 1iit1s1I?< ~ l e . , i g ~ ~ 111
c ~ ;~ccor~l:i>!c,e
l \ u l l l 1 1 1 ~ . !L,L#~III-
r ~ r c ~ i < l ; ~ ~ i~o ~
i ii l\~i ici : i ~ i ~ ~ t a Tlic,
c ~ ~i ~~ r~ei rr e r \ ~ c I ~ ~ co iL~1101
I! I ~c,,cc:tl
I , , I ~ I ~ ~1 , R
111:s i n the sucli<jn l i l ~ c: ~ n ;rppl-,w ~l I 5 111 ,111~ l i clpre\\i~rc I i r k
- I Ilc circlll:~tinn pllliip\ 111l!itlhc I < ) c i i l ~[I, ~ lcri\l l I11 111 Ihidc'\i 1!1i ~'IIIIL~~ i,:i I ! / . ~ ! I ~ ~ I
sockel ,711 llie o i l l i r c ~ l>oilcr. l
- Tlic sticrion linc 1111lil / l a \ < a c'nlililiii'LI\ liill Ij.i,lii 111' i,i/liiiit! lb(:il?i 1,' I\?<1 p 1 1 1 1 l j ~ -
1 llllll. I 1
2.10 Circulation flow measurement
-- - - - -- - -

- .l'lic' . i r c ~ ~ I ; l l i <llti\%
~ ~ i II~~:I.\II~c~I~LOII \~-IL,II~ ( o r t . h l i a ~ i vc~ a !?<!ilcr\
~ ! \ i l l ~ k ~\t~~pi ~ r , : : :
ste,'118< p : ~ ~ IIIII>~ ,e c11~11rc ?, L,\,II:!IILI~LI\ \\;?cer c i r ~ ~ i I : i l i ~ ~ ~ i .
- It c $ 1 , c.g. c o l ~ s i <ol':i ! ~ ~ ~ I\;II\,L,. I I C orifice.I I I , : ;IIILI c l i I ' i ~ ~ ~ ~ prehsi~rc
i!iiil ~~iclic~ilt~i
s\\ii.!i, 1.Iie rcducili: vnl\.c i \ I ~ ~ILI L c11s11re
I :I ~ . ~ i 1 i 3 i ~ : c r :lii!;l~er
i l ~ l c I>~C>,IIVC ~ l r ~ o r
nvcl ihr. v ; ~ l \ e111;11i i l ~ cc\1in11\ g:li lw>ileralicl c i r c ~ i l k l t i o ~re111ri1 i pipe. Tlic c~rifi,~,
anti ~Iiili.~-eii:i;illprc\sure i n c l i < i < r rc\\i!ch :1rc LI.<L.,I 1L1r .11:1r11ii i l ~ isl l i ~ ro l f l l i c 1!:111~1-
h!. 1. "llI1.
- ,A 1 xlvc \ I / ? \ \ l i ~ c l i \ I \ \ P III~!:~: ~111,1lIcr l l i a ~ ilic
i i n 21 111prSIIL~III~ ~ ~ ~ i r ~ i i I-,: ,ill>
~ I I i~i iI . I i i r i l i e r ~ ~ i c ~ilicr c .rcdu.. i i ~ y , a l \ c~110111~1 linve .I l,,;hin: li~llctiol-~
- 1 ~ 1 18 ~' r i l i c <1i111hthe i ~ i s t ; ~ l l ci ~, .I l~ \ t r i i i ~ I i i[pipe ~ ~ ' 1 1 1a11c1i;:Ili L>I.:IIlcki\t 25 ,111~11 : '
i i ~ i i itlic . i v o ~ ~ ~ i ipipe
i : i I \ i x ~lhc, or^. :II~LI ;I~~CI I l i ~ 11rilic:.
, ~.;:-t)ecli\el!
- Ill?:.ipc c m i c c ! i o n it31 hi. ii;ll\.rc~ilial prcysurr. i n l i l c n ~ o r~.uiirIi xiiould II,,! :1.
loc:.;:~l cI<,,wr i t , !IC ~ ~ r i i i c!'Ic III 1 :111il;lilile, 11ie IIOII~~I;.I~ lpipc <i72 hciorc :II?LI
i i i . 1 ~ 8 :\I<- ~ > ? i l i crcspc~,ii\.el!

2.11 Main steam line layollt

-- ~ -- - - -- -

- T l l c ..lea111l i i l ~ i ~1113
i < It1 l l ~ cI I ~ , I I I \le;1111
~ val\,~,1iit1:4be I ~ ~ Y Iill I ~<>l.clcr
~ I Llo , I~IIIIIIII~.-L~
~Y~L,..II:III~-~ILI\,711 1 1 1 ~I~I;I:II~ \ t ~ ~I, : ,\,cil\c ;111d:~ssc)ci:~redlbr,!l~cli. Tlic llmiI>ilit! L C I I
I?? ~ , . I ~ i e \ ill^
d IIX>~S l II~:IIII s t e i i ~ i IIII~:
b ~ ~ Ii I ~l I~, )111e i I t ) i;lI\e L I Iiei11
~ ~\~,III?I~'-
froli. llic lboilcr ,111d<lc;1111li11\11,;<?r ill^ ;III c x p a ~ i s i i ~ ~t >. i ~I.ICX~ i l lii o r cI17sc lo ill:
m o i l ' ,tcalii \ ; I I \ ~ . ! \ a I h o ~ gI ~ i ~- ! Sl IiC \ r c c r ~ n ~ ~ i i in e rpi ~ li v i i i i .the \y\telil \\ill1lc,nyb.
:is ~ ~ ~ ; ~ , i ~ ~s sl i <i i i~i I ~:ti~il! l~ ~ 1i,: ~I I \~L , ~~ <)II i l ~hlitirl ,I.,.II~II i l i c ~:IIILI
i ~\jer! arc i l ; i ~ i c c r ~ ? ~ ~ ~
il II<,I 111s[nIlet1 ~ , i l r r ~ , c t .
- 111c, ..: o i . 1 d t ~ ~ i lI h ~ ~l it l c \r ~ l , 111c
i ~ ~I.I~LIII~ o f l l i e 1ilai1- ~L.:IIII l ~ i p cfor c;~cIi lht>ile,
ITIII.<! lrc ;lrr:~iigeil ~ ) n i ~ ~ ~ c t r i i . :I!~ (.all l ! . bc :irrnl~gciiIh! c.; i ~ ~ s l a l l i nig\ -ionncc-
i nc t I II~IIII I lilli.
- Eve1 ,.IC;IT Iiiie> :ire i ~ i s i ~ l : i i O~ I~~ ~~ lC I I < ~~ii;~! I ~ iq>pc;~rill lhi~i; liiich :IIIL~<~I- \5!icr8:
111~; ~ii~l111\v
ii I~L,! ilrc~171-C~III 11 I \ r c c i ~ ~ i i ~ i ~ c10~ ~111.1he~ i I e ii~idt.li.;;~lt.
(I ~ri!piij>i>cl\-
el5 1: !Ill 111,i11~1:ll tor ; ~ i i t , x i i i ~ ,!I,I~II<
~i~ \I; ;uit;~\>lc loc:11,i111\111 cwOer I ( > ;i\niLl t11,1>
colic.cll<alc can ;ICL.IIIIIII~;.I~ il.iil ~ ~ ~ > i o r r ( i s i i;111d'or
>~i \:. ,il:~ 11 ~ ~ i i ~ i i e r i ! i y . ~ . I:,l l i ~ ~ h h
iI1r ~lelll

2.1 2 Soot blower supply lirnes

- - - -- -- - - - ~-
- - - - -
- I r r c \ ~ . ~ ~ t i \\11t~11lcr
\: ille i o , i i ! I , l \ \ ~ , rilrc <llpplicd \ \ i i i t -Ic1111 rlr nlr. i t 11111~1
n ~t i i l I l I I I II ire I I ~ i l c ~ ~ t 50,'. c ~ c r
Iho\v~~, pipe l i ~ i ?I~I>LI\L~
~s I I I ~ I W\ ~ \ i l l 1 ~ ( 11111cli
3 i i ~ c l i ~ i a r i o111:t11i ~ . < ~ ~ ~ c i c ~ i s a r c ' i \ : i ~ c ~
call IIVI n c c i ~ i n ~ i l oir~.eip~.cIi\
rc ~ d ilii.
\ \i,\\cI< tri111.a n d i i i : t l l ~ i i ~L ~ ~ ; I I I I , > I ~ I Ji ~
l rId~~ ~ i .
i ~ i s ~ ,,,L!
2.13 Steam dump equipment - - -

- ne
JLIIII~valve 11111st1 ~ :~l>lr lbl,n\ UI'I'III~~ ~ I I : I I gxs
I ~ ~ lbt>ilc~~ \IC:II~I c.ip:ic!~! ~ I I
I O O " ~hoilcr
~ Jesirii Innil ( I S 0 c ~ > n d i l i n n iT. l i c .;111:1lle~ip.~\,illl~,\ I I \ C ,i ;< \ l i o ~ ~ l ~ l
he ~ l i n s e i i .
- 'Tlic pilie s i x l > c f i ~ r llic c \ a l l ? 111kisi lbc 11:iii. I \ V O lp11~c\17c- I I ~ ! : L , ~ III.III AIL, \ ~ L I I I I ~
\alvc \ k c .
- l l i c pips \ i y r : ~ l i c r1/15 \ i ~ l \ . c1 i i 1 1 \ 1 lac iiliii. I i ~ l i/)II?C
i \ i 7 c i I : I ~ c ~III.II!
I i l ~ i .(11111111
v a l ~ esize.
- Tlie c l ~ ~ i i\,:~lvc
ip s I ~ L ~he I I l?l;ical
I~ :I> 11far i l ~ eCIIII~II> c ~ ~ ~ i i ~~1 , -llp~~-':il~l:c
r i i ~ ~ ~ ~
- I-lie inlet :11111 ~ i ~ i l dcl -i e l c l i e ~[IF llli pipin; I l n n i ;lie ~lliiill'! d b < , ~ l i i r ' t i lli' ~ l ,TI
511-aiglitpipi113 l e ~ i ~ t L.li11. l i . t \ \ < ~t>i l i ~ c , >tlic ~ l i : ~ i ~ i cI>!~ ?i11Ici
r i:11:1 \ I \ I~IIIL,- h\
i>111lcl.The slri.tclies $ l i t i ~ ~ lio\v?\cr. l~i. l ~ :I<c ~ l i o:IS~ l?ossil~lc.
- 11'tlirl-t- are v ; l l \ c placed i n tlit, ?>1t:i11 Ihefi>re :inii'or :1lic,i lllc IIIII~I. \ii!!;. IIL,.~:
\IIOIIILI lw ~ f t l i cs ~ ~ ~ i g l i i \ \ :n~y! .c ~11:lol'ilie <:~iiicsi7c ;I? i11c lpi11r.
- R e g i ~ l a t i i i n11pc: ( i n g l r ln<ll?P I D - c ~ ~ : ~ r r o l I c r

2.14 Steam dump condenser - -

- - -

- TI1e s l c ~ l l l ll i k l l l l ~ cl ~ l l l c l e l l ~ elllllst
r I>< :lbIc 1 0 c ~ l l l < l ~ l l ~111~.
~ l lilcl l l ~llll<~lllll c ) ! ~lc.llll
geii?r,i~edi n tlic c ~ l i a k i s?:IS~ l v i I c r i < ~(.) r i t ' a c o ~ i i l x ~ s i theilc~~ tc ik i ~ l \ l a l I ~IIL~, ~I.III!
:liiiount t7f rtcnm c ~ i c r n i c by ~ i ilir ~\.II~II\I" t i ILI~I 111'til~ c o i ~ ~ / l < ' i i ihe~ ~ l c r i - . l

2.1 5 Hot-well ~ - - --

- Tlic li<il-\\cll tiilih > l i t ~ ~ ibeI J ~ i t ' t l i cprcb>i~rcIL.+ I! I~L,

- Tlie lint-well lanh calincity s l l o u l ~ lbc l iic\igiieil it, ,II I~,I,I C ~ ~ I ~ I . I I I I i l q IIII~:\ 111;
\131cr YI~IIC h c t \ \ c c l ~ilic I i i ~ l;IIILI
i lo\\ \V:I~CI- IC\~II 111;1r!i.i i 1 1 IIICIhlil~ci-I- i

2.16 Steam injection system

~ - -

- 1111. stcaiii i~i.ircIit>iis y t e n i 11111~1hc , ~ i ~~ /L cIiilcrc.isc llie l ~ ( ~ l - i \ c!\:lit,i /I I ~ . i l l / i)ri l~l r c

I>!niili. 3 0 ' C . T h c r c c ~ i ~ i i ~ i i e i ci d: \ ~' i ~i ,~\tea111
-l I ~ I . ~ \ \ I I ~ L ,i * f ~ , - - I:,II!:

2.17 Oil detection equipment

~- -

2.18 Salinity alarm equipment -

2.19 Smoke funnel
-- - - -- -

2.20 Smoke density equipment

- -.- - -- -- - - - ~p ~

- 51i1i..,: d t ~ ~ ~ sL~!II~I>I~ICI..I:
if) I>., ~ ~ l ' l ~
-I~IK~~;IM l ~Ic~ C I I ~n~!t:,i,,~~ri~~g
~ ~ I ~ I I,! II~L,.!

2.21 02-measurement
-- -- - - - - - - -
- i ~ l [ i ~ i l i ~ i ~.I.i r~o~ri i l. i ~ 10
I~I-I'IL~~~IISCI~~CIII ~ ~111~.r c c i ~ ~ i i ~IIII>II~
~ ~ eo~i itlic
~ l III:IIIII~~I~-

2.22 Fuel Compatibility

~ -~ -

2 s l i ~ c l >!\i~.iiih nmn~i:ill! .ire 1-11 I,! !I! :I \\a! \\Ili'ri: liclll .IIILIhi..l\.y f i ~ e l iri>111
$ 8 1 ; . ~ t111i;
l i l i i c ! 1 1 1 lhc n i i \ e ~ li n per~<i~l... I \~ \ e l l :IS l i ~ c lilim
l LXI:~?III~?I'I!.ire I~~IZIICC~ 1i1 111.
I~LYIV>f~1i.1 c~ilt.~~ih<. 11 i<C>~L.III~;II Ihk18 i r i \ c ~ i s ~ ~ ~r cI Id~1hL,
I 11.1:l~ I I S C ~ ,i~-c;i:,l? ( ( 7 17,:
.lii:\c~l1 1 ~ ! < ~ 1ill l i ~or,l~,r
~r : ~ \ ~ > i t l TIIIOI~ l ~ r ( ~ I ? l ~ ~ ~ i ~ i .

2.23 Three-way valve unit IMDOIMGOIHFO )

~- - - - - - - -~ -

A h i'li.liillg (il 1l1c lilel ~ ~L! i-I l:111 S C ~ I I ~ I - C Sk1111\\Ied:: i,! p < . ~ i t i ~ L'I'l l i IL, 1 !\:I!
\ : l l i ~ ,ill
~ l l ~ ~ \~lp[>l?
~ t l l ,111d W I L l l r ' i . 1 ~ 5 .111~v i l ~ v c s11111~1' 3 :qi!ipped
~ \\it11 ~ i l ~ ~ i i i , ? l l
r s lhotl~p1?5i1i(>11>. IIC ~ I C C I ~
i 1 1 d i t~~ ~ j jL>r 01' Ll'1I1eI
I ~:-III~II~:I'~\ is ~Ii71iclh! 11.w .:
Lva? ... 11,~s in 111c <i~ppI! IIIIC.I~IC! ~ ~ 1 1I 1~1ii:i11i1i11 c O~~L~I~I~ \;iI\e'i.
I:,~ : \ > t l ~ eLIL,?II-
nntio. oi'llic rsruril i i i l i \ ..liilici! illrill?. I l ~ \ . l ~ i ~ l g \\,I! ~ l ~ e\ ;I ~ ' L . ? 111 1111: I ~ Z I ~IIII~: I ~ I ~
I I I i l li I I I I i'lc;~,.c coe r e c ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 1 i!UI!I~ 1 ~i)il ~ l <cLlI ~ I ~ I ! C > ~ I C ~ I I I
l : 1 1 1 1 . 101- 1 1 ~~ l < ~ l l~l i~l l : l l l l .
2.24 Fuel oil pumps
-~ - -- p~

- b l i ~ i . / ~ i i ; ~ililct
\ . prcs5~1rc: ; ~ c c o r c I i n10~ 111~ r c c c > ~ l l ~ ~ i c r0 i1 d' 1 1~1~~~~~i i~: ~i ~~i li ~i l : i ~ I ~ l ~ ~ i ~
11 i> i ~ i ~ p o r t al o~oi lI ~ s e r \ cilic 111ili.N P S t ~Il~ I L Ii? l l all ptb:il>lc ,>pc?,rliti!: ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ I i l l ~ : ~ l ~
:IISLI\\'it11 regzzr~l10 Ill?o i l lc\'cl ill Ill,: 1:1111<5.
- \1:1x. ~ i c r ~ n i s c i l di lso e r a ~ i n gIpreisllr'.: ; ~ c c i > r ~ l i10 ~ i igl i c r c ~ c i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ .:)~I L1 1i :1 i~i i ~ i l l -
- bicav! fllel ,oil lllllsl be l ~ r e - ~ l e : l i10s ~;I~l c l l l ~ ~ e K l l c l \\llicll re yc~ilrc, l l l c #:,il ~ ~ L 1 l l . i ~ ~
< ~ l i t ~ i ?ope~tIic111
Ie c o n d i t i ( > ~ i \ ~ ~ i Ii- L~ I ~p c~
I I ~~ ~ ,IIIC
: ~ , ,:1 :\~.cctl
\ i\co\i~!. ~ I . i < ~ 11 31 ~i
i X l l cSt.
- lic \ ~ i s c c ~ s i(31'n 111:1ri1icgas o i l :IIILI III;I~~IIC clicwl o i l ,II ill2 I ~ L I I I I ~ y l ~ n ~I I C ~ )~~lvi ~ l
l ~ i \ v e r t l i a n111i11i111~11115lalecl i l l l'11111~1l ' e c l ~ ~ l Da1;1 i ~ ~ i ill l ~ :111! t ~ p ~ ~ r ,~l l~~ ~ ~ ~l i l l1 0~ ~ l l ~ ~ ~
~ I I \ L I I - ~ s ~ ~ i ~ a lI~~l~riciiiit~::
>lc c o ~ l d i r i o ~llisi r ill?o i l piiillpq
- Ilin.im;lx. r>per;~lirlnnllellipernlllrc .ici,irdi~iy I<, lilt, r i ~ i ~ ~ ~ . i ; i ~ ~' ~1 :11.ii .~ i ; l l ~ ~ ~ r ~ i
- P111iipcapacii! I;I!LNI~: 2.11- 2.5i i l i i c . 11i;ix. ~ > i~111icji11i1 l ~i!r I!IC ~ > I I ? I I L , ~ I \ ~I ! , ,::I-,. x;!
1 I p l ~ ~I i l r . 1 1 i i ~i 1 1i 1 1 1 1 r i l .
- Pump caparily la\nllt: n ~ i ~ i i I~. Il i~n li ~c I~IJY ~ i ~o i l .IIII~LII~I 1iir~l.cj l i ~ r r l c r' 1~ i i i C & I \ C
nt;i hoilsr plant \\it11 steam 3tumi>i1i; I h ~ ~ r n c r or ( i ) riii:ll.\ i l l / ' I ~ L I ~ I I ~ V I
7 1

- 111case tli'pi111ili i1s;rcg;Ilei r d i i c l i ill, inn1 l i : ~ \ clillcrb ; ~ i i ; ~ c l i c ~i il .ih i c L i ~ n ~ ~ ~ i c ~ ~ ~ l c d

1 0 11i0~1nt a liltel- iri rlic \ ~ ~ z i i lilie
o ~ i I,,pri11ei.1 iliu p i i 1 1 i p :ig,liti-i i o l i i l coni:i!i~ili.i-
ti,i11. F i l l e r ~ l i ~ ~:II\\:I>S
u l d be i ~ i s l : ~ l~IIII-II~:
l ~ ~ ~ lc c ~ ~ l i ~ i l i . ~ ~ ri i~i c~I~II?~!:ILc<II
r ~ i ~ l ! ; \\iiIlll
l 1 l l1 I - 1 1 . 7 Illlll
- .A< :it1 overIo;~dp r o l c c l i o ~,I~ p. r ? s i ~ r t ~ - r c l i ?:I)\?
l ' \ I ~ I L I ~be I ~~i..l:ilI~~,i 11. LLIUII I>:.IIIII.,.
!\liicli is rcr.ioll) <el 10;I rc<pon.;e prc\\ilrv apjrriTy. I i.!(',,;il~,$\t,1 1 1 ~~~:~:r,i~it~.!! ~ :?I-L~,-

2.25 Fuel pressure control valve

-- - -

- I'ilcl ~ p r e s s ~ cr c~ ) ~ i l r\;II\c: i : tilt rsco~l.~~l~~l~liiii~~ii-

( ~ I . i i c o r d i ~ ~ I<> 0 1 i i i c :II.>I~II~;IL-
- R e y ~ l a t i i i t!pc
i ~ li>s ~IC;IITI I L , 1'11~) - L m ~ i ~ ~ ,\,
aic>~lii,i~-t;: l i i ~ r ~ i c~r :~ I I ~ IO<>II ~ , x~ !i Il r !
LICII; ~;IIVC dcpe11di11y(>I' i ~ l e 1)l lpc

2.26 Oil pre-heaters for steam atomising burner(s)

- -~
- - -

- F:icll o i l pre-l~e?lcrI~ILISI lhe aldc l ~ c a III?

i it111 :111i~>i1ii1 ( I~ ~ ? , I \i\ I~IICIo ! l I i v llic
s>il l h ~ ~ r ~ i e10
r ( >tihtain
l t l ~ ecciirL%cl\ i \ < ~ l s i i ! c ~ ~ ' t lgi c~ ~ i l
- Tllc ~ > ipre-lisalsrs
l 11111slbe i11<13lIc~l , t i ~ 1 1 :I~t \~a )1~:llni 111:~ 1 ~ 1n~t:iI1 ~:, $,11\ ~ c.,Ili
lhc d ~ i ~ n a n t l efor
t i incpeci1,111a114 c I i . i ~ ~ i ~ i $ .
- ' T ~ , ~ ~ i p e r atl~~-~ar~ei s t i i i ~ l;itid
c r s ~ ~ i t l i c , ~<IIQLIILI
l ~ l ~ ~II~?Is hc III\I:III~,~I:!CVL' i l ? , :1 ~ ' ~
; ~ l i e lhe
r i ~ iyl r c - h c ; ~ t c r ~cnnncclin:~
~I lpc,itlr.

2.27 Oil pre-heaters for rotary cup burner(s) (if mounted in ring-
- -- - --

- l:acli i ~ ~ c l t ~ ol li lep~slc - l ~ ? a ~ I~ILI>I

?r k7c Lil?lc10 II~;IIlllc VLIII ,~II.IOILIII I.,<;I\., ; : I c ! 0 1 1

l o r ill?o i l h ~ ~ r ~ i t , 1r 0( \ol h l ~ ~ llic

i r i L,,.,I IVLT: \ i\cosil! t , l . l l i ~ , ,,,!I
- Ts~iiperaiurcp r ~ ~ i l c s , s e ~ ~and s n ri i~ i i l i i i i i ~<~/rI s~ ~ I IIILSI
< I lhc ~'i\i;ill~..lI I I ~ I ~ L i l ~ i 1 i1 ~;
m ,lfter the n i l prc-hcnlerlil c i ~ l l r l ~ ~ L ' i : p~ ll li 1l l l
2.28 Steam traps for stearr atomising pipeline
~ -
- Sten.11 11-;1131 itir \learn :il~i~iilit~; ~ ) i ~ c l i t l ci i\i t l ~ llie (r' 117.: 1):11I llonl l>pc. 01Ii~~.
I ~ L ~ C<.? t ' s l ? ; ~ [vans
t i ~ c:iti C.:III<C ~ ~ . ~ l : i 111 l ~ Ill?l l ~:~Iotiii~..~i;
l~ tpr,:i,ilre ~ v l l i c l:i ~ f I > c l -
1 1 1 I-II~IICI.
~ \\Ii~,rii l oj>cr;ile\ 1 1 1 1 I ',,\ lili~~l

2.29 Ignition oil pump for rotary cup burner(s) and steam atomis-
ing burner(s)
-- --- --- -

llre<,t~re r:it:g~:- - I ~I i> :L!

- P t i i ~ i i c;ip:i<iI>
- :il 10 I h r . I L,S~ ,i1y>ro\. 50 1111
Vise '\il! r:lligc <,Ii g t ~ i l i ~ILIL.! ~ti ! , I -12 cS1.
O ~ i e - : > t l is)s1?111
e .\Itoul~l,>c 11.. I \i11?11 11ic 1,111111) i \ ~ p l i c c l~i ii\ \ ~ , rllid11 1:11tl, lest
I 1posi.1L,? s i ~ c t i t i IIC~IL~\.
T \ \ ~ ~ - ; > i5>5tcii1
pr t l ~I I l\ , I \\ lie11111c l p i i ~ i Ii <~ ~>I;IL.L,<!
! , l i ~ ~ ~!h ~ I l t ~ I iIII~I-I
~ ~ r~:ttil, I c \ ~ , l
( n e f ; ' : v c i , l c t i < ) i l~~ c o ~ l l .
It is r:,:~1i1tii?ti~ic~.l b.? i1i~1:iIl .I y c ~ s u r~c cl i e t ' \ ~ i l \ t\\itb, : ~ ti !i p : ~ i i l i ~l>rc+itr? \?I':l
h31-$ I'll? rcliel' \:il\'c l l r i ) l t c l > ,lit prcqs~irclpipc< a g : ~ i ' ~ \lc:~ks l ! \ l i i c l ~c ; i ~ iOLL,II~
due 1 , I I I I i i i i 1 1 17 : \iili.ti [lie p i t i ~ i pi i \III[~II?~I

2.30 Mixing tube

-- - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - -

hli\i,,!: luhc lilr slcotii a11i1111'.1: )1 11111.11e1.~.11iT(:)I.IIII\ ..1(1111ltill$ wc IU;~XilUlli

' I:IIL. ~II<I~II~I~IIS lN5<? 1 ~ ~ I i . l .
- \li\-1:ir IIII?L. t i i t rillal.! r.itl3 n ~ i : i;?~L.>,,LII.?; i l ~ i i i i ~ i i I~II~II~I-.
ig 1 1 1 . 0 I;itili IIII)III~III~!;
;c3c 1'. ;i'Vl:iO2. \I(;[) liiiih 111~11 *i,r. l N S S I ~ : i l l - l .
8 ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ / :

r'aution: Z c t i ~ a pump
l flow sh11i111lhe O ~ Z oP n~ p u m p f l c ~fnr o p r r : i t i n g o n ;I
MFO oil with :I ~ i s c n s i l \1~1.280

2.31 Gaslair separator unit for pressure atomising burner(s)

-- - - - -- - - - -- - --

-- - -- . - --
I-Y I' I ,,tt>!\: ~ ! . Ic ' h
2.32 Oil pipeline layout

'Tlic nil tlou velocil! slioulcl ni!l i.\ii.sd .ipliro\. 11.5 ni i 1'1 ill: .-I!LII~)I! I I I ! ~l ~ ~ ~ t l
I . 1.0 n-I s i n rlie pressure l i ~ i e .
0135erve rile Nl'sl4 Illel pt)siriv? s ~ l c : i ~~~ ii ? i . lY ~~ ~I i~ 0I 1I 1~1 1 ~ - i11111.:;~- ~ i ~ !]I:, i ~ ~ ~ ~ l 1i 1
i>il>clinesare d c s i ~ n e d:III~ insialled.
T l i c sucriuri 211d presbure pipes 1 i i ~ 1 5 b! e L i e b ~ ~ ~ $11 i c c~lc c o r d i ~ ! ~ \\IIII < . c Ill., 1ect111~-
~ i ~ e ~ i d a t iol~11ie
( i ~ i s ~ i ~ a ~ i ~ l I > i cTlic
~ t ~~r ci or .~ i i ~~ ~
l i :i ~a~l i ~ c ~ c r i ! ,l ~' r! lI Ci cT ~ ~ I,111~1
~pipelineiinus1 a[ least b e i ~ t t l i esamz s i i e 3.; [lie ~ i ~ i ~ ~1p!111ip i i ~ i ~II;II~I:I~~I.
:~l t-I 1:1r<~.r
~ k ~ c ~ cc~x111gei
~ c l l ~ ~ l ' c r c ~ ~ ~ - ~,I!e icl I~i I~i r! ?~ci !, l~~ ~:I,l l \~i c. l l .!- !l;li?1~111 ~ h c l l c l ~111!1~1
he nviiided.
Tlic o i l pllrnpb iii!lcI lhc pror?.-ctcci diirilig presslll-e I?\\ill ill<, p i l x l i l l c - . ! I I.. 111,l
r e c o ~ ~ i t l ~ e n <l loe dc;ll-n 1,111 tilt. rcsr l i j i ~ i g\\r:lrct. ;Is 1lii5 irn~iii.;ilai~,I! JL,,!~,,,,. l l ~ c
IJII~I";. F u r t h c r m ~ ~ r \\:itel
e. re\iduc\. qt11I ill ihc pipi,li~icx cri..i!~, ri1.1 I ; r ~ ~ ~ l . i ! i o r i ~ .
T l i c s11ccio1il i t i t 1ii~1s1 liii~:cic , > ~ i r i ~ i t~~ lI~OI!I~l ~ ~ 1I1c ~ i o i l I;II~I<\I,, i ! i ~~, b i I~!I;III% l 111

rlre .;?.stem i m i n 1; I.

2.33 Tracing

2.34 Engine room pressure

2.35 Combustion air fan for steam atomising burner(s)


- i tlie air i l l r!1;1e1ii:

i ~ o n t r u c t i o tof ~ ~ ~i:., 1Iiv ipi'cilii i ~ i ~ l ~ ~ ii ll\i~i ~i ~i I~I :i:if li.l
- l ~ l ~II;IY~Ie~III all~i!v;iLile air t i ~ ~ cl ~! r c s s ~ ~1055
r c ~ I ~ I I CIII ~ 1 1 1 ~~ e c i ~ i ! ~ t >I,I!;I
:iI l i l v
c,,mhuction air fa11( S I ) ' ~ O I O ~ I JIiiI,r I hc ohsei-\.i.il. I f r l i c ;!CIII;I~ I~~L,..\III~L, I<),,. i,.
Iligher Illan \I;ileil. 2;11110rg Inrluclrir,. 1i111.i Lie i ~ i i ~ r ~ [;,I l l i ~ ~it,.\
l toi'illi, l'iii ilc-

s i s ~ ~;II:I.

2.36 Control air supply

Manhole gaskets and hand hole gaskets


1.IStorage and handling

1.2 Installation
. ~

1Vote: For sai'eh reasons. nr\el- re-11s~.;I g;lzkel.

1.3 Recommended torque

Table of contents

Technical data
Tlp chmical data far LSFO conaver-

. Pro.i~ L~ No. . . . . . . . . . . . o:,.

l.Sl't ~11rt~.i<cl .. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :IISCS(JL
- - ~
I l lI . . . ................ .................................... I.,?

( - l a s ~ . i ~ i c ~ :soc,i~,l!:
i ~ i ~ ~ ~ .i . . . . ................. lDN\
. Prcs, ;;III~C c:II~I?KII~~III.~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h ; ~ .

* TIICI~-;<~IIICI~:~
c:~lih~i~i<,~~ ................ .............. '(

* IL:II~!L~I,I:C lor \IPII~:: . . . . . . . . . . ....................................... I lh

Combustion process data

- - -
Techqicall data for fuel oil pumps

General data

Data for fuel oil pumps

Data for pump motor

' ill"', i,llII.

1 :..?I,\\
R ~ ~ \ L ~ ~ L I I ~ ~.~ .I I >. ..~ ,. . . . I - - I I I ~ ,,:I
\ ~ n h i c , ~ i ;lir
i ~~.IU~~L,~-;I~III-C . . . . . . -11 i

I I I I ~ I . . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llll<! c ' !
qrnning I'LIITI'II~ I I- \x

1' ! 1,

. l'c~ver C ~ I I S L I I ~ I ~ ~ ~ ( I I ~ I I <.St: . . 1. ~!l, \J.

I1o\\er COIISLIIII~~~(,,II :I( c,Sl:., . . . . . . . 3 .~:l\ \I.
Technicall data for Cooler

General data
- -

Data for Cooler

. Cooler I! pe: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \I\\ !> 1 4011


. Nuinher ~ ~ i c ~ ~ o i. t . r. ~. . . . . . . . . I

Fuel i>il capncit I I.:IIO I\? 1,

i t o i l ~ i c l . ~. . .~. . .l . . .
D e s i ~ ip~-?sslirc i (lll:t~
. . . . . .

D e s i ~ i rI W Z Z U ~ ~ ' l\\at<r ~ ~ l c i :. .. .. . . . . . . . I,:!,


F t ~ cnil
l iiilel l c i i i p c r : ~ l l ~ r I ,,,\, !,I, <
...... . . . :,. - ,I

C r ~ c ~ l i nmcdin:
f ........ . . . . . . . . I ~ ~ L I . . ~ I C , ~ I L ~ ,FI ! Y , I I \A,,I~>:I
C o ~ ~ \\aler
~ l i i LII~OLIIII
~ ~ I ~ L : ! li
. . . . . . . . . .


(,x>Iir~gut11er mitlcl I ~ I I ~ ~ ~ .~
. I - ~ .~. ~. I. I .~ L ~ . ;>: (

111. I i e ; ~ l - e ~ l ~ t i ~ ~ g e ~ ,f,h!:
P~C\\III~I. 1Ii12p( o i l ciJ111.. . . . . 1 1 :s I,::!
I ' r ~ ~ s i ~drop
r e i i r ? ~ t i\iili.i.
~l . . . ti: 1
Table of contents

Fuel Oil Supply KBSD burner
P R I dit~;r:~~iiIFICI o i l q ~ ~ p p l>! > s t c ~ i i
. . Li<t o i p a n q - l i ~ ci,ii
l sul~pl! l o r KBSU
G i l l I.. 51%itcli h<,\.. . . . ... .... . . . . . . . . . .... .
TIircc-\va! ~ a l ~ h:tll e . DV 511. PV I(>. l b ~ ~ iI\>;~IIICI
id \\it11
~icnliiror.o l c ~ ~ c >vi ad l w ~IIICI \ i \ i [ i l i I111\.. .. . . . , .
Tlircc-t\t~! \ ; ~ l v r . lhidl DL (15. I'V 10. lb11i1<1 ~ ~ ~ s r W)II\ tl~cr
,dcI~l;~tor.k ~ l e ~ ix~i l iv dc a11cl <!\itcl~I?<)\
Filter re~11/311'r \vit/l :111t1111:ilic dr.1i11 . ..
Step \alvr.. h ; ~ l l .CI~:IIS~II. I)\ (15 . . . . .
Yt~y, v;tl\c. b;tll. slr:~~:lil. DX I i . .
i l l c c h \ n l t c . D.: ri)o. PN 41)
I'IICI,711 s ~ i p p l ?1u1i1. !\it11 - liltcr. ,IX I ;dl.
Rc!nolc ctorl stop hc
R c m i l r r rtnrl'5top lh,~
. . .
Snl>l> \31\1. [ I N l i I'U lllll ... .
\top \.nlvc. l>all 5rrai!l11. 1)h 1;. l'h -10 ..
\,r \ ? I l l \,,lI\,? I ?".. ... . . . . .
Stc)p !alvc. s1rai~Ill.rl\ .L(I. l'h ?<
< ; l i z ~\al\.e. IN I . F'Y IIIII ....
YCCLIIC WIVC. SI~:I~~III. . " # ~rb\ " . 4lI!l.
P~CX<IIPL <\\ i ~ c l i .KI'S A :
I Ihrcc-utiy \':?lv?. l b ~ lIlD 3 13s. I'N I(,. I~I,I ,I l,,ce!l~t~r\VIIII
< \ \ i l ~ I l l ~ < ? \ .. . . ..
List of parts fuel oil supply for KRSD -


- - ~ ~-
Ibt~rl vappl\ -

- -
211-111 : -
:I11111 lltllili-':
I [:I - ~

' 1r111 I - - I
\li< t i > #ll~r?e-u:t\
\ \:I,,~, ,,~l,l~~l-
I ti4.:- I 111
;1 ,il\i.
- -
lB!ll \;II- 8. I
i ili
- 14:,ll ll,cec-\%tl: \ ~ 3 l \ \ , ii.,ll \;,I\L

1 t i l l-
' - I I I" I 1..111crr c g ~ ~ l : ~ ~ c >:~L~>III.I\C
r \ \ i --
~ l ~ L l ! : ~11
- -- --
'%,I < I t , l
I (,liiI I il% \ : lIl \~
\IC> c I .I : - ~ I ~ ~ I I II I I I :

i t : I \\ill! integrated 1nicrc1

.,\\iliIii,i in hi^ i ~ z c dior remote ns \ve!l nb
\ i s ~ ~ . ii11Jiratin11
l o f v a l v c posiiiori.
R,l\ i'<ll\c~l!-I~o!ltllc
Tcchnic:il [l;11;1switch l1n.r:
TCIIII~PI.;II~IIC 111i1i. : ~ ~ i i h i e r- ~55°C

Type No. 9600

Vers~on A.2 Switch box
T , e:
TIi~-cc-wnyb i ~ l ivnlvc ~.:<lii~.c.JL-hol.c!
. ~ n o1 ;i ~c l v e;1111l - \ \ i t c l l
\vitli ~ c l ~ ~ a l! o~ rl ~
Si. :

41; lication:
. :c?r L>IIIlm\

T ~ PNO.. 6070
vt ion. B.7
Three-way valve, ball DN 50, PM 16. build together
with actuator, solenoid valve and switch box 1 6070000114
M : ~ t r r i a l .t l ~ r c c - \ r a yvalve:
I : I 4 10;
T r v h n i c a l data. s ~ i l r n o i t v;ilvr:
. ~ I ~ e ~ ~ ~ p e ~ -~: i~i t lIr Y
c . ~I II~II !I~-~411 (

Material. a r t u : ~ t i ~ r : T c n ~ y i . r , ~ ~ t ~\ r\cn. r k i t i ~111.1-\. '(

l l n w ~.nciIii.i~.iil( \ . 1 I i l l i-
Rod: : . \ ~ l o l l i r t c l; ~ h ~ i i i i n i l ~ i i i
P r c > ~ e c tcI:I,>.
i ~ ~ i ~lP(,q
M a t e r i a l . solcnnid valve:
T c r l r n i c a i data. s w i t c h h r n :
B ~ x l !. r < ? ~ ~ i l ~ . ~ lrpcoelcyl ~ ~ i ~ i c l c
* ' l ~ c ~ i i p i . r : i l ~111i1i..
~ r e ;II~~!?I?III- ?!I.<
Technic:,! cl:rt:r. \ a l v c :
~'~111~7~~~1111rt~ 111:i\.. ,lilll7l<~il~
. XI1 !
reii~l?,:r:iit~r~,. \ \ o r h i ~ i gInl!i.:- 2 O T S\\I~CII~Z: 1I ~ C \ i p o /
I e i i i ~ v r a i t ~ r nc <. , r k i ~ i gIIILIY.:
~L 160.(C
T c c l ~ n i c a data,
l 1111it:
\t'tl;;!ll 27 5 l.,~
.. I>,>,,\,tl
\tl1317l\ ?;I\ \
lbre<,ti?:lc! <I I l~ll!-l,/

Porl 2
. .:&;.,<??
i"-i 'j
Fort 3

I.,/ I
. a d.~
7 .: A.:,l,,,;i<~8 ~7r.~!,~,!,::l,~s~
~ ,i '

:.. r. -- -.

.. Porl:3

!_NML~L .!
S n i ! c I ~c o n n c c t i ~ ~ i ~ :
w .

Type NO 6070 Three-way valve, ball DN 50, PN 16, build together 1 6070000114 I
Version f3.7 with actuator, solenoid valve and switch box
T! .e:
:I> 1x11 Val\? ( ' ~ . d \ l L ~ ~ tILI>,?~C
~l~lll-<L--\\ I I
\\ill1 ~CILI:I~OI-. . ~ > I r ~ i o i d
,!lv< ;11icl \nitcl,
Si. :
. I)';h
C n i i ~ i ? c t i o n1irx1ii1131:
~ i i . 2 - 1'1. I /2"
C:iI>l< c ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ e<\\c iti ci ~1 Ihn:

11 . Cohlc i.i,nnccti'~n. zole:ic>icl ' i ; ~ l ~ t .i '2"

IJipc c s ~ ~ ~ ~11.i c .<,>I~I.'
c~ii !,,,I\<, I J',
1 ( 5 nection h p e :

T ~ L ,NO. 6070 Three-way valve, ball DN 65, i3N 16,build together


V I ~ :ion. ~ . 3
with actuator. solenoid valve and switch box
R1aIeri;ll. t l ~ r e r - w a yvalvc:
. BIXI~, . \<Thl ,I
Olnteri;~l. ; ~ r l u ; ~ l n r :
Bod,, , A t i r u l ~ ~ cac l ~ ~ t i i i ~ i i ~ ~ ~ i i
T e r L t i i c a l data. solenoid Ii l l \ ~ :
.. ICIIIO~I.:I~II~C \\1ir/\111; 111111 -
I ~ I I I ~ ~ K I I\L\ <I ~
~ i?k.i t I~~cI : I \ .
I'IL>\\~ ~ ~ ~ V l iCc \i. ~i .~! i i t I!
P r c ~ ! r c ~ i~t .~l .~t <i \II'f,?
111 '(

t ~

1 Rlaterial. solenoid valve:

Technical data. s\vitch IXBY:
l i o i l \ I < c i ~ i l ~ i i c pol?nmidc
T e c I ? n i c : ~II;II;I.
. I ? I ~ ~ ! ~ ~ K I11ii11..
! L I ~ ?:IITII>~L,III
- 211 k

' . ~ ~ I I ? I ~ L ~ ~ , I ~ \L \I i~lLr ~h. i ~ ~
F c i ~ i p c i ~ ! ~ ~\ !i<t :~. i k i r I~I;I\~:
- 311'C.
+ I(>(!'~t7
. Teiiipc'ntl~i-e ICI\

S\viiclie<: 2 lp.,. SIJi? I

. .~i~iI,ieiii SO I

Tcc1111icaI data. t ~ i t i t :
1 Tccl~nic:~
l :~ct~~:~tor:
\\?~%III: ~:i.!
4crr.?tni \],ling ~ ~ I L (I SI K - ~I
E l r c t r i c a l data:
. A i r -111?liI! l p r c s ~ ~ 111i1i.:
4 i r i i p p l ! [pr'"."~~" Inax.: I (I hnr
0 13a1-
I ' i l \ \ ?5~l l ~ ~ [ l l !,2711 \
F~CLIII~I,<,\:511 (>Ill1:
1 . I eli~lxr;irl!ic. ~ i i i ~
~ ~ I ~ I ~ o
I iiii~\.
q lic.r a t i ~ i $ :-2O'C
~ pc ~ t i~~ ?L+SO>(.
~ f i~ g :I ~ L ~ ~ Inctnilatinn: 1
Derail. 1I~rer-\\;1! valve:

I d

Port ?

... K Y : !
1:: 811,
I .;

.. 11.1. ! ~ . 4 I l O
OD: 9 ;

Type NO.: 6070 Three-way valve, ball DN 65, PN 16, build together 1 60700001 01
Version: 4.3 with actuator, solenoid valve and switch box
Tea tnical data:

.. vltclirinl: insll-unc.111air ,ill!

,'lax. i ~ i l c pt r e ? ~ ~ r \ : I: ? I $ r
l i l1 I ' 8 , . (>i "('
'iltcr clslucnt: .' plii
l e c ~ ~ i i ~ l i ~eI.SS
~I.L.i d rc~~il::iiti?:r.lli:e.
1. 1 4 - 7 0 1h;ir
s ~ lI r 1 - 10 I- I
Aciflll 0.-1 kg
VI:) !ri:il:

.. <l>ti!. S[C<I
{in: S I ~ ~ I
Inlidlc: .\cc.~nl

Typs Uo.: 8000

Vet ion: 5.1
Filter regulator with a~htomaticdrain 2915101 1

rat inp:
I'sc,~,.II~c. I'K l h

Type No. f i O l O
Versiotl: A.I Stop valve, ball, straight, DN 65
! Typ. '40.: 6010
VE. ion: A . l
Stop valve, ball, straight, DN 65 1 6010000343 1
-- 1'
[)k ; <

I Detail A

Type No.: 6010

Version- &.I Stop valve, ball, straight, DN 15 8010000335 ~
Tb e

. ('l~t.cL v n l ~ c
C nrctinn type:
DN Ill0

Pr- { S I I I . ~raling:

P r ? \ \ ~ ~ r~n(>~iii~
e ;!I: PN .I,
4 8lication:
Fcir <Ie~111iarid , pi1 ll,>!\
I\.! erial:
I I - l a ~ ~ sCl-XRl
1 ? Diw: ?IS1 3 . 6
5 S p r i ~ ~! gl l S l :I[?

- i T o p p t ~ r !\l>.l
> SC~I!: C-178b1
~ : ?. ! 0
, ~ I S ~;I(,

TI ~ n i c : ~ l

. I ~ s i i ~ p c i - ? l u1r11e 11: 2i0'

\4'ci<li1: <..< ks
Div cnsinn:

.. l 0 1 1
:= I I>-1
. )=l,il
= li(l

Typ No.: 6020

V ;ion. A . l Check valve, DN 7 00,PN 40 6020000086 ,
Fuel oil <tippl! IIIIIII~ 1111it. \\it11 Y - l i l i r r

Pr.rissl-t I-;11ini(:
IIIIC,I. i i o t i i i ~ i t ~PN
l: 1 6
Pre.;-l~r~.o!III?I. ~ i ~ > l i ~IPN i ~4
:1l l :

Type No.: 9294

Version: C . l
I Fuel oil supply unit, with Y- filter, size 160 9294002167
1 sllonge\:
('OIII~ILT l l i l ~ i g ci i~~~c l r ~ l i 10~ i CN.
g RI~!'
,111~1c;~skcls $\illI~L,
in llw <!I\-'-

Tyrl No.: 9294
V', ;ion: c.1
Fuel oil supply unit, with v- filter, size 160 1 9294002167
Type No.: 9294
Version: C.I Fuel oil supply unit, with Y- filter, size 160 1 929A002161
Typc 40.: 8000
VP, on: B.I Remote startistop box 8001000016 1
R e t ~ l t '<
!~I : ~ ~ I , ~ 1101
IOI~ . Y o ~ ~ i i t iO[?CI,I!III~
\ 1
! =I \
I - l2 ?
i l l i.1
. IFm :,!,\rl t olp o f ~ L I Coil
i ~ l i5~
,>~x,r,ili,?~i I
I . , - = l l ( l \. .lii,l I ?
: t t l L l lc 6 ,\
: 1 , \ I I 'L. = ~\

Type No: 8000

Version: B.l Remote start/stop box
S ~ l l ~ \.Ill<

Type No.: 6040 1
Safety valve, DN 15, PN 100 87SOQ32
Version C.1 I
T.. c :
Srop \:11~e.
Si. :
, DXl5

Typ No.: 6010

Stop valve, ball straight, DN 15, PN 40 6666106
vv .ion: A.2

. .~d ,
I I I . ~ ) c u . > Ic '~h,
~ -

Nenllc v a l r r iZ(Hl-RR. 1)imenrion in mm. - forl'l0 r.iecatia,n

I:llnn I'I'FF drsipncd lor 1 norking pn:rsuic of 3 0 har ( ,
olld a m a lernprr3Iurco1'2011' (~
~ \ I C II?
I Ih

Revsed NOY :PO2 - Undated nov 2001 U ~ d a t e ddec 2002 - Uodated ieb 200: - Update" okt 2Onl- Uprialed nl; In<,'

9 7 ~ 6 o o adoc
IRocly: l!N-1 ;.IS-J,III- 1st -1 T
l l l V - ~ i i a ~ c r i ; N,.,;
~ l e l:V-.ISl 11.1~)
. scat: Y20('rl .:+(.I I'
r)lN-r~i:~k-~-i:ile N,,:1 L112I L(JT
, I )ix; X2OCrl . > + ~ . l l -
IllN-liintcri:~lsN , :i if121 j(:jT'
N,l~i~inp a lr c \ \ ~ ~ rP\ r 2 i
* \\"ci;lll: I 0 1s,
* l'l:i~ic~,si ~ c c t ~ r c l iI~( , i x!>IN

Tyrs No.: 6010
V+ ion: c.1 Stop valve, straight, DN 40, PN 25 2501090 1
S ' ~2
I .(#I<<: x L 1 h
. s:ll>l;~\,,I\<,

I i
Type No. fiO4O
Version C 1
Safety valve. DN 15, PM 100 87S0032
a: c:
P r c 5 ~ 1 1 ~r c; I L I \.:II\c
~ ~ n t . ~ ~\ ;~r ili il cci ~ t

Si, :
1 2'' 1 "

4 1 .lication:
I 7<1r i l i c i i ? l ~ i ~: rO~I ~~I i~ ~ C I 115

hl: e r i i ~ l :
3mI! ( ' ? ? . S
3l\-111:1Ierialb , ~I .04(,1
TI ~ n i c ad:11;1:
qolnin;il presslre: PN - I 11
I I I I I ~ O I : 1 Y I ;111111 l l l r ~ 3 ~ 1 c J
~ : kc
$4 ~ i c i nIlL4

Tyr No.: 6210

Vr ion: c.1 Needle valve, straight. "2" x %", PN 400 2541002
i ,,
:.:I, :
I :,,,~,,:,z~.I I f <


. lrj (I-! II'C i?')

Tlic cie\\1lii, con~rc>l
l c ~l l> r c < < ~ ~tlic
r c CSI;I
211~1DIN ~ o o i o .
housing is cii;i~iiel-
;aI~t~iii~ ( ( i ri l~- 4~1~- i i
i i 1'. 1 I i c c m s r i.; l a ~ t c n e dh! l b i ~ r
, \ c r c ~ \\I~IL~II
~. ,ire i i ~ i c l i o r e ~toi pre\e111
Tile m:~~cln..~~~.i,
c:111 lhc \enled \ v ~ t l i I11.e
\\'lirn rlii. ~ p r c ' w ~ c or l~i t ~ - ~coke1
>l i h ~rc-
:iic)\ccl. ~IIILI l l i ~ l, o c k i t i ~ >cre\v 1 5 1i<loo,-
e ~ i c d ill?
. I-;I~IL!~ call 135 set wit11 [lie ,spill-
~ i i cr ' 1 \\liile JI r l i r s;ime t i m e the scale
I: I i i iheiiig rcati. It1 units linvin: ,111 ad-
,!ii,~a')it. <liil2iclirial. the 5pindle (.?! n i i n
lhc 111,:; rl, 11i:lhe the ndiust~iient.Tlic ~ l i f l
l>re1?11~1 ,~I~I;I~IIL~LI C;I Lie r m d direr1 1711
1115 ii.il?s I l i

1.r c,l-urc l l i : ~ tIIC lil;i~il r ~ ~ ~ i c t iprt>p-

LTI). .i >iiil;iIile ilil'lbrcntial pressure 1 5
~ i e c c - : ~ ~ ! Too \ ~ i i i ~ilil cliITere~i!i;~l\rill
give [ I < ? 10 .li~ir~ r i ~ n t i i n glperio~is\ritIi iv
115h, , : I I L I I ~ ~l -~~I>Ii~ l>i .i ~ l ai dirI>re!i~i:~l
~ v i l !:<~lli
l / : I 1.1ri.e jiressure ~ i c c i l l n l i o n r .
I ~ ~ Ir>'\
. C ~ ' ~ I ~ I I in,) ~ CII~II~II;
C : l l ~ I e c ~ ~ l i ~ i 111.
~ 6i
e c iswitcl
i l h t ~ \ : 2 - I'r I /?''
T c r h n i r a l data. unit:
. \i"ci!dil: l'l./?kc
I C' , o c c t i n n h p r : I~:leclric:~ld a t a :

-- L3 - .
- W1
1 -I
-- .%=--C.
-- ~
= .., -
- -
Switch p~

Three-way valve - I

v I

' I >~.


f - ~
1' I

1 rn.
NO.: 6070
.ton . A . 3
T h r c e u a y valve, ball ON 65. flN 16. build together
with switch box
1 6070000099 1
O1ffip- I

Type NO. 6070 Three-way valve, ball DN 65, PN 16, build together
Version A.3 with switch box 60i'0000099
I Port 3

Sr., ch cnnnerlion:

Tyrm NO.. 6070 Three-way valve, ball DN 65. "hl 16,build together
VI, ion: A.3
with switch box 6070000099
Table of contents

Control System MGO

Table of contents

Table of contents

Spare Parts
!scription Index Date Drawn Appr.
A 25C900 JB..
Type number (:hanged I
Drawing opiated h 30-@J-@d MDu

Option i----
..-- --
-<' -- -
' , 1 t

L '


- -- I
S. Tube Inserl
1. Safety v;. I
8750031: - 4 Bar ' 0 . 4 Mpa Ref serial hlr;
87500211 - 5 Bar 0.5 Mpa
875002'1 - 7 Bar i 0.7 Mpa i; In- and ~o~!tler
flange n;iski?ts

87S004:i -
875004,3 -
P Bar I0.9 Mpa
12 Bar 11.2 M D ~

87500411 - 13.5 Bar ! 1.35 Mpa
875004: - '
?.? Bar 3.2 Mpa

:Manorne:+r tnple scale (Bar+Mpa+Kglcrni) 8RI3OOR (003660 137+:.!DN 65

66331 1 :: - -1- -5 Bar 1-0.1- +0.5 Mpa 66331 19 0-10 Bar ' 0-1.0 Mva 89130nq [(ji' ?66[1 fi?q) DN sn
6633122 0-16 Bar 0-1.6 Mpa 6633121 0-25 Bar 13-25Mpa
663312' 0-40 Bar : 11-4.0 Mpa
7.Steam an1 ! . o ~ ~ P I ?fiance
s casket:

4 Flange giskets
Ref ser al No

Please state the serial number when ordering spare parts. I

Pr~pcI 130tler c i ~ t a
. ..
.... j
- ....*.
..... Weiqhl k" Deot
*. ':I5 Type MX II
Drawn Date S(ze
m;*pif;.: y$ JBL 25.09.2000 A ~ R Spare parts
i h , Anproved Dare
MT 25.09.2000 NO1
51 4003 5
Thls Drawlng a:;:: lir?siqn slri,wri herein. 1s (he properly o i A;ll!jorg Induslrlt '. AIS, and musi rlol be usu0 08 rc:lroiiuceri lclr thin! P;+rl\
Table of contents

- --
I.'ilcl nil cuppi! c! c t c ~ i i
Ft. el oil supoly system

1 General description
- - -- -- -
lllrtstration nf the oil s y t e n i
- - --

\ I I 1 l i eI i s ~ I I ~ I I II I I I I :iliii :-!I. JII l,ipe< GI~~JIII;
1e:ivy li!: n i l I~ILISI /he i!i'.l~laIrtl' 1 1 1 ~ 1 l r . ~ ~ ,ill~ ox rl i l e r l o hcsp I ~ i ! l l i c i t . n l lir\\
l~ \ iici~il:.
it.11~ ni l.lic 1rnc111: CLIII Iv CIO~IL' ,JI~IL,I. I,\ I~IC~IIS 01',1ci!111 !~L,:II~II~ or I,! II~L.:III> (11
.li.:lric I:.ilit~g cnl,le, I ~-:icil!i.I i c i ! 1'11111111111\1 l?c c ~ ~ ~ i I ~ . o l l - . c I

1.2 F u ~selection
-- - - -- -

1.3 Return flow from the burner & pump - HFO mode
- - --- - -

'I .4 Return flow from the burner 8 pump - MGOlDO mode

- - - -- - - - -- - --

\\'lit:~~ 1I1c 3~1r11ilr

1s !!I ii:~li(l-h! ~ni,'ii.. ;I III~IIII~~III~I oi'li.lCi(l i l l 1 i~ I~ILI~IICLI \ill illi, ill1
r:t~r11 10 II-<c
tlir<c-\\:~y \ : ~ l v c!i> 1 I ) I ~ ~ ~l I~ItIr Ill? ? b 1 t . i ) I?() is \?<I [ ( I 111~.k l G 0

[)O 1a11k , #,Ir l i r ~ c\<,I! \':II\L, I (i~i~:5' I

I lie k I b C 111.~)il,i\\LIO\\II ~1rc:111i \,;II\L,I< 5 IIII,! i:>~ C I L I ~ I I L ~ L ~ I ,[III?L,-
0 1 i I ~ L , , Y I I ~ ~ cc~111i<>l ~

v I a (il?:I. I 1.11111 Ihcri, 1l1c ? : ti )!I10 is l i ~1(1 l llie L1l I( ) l)('l intil, \ i o lllc I I I : ~ ~
v <I\,;11\, fi.L:'Il.

1 IC ~lircc-,,!:I! \;IIvL,.: ; ~ r cI~I~CIIIII.I:I.. ! I \ 1yic1.:1tc~i:I~III:III~N i i t ~ l i r i l l l c I,\

~ l .I > ~ > l c ! i ~ > ~ i i
I V T I - . ~ ~ ~ I c : \,!!\I,
~ ~ o ili;i'
O :I III,I,I'I:I~ \\\11cl1 Ihr ?II.L~~~<I-L:> ,'.l?cra[i~\l~.
1.5 Return flow from the burner B pump - Fuel change-over mode
-- - ~ - - - -

\~'II~II l c l i a ~ l ~IcG~ 1151

i ~ i e I> i iro111I IF1 1 i t ) kl(,(~):DOI i>r I~OII: k ! ( i i ),Ili~l ; t , I 1I.i) 1

Ill?illsee \\;I! \ i l l v c s ( (?II I. (i-!~;T :lll~lC-Li30 I \\ill Ilk, c,>lllr,~Ile~i 1,) ~ ' ~ l l l l- ?l ?~ l ~c I ~l i l
I c l i e I l i i ~p i i I c l l l i ~ l i lt l i l l I . 111 lit1,liill~i !'ri.ilitl l l l i :.1~1111I!
llo\\ 15 1-ei~11-11eei via ~li~-vc-\\:i!\'al\c IG-I:~!~10 I H I ~ Ow l l l i ~ i gI,LI~L
R c q t ~ i r e!111zl1i11g
~l 1i1i1c\VII~IIc I ~ i i ~ i g i I':~II,I
~ l $ I l l ( I \li~i( l~~llil j s 1:~: I k ,~~L,I:,I.IIIIIIL~L~ I>\
-;lmpIe tab-en recuni linc i lt.,l ci1c.k 1.
LVlie11 c11:11igi1i$ rr0111k4(iO:I>O I,, l l l ' i ) l l t ~ ~ i i i I~< i pg c r i ~ ~ r i i I,,
~ ~,I\Z.,!~I
~ , i Iik~,iii~1c $:I
Xl(i(3'DO \\liicli \ \ i l l iiecre:iw \ ix,l\ir! i > l \ l ( ~ i O / D i31icl
l r c i l u ~ !~I I. I Y ~ L , I : I ~,.II:II,IC-
ieri.;~ic. \vllicll can callre J;l~lia:c to jplliilp..

1.6 Fuel oil supply pumps

1.11~ <>ils?sie111is t i n e d \\ill., I R \CIS ~ ,al',t~ppl! ,>illpt11111>\

0 1 1 5ct
~ ~ 2 i ' ~ l l ~~1 >t l ~ T l ~l ~l ~(~iSl l- I 7 I li,r 1 1 1 ' 0 ~t 1 ~ ) O \l>i,.,\ll)
. ,,I 111111111~1111 I : < \ I I,,

;.il cSI I zcr ;1cti1:~1 ptlrnp \pecilic,~iiull i

I )lie \el i l l . < l l p ~ l ! Il11111~1~ 1 ( i J i l l ) k)r 1\1( ii)hl>( ). v l ~ c i ) \ l l \,)I ~ i l i ~ l i i l ~
! lI ~, i\ i. ~

1.7 Fuel oil pressure control

-- -- -

~ o i l r c l l l r ~ i \IC 1 1 1 ~i1111111\ I I C I ~ ~ I I i ~ ( l cIIIIOII~I~

? 1p.11~t , > i i h li1i.l ! ! i i , ; i l ' r c i i l ~ r.0111rt?l
\ , ~ l \ c~ C j l l l i \~\ l i i c l ~lkcclh ;I lprc->~,llprc,\t~r~,ill 111~. !'tltc ~ 1 i -V\!:I'I

1.8 MGOlDO cooler ( Option )

-- --

i .111!:11;111.. 1 I!, .. ,
1.10 Fuel oil temperature control
- -~ -- - - -

1.11 Ignition oil system

- -- - - -- -
Table of contents

Operation and maintenance

-- - -- --
Rrtrnersupply systems

General descriptictn
- -- -- --

I ~ I ! ill ge11cr;i' t e f i i i < 1cye111erSF i l l ~sc\ti.t.

T h i s >?CII<III ~ i ~ , > c ~ . i ~l ~l ri ,ck i t ~ r ~~i cI ~~ ~ ,s).,~e~ii,
I l i r : ~ i ~ i iI ~ i t i I . I I rliallI tr~?ralir~n.

T l l c /~~I~IC:I.;IIIJ111s ,111 s! \ICI~I 01.i. klr il:~ic,d Ii~rO,>II1 311':,>il ;':iilIi<.iv! i i l e l o i l , ~ p r r ~ i i ~ ~ i i

\17 i l l ~ ~ s,.I~~II i h l l i c >1t,;111i: i ~ ~ ~ ~ l ih ii ~. r~~ i~e ~ ui <?II,~UII
' l . ,>I.~lieI ~ I I ~ I I ~ ~ < ! I '~, )I~>1~e\1 1 I?\! ib* c)
I i t I

-,'. x-.-.m.uuw** ..i , ., --..:r"-l"m Mar.,, oa. a 1 ,or ignition bur.,",
I / j

InSlrUnlenl a , .
( 5 - l l 1 lbnrql

Ctomisng steam
inr burner
I.IFuel oil system

I iirllicr111o1.c. t l l r c~iliIv,ilr\.Liclii i c clc.~y~;~.cl iii psi.\ cni ~ ~ t u w ~ i ~ ~ i iI i'l.,,

l - ~ I.~ -ii;t,ii:.
~ i ~ ~ Ii i ! :
\ t l i i c l ~~iia! ::iri<c d t ~ r i ~ i <I~I:I-IIIT.
: <IO!>. ~ r ( c ln~icl
l ~III~S;II~~,III,.

1.2 Steam atomisins svstem

,living ~..\l-rnol <lop 0 1 11ic hurncr. 11.2 I.incc i.; p l l s ~ e cI\l 1111L:e.i!rl. I'!Iv l i ~ i e ~ ~ ~ i>IILII-
i l T v a l v ~t 1.441 I>~<I!<. ;111<l Ilie ISCIII, '1ii11; file1 o i l it1 ll!? l z ~ i ~\,:I1
: hc ~i1~11!1ii?d it11<~'llic~
ilrrlace. I Ihe ~ ~ ~ ~ i i bair ~ ~I;III.* t \.litell
i ~ i ~ ai l w q l e ~ - a i ~
~~I >
I ~ . :lii>
I I ~ lperit~d.
! 1111rgc,s111:
'I~~-n;lce I > rtlic ~ ~ n h r ~ t.iecicil
r ~ i c ~ #l ) I ' L.l.:alii ~ i i i i tThe
. \:IIv~i-I-: i- C I O F;Li ,i~~ 1~11; r
j i 7.11~ IV~,ICI.

1.3 Combustion air system

- - - -
- ~

I IIIIIIII i I i I I I I Ii I I Ii I . 11.
, a5e ~2iKsl.,1i
cli,~, rl llic s ~ ~ l c t i ~\:I/\,
u i ~ l I < clo<c<l.,I I i i ! .i,ll>pr,-iOw!!~,r \ \ ill I i ~ l l ! t q v n 111,.
llll I l l I I I ! ! ~ell\
~ 1 1 1 Il'll O I ' I ~ ~;;CI\ ..\ilCI11

1.4 Ignition system

~ -- --

.t rllc clit ; l ' t l l r li~si!ii~.t. , I I. III~: - o l ~ ' ~ i ~\::IIv~\

I ~ L I S ~ L~?L,I l~cl I: I I 11). ~11111 I?.: I i1(1,:11.
; :1c1 111v i i ' ~ ~ t l i I>II~I~CI~
i > ~ ? 1 5 i!!~~i~c,l ;t,i' IIKL,:IL.C~.
1.5 Compressed air system
.- -

Tile c0111~".esse~i air '!s1e111 coll'isl~ (111i31.1r <).<leil~\~ \ ! i i c l i,jicrilTil

i \ii i l i i.liIicl.iiiii ;'I\,.-

\11rc5 Tile ail- s! <tei11!iir ;1101~1i5iilg is I: <iqmr:lle <\>1t3~1i.

\\!11cl1I!ICIIICIL~.l l ~, , i~ t ~ l >, \ I I \ < ,
i 1571 :inJ iht. 11u1ireirini \ a l l < , i t ~ l i l S i

Tllc ~ i i s!slem
r tbr 1 1 1 ~o i l !It>\\ ~ I I I I I ~ ( IIIICIIILIC\
~ ill? ;ail l i l t ~ rliiIlii111i11
r 1 1 i l 1 1 ii I "17 :illti
I " I I I l C I rI :Ill i l l l l l i i l I, I l l I 1 !!111i11! I 11'') 1 1

Vote: I/I' converters a o t l l o r pcrsitionri~sn ~ u silj c sup(~liecl\ r i t h i n c t r n n ~ t ! ~ a;lir.

4 General

' l - i ~ ~1,)r I!.,: C<II;~I?~<SIOI~~I~;. \lie ~II,I ~I<I~\>IIS lk?ri l i c iii(li\~i~I~~:tl ;-~I.IS <I~IIIC !>II~IILY IIIII;
,116 >II~), ,I %!Y!~II, \II~~IIILI \t11<1i,(I I lie \pccial i ~ i . % l r t l c i ~ loi~~i 1-r 1 1 ~beiile~,;IIICIIll<
r11-!11~n1F , \tc111\110tt/d i l l i ( l he ~ i l l l - l l lTIlC ~ ~l l~l s i r ~ l c l i ~ ~~ ll ? l ~ ~ <~l t l l~) .lhet ~~ c~l l ~i s i ~ ~ ~ r e ~ i

. i I I ~ I I II i I 1 I I ' 1:1.11 e.lcl~1,lant slivlilil he L r ~ ~ i ~ ~ i ~ i i~~l i ul i i io~ ~l - ~ e ~ I

tlal!? 1,) v!-I,ii~i '11c lh~..! Iht~rl?crI>L,I~I~' II~LIIIL,,, liir 1I1c s p e c i l i ~[>I,IIK!

t t e ~ i Il
: t h e h o r n e r u n i t arrtl s u p p l y systems inelude parts. w h i c h are nor
s f : l ~ ~ r I a r (dl C l i v e ~ - yl ' r i ) ~t:tI.RORC
~ INI)I!iTRIES, t h e specific in-
s t r ~ ~ c t i n nf os r there 11~1.1' s11n111~1h e i g n o r e d in t l i e l ' ~ ~ l l n w i nsecli~tns.
The a r t l r a l in%trllctia~l).;1.01- t h e specific p a r t ? CII~IIIII I>e lhor011q11I\
sloclietl :amcl f o l l ~ i ~dvo~r i ~n gl c ~ ~ m r n i s s i c ~ n i n p .

1.1 Pre-service checks

~ -- - - - --
Illustmlins ol.the oil s\steni
- --

Illustration o f tlie hurner-anit and supply systenls
- -- -- - -

~ , . 2 r,c :.-
, ,
w a w P-Diesel .- oil for ir>nifionburner

, " . ,". -
F u r n,,

Fur., 0.1 retiirr

ll-s!',,mPnl a,r
151ii bar?'

A i 0 m : s ~ n g$learn
i c r burner

-- . n ! a n r r , ; " ri4

Furnace pr?4rilre


2.1 Commissioning adjustments of the burner unit

-.- --

Step .A: R c ~ i t o v cIC l l i ~ ~ i ~? ;e1 1 i 1 1 c r ~ .

Step B: L ' l o s e l l i c st<![> I:IIV?< (1.L I :III~;I F h J I .

Step C : [ ) i s l n o l ~ l i l l l i c Ilc\ihl,- l i q v \ 1.w l'11eI i l i l .III<! . i t i l l l ~ l - ~ i ~ril;

: : ti11 it, ti: l- 1111~,\
llic tI~-,ihlc lu,-<, (or C O I ~ ~ ~ I I \ I ~ O I I ail^ I,, 111: 1:11i1ioii I ~ i t r ~ i c r
Step D: ~I~SI:I~IIII!
Step F.: Disl:i(w~if flic I l c x ~ I 11~ i l c~ i ~I;:/. i g i i i l i n l ~:lil ;I!- I I' :r'.-. 3ir t i > IIIC i j ~ l i i l i , ~ ~ .
Step I.': D ~ S I I I ~ ~ I I Il ~
111e l c ~ i l ~II~I
l c << 1i)r t11e air ser\,~,c> li:i<dei $111111s i g ~ i i ~ i tb~tr11e.
5t1.p G : ~>I~III(~IIII~~ l i cahli,
c lbi f l i' ~ i i i ~ c ~ i c\ t~i c~ i i c,11I1i 111~' i ~ l i i i ~ i oIhi1r111-r
i t c p H : KCIII~IL.~ 111e ~/>:lrl\!1,11! C:I~V Ij.i)lii 1 1 1 igiiili'11
~ ih~lr11cr.
Step I: Yr,ic ills lpo..ili!~li n i t l ~ c1 1 51:f ~ ~ 1 ; inlltl
l c 1111scrci!II'c I b ~ ~ lir!vii
l s 1Iic Iirnlil {~I,IIL,

\ttentin-: T h i s s r c t i o n i s o n l y \sliql f o r h n r n e r s erluippetl w i t h p r i m a ? :~nclscr-

i ~ 1 1 1 l a s1 ~ ~ i r l e r FIPI
s . : ) I I ~ I I P ~ ~ w i t h f l n r n r s t n h i l i r c r pleirse set, section

Step :\: ~ . ~ ' ! [lie i ~ kd i s ~ : i ~ ~! ~c ~c I \ \ : : , . I1I 1 1;11!11iiixr

~ l i p ~IIILI 1111ierri11;CIVIIIClpril~i:~~:.
- \ \ i i i i l r ' I ~ Ll't!~.l,~r!
. , L , I ) ~ > c i, 25 111ii1. ,\L~,~IIs~ ~I'II~cL~~\:II-\

Vote: :In e\:lct d i s t i t n w c;tnnol IC' piven. h u t 11as t o hr d e t r r m i n e c l w l ~ c nt h t

hr~rnw is in nperntion. I f I I - c 1l:rnrc has ;I tendcncy ti) palsate a t lo\v Inarl*.
i t m i o h t l,c n e c c s s a n t o ~ . c : c ~ l j tt~l s~t edistancr.

i t R: I ,~IOS<:I~ llic lhr~l[.\ \ I ~ I Il iL, L,,~ ~Ilic p r i l i ~ a l ?s ~ v i r l c r, ( I !lie I~II~IIL.~1;11icc lprc)rL,c-

i i n l i t!ilic \ i l j ~ : \111,
I : l'rii~ ti.> \ \ \ i r l c r I!, ilic d e s ~ r clp><itlon.
~l ;iliil tiglilcii IIIL.
~ I, ~ cIi i i r i
Step : ILrn>cc~illic llol!. \\liicll :i .r\ 1!1c >L,L.OII!I;II>'i\\lrl,:r i i I I I ~Ihl~rtiei1:111cclprl,-
iec1iir11tithe ,\il.ill-.l1111. \:ii,ii!I;lr! .I
w i r l c r inlo ; ? ~ % l l ! i rill
n \\;liicl? Ill< 111111,.
I ill? ( v j ~ l <L~COIIL~~I-\
~c \ \ \ I , 'vr ~ I I llic
I ~ o!~tcrr i ~ i g
O~IIIL, lpri~iii~r! s\\irl<r . ~ r:I:t
I I I I . rigliteii 1 1 2 holi <l;,ai~i~'r'liis, c c ) r r ~ c - i i t . t ~I d
n ~;III cq11:\1 ~ i i t n ? -
rnclil 111 llir ~cchnil.il?-i\i i l c r 111 1 1 1 ,~ r i ~ ~~~ic~ i r i i ~11. ~ ii,
.!~\I:IIICC :I\ tllc p1.1111:11.>
I it~111,.
i l I:,r 1iii~\'tctilc111. 11 111~. Iho11i ~ y t i ~ ~ .

Step I): I < I O X ~ I ~1 1 1 ~lhc~lt.

~ \\Iiicli I.,,+ t l i ~ ,1h11r1icrIt111ccI ~ ? ~ ~ ~ L ~ L . I IIII?~ ~ L I I ~ I<> 11ic I'IC>II.
1'1;11~: , \ ~ l i i ~ \1I1e
l l ? r ( > l c c ~IIIIX~! ~ ~ i 1~1 i 1 < i ;I po!,ili,>~i 11 ~ ~ \ l i i c1 l1i 1 ~,?111crI ~ ~01 II~
v ,Iiv l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 1
1I1es t c ~ ~ ~ i ~<\!l :i ~r lr ~y :111(l o i1~1 l i 1ct111,1rl
1 i g I , ~ ~ t - t i e r c are
t ~ ~.iti s1 ~1 1 ~
-t11iie level. i.lii<c o t ~ r ? q ~ ~ ~ ~LI ' : oppnsi!c i> ~ i i t i \ . c , ~,?l'llis
i c ~ ~ 1prolt.cti~,11
l!i tlii. 5anlc i i i l ~ l i ~ . r i c<:I-
: ~ / : I I I C ~.I., 111? \ \ \ i r l e r ~ 1III.,\ ciil,:lii T i ~ l i l e llie ~ i 11,111
> t e n E: 11 ~111. r i l i r ~ s l n ~ ? is
~ i tcarrir. I Ilui. I o i ~ s e l llic
i l i x i t i l ki.-c!\% 111i11 liold Ill< ;lit
.rr\(i c! I i i ~ ~ l ol.tlic
er I;!III.I~III ~>IIVIIL,~. k , l ~ ~ \itc ,111 li1c \;111ic~ i i r c c t i ,all(!
~ ~ ~1,.
'llc >iiilii. n l l l l ~ e r i c i i1ic1.11
~l c: ,IS [lie l i r i ~ i ~ i i r\1\1r1#:!
\' 1i1~~\e11ie1it.
Tllc I;lct,w>
- c ~ L i l l cI ~ C I \(lie \ VI ~~I I ~II I~
S '1 l l ~ ~ r ~
i c !lie
~ - p r i ~ i \ : ~ r,v5,
. iricr 1, 111111. ric111c1i
lhc l i y , i ~ i j : -c,r?\\, :i:::~it~

2.1.3 A i l l t ~ s t n ~ oI':tti)~niser
~nt ;111tl I1;11nv s t : ~ l ~ i l i ~~el i rs t : r t ~ e(I;II-CC
e size I n t r n e r < \

:\.ttenlion: Thi.; section i s o n l y \ r ~ i r t l i r r I>llrnerc c l l n i p p e t l w i t h f l a ~ n stahiliscl-.

F o r h n ~ - n r r iss ~ i lS~\~I.EVI-,\
l~ j?lfSasesce section 2.1.2.
Step .A: C l ~ e c hrlie di~l;iiwc b c n \ c e ~ II.,~
i ; ~ t t > r ~ l i 1i11
\~nhili.;rs. Tlic 1;1~.lun \etti~li; 25 111111. ;\LIIIIS~
x r ,111cl ~ l i c1i11ic1
rule ,?I ! l i ~ I~:IIIIC

U o t r : :\n exact distance cannot h e gi\rn. h u t Iras In h e ~ l e l c r n ~ i n r1\11rn ti llif

I i u r n e r is in operation. Ift h e fl;rn~e $as a l c n t l c n c ~to p111v:rlc at lo\\ Ir~;~rl\.
i t m i g h t h e necessary In reatljast t l i e distencr.

Step R: LL~~KCIIIll?L~3ll.\\Iiicll I i ~ c Illc

q I~;IIII?
~ 1 ; t ~ l i ~li ~~Ill<
cis bL1:11~1~
ti011 Inhe. 2dj11i1ill? I~;IIIIL,\ i : ~ ~ ~ i l i 10
i c 111ed<<ir<~i
r ~ ' , h i l i r ' : ~, 1.1 1 ~ 1 ~ i ! ! l ~ ~i cl i ii
litill ;ig;ii11.
Step C: I.OOWII the h ~ l l \. \ l ~ i c l il i \ c ~ kbh~rtierl i ~ ~ i c~? ~ ~ C ~ I!iiv
I CI <L >1Iic
' I I lic1111
illate. \$iusr l l ~ cprc~lcclionliihc i n l o :I jpo\ilinll 111 \ \ I I I L ~ llic ~ l'rt,~il1 v l i l l i
ll;1111es l ; ~ l i i l i ~ c; is~ i c l tliv b e : i ~ i i ~ i iot'llie
~ ~ qt!;lrI i I h ~ r i i c OIIIL,~
r :IIL, ~1 ill:: >SIII~<,

le\:cl, Tl1i5 c~irseslio~id< ail # ) p l > o s i ~I~I~\,~IIICIII c 111c l i r t ' ~ r c ~ i iILIIIL.

) ~ i ((1
the same ~ ~ u m e s i cdails ~ a l ~ c;I, i . I l i r llnllic .;~.~hiliii.~ II!('\ ?II~~:II!. l'i::l!t~,t! i l i ~ ,
Step T): I 1 311 ; ~ c l . i ~ ~ s t i i iI!.? ~casri?d
il (11;t. l i ~ t > s ~llic
, ~ i !i\111g <<rr\\, 111;li lhol,l IIIL, , 1 1 1
c!li~ldel- o I ~ I Ii ~ g ~ ~ i l i oh~iriies.
li hrioic I! ill IIIC-..IIII~ i l i i c ~ i i ,111cl
~ ) ~i ~l l
llie silille i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (Iisl:111cc c s i c ; ~ il i - 111e I~:IIIIC 'irabili<c~-I I I ~ V ~ I I I ~ I I I I I I L ~I;ICI~I:>
t i i l e i I i i i i I ~ i i c Is t i 1 i i 1 i tI I Iinlil~~~~
IIC !:\i~ig <csc\\s n q ~ i ~ i

2.1.1 c l j u s t r n e n t o f t h c i ~ n i l i n n13urncr
S t c p 4 : Cliccl, ill? p o s i l i u ~t i~l l l i c n i l 11<,/71c1im ~ I i e1g11iiic111 lhc~rllci~l ~ i ) c,81i ~it),./l<.
l i p s l ~ t x ~I??
l d :it Ill< <a111cle\'cl <.I; llir e r i ~,>j'lli?
l i > ! ~ ~ i ! i ,I>h~~i r i ~IIII,,III:!
t , ~ ~ I!II>:,
,.\LI~IIsI i~~irce~~;i~.\
Strl' 6: C l ~ e c hthe pi>siri<>ilirt'llie i ~ n i i ~ , >s il ie c i r ~ ~ ~ lU
c sI. ~ ~
i;~ii~ivi~c l c ~ ! : ~ ~ !~~ll ~i o. !-~ l ~ l
he 10-12 1111ii i i I-~~IIII
~ ~ > l ' ~ lai ?~ o ~ ~ i i l>i pe ;III~
r 8-1 2 i i i ~ a~hi > \ c l.li~,
tip. TI)? ~ii<t:111ce ~ i ~ , l c c ~ 1 r ~ \II,ILII,I
l h c ~ \ \ c c111c o d c ~ I,< ,I,IIII>~L.,I1 1 1 i i i ~ \LI~II\,I

i i ll?CC5>:1V!

V ~ ~ , t c : i n exact setting o f the i g i ~ i ~ i ciectvodes

o~i canno1 lie :i\,c~il. !i:~kIII l i c
estahlishcrl n l r e n t h e ienitinn I~II-nrris in 13pe1-:rtion.

Step G: :4<<c11iLilc~IIC c l c c ~ sl i~o I~, llt ~;~i~~ itlic

~ l i11i\i11;; ILII?~.
\,ri.'n !;, :I:-. I.',.,., ,.,,,u.
L , .

on tlie n 1 i x i l i ~l u l ~

Step .A: R c t ' ~ v ?tlic l x ~ r ~ i eIIII~I

r ;x~\:IIII~Ic~I.
L.II?~I, iliid II,?IL, 111cL!~IIIII~I.-..~,~IIII.I!:
m c a i ~ ~ r r m e nI ll ~i c. t>h~ninetl inrcn~i~rzrn~ s !~i ,~vi~l sl ~I,: l III*L,~IL,,.!i!i IIIL I~..I~IIC~ 8.

" L l r a s ~ ~ r e i ~ :II~LI
i e ~ iscllilig,"
Step B: V , > i ~ t i l Ili? lie7111 l>l.~le I ! I , / L I L Il ~l iI ~ ~ I;IIIC:.
Ihilr~icr *\! irlcr~~l1:111ic S~:II?III\C~~~.
i11ii1i ~ l i i ~ iI3~1r1icr
o ~ i i ~ ~ i ! t 1\ 1 1 \\1111~-box.
~ : ~ s ~ I ~ ! IIT?
'rl-I,, I I O I?I.IIC I ~~ i i o ~ ~ t l t e ~ . :
111 llie S;II? l p o < i t i ~ l.I\
~ i 11 ,io~.c
p C: Scr:i\ ill llii. holts on rlic i i > mlilarc I l i r nut\ ni iht i - ' l~i ~ I i ! c ~ t ecri,-\\\i.;f:
Step D: ~,I{>LII~~
tlic ~ l n i h l clhcj\:. lor c ~ ~ t i i l ~ i~i.- t i o ~~y it : i ~ i oI~LI~II,:~.
~ ~!<I~ 111: ti
5tcp E: Llnunt lllr i l c \ i h l e 1111.;1,'. <,l- i z t ~ ~ t i co~i l :;11i;I 1 7 1 1 r .~~i /I,)
r llie iglliticlti Ibi11r11c.1~
5trp F: IIICIli.\ihlc 110.1.1
Llc>1111t ~ i i e: ~ i \rc ~ \ I >i:\iin~!:~-i1:1 1111. i ~ t ~ i i i r lh~~tticl-
Step C: t l i t c:II?Ic
\~IOLII~I 1 1 111~
~ ~ . ' i t c ~ i ? l<\\
i c 11~11 011 tlie ~ i ~ i ~ ! ) c Ii l~i I I ~ I ~ C I ~

2.2 Colnmissioning of the oil system

. ~~ -- -- - -- -- -

0 1 1 ~ l c l i \ ~ , llic
r> 011 :!\Le~ii ~ > l ' l l iIh11
~ , I I L , ~ ~ 1 1 i ii,1 l~)-pi~>s?ti l ~ ! IKIC,I~I< OI'III~ lli~ce-\\,:t>
9 :ll!:,: ( P I I. Till\ lpr?\clll5 li,l.<i~ll , ' ~ ~ c <t'rl>ll~ l < e l l l c r i l l ~111: llgv,\ Illclcr. o i l il<,\\reg-
uI;~tii,~i\ , ! \ ?. ?!<. I lie lpo<itio~ioi.!! , 1.11vc sli<tu~l~i II<~I lie L:IXIIC~L~ l-cfi>rc llt1sl~i11g ,)!'
t i i . o i l \! . ~ \ , t i i i,, c,>iill~lelstl.1~11~. \ $ 1 t , 1 % I<IL.I,L~ iri tli15 [pc>,,~rioti!:I 1iic;11i>( >,II -(re!\

IVaroin? \+'lien (he nil ssstrm i> i ~nnimissinneclo n :an uil, t h e Ir;tcing SIT llte pi()-
ing .,stenl IIIIISI??
I 1111:
Step B: Select gas o i l (111llie III~I:II! ~~l,cr:ltcijt l i ~ ~ c c - \ \;ill\ ~ ~ ?c I ( ; , 15 I c l i ~ w kIII;II
tlic Ioc:ll p i i ~ i c~111cl
l c ~ i t l ~c i ~l ~ I ~ s : I I ~ ~ -1 I~I X I 111;I. \!,>I,\.II\ c
c01iip111cri ~ ~ ~ l i ?:I,
!GJL)) t'c>rTlic ~iii\iti; t ~ ~ i > e .
Step C: TIII-11 tlic 111:11iual1! cil?cra~ccl1 ~ r ~ , c - \ \ ~\,II\c
a\ 1(.i2 1 - 8 ,,)r I,II I l t w I~II~III!:~:
hotI1 I'lllllp'.
Step 1): Ope11 tlic SILI~ \:#I\ c, IOS IIIL,~>I.C~.LISC ::I~I~C< (<;IIJ.I ; I I . 11, ,I!I,I ( i 1-1.

K o t c : T h e s l o p valves f o r t h e pressure gauge.; o n Ihr p u n l l l 11nif ~ 1 1 o u Io~nl l y IF

o p e l ~ c df o r pressllre c o n t r o l ptlr[wser. T h e r t n p \ i ~ l \ t . siIio111d 111. clibcc~l
d u r i n g n n r n i a l operation.

S t r p F: l3! -p3ss 111elprr-Iiea~rl-shy II~~,II.IY ~ V t l i e111a1111all~, y ~ r r ; i ~ eIII~C<-\.~

~I .I:* \:!I\ c
l(Gi1 1. ;II~CI
close Ill?\I<,P ~RI\.:, i ( r l t illid ( 1 2 6 1li>rI~OIII lprL,-l~i,,~l.~~.
S t r p (;: Open the slop \ : ~ l \ c s 1 ; tlic
~ ~~rc-tlri.g:lllgl~ 1614 i .nrl,i l i l t I~ri'<atlr: 11:111\-
lliitter I CicJ1)\.
Step H: C'llcch that he tlirec-way \ a l (FO'li ~ ~ i, l u c h c ~iii
l .I p t , - i i ~ , > \,i ~i i ~ ~I,,.i -I,,I-C\
Ill?o i l y 5 t e r i i 01'1Iie Ihi11-11cr1:11it.

Stcp .I: ( ~ ' l i r c ktlic l p o < i t i o ~of~ tlic l p ~ i c ~ ~ ~ i irlircc-\!,i!

aric v ; I I \ ~ , ( ~ i Il I ,I I!: : : , , ~ I I I , I ~
poiilinn. llic I-elui-11~ , i l1 5 Ictl i stlic # ~iiixin~ illbe

Note: Note: W h e n tile fuel i s ch:lneed I>? tnmins of t h r t h r r r - r r : ~ ! v:rlvr i f ; l l 5 i .

t11e tliree-wily v ; ~ l v r s ( G I 11. ( 2 3 7 . (;43')) ; ~ ~ ~ l i ~ ~ ~II:IIIZ<: ~ i ~ t 1iositit111
i c ~ ~ l l ~
a n d r e t u r n t i l e f u e l nil t o t h e lie:a\y fitel nil srttlin: t a n k o r i l i c n i ~ \ i nIII~I~.
These t i m e p e r i o d s :Ire set it1 the r i ~ n t rsystcnl. ~~l

Step L: :4ti,;~1<tllic c i r ~ , ~ l l~rczikcrs

il I;>?. i h ~ l l 1p1111ip.
i 18.- ,1111 ![11i I~ILI~! L.III~YL,II!. $81 111~~
ITICIIO~S. Tlie c~1rrr111 npprnr< ~,.I,III ilie IIIOIIT~ i c I e ~ i t i f i c ; i ~ i I.I:~Ic
o~> :II>~'~TI 111::
cl~,ctric~ ,lI-1 iI....l l ~ l i h
S t c p M: Tlie o i l pllrnp\ 111i1ilhe l i l l r d \\I!II +I> 17il 11110rI,?i > l l c ~ . i ~ T i i ~l ~i ~1:111
i i.~l\i,
iliztalleil 1111t l i r o i ~ l l e\id?
l ~ , i ' t l i cl ? i n i p iiiiit IIIII\I lhe lq~e~i<i/
cscnpc~ifrom rht, \ i ~ c l i o l i i f . 1 !,Cllic
~ p111ii!' 1 - \~I,,II,I, :,I< < ~;I~I?~!:c,..
~ i IIIL,
Vi.111 \.31\< 1113: h i C ~ < > \ C L ~ .

2.2.2 F h ~ s h i n pt h e o i l syslcm
Slep A : Scl llic 1h~1riii.ri1i10 111a1it1.11
~i?:r.ilio~i~ i i m i e1111 !iic l . ~ ! lp,!n<l
l # > !'I.,; L ,,I,,-
S l e p B: Star1 <>IIC ~ I ' t l i ccoil lpi111i1i>,i~.,~lclicck 111'11 il I, ~III~IIIIIC ,,\ill1 111%. LO,VL,L.I ,I!-
r c c t i o ~oi l ~ r o t n l i n ~Ol'ull
i. llic \el11 \;tl\t. ~I;:I~II 1111111 I'III\ L. !, , 3 1 1 k,~~>.:~;:L~\

Step C: l ~ i i ~ i i c d i a ~ cac1111st
l! tlic o i l lprL,,wrc ILI ,I \11i1,113lcl r \ c i ,711 OIL, !~,-I?,I\\ \ . , I \ L ~
I(; 1021.-11 tile lil-4 star1 up. c.iiIi p1111ip1 i i ~ 1 > 1 l i l r i i i i ~ i i ~ n i ~<i i~i i i i l ~ i l i c.II
r11!i ..
n cliffel-enrial pre,.;llrc o l ' n p l i ~) \ . 211 I ~ i I,) r L , I I S ~ I ~ ~;I!~,,I~CLIII;II? ! i l ! ~ ~ i 1 1:, t 1 1 ~
tlic ~iii.cli:~nic;~l !.c:ll clio~illier l ' l ~ c r c : ~ l ' ~IIIC
c ~ ~I~I~C<SLIIC, C:III I.L~:I~IC~~.~I 1,)
ixir l o a v ~ ~ iec \i e ~ , \ \ ~ \ ~c ~ v ~ r - I ~ ~ : ~d11ri1ig
i l i ~ i ! ! L.~~III~IILI~III. ~~II-IIIIIK111~., ~ i l
\ \ >1c111
S l r p D: Sti>e the pilinl, iln,! ~ i i t v tIIIVt % i i ~ ~ ill? \;IIL,
o itl ~~ I I I I IF1c,~l?mi~ c l i ~ ~
~ ~ I I I I I ~proi:eid~~l-c>

VII~P: IIPYSII~C r e l i ~ f v : ~ I virl.;lalltscl

e in each p u m p i<f:lrcon set ancl chcckeil
a1111s l ~ c ~ e 11t)t
l t l h e adjustcc! d u r i n e cnrnn~issinnin:.

Step E: i - l u i llic o i l I I !i\v IIOII~\ \\ill1 on<, v i l 11

' 11111> 111 ~ y ) c r ~ I ~ t TII:
~ o t a Il l ~ ~ . ~ l I~IIIC
i i t ~ g\II<>~I! I lhc L~C!C~III~IICL~ !\it11 r?<.it~J 1), llic hi:/? !Iw < \ i '
S I C I I I ~ I t ~ It i t r i l i si ~ iI . . I .C l i r c i ill:
,~.oI~I,~IcIL, <,II i ~ < I c l i lL\r
t I ,:II,\,
i t p p F: I I I I I . 5.4. I I .l~lic.;. \;ll\cs IIIII>I lbi. kc,ri
c l l l r l l l ~Ill? ~ ~ ~ L, l l l l l . l~ l ~ i l [l~lgc rli l l~~ l .

Yotc: T!ICset p o i n t s f o r t l ~ cp r r - l r c a t r r sarcl? valve's i ~ r factory

c ; ~ n t rl l ~ e c k e c l
a n d s h ~ r u l dn n l b e adjusli,d i l u r i n e con~nrissionine.
-- ~p - - ~p

Step H: 1Iic1- n l ' t l i e ~ ~ I - c - ~ I ~ I111sliit1;

I ~ ! I ~ period,
I ~ I I ~,,pc:1
~ I I~IC %top\:lI\c> I(;?>
.III~ (Li3h1 !or tllc 011c1i>r - I I I Close 111: h t ~ \:II\ r c - ((;1 ;11111ti2111 l i ~
111s iinl lpr~~-li<:~i~-r
S t I: \lie1 I-!: ,ot'11ic p!c-1I1,1t~ I I ~ I I If ~
l l ~~ s l ~ i ~
ig :!I> lllv ol~cr:!!i~~tl.il
1 ~ ~ 1
Stel3 ,I: I ~ > - ~ :tlic i r c - l ~ c : ~ i c r \ ICI~~IIIS o l ~ ~ l1iia1111;1ll>
I S lS ic t?pcr:~ie~l IIII-L,C-\\ :I! \,;il\ C.

t(;i I 3. ;IIILI C.I,>V t11,: ~ i ( q 3,;,II\C< 1 G 2 5 : t ~ i c i (Ci261 ':!r l - < o lprc-lic:~ler<

Step t i : L't11111iiis>i,>11 !lie o i l 1irc\.111~, rc:1113ii1i; \,.~l\'eI ( ~ l ~ Scl
~ l the
l ~ \,JI\'L,
t:i;~nrlil IIIO,~~, 1111 ill,: 1 ~ 1 c . 1 l i ; ~ i i c 1'l1. c~I~I~II!~:~.
!.lep I.: \ l o \ c III? ;lcru:Ilor I~IL'IIIII. .i ,>I? llle \ :II\c ilii~,~ i ~ i l I - ~ ! r i~l kpco \ i ~ i t ?h iii I~IC:III..
I IIII~II I i l 3 I , > l l l ~ local
c pnll-l. i i p ~ l ! -1ii11 i l l-~Ip ~ l l s ci ns L,.I,:I~
.;irec:i<111t ~ l ' r l i ?~ i i , ~ \ ~ .~ IIII!
~ t i c,lit-cL
~ ~ t 1Ii;il 111~. ~~.::L,,IL>II\ ~ ~ I I I ~ v L ~ I ~ arc
I ? ! ~ ~
!.ten Wl: .\el l l i c ~ ~ ~> i ~l ~ s s I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ IIltJi
I , I i I ~I ~I Il ~~ ~i ~~ ~I~I~i ~i~~~! ~I~I~ ~.l ~e~Iocai
~i i ~i ~i l i l ~i ~c ~
;?;IIIL,~ or \ii,vr IIIC acl~t:~l<,r10 !IIL. C I I ~ l p ~ ~ s i l Ii C
~ L > I I I ~ I I;II ~ ;~
I~II ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ sI I
11te111 o l ' l l l c I l l I l l t I llllll! 1 1 1 I l l t l . CIl?<L
:!I:,[ i. 15 ,:\\~i[cl~cd
~,K:I~I! ,I\I:II~~:III>.
CliccL. ~II~II:x!c,-ti,il ~ i i t w \ ~ >~;: IgT I \ :i)~~,
I I I i i 1 1I IILI~I~I!.

- --

?!oel : I n :I iloal,le Ii~)ilrr p l a n t (IIII. ol'lhe I11cirl panels n l t l c l he s\rilcheil o f T \ \ h c ~ l

l h v d i g i t a l output test rnctl!i i< ~ ~ s t . cOl . t h e r w i s e l l ~ e3:uIve nloves con tin!^.
OII.I\ IO ant1 d t r n n lirc:~t!.;r : + n cp : ~ n c lsentls I I sien:!lc.
~ anrl t h c ~ r t h e sr e n ~ l r
cltn\ n s i ~ n a l q .
Tote: A n exact value cannot h e gives. Iftile pressrlre loss ill r l ~ eac111:il o i l systtsm
i s high, t h e nil pressare m u s t l)c set :lt :I hi!$~rr I c v r l 10 c n r l l r e Ilia1 l l ~ e
h u r n e r receives :I r l ~ l f i c i e n tamnion1 o f oil. If. o n the n t l ~ e 11:1110.
r IIICp r w -
srlrc loss is low, thr nil pressure lntlst he set :11 :I I o \ \ e r level 11) ensktr-c 1I1;lt
t h e o i l flow r e e u l a t i o ~v ~a l v e is ~rperatin:! w i t h i n :I suitahle r:lnne.

Step Q: 14 11e1it l ~ i ~ l i i i1i5gc ~ ~ ~ i i p l e \I<I[,

i c ~ l{lie
. oper;ilioil;~lc>il 1>111111? ; l i l t 1 CIL:~II !lie o i l
l i l iI t i I I I I I I I \'c111 i l ~ ci,il !pitnl.. :~lii.! 111, !;IILI~
I1:1vc l~L'~11 cIcxile,l.
Step R: C - c ? ~ ~ i ~ ~ illic
i s i o> ~ cl ; i ~reg~l:~ii~i:;
ii \'a[\ c ! c i ? l l I :I- c l c ~ ~ r ~1.~11
l ~1i1r,: ~' 1 1l III.L,,-
~ l g (G I(l01.
slire r e q ~ ~ l a i iv;IIv,:
Step S: Opt11 ilic s t i ~ p\:lI\+ t(i5~:. C i < . i l .

2.2.3 C h c c l i a n d : ~ t i l n s tthe pressure i t . : ~ ~ ~ s r n i t t e ~

Step A: Check tllai tlic o i l pi-csi~lrc111iiicxtsdon tiit, I ( ~ r , i l1p:lni.I .~iiilii,nii>tlii.i I
10 tlic 1pre<s11reiiidic;:tccl I>II tlic lprch<!il? ~:I!ICL, I (;-I~1I

Step R: :I~;LIs~ 1I1e ~;II?C L>Illic pr~,<>t~rc

tr,in<~iiincrIG')(~III!I ti~c,L , ~ l i l > c , 'IIL,II>L
~ j i r l i clocal panel ii'~icce~s:ir\

Note: I f t h e pressure t l . a n z ~ n i t t r r( C Q W a n d pressure gallzc3 ((;A41 :~rt\ IIIIIII~~~(~

a t different h e i g h t le\-els a n d (:I)- al)a~-t,t h r PI-PSSII~P IIISSr r c u l t i n n f r - r t n ~

h e i ~ h tlifference
t a n d f r i c t i o n s l l o u l d h e l a l i e n in111c r m s i d e r : ~ t i ~ ~ ~ ~ .

2.2.4 C h e c k t h e l o w a l a r m ;1n1l st:1r1 f ~ f r t n n t l - h yo i l p u n l p f l i n r t i o n 101- IIFO :~nll

I)O pumps.

Step R: S1:11-1 oilc i ~ l ' i l i ctiil pLlinlli L ~ ~

zcti l i!lie n r l ~ ~~~ LrI I I I I ~I I I I ~- I . I I I ~ ~ - ~~ i~i \, , ~ i ~ .
Step C: St.1 Ill?o i l p1-csslirr r e $ u l a i i l i ~i a l ! ~ , i ( i 1011) i ~ i i o~ i i ~ ~ i111ti~li.
i~i.~ i i i Ii lilt. ih,i.il
p ~ ~ i131.r lc t l i ~ i l > l t lillid
~ r dccri1;1<c llle p r c < \ ~ ~ gr cr x ' l t ~ d l ! lillrii tile I,'\\ .I~;I~III
l i m i t i 5 rcnche(i. I I I I I I I I I 1 It):\
Step D: .l.lie I ~ L I I ~illI ~ l : i ~ i i I - l ?111ocIc
y \vill ,>III! <ti111 8111o \ c r l i ~ ~(01 t l IIIC ~ o l ~ ~ ~ r , l i ~ c ~ ~ i , ~ l
pi111ip.Clicck llic .it110 sIati~lL>! -I;lrl ~ r i l i p i i t g1 1 1 ~vpL'r,~tii>;: pkt~iil.
Step E: i 1 1 1 I I I I i I I : ~ I I ~ LI , I : ~ c : : ~ ! , ~ I ~ ~ :

2.2.5 C h e c k the l o w nil pressorc s1111t r111rrn a n d tr-ip f u n e l i i ~ n

2.2.0 C h e c k tile t r i p f u ~ l c t i o l fl o r ~ n r r . l ~ ~ : r t l
S t r p B: T l i c 1p111iip<lo[?\. i~%i ;I , ~ I I cIo\\!i
I~ I i ~ 1i~11i-tp
r l i ~ i l , i r ~11t~11lel
~. lhe i ~ ~ d i < a~~7 .ct ~ l
1I7e l,~c;ll \~,lllel~111,t 1Iw lY\>lll?r. \,<

Step C: L\'li~,.i Illr 'lil~id-h! I~IIIIII.i'. 'ii;vrc,I. p r r l i l r l ~fil i ~ , .;II:~' rl,.sr \villi 1l1ic lir111117

itep D: l<e,i~ IIic i i r c i i i l hlc:ikcr :11111;111 <11!11 dn\vnr nticl- ii.-.rilig.

2.2.; C't,rnn~is.;ioaio~o f t h c o i l . ! c t c ~ r on
~ t h r h ~ ~ r n uenri t
Step A : i ' l i c ~ kIII:II l l ~ ci)il ~~IIIII[-- I I il<?ppilil.
~ ~

Step R: Ope! (lie .>IO~ val\ -.? !'(-r lit I ~ I - C W L I V ~ 2;111pe( F 1 3 V l .

S t r p C : l ~ l ~ i s c r~c l\ ~~ c c % ~l ~l ir :e~lh,.:l,\ ~ y 1 l:cJQ~
\ \~ llic l i o ~ i ~ i~oi l~' l il i t ~ t ~ l r c c - \ \1:;tI\e 1~11r.1
llie ~II~cL,-\\;I! \ ; ~ l \ c I ~ I~I , I !'lo\\ I IIIC l h ~ ~ r , !III~I.
111rt>11pl1 ~ c r I ~ t i ~i,l k~ c\ : ~ l \ r! I
:I115 ; x ~ > i i i o l (IIWII
~. lli? v:~lv? (F'lTi.
5lrp I): \ l y I ) :iir ~ l i c~IIL,LII?I, <it: ~ l i ~ ~ l - c i l T ' \ a lIF::.
v ~ : ~ ~I -1J. ii11~1 F(>?) ~IIIQI Ili-.
.i11e11111:1licrl~rce-\\.~!\I?~II-<>I'I \:IIVC !l:751 .~~I~II.I 1 1 7 ~ . , ~ i rlprewlrc I , ) 5-1 8 '

lh:~r;: I~IIIIIC .iir l i l l e r ' r c d ! ~.I,OII 1111ii(I:(Gi.

S t r p F.: c'lirck tile ~ i < ~ s i l n i oi~ti l /~
~II~ ~ I ~ I I ~ L ,IIII.~c-\\I~!
~ I I I~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I - I ~ I( F' I7'5\ 1~;IC/ I \ ~ 111~.
1v1e11111alic ~11~11-1ifi'vnI\ L, I'O1 I. ~'II? valves II~~ISI lhc !,I ~posilicv~ c l o ~ e d\ \ l ~ i c l .
1 ~ l l i c ~ t ii,l led 1- kck i,?
i l l c ~ i 1 11ll;ii Ill?~1i1 s ~ s l c ~ lb\i . ~ i c l 1IIli~
liiicrcl s!!lIclic~ ,,!
\lie \aIvc< (l-(17 ;11ic1 F'f \ IT< t~c\i\:ilt-ci. l l ~ pe i ~ ? i t i r >Il*i i~i~Ii~.;ll?cl ~,II \tiL, l<icLi
11;111e/ :111cl illlll/'lltc.~.
Step F: C , ? I ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ S~~I I~?It>il
I Iltst.! 111illc~r
~ l ~ l l l C'l~cck
l ~ i . 1 ' 1 ~ 1IIIC ,>il t l c i \ < I I I ~ I ? ;II~L,
p i - I I i 1 1 1 1 l rl c l 1.11~ l l i $ \ z ! i ~ i . i i l rs i l u i p ~ i i e i i lq c ~ i i l ,.1 ~
;IIII~~~II~II.< lptllsc >icn.il 1 1 , IIICL~I)III~L~I 5!.~111111, l . l i ~slglixl
i 1 1 i l l i 1 h~ <011\c!.I?t4
l l l i I?-,~ ~ ~ ~ lilll illle
l l t i r ,in ; l l l i l / ~ ~ & ~l!il\\ l l c~ ~s ~ l l~ >l. Gri m :~l l l . ~ ~
t c : Scr 11:~. \ i ~ l ~ ~l i v. iI~I;IY. i l l ; I I I ~Ih~,;~I\'lil~-i'
~ ill Ill? Ir'cill :?:IIICI
or COIII~>~I~CI. 111;
~ i i ; ~o ki,l \;I~IIC is Ill<, 111;i,<! I~I!III i ~ iIlo\\
l i n 1/11 :!I II~!I",,lh11r1ie1-ICI:I~
(111 I!~;I\:
i i ~ c,',iI
l I ~ l i e~ I I I Li i,i r Ih,. :>!lilr? C:I lhe lakc1111, I! II;L, i c I c ~ i ~ i t i c : ~,,I
i i cllic
. ) i l II\I\! ~iicrt,s
Step 1-1: 1 III<C:C\\ ~ i o i l tlnu
11ie p i < k - ~ yw : ~ , . s ~l kr 3 ) ~1l1e II~,:I~I

i l r p 1: I ' : I ~ lie lpicL-11[3s s ~ i s o r~11:icl,I) ; ~ g i i r i s t;III ~jl>,ic~..

:III,: c.l~cckllizt 11 rec<~r<lb
1116 . l ~ l l ~ l rl l~l c. Ired I I 1 ) ~ ~ ~ l \ l l c ~ ,
5tep ,I: \'~OIII~( llic \> :~.!,ii!~.
\ > I ~ L - ~ I%e~iv!:
' t I: c h I I I I 1 i)ii h c i l i l l e i liw I I I I I ~ ~ I I ~ I Iih):lel.
I~~ i y i i t l t ' ~l o~i l t ~ i. l c
111 IIICI I ~ , 11a1icl
~I 01. i,'l:ll.!!lir
Step L: ('nm:iiis>iun!he o i l tln\k I - j r e ~ l n t i o\ :~~i I v c ! l ~ ' l J \<. I i e r L th;11 ~IICiiu1pnt \iglin,
iaiigc (j.0111 1I1c 1 I'c111i\cr1:I I I;')i I co~res~(l11cI~10 :IIC'1i~trl1111ei11 illpill i;li;~.
c IIIC,o i l llcnv ~ L ~ , ' : I ! I I ~ I\:3l\t?
: : I I ~ ~ L>II I !Fc241. rile I~I~..,LI~C> ;I~~L,,II~ i r o l ~tli,,~
~ ~ l c ~ ~ l ~ l 1-l:ne-.
Step M: l ) i \ ; ~ i ~ i ~ ihv ~ i ~ l e :I~L,~ r i tl l i l u rcg~~l:lri,ln\':I!:L, i,! e i n r c r e n i ~ ~I\\,-
~ ~ cover g
LI>\,CI !scrz\\.. ;IIKIlili 1117 I1 L, <<>.,cr. Scc :II>Otlic ~ ~ ~ c c ~i ! i~s ~i rcxc lli < >r, ~mri IIIC
, , i l llc?s\ r c g ~ ~ l ; ~,>;il\,:
Step 5 : ('l~c;L :111d ,IC~;LI%I C \, I \ .II,,V c I ~ ; ~ ~ ~ c l t : v i kl ol i ct i\1 IIIC ~III; L ~ ~ >il;11
~ c l 1.i11g1),
i i ~ o i\ ! ~ ~ l l ~ c : ~ ~ l1\11 ~ ~ ~ l ~ i ~ c ~ ~IIC,
, j II~;III~II~IIIL~<\\I. l I I I I I . ellill!!
; \ \ I t,:ili I b ~ ~ r l ~
- -

I Adjustment of CV

Step 0: ~ \ l i l ? l yair IL,{lie ILI' L ' o I I \ ~ ~ [ L ~ ! I I " ' ~ I .\LI~IIKI[lie i i i ~

I ~ ~~C<<IIIL IIIL, l i i t ~ . ~ ~
r c ~ l ~ l c t i ullnit
t l (FOf71, T l l c ~ p r c ~ . ~ lsl ~r c~ l t l l ,1[7pc:i
l g 1" I(.,,,II-I 1 1 1 ~~ , I ~ , ! - l li l ji ~~ ~ l i
plat? 011tile i.nrlverler.
Step P: A p p l y S I I ~ ~ttir
I ! to tlie o i l lo^^\ r c g ~ ~ l i ~\:!I\L, \ \~IIII\:
l i ~ i ~1F~j.4
i 111~.,111 !>Ic\-
OII 111e l i l l c r , r c ~ l ~ 1111il
~ c t 11:'I'l.
i ~ ~ ~ ~T l ~ eI ~ V C < > I I ~ L , b~.l!ii?c, ~ ~ y t . ; ! r!;~OIII
\ 11.i~.

idctititica~imnp l a ~ co n llie i :$I\,.

Step 0:Set rlic o i l tlo\v inlo III:IIIII~/ I I , T L ~ ~ ;)\I ilic l,>c:11 lpa111'1<,I I,>IIII,!II~I

S l e p R: Sct tlic I - ~ ~ I I ~ : I I<IIII[>!II

~ ~ I I 10 ( 4 I ~ I : \ I I?! IIIL,:II~.. ,,I!IiL, ,$'l'! i.,~~,,-,,:I IIIL,
IOC;I 1i;11icI o r I>! ~ c l i i ~ (311~ s t11.c
Step S : :\i!iosr tlic p r c i u r e indic:~tctlotl t i l t instrl~mcnrg;~usct c i ~ l i I,)\\ r I I ~ ~ I\ign.il II
I ! I II I 7 1 IILIS~IIII I I I I r l ~ ~ ,
l left prt%hors~?.IIz?0 1 1 ~IIC ,111 ! I t > \ \ ! C L : I I ~ ~ I I ~ , . I . \:!I\::.
~ i ~ e ~ iIll?
i ~ i s l r ~ ~ gal1gt3
and tlic I,>\\ ~III~III\ICII:II ri111ge:1!ppcar5 fi~ti111~ l i c! s I c ~ ~ l . i t i ~ . ;I>!,IIL,
Step T: Set [lie ~?~~II;I~IOIIO!II~LII
10 lllll'~,, I 211 11i:\ I!,I 11?e:111\ a)I'll,,: ,.\\I) I,.,,.,.. < , l i IIIL,
l h? 'cll111gs 011 i l ~ eC(IIII~~III~,~
Inca1 p m ~ e111
Step 11: :\ti.j~151t l i ~ ,1~re\s11rc
i ~ ~ d i c ; i ~,McI < tlic
I OLII~III g111ge1,) t l ~ cIII?II ~IIIYII \I::II,I~
~ g7 ,
I II I I .I~IISIIII~III 1 1I I f I I lllc
L)IIII?~I gx~;e is the rig111 prc.\511rcs21~1ge ,111 11ic o i l llo\\ ~ r c : : ~ ~ i . ~ \l i ;I!\
~ > ~2 .i ,!li<i
rlie liigl~i111111tq i ~ ~ i ra: il~ y c:1[113carq f!.o111t l ~ ci ~ i t ~ ~ ~ i ! i c .~>I:II.,
Step \.: Repeat 111c !\c~rk <tells " Y " . " i . :!II~' ' L 1'' Iini~,, 111!1il1 1 1 ~ . . ~ , I , ~ I - I I I I L ~ I I I ~
arc a c ~ ~ p t n h l r .
Step \V: I I I 1 r c l i t i a~ ~ I I I I I I ~ I I I I c 1h.11 I~,II>~I
S l r p I: Slnrl i>lie ~ ~ l ' 1 I o1icl 11111111?1.
\i,l 1 1 1 ~\l;~i:ii-l'!t'11 l11'\' ti' ,I". :. 1 1 1 ~ lo^,,! IP,~~IL,I
I : .Z{j~lslllic1111~11 I:I~~~-II~!.C~C\\ ~ i i ' l l l r i ~llim\
i i ? ~ g l ~ / ; l l / \:II\~,
t ~ i ! uillil 111: pi\icw
r i , i l i l ~ < thegin. 11, l i l n \ c . T h c I ~ ~ L1,;111cl
~ L J I i!li<ii < ~ ~ i l l i i i ~1111.1
, : r I I I , ! I ~ ~ I LI)",,
. till
l l o ~ v'I~igl11c11
. \villi Ill?I t x k III~:I
Step Z: S ~ llic
I s1:11id-I2! o i l lli>\\
l>,~c!, I<,[IIC ,,rlcii~tlI IP~IIII.

2.3 Commissioning of the ignition oil system

- - -- - -
2.5.1 C ~ ~ r i i m i c i i o n i n p
S t :I'LI~II tlic Ac)' ~ ~ l ; ~ ci c~ci l< .\ illr
~ l local c ~ i n l r n lpatici
l IIII:~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ e r $ opt-rali,,~~
k Ill? LTII~L,~, e l * >!I??,\'al\c l(Tq-1) 1 5 o1~c.1:III,I ~ p ~ , l i q i q \:!I\?
S t r p O: C ' l i ~ ~ rlIi:11 ~
I(;(,') :111,l C i T 7 I

Step C: I+%'f' \IcllJ vaI\#: Ii31 1 1 t' ~ l r ? h ~ l i yl ~! ltg3C 1(~?7',' .

Vott.: T;IL. s l a p v e l ~ cfor t h e p r c w ! r r e "IUYC s h n u l d o n l y hr opeaecl f o r prr.tsure

CI,~II.I)I pllt.poses. T h r s l o l i ' ;11\e s l i ~ ~ n hl telc l o s r r l c l e ~ - i nno~r m a l o p c r ; ~ t i o n .

<tep I): (:'lo\: llic \l$y>

\ ;!I\c Il ~ 'I ,511 Ill? l?t!r~icr~11ii1

Step F: \ d j ~ ! i ttllc c i r c ~ l i I'ri,i~h~,

i l':,r illis i y i i l i t i l i o i l ptliiil, . t t 5!1i1 11111 loail c ~ l r r c l ! ~
.?I.III~, I~II>II\I~. Tlie c 11-I~CIIII ~ I ~ Y : I ~l i<< ? 1 1 i tlic 111i>l13r ILIL~~II!I~C:I~~,~II tnI;~cc:l1iLl < ? I
!Iiv e I e ~ . ~ r ~i c~ ~ I ~ K I I I I < .
I : U Ire11tllc i s n i l i n n i ~ i111111
l P I-. i o ~ i i n i i s ~ i o ~ ti lt l~i dI ~. I I I i~~ It l~d11111
~ ~iilic 5 ) 711.11.

I I i l li l l1 I :IIL~ \ e l i l i I : ~ l e d Tlic ..L,I~I \:il\r i~lstalletl111i l l L

!i~117ip 11it1.q~ lit O ~ ~ I 1~1 1 1 , !IClliv
L I air IIX~L ~ S C : I ~ C L ~ '\,. - ' u . ~ ~;I> i <:is o i l t:~iicr!:c-
1I1c \ C I l l \;ll\,c n1;1> IT ~.lc,'~t:tl.
i l e p H: i ' r i . ~Ilic igllilinn hulluli '11 c ~ i lilt
tlli. ~ ~ l i ~ i . r ~p;lnc c ~ 111~. 11!11111i.,111illi~,i.!l I

,::nution: T l ~ ei g ~ ~ i l i o inl pl1n111S~I~IIIIII l ;I l i m i t r c l l ~ r r i o c 01'

o n l y h e o p e r : ~ t r ~Iilr l
l i n i c r 1 1 1 r i nIllr ~ :c: c * d ~I~~
~ f t ~ l l ~ ~ ew~ i~~n ~ nz ~ i s s i o p~ r~~i n r e~ .I Ca Icontir~t!.

nus r e - r i r e n l a l i n n . Ihr ?:IS o i l is c v c n t u d l y hcatcd. Thir c o u l d ll:Iama:e

Ihr p u n l p tlue III t h e 11nr \ i s c f w i h o f t h e ht.alcd :as oil.

Step I: ('liecl.. III~IIi t i s ~~IIII!~II::\ \ 111 Ilic <<l~-rect (11 r . ~ l . ~ l i ~Open

<Iivt!clit>~~~ > ~ i .tlit, \en1
,:3l\c ;ly;lill illltil 111-I! (11. CI LXIIc1llcr~:rr.
!;tep .I: \,l~i!~c.l l l i c o[icliil~i!lir~,,;~ ..,: <\II llic pll!np t,) 8-11 Ih,,,.

Eole: TIIVp r e h s ~ ~:r~ct h e i p n i t i ~ ~i~il n h ~ ~ r n r r s h o uI1e l t l :11iprf1~im:1tely 8 h:~r.T h i \

Invans t h a t t l ~ pressllre
r lor, r c ~ ~ l l i n f re
o m Ilri~lil clifft.renrc 2 n d f r i c t i o n
sln:,l~l~lh e t n i i r n i l l l o c ~ ~ n . ; i r i ( ~ r a l i o n .

2.3.2 C I ~ t . r l li l ~ tcr i p f o n r l i ~ ~f nn l ~ t r r l o a ~ l
Note: :\ s l i u t dowm fnr i p t i t i i t a nil p u l i i p f;ailurr w i l l no1 l i e in(licale(l. I I l l ~ i irl i l -
u r e arises ( l u r i n g n n r r n a l \ t a r t - u p srqucwec. the I?rr.ncr \+ill trip (lllc 111
i g n i l i n n f l a n ~ eh i l u r e .

Step R: r k s e l 111c c l r c ~ l ili~.c;~kcr

l s ~ l i IcC ~> I I I I ~ .

2.4 Commissioning of the combustion air system

- --

S l e p B: (.lieck tliat tlic I/l1 l p o ~ i l i t ~ n Ic, r it1 I' III~IIIII~~~ ~ i ~ o t l I~IIL,

c . diy>lo! ,IIII,,I ,lio!s
s II:III~ ,!111l?,~ll\c: , I I ~ ~ Yl'iii\ ILL^!
' ' N O I N I T " . l r I l l i > i< IIPI t11c ~ 1 spt~ ~ c s1I1c
is loc;~lecll w l ~ i ~IIIC r'
i d c ~ n e 01'r IIIC I 1 i o ~ i I i o 1 1 ~ 1 . .
S l e p C : IpliI! air l o Illc l!I' p w s i l i o ~ ~;III~I
? ~ :IL~,~I,! IIIC.!I? ! ~ I ~ C ~ < I I I ~ LI , , ~! - I \ I ~ <,III 111~
c l i ~ I~I<
t i l l e r ~ r e c l ~ ~ LIII~I i 15 I,
Step I): l ~ l ~ i ~ c r lie
r \ u~ n e urr l l i e IKP i-,osiIit111er L!sc IC 1~11,li Ih1111,~1i,- A 1 0 ~,ir:-

~ , i1c111alor;III~c l ~ c c h?Il;i!1 1 1 ~I I ~ C ~ C ~ I ~ I I I ~ IL, ~ ~I~LIII,:I~~>~IIII!:

l't~lly~ i i o v (lie
Step E: L.:i!-n (it11 :III : ~ t ~ l o ~ ~ ii a~ l~i icl i : l I i s ; ~ ~,I'llae
t i o ~ ~ 1 ' 1 ' lio.~ii#,~~,:~.
( ,111 L . , m ~ ~ i i ; : ~ i ~ ~
mode h? ~ i ~ - ~ s s i n ~ ~ l i e l ~ iic! a ~ aI -.?\cc
d s ~ ~I ~S~L.II!L..~>L.;
hi~l ,lie,l ! I I ~ I ~ - I ! ~ I ~ , ~ I I
for [lie 1 'P pusiric~ntr.
S l e p F: S r l l l ~arc 1 ~ 1 ; 1 l1>1?e
~ r 10 l i ~ ~ < ta\ Yr 4 ) - I 111 IIC II~~IIII IILVI " I \ ~< l I
:111gIc nf I11e V c ~ ~ t l h ; ~iii~ /111~1111
Step (;: S r l the I~~ILYI \ i1ci.i ".: !' It , i " :!!,., ,..IIIIL
\huuld he <el ((1 ' l i i
S ~ I I IT: C:licck 111at 111c ria~ioSCICCIO~,I~III i, <el I<, *111, <,il 11ic l I>I~L>>III,I;IC: ,IL,\ I W
Step I: Sel 111e Ie\'er:i;? (>lrt?hcraiigc, 111 III~IIII ~ICITI ".; \ ' \ \ \ \ " ' I I>.: ..ir!jI\ , ~.II.,!:L,
is tlic l i c i g l i ~clii'ferc~~cc
C>I'IIIL, ctlid? r;111
Step .I: Sltlrl 111e i111lo111;1lici ~ ~ i l i ; ~ l inil11
s ~ ~1l1i1
t~ ~ ~ \,IIIIL. " i t ~ l "III !I~CIIII
ilelii "-I.INlT". T l l c l!P lptxi~ivricrIII~IIr i 1 1 1[II~OIICI~
~ 1!18: iii>11:1li\:111,,1., -1c11.
' ' K [ I N I " l p " R I K 5".
S t c p :\: 1I1e : ~ i r:l11!\ IIIIO
,%I III,II. I , ?I I I C ? ~ ~ CPI t l ~ cIIIL.:II [>,!n?l or COIII~III~~.

Step R: Sel 111c reg111~11io11 (?LIII>III I>,l I o , >1 4 IIIA~ I?! IICII, t ! r ~ l l c~L>IIlLc>< ~ ) I!\I.,
I I ~ , ? I~;IIIL,I
o r Lib ,elli11!2, ,111 !/I? c(i1111?11tcr
Step C-: I l l s i . r r \ \ 1Iit \ere\\\ 111.11II,>ILI
111c pl.nlccli\~ec i n cr t : IIIL. clp-lr:~n.;~ni!fcr fi,,
,ICCC\S 10 111~. P I I , ~!~IIIII'I

Step 11: I : F:!lc~ "RI" lie! 10 \ L ~ : I 1111.1clc.~

011 1 1 1 ~Il~?-Iri11li11iiltcr. \Vlltii :I III~IC~C I.
l e ~hi,?<
~ ~ ~ l c c 111~. i. nngi ,IKC11;c~l 1 0 ~II;III$~ 111,: ~ i i ~ x\;IILI?
Step E: \;;.IIIIC \;~Iucz in I I I O ~i I. ~ ? l e c r r ~ c : ~d la l i l l ~ i l i g i .C' <oLlipUI ill er1~7r \11111111(1111
I l l I~IISI~I>IIII~IIS t ~ I~ 1 ichal-;~cterirlicI. , 2 t l l - ; ~ ~ ~ s i Ilpt>i~it
t i ~ n c r i .I. i o ~ i ~.II:II-;IL-
icri.;;ic). I; c \ ; ~ l u c.lii!,l.~, ~,,li. m d I ~(1111: I I I ~ c I - ~ , ~II~II.,I.
L. 111111 t1:(1 ~:III c.c
lhc ~ ~ ~ l,I? c~II:I'cICL,~,I.
~ ~ ~! 1111il\l i l l 111o~le14.
S t r p F: <cIcL1 1 1 i m i 5
Step G: I s z ihc
. I
kc! I<>.;,i 111r
$1.' I,<,!,
I : I ~oI. i c n l c i n 111~' -e!r,clrd c n ~ . i ~ i c a - i nIIII~.
ll111111 I I:() i i iclri.lcil ,I c11;:111ccri11gLIII~IS. t11e11li'r. >el m r l LIISGIIL. 1 0 1
i l n i 1 I:( 1.
i ? :~IIII
Step H: !)I-~s<I ~ o t lr11c 6 L C ,5 .IIIIII~I;~II?,>IIS~~ Ii7r.il~o111 :\ ? C C ~ I I ~ < .:III~111~<1,1r~
o ~ . \ c ;II\ I ~ 10 7c-17 ( i l l I ' I L ~ i c l c c ~ c cr! ~ ~ g i ~ - , c c r i~II-,.II.
Step I: '<el t11ercg11I;iri1111,>IIII~III i'i I I O " , ~I 21) 111,4 i I,! II~:.II~, o<Ille sot? !kc! \ , ) t i 111,.
loc;!l p;111eI ,it' I?! sclli~l<:. ~1 lhe ~ O I I I I ~ I I I ~ ~ .
<tep .I: ,icIccl 111<dc 11si11; l l i ~., TI'' I<?!
i t : !i I I I ! IIL. l i ~ lic;11~,
l i n Ill<, si.li'cle~iL,ngine?rir~i. 111111. r l ~ t .
ILIIIs;~Ir\;11t1i~ I O L I,UI~I~I.III>
I~I l ,3110 111.~ki:! ')
l b t ~ , cto

I 1,: !;el tlie r c g ~ ~ l n t iIV[II~II!

i~n o 1 1 " ~ . (-1 111,l) ag;lill I)! 1 1 i i i 1 1 : 1~1'1l12so11 LL,~..oil
illc IlKYiI ~1:lllcI,1r I>\ ><,Illl::~, ,111 lllc c l ~ l l l ~ ? l l l c r .
Step R1: I I I 1 I I i I I 1 I ~IIVCI ~u~iip~~ler.
i t e l l N: 'VICIIIIII
ll,,e lprc~lec~i\
c ccv\ 8.1 o l ' l l i c d [ ~ - t r a ~ ~ s .IC;III~

i n ~ p o r t : ~ ~ Tr li :l e s r t r a n e r of ( I t ( ~ l p - t r a n s m i t t e r' i h ~ t ~ ~lvl dc h e c l i c ~ lt i l l e n f h r
~III-IIC~ is i n o p e ~ i t i o n:it I I ~ O ' Y OIII:NI OI heit!> fnel oil. TIIC :IC~II;I[
~lilTercnli:~ pressrlrr.
l I~IIIF~ n o t euccrd o r h c t o o i ~h erl o w t h e set r;aner

I I tllc ~ d p - t ~ ~ n s n ~ il tl 't l rl ~ ~ i sis t h e case. t l l r fill1 sc:~lc.value m u s f I,r

cot-recterl. T h i s w i l l :~I'fccl :III seltingc n ~ a d 111' r t h c : ~ i r i o i lr a t i o art(!
t h r ? n l l l s t a c l j ~ ~ ~ tr irrci rlv n l o r r .

:.A,.? C'lrmn~iscinninpcheck.. : l u l l t q ~ e r - ; ~ t i i l n
Step A: 1 i ~I 1!I'1 I>!
IIIL,c < ~ ! ~ i l ~ 1 1 ~::I!
I<L,I:II~ 1 II;III~ I t 1 ~ I I S I I ~ L . i: IYec ~ 1 IIII~II~<:~~II~IIL,~:
~ 1 1 ,111
!.tcp R: ! ' I I ~ c ~t l.~ t ,cleclric;~l \ \
. .
1 1 8 1 ! :,I 111c ler111i11aI~ 17fIIi: ~\~:II!~IIs!~,~I itir !:II '1.11~.
~ ~ I S I I I < 11111\t lhe p c r l i ~ ~ ~ ki cl c~~~r ~~l i111
! i ~IIIK
: \\irk\,: -i1o\v!i i n \l1,: c l c ~ ~ t r ~ , c : ~ l
Step C : i ~ l j ~111~.
l - li i l - c i l i l lh~-c:~k~,r(11 1l1c c o ~ i i h ~ ~ iair l ~ ~1 3 11111it111 IniliI C I I ~ ~ C I I I
t i r ,111
I I I I I I>;-~:II-< I j t > l i l lhc 111o1or, l e ~ i ' i ~ i i . ; i t i 111:11c
o ~ ~ : I I I ~(11
IC c l c c l r ~ c,liayrani\
.<rep I): I t1r11
! ! ~ eILc! \ pI;iced ~II\I,. , IIICl t ~ c ; cc111lrol
~l I~,IIIL' ;II~L; :lie li,nvcr I~III?! IIIIC~
: I I I ~ ~ ~ ? I I ~,I~?C~,II~~II.

?4cl? E: I I I i I I I :.iii\ o l ' l l l e 1it>Ie111

i ~ > l i ~ ici ~i ,\ ~~ , IIIIC
c I ~ L ~ .ciriilii'i
.Stqi F: ,1;1r1 7!1e L.~IIIITII<I~LIII . ~ i rI ' 1 1 [ R ! l L l j'111 1 1 1 ~ . ~ ~ p r r : ~ r i ~>,,\, ! :i t i l l i ~ ~ < i cIIIL,
lc I~\\\L,I
-.111cl IIICIC / I ~ C / <1Ii:i. il i' I I I ~ ~ I I I ~ Ltrill1
! t l ~ ci . i , r i . i ~ , ! ~ t ~ , c<1ir,11;11in1?
Step G : Cliech rh:lt 111~.i t ~ , ~ n l > ~ ~ iJI;
i i o i';r11
i i ,III~tlic .iir i111ci ~~>.IL:II~ 81t) IIV 1 ~ 1 t ; ~ I h t ~ ~ ~
any ahnortiinl iiii.clinnic:~l ~ i o i ~ e > .
Step H: C l i r c k tlic c n i i i l ~ ~ l s ~itlr
i o I~III
~ i ;III~tlic ~ i i ~111ct
r \>:.tc1;7 i t j ~,7.11) I!-J!I<~SIII;I~
Step I: Clicch tlic :iir duct c y t c ~ i fi r - Ie;iI,'\.
Step .I: Ope11 tlie itilcr \,a~icsfor llic ~ > I 1>11i
C ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I I < I I,I~I. ~ I i l i l ~I:, S?,L~:III,~8 1 II.IL,lp,-
S t : I I ~ r r ~ cI I L I I I ~ ~ I II I I I I I I I I I I . I iic c l l r r i ~ i IIIII'I
IIU~chccecl ill? 1.11ll l ~ ~ ~c lil tc- lr r ~ ,5late~l
l L~II llic 1~
lii~,~,?r 1 ~ ~ 1 i l i II~I,IIL.
i ~ ~ 1,111,l
o r 11ie elcciric ~ l i : ~ g r i i ~ i i ~ .
Step L,: Set ~ l i c o ~ i i l ~ ~ ~air
s l iit111
o ~ to i t ~ :~,1 i iIIIL~;~II\
i i ~ i i ~ i i ~ iIIJ;IJ ('1 i h ~~' ~ G ~ ~ ~ , I ~ ! ! , I I ~ I L , ~ L ~ I
Stel' M: Clicch llic r e ~ i i ~ i e r a lvl'llie
~ ~ r c 13111,eariii~i. I lie Ihcir-~~i;~ I ~ I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ; I ~ IIIII~I\I
IF; lh~,
I a c ~ i s t a ie
t la i p i r i ~ i i a t cI ~ i i i ~ i It ~ t . I I1 l l i ~ 1c11i-
~ < It i~~ I.~IILI
prrtilurr ctr~iiinllesl o 111~ri.:i-m:. .-tc>l) tli~'c ~ i ~ ~ i I i ~ ,111~ t ~ ,IIL,LL tlx,
r c,!~iil%isIion.iir l;tii h! iiic,;!~i>~ l Illy
Step N: C l o i c ilie iiilel vkineh l i ~ [lie i 11,~ t ~ ~ ~ i t i i ~ i i ! -
ctcr itisid? tlie lc>cal conrml [-anel a1111 SLOP t!i< ~ ~ C I ~ ~ ~ Y I ' 1T1 I1 C!;II.
nperotin: .;\\ilcli i n < i d r rlic pi.\vi,r pai~t,!.
Step 0: Tun, tile kc>> lpl;~cccl iti.<iile tlic l,~c;~lccintrc>l lp;t~icl; l t i L l 1 1 1! ~ $ \ \ L ~ ! :,:~ii,,I
? I~ i1i1,3
,1111omi1lic opfl~:ilinn.

1.4.4 C h e c k t h e t r i p f u n c t i o n f o r n\rr.lo;~tl
Step .\: Sl;ln t h i ~c i > m h t l i ~ i n ;III
n i-111 I-\ i i i c i l ~ i \~ n i t l i c~li:ll;lI I,llllllli I;..! ~ I 1111:
I ~ ~ . I ; 111
local [)311e1.
- -

Note: In ;I d o u b l e b o i l e r plant. one o l t l l e l o c a l panels IIIS~ Oc *\\i(cbetl off \YII~.II

t h e d i g i t a l n l l t p l l t tent n l e n u is i ~ s e d .O t h e l ~ v i s el h c CI ~OII~~IIII~IISI~ qt:Ir1%
a n d stops b e c a o s ~one p a n e l sends s t a r t siennls. anti t l i r o t h e r crnfls c t f l p

Step I%: Prcss tile iesi Ih~lltirnnn tlic ci.cui1 i~rc,ikcr l i ~ilic
i C ~ ~ I ~ I ~ I I ~, 1 1.1 ! 1I ~in~ I I
Step C': I l i e t i n stops. ;ilid a il111t d11\\11 ti)r ~ t ~ ~ i i h .~~ ~i :i:111
~ l i1'1\111r..
c ~ ~ i. I I I ~ ! I I ~I ~
I L.
i elilt:
i ~ ~ ~ i i c : ~cvi c l local p a ~ i c:111d

c I : Kcret tlie circuit hrc;~l,cr

Step E: T ~ l r l11ie ~ i l i c ;111\lclicck III;II IIIC t i t ,I~IIIII~L,I
i tiiaiti l h ~ - e ; ~ h e r ~ ~1ti11icI. I?~II!~,I~L'~
positions.lii>ldi tlic : ~ i rcl:~tiipci n 111lI) upell (piliili,iri

2.5 Commissioning of the steam atomising system

- -

2.5.1 C ~ ) n l n ~ i s s i o n i nofg t h e steam r e p l a t i n e V:II\I.

Step A : C o ~ i i ~ i i i s sIlic
i ~ ~\tu;t~ii
~i IC'.I/ 1111ig\ : i l i c 1 1 ~ " ! I L I !I III, ,~I.IIIII.II
Inode m i tlie I ~ i c : ~):II~I?I
~l clv C~~I~~~IIICI
S l r p R: I IIWII.11c \Iup \,IIv~:I~II.
111,. l i r e ~ . < ~ ~
l r s, ~cr i s ~ i i i l l el !r~ ' J I l
Step C: t ~ ~\ ~~i i c t ~ v i ~ .lI Ii ~cI I - L ~ ~ V \ ; ~ I V C(F-t?)OIYI~ a..,~i~ l ~ ~ s e s ~sig11:1ls
IicvL, t l i 1\12 v\ic~i
i c applictl III 1Iic \ i l I \ c
!-1 1111,:111- iillllr (iisii;ll , ~ ~ I - I > L lt.,lI: r1i~.t111111 1'1~.I,,ini
Sic11 D: 6 0x11 llic ~ ~ ~ ~ I \ - S C I ~ I S\I a
I \\ cheek 1l1a1111:
:8 l'-l5). a ~ i d \;?Ive iFf,.J! i.<cy-~t:~l.

T r co1iti111;t:
~ I ~ ~ ~ L < ? I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ pro,
, ~ I ~ t~. It lI ~
~ ~ r cl>l .~ e < \!slc~ii
~il I~II!,.~ 11111or111ii1
. .
ilic ;II~VI.IISIT~~, .!%ic,rn
;III~ 11111>1 !hr -(,, c ~ i i i l ~ r e s \ cair
d ,,~per:+!~ori i l ' a t o ~ ~ l -1C:lrn
i I i I . 1 r 1 l i i rI i 11(111 ,,i * y c l e ~ l iilll~lc ~ ~ l l i l ! ~ ~:lirt ~s!\Ic111
oll 11111~1

lh~,n p e ~ l r i8 ,1 1 ~ 1 .

..$t(enti~im: B e l i l r e and (11irint SI:II-I-II~. t h e RI~II:IC~ n111st he c h ~ r k w ~ i ldl 1 r e g l ~ l a r

i n t e r v a l 5 l i ~nilr spilkqr.. II' a n o i l s p i l l s g r i s present in t h e f u ~ n a c e .!lie
C:I~IW ~ i i u s l>r ~ IIIC
i c l e l r r n i n n c ~an11 Failure III~ISI lit, ~ - c r t i f i e ~'rlic
l , ~IIV-
n a r r s h o o l ~hc l p r ~ r ~ ei lrnl l i l il is I'rur of oil.
3.1 Additional commissioning checks
- - -

3.1.1 Check the ignitirln h ~ ~ r n e t -

Step -\: TII~II tlie h r > s 1pI:icecl i~i.,~~le
111: \<><a1
c o ~ i l r o 1p,111el
l : I I I ~ !I12 l ~ t $ . t t ~
,r 11iik

emcr.$enc! opc~-:liion.
Sle1) R: C l n s r I h r i n l r l \all?> ~11'1Iici.i~~iilii:sIi,~~i ,\is 1;i11 ! l < l l ~ I'h\. III~;::I\& ) ; 1 1 1 ~jpl-
It.nri<inirter inci~l,: llic local c o ~ i t ~ -1p:incl. ~ i l Sltirl lli~,, ~ ? ~ l i i l ~ 1 1 ',,I' 4 i <1:111
~ 1 1,111
~ l g illside lli~.~
111ei ~ p e r a l ~<\\IIcII I ~ ~ \ V L , I .~:IIICI

Step C: Ope11 111ri ~ i l c\;III~S

~ Iiw tlic, c t v i i h ~ ~ ~ !;IiIIv ~1511
i ~IIIIT~~'~,I.II;IIL,~:. I .:-~?l)''8$
h! nit.olir nf tlie ( i o t r n l i ~ ~ ~ i i c l ? .
Step D: Open rhe throtrlc \ a l \ c ~ F l i l;>r
i c n ~ i i b i ~ t ,l 1~1~1~11i~1l 1 ~I ~
~ : I I I ~ I I , Il ~
Step E: Close tlie clol> \ J I \ c( F 171 I,, ~ l i cig~iitiqoill h t ~ r ~ i c r .
S l ~ pF: l'~-es>1hc igriili(~11
to11 111cclii?rgL,lic,> ~ , , . i ~ c l h r ~ ,ql l~p ~ , - . ~ s !

Stcp (;: Cliech rhor ilic i$liilioli ~LI~IITI i\ i l i \ t , ~ l c ~ l .

Step 1-1: ('heck The i g ~ i i l i n i sparki lhcnice~ithe c l r c l ~ o ~ lIc;~, 111e ~ ~ i - ; l l c c l l!IIIIC.-
10 ~,isii:ill! clieck llir ig11i1i~111 ,p,~rl,. ~ ! ~ I I ?c ~ i i I ~el,-,
~ ~!r,tcl~;,,
ii .!.h>iiI,: I,: ,!,I-
. j t ~ ~ li ci ~~i Ic c ~ > ~ : t r . \
Step I: f<elense Ill?i g ~ i i l i k ~I>IIII<III
li 1l1~i1IIIC~~:IIIII,,,I:
;111~lc l ~ f c h I ~ I F I ~ I,I L'~I..I,.,
: 1.1 I ~ I L ~ ,

after tllc ri111elpcriod l i p ~t ~ II;P r ~e\l?ire<?

s t e p ,I: ope11 lllc stol? \ i l l \ ~I F~I :Ill#:IF:.? i
Step li: Pr.ess llie i g r i i l i < ~lh11tt01i
~i a ~ a i r 311~1
~ : k c q l 11 l,rc<<~,ti t 3 i c ~ h!I-I,I~IIIL, - q ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ b i
vales I . I .llll I 1 c 1 1 ;111l lI1:ll I l!llil!. l l l l l l . 1".
~ 1 - 1 eti1
d llie qa111e I i l i ~ c .
Step L: C l i r c k llir i ~ r l i ~1l:lnie.
i ~ , ~ I~k c IIC ~ l i s p e c ~ i ! i111112k r~ IS' :1~11;111! i ! i c c l \ !lie
ignition i l u ~ i i c ./ \ d i t ~ s11ic
~ i g ~ i i i i c ~r tl ie c t r ~ ~ c lIII?
r ~ . IIII:~~I!IL~\:IIVL, ~ t > i ..,.vi~-
I>II.SI~CII~ z~ir.~ i rli?
r olit.11i11~ { > ~ C \ < \ I ~ L (,> t i 11ic Ic111lio11t,il ~?LIIII~- 1 1 I~:L.::,~~II.;!
S l r p 11: R : I i 1 1 i 1 1i i I i i h I I I I .:I I ! >I. ! 1'1

211dFl5.:1 clnsc.
Slep N: C'lirclc thnr the w l c n o i d v : i l \ ~ 1r-3)oycns ;III~ilini 111: ICIII~I~III :-II;.II~II .
l i t ~ r s e du i ~ zir.
S t c p 0: (:!icck tIi;lt llic Igl?ili,i~iIhiir.lic~I, ;II.~I\\IIlb:icl, : i i ~ e ~ i l ~1 x~1 !1i~
' ~ ~~ i~! Ii I I : . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ I , I , I
Step 1': .\~~IISI 11ie liliie r ) c ~ i o ttor. I,,:I \III!:II>I~ Ic\cI
l 1711r~:c OII illc 111111-I1pii:.I IO\IIIL
Ill? I,1c:1l c@lllrol p ~ l l l r l .
Step 0: (C'l~ech!lit i g ~ i l i , I Ih11r.11cr
~i s o ,,1:;1l I~IITCS
1,) ~CII\LI~C r f : l ~ : ~ l~
~ l!~Z

Step R: < ' l < w II~L, i ~ i l c\~IIIL,\

l l i ~ 11ic ~ VJI~I ~!,I t i I~-~T:;II~\
r ~ ~ ~ r i i i ~;1i1: , o ~ ~$ ' I II~,L,
elcr inside [lie 1nc:il co~irri>l(1.11icIilllil \to/' llic i . ( ~ i l l h ~ ~ \ . ii li l~ !\ 11, l~ 111~:

q i e r ; i l i ~ i g,uilcli illside llic lp<?!\~.rI~;IIIL,I.

Step S: Tur11 I I I ~ kt.!> 1~1;1c<din<i~lt.r l i i ltmc:~l1 0 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1p 111rlllllJ ilit, j'1)\\8:r 1'.111~:1 11111'
i i i ~ l ~ ~ i i anjier,lfiiii~,

3.1.2 C h e c k l l i c burnet. - t a r t - a p ~ e q ~ r v ~ i c c
5 t q l ,.A: ! ~ ' I C Ill?
I ~ ~. I L ?\:11\
~ c 1 l ~ f! \l
Slep R: :-'IIL,C~
ll1;1t llie :lir ~I:IIII~C, ll<Il71 is ill clo%ccl~ ~ < I S ! I ! * : ~ V
I : j e t li?htii.~ierilllo 111;111111 1 t>pi!t.i~li~li111oile ,711 till, !::;II j p ~ l i r or
l co~iili~i!~~
SIrp D: j l a l t rjllt. ~11'1Iicr,il IILIII~/'..

Slrp E: .~.IILY~
tIi.11Ill? #lillit,!\ I< ~ I I I ~ I I \.;~l\e
~ ~ I I ~( l - V 4 115 17 .1.:11~i-l7!~ ~pl:~siti~h~i
'I><>,Ill,,\\ i
S t r p F: <1:1rI llic I~LII:IIYI: 1 1 1 ~IL.~;III~IIICI
O I ~c o ~ i i p ~ ~ t c r

Stcp G: :IIPL\ (11.11 r11e~111111~11~1i~11 l (RnCJi~IIII-IS.

i ~ iI~I~I

'Vo~c: Tlit. ennlho.;tinn a i r '~n it f o r 2 minimun~ o p e r a t i ~ ~t inm e o f 2 0 rninlllc.

in ; ~ u t n m a t i cn l o d e 11, ; l v ~ r i i ln1or.e t l l i l n t h r c c s t ; I r l ~per bo111..

S t c p 11: , 'hcch III:II (lie III~~IIIII:III~ \ I i i ~ ~ - i ~ l l ' \ ;l~rl l\ ~l !eor'i.11. :!ii(iillill l l i Ii111:1i~.r
~ I.
,~11>1iIicd\\ill1 III? : ~ I , > I I ~ I ' - I IIIICCI'LII~I.

S t c p .I: 'lieck II~;II 1 1 1<~ o ~ i ~ l > l ~ s, ~t i ,rlit11

~ ~ ci l : ~ n i ~ ~i<e ~ -i i c ' \ i c lL~ ,i t i o l liv\iiio::
~II~ i
t11c 1'11rliaccl p ~ ~ r vi~,::io<i.
Step K: 'licck II~:IT tlic ii~l
!lo\\ : L . , . ! ~ ~\;IIY?
l i ~ ~is
i ~i11
i~ i
Ii;liitit!n id
Step L: 1 'ltccl, 111,11 c i igl:iIki:
rllc lj:~iili,l~il181.-.iliri i i ~ i s c r i ~illid
Step kl: I 'licrL1li;il
l l i c p ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ 1lir~-c-\b:?)
ii:iti. v i ~ l v c(1.75) III?I~I~III;I~C
!II~ S!III~-I:)~
, :1Iw (FO'I ~ I l . 1 1 1~~~ 1~1~~ 1 1 1 ~ ~ 1 1 ,
Step V: I 'licch t l i : ~2 ~~ 011
5 ? ' !I III:II i t iq [p111:~!e~l
It, llic L : tn1l1i111 ~ I I I - I I ~ibI s~l i ~ ~ t - ~:I,. till^
: ir

3.2 Commissioning on gas oil

-- - -

-- -- ~

I.: I I 1 .~I~<<I,IC; ! h
3.2.1 Operation ol'the b u r n e r

Step .\: ('l~ech:ind :~(I~itlsl

ilic sIca111lp~irgc~ > ~ i < <ill
i i ~llic
o ~lIl>i:il
~ !).II~L,I mil i r i ~ ~ ! ! ' ~ ~ ~ ~ r

Stcp R: S1n1-I the hul-~ierill ~ ~ ~ J I I IiI : ~

~~r ipi l i n~ ~II~OIIC
i <,IIilie Illi:i/ I~.IIIL,~ 0 1 ~ i i ~ i i i ? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r
S t : Clirci, rliat 111c burlier ignitr., \~lic,nrlic tlil x11I\e.. 01,1.11 ,111~1I / ~ I . 1~1 I I ~ : I I ~ I I I ~ -
i ~ n i t e di\lien tlic ignition lh~r~.i'ri \ i l i ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~I ./C'I ~/ : :I ~~C I~C ~i ~c l

Note: A nurnher ol'stnrts Inn? he n c c r s s a n I ~ r f n r ethe h e r n r r iyritcc. I l ' i ~ n i l i c ~ n

o f t h e h u r n e r fs~ilstlespite ofsv\.er.:rl artcmpb. atl;r~st t h r ienitioe oil ilrnr.
the correction f i ~ c t o rl'or a i r l f i ~ e ratin.
l ill-t l i ~
: ~ t o m i s i n]I.C
~YSII.I. on [!I<,
loc:~lpanel nr computer.

Step D: CIicch tliar thc hurlicr is 111 ~ i i i ~ l i ~liriiij;

i i i ~ /pt~iiiiliil
~l~ .i/tc! - ~ i ~ r ' - ~ i i >
s t ~ pE: I I I I 1 0 1 1I I . I . I I I , i l l 1!1~,1
.111d!oi ~ i i i i l i ~ ilontl
~.;~tio. ~~~ i f iII~~C;ZOI?
Stcp F: Clicck [I!? \hnpc ;IIICIcvluur i>l111el l a i i i i ~ hlca.sl~rc
. rlic ( ' I Jr .IIILI:)I I I : ~1 1
:11i(1 ;1<i~it14!lie c<orrcc.rio~ii ~ c ~ c lc, ~~,rs~ i V11i
c~1111?1ii r .l ~ ~ I I II~ L

Slcp (;: Clicch rhe c o l o t ~ ritirlic. Iluc ::;I.. hlexstlrc IIW SOOI N,'. 11 .I~,~III,I(I~,I
cxcce~l;I h c ~ 3 1spc~iNo. t ~I-.: i 1 ~3~1clir:icll~.
\ ~ I i t ~ stllc
t L.,V~L,CII,,II i.,1~1,tr, ~:I,..
f11c1s:~rio ir I I ~ ~ C \ \ : I ~ >

'Vote: T h e final n d j u s t n ~ e n ol f i h c romhustion p:tl.:llneterr. r.2. :lil-4'11t~!I-:~tio.

n ~ i n i n ~ load,
u n ~ ste;lm islomising pressure. etc. s l ~ o u l r llr l c;srt-ircl <,nI n11cr1
I h e hurneroperatcs c ~ nhcav? f ' ~ ~ n i rl ancl
l v i l h steslm ;IS ;11i,rnisin: n i c ~ l i ~ ~ n i .
I t is therefore x d v i s a l ~ l cl o >I~;IIS~ the cc~t-recIi<~n ~ I C ~ I instc:iri
I ~ <bf'tli~; i i ~ ~
f u r l r a t i o when the h u r n e r i s con~rnissionc~cl 011 gas oil.

3.2.2 Check the stop \ecltience

Step B: Set the hllriii>r Ioiid IO >lc:11111 ~ 1 ~ p1 \ o~ - ~ i i;IIIL~

t i ~ l <ti,17 I / Ii ~
i~ ~lri~~i
Step C: Clie~.ht h u ~ilic ~ ~ ~ i ~ l ~t ~ I i ri ci ~
i l- ti \i ;c~v:iI\c
! rF7; i .iriii 111c~ X I ~ . I ~ I I , , I I C .il~~~-l'~'~
\;IIVL,( l : O T l cli;?~i;:i. ~ ! ~ ~ ~ I I ~ ~ ~ I I
3.2.3 C h e c l i the s:~li.l?. i ~ ~ t e r . l ~4~1cul t, d o ~ for
n f l : ~ n i c fili111r.ec i l u i p n l e n r
5lrp : \4'I1c1i Illc 1>11r11?1 i'. ill ill.c~;lli<)l~. ~.IiccLl l i ~ tl;i~i,c I::IILII-~ ~ q ~ l i p ~ i I,i! c l KC-
i i ~ ~ v i ~ i~~Vo~~l I~LIIII;
i ec e r s ~ l iIri ~ l d ;ltlii
- i ; ~ t i ~ ~ I'rolii ~ : co\~~1.111<~ C I I ~ ; O I . IIi:
>!lrn:l->l,>ps. all({ ;I ~ I L I I :I<n\il c \IIL~~L,:IIC~ 011 llir l<it:iil 1p:llic
1.~7,. l l i ? ~ i i ie; j i l ~ ~ rI>
111ilCOIII[)III~~. liesci :!I! -lit11& I \ \ 115.
Step H: r c k\ i ~ i i ~ l l a :tIc~ ! , li ~t ~~cl i\~~r ~ i : ~!,I c eusill;:
~ ~ ~ l i:i!i~i ,I L~IW?CII:
11.1-11I i ~ l ilpt>i~i~cc
~t tlie Il;i111c <c:inllr.r
Step C: i t 1l l v I~II~II?~ I CI; lp:i~icltill.! c ~ ~ . i i [ ~ ~ ~ 11i~Iic:l~.
i l i l u <1:11.1 ~ i i t ~ , ! ~l ~, .i i cO l ~ ~ r > l i ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ l
Is l i ~ c:! ~t i \ \ ~ i l i ~ 11t111ie
r l,~i'~~rc~
Step I):i 1 0 ~ 1 1IiIt ~ 11;11iie
C sraliliir !Ill, l i ~ ~ l c l :~ncl
11111 e r i-c<t:.r 11 ~ I i ~d,i\+ll\.
I : i ' e r i i t n i ~\lie .;slii< < l i e ~ i . .3villi
~ . l h t tnthcv Ilanic \~.III';~:

3.2.4 C11t:cl< llir .;;~fcty i n t r r l o c l i ~11111 11n~r.nf o r lnncc inkrr-trcl

Step ,\: '(111~11l l i IILII-II~I
~ i i n o l ~ t " : i l i o t ~i ~. ~ i s c r e11ic
\v \i!ett i c r < \ \ s (111 !lit 1h!111ie:
I I l t t I II I I c1 i I i h e l h l 1 1 . 1 1.AOI-IS.
~~ ,tl!ti ,:
11111./in\~i I, i ~ i d i c ; ~ r[c' I ~ lIIICin,:ill 13:11icl ;~tidc(11111~!1r~r,

Step H: ~ 1 - t ill
~ "11ie I\\~:I \II~,II- I ~ I L Y \ < 11it1, llic ll;i~igc L . I ~ ~ I ~ L ~ L ! I ~;ltid
I I ~ rcscl !lit, ~11111
IIV!II. S~.II.I !lit I111r1cr:t!,,.iti

.t,?.5 Cht.i:li tlir s:~fcty i n l e r l o r k ,SII(II

~ l n w nfg~ro i l Y:IIYC\
Step A: '.ct !hc I~!I~II~.I.ill10 -top tlil,tlc. ILISII t l i p~ ~ i r u i i i ; ~ ~~li!1.-~111'\alvc
ic 1 I 671 ;I

,jcgrc25 I?UIII CIIXCCIl p ~ ? ~I,! i ~III??I~> ~ o ~~>l-;i ~ ILUXI. 1 ...I~II d ~ n v I.,,TI.I>~I

~i \:II\C.
i i i l r 111 l x ~ \ i i i o l i\/~IIIII~I
I?,: i ~ i ~ l i c i l ,1i11~ ~IIIC
i i II>c:I~ jp.111~. J I I ~11>11113111?r.I<i,r~
1 1 1\l1111
~ II,X\II ;11ier I ~ > I , I I :III<I SI,ICI 11ie ht111iera2.11:.$
Step H: 5e1 1lic I~LII~II~I-i ~ i r o:I(il- 11.,>tic.111rtiIll? I ~ I ~ C I I I I I ~ ~ I : :!Iv~?-\\,I! VLII\? IF-51 .
I : r I I I I I h I I I .I . 4 ~11111; / o \ \ ~ li o r
i i l \;i;;c not in lpl'iiliu~i\ l i ) i ~ l hc
d inclic:~Icdon ilir I I ) ~ . I1,:inel I nncl crrii1~1111~1~
I I I I I 1i'~rili~.

3.2.6 Ctl,:(,l< the s:~fcty intct-lark <!~III (IIIWII

f o r l o w oil p r r \ s t t r ?
5ti.p A: ' \ ' I I ~ I llie
~ 1~11-1icr i5 111 CII~I.,IIII~I~.cliccL 1 1 1 I(nv ~ c ' 1 1 p : ~ , . \ ~ r~IILI[
e cloir,~i:II~CI
I I ~ i c i tIi i l l I I !hc li:iragr;~l>li " C L I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ -( -Ii ~. l iIcI 11i ~ 1~ i!\-I~~
i:111". 1.11~.I~LII-ner iltip!.. . i i ~ t l.I sIi~11 110\\11 1111. lo\\ v i l p r i < s ~ ~Is r ci ~ l d ~ t . r l l ~011
le Iri..ll II~III~I :i~i<i \ : O I I ~ I ~ I . ~ . I Rc,sL,I 1I1es1111tL l c ~ \ \ .:I.ICI. ~e<ti~ig~
3.2.7 C h e c k t h e safety i n t c r l n c k shut ilo\vn litr l o o in>\ w ; ~ t c rI c l r l
.Step :A: \~'IIcI~ llie ~ \ I ~ I I ~13V111~>pcr,iticv~. pcrt01~111 IIVCI C ~ I~>!~llig: \ \ , I ~ ? Ilc~\t,l.,,IIL,I)
dc\,irc. The o t h c r i e o It>\\ \\~I.Y l ~ , \ c ISIIIII ~ ( > \ Y I I ~ C I I I ; I I ~ ~ ~In \,,IIZI IL,\L,I
ccntroller nillsl he rleacli\;~~i.i.Tliib i.iu hi. tI~31ic11) 1c1l1lior.i11l~ I~,\\L,SIII;;
(lie sIii11 d c \ \ ~ i~ e poiiit
t ill llic local palicl (or C C V I I ~ L I ~ ~ I>C~.~L,,I.X
I. lilt \ \ i l I ~ , r
level until lhe hlli-l~er~liilli. ,111cI .I ,I1111 iiil\\ll ! i l r l 0 ( 1 It,!! i%.:il:,i l c \ ~ ,'~l i1liii-
cnicd 011 11ic li>c:~lpanel :lnd i,>lnpnti.l.
Step U: Iric~-ease111e \ \ n l r r level i n 1 1 1lbcilcr
~ 1I1c ,!ILII LIL~\II.
ii11ci r e w ~ \(ii11,,1 1 1 1 WI ~~
poilit 1 ; ~t l w lo\\ \\nl?r I c \ ? I :1<1~1:1te<i I?! IIIL, \\;II<~ lc.\cl L I ~ I I I ~ c , ~ ~ 1, : 0~
origi11;iI XI Lioili~.

Step R: C'liech 1li;il I!L. sk~:111iri.:tiIi11,11: v:ilvv I IWI! I.ill ~III;~>I?I,II!L

III,'~,: L'II illc
Ioc:ll panel c ~ i - c(l11113i11er
Step C : Open tllc vaI\c l i w : ~ l ( ~ i i i i \ i\IL,:IIII
li~ ~ ~ O I I111~.
I \IL.,IIII -111'1lli , s . - ~ : , j ~ !
Step I):Open tllc \.alvc\ lirl- llic .ten117 I.r:r!>
S t c p E: Slnrl the lh111-11el-
;ii~iIcarry hill 1111, ~ . e ~ ~ i i l i c~>II~:I~I..I,~!~IIII:
~l~~l: 111~,~,:1!1!:\

Vote: Ift i l e burner. Inatl is i ~ ~ c r e a s etlnrinn,

d start-II~, t h e air:fuel r:ltio <l,~ruldIv
checked a n d a d j i ~ s l p ral t t l ~ dr i f f e r e n t load?.

.1.?.9 C h r c l i t h e s a f c h i n t c r l n c l i s l ~ u ilnn-n
t f o r In+\ stcam n t n r n i s i n ~p r r v \ l l r - r

3.2.10 C h e c k t h c s:~fety i l i l e r l ~ ~ cshur

k rlo\vn l'or h i g h stealit p r c s < ~ ~ r c

- - --

I ,,,<,l,,<L, Ill, ,. ;.
3.2.1 1 Clni,ck t l l r :~ctir-es;lfrty inlcl-l11cli sIi111d o w n s i n cincrnellcy opet.ati~rn
.Step 4: I t i I I i e l ~ l l II~c.I~
. 111111 1 1 1 ~ k e h i />I;Icc~I II-\ILIC r c~~lllr~i
I;II~L,I tiliil 1111\\cr 1):1111,1 11:1.1 :~iicrj?c~ic!,oper;~tii>~l
Step 13: < l p e ~ i l I~l , i I~i ~ ~ r r i.I\c r ~ i r ,I.il>c,l
. ~ ill t l i ? cliiiplcr " h l , ? ! q ~ :,i[3e1-;itii~ii".
>lep C : '\,'lie11 [lie I ~ t l r l i c rI., 111 <ip:,r,lii(~li.
cliecl< ~ l i cwiet:, i!?i:rl<>cL s l i ~ i tdo\$ 1i71

i l i i ~ i i cI ~ ~ i l i;t11<1
~ r cIOSI
~ It>\$,!.ILC~ l e ~ c:ISl c l c s c r i l ~ rpr<~\
~ ~ ~ ilo t ~ s l > .
Step 1): \\tic11 llic 5;1l?1! i l i i ~ r l o i l..IILII 110\\1is Ii:i\c h e c ~tL,:t<1I. till-11 tlic k:!i 1111,.
~ ~ ~ o l i i : io!'c~.:\li(o~i
tic I :'cl
:?lii\ ,111 .lit11 111n111\.

3.3 C o t n m i s s i o n i n g on heavy fuel oil

~ - -- - -

--- -
I : Slr r t A : T h e c l ~ a n g eof f11ci.l fr111npas nil t n h v a v y Ihel o i l is achievetl li!
in;inu;~ll:. nperatin: t l ~ t -illi-cr-\vs! v a l v e (C;ll.iI. \\ben beavy fluel 14is
sel,:r.ted, l l ~ ec t m l r r r l s y s t r l ~ l: ~ u l r ~ ~ i ~ a t i c ac11anpr.i
ll! l o the heavy f u r l i r i l
p u 7 n p o p c r a t i t ~ n .T l l c rrlul-in s:rlvc (;Ill is e n e r g i r c t l ancl r e t u r n s l o t a n h
f o r :! prc-set p e r i o d ((;437 1111111s1 1 1 ~ n i ~ i tnu b g e p t ~ s i t i o n l .:After the l i i l i e
ha.. <.\pil.rcl. l l ~G r I II v:II\i.r.l~:inges a n d r e t t l r n s to m i x i n g tube lor n t r v n ~ ; ~ l
11c:ity f u r l o i l operation, n n ~ lil l e r a n k seleetitrn valr c GJZQ r e l l l r n s t n hear?
l ' r ~ r rl ~ i sl r t t l i n g Lank.
T l i i f u r l n i l flt~rz.i s s r l 11, iflll'%+ rlul-in: t h e f l u s l i i n ~ sequence.! 11) avtbitl
I~e:~tin: o f :As i t i l . ( i f ;I ct~rrlvl-i\ [lresenl in l l l e t - ~ . I u r nlinr t h e nl:lnually
~ ~ ( r ~ ~ rtl~ree-\r-:t\
aled v a l v e ((.-I361 11u11rt h e set t o h!-p8ss r h r cooler.)

Stert A: S I L ~ 1I1c
? h~lr~ier,
Srep H: , liech. i l ~ o~i l ti, ))IW>CI~L 11 ilic l i c ~ v \rttel i ~ i1;11ii
l O:>L~IItlic ~111ick ~I<,>IIIC
1, tlvc 1(Ii(J5l\vliicli CCIIIII:~ 1 - llie lle;~~v!. IttcI o i l 1.11ikI,> llit, 011 s! ~ 1 c 1 i T i,
I I ~I t i I I lp~t!iit?\.IIie \ i i c o ~ i l ! o r I/:?~ i illl llic i i , i ~ \ \ I\ICI
7 ' 1 t a ~ i k\li,~!tIcl 11,1t cxccc,: LSI li'~icccs>;~r!'.t l ~ , 3~1 1 ' 1;11il<<IIO~IICI IICIi?,ii-

Srep C : . ~ ss\\
iiecL arid : ~ ~ l , i ~IllL, t 1 : ~ 11 < I \ , ~Iiliie
I~ for tile II~VL~I:-.~~,,I!\ ~ l \ e~ ( i Il I 1
' , Iocill 11;llirIo r c11.11~llh
Step D: I l i e I ! I I I ~ i ~ i i ~ t i i cl t ! r - I i r ~ ~ - ~ i V:II\C
:i! [(:i I i i1.
IiecL lIi:11lii~,
ln~::il 1?,11icI111d~<~1111itlt?r i ~ i i I i c : ~ lihc.,~,
e \ I.II?I oper;iri,.,l~
Slep E: 8 ! l\e ( C i l I l I cli:i~igi.c ipt!,.il o i l 11 .~II~~LIILI
l i e c h 1Ii:11ilic l l i r s r - \ ~ : ~ >:i :ilcc, hz
I;cchctl ~!T;\I tlic \:tIvc i,. , l~:11i:c~1h : ~ c kt o noim;.i ,~i?-ltii,n \\hen ills 1i1-1;.
lp,riod li:~b c\pircO.
Slep (;: Open lhc >tcq?\,;1lvesIC;2i ailhi( ; 2 h l liirrlie i,pr~r:~lic~n:ll1 p r ~ ' - I i ~ 1 ,lll~I
l c ! i!l~,cl,
111;1t IW 510\l \ J ~ I \ P(> ( ~ :IT!CI
5 iix!xc CILIXYI i i IIC~ G!,~II,I-IW
~ IV.,-IIC.I!C~
Step H: 111rnllic thr~.c-\\.~\\,:ll\c l i r ; l I i i ~ ~r r i Iln\\
l III~,I!I~II 1\11. ~ ~ : ~ - I I L ~ , I I L ~ ~ -
Step I: Clicck rhnt t l l r 5lenlll r e g u l : ~ l ~ n\;ilvc
< 1<i201: i t 1 ill<,p~z-llcn!cr. 8. 11, .11111'-
inatic n~oclcon lllc 1oc:il p a ~ ~ lr>r ,l i<~~iiputer
Step .I: Close llie si,yi \,;!Ibc !C;7.i1 I~II !IIC jia11~1-ii! III!~-II~:~I~cI ,~I.,,I,q,:,~, I I ! ~ .~I~,,I,
v : ~ l v ei ( i 7 3 ) zhiivl! liil- rhc i ~ : ~ e ~ - n l ~jpr?-Ili,;~ii,l.

Step &I: C-licck tllat ilic t e ~ i i l ? c ~I~~ r,~~!.c~l

t ~ ~ r I,, ~ l i,o!;;~ h 1 j 1 1 . 1 I
~ ~llic ~ i c < a r c<L,I II.~L.-

Step K: C'liech th? set poi~ii.\ti71 lo\* '11111 IIU\\II. lo!\ ,II:I~II!. ,III,.I I ~ I ! I /'.I?!,
~ , l i ~ \ ih~i 1 1i
tiis l ~ i c a pallel
l r~ c i i ~ i i j i u i e ~\ ~ i j i ~ si i r~ ~ c ~ , ~ , < , : ~ r !

3.3.2 Operatinn on h r : ~ nf ~ ~ oil

\\'lleli IIic I.l~rnei is c ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i i <rt! s . ii<:~\'! n e ~g > i l . ii11.11, ~ ~ l l c ~ i ~ 1'1i i i1 1i: i .~ .i ~ ,i I ~ I / ~ I I ~ -
~ i ~ ~ lit:l
I I I ~ Sl i I c i~~ r i c Il 1 1 l i e I I I I I : I I . I'Iii, .III~I
i 1 c r a c I Irticr I I ! I I I ! I I I i l l ( 11:
l l i l l l i t l l t l 5 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1l i l l l l i l l I . 1 1 ~ :,i 1 :!lc .-.111I1
l i n l r !lie r e l i a h i l i h o f l l l c Ihi11-11cr
II~II'.~l e cl!kllrcij

11 I S 1101 011/! tllc :lir'filcl l;lli,, \ \ ~ l l c I il!. ,111 i1!1;1~~r1;1111I':lcl<'l 1 1 7 1 illi. i l i l i i ~ 1 1 - l i i j~p l ~' i i i ~ . ~ . .
~ I Ii iIl i o llie pressure ('l.ll~(,: l l i u l i i i i ~ ~ \.i-:ii~i
Fhv \II;I~,.~ ~ I ' Il lI; Ii t~~ i cC:I Ihc ;I~I~II\IL,Jb) c l ? : ~ ~ i g i ~tll? i g ~ ~ ~ I I I C~ :>:II~ l sl i\e~ i r l e r ~ ' l l : i ~ i i ~
i l i l i e ~rlie l;line i l i n l ~ l iI-,? l : l ~ l l ; i - ~nt ~ ~ni i4i;lpc i n i v l i ~ i l ni l ~ n i n i l ~cunraci
in 10llic

!~I~II;IC~ !:,;!I\\ ;:nc! Iho11ii111is , i c l i i ~ :,.!

\ l'lic i ~ c l , j ~ ~ s t ~,li,u~l;!
i i c ~ i t ihc ~~IlecLecI \\I~<II 1 1 1 1 ~
:Jllrlier is III l.1111 II>:I~ c o ~ i r l i i i o ;\I.
~ ~ .,I,.I~LIS~III~I~I ~ > l ' t l i:s!!irI?r<
r .I 111iestabilis~,rI~I~\,II-~-
I I I ~ I ~II . I 1 I I I : ~ I II I I I I I I I ~ C I I I I I11 II
,.vide and - ! i n ~ i1:unc
i :I11 n t i i ~ s l i ! i ~i~L'~lir
,i i\\irlers:il;!ii~v :\:il-,iliier a l i ~ 3I-~\\III\ ,n .I
c lia~~g c .lie dis1;111~eI > ~ ~ \I \I Ic
(?I ~ ,L II
1111i?i\cr :111cl Illc 1.ew1 ~ 3 - lI:i~ii?.

Step .A: >.el :IICc i ~ r r t . c l 1:1cl~!1

i ~ ~ ~ ~. , I 111~. : t i r ' l i ~ c li.;!Ii(~ i l l I~:IIII~I~p r ) i i t i o ~ ~i ~ ( . ~ t . l - i ' i l i ( r i l
Ii c ~ o=, IIIOI o i l IIIC.Ic>c,111>:11ieIt ~ cr ~ i ~ i i ~ ?Tb: ~ ~ lct,rr~,cti<111
cr C~clmrih II,~L,
I I I i r ~ I l 1 1 I l l ? caltil.ilic value # ) I !I~,C ' c i l I> ~ l i : ~ ~ i : ! cc.g cl~
8ilie11Ill? 1hi111LerI! lpe i x , 1 1 1 i g i . ~ 1
5 t e p R: 1.1a1-I tlic ~11I~I;IIIII.II
~ ' L I V I I ~1 iolieri11111t111iodeillid ill:& .1ii1it1i!yitl:i \\lirii111t.
, i l 1;: o p o i :III~i . e ~ l i ~ o .iyiitecl
:i \ i l l e n 1I1c ig111lin11
Ihl~rlirris s11111-ol't'ii11i:
~ c r r ; l c l c ~I l I S I I I i I 1 I I I ~r:~,;c>.
I o r 1Iie s:ea111 .110111-
i ,i~igi~e:.,i~~eil'iiet ~\,:II ,.

$tep C': \ l a r l 1Iic llllrller \c\:r:ll ilIlC' 11, ~ l l s l l r i '3 r?ii:illlc i;..lii>ll ~ l i l l l v1h:llili.:
5 I e p I): ' i d j i ~ 1.11~;. ~t>il lli>\\ IIIIITIIIIIII~I llrnil.
51ep F.: i 'iiech il1:31 i i ~ ct1:1t11ci s i!.I~Ii~ .11l(Ic~I~I-!DII II~~~~~LI~C:IIL~IIIC111c 1.001 il,l,~
'In. 311~1 ()1 i.i~l11e111 311~1 1,. C'O. ~11111~111,i \ J j l ~ i fi'lc I ~ ~ I I ~ I I ~i>il
~ I fIo\\.
I~I (11,
i r e I .I I I . I I I ~ I I I ~ ~p~r Ir Is~i ~ ~ I(I.L,,.?-\.I~!.
Step F: :i~-r\0111 1l1c \ a ~ i ? ci n l c i ~ \ ~:111~111!~
ti 11ir1111g11llie i,i,~l.pIei: hi11.11crr:i~igc ill \trp>
IIl!",,. ;It1111s111ic . ~ i rli!r' 1-xi~1.11111'~r tlie SI~,~III , ~ l i ~ ! . ~ i ' l ipresillrl:
~i$ 11'1iec-
>>;II-;. :\I !IIII lii:~il lie \ I I ~ I ~ C1 1 1 . 1 1 ~I1;ttne sh(111ld l~.I~echsd.n11i1l'ie ,\\ir-
~ i v ~ I 1 : 1 1\ li :i ~ l~> i l i w rs I i ~ j 1 1 ilht
1 1, l ~ l i ~ ~ > il.riece<.i::r!
Step G: I lie IPIC:ISII~~I~~~I?I:. .,>I~~:I\I~::,? l ~ , r~ l i c o r ~ i L ~ ~ ~ IPI,>LCY,
s ~ i c > ~Iil i r o ~ ~ gilic
I ? L(,II~-
let? 1:1t1gc t o g e ~ l i c r\! 1111 I 1111i11l)er ~ ~ I ' c c ~ ~ l i ~ ~La~r~a 'h~~I:I I I~I IJ~I ISIIOI~II,~
I I I I ~ I II 1 1 " 1 c 1 1 r 1 i c i ~ l i cl l l i ~ i g ~ " ,

SIep A : ~ ' Ic>:ici 11111il

'Y'lie~.Ilic I311r1icri \ 111 o l ~ < ~ : . : ~ Iii~ol~r ri .t a s eo r ~ I c r r c : ! ~tlic llie ,o!i
-i.c;s~~~i.;II I!Y ntonilss;- .II :i 111c ,.I~;?II~;~lo~~ii.;i~i; IP~~,\<L i11.c
I ~ cidt:~ilic,ll

Stell K: '..:I 1\11, I(\;!<\ :IS ~IIC..lc:!~ii ,.,'.~rcc

l p t h i l i t ~ lo;~tl
~i tui 11.2 lt>L.:~l
'.(el' C': I r
I ~t i Ii 11 dwrinc i l c a l l i 1111r;!11?1. 1 lh? hilrr~lerITIIIYI 11(11
[>l:lch 311i<>Le or l>lt,\\ ~IIIIllic l1:111ic Lbcli~~c, !I.,: c o ~ ! ~ I i ~ ~ <is! iC.<?I~I-
1.ie1et: ,\,I~I!>I ~li,!<I<~III~I , . I ? ~ ? ~i<>,iti1111
Iti;l~l~I.II?~V-,, il~!
Step D: Decrease llir leliipcl-;nurc grrii.l~iill! ~111iil 111~.<L,I I ~ O I Il~i ~! l,i\\
i - l i i ~~l i i i )11\ I -
r c t ~ c l ~ e ('!-lie
l . li~11.11er slops. :IIIII :i -1i~1iLIC~\IIi<i ~ i d i c . ~ ! c!,is
~ i IIIC I ~ L & I~:IIICI
I n i ~Tlic ..;ct l x ? i ~ iI.?r
! I(nv :~lni-m.;lii>i~i~l;:l.;ii lhe ,li,.cl,::,i ~~!ISIII~
! I l l 5 1e5t.

Step E: Scttlie5tc21ii r ~ g l ~ I a t i l ~ g \ a, (l ?\ 2c 0 1 I~I~O,~LI!OIII;IIIC. II~<)LIL,

,511 ! l i ~ lL,,.,~i
c1r c<llllpllier:lll<lre.?! :Ill \Ill11 L l ~ in< ~ \ \

3.3.5 k l t l i t i o n ; ~ lfunction t l ~ r c k q
Step 4: C'licch.'a?jlnt ;~ddi!ional 5.11,-1\ intri-lnck c l i l ~ <t l u \ \ n i I ! ~ ~ ~ i , i i i I c\i l II!IIIII~L~I
g ~~lhtl 1~ i'~l l c ~ l l ~ ! ~ill: ~ti15
~ l ~ s ~ l L l l dl lol i ~ t \:liki\ i l l l ~ c8r~'Llll
r ~ ~~ .~~ c~ ! ~ ~~~8'11
l~l ~ ~ i l n c
[lie specilied I~~II~L~IIOI~ : t ~ i c l Uilie~ ~ c l ~ ~ s ~ i l i \~ICCIC!)
.,. instructions

1 General
-- -- -- -

i t t e n t i o n : I T ~ h 1111rner
c tllril ~ I I Isupply ,~ s\slems inclnrlc parts. ~ v h i c h:Ire nnr
standnrcl tlulivcr?. l'l-rbln : \ I ~ . R O H G1NT)I:STUIES. the sliecific in-
strueti~,nsfor tllesc )I:\I.IK s118111ldI>eignol.ed ill 111c l i l l l ~ w i l l ~ ! i e ~ t i ~ n s .
T h e :lrlu:~li n s t r ~ l r t i o l l sSol. lllr spr-cific pat-I> should bc I h c o r o ~ l ~ l l l !
slsdierl ant1 f o l l ~ ~ w tcl111.ine
~rl opc.r.~tion ~ r f t h cI ~ n r n e r .

1l: Descriptions
-- - - --

II tlie li>l \\i11g SCL.I~,>II.\ v : i r i < ~ t ~ s ~?;~li~i::

~ ~~~lrr~cc~\ . ~ . ~ 5i I~i 1c ~~,I,:
1l 1
Illustration o f the oil sysleni
I l I u s t r a ! i ~ t nof t h e h r ~ r n e ur n i t ;II,\\ s e p p l y systmis
~p - -- - - -- - -- - -~

r , ~

. 4 b -rr -xw.am?"-t-s Diesrl 011 1:. lqllillon bunler

4 . . .. , I,.,, .. , ...

Instrument alr

Atornising steam


. .. ...., Atomiring aar


Operating instructions
- -- - --

2.1 Gas oil mode

- -- -

S t e p A: ' I I I i p i 1.1 IIIC,SI;: ~ i~ nl l l h O~L,II

. q u i c h c l , ~ s i ~ i \;II\;
I ~ iI l I I , :.ti i,il l a n h to tlic, o i l ;\\it?ni.
l e y , H: ?.elecl C : I ~, ? i l OII [Ilk III~IIII ~ . ((;I 15,.
dl> ~ i l i c ~ - : ~~ ll ti ~i c~t l- \ v i ~v:alvc
S t e p C: ' IC III;IIIII~III>
LISII \ O I ~[':,II I~II,L:L,-\\~I> \ i l l \ ? ~(i:-l- l o r o i l Ilo!\ ~ l i r o \ i ~ l ~
'0111 :)11i111~~

(~1'1 I): ~.t!k,!i IIIC\i,>l,\:tl\?s I I<, lprt',..\liic ~:III:~\i<.ilsL < , I I. (:I(>. ,111~1(:;.L-8.
Note: T h e s t o p valves f o r the pressure g:loges o n t l ~ ep u m p 1111il~ I ~ o u onl! l t l Iic
opened f o r pressure cnnfl-111 purposes. D n r i n g n o r m : l l i ~ p r r . : ~ t i i ~I hn r. \tor,
valves s l i o n l d h e closecl.

S t c p E: i#7c11 ~ l i SIC>[?
c \;IICS i(:icj- L~~~ I L i 101 I. ; i 1 1 ~ 1 <II>X 111~' I,;,-I,.~\,. \ , I I . ~ L(, ul l l ? ~
step F: ~ Y - ~ the t,>
~ I pr~-11c;11er>
S ~ lllc,ln> L ~ I ' I I I ~ III:IIILI~III> L ) ~ ~ s , I ~ ~ L IIII~L+!-~\LI! ,II\~
i I I. : 1 1 I I1c I I \1 1 1 12 1I l l > I ( 171
Step (;: (~'liechtlial IIIL, stop \ a I \ c I<; l 1 l ' ~i; l c l t ~ s c d
Step H: Close ilic ?1,11h \;II\C~ !i77.; I Iho111l p r ~ - l ~ c : ~ ~ c r -

Step I: Olhcn [lie stop \.;ll\e\ l i , r l l ~ e1p1,:>.\11re~:ILICC+ i(r.1 k ,I!IC! I 11% I ,III,I 1i1,: ~ - ~ * , \ < I I : L
rr:~nsmirtcr 1 Ci4" I.
Step .I: Ope11 [lie >lop \;IIVLT iC;(>') c111,l(7-7)I'P~ IIIC ~;II~II~)I't'il I<,-:

Stcp K: C1pc11ilic i l n p \;II\ cq IF'?: ,111~:1-64 I

S t 1.: Clicck the posirioii n i rile r l i r i ~ - ~ \ : ~\.II\L,
! 11")I"j i IL. lp(?,i~',,~: ,II'I-I c . ~~
1 3 ~ .~

ibr o i l 1111\\ III~LILICII Illc, I>~I~II-C..


Step M: Ope11 tlic >top \.II\c< I 1; I ,IIILI1~7:)~

Step N: Clicch t11;11 1 1 1 ~III~GIIIIC \ill\? I i l 5 2 1is II(>I 111rli~.,~,d
S l e p 0: O p a l ilic s!tlp \;II\c Ii>r Ill?I'ICSGLII~ l r a ~ i s ~ ~ ~I Fbll
i l l i1 ~
I r

S l e p P: Opcn ilic stop \:iI\ c IF-1I I nnil i l l y IIOI~-~L.~II~II \:IIw ( 1 !\I

Step Q: ( l p c ~ i t l ~ ct ~ i p \ , a l l~F021
\ s l 1,1r ;,~~>II~I~IIIc:,~~;IIII
a ~ l ~ I~STIII
~ ~ IIIL,
l , \:C..III\ ~\ \IL,$I!

Step H: (1pe111I1e \,ilvss l i ~ 111~

r <tc;111i ir:~~,.
Step S: '\el olle ~oi'tlir i>il P L I I I I ~ i l i t ( i iy>cr:I11,111 i i ~ o t l c,111ci illc r l i l ~ c r011 1p1111113 r 1 1 1 1 5
sianli-b! nlodc. I l i l l c h ~ ~ r i iI c.ri n a11tnln;ilic i>pci.itioii ~lii,,ic. 111c,>II p11111;>.
!\ill 1101 lhc opcra1it111aIl > c f o r ~\1;1r1-11;,~ i ~ t ' t l ~l1~1r11er
c i~ i i ~ i l i , ~ i , ~ : l

;Vote: If a t o n ~ i s i n este;lnl is n o t avail;~hlefro111 t l i c ste:lnl % y l r n l , claw t l l r st111)

7;llve (FY2) a n d open the slo11 7 alve (FX71 l o r sr~ppl! l l - o n ~i l ~ ce ~ ~ n ~ p r c i s c i l
a i r system. C n n ~ p r e s s e dail- hr-: ~ f o r n i s i n z~ h o i ~ lonl?
r i i>r 11rc11i l \ t c : ~ ni.~
n o t ;~vailahlc.

2.2 Heavy fuel oil mode

- -

S l e p .A: t - l ~ e c hl l i : ~ t o i l I< prcsc111111 IW Ilca\> i11e1t>il < e t ~ l i ~I;IIII\ ig )132\1 IIIC ~II~LI.,
cl~,sins \31\.c I ( i 0 i l 111;11 LLJIIII:~~\ IIIC l i c : ~ \ ) I ~ I z iI. i l .CII~II~:: I ,111. t i , !Ill, , 3 1 1

s> src111.
S t R: S e e I I I I I I I I I I I I - ~.i I 1 1 :I

Step c: ~ ) p c lIll?
l \Iclp \;ll\.e i i i 4 < ) Ili-r Illc III~YIII~ Illl~~~.
S t c p D: Tom [lie 111a1111illl!
o ~ ~ r ; ~ t eI .~!:ct,-!\~i\
l \ i l l \ c t i l ? i - ' . 1,'. I;,\: ~i~:ii,:ii,
I10tll 1~IIIllI1\.
S l r p E: I I I I i I I I I . . , i :; ;, ,,I,,! t ,1-1
Vote: T l r c s t o ~ - : ~ l v ef so r tile pr.rr.turr g:luces o n t h e pulnl' u n i t shct~ll(lo n l y lit,
olienecl f o r pressure co11lr.01 p u r p f ~ s e s During
. nol-ln:ll operation. lllr s l n p
! : ~ I ~ essh o r ~ l t bl e closed.
Step F: )peli t l ~ cc l t , l i \;II\L,\ lt.it ,111tl 1~; 101 1, ;111d close tlic '?!-[i;~ss \;?lvc 1 C i 1021

Step li: 1I1c III~IIIII;~~~!

!'II~II #q?t,r,~~.,.,i
tlircc-\\';~) ~ i i l \ cI(;? I I it'r (111 llo\\ lIirc111:li IIIC~
Step 1,: I 'hecl; ~ \st\,:.: i l l 1 . t . (ll.i~ili
t l l ; ~liic liipcs II.0111 tlic lire-liciiIcr> clii\ell ,111~1
iliar t l ~ c\nl\'c.; l i . o n t l i i I ~ ~ ~ - ~ I C ; ~1,' I L111~'
C I S5tc;11111r.1:- ;lrc ~ ~ P I I .

Step M: I )per tlie stcy? \;II\C\ ((i,:. ;IIILI ( : i 5 4 ) :11i<1CIII,? 1l.c xt 71, \ ? i l b (~(~il l ~ C J l .
Step N: I IIICtllc
I: ( t .i - : I li,sr Ill?i~pcratic>~i:~l
ytt31i \ ~ I \ L pr:-11: 11e; all(! clo<c !lit, >I,>I-
'V;II\C t(~;?~; I i i ~ 111c
r ~ti111:!- >! l>r~,-17~;1tcr.

Step 1': III;II tlic 1ri1c111g

I 'liech ,>, . t ~ , ~ i i I'IX
- tlic t>il <y<tc.!~;II:,X 11ic I ~ I I - I111ii1
~c~ a1.c
Step Q: i 1pe1i lli~,
xti>l>\;il\,rs I ( , ~ , ~ J ,111~iG771 h r llic i g ~ i i - l v l ~ p111iip\((;:?I
Step K: t )1>e111 1 1 ~ \ ;1l\,c\ ( 1 ' ' ' , 1 1 3 ~ 1 lF7~: I.

Stein S: ( 'l~ccL,t l i i i l 111e l l i r ~ ~ ~\ l lI ,lVtL~. f 1 . 1 521 is l i ~i n

l cIo~:cl l p ~ < ~ t i o r i .
Stel": 1 l l i c ~~IIC
i \I~II>
\ alvc I i j v l - r ~ , > \ ~ l rI ~
e - a ! i s ~ i i i t lIrFr1 l ! , I
Stell Li: i ll>c!i ~IIC
\ I ~\;il\,c
I ~ i r.4 I ~
I ;III~ l i cl ~ ~ ~ l ~ - \~;tl.,
- eL, r t:~..l!
~ r I.~ ~
Step V: 1pc11~ l i ~ ~ ~ l ~ qI-')? ~ \ I; I ~ l ,\ I IcL ~, I I ~ ~ \ ~ I I C S ~\III?:>I)
:~~ C ; I I ~ I .rii111tlic \tc:1111,s! -IL.ITI.
S t : I ( x n IIIC i.;,I\c\ ioi 111,: . ::IIU 1r:lp

2.3 Normal start/stop

- -- - - ~ --

111~.c l l n t r ~, ' b!<tk~n1, l l l t ~ ~ l l l ; l t i c ;.-l;!.l<.

l ~ ~ ~ '.to[l\. a l l ~rcg.llt;lIC-
l I ~ ;~L~ l l r lilll ~l l ~~ r~ r l l <?I?-
c - ; l I i ~ ~c~I ~i ~ ~ ~ c 1 1UII . ~ l c ; l ~~I<:I~.;III~
c l it: l ~i ~ li \\"ll?!i 111~' ~ l e , l l l iprc.~Illrc i s ~ i c ~ o !111~. \ icl
p;>illl l i l r rn .cr,llinn. lllc 1b111~11c~c111!:~:1~11~~:~ lllil Ct:lrl-1117 ~c~:1IL~11;~'. I l ' t ~ l c111,lill
~ sl~,llll
\ . i l \ c ~III,:l~h-p;!<k\ i ~ l \ c, I ~ C L ~ < > \ L t, 1~1! ~. 1~1r11er nI?cra!e> ili I I I I ! ~ ~ I I ~ ~I iIrIi~l ~ yl w ~ \ ~ t i ~ i ~ i
:l'trr >I;I~I- .I> \1111ilIll<, ~ l i l ' l > r c ~ i ~( 7i :1 ~,\II~L,
l :?cI!~'eeli111,: lx)iI:l~ .I:-~I Ill?111;~ilis1c;11~Ibnc
i. \ \ i t I ~ i l !I.:,
i i c i !w~iliII~,I-\\ l ~ i c lII~I~~I~II:II~L~I~
i l i e ? IOLIC 15 a l l ~ . ~ \ If. ? ~011
l tlie ~ ) t I l c II:III~~.
I IC lii;~ili!.1~,81ii . . , ~ l \ c:111il~)-I?:IS\ , ! ' \ c ;IIC t.>peli prior 1,) l h t ~ ~ ~<. l(a~r,t r- ~ ~ 111e p . r~vc\,~~re
i I I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I :qll.iIi-cd. 311ci 111: L?III-II~~
c.>cl.:xci i . 1 nlod:~l.niou Irce i ~ i < d v .
2.4 Change from gas oil operation to heavy fuel oil oaeration
- -

S l e p .A: Clieck Ili;11 o i l ih l?rcse~ili l l tilt, lie;^\> I'IIPI ,711 \CI~IIII> i.1111, t ll-~.iii l ~ c~ 1 1 1 1 ~ 4
closirig \ a l v e iCic)51\ \ l i i c l ~c<>~irie<t>
t11c lic:~t.! 1.11clt)i, -ct11111gi ; ~ ' iI tl1~ IIIC
(lii sysrer~i.To :i\'oid c n v i t n t i o ~o1'iIlc
i o i l 11111111~.tlir \I'CO<;I! ~ ~ l ' ! i i~. i 1l1 -
Ihc Ilea\? hicl n i l ranli SI~IIIII~I not c\cccii ?Sll i.Sr I , . . IIIC CII !.!nh
< I ~ o t ~he
l d lie:~le~l.
Step R: Slep B: Selecl II~~I\'! Ii14LIII m i llie I ~ ~ ; I I ~ ~ I ~cIqI I?> ~ ~ ; ~111rcc-\8:1\ i?~l ',.II\L'
((;I 151. L \ ~ l i c l~i ci ; ~ \ ~ iuel
y (3iI : - <clccic~i.llic c ~ I I I ~ , ' ~- > \ I C I ~ > : I I I I , ~ ~ I I ; ~ I I L . , I ~ ~ ~
changes l o Ilea\!. l i ~ col i l pllnlji i'!'eralion. Ill? rr111r13 \ ; ~ l \ t( ~~iI I 1 :,. :I~CI-
r i z e d and re1111-(I<I,?1:ilih I;v . plr,-ic,l per~ocl~ ( i . l .!~t>lcl. T 11ir .III\IIIY 1111,t?

.\t'tertlie till>? Iii15 c \ p i ~ - t ~ <tlie l . \ a I \ c ~II:III~~< :IIICI~ C I . I I ~ I ~1\ 0II~I\IIIL ILII,~!IOI
~ i o n i i aIimv!
l file1 o i l < l / i r r r l t i o ~((i-I.;'1
i i i set 1,' Iic;i\! l i ~ ?,?I! ! ~ctll~ii~~dril~~
i ~ l l erllel o i l ll<l\\l i \el loOo,m~ ~ L l rllle ill~lllli~l~ < tl~l I~~ . l c l I!,l ~ ~l \,t.) l ~ 1j 1 ~ ~ 1 -
ills al::l> t~il.
( i t n c o ~ d z ri~ Iprzscln ill rliz .?ILI~II Iilic tliz ~ i i ; ~ l i ~ ~ :a~ ti l~: , , c ~ I~)IL,L,-!~,I! ,!~~~~l
\,.~lve1G.l:h) r i i ~ ~ lbe it 11, I ~ ' . - r a \ \t l l i , LOIIILT I

Note: W h e n I l i e fuel t ~ p is c ch:inged f r o m gas o i l (11 I l e a file1 ~ ~ oil. :I \IIII~ ilo\vri

fill- lon- o i l t e ~ i i p e l ~ ~rii;~!
l ~ ~arise.
rc I f l h e h l ~ r n e is 11 \till c l n p
r i n i~l~el':~lion.
d u e t o t h i s shut do\rn. TII p r e l e n t h i ~ r n c r c111 . r~l'f.t h e ~ rp ol i n t till- IIW nil
t e m p e r a t u r e r a n he l e m p o r a r i l y rlecrensetl i n t l l c rranll-tll \ ~ s l r n ~ .

Stcp I: Ope11tli? sto(?\:II\L, l i ; 7 ~t : :~~llic o l ~ t ~ r . ! l i t ~

~ ~ . ~ l ,it?ti i I,?,,, I ! I ~~,~k>i,
v:iIvc ( ( j ? . : 1 li>r 1112 \1:11i~l-b! /r?-lienler
S l c p .I: Clieck 11i;iItli? l ~ i c i ! i g\ ! \ I L Y ~lilr
< t11r o i ! ~ ! ' ~ 1 ~ 1,111~1
i i t l i ~ , IT#I~I:L~.
Step ti: Clicck llic lic:ib~! 1 ~ 1 coli l l z ~ i i p ~ r . ~ ! ~Tlie
~ r t , .i>cc~\il! 111~. OII ,II 111~.,II~>TI~I,L,:
.;l~ould he h e t \ \ t c l i l i - 2 0 (51 Tlic [,re-Iizatirig I C I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , Ik.211 I L I ~l~t. C ~Ic!<,r-
11ii11e<II > \ III~;II~S oI.111c ella11 i:: l!ic cIi;111tc1-" J ' I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ I \ - I L ~ I ~ ~ ; I : ~ , I ~.lii~r!"
2.5 Change from heavy file1 oil operation to gas oil operation
- - - -- - -- - - -- --

Step A: '.l?t?<11i:1i i \ I ~ I ~ ~ C III Y ~ 111~.

I :JT ~ ~tank.
i l 0pv:n I~IL, cql~icl, ~,losi.ig\;II\L
( ; < I ! I. !tliicli c < i ~ i ~ i ? c11.r' s, g;lL, o i l I@
I:III~ llie o i l <> -1c11i.
S l e p R: \eIrcl gn\ o i l 011 llle II~;III~I.I~~! ol?er;llrtl tIircc-\\:l; \:!I\ c ~ l(151. i l l i c btli~ne!
; r o i i l w i . ;111dllic I?IIIII/~I, :icri\;lted l o r a p l - r - i ~ 'I~L,~I<,LI . i ~ ( t i ~ I(>l ~llu'li c lli~
,111iil3 1111ii.\ \ XIOI~ ;I> 1111. 1 p 1 1 1 i i 1 31-2 ~ I l u u l i r ~ I .tile i i ~ i i t r n ily s i c n i :;1,1?\ Tli~
i ~ cnil l J~IIII~PS. 1111till l i II;?I ~ ~ i il el ~ ~ i l i c r : ~ I uli;~s r e cii.cr:;~\cd In appl?i.iii~~;~Iel!.
m\il i i r c r c c i C'clsiu.; L\'l,ci !lie tcniperalurc h:i\ ~ i - i j p p c Jllie [punips ~ r ; ~ c cli-
;ltt,ci i ~ ~ llirce-\\;~!
~ c l v:ili I ( ; I I I ailel (;4.:71 .1~11,~1ii:;licnlI!cll:~r~ge pc1-ilio1i
. .
, I I I ~ ~;:III~II 111eI'LICI o i l 10 ;;IL, IIC;I\! i11cI o i l s c t 1 l i 1 11:1!ik
~ f i :I ~pre-<cl lp4?r~c,il
,.I tiliie. ~ \ l i c v11ie pr.,-,7;1 l i ~ i lpericxl ~? IILIXc x ~ t r ~IIIC ~ ~ [liree-\\~:~)
i. v:-,l\r
# G II 1 I I-~IIII~I~\ > I, ,: .I ~ i l ~ t ~ilusli
l e i I ~ ~ ~ I - I, ~ ~ l 11ic m i \ i l i k tube. \ \ l i i l c 1112111rec-
.\;I! ., :ill L, (;4.<-lhol~i< it:. lpc~\i~ic>!~. \ V l i e ~ illic SLY ,'II.; li111e1-I i i ~ sc\pire~l.llic
~!iree-\\a! L : I I \ ~<;I I I i, !8:-~~ciib:~icil ,111ci rclurlis ,IIZ t't~clo i l t o ~ l i c 1:?11k..II~<!
I 1 i ~I i1 1 1I I i I I I I 1 1 i . Iitlrc
I-111-ncri\ in \roll 111t-mde.1111. o i l ~ ~ I I I I ~ I J Sw i l l 11u1lhe ~ ~ l ~ ~ ! , i l ii111il o ~ illie i ~ l~. I I I I I ~
<bill >1:1r1:11i11stop \.ill1 11,: / h ~ ~ r i i(eI~/.J C O ~i \~/?r:sc111 I ~ I ill 111c rc11.1r1il i l i ~ .
11ieII-,~II~I:III\ O ~ ~ I - : I I C ~11 r:~.-\\+ \:il\c. II~LIK~ l ~ ,c':I .,,r e t ! ~ r ~tlic i oil ~ l i r ~ i ~ ~ $ l - ~
Illt ~l~,lIc1~1
Step C : l l y - llic ~ l~p r ~~ ~~- l ~~c ;I-:~ l cIII~~IIIS
r ~ o t ' l l i t III:IIILILIII! ~qvr.11ccIll~rcc-\t.~)\:11\v
G i I 1. ; 1 l l ~ lcl,><c 111~..\1<>,7 , ;11vc\ t ( i ? ? :lllLi (;?/I I l < >(bllll
l pl-e-l1:31,:r\ 1<;:21
Step D: I I 1 I I 8 lilr ~
111~. iol~al i l i o c k 11i:11 llli
~ i ~ r i ~ l /prt.-11<,11i~r:111d
-top l a l w 1(i7;1 1;):- pre-hcntcr i%
Step E: ! ' l i r c i 11i;il llle rrncinc
i l ol~:r,liio~i.

\>I -:ic )>lping cyzlcm i r

i~il:\'~:II -
Ill?l i ~ ~ r l i e rill ,&I+

('alltion: l l e a l i ~ l g11T(liescl o i l i n tlnc (lipling s v s t r m m l l s t hr :~\oicletl.

2.6 Change of pre-heater

- - - - - - -- -

2.7 Change of heavy fuel oil bunker type

-- - - - - -

I. Ill?lit:~) . file1 t ~ i l71111ki.r

l 1y1v I < ,.' ~ 1 1 c t d,111~111ic c : ~ l o r i \.I ~ i ~,I? t ~ f l l i e,311 ~NI:IIII:L~~.
11-e :tirTuc .:ltio s l i ~ i ~ ~lhcl c;l \ L I ~ ~I~
I < oIV;!i11 llieI c~ n r~ r w i c i i ~ i ~ l ~ ~~,II;I.
t,~T : ~i i ~ si<
~ i,lc>~ic
I,,. cIia11gi.1~Ill?< < ~ I ~ C L ~ I I~JCIUI ~~II 8': e l ~ >tI Il i ~I < I ~ , 1pt11icI
.IIC ~ l i r ~ l i t V,II~<I >I c>r ~ ~ ~ I I ~ I > I I I L ~ Y .
I I I I I I 1 1 I I C :~hi,\e 100. 11ic ;lir Ill>.:ii,r tlie i o ~ l i . > ~ l \ i i , > t l

I 1 .' 1 1 ~ ~~ ~, t ~ r r ~1 ~ :~,r
l p ' o c c ~(1,, ~, ? e 8 ~ ~ ~ l iI.,%\el~ t~n i:I\:i111c ti,. I,',,,. I [)I).[lit, ;iir Ilou Iibr
2.8 Prolonged stop
Emergency operation

- -

I'le:~sc n1111t.t h a t i n ctncr$ency o(ii.t-:ttinn l n o d e t h c s;~fr!>

i n t r v l o c k s ;1rr r e t l ~ ~ r c r l
ICII'. ,\\ \\,IlCY I<,\Cl
r l a n , IkiiItlrt,

W:~rnin::: W h e n i h e b u r n e r oprr-ales ill r n l c r g e n e y nirrtle. i t i s y e n - innpr~r!:~ni

t l ~ n tthe I m i l e r plan1 i, c : ~ r r l i l l l y a n d rnnlinl~oo.;l?- ~ u p e r v i s c I~i yl Ill?
sllilr engineerine p c r s o r ~ n r l P . n y rpeci;ll alteriti#,n l o t h e s t r n n ~1,rewni.c
n11d water l e d .

1.:2 Manual operation of tho burner supply systems

-- - - - --- - -

Step A: I'!-I tl~c ~LC! p l i ~ c c t!II\!L!

l . IIK ! ~ < m IYAIICI
e ~ II~I~>
:II.:I?CI?C! ol~cra!ic>l?
Step 1%: ~,\1:11~l
,.III~'< ~ l ' l l i (311
c [ ~ ~ I I ~ I IC, '~, I IIIIC o~ieratili: ~ \ ~ i l 11i\itie
. ! ~ t l ~ cl i o \ \ ~ , rlp,?licI
I \ile~~Iio ~ i 1hc lpiliti I , 1I:e <:I~~'ledillel r ? l ~ \IIILT
11111~1 , ~t~irlil~ ; (ilc,I \ > i

Slcp C : \d111-lillc ,111 ~ Y C \ ~ I I V L , 111eI~ILY\II~~' rr:~~Iarin; \ ; I I \ C ILI ,I l c \ c l I \ ~ ' ~ I I - ? :

I I I : ~ i~l : i l 11~111;~.l l i e :ICI~~IS~I~I~~I!
I!,I . I . llir I~III-I~CY i s c:~rricd11111 1): 111~~.,11.
l ' i ' l l l1llallll:lll!
~ , l ~ l ~ 1.1111l IIL~L,~
~ l l\ 5 < ~ ,>I1
~ ~I l l ,1<tll,,i#~l.
Step D: I f the hurnsr ih ~,pci;ltiny L~II lle;i\? 1111.1 iril. 1l1c i ~ i 12111~~c1~11!111. l II~II*II-i,
:~d.iuhts~l tlic stca111r c $ ~ ~ l a ~ \i i>~i <l \ crc>r 111e~ p r e - l i c , ~ ~ c~r .I~I .\CI,.~O\II) ,'I
tile o i l ai 11ic n t o l i ~ i ~ sc rl i o ~ ~I)? l ~!7ettiee11
l i i - 2 1 1 61rhc ~ ~ ~ - I ~ ~ ~ , IL,I~I- IIIII!!
lps~-atureICII: he t i e l c r ~ ~ i i ~Lii!e d1i1eali5~ o l ' t l ~CII:I~~ s ill 1 1 1 c11.1pter~~ " \ ' j , ~ < ~ c i l -!
t e ~ i ~ p e r : ~ ct ~l ~~;r~er l "Tlis
, :I~~II<IIII~I~I1 5 c;i~-ricclX>III 13, I~~L,,III, m'l'il~c11i,~1111;1ll~~
oper;~tccI Iinlid \\Ileel 011 [lie n c . f ~ ~ , ~ t i ? r .
Step E: C'Iieck and atliusl f l ~ epnsitioi: ,,iil~t. :-\\a! \ I ~ I ~I~.III~.IIIIIC
~ , ~ IIIL illel I'II t i ,
l n i x i n y !uhe ;lnd i;lnh. I l t l i c l~11s11cr is 01~cr:lfitigi)~i lii~n\! lil\,l o i l 111, \ : 1 1 \ 1 , -
milst rcnlni 1~31ni\i11~ tuhs :Inti Ilc:lv! l l ~ eol i l l ; ~ n h ,l i ~ t l i cIh11r11cr,1 ill\cr.~ii~i::
011 gas oil. Ill?\ ; I I \ c ~ IIILIS~ ~ L ~ L I ~ I111c
I Iilcl cjil ~ l i r c c ~ I<, l ) z,i\ ,>!I 1,1111,. I>)-
1p:lvilig Ill?l i ~ i \ i l ~11113s. g ( 1 !',I #.l>olcri s i ~ i ~ t ; ~ i l 11-!c ctix,
l I C ~ I I ~1111~.
: . ~ i l I:~II\I!>,.
!i!-passc~I if'tlic Ii(lr11cr is n p e . n t i i ~ go11Iic;~\! fuel , I I I

Note: T i l e a u t o m a t i c \ r : ~ l e r 1ebeI r e g u l a t i o n iz 1101 ~ b p r ~ ~ t i o in

n a rniwocnc!
mode. T h i s nieans I l l s t t h e WI~CI- level i n t k c hlbiler m u r r l ~ t :, ~ t f , j ~ ~ si lnr d:i
sin1i1111-? \ l y as t i l e r e g u l a t i o n of the nil ~TCSSIII-c ancl o i l tcn1pc1-nlur-r. I f
s o p p l i e d h\\: . i ; ~ l l ~ o rI gn d u s t r i e h t h e feed \v:tcer pump.; c:ln I>c r r f i!11,1 IIO-
e r a t i o n h?-m c a n s o f t l ~ eo p e r a t i n g switches i n s i d r t l ~ cpnwel- p:rneI.

1.3 Manual operation of the burner unit

Srep : I'llin tile kt.! ~>laccilinsiclc IIC I,lcal c c ~ n l ~ip:i~~el

ol iiiit, L . I I I ~ I ; ~ ! I L ! ,,l~i.~:ir~~iii
Step R: L.ltxs tlis ililsl \:III?\ li>r lli?c t ~ ~ ~ i l ~ :iir ~ ~I s ~ l i!,)oI ~IIILC;:II\i I ~ ill,?
I ;p~~~lc!i~~~~~ii-
ctcr insidc r l ~ clocal control 1 ~ 1 1 1 ~Tlic 1 . llilcr \31ic\. . ~ I ~ C , I1"I I ~111 I C I ~ ~ ~ />I,-
5itio1i lhct'~rc< t ; i ~ l - i ~ti)p rccI11~8: !lie c11rrc11t< : ~ ~ I ~ > L I I I ~ [ ? : I < I I ;
Step C : St:irt IIICC<>I~ILIU>IIL~I~ air I.;II~O V I Ille ~ > p c ~ i I i !>\\
i &IICII 'IIL, 13, , V L L , I
111?1<lc I.,~IIC,I
S t c p D: l'i~rsc illc l ' ~ ~ r ~ i ; i\tit11
c ~ , c o ~ i i l ~ ~ ! s air t i ~ h)
o ~ Li q x ~ ~[II? i ~11iIcl
~ c \,II.~P i , $ III.I\!-
11111111 p ~ > s i t i t iC\II
~ i ~IIC p ( > t e ~ i t i < . ~ i i crtor
r t ~ rl l i r ~ ' < ~ ~ ~ i .l f ~ r(;111.
t ~ ~ !l l i it .t)111-
~ ~~ i
~ i1
I i i ~ s t iair hnl11,i he her1 :it r n i ~ \ i ~ i i ~11<1\\ ~ i i i 11.1 .'I 1c.1.i r > u \L,L,,IILI<

W a r n i n g : l n s u f f i c i c n t p u r g i n g ma\\: c:lnse d a n g e r o f f n r n : l r c explosion<.

1.4 Operating instructions in emergency mode
-- -- -- -

I-he r c ~ ~ ~ :i % ~r ir e ~ ~ ~ l o (XI t i oill.,

~ i 1311r11c1
~ Iot~cl410i1kl13,: ~ \ ~ , i t ~ c i<I-,~I~II ~ l t ~\I? ;ic11;.i
~~,III;III? l:,r [ v ~ ~ c r'1ca1i1.
- ~'IIL, ~ I I ' I ~ I ~q>craIic111
~:II lLlr1111'):- 111,: ib~11-11er i, 1,) III~II~I~II~.~
r l ~ cIILIII.~~,:~01 I<I;I<I ,111er~11it~11~ :I> !I I., \ \ 1 1 1 I ~ ~ c i l i l ; iIIIC
~ e I>~I,.IIL.~ ;~l-~:r,~lio~iili ~ I I I S ~ ~ C I I L ; ,
innde. 11 + t l l o i i n ~ l \~ ~ i ' l hl>ulncr
e l t ' : i l m l l i l he ~ e r f i > r i ~ I-I
~ r (II~;II!LI:I~
I J ~ ! I . ~ ~ I I 1'~1 cI/.#. ~I~I
I I I I i r ~ ~ i i c l e rc i . I 1 . :III 110\\_i ~ l o ~ ~ ~ i s, 1i ~~~l 1; 1pre>s11rc. 1 cr.:.
S t r p E: ,\<~,~IIsI IIIC \valcr IL,\cIIII ~ l i cl h ~ i l < ri l ' ~ ~ c c c > ~T!lc t ~ r \\:IIL.I
i. le.\<l II~LI,I b,~,
caret'i~lly;III~ c o ~ i l i ~ i ~ ~ o\ LtI I~W$~ \I yi 5 c ~ ~l l ~ ~ r oi lplc?~ l t i ~ 1<)I
1 1llic l ~ ! t : l c r[~I,II~I
\\.II~II L>IIC of1I1c reed \\>11er I?~IIII~<i\ ill operalioti. IIC \V;~.IC,Y IC,\L.! ci111lbc
r q u l n ~ r d,in rhc l i e d \\;1rclcn11rr~~l valve I? 1ilrii11~ ioflllc 111~111!1.1lI:. ~~I~CIKIIL~II
l l a l l ~\$i IlCtI ,>I1[Ilk, ;lclLl;ll~~s

1.5 Stop the burner in emergency mode

- - - p~
-- - -

Step A: I~!,IKI
,\d~itlsI~ l i e,lir l l o \ \ t11iJ o i l l l < - \ \I L ~ >te:111ipt11gc pcn11i~11i I>\ :II::III. \,I
III? p o I e ~ l ~ i ~ > li ~ li s<i ~ 1I1c
l~e~ IIX;I!
~ r > c<>~ilrc?l 1>;111cl
S t r p 8: :\~I,~II>I Ill?stet111i . ~ I o l ~ i i \ i i ilpre\s~tri
g .\,II\..
$>II liic \re.l111 I.C!:LI~,II~II,: 1,) 111~.
i a l l i e l e \ e l :IS 11ieo i l ~ p r e ~ ~ t.II<I
i r c lhcli~rcIII? I ~ ~ l r i i d r .
Step C : 1'1-rss [lie lht11101il i i r 5lct1111p ~ ~ r gIII.\I<I~
e \lie I<IK,II c t ! ! i ~ r ~~~,IIICI
,l :!11<i ~ACL,!,1 1
l p r ~ s s c ~1.11~
l . o i l \:~l!,c< c l t w i ' i ? ~ l ~ c ~ l i ; i I;111<l
cl\. \ , I I \ C I",>I~
X I L , ; I I ~ ~ IP~II!:?

Step D: I I I S I I I i I I I lie I I I I I I I . 111; ~~III;I!I; I

? ~ l IIIV reill:~iliilig<?ili n Ill?I ~ t ~ r r l el tr 1 1 1I \~ ,t~t,liii.~,tl1 1 i 1 x ~illv

c c ~ i ~ i p I d\\.lie11
1'11r1i;icc\ \ l i i c l ~I S i1iJic81c~l
I)! ,!ic c x ~ i ~ i c ~,?I'IIIC~
i c i l ~ Ii,il~ih
Step E: l'tlsh the b~itrclli101-at<>liliiilii. 21ci1111~ l l r l i l ? 111c I g ~ ii ~5 ~l i i i i 1:111~,~.
Stell F: Pulge lile hlrl1;lcr ol?el.:llilis Ill?.lir ~ ~ ; l l l l l ?1 ?5 ' rIllr: lii~rll1.1l
II~;II~~I;III~ ~lils'l~
~ O S I ~ I L ~ I I . l ~ i s t ~ i l i c i cptlrgi11~
~it II~;I! c:1115e~;IIIL!~I ( ' ! ILI~II,IL.~ L,\I>I~~,IL%I~~
Step C;: C'ILI>C llic i ~ i l c\.:III~<
i I ~ ~ r cl ~l .i ~~t ~ i L ~ :iir
t t ~1,111
I i ( ~I,?~ Ii~ I C . I I I ~ (I! t11~. !~~IL~I~:I~~II,,~

S t I : I I ~ I I I I I I I I I I . I l l < 1;11i ~I10111~1 l h i IAe1~1111 i ) l ) i , r . ~ ~ ~ 1<1 ' ~

1 1 ! I-.
contempinled I,, iip~t.arcrlic Ib1rni.1 \\irli i'reiltleli~~III.,~-\ ;il\ I Ill> i \ lh<L,,a~~~~,
i l ~ l i o t ~lhc
l d a\c>i~ldcl10 \1;t1~1 11~cl'it~itvic?rc Ili:111l l ? r ~ ,I~IIICS
c 17~,rI~~,I:I

S t r p I: ,Aci,i~l\l111c o i l lirt,\\llre ;!lid 1 e ~ l i ~ ~ t r ; I lil'~ iI~CCCW~I.!

Step .I: Wlieli llie L ~ ~ I I ~ I ~ i>
C I ill ~1:111d-l>:1110cle.;111dt)il is circtli:i~e<I . .
111 i l ~ c t\li s ! -IL,III.
1115{ ~ ilm\
i l 1 1 1 ~ 1 he ~ 1 : ~ ~ ( i ~ ~ Is~ t ieI~
i l i i ~ ~oii ~ i i ~P~, >i .iI ~
l /In\\ I I ~l ~
i iI ~
1 1 1 ~ : 1 1 ~i.~ l ' ! l i i
l i co irl Il,?!! rc:111:1tio11 \ : ~ l , ~ c
p o l e ~ i l i c ~ ~ l~t ~~ rcl ~

Vote: I f t h e b u r n e r opcr;ltes 11s %lDOIM(;O. I h s o i l system .;Iif~ulflIle rt~,ppecli f

h r l r n c r operations a r c o f i ~ ~ l ' r f t ( u c noccllrrrncec.
t 4 c n n t i n ~ l n l ~r se - c i r c ~ l -
I;~tirlno f t l l r R.lD0/1\1(;0 n ~ i e l rttI : ~ ~ n a gIcl i c ~ r i ptlrnpq
l d u c t t h~ r ; ~ t i nrlf'111c
Table of contents

Fuel oil pump unit

Fuel oil pumps, series DM

- -
Illustration of the f11el oil pump unil

I.. :,
- - ~~ ~ -~ - - -

Description of position numbers in Figure 3

-- -- ~p
- -- -~ ~~~~ - - --

- ~ - -
I',,l111. .,~IrI.C,,Ic \,,Ill ,,,L" . I - l4t,ll K,I,L.. l<t,t,,V >!,L~I<~
.I,IC ,,ll,i
. - - ~ p~ -
l illt:! - Urll i;lunl .,,I>,. I ~ I I,pcc,;11 LICII:#?IV ~n<~l!.
- -- -- - - -
\,,;I. ~-
\,,I%L I S I-pi,.cc \IIII,II. - ,I,: -
1?.111 I I I ! 1. '
- -- -

Range of application and capacity

-~-- - -
IlRI <-Ill ~
I -II 1 A : ' In1 ci-sc
) \ I II S
- -
I)\[ I,,II.?III
10 Ill I0 Ill
- - ~
- - - I!, ~-
311 XI1 St1 SO K,.
Sli Sll XI1 S,i
- - - -
I)!, I :(I I:!I I :I1 1-11 I
- -- ~ -~- - -
I.;,! l i-
ll - I;(! 1:;ii I'll l ill
-- -- -- -. -
I Sll lYll IS,,
- -. - -

-; 1
loll \ \-
to \I\/\
~- -
-IT- -10
- - - I
i I I
- - --
I l l I -illl!t -ilcl!l iIl!~ll
-- - - - - -
jll(,l I'Illi1 2~11111
'illil .!41,1, 1~)(,/

1 I I:.
.- --
.~.. I > , )
I -
.'111(1 :<,I11
- -
... ,111
-- - - - - - - - -- - - . --
w t ~ c r:~tli.cl
. s l ~ z i i l, ~ : t i 11-: ,I i. Ii I1 i (I q ti ;
- -- - -- -~- .-

2.1 Inlet pressure I suction behaviour

-- - -

' h c \\:iti. 1 1 i I I I I !I i ii ~t .:is\> 1 r m p e r . ~ t u r ~ -,117~:

I,?<?i ~ i l t - 1.)W:<SII~C. I'll?LI~:I$~,IIII %!i~ !; I 111 I;I~LI~L,-I I I ~ < ! ~ < , ~ I~~L.I:I~:I~I~I!II~I
II?~ i ~ i i c I>~L.,QII~L
I'll1I1c 511 I l O l l <:LIC ,,I 1111~, l l l l l l p . 7 I, ,-\, \ ~ I I I I C ~~l l ! l < l I><,
,\!>h:n .,.I 1 0 ~ l l ~ l r ~ l l ,]p<r1
l e ~ kLi
i i i i ! I I ~ C : I I I ~: I , 1511 ( ' , ,
D i a q r a m for i n l c l pressurr 1 s ~ ~ c l i ol ,ne h : ~ ~ i o ~ ~ r

2.2 Safety valve

I lit I h ~ i i I l -SII>I!
i ~ ~ \ i l l \ ? lprintccts ~IIC I ~ L ~ I T Iiro111
~ I~~CLIIIIIII~ ( ~ \ : r - t ~ t ~ c b \,111,i
~ t ~~II,~LIILI
I I I as i t i I . 'rI~i'~~pc11 1 1 1 ~ i s . ~ i l i ~ ~ -8l c~~ I,l ! I~m.f ~I!,<~ ,!IIL,I
r c 1101 I e s ~ll1;111:b,~r).r i g i ~ ~5: ill11~1r:11?<
aTi11gp r c s s ~ ~1L3111 i l ~-,~i'cl\
r \,II\C~

2.2.1 Checking the ad]~lstedopcning presrure

I t t c n l i o n : W h e n the n ~ r ~ l i u is
n icirc~llalin: IOII II!IIKi n Illis \!;I!. pliln(, will
!varlo u p ancl SI; a r e s ~ l lll l ~ i ccan cause m e c l ~ a n i c a~:IIII;~s~.

I ~ i r i i i ltllc i ~ ~ c r c i ~ >I lii.i>i ~ l l ? ~ i ~ t i ;I !? I ~ \ \ I I V ~IU~IIII

i ~ ildjltilitlg sere\\ i.lt~c(\\\i<i, . li .~~III-
zloil,\viir ~tecrcnicci t .

I l l s s l r a t i n n of the safely v;~lve

i Head Uo"

2 Adlustlng ui3u
2.3 Heating
-- - -

DM6-DM42 DM 66 - D M 210

Filler heatlng
~- ~-~

I -- -.
Pump nelllng
medlum pump rrstlng
-- --
Medium lllisr hen'lne
Illustration of pomp and 1iltc1-lic:~tinl:

Purm, heallno

I l l i ~ ~ t r s t i nonf mctlium p i ~ n i panti liltvr hratinn

Pump huffnp FI'Wr hsatlnq
2.5 Non return valve
-- -

- -

3.1 Installation
.-- - -- - - -- - p~

I) idi,nti,. tlic lhcq~~ i i \ t : ~ I l . ~ ~p*l,ii!
iii~t ,ti. ~ o l ~ \ i tLlie r i p j ~ l i c : ~ ~;iliil
I ~ ~iia\iii;l.~~il i<~ ~i
I .c 1 : I 1 1 i l I tI I I /~III~I[)S"\Vliltii loc;1I11ig'lie ~ l l i i ~l I L S ~ I IIII;II
C 11
I I 1 I : iI I ~ i i . ~ i ! ~ ~ c n\\orb.

Y n t r : AIUI consider t h e e n v i ~ - i ~ ~ l ~ i ~c li ~v ~~ ~t nd il t i o nI ns f. l ~ ~ e ~ i cocf t e i ~ ~ p c ~ . n t ~ ~ r c .

ma,i.;turc a i ~ c cl \ - p l n s i ~ c: I ~ ~ I I O F ~ ~ I P ~cPa l l affect t l ~ cf ~ ~ n c t i o ns .e c ~ ~ r :iIInIII
l i f t , t i m e 01'tllc ~IIIIII~,

3.2 Pipe work connection

- - - -

'I lie c l i ~ i i ~ c ~~OI~IIIC

~ ~ o .:ucti,~li
ti~ I)~I)L, I t , ~ \ l ,tlIm\ L: Iiqt~icl\cl,,L,~~:, ,71':1ppr~i\. 11.5 111:~cc
;III(I Ihc p:..sulc pil,i, IIILISI all\,\\ .; I LILI~GI \cl<>cil>~ ~ l : i p y r i ~I ' .i i n1ii.c l l i c i i i c l i < l l i
p - i r k . I I ~ i t l l I l ,! I . I ~ I I ~r iIl ~ e illicl i ~ i r - t i s l , . 1~IIC pille-\\ork JII~I 1 1 1 ~ ~
I I I I : I I I I I I
~ . !11ili11ic1.

P i l e n t i n n : Dl1 n o t IISC wnler I~IIC 1'1 l l ~ c
r i s k o f r t ~ s for111:1tio11.
Illuslration o f pipe nork ciinneclion
- -

3.3 Assembling the pump and motor

- - - -

~ ~~~ ~

Maximum difference
i lnnin. 1 1)1.4\

1111,111 1.11111 1.1101 jl,/lll~

.. I , 0;
- r,; IIII~ 1 i i
7 :

SII 1 Illli ii i - -
,,> I 1, 11; i l ;.

.-I -

3.4 Foot valve
~p -- -

3.5 Electrical installation

-- -- - --

Star! up

4.1 Dry running protection

- - - - - -

4.2 Checking the direction of rotation

-- -- - --

4.3 Start up
- - -
4.5 Leakage rate of mechanical seals

TIlc n~llclLillto f leak+!? i< ~ ~ e ~ ~ c,~lll l \l :iriL~tl>

t ~ ~ l I~:lclors.
l ~ d t ~ l i i i ~ ! ; ~ I !,Ic , ~,l,,c. r, ~ l . i l l t ~ l l ~ l ~
> l x m i and diit+reiirial preh,uyv. I h e iliacr;m~>lit>\\n in l i c i l r c I l .illi,\\~ c ~ ~ i i i i : ~ i $!1i1~ n
tllc lcak:~:e rate for c~i11i1ii~111 opcr:11i11gc,~11,litii111~. ~ I -~l lia~<~ l ~ IIIIC
rd I\ i,~'. :III L,\-

;iiiiplr 011 Iioxv FO renil this il~ii~.~.;l~ii:

r l ~ t c r i ~ i tile i ~ ~difr<i-e~iti.il
e ~ g tic ~ i i r c l i , i ~ ~ ~<?,!I
l?rc\>Llrc , ' ~ . l i ~,>II c , i l II!:, II~,CI\,,I

. C I I ~ 11ic lcrl sicle o f 1 1 1 ~

vertically up\\iir~cI\ 111itiI I i i ~ ~ i IIIC i ~ gI~IIC ~ ~ ~ ~ r r t ~1 1 , ~ !ijL, ! ~ ~~>~~ ~~ i ~$11- ~i l~ i i ~~ i! ~, ~: l
iimeter of rile rcspccli\e 11iec11311i~aI -ci~l
* (~'~IIcIII~II~ tlie p~-ocl!~c~ 01 r ~ ~ l : ~ t i t .,i~ecd
~ ~ i i i l allti IIOIIIII~~I~ ~ i i i t ~ ~ i ci l lv rI ! ! ' II.IIII I~IIII
1 l i r i o ~ i t : ~ Il l I I i dt i i i iI I I I I I ! li-
,111ieterI o ~tlic i r i ~ l i5idet (I[ Ill?cli;is~~.i~ii,

L,fovev ~ r l i c ~ l ~d t~!~ ! ! l i ~ \ i l r d~5 l l l lll~~Iiii&!

t ~ ~ lllc 111lco i 111c 11111~~ I j l l i l :Iiichi't<~>~ 1 ,vr

. i c l i i l l i i c l i l n p e r a l i n ~conliitinns ;I \;~lu: I ~ e t \ \ e c l iI ~ l i i 2l !in\ I - .I $l)<ici

k l o v e l i c ~ r i ~ n ~ i ~(11i1iI a l l ! i i i e c ~ i ~ 111~.
,-cad tlie \,slue t,I'lcak.l~? i-.ite ill ~ 1 1 111'
i g I ( w e r ~ ~ r O i l i :CILIII:,
l71,1 . L I I C \ ~
i ~ ~ , L l i , ~ z r , ~i ~r11:ii ~ i lIi~,rr

5.1 Maintenance and inspection

- - -- - -

5.2 Cleaning the filter

-- - -

k1;1\. i ~ l ~ ~ i ~ '\;ICIIIII~ \ i h l i 11 l i l . 1 ILIL.Ioil: 1 l . i 11;11

- k1;1\. * ~ ~ i i i i i > ; i h l : , ~ ~ I C I I I I I i ~f ~11, I ' ,. l i ~ d ilr i l : 0 7 h:ir
Step A: S i u p pi111111t111cI cl,ose tlie ~ I I C ~ # ~:!iid ; I ~l -p r ~ h s \ ~\r;c~ i \ :
Stcp R: R e ~ ~ i o \ l
) i e
l l e r c q n c ~ l
t11i1I i l l c ~lhz<kc! ~ t i dcI?;:11 I;
Stcp C: R e l i t 1illi.r and clo<s \ \ i i l i lil!c.r c o i c r . \';I) ; t i i c ~ i i ! ~ vl,~, l1I.i~L , > N W < C ;i > t ) ' ~ ! l ~ t l ~ . ~
n l ' t l i e qesl rill:.
Step D: Ope11tlie \dlvi.\ ; l g t i l i -1111' ~i,!!ii,n i i t1~,\+ ri.:ld! IUI. c l / ~ ~ ~ r i i ! !1 i ,&,I i ~ iiii, i i i i i -
s t r ~ i c t i o t i~ v i t LIOLIIIIC
l~ i l i c Ic:\cI~
l i l ~ c r .I~II-11 -tie\\ Ill? ~ i l l e Lr, ! I I llc OL.,IIIL,II
r l ~ eI o c h e ~iii d c ;I\ ilL,>cl.ihi.ii

5.3 Lubricating intervals for external ball bearings

Position of the-luhrieatiag nipplr

Figure 1.3
~ -- p - -~
-~ ~-- ~
- - - - - -
Lubricating intervals
- ~
~p~~ ~- - - p ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~

I ~ r ~ n l ~ r r i ~ l uIr ri i: II \IIIOU~I
O ~ ~ C O ~ I ~ I I C I I ~ I ~ C I

I'amp .im
- .- In( 1 I
- -


!,Ill :I,,, 111111
- - .
I)\! T': 1 18 1311 '!I 8 ?hi1 \ h . \ ~1 i ~ , l l-,l
- ~ -
I ?ii I</ 3Sll

T;I hlr 4

5.4 Dismantling the pump

- -- --

5.5 Preservation and storacle

-p -- -

:i.G Prevention of damage caclsed by leakage

-- - -- -- - -- -
-- - -

5.7 Checking of the stand-by pump

- -p - - -
6 Failures and remedies
- - - -


Failures and remedies

I i.I: - -

S ~ l ] Ill, 1 1 17, I S
l . l. '. 11 - 111 1 I . 1: i-
. -
I,, Ill, I
' -

- -
;.is Ill l l . 1 %

7 Dismantling and assemblinq

-. of spare parts
- - - - - -

7.1 Instructions
nl'tlie pump. 315-- MI0
OM' 1 2 9H 4.M 08(1.2 RB9 7 %
?: 2

~ - - - - -
- - ~

Description of position numbers in Figure 16 to Figure 18

- - -
i \ I I)crrri13ril~a
~ - - - -
' 1
b. I I ! i . LC1
- - - -
\~;,CL, ,,!,C
1 ;:I
- - -
8 1lih.I
' -:,:,:
- -- ~~ -
1 l1ih.l -51 I

- - : 1
-,,I- - ~

? -
~~ ~


I ,,<I t , , , < . r 8
, - -,I.: v:-111. ,
- - - - - .- - --
11:i Si1.i I 1 !I 1 1
- - - - - -
S,IL> 2 I! I 1
llBi. I
~- - -
- -
L.# c, >, - -

li !I I..,,,

- - - -

i1R I 2
- - -
- SR(1
- - - - . - - -
1: I - - - -
S,,S I \I, i i L C l
- -- - - - -
I I:$ \::,I -i.i.-I,,? S,.'l I I,. i,..

- - - -- -.
8 1,113 ?,l,,,\l,,,?~ \<!<,,, I
I .,I,:

St9hJ 2 I I:;,
. L
- - - - -
1. --? .: .' (,,,,h~' XI,' i
1 22: -
- -

? ~I i , SS,. I Xi' \C,, I

- ~- - , - - ~ -
'I/! >vrin,: 111,tr~.
~ - YXl. -- 1 \L *L:.
\IcL.I, #,l,~.,l,,~,,ti '1IIN I
I -- - - . I-IL:%I, z --
- i\lllll-l.ll,~ -
, - --
Ii::il~~~uci:lllr~d~~ . - - --
IS.! r',,rcci.l,,., :<r,,,,,,;,l
.- '115 I .-\I l i i ! L i i n

- --
~- , , t . r ..,..>;-
(,,is -
i t ,
- - - -
Section draw-ings. M5-RI-I?
- - - - -
~ ~~

Description of position numbers in Figure I 9
-~ - -. - -~
1, . .

i t I ) ~ ~ c r i l ~ l i ~ ~ ~
.1 -I ~ r-b r r ! p -
' ,
- - I - . tinn - -
I)II l'l', I '1IL !:l:!,,,i-
- - - - -
Ills <ill ( #<,I, ,I ,I-,,,,$
- - - - -

-- ~-
IISll. ?
- --
I 'ilul4mc li:il,i.- ..
i'i I I 8wpit11,:~ r-
n c r ~ ~ ~I , cI ~~ l i . ~ ~ ~
- -~ -
11711 <:c# -1 I -,I,.! I
-- - I i l ~ ,
- - - - - -
II I - ~,
I-.,,,!:,: I >,.h.tbii : : ~ i o o ~ i~~ u- ! i ~ i ~ ~ ~ i i : i i i ~
- -, - - -
, ~- I d l ~ c)~ T \ -
~: 711 1
- -
I \' .lcl..:
- -

7 ? ' , I. 2 1 ,.,L,l
- - - - - -- - -
8 7:1. 1 I' 11 2 1.A1.1
- . - ~- -- - -
IHASL,Ir.t!uc \>it11O I I1. 1, 2 '
1 '-lin~
, - -
~ L
111: S?!.I. <~ ,>l"~%l,,,!!\IL,<,C
- - -~

', --4211
1- 8:' 24;
I , '*,I:#:!I: ~ . -
:<,l#,r,!\,,I,< X" I i
- - .- - , l l \:t:,,,
~ ,,,,I - --
( ,IICI i .-
11)~. '101 I I( i~ \ , .oi
- - -
1x1 IL..!~IIIC L. ,rlrtJc~, 8 SJIlX I I' c -:.'i
- - -- -
13 -I -
' 1 :11111<I,~IIIP i614
\,..hi; ~,.:,.,\
8812 ?,,? ,151 114 0747
outalda bearing

127 918 01112 056 1 w9.

' .1 1 8
slsotrlcal heating

Description of position numbers

in Figure 21
-- ~~~

i i\ I)e\rriplitlrl ,
\,I. 8 T>c%crb111~<10
i ll
1L lial;,,,cc <IL,L.\%,
- 1 ,,(,S
, ~,,T,!!C
iiir, I I \~;KC, ilnp 1 -:<I ~p
1' 1 .11 2.\4:,:

,is(, I I,,, c.,\&::
1i1,I I I:,, 2.1.k:I

; I : : : F t t d c<,,tr ,\,ll, I,>Ol ~.

.I ~ I \j?W,l>.
- ,- ~

(1.4 I I.'l;tllgc <<l\c!

,174 I 1 ~ I : t l l ~-
~,cv\<r p
1 X IT
- 11.111
l i , ~ l lh:,~rl~#c
-- l
llSll I I\c:,r,,,~ c,,\cr I. ,<IS \,,!:,,I !I t h l l 1,. ,!I,,?
.- -

' Fk,jrittg l h ~ > o s i ~ > ~-
. - ~ ( ~ 1 ~ ,I :!

1 I:I <c:\I c,thir,g .- sns --

I:‘ \.;#I\ c v.tci11:: Sf,'). I
< #~,l::!
I - -
I I h-h ICIIIIYI~II~ >L ShL)! I llil:,l

I (?.~shcl : -
- 7 , >
. .... <;.,<h<l - - --
1x4 I \c! \L#.~,,
"7 : I L;,lAcl -
<XI ' \<I

"I I cr;,>kt,l- \,II l l ; \ . i ~ " I::' i

-- - - --

!J I , IH~,:II~IIc 1\11' ~p
110 I I I ,kkl:?:
% ~ : . ,.\

ilil \ y r i l l c plaic "11s

I IL.~,LI!h,Il
J I .' I L I I ~ ~ Ilpl;llc
~;~IC~I~ ~p
~IIlS.I i l-..~i ' ~ i i l l
,5- , \l~cll~,l,lr:,l %,:,I
,),IS 2 I I. ,,,I ;h<,i4
414 1 \~ilw-r,o; ,I 13 \,?L k < ! ..~:~,.\
- - -


c;irlr~~l~., 3 I --
\ t , t k ~ $. L % < S

IXI I ' ~ i c e l , ~ il rc~r ~ ~ ~ ~ r l i i l 5: \,?LI.~.!

- ~ <-
v C '
!<I: sere,, L.,~,,,~C<I,#~>

,,,- -

Table 4

- -~ --

i Description of position-numbers
in Figure 22
\<t. ! l>ewripliw
1 L ,I;,:,
, 1, % 81,

ilil l ! -~
i; <.<
. ~

I Xii c?'l

ll:,sr 1,;,,,,c >\,,I, \ > , I[V.,IC -//LlI ~
-1 '-\Gi,rl:.,,,',
Illi Iy~!lcr 1---1 5 \ l C l l 1 , l l l - :I; ,:,,,!,~,:I, f

- --
l7:!1l \:\I\< -> ?,
I! t t $<L:
i l l , I. 1 -
I -plllc

T ; ~ l ) l e0
hen,, "Q -.b ,:el2
- _=
elDtrlc heating
Table of contents

Cooler unit
- -~-
Avstallation of the cooler

1 Genera! description
-- ---- - - - - - -

.IPlacement of the cooler

- -~
- - - - - -

'1 tie lbc

c l ~ l d c '1111~~1 i l :I I < ~ \ \ ,; ' . > &~I 1 : l l ~ I5cl l r l i l c ~ ~ .
l l l a < ~ c <Ill
1.2 Storage

2 Mounting and installation

- - - --- - -

l i ill? c , ~ o l r rI.; placed ill l ition. ~IIL.

:I l i i ~ r i r o n t n pc~. \\;~ri.r I I I I ~ ,.iliiI
~ 1i1i , 8 1 1 6'i~~
I ~l~~
I I,- i!

1:1cc ~lp\\:ll-<is.

Step .A: l'l:icc 111e c(~cilcro!i :I ICLL'I mt! <I.II?Ic

Step R: l)!-iIl II~II~Tlor llic Iholl\
Stcp (': I'I~Icc !lie boll> ~III,, ~ l i cl?~,le<,:,!,I 11cIile11

2.1 Connection
- - ---- -

Step 4: Re111cl\.e ~ I Ic I~~

2111 ~ i ~l1.111:c.;
co\.?r l 1I1iKO<>IL~I
lhc,l~irL~ 1. L.~~~i!~<ci~~~!
Stcp R: I<CIIIO\C <a11<1;iiid t1111csIIIIII~I~I~~L?.li1r111~IIC ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I C ~ ! I : ' ~ ! V
< $ I.,!
Stel1 C: Set u p llic pip? cc~~!licciio!l\.hl;~hi.>i!l-i. 1l1:11rnri l < i r c ; ~.!I,: ir.~';..I:r,~ I 1IlC
C13oler for marine gas oil

a General description

Water r title1
~- - - -

Fi;prc 1

te(, R: ill (1.~2 u?<,ier \\i\lic ~ i !

Step D: l?c111:111l~~t-1 , ~li:I~lc~l

~ Illc,, , I I \L~!II~I;II~,III [?III;: t 1 1 t ~ 1\~~~.III:II~L~II,
Srrp E: I ,I:II>I \I1 <?illlo\\ III~~~II:!~~ !IIC L~NBIL.I
Step F: I. I lic\ll
~I:II~I!~II ni1k.1 I ,I!\ t l l r , ~ t i $ l !IIC
~ c,.vIc~.
Step G : C)perate 1I1rcooIc,r 1i11~: ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ I s ~ IIT<ICI~
(IITC ~I:I~~'I~~
Step H: Slop the cooler I,! cloyins 1115 \\3tsr i i ~ l c \t ,ll\c
Step I: Slop tlie (oil tlo\\ ,lilcr ICII Iigllti.11,ill xrr~,!\-
III~I~LI!~- ~111~1 ,!C,I!II

1 ~ 0 obtain the i i ~ lol ~ i t p u toi'rtii, coolei. ir intril h ~ .~lppIieil

. .\\it11 \\.:Ic~. .I! IIIL . t \ r r ~ , < ~
rc. l l l ~ ~ i ~
I c I l l ~ ~ ~ r a t L i1.11~ c ~~ l ~l ~\\:lLcr
~ ~~l ll~~ i~ ~l l l ~ ~~ ~,111~1
c ~ il ~t 'l<l )r\ il i. v!lt.r'.'
~ d :11?1~~:;3:~~
llie sectin11~'TccIinic31 d ~ l l ; ~ "

3 Maintenance and cleaning

-- -- -- -~ ~

S t r p .\: Stop thc cooler :I\ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:iIxn?

i l i o ~ ~ e ~ l
Step H: I . : ~ n p vthi. cooler
Step ( ' : Re111o~c
I 1 ~ 1 1 111serI
Step D: CIi?cL tor dcpo<ith in.ide ;lilil i d l ~ l i i i l etll- illxr!

Step E: r11e t ~ ~ i r , ~ iILII>C

c i e ;JSIL>III ~ I I I ~ I>?
~ Icli.:~~iccl
I~I I>>I~\~II?: I , l ~ : ~ i iII~.I~II<!
l ic! i l l s < '
5.s. r i t i i c :tci<I (or \ \ a t c r l
Step F: Tlie i r ~ ~ i dfllI?c'
c %,si~,111s~l,?(ll,1 c ~ e ; l l l c i11~, ! ~ l l s ~ l l[lit,
l l ~ l \ l l > ~l ,- \ l l \ l :.;
citric w i d .
p : It-lIic cooler i s Ile;i\ I I ~~ ~ i i i l : l ( i ? i r ~ : r18r cit11
i l <:lrlN>~l~Ic,'ahi!-. !i I- ~:~i~illllll:l!l-
dcti I(,c l ~ e ~ i i i c i ~cIc,;ir~
l l ! t l i ? c,,~>l~.r1, ill1 ;I c;~rl>oi~ ?:!11o~ el
S t c l i H: I-lie c o ~ ~ l IIILI~~
er c !rci-~~ll!\\i[Il L , l c i 1\;!1~,;
lbe Il~1<11ed ~ ~ ~ , ! , t t l ,II~IL.<I, , ! ! L C illL'
tubes h a \ ? heen ilenneil
Step 1: 113s Ibre11 i c p I ; ! ~ ~ c ~lie
%ftcr 111c ~(lloei11\c1-1 l . Iholr< I~ILIYI ihc .L,L i~i:i\ t.l\i~ci~k~<i
;i110 ihe cooler chcchctl l i l r Ic;.h\
Step .I: i1nl.c eyi.r! !e:lr IIIC .CI j p ~ i i ~ ,ii'1/1?
li i.~lc!! \,I!\c 11111\! 17%. il~~~i,i.~

3.1 Dismantling--
and installation of the
- - -~ - -
3.2 Conservation during shut-down periods
-- - - -- - -- - -----
Table of contents

Control system
- -
Cc ntrol system
I C I ~ ~ K It I i n i- II 1 1 1 vI i ~ ~ i i i lI i t 1 I " 1'11; I~I.I\IIIILIIII i I-
level is 100 (,;]I ill Ill-:I1 lk\~. Flit l l ? o r :.?il \ ' . \ ( ~ '45-11i. I I, !IOI\L.I -1117pl>
I.>ilppIicd i'ri>~ii
the c o ~ i i ~ i ilpwver v ?~~~!.i~i' I ~ > I I I I ~ ~ I I I Ill:,
n ~ i s e i r i x ~ ~T il i c ~ i i ; i ~ i ~pi ci ~ ~~~I

local panel i r approximalcl! 50 V.2. Fizurc 2 illurir:~le\ ilii, c c , ~ i ~ ~l i ?~ i l. ~ci !o~ l~~ l r \ I

l'lie l 1 ~ t 1panel
1 ;is \ \ ~ c l l;is tlic po\\er p a ~ i ~ , arc
l < c n l i s t r ~ ~ c;I~, c,# ~Cl O I ~ ? ~ ~ I I I LL~ t~~I ~~.iL~~r~t I' l
~11el nionitorin:s!slc~ii. Tlic ptiliels are e i l ~ ~ i p l ~\\iili c " l ;: ~ i ~ ~ ~ i i lI!~:ii,ii
~ c r i i::iiii
l .:II;:/~I~I~'
i ~ i p t ~ t ! i ~ i ~cci~inccLic~ri~.
tpi~l Tlie5c illpi11,JIILI O I I I ~ L I ~C ~ ~ I I I ~ ~ L I ~ ;IIC
C ~ Il1~111,iI~~il
I~ I?\IIIL, ( ' P I
\vliicli ~ i p c ~ - ; ~ lthe
c s pnncls. llic F P l < O \ f r . \vliicli c ~ v i i ; ~ i nllic < I~~~,!:~,III~III.,. ,111t' !IIL~
r'l'l<Ohl. n l i i c l i stores cpecilicd l>lniit ,I11.1

Tile Iocnl contrc>l srctinli i s locr~tecl011 !'I< Ih3iler. I r I I I I I

cli.;lr \.iru of the hoiler r > p e r ; ~ I i n Il ~ l i ~ ~ i ii l rr 1~ 1 1 1 I I I

tlic I<ical panel I\ it11 o r \\.itliout rlie I'i' <! i r c n i ill .;?IT ice. IR? I I ~ C 111 t l i ~ ,-011 1,~:. .
10 lie left eiftlie displtl!. ~ l i 1,111-1ier
c C;III q ~ , r ; ~ t i ~l l d1iit11ii1,11 IIIC,LIL'. .;IILI 41~11LI,?~\ 11,
al,~l-ms can be acknowled_rctl. l'lic i o l i ii.! s placed to tlic ~ i g l i ir~ i ' i l l c,ii\~>l;i> !:I! L .IL L.c..
10 11ic 1iic11~1strilcturc, .Tlic ;~cli~;iI11ic1it1l ~ v c l , I ~ I ~ I i~i ~I .I l i Ii~ic,,
i i r r , ! I ~ X I . I,:J\ ,,II 111~.
l011r line c r y t n l displa) 11 C D I .

I I i r l i i I r a 1 1 1 1i 1 I c i i ~ i i~ ~ i Ii I . ;i I'IIL,~ ~
L>II1pi11iipscan 13111,~lbc j l ~ ~ r t i ~ r ~Ito1i1
i i r i l i l ~ chtiIr:r \L,I~VILII ;I- Ili~:~ r i t ~ I~X:II,-I
nf the Ic~caIcontrol wcrion

Local p a w ,

Local 1:ontrol section

-- p~ .- ~ -
i-i 1 .,,ti. ,I., l.I h
( ' ~ i r n m o n LSFO power s e c t i o ~ l
I l l < cilnlnion LSFO pn\\er \ccli,lli cc,nl,~ins pinier \1111l>l! G! \IZIII~ .III,! i i ~ i i i i t l-I,II.IC~\
i l b r l S l : O l ~ i l l i i p I!():~ ~ .SIC 11 <,a11(hi, 10c.11ed:11111~,\1i ~ l i \ \ \ l l c r c(11IIIC ; I I ~ ~ I ~ C: , t > i i i .I~III
il <ll,lilld he c a y :lcccr\ihl? hcc;lll~ci l rllll\t OC i l l (ol~cl.llinll~llilill;;t'ill~!ri!Clli~,1p~,r.i-
Ii,~li.I'll?ptincl i~lica.;ures hl!l)\h(lOlllill I :s llrc<lc.~l l o c ~ ~ l l t ri.\ll,i
o l ~ p l l l l l l ).illi/
~ 1 ~ 11.111~1/c
, ~ d ( i i ~ i n n ianl - : ~ l i ( i I~II~II!\ r e q ~ ~ i rIilr~ x Il S l ~ l ~1-112 ) . p;111cIc l o c ~1101 lh:~\t: ,I lL.'l) ,II-I?I.~\
so cc~ritr<~I tlie x d ( I i ~ i ~ ~ rci ;ci ll ~ ~ i l ~ \~\ li~i iec ~l ilsi ~
addcd ill (lie e \ i ~ * ~ i t lyIi111i.
~! i~,il,~rllclcr~~.
,cnillgs. ctc. 11111~1he ~IIICI.~LI t's(1111I<,LII c , i ~ ~ t r i l1,:11lt~l
l v i ' c ~ i ~ ~.r i .~ i ~ l '1io.i.:~
ii~ i;.llli.l

- -

F i g u r e -I

1 . 1 1 ~ IRSJS! ~ i ~ h ~ o:o1111ertic~11
rl, <-li:iId~,, 111rPIC ihlx<~<l ,II,>II~I\,~~II~ \),!L,III I\' ,~CIIIC\L
1131:1 110111l l i r C U I ~ ~ I - Op:i111I..
~ ill [lie i y < l c > i l.in<[ [pri'hi'ni l l l ~ ~ ~ ' ~ Ih,il:,l
~ i 1 1l'l,!l!i
~ ~ 1011~ 11:;.1 ~ ~
I'C I l i i r nlcnlls 1ll;ll ; ~ c l i \ cci~irll.nlu l l l l r liuiler I>I,II~IL , ~ ? IIilLc ~ ! i l ; i ~ c1'r~'lii [ / i t . hi:, /bi'.i~!i
r I I II l e i . I a r ~ l i r r . .I . . t I I 1 r l 1 1I I !I ' 111~1
~ I ~ i \ \ n l ~ ~ 11,
a ~[lie
l c tc~11il1~11
l .;!.~cI~I
\ ~:IS>!V< ,Y>! ~ i ) i ? r ! i i ~ ~ s i , ! r l , ~ ~ ? < I r~IIICI
kIe111p r o v ~ i i c sllic l ~ ~ ; . ! ! ~ ~ ~L lI S- t?o~ \villi i c ~?ti-
lhe <.ll,f :WLIll? L l l l l l l l l l < ~ r l h~~- ,~: ri s t ~ ~ l l l t ~ l .
: 111-e5 t l l t l . :Ill p?f-alllt?l<rsC , l I l

l i r r n o f the PC' nntl o p I i o n . i l 1;lplop
I l l u s l r a-~~ ---

PC 11; rnglqe corltrol roorn

Table of contents

Operating principles
-- - -
Or crating principles


Operating modes
-- -- - --

2.1 Automatic mode

~p --

%cit>reI)i r 1 1 ~1.. 1 ~ I,,

;II~IC \i;lrl IIII. \\,,let11 \\.ill c l ~ r c ki l ' , ~ i~l I . Y I ~%I \~~ j ~ Ic~l?i - ~ \ , I \
. n l v c . ( i ' i l II,IS I~L,~.II< 1 1 : 1 1 i , ~ r c i . I ! I II:I,, ;III ; ~ t ~ t c > ~ i ~l111<',
; i l i c O ~ I I, t i ~ t l i c,111 <111?pl! IIIIC
i l lI I II I .;.\I> ;~i~iotn:i~icnlI! qtntt.. ,!\y\, and rc:ilIatc+ tliz
I?III-I>~~ it1 t ~ ~ , > r lt~~i l;~~ cI r a l i ~t ~~ l!i? ? I I ~ :.; I$111
I llic \I?:II~I L~CIIILIIIL! \\ 115111 1 1 31eatii
~ lpre<,~~r:
i e l ' L , +:' poiill i ) r o~?~.r:lli,ll1111' I i ~ t r t i cc: o ~ i i t i i c ~ ~111- c i - \lill-!-i~~ s c i l t ~ c ~ ~ i1 . e .
111. 11l;lill ~.1~.1111 \ , l l \ c .llld hy-p:li\ : l i \ c . l r r clusiLd. IIIC [~LI'IIZI ul'i.r.lti% i n r l i i ~ l i ~ l ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~
l i r i n g pr3wlion :~i'lcr \!;II-1-!I/? t l l l l i l 113, ~ l ! l ~ l > r i . ~ ~1pres.s~trc
Ii~tl n lhoilcr ;II-XI111~.
I ~ c t \ ~ . c ctllc
I It i I I i i iI ~c I I 1 i i ~ i i i I t ~ l :t i i ' ~I is I I!.
I I I ~ I II . I I :[I\<, nliil I,!-pa.> \:II\ i l r ~OI>L,II prl,\r 11, I ~ I I ~ I ~ L . ~

, I:I~~-III>.I ' & , I ~ F C ~ \ I I ~I:,~ llic

. I h ~ i l e ! ~ , 1i1e ~ ~ !iprr:$>t~re
, ~ ~ t ' t l111:l.r
~ t , \IY;IIII I i ~ i ;c~ r c~ ~ ~ ~ t l : ~ I i ~ ? c ~
, 1111Ill? li I.IICI t>l~t.r,llt~i, ill IIIO~IIII~~I I i %,c III~XIC.

I I II~OLILIII.IOII l ~ e eil~ciclc111e i(,111:t,li . \ s ~ ;III~IIII~I!:

~ ~ ~ i ti, I ~ ~ I I I ~ I tile
I ~ I Istc3111pre-.3~11.~

I the tick .-:<I i c ! li<\ii>ti?!r c y l l n r ~ . > ,i) I ilic 1 ~ 1 ~ 1 Io:I~.

i e r T1.c lh:,r~icr ct111IIV reg11ixc2
r ~ lI I . iI II I I i I I I ~ I I I I ~ I ~lil-il~~:
I ~ I ~ li1.1~1,' , 8 1 1 1 l,~;icl.
Note: O p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n shonltl INliollo\rrd w h e n ch:tn!!ine oil lyllr

2.1.1 H i g h l w e s s n r r nioclr
\\ lic,~i Iiigll lpress~~rc
~iicicici 5 iclecietl l l i ~ lx>~lt,r
, : ~ ~ 11ii11l
l p r c ~ s u l 1ri\r5 1 1 1 ~I:~~~~LI~II;I~IIIL!
point I.; I-eochctl. !\Ithic lpililil c01i1roI s!~lc111.111c111[~1~ l(i m:irnl,ilil llic -1c,i11i 1 p 1 ~ - \ 1 1 1 : ~ ,
?:I tlic drsired scl point h! regiilatiiin i l l l i l c hu1-1ic1:lii;iii rli~, 11i?!i I ~ I : ~ ~ - int,Jt,
~ ~ ~ I CI ,,I I~~
\elected on the Iocill control p:iiicl 131 IIIC COI~I~II~~I

Note: Ift h e h o i l e r p l a n t is n o t intentli,(l t o i,prr:lte :!Irlif'fcr.enl p r c s s l ~ r c!nnclr\

t h e set p o i n t s h o o l d b e set t o iht. s;lnle ir\.t.l~.

1.1.2 L o w p r c s s u r c m o d e

2.2 Inert gas mode


II h ii t i I c i ~ i cIl I I I i I I I I I I I IIL. 1 1 ~ 1 : :
g:15 niode can he selected :iiid c~11i11:~1llc~I I>!qcn111gsi l l C I L,CVI~I~~>I S!\I,:I~I \\'I,L,I( IIC
I h i l i l c ~~ 1 1 ~ r a l;is
c sni;islc~/sla\c';~l~~ni. ;II~< 111c1n
/ %I : ; II~OLIC i\ ~ C / N I C C / I iii1cr81~1l i'! ? \ [ P I -

II~IIItli? Inlrlier \ \ i l l he i , t r ~ e ~10 l ~ ~ t l il

r l I.CV ~ ~ l i - e ~.starled.
~+, hi. hi11:11<i i t 1 . 1 ~ 1 Y,,III I,IIIII,

"1' 10 ~ i ~ i n i m i incsl ~ l i i gas 103~1.II'IIIc sie:1111p r c s w r c ill ilic L ~ I I I ~ I ~ ~ O IIi!i<, I LII,,!~'.l~s,lt,\\

llle bcr lpuiiit llie hut-ncl- lo;~d i ~ ~ l l ~ilic ) \r',\~111111011
~ s l r e i l ~ i~I.~L;IIII.I~
i :.+!II~.II~I! I l t : \ \ ~ . , ~ C I ~

i l rhc c o i i i ~ i i o s~tir c a ~ i pre<.<~~re

i ~<~!I~.IIuI t l i ~ ,luad l,cIo~\ ilii ~ i i i l i ~ ~iti<l:i i n i ",I,
~ ~ ~ ~

lc~~;id11ie h11r1ie1:l ~ i i i di s Lcpl ~ I I Ii u ~ i ~ i ~ 11icr1 i ~ i ~gas ~ i iIO;ILI

i 111 1111~ L:IW C\L;\, <IL.,(II! ,\\ill
cli~nipciialicl c o n ~ l e n ~\I;! c ~ llic
l slcdm i l r i i i ~i l~~q i ~ i p l ~ i Nc i~l lici .I~I:II 1 1 llii, ii~.i+.i I'\~ilci
~ ~ ~ i r ~ ~ hoilcrillid ~ I i c ~ ill i ;e r~~?;IS ~ c111otic1' no1 ~ c l r c t e dl01I11e~ I , I \i, iboilt,~lily I.III~III~IIII.
I I ~ ; Iror ~ ilii., lx,iler \\ill be ~iii~~illillli~ i11i.1-I <;IS III~I~I 1,1:(1\ iilcil IIII, ,.~,i I>I,IIII I. 1 1 1 c ! i ~ ' i
i iliil:~i~;iI
l l ~ n i llic \el poi111 l i i ~>lop. 111 i l l i r i +IS IIIOLI~ llic 1i1'1111:il \CI / 7 1 ) 1 1 1 1 lL31 -11113 1.
\ ~ tlic burlier i\ I~III! \(o~?~)c<I
1 1 1 3 c l i 311~1 :1 ,117 I>I1'iig~i;lll i ~ ilicri r 1 1 1 i v i t~i ! IIIV liicli
>lean1 pressure sliiil cio\vii\ l i llie 11iiiii11i111i: i11ci.1 ??it li\;!ci I' ~.11,11is:c,! l t r :I J,!'!i.r:~i~
\ ' : I ~ I Iluring
~ o p e r n l i o ~ !lie
i I ~ I - I ~lma~l~ I - \ \ 111 1,- :ILII~I\ILYI lii illi, t i t ~I.\ 1'1>1111

N t ~ t r :I n e l - t :as u p e r a t i o n is [ ~ o s s i l ~i lne i i o t l ~
lo>> I)rCssnt.r nl~,(lr; ~ n dh i s h p r v s ~ l r r
mode. B u t t h e m a x i n ~ n h~ u~r in r l - I o a ~ m l i n h l h e l i n ~ i l c ( lill Iciw O ~ C C S I I I . ~ ~
m o d e hy setlings i n t h e c r b n l n ~ \!ytenl. l
2.3 Manual mode
- -

Bvi11re \ '.irllcr 15 :II?Ic ) IN<, ,>,lc~ii \-ill\clicch I) ,>il - e l c c t ~ i r< \ \ i t ~ 'I!?~- \ \ ? \

I t \ ~ t a r \I)>.

~ o l \ , t .( ; 1 131 II:IS I~CL,IIcIii~t~;:c~l.1 1 I \I;\\. ;III : l t ~ I o ~ n a t iI1~1,li

c S.,IJI ( ~ i t l i co i l <111i:~l!li~i:
\ * i l l he ~ : ~ r l i ~ r n i \Ae ~lie11
l . r n n n l l ; ~, j ~ ~ ~ r : i t iillode
n n is \i.l?ci~'d i i ~ i l ! llic uperntini. pt.1-
~ o ~ i ~L i! tci .I,\:)
l i c r . ~ 1 1 1ill? %I:II'I-II~
Ihc i ~ l ~ t - ~ 13111 Ill?1i111'1ic.~\ L ~ I I L ~ I I C L , is l i a ~ i ~ l l,i111<,-
11i;liicall 1 I c i i r t ~ Il , I1r.r ?I;II~I-II~> tlic L~L~SIIILI n ~ I,.
ihi,irl . t l t c l - ~ r i ~ ?11111~1
c8'-1-1ecl1 , 1 1 1 I~~:III~I;III!, 111I~~;III!I?I~ 181, tlte ~ i o r ~ i i :be1 i I 1poi11; i i ~ r-top i \ iliacti\t' ;11ic111-.:
1~1r11er c III (11iI:\ \ ~ ~ y y l e t i 1I1c I , : x r ; ~ t i r l gpcr\o~i~ic:l o r <I \Ill!: ~ I < wic.g. l i I ~ i g l,l~ e : ~ r i
prt,ssurc~ l ~ i ~sclc~.tor i l s\\itcli I :--:I, \,iI\c. ( i l 15) 1 5 c l i , ~ ~ i g Lc i~~l ~ r i ~ i g ~ ? l ? c r11..: ~ l i o ~ i .
,\srem 1, 1 1 1 crc.11e .I ~ I I L I I L I ~ ~ii11~1 \ I ~ .~i~,!.Ii~!-lii ot'.:le .\<~CIII \villi tlie ~ i t ,\;I !
:I I~~IS~I-<-~III


2.4 Mixed manual and automatic modes

- -- -- - - -

r l ~ i L?~ ~ C , . , I ~ L > I I111o~lelpr,i\idc\ I , I L ~)I~L,\ I<I, i p c ~ : ~ l oric e o i .I]? hoilcrs ill 11,>r1ii;11JIII~,.
. i ~ : i ~ i~c i i r > li111tI
e llie 1 3 1 1 1 ~ 1boiler i i ~ II;IIIII~I/ I I I O ~ ~ .Tlic L~oil-riii II:IILI;~~ 111olii.11i~l-I:,I
2ivcl1 ;I , .ir! hig1131 ,111~I:lficr \1:111 1 1 1 1llc /hltrllel Ic>:ld i.111 he 1112.111:1/1?qct ttl 1lle il.',irL','
o d ~ ~ O > [ ' I ~ U1-lie I. lht~ilvri n : I I I ~ O I ~ I V I ~tiiode ~. ir:lrl>. 5top\. ,IIIL~ I.L,+III~IPY 11ic I~ISIIL~I.t i 8
,IOI~I~I;II c ' ~ > < : ~ l t ,i l, ~> q~ ~i c t i ( l i i111
~ i g1 1 1 ~ . ,I.(::IIII ~ic1i1;111<l.
U ' l i c ~I;IC
i -IC:II ~ I - L - S I I ~ ? i.< lht,lm'.

the 2 1 11,. I I ~l i > r i ~ p t r a t i o111s ~ ~ I~II~IIL.

. i ~ ~ ~ i c c si c ~ / ~ ~ i ~ ~iit/li,
c ~ ~ ~ i i ~ i tlir:,1:11~-11;. i c e-ic;ii-,
!?r??.llrt, 1 , ~:il3o~t.! I ? L\el ~ ! ~ ~ ~I i< >l Ii ,I ~~:r,lIi~~ll. 111e ~ ~ t l r l ,~lim
c l>

2.5 Masterlslave mode


r l i c lioilt c,111he i ~ p e r a ~ill c ~:Il111 1, cr.;!;~vc principle. 111 111, ii,~~trol~ i l o i l cL~IIC, Ihollcr
.8 clioscr; is I I II I I I I I I i Pleasc IUIC I/~;II 111:
n > i i c r i 1 1 1 s li l l Y r ; l l i ~ill 1111, '1;1111~, 1'1; i \ l I r ~ .11111c~1. (I~\\llli;ll ? l - ~ ~ - ~l l ll cr ~c d cTilt'
~ . \c/i,i-
itui L>I'II.i.icr:sI;~\~,1hi1ili.r is i ~ l l 1 1 1 ~i~ 1,111~1:III! OIIC c > l ~ ~ l~,i l i cP l-,,)ilcrsC ~ I ?he w i e c ~ c , .
1s 111eI ~ ~ . . I L ~lIh r i l c ~

t.111c\IL., : ) I :7re,h11tc ! , I l l ~ C<T~I~E?IW

c .ICLI\I~ I~IIC drops l h e l t ~ \!.!i;
~ >CI p>i111 l c ~ Or ~ ~ I J I I , ~
Ilc tlln.;li i ihrliler \\ill <larl. ; \ i l c l . I , , I-lllr lllc ~h1lrllcrIhcgill- ;il' : l ~ ? ~ ~ l l I ~ : l lt lel l i..lie
l I?~L,\-
~ t r cis ci11,iI10 :lie L.II~~<L,I~ l p c ? i i , ~ .SI,II.~-III> c~i'tllesl:~\e h,31Icr \ \ i l l (~ril! I;II-.? ~I:IL.L. I !
l i e I t ~ i ~. ) dI ilic tni1iii.r h,ilvr L.\\cI.L'. .inti remains a h i n c n rrr,!i.ler~nined ~ a ! ~ itlr t e ,.
, ~ V Y I ~ I I1 3 , ~I) ~<v'.Ii~ilr
I 1.11~WI !p<11!1: .;)I SI.II.~-III> i s ~ i < > ~ ~ ~ i:io?: ~~plpl !r , ~ \ i ~ i i ~ ~7i c5 l' !' , ,
I . I I I I I I I ! \I;trleil l h c l11111ii.r r~!11,1111~ 111 ~ ~ i i ~ ~Iiritig i~ii~lli~
l . , t x i i ~ oi~,11iI
i tlic J i ~ I > r c ~ i l i 1>rc\3~,11
al , l h c ~ \ \ c c11ic
~ i s l m c lx>iI<r . A ; 111c I ~ III;I~II s1t,;i111 1i11.'

,~. !\liicli tli: ql;i\. I h ~ i l c i,<

I < 1, ~ t l i i ~ i I i l i > it'c~ r r<,Ic:lsed ( ( 7 gc IIIII, risi11:: 111<1cle111r i ~ i l i g
I I I I l 1 7 i l IIcI\\ i~Ili<ilc,'~:Il.i~i~ I i c~ii,islcrlboilcr
i l l ~ I I I ~ I~ Ii i l i !lie
ril l l o \ \ . :. tilt. lioill? l l i u ,In\,- Ihi',l, .- i,. ;ilI<,\\?ii tu i 1 1 i c 3 -i<oiI!~l:~lio~i li.ee IIIO<IC .III~
I ,I I I I I :I I I I i i r I , I ' l I i e \Iavc lh,~ilc~. i\iI
I c niri:li..i nlial 111cIO:ILI IIIL, ; 1:1<1crIht~t~~ir,r ~reaclic\:I ~ ~ r c . I t i c r ~ i ~\I<!I., i ~ i e1o.1,'
v ~ l i i ~is~ ~l i r , ~ r ~ i i , ~ l141
l \ :1pprr,\i111 $ 1 ?!''#I.

1 1 t I I : I i lI : i n I 1:1r1cdi i i r
;I 11111 pcrio ! 0 1 ~ i t i l ec,.?. 1 1 ilic <I~.IIII
~ I I I , Ii ~I ~ I I i I I I i l lI . 1: t l l l l l r l ~\!.tlc~ii
l L.I,I~I< ill?
!?11r11cr I: , ~ii;~li~.:~ll:\;III<I lh~1.17 i l 1 . ~ ~ i ~ i i ~ il ii ~~ ti r~i~i ~g C I ~ I I;->
~ , ' I~IC;~II\
II ~TI.IIIL, X I ~ ~ : I :
;kt3111 IIIL, :xe<stl!~,I C I I ~ ~ I I I ~ I I ~ !t,l'~li.:
~ ~ ~ ~ . Ilic p~.e\<[ K C ' ! t l i c \I;I\c lh,iIcr i1.1-
l t ~ i l c \VII?I~
2.6 Emergency mode
W a r n i n < : \\'lien t l ~ rl i ~ ~ r n olic,.:~tes
er in cmerpenc?- niodc, it is very i m p ~ ~ r l : ~ n r
th:11 tllr hnilcr pla111u. v:~reli~ll!and ~ : o n t i n ~ ~ n ~superr-isecl
~sl! I)! tbr
sliip engineering pt.rc611111eI. 1';1yspeciaI :~ttention111 ll~estc:lmpressurt
: ~ n d\v;~tcr levc4.
Table of contents

Frarnp Safeguard
Li:Built-in signal
a RAR..: Photo reU
Flame Safeguards

Flame safeguards for burners with intermittent operation
The LAElO is used for the supervision and indication of oil flames

.. The LFElO is used for the supervision and indication of gas and oil flames
Supplementary Data Sheets for flame detectors, refer t o N7712 and N7713
For flame supervision systems LECI for continuous operation. refer to Data
Sheet N7761

The LAEIO ILFElO and this Data Sheet are intended for use by OEMs which inte-
grate the flame safeguards in their products!

LAEIO - For the supervision of oil flames
Flame supervision with silicon photocell detector RAR9..

For supelvision of gas flames and l~jminousor blue-burning oil flames

Flame supervision with flame detector QRA . or ionization probe

General Both types of flame safeguards are used primarily in conjunction witli LEC' control
units on the following applications:
- Dual-supervision of burners 1 supervision of the main flame or of the ~gnltior; and
main flame by 2 identical or differeni types of detectors
- Supervision of forced draft oil I gas burners Isupervlslon of t h e flame wlth d i i
ferent types of detectors. dependins on the operating niode
Multiflame supervision 1 plants with several burners whose flames must be su-
pervised individually by one or several detectors, whose startup and supewlsion
however, should or must be carried out centrally and simultaneouslv by only i
burner control
- The flame safeguards can also be used in connection with other types of burner
controls provided the given combinat~onand selected connection sircull do not in?.
pair the burner control's safety functions
- The flame safeguards are also user as flame indication units in combirstlor- plant
with manual startup

- .. ,
,- , ?,. . ,~ ,
, , .
* . -, -. ~
, .~~

HVAC Products
Warning notes
The avoid injury t o persons, damage t o property or the environment. the follow-

A ing warning notes must be observed!

It is not permitted t o open, interfere with or modify the units!

. All activities (mounting, instaliation anr service work. e t c i must be performed bv

qualified staff
For safety reasons - self-test of flame supervision circuit, etc. - at least one
controlled shutdown is required every 24 hours
Before making any wiring changes in the connection area, completely sola ate the
plant from mains supply (all-polar disconnection). Ensure that the plant cannot be
inadvertently switched on again and that it is indeed dead. If not obseved. there s
a risk of electric shock hazard
Ensure protection against electric shock hazard by providing adeouate ~rotnction
for the flame safeguard's connection terminals
Each time work has been carried out (mounting, lnstailation s e r v c ~work, etc I
check to ensure that wiring IS in an orderly state
Press the lockout reset button I operatton button only manually (applv~nqa iorce of
no more than 10 N), without using any tools or pointed objects
Fall or shock can adversely affect the safety functions Such units must not be put
into operation. even if they do not exhibit any damage

Engineering notes
. Ensure that the drop out delay tlme of relay < < ddoes
to <<Connectionexamples),. 7781a021
~ not exceed 50 ms [also refer

Mountinq notes

. The relevant national safety. regulations

. must be complied with
The flame safeguards can be mounted ln any position directly on the burner. 11;
control panels, or on the front of a panel
There are 2 types of plug-in bases available, designed for cable entrf from the
front. the side or below. 2 earth terminals provide looping facilities for the earth
connections of other burner plant components such as ignition transformers (the
flame safeguards themselves are double-insulated!)

Installation notes
. Always run the high-voltage ignition cables separately while obsewlny the greatest
possi~bledistances to the unit and to other cables
Do not mix up live and neutral conductors
Electrical conneclion o f the detectors
It is important to achieve practically disturbance- and loss-free stgnal transmission
Never run the detector cable together with other cables
L i n e capacitance reduces the magnitude of the flame signal
-Use a separate cable
Ionization probe does not provide protection against eiectrlcal shock hazard
Locate the ignition electrode and ~orlizationprobe such that the lcnitlon spark can-
not arc over to the ~onizationprobe (cisk of electrical overloads)
Observe the maximum permissible lengths and shielding of the detector cables
(refer to ((Technical data)))
Locate and adjust the detector such that only the flame to be s u p e ~ ~ ~ sNII
e dbe
Protect the UV cell adequateiy agalr>stUV radiation emitted bv halogen lamps.
welding equipment, special lamps. ignition sparks, high energ'i x-rays and gamma

Standards and certificates

, .?...
i -I
IS: C 2000 I S I - . . ' : 2004
Cert. 03739 Cen 36233

Only in combinaticr Conformity to EEC direct~les

with the flame detector - Electromagnetic compat~bilityEMC (~mmunitvi 20041108!EC
- Low-voltage directive 2006195lEC
- Directive for gas appl~ances
- Directive for pressure de,/~cns

With LECl ...
X x I
X ... X
LFE10 x x x x ... x x

Life cycle
Flame safeguards has a designed lifetime' of 250.000 burner startup cycles whlch.
under normal operating conditions in heating mode, correspond to approx 10 years of
usage (starting from the production date given on the type held). T h ~ slifetime 1s based
on the endurance tests specified in standard EN230 I EN298 and the table contalnlng
the relevant test documentation as published by the European Assoc~ationof Compo-
nent Manufacturers (Afecor) ( w a f e c c ~ ) .

The designed lifetime is based on use oi the flame safeguards according to the rnanu-
facturer's Data Sheet. After reaching the designed lifetime in terms of [lie n ~ ~ m hor
burner startup cycles, or the respective time of usage. the flame safeauards IS to be
replaced by authorized personnel

The designed lifetime is not the warranty time spec~fiedin the Terms of De11;erv

Disposal notes
The flame safeauards conta~nelectrical and electronic components and must not be
disposed of together with household waste.
Local and currently valid legislation mus- be observed
Mechanical design
The flame safeguards are of plug-in design and conslst of power supply section. flame
signal amplifier, flame relay, an auxiliary relay for controlling the flame detector or the
flame simulation test, and a flame indication lamp located in the unit cover hehinrl a
viewing window.

The electrical circuit is intrinsically safe in connection with LECl burner conirois - IS
tested in respect of proper functioning each time the burner 1s started up The plug-ln
bases - like the housing -are made of impact-proof and heat-resistant plastic For
illustrations of the plug-in bases and other n?tes, refer to <<Dimensions\

Special features LAE i0 Automatic light simulation test by increasing the sensitivity of the amplifier rlurric; the
burner off and the purging times of the LEC I burner control

Special features LFEIO Automatic testing of the flame detector by increasing the operating voltage of the UV
tube during the burner off and the purging tines of the LECl burner control

Flame Flame detector 1 Data Sheet 1

su~ervision Q R A 2 QRA10 ... -. 1 N7712

lonlzation probe Flame supervision by making use of the eleztrical conductivity of the flame In conjunc-
tion with the rectifying effect is only possible with gas and blue-flame burners Since the
flame signal amplifier responds only to the DC component of the flame signal lioniza-
tion current), a shori-circuit between flame rietector and functional earih cannot ~ 1 1 7 1 1 1 -
late a flame signal.


Sulld8ng Technologes I<;N77R!an

rvnc Prcdllcl; ...
ir ?OOP
Type summary
Flame safeauard
- For the supervision of oil flames with silicon photocell detectors RARO
- AC 220 ... 240 V LAE10
-AC110V LAE10-110V

Flame safeguard
- For the supervision of gas 1 oil flarnes n'ith flame detector QRA . or lonizallon probe
- A C 220 . . . 240 V LFE10
-AC110V LFE10-110V

When ordering, please give complete tyoe reference

Flame safeguard is delivered without plug-in base: order these separately (refer to

Silicon photocell detectors RAR9 ... refer to Data Sheet N7713

UV flame detector QRA2 .... QRAIO ... refer to Data Sheet N7712

UV flame detector QRA4.U refer to Data Sheet N7711

Ionization probe s u p ~ l ~ ebvn t l i ~ ~ d s

Low plug-in base (refer to ~Dimensionsii)

- 10-pole screw terminals
- 5 cable entries

High plug-in base (refer to <<Dimensions>>)

- 10-pole screw terminals
-With removable front
- 6 cable entries, 4 of which with P g l l thread

High plug-in base (refer to <Dimens~onjn)

-Same as AGK410490250
- Without front

Front (refer to ~Dimensionsn)

- For plug-in base AGK410491690 and kGK410490250
Technical data
General unlt data Mains voltage AC 220 V -15 n'o...AC240 V *10 '!-
AC 100 V-15 % A C 110 V - 1 9 "0

Mains frequency 50. 6 0 Hz +6 %

Prefuse (external) Max. 10 A (slow)
Power consumption 4.5 VA
Perm. contact rating Max 2 A
Degree of protection iP40. with appropriate cable entry
Mounting position Optional

-Weight LAE10 8~

Without plug-in base Approx. 305 g 1 Approx 395

With normal plug-in base Approx. 380 9 1 Approx. 470 5
With high plug-in base A p ~ 415x g 1 Approx 505
Flame supervision with ... PAR9.. Ionization probe 1 O m . 1
Required detector current 1 1 1 I
- A t AC 1 0 0 V i A C 2 2 0 V 1 M8n 8 pA 1 Min. 8 pA hltr- 150 pA I
-AtAC l l O V l A C 2 4 0 V M8r. 8 MA Min 9 pA h l ~ n200 pA
Possible detector current 1
-AtAC1OO...IlOVIAC220..24OV May 38 yA 1 Max I00 fl 650 FA 1
I i
P e r m . length o f connecting cables 20 m 'j 20 m ) - Om?) 1
) In case of greater distances, use low-capacitance cable (total max 2 nF I
Example: Single-core RG62
') Run detector rabies separately. at least 5 ct.1 away irom other cables an?. 1-1 case 1'
greater distances, use silicon photocell detector RAR9..

Environmental Storage DIN EN 60721-31

conditions Climatic conditions Class 1K3
Mechanical conditions Class 1M2
Temperature range -20.. +GO <C
Humldlty <95%rh
Trans~ort DIN EN 60721 -3-2
Climat~cconditions Class 2K2
Mechanical conditions Class 2M2
Temperature range -2O...+GO C
Humidity <9_5 % r.h. ~ -

Operation DIN EN 60721-3-3

Cl~maticconditions Class 3K5
Mechanical condit~ons Class 3M2
Temperature range -20. + 6 0 'C
Humidity <95 % r h

Condensation, formation o f ice and ingress of water are not permitted!

Technical data (c l i t d)

Measur~ngcircuits Ionization probe 2RA G4Go

Legend A llluminatron of flame ION lon,zation ?.one

C Electrolytic wpacltor 100 pF Microammeter
DCIOV QRA Flame detrctor

Ignition may affect the ionization current!

A Remedy: Exchange the connections on the primary side o f the ignition trans-

Basic mode of operation of the flame sa!eguards in connection with the L E C l burner

When used with the L E C l . the flame safeguard feeds the flame stgnal into thr? burner
control's control program the same way as if the flame safeguard was a component of
the burner control (same as with an oil or gas burner controi)
in the event of non-ignition, loss of flame during burner operation. or faulty flame signal
during burner off or purging times, the hurner will always be shut down and the burner
control will initiate lockout.
The switching functions needed to feed the flame signal into the burner control's control
circuit are provided by flame relay <<FRN of the flame safeguard and the 2 auxiliap~
relays M H R))~and KHRZNof the L E C l b ~ ~ r n control.
The L E C l burner control also delivers the program for the flame slmulatlon test in con-
nection with the LAElO flame safeguard and the flame detector test with the LFElO
The test is controlled via the connecting line between terminal 15 of the burnpr control
and terminal 6 of the respective flame safeguard

Both tests
start about 7 seconds after a controlled shutdown
are continued during burner off timei
Are continued during the ensuing prepurge time
end 3 seconds before start of the safety time

Following flame signals during this test t ~ m elead to lockout w ~ t l nterlocknq

i of tlie
L E C l burner control:
- Extraneous light
Ageing flame detectors
Other defects of the flame supewlslon equipment

In the flame safeguard, the switching functions required are performed bv a~~xiiiarv
relay aHR3,>.
Since in the case of flame supervision with an ionization probe. ~ts riot necessarr to
carry out a test, the connecting line between terminal 15 of the burner control and ter
minal 6 of the flame safeguard is not recuired here

Instead, terminal 6 must be connected tci the live wire

Example: By making a connection fo ferninai 1. 5 or 7.

Any flame signal - be it a normal flame signal during operation or a faulty signal - 1s
~ndicatedby the indication lamp at hous~ngof flame safeguard

-, ..>
, L

Ruildng Tecnnologles Cr'F177Pler

HVPC PIO~UCIS ;,,I:o.2wa,
Mode of operation o;*he flame safeguards when used for dual-supervision (detailed connection diaaram Z r l
for 011burners)

I I~ r ? 1 With this type of supelvision 1 flame is supewised bv 2

L I Z 6 5 i 13 I 4
, , ,
,Z] independently operating flame safeguards. aimed at re-
ducing the possibility of loss of flame during operation in
case of a simultaneous failure of both flanie safeq~iards
to an ~lmprobablecoincidencea.
With dual-supervision, the control contacts of the name
relays of both name safeguards are connected in series
so that loss of the flame signal o f either o f the flame
safeguards i s sufficient to cause lockout ofthe burrier
A faulty flame signal by only 1 of the 2 flame safeguards
during burner off times or purging times also leads to

A n ignited UV tube i s a source o f UV radiation!

In case of flame supervision by means of flame
detectors, the detectors must be ?laced such tllat
there is n o direct visual contact between therr

PiRiNlhlnl :7RlaOl~OYOR

Mode o f operation of the flame safeguards when used for the supervision of 2 manually controlled burners
With this type of supervision, too, the burner can be star-
ted only if the flame detector or flame simulation !est has
been successful.
- This means that neither of the 2 flame safeg~iardsmay
04 7T8,ac>:m',:Ga
detect a flame signal during burner off t:mes
-t When the burner is started up, the detector Lest will
I I: automatically be interrupted
When pressing button (,I,,. relay <<d>* is energized vla
circuit path 4-3 of the flame relays. which 1s slill closed
thus switching on the ignit~onof both burners
At the same time, fuel is released
The duration of the start pulse given by pressing hiltton
<<I,>should be limited by a time relay - In the sense of a
safety time.
If the flame is established on both burners tridcated by
the signal lamps at housing of flame safeguards - relav
4 d is ~ now maintained in its energized condition "12 clr-
w i t path 3-7 of the 2 flame relays
When releasing button a i r , ignition w \ I be switched off,
thus completing the startup sequence.
If the event of loss of flanie on 1 of the burners. the re-
spective flame relay is deenergired, thereby nei1tra1z8ng
P.,(l,lC I
!he holding clrcuit for relay ud,, This m e a n s that the fuel
valves of both burners will immediately be shut.
The burners are switched off manually be prnsslng button
N O D , or - autcmatically - by the control ! lim~tthernlosfa!
or pressurestat / pressure switch in the phase iht~recon-
In case of flame supervision with ~onizationprobes ter-
minal 6 of the flame safeguards must be connected d)-
rectly to the phase wire since no detector test is requlrPd
Example: During conrieclron with termrna! I'

Ruldrng Technoloases i.l'?Slen
HVCC Poducts ;, 8 : 8 ~ 3 2!l,lF,
Mode of operation of the flame safeguards with multi-flame supervision (detailed connection d a q r a n i f; g for
gas burners)

LECI Like with d lal-supervision the control contacts ,ofthe

1; 14 15 flame relays of all flame safeguards milst be connected IP
1 1 8 I serles when using multl-flame supewlsion

A burner causes all other burners to go to lockout li:

the flame is not established dur~ngtlie safe!y time. or
the flame is lost during operation

Correctly operating burners can be restarted only - after

the burner control has been reset - when the faultv bur^
ner has been shut down.
In that case, the operating switch must no! oniy bridge
the control contacts of the respective flanie safeguards
thus closing the control chain agaln, but must also break
the phase uire connection to the ~gnitiontransformer and
the fuel valves.
Likewise, after rectification of the fault. the burner can
only be restarted in connection with the other burners.
that is, oni.! after all burners have previouslv been shut

Terminal 1 0 m u s t be connected t o earth also

when using the flame detector QRA . !

Legend BS
Operating switch OFF I ON - per bl~rner
Ionization probe for ionizaton supervision
FR Flame relay
GV1 1 GV2 Gas valve for Is'and 2'" stage
L1 Built-in signal lamp -> indic:ition of flame
QRA .. Flame detector
Z Ignition transformer
Basic c ~ r c u i diagrams
LFEIO w ~ t hflame de4:ctor QRA

H '- 15 LEC1

~ 7 -
7 ,i i

. -~ 3
1 .- ,
I I .- - QRA
1 0-
. - . ,;, b-?
- . !lo- ~-


T ~ r m ~ n10
a l mu51 b e connected to earth!

LFE10 with ionizatio;! i~ipervision

I ? 11 L E C l

LAE10 with silicon photocell detector RAR9

Flame relay
H 15 L E C I
Main swlch
Auxlary relav for UL' defector r r
flame simr~laiontest
ION lonzat~onprobe ior ron!r;lton s u

- ,
! , a
Built-ln sqnai iamr

1 :!
-,lridca!lon of f l ~ r n ~
..?, ~
K 7 Flame de!ecfor
Li ~p , 110
. -- ~

S i c o n photocell r!?irrtcr

1:' :L! LECl

Dimensions - --

D~mensionsin mm

Base versions

Low plug-in base Desiqn features:

AGK 4 104 1345 i i 10-oole
, (screw
, terminals). with additional earth terminals. Cable entry either through
the bottom of the base ( 2 knockout holes), the front from the right or left side (total of 5
cable entrtes)
Dimensions ( c o n t d i

Base versions

High plug-in base, Desisn features

AGK 4 104 9025 0 W ~ t hremovable front (shaded area in the drawing)

10-pole (screw terminals), and.

- 2 auxiliary terminals with markings 11 and 12
2 neutral terminals, wired to termlnal 2 (neutral lnp~lt)
2 earth terminals, with earthlng lug for :he burner

For cable entry:

2 cable entries in the bottom of the base
4 threaded knockout holes for cable glands P g l l . 1 on the r~ght,? on the e!t and
In the removable front

High plug-in base. Desian features

AGK A 104 9169 0 Features as above, but without the removable front (shaded area if1 the dr?wlnq lE

Front As a separate item. su~tedfor use with plug-in base AGK 4 104 9164 0 ican also he
AGK4 I0491120 used with AGK 4 104 9025 0, shaded area In the drawinq)

2 0 0 8 Ssemens Buidlnq Technoloqiec HVAC Prod~r:,.GnhH

12812 SuLyecl la change'

R u l l d n ~iechn01ogleS 7C'N7Rlen
'(.;I1 2OOP
'IVAC P~cdxluc!s
Photocell Detectors RAR...

The photocell detectors are designed for use with burner controls, for the super-
vision of yellow-flame oil flames.
They are used especially i n connection with burner controls for the control and
supervision of large-capacity burners.

The RAR ... and this Data Sheet are intended for use by OEMs which integrate the
flame detectors in their products!

The RAR . flame detectors are used for the supemision of yellow-hurning oil flzmes

They are des~gnedfor use w t h the follow~ngtvpes of burner control? LAL LA€ 1
LOK16 and LAElO

-, . .< . -?~,,-,7,(,;<><.,
HVAC Products
Warning notes

To avoid injury t o persons, damage t o property or the environment. the following

warning notes must be observed!

D o not open, interfere with or modify the flame detector!

All activities (mounting, installation and service work, etc.) must be pedormed bv
qualified staff
Before making any wiring changes in the connection area, completely isolate the
plant from mains supply (all-polar disc<~nnection)Ensure that the plant car~notbe
inadvertently switched on again and that it is indeed dead If not observed, lhere is

. a risk of electric shock hazard

Ensure protection against electric shock hazard by provid~ngadequate prclectlon
for the connection terminals
Each time work has been carried out (mounting, installation, sewcn work. etc I

. check to ensure that wiring is in an orderly state

Fall or shock can adversely affect the safety functions. Such flame detectors or
burner controis must not be put into op~ration,even if they do not exhibit any dam-

Mounting notes
. Ensure that the relevant natlonai safety regulat~onsare compiled wltb
The flame detector plugs into the burner (the detector's clamp engages on the
burner's iight metal flange)

Installation notes
Alwavs run the hiqh-voltaqe
. iqnition
. cables separate from the i ~ nand
t other cables
while observing the greatest possible distances

Electrical connectioq o f the flame detector

It is important to achieve practically disturbance- and loss-free signal transmiss~on
Never run the detector cable together with other cables
- Llne capacitance reduces the magnitude of the flame signal
- Use a separate cable
Observe the permissible detector cable lengths (refer to .Type sunimary>.i

Commissioning notes
. The intensity of light radiation on site is checked by measuring the detector current


\ I ,/


Legenc A Incidence of light

M Microammeter (DC). ~nternalres~stance5.000 !!

Measuring circuit for measuring the detector current. For the minimum detector currents
required, refer to the Data Sheet of the relevant burner control
Standards and ceoificates

Only in connectiori with

the burner control
CE Conformity to EEC directives
- Electromagnetic compatibility EMC (immunitv'l
- Low-voltage directive

IS,:, ?i 2000 15 -. :: 2004

Cerl LIti739 C e f l 39233

Service notes
. Each time a unlt has been replaced check to ensure that wlrlnq
state and that the wlres are firmly connected
IF. In an orderly

Disposal notes

The flame detector contains electrical and electron~ccomponents and musl nal be dis-
'e' -
~ o s e dof toqether with household wastb
5 Local and currently val~dleg~slat~on must be observed

Mechanical design
-- -
- Housing made of dust-proof duroplast
- Photocell is under protective glass
- Flame detector can be supplied with or without flange (vers~on4 241 8855 O i and
clamp (refer to ((Type summary,,)

Type summary
Type reference
Length of detector cable
Up to max. 100 m
Flange and clamp Photocell made o f
Without I Silicon 1
RARS(1) Up to max. 10& With 1 Sillcon I

When order~ngplease glve the type refprence according ro ~(Tvpe


Part number
4 241 8855 0
4 241 8898 0
4 199 8 8 0 6 0

1 Type reference 1 Description 1


IP40 Kit for RAR
-Cable se3l1ngelement @ 5 R nin7
Technical data
Genera: data Safety class iI --
Degree of protection !P20
A IP40 to DIN EN 60529, a: relative
design of cable entry ie.5 AGGOSI
Mounting position optional - -

Weight a p p r o ~ 85
. g
Cable connection Screw terminals for min. 0.5 nim' an.1 mau
1 5 mm2wlre cross sectlon
Cable w ~ t hferrules .Adapt at stranded wtre cross sectton

Storage DIN EN 60 721-3-1

Climatic conditions class 1K3
Mechanical conditions class 1M2
Temperature range -20 + 6 0 "C
Humidity c 95 % r F . -
Transport DIN EN 60 721-3-2
Climatic conditions class 2K2
Mechanical conditions class 2M2
Temperature range -20 +60 C
Humidity < 95 % r h
Operation DIN EN 60 721-3-3
Climatic conditions class 3K5
Mechanical conditions class 3M2
Temperature range 20 +60 C
Humidity < 95 % r h .
Humidity < 95 % r.h. --

Condensation, formation o f ice and ingress of water are not permitted!

With this type of flame supervision, the radlatlon of oil flames in the visible band of the
light spectrum is used for generating the flame signal.
The light-sensitive element is a photocell. When illuminated. ~tgenerates DC .ioltage.
causing a current to flow to the input of the flame signal amplifier. Hence tlie RAR is
an actlve detector.
The photocell is insensitive to infrared radlntion so that glowing firebrick in Ilia combus-
tion chamber cannot produce a flame signal

Dimensions in mm

-2009 Siemens Building Technologies HVAC Products Gmbli

a14 Sublecl to change!
Butldn" Technologes !:I ' N77 13pn
Ii'IAC P ~ d u c t s 2,- 2000
..... ~annsBdlen
, ,. .--- -- .- --
Fax. t45 98 16 83 16
...... Danske Bank AIS
H&n D m s n
Gasvaerkswj 24, P 0 Box &44
&;VAT-~O :DK 31011299
VAT No. DK 31011280
D K 9 4 3000 0010478952 (DKK)
OK 91 30130 3345631267 FUR)
*- -
9100 Aalborg
AALBORG Denmark CVR No.: 17830635 DK 69 3000 3345 631275 (USDI .
~ g v e r adhew
y Customs Invoice
General Maritime Management (Portugat) Ma Number ............ .: CINV459805
Largo R&el Bordalo Pingeuo -No Date ............... ..: 29 Oct 10
20 Sales order .......... : SOALhlO95969
3rd floor
1200-369 L~sboa Contact person .....:
Portugal Your ref. .......... :
kt. Olimpio Rascio Requis~tion..........: PO 33-09-5039
Phone: 1351 213 220 251 Actual shipname ...:
Hull no. .......... : 1353
Invoice address
GMR ORION LLC Our ref. .............TIK / SOALM095969
Marshall Islands Project ..............: 308699-01
LargoRafael Bordalo P d e m 23- Terms of delivery ...: FXW Incotenns 2000
3rd Tams of payment ...: Manual
1200-369 Llsboa Shipment list . . . . . .: 8

Weight (kg) Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm)

3.60 320 320 160

Item number Description / Unit
9910001010 Instruction manuals 3.00

Sales b a h c e Total discount M.w. charges VAT Total

0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 Em 0.00

Fage 1 of 1
Banken Danske Bank NS
..... ... SWIFT&c DABADKKK
~ , $ rDlvislq
s W&Ibq4ndunriesOnn f&AN:

arm Aslbom
~3 863 844
@asvan~~e1.24. V A TK
VAT Na.: DK 31011280
CVRNC 12830635'
O DKS~~OBOT@~.-(~KK)
OK91 gw3345 631L67 (ED@
DK 69 SOW3345 6312,7S (USD),
' ,,

Delivery ad&ePs
~ e r hdaritime
d Mmagement (?omgal) Lda Delivery note
Lars0 Was! Bordalo Pingeiro -No Number ...............DEL208590
Dace ............... 2 9 0 a 1 0
YpI fsf. ................:
custmer reqdsidon ....:
Your fax Nol ............ :
paone: +js 1 213220 251
Invoice address Ou ref ..................: TIK I LOAUd095969
G M R ORION LLC Xipot ..................: 30$699-01 - 1353
Marshall Wmds
Largo Rafael Bordalo Piluherro 23-
1200-369 Lisboa
W&hi (kg) ............. : 3.60
Diniensian (mm)....... .: 320 X320 X 160

Hu1l.m. ............ .: 1353 P m j w n m e ............ : 1353

Boiler No. ... .;....: ..................
flmdled by ........ :alm
Pneked by .......... :!33alm
Deaeriptton of TAG no.
C = Boiler F = Burner G = Oil Systan H = S t e m System
K = nuer~xhaust~is
P = PressurizedSystem
W -=- Fed Ware
R - Fan
= ~ o n u o panel
l M ~ PWater
S = SparePrts
N = Cou.den+e
T = Then& 0 1

ColU no. TAG nu. Numb Dessripti~n

Customer Id No. Unit ~mwi&no. /Item ref.
2AQ Insnurrtion mpnuals
SET 9910001Q10

Page 1 ~f 1

- --

Gened Maritime Management (Portugal) Lda

3rd IFlmr, Quotation
IqgoRafael Bordalo F'inheim 23, Numba .....................: SOALA032432-1
1200-369 Lisboa Dsre .........., ..............: 25 NQV10

! 3pemn ~ ............ : h u e 1 Pedro

Your& ....................:
Requ&itro,n .................: 'Senid&CedfiW
A1- $listtipname........: Gen@afOrion

Our ref. .....................: L W / SQALA032432

Delivery address Quotation deadline ....: 25 Dec 10
Genmar Orion Payment ....................: 30 chu)rsnet
Terms ofdelivery ......: EYW In-s 2000
k&3de Qf$ebWY.......: &UIi= ups
Uummtee mudition ..:


Item number Ikdption Q

uW Amount

Socket 8,OO
Timer 4.00
Potentiometer 4.00
MCB Circuit breaker 2.00
Above is 2A please confirm at order
MCB Circuit breaker 2.00
Above is 6A please d m at order
MCB Circuit breaker 2.00
Ahove is 4A -please confum at order
Burner lance excl 1.00
422 KO ResSance 2.00
LP converter 2.00
Sp~parepartskit for Oil 2.00
reg valve
Photo cell LOO
L~mirm t c h 1.00
Y-~et 1.oo
Positioner for control 1.OO
Posboner fpr fan I .OO
Tendbr. KBSD 2650
C i t breaker
Pbotolesistive deteator
W e t set (o-rings)
Bush set for flow meter
Filter regulator 148

Instruction manual for MGO conversion

of boiler plant

Boiler type: 2 X MISSIONmmodel 35 t/h

Burner type: KBSD 2650 t MGO
Project No.: 308699
Classification: DNV
Customer: General Maritime Management Lda
Hull No.: 1353
Date: JUL 2010
Ae/jean Bunkering
Co Reg. o: 20050771M
22 Jalan Kilang #06-01, Mova Building, Singapore 159419
Tel.: +65 6501 0100. Fax: +65 6270 0705. TLX: AEGEAN R S 20687, Ernail: singapore@arnpni.com


S.N. : SER01643
, ' L ~ \ C ~ A:QF
PI Date
Delivery Location F f'4 Vessel's Name
Bunker Tanker's Name : tr.1 FL:;. IMO N o

I SB No. .. . .
I .'

Gross Tonnage
Alongside Vessel ... I. .. '.(.I(, '.&

1 Completed Pumping

Fuel Characteristics
Product Name
Gross Observed Vol (Litres)
Viscosity @ 40'C or 50",
(IS0 3104)
mmz~s 1 *v.5, I Gross Standard Vol (Lnres)

Density @ 15",kglm3 I Q-T\$~c, ( Quantity (Metric Tons)

(IS0 3675 or IS0 12185)
Water Content % VN
(IS0 3733) I 0.15
Barrels at 6 0 ' ~

Volume Correction Factor

Flash Point°C (Table 548)
(IS0 2719)
sulphur Content % mim We~ghtConvers~onFactor
4 I I C ~
~AKOR ,, ICA a 7 u ) (Table 56)
_ We declare that the bunker fuel supplied conforms with Regulations We acknowledge receipt of the above produdandmnfim that the following
or 4 [a) and Regulatio$lE (1)of MARPOL 73R8.qnnex VI. sarn les were jointly taken by continuos drip sampler at the vessel's
i d [I)
,. . , <c:!,',:,*
~ .-.a~
~.. ....
... %,.! , . rnanioid, sealed 8 numbered :
~ ~

Seal no. Counter Seal no. (if any)


For f$~,ip,.,\[:, 1). ~ p p l : ;I 1 !:, ! b ~ : ! ~ y . . ;;k surveyor

Company's Name and Stamp mxeE <,L, L,.:
(To specifyj

Signature of Cargo Offlcer
.. , .. ,.:,
~ . Acknowledged by:

,- i k F&>cl7jA
Bunker Tanker's Stamp Vessel's Stamp
Was a Note of Protest issued? Yes IKl NO
From: SENW Q ~ O N
TO : CHIEF BjNEIiIhTEER Sent &0/,@/2010 10:06
~c : ' E ~ . R;;..L Sent T0/6/2010 6:33 PM'
;a*=.: 2 y ? in: O_F n\f ?fc,-: L\Se,IQ??-L>?-?Z 9
- = ~ ~ G c , $ a y ,(?.Ct3hC~z
St& :: G E M R ORSON - .Fuel Specifieati.on: Set

G T ~ o Q @ c.m
~ ~ ~ s .
Dak~zBed, 6 Ock 2910, D2220 -6500, M s g : LISBOA-545,:447
Subject : GEl?m& ORTOR' Fuel Specification: Met
To t q G ~ ~ ~ r L ~ g ~ g e E ~ . st -
oc: &e$~CgmmllC .us
- Cc.: opetatiens@~Oxt.,pt
Gc:. a ~ e r a t i o n s C ~ l lus
. ,:
To:.i.The Masker O f 'GBNMAR ORf.0NT
; A t t n : Map.ter


Dm Pekrolem Selrvictces - a n a l y s i s Report $abed! L36-0ct-2'0Y.0

Vessel: OREON (9224271)

i . .......-.,- ~ . - -. ~
- -

Product Type
YY.., -^

B u n k e r Date
- ,*.L
mL c.

Qampliav Point
5anipZinc Method
. , Bent F s c m . :
D,ate Sect
Arr&ved a t Lab
Load& From .!. . . - i t ,: !L . :
.- : Q u a n t i t y pet G :Eng.
L Seal Data DNVPS, SEAL INTACT, 3352213

Relafed Samples
9mp i.. 0


MARPOL . : .
Receipt Data : .- ,.I . . . . ,. Unit
----- : ?,: .,
Source O f Data B.D.N
zsn3ieg "
\I 12'~ ,.-I-.
1L9, I.. 2 3 3 . ,"
Viscosit,.? C 50°C mmz/s 372.5
Sulfur % m/m 2.40
Volume @ 1 5 ° C ms 2095.177
Bornlnnotlnc. or
Bommr@lantlc, L.L.C.
10777Westhelmer,Sulfe 955
Hourton, %Z 77042 UIA

Datemme Earge/mck loaded: Commenced g - 5 - 20 J 0 Flnshed
D a t m m e Ddvered: commenc~
eunhen amd npnmtrdw u n ~ p r ~ lM
r l y.dIn good w6.r.
5-3 ?+I - /a Finished 8-5-2014 a I : 15
m + ~ m r u w ~ m a t a y ~ ~ 1 c l o 1 ~ n d r ~ t d - ~ t w ~ 1 d n~ rh a~ ~~ 1~ o~ nr u ~ ~ p n r m ~ p ~ y ~ U e n f ~ ~ a m a n u m e r r m r i ~ I n ~ ~ n e
an& w v ~ o r W a hyc a ~ # t t d m n d ~ d i r ~ r n ~ s r y o ~
S U ~ ~ ~ C I ~ - L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ r ~~ g u~( a rnr~~l r i m
~ 181rl
~ ~ ~ ~ M I I U M L
ma purtMlaMnay m 6 e s Uut Mr w d ,opraiedbyare wad@js mgbw m me vauwadm d m MpmprNfwcomPNEnm
o r h t m h m n n r a c w m g n r ~ funhamon:
~. ~ t h ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ t ~ n e r m c r ~ r n c t ~ w ~ l ~ ~ d a r ~ h i d ~ s ~ ~ w ~ n m u m
d m m w s r 9 . r ~ n r u c r n r a * d w n a ~ u w d m h d y a ~ ~ ~ ~~ a
r ail hr m

MafPer/Chref Englneer For Seirerflransporter

sample Dismbunon/5@al numbers Vessel Supptrer Vessel FNWWL Supplier M P O L

Grade: SFQ )a1) IBLq93q 156Wfq IPb $277 I $6 fly7
Grade: h c o / r b J96.f IP&C ) 9 1 ~ l r b $803 fYG qf20
Grade: I
~ m d r / U I I oM#Inee<s
s1gn.d Miten nqu*sI
....a,.......,. ..........................'.'
mc v n a a n*-e
< -
i MYLreb m:
IMme r a b n * l o g & ~ ~ q~y a ~ d l i lbe
. .
Gwmr crtd 8-9-A~do
Name of Vessel Date

Grade I F 0 3% IF0 d4bQrr6~ GASOIL

Krn. Vlscosrtyal50 Deg C,cSr !i%D 2 .q
Metnc rons LC& SO
Requlred pumptng rate, MTfhuur ~II' in7-
Order of dlrcharge a +JA i~f
a a ri gne a~l u~ mdh io ~~ ent ~gd r r Y I M iKy K u d h ~ s l ~ c m ~ c d ~ d m e
m ~ - s l t s m ~ ~ , ~ e r ~ d h m e ~ ~ ~ l m
r u ~ p u ~ n m y & ~ . . w e - a ~ n ~ ~ w m ~ n g m ~ d i 1 1 0 ~ 1 ~ w ~ ~ ~ m n ~m1~ camrr rbu ~g al r ar nrl i m
r ~ 1 ~
r ~ ~ r ~ ~ m ~ r e p ~ ~ ~ m ~ a ~ w ~ m ~ ~ p ~ ~ a n d IurpvK~meswanmIrnbndmd ~ i a r l n g m m ~ w ~ n p r @ ~ ~ d l ~
ONV cd no J O Id~
27922 210993
Name of ~asasl Name of owner lMO no

Change of Load Line and Low Sulphur Fuel Conversion for AUK.Boilers
This is to c o n i k that the fallowing has been carried out:

Survey Code Survey Name Result
COLL.0 I Change of load line marks - I Complete
1 MISC.0 /Miscellaneous item occasional - low sulphur fuel conversion I ~omplete I

Conditions and Memoranda - Given Due Date

New Newly installed low sulphur fuel piping (pipes, valves, flanges, etc.) to be properly 2010-12-13
CC 01 shielded'insulatedas per requirements of relevant SOLASregulations. In the mean time,
this piping should be continuously monitored for possible leakage or spray.

Survey Observations and Findings

At Owners request, the vessel was attended at Delaware Bay at Bigstone anchorage on 2010- 1 1-1 2 and subsequent
days to carry out following surveys:
- Verification of low sulphur fuel conversion
- Verification of Load Line marks

Load line mark

Subject to prior approval granted by vessel's flag (see email dated 2010-04-30), new short term International Load
Line Certificate corresponding to a summer freeboard of 8,734 mm (129,999 DWT) issued.
Marks corresponding to the certificate verified and found in order. Previous active ILLC 27322A removed from
service, placed in a sealed envelop and left with the master for safe keeping.

Slation Place or survey

New York Delaware, MD
Lead sumyofaname
Lee, Sang Duk -
S u w team

- - - -- --
~~mam,vunrrsvs w
r nxrunm m , w ) . m l m+ + ~ ~ ? ~ O ~ W , T R E+F(AT XI I ~ I ~5 1W
~ nS p r u r m s
F O ~ ~ N O ~ O Paae 1 of 6
Name ot vessel N a m o l ~ DNV id. no.

- - nil
Fuel --
--- avntem
-J ------
Fuel oil piping system for am. o i K d boilen has been convert& to bum low sulphur fuel (MGO).
Owner has canied out alteration onboard as per DNV approved letter ref. no. NACN0373MDJ0127322-J-10105
dated 2010-04-21submined by Aalborg ontkd.

hbin conversion contam as follows:

- MGO (low snlphm fuel) supply pump unit G450 (including wntml panel and 2 screw pumps) installed
- A fuel coofer unit, fresh water cooled. installed
-Two (2) 3-way valves. automatic contml by timer, i d l e d One is on pipe line from the cooler and mother is on
pipe from mnnline from the boiler
- Igmters Ms been replaeed by new type with flame scanner at each boller burner

Now alteration has been verified onboard according to %heappmycd letter with wmment:

Makinglbraldng capacity of new cirmit breakas for new installed MGO pumpsverses shon circuit current 1s
~ ~

.~. the
located at newlv installed MGO nunm contml -el.
- Supply for twb ( 2 ) M& pumps, serving 'kine essential or important purpose have been d i d e d between two
(2) distribution switchboards having separate supply circuit from difFerent sections ofthe main switchboard.
- Switchpr and confml circuit for W M W pumps we in the same cabinet but they are not separated from each
other by flameretaniwt prtitions like similar to existing hegvy fuel pump control panel amrang to Aalborg
- N d y installed MOO cooler is cooled by fresh RateE.
--LSFO temperature anywhere in the system is maintahed 1.1 cst at 65 deg.C
There are no tfireadedjoints in the newly installed piping system.
- L S D 0 pump6 wm delivered by Aalborg with DNV ae&?cat@.
-Inspection and onbard testing of the modification Pms now been &ed out witnessed by undersigned survepor.
- Assmne test pr~gramhas been submitted by e r g to DNV Hovik.
- Software SCADA which is for boiler control system, has been replaced accmhgly.
- Interlock system between heavy fuel pumps and low sulphur cooler has been tested and found in order.
- All safety functions including MGO high temperaturealarm has been rested sabisfactorily

Test has been carried out as per Aalborg " W o n Manual for MOO conversion of boiler plantl'and main
procedims are as follows:

1. RUnaingwitbHFO (2.Wo S awrdingto BDN).

2.3 way valve GI15 changed toMGO (0.05 5/4 2.9cStamrding to BDN) manoally.
3. ExistiopHFO sapply pump is mnning with timer about 5 min for flushing and stopped.
4. Tempzam tramnitter fitted on boiler fuel supply line will give signal to start MOO pump when temp. cooled
down to abont 80 degree.
5 Keep on &gwi(h MGO increasiog capacity np to 65%aud firel retluns back ro HFO tank

* from sequence 110.3 to 5 is rnnning by automatic carrml.

Upon satiffiaory wmpletion of the test. document "Witwsing h l change over to- and operation of machinery on
distillate fgel" has been issued.
-- .- -- - -
Name of vessel
Name o( avmn
G i Orion LLC -- 1 DNV id no
27322 _
I JobId

1 210993
- p-


low sulphur fuel pump connol panel

Nnme ol-1 Namsdw.net I DNV id M. Job Id.

GENMAR OR= GMR Orion LLC 1 21322

ur fuel

newly fitted auto 3 may valve fined on fuel return
- - ~-
Name 01 v-l 1-~ame of owner -7yhzY bid.. I
-.- ORION 1 GMR Orion LLC -h 7 3 2 2 . L 1 210993 --
Boiler Md OU Eurw S B N b

Report No.: 314186 Date: 11-11-2010

. --- ----- - -----
Project No.: Year/O.No.:
Boiler: Aalborg Industn'es Oil burner: Aalbotg Industries
TypelNo.: OL 10759/ 10760 TypelNo.: KBSD 2650 12628 1 12629
Output: 35 Uh Atm. med. Steam I(Air)
Steam pressure: 18 bar Oil pressure:21 bar (ring line)

VesseVCo.: Genmar Orion YardINewb. No:

Owner: Generel Maritime Shipman. Country: Marshall Islands
Visiting add.:
Cont. person:
Type of visit: MGO Upgrade Class: DNV

- Unisab controller exchanged in Local Panels and Power Panel.

- Windbox modified to new type ignitor
- New type primary and secondary.awirler Installed.
- New type ignbr with flame surveilance installed
- New type main burner lance installed.
- Local Panels rewired for ignitor fiame surveilance
- MGO panel installed. Power conneced to power panel
- Urusab cMtrollersinddledwith 6.27 rev1032
- New ECR PC installedwith Scada 1.99.10.
-Change over procedure from HFO to MGO and MGO to HFO kested.
-Flue gas test performed on both HFO and MGO. Tested with ships IG system
aalMrp IMurtnss m
GarvaR*ruw 24

1 Jarr~edship ~ ' I ~ i p:wi~&

lll Ali. .*...i,.

- ~ i ~ c c k e d ~ i1:oulldok.
- Checked cabt.1~.Cdbcl ffv~or,~. . .rwitohb~,xmdtube pulled to .&GO pmxl iastcnd ufl'uhcr Pmcl
- Checked sp;tre I..
pins mq~rir~., SIW
upgr;~debuuild ok

-Take readings frvmlwal I' .ui.

- Untsab on Bder 2 exchang. d illr new. Ik)llers t s d up but glvmy !lame fa~lun:dtrc lo b;ld condition of lgnl-
tor. Sincc ~gnitvrnceds to bc ~q,la.cdwith n ~ type
w next morning, thore was no rt.:rro~itu ovcrhutll the old one.
201 !-la:
- Continuing wiring of MOC,
- LocalPaml boiler Z,p>t$,vvn.. .. .: ~ ~ i l ~ ~ a : i ~ e S % a m c r ~
- 1Vin&hxo ~bvilcr
i ..
2 rn~dil: ..- ..~coq~o,kate ~iuwtypcigni'tor.
- Ureakers tbr M(jO panel I>:..: ... &:.I in Power. PshC^I.
..... rsasolnlLdMaA5 E-mat: ~@aalWrg-imlUslm.dh
Qrrehmt 24 Tel, r45 99 M 40 M) hU~Jlmuaal~r~-mW,111~~com

Banken: Oanske Bank a s , Copenhagen
IBAN: DK 7330W 3201 669138
Ihidm iv5. Gu+w81iar=ii m-:, ....
D S M ~ ~
CM( Nu. 17830695
Giiv NU. & i i - Z S C
VAT NO. OK 17937677 IBAH: OK 30 2W 0270 344283 8 -

311 1-10:
1 - PFishcd nwdification of wil. .tdx ort boilcr 2. Windbox lined brck ~ I boiler
I togcthcr \tit11 clc\\ igllibr. ~ i .c.
m ~ burntx
n lance, new prima . swirler (CCW), new ~ecor~dary swirler (CCW), and new brdckct for ignit111-:ti!.
cylinder. New uir cylinder not ~seds i ~ new n ~ type pmxi~ritys~,sorwas nut delivered by Aalborg Indusuich. Old
cylinder worLing &G, butnow t p e proximity sensor (2 pcs) is to be srnt to ship, so the new air cylinder call be
fitted in futureby crew.
- Finished wiring of MGO pu1. I .
- Boiler 2 F.D.Ew positioncr 4 cylinder ntotlified. Posirioncr re-initialized. In c a c ut'hl;ir~ki~ilt. fin1 no\\ Ircttlms
to fully open position.
- Zcro poi'llt ch~ckedon air 1: . dk.11 checked 011both builcrs. Chcckcd piping lo Jll~;cll.P1pc li~unliil1.1:..:2 to
dP-crll found ctoggedon bu~i n,ilci>. C1w:ud w~ordi~igl.y.

411 1-10:
- F i g holler no 2. After firit .!:e h i l a fur .~pprox5 rnl~~utaaat ZOu/o load. the boilcr wa5 u~ppinpon "High Ex-
haust Temperanire" (450 OC). heckcd exhaust temperature wlth own flue gas tear, and cxhi~us< temperature was
measured to eqpmx. 210°C. undtli;ttareGli*tanceof422 0.was missing intarminal X I 31fi2 (clec.tric'al draw-
ing sheet 35). Did not have c, cot sire mistdnet available, so mounted resistance 500 C2 imtead. Temperiittue on
h a l Panel now' showing 10-1; "C uiorethat abwai tempcrdture. Chcuked size of rrant,uicc UII boiler I, uiil
found that three resistances h:~' !ticn connected in k e s , with a total of 422 S2. Comct SIZG resistance is tu be or-
dered andmounted by new
- Boiler no I stopped and \VI, dx re~l~oved for mdi6cation.
- Unisab on Boiler 1 exch:~li: wrth i~cw.
- Local Panel boiler I rewii~ ,r ipi~.iorffame scwner.
- Finished modification af I\ i.
;.>xon boiler I. Widbox tilted back on boiler together with liuw ignitor, new
main burner lawe, new pria;. >wil.I-r(CW). new secondary swirlcr [(CW),and new br;~ckcrti,r ignitor u r cylin-
dcr. New air cylinder not us: gee nhove). Boiler fucd with stable flamc.
-Boiler 1 F.D.Fanpositioi~: :d air :ylmder modified. Posiiioner re-initialized. In case ofblnckout, fan now re-
turn to fully open positiou.
- Preparing ECR PC for Twzl ..i~i.riooing. lnstallcd b.th scad;^ \ I L)t>.lO.
611 1-10:
- Boilem switched to MGO 11 kr~r:rs full%!: wlth stable flame.
- Univah inPowcr Panel c . cd \i$thnew
- Connecting powcr to )*l(i~. I. ...
- Direction ofrotation cheek, .
\1(30 punlps.

-EPROM changed in Loc;:l .CIS n. J Power Pi~eIs;v6.27rev1032.
- Boilers started on MGO I ! w;il 'nuel.
- Scads PC connxtcd.
- Whenpreparit~gt'or f l t c y:. :. hi ~ L TI WIS not able to fuc. Boilur wasnipping on "Uil xrvo error". 11' Lun-
vertcr ~ 8 5found
: fill& wiili . ..:.I cuotrOl air con1pres5urs. Chiangud UP converter wit11 t~acclfi.un~ships :.ti)re.
- I'lue gas test pcrtlrncil . i)I ; % I20-6UYI. luad. Oxygen level n~aintainedbctwce~i5 . 0 4.0 U/u. 'resled with
ships IG system. During 11.. .,ICSI, uigb exlmusr temperature was noted on boiler 2, together with high CO con-
tent. After numerous tirncs L tbli:wingthe CO content was redured, but still to high exhaust temperature.
Compared with own flue g ~ . .
...c temperature s h o w in Scada is showing 50°C to high.
- Correctingelectrical dmu i~ .;icurdiqg to ~nodificario~~s: in Panels, Power Rwcl, and MGO panel.
- Recording settings from 1" :3 1 (i mitor 1ll1mesurveilla~c)and FD Fan positioncr.

- Boilerschan~icdliui!~A l i : !f(
- Not nhle to start HFO pump no 2 due to missing fcudb;tck sibmal. Foond
. . ..... .

@ner%l m ~ &inagemerit
e (Portugal) Lda. uw M.WI&E k%+$$~~:&
Att.: GMM Postugal - Operat,ims @:P~~RXWZ~UAY
e&~~sj~ @i~
Largo rafael Bmrdalo Pinheim, Z0-3, @~&ii,
1200-369 59LISBOA 6i: ' $7 wm.
PORTUGAL &>a w w '1I
~ . Ni1@+FWV.91
~ h r NU:

Ourret: Dar:
I I7

GENMAR ORION, id. No. 27322

RE-DNV approval letter (NACN0373-V1DJa27322-J-10105,dated 21-04-2010)
Reference is made to you^ letter dated 2010-1 1-22.The following document is stamped 2010- 11-24 and
given the status as shown:

Drawing No. Rev. DNV Title Code Status

10046 Cooling Water System 632 Approved

Drawing No.. "Cooling Water System" is approved in accordance with the requirements Status
of DNV Rules Pt.4 Ch.6. with the following commcnt
10016 We recornmond to put the suction inl& bef- tfie vave WOZ5J7and outkt For Inf.
after the WHQ6F. As for now, taking out of $mice L.O. cooler will alsoaffect
the kux. Boi~lerMGO Cader.
Stntem en1
4pproval and Vcrilication o1~,4lte1ntic1nsIO F:iel O i l pipln?

r ~ nDct Nnrshe Vcritas A S ( D N V I :II N c n .lcrscy. IIS:\. OI 10 10-1 1-12 II:I> ;tpprn\i.tI ;>lid \ c r i l i e ~ llii
I liis i c l o c t l ~ ~ l i th;il i
initnll;i!ion of alterati,xis :is per tile appro\'ed letter (Appendix A ) and sur,cy reports iApl,endih 131. hasril (mi tlic l)"l\' RIIIC\
for ( ~ ' l ~ s s i f i r a t i oonf ~ l i i pP1.4
~ Cli.6. C'IiX and Ch.9 i ~ n t P1.6
l CIi.3. Tor Ill< nhove rnentioneil hliip

LlL\\' lias been info1.11irdthat ('l\vl~er's intention \villi these alterations ic I $ allow tile helo\\ lirtcd ~lincIii!lcs\1,) ci~?eratc>\itti

I'IIISs t ltclneiit does ~ i , . )\\:live

t tlie 0\41ier's respolisibilit! to c~isurctllat t'ic !iiels i i s e ~nl r i iiiitahlc lor \;IIc,q?ct.::t~ni~,)I r l i ?
\c%<cl'\l i ~ a c l ~ i ~ ~ c r ~ .

I 4:4 p p r o v : ~l.eilcr
i clntcd 20 10-0-1-2 1
\ ~ > p ~ ~ B:
~ . Sl iu\~ - \ ' eilcpnl-r dared 201(1-1 1-1.3

D I : I >iORSI.;E V E I t ! r.\S A';. \ , . , , I . , ~ , ~ , ~I ., ,ho.1?2?H O , , ~ . s , , ~ , ; , ,~. ~ i ~ , , l ~I , -, ,. , '~; ' ~ ' I I I lslcli. 17*,-:- ,.!I f~,.'!. '.v I: - I < ' , : # 11'5
7 N . 40 918 lssrle January 2008 Prior? 1 nf :
State111 e n !
\\'ittiesiiif fuel change over lo- 311d oper;iti~~il
o i n ~ a c h i n c ~OII! d i ~ t i l l a r si't.~et

rhi5 i s tu c o t ~ l i n nt h ~ Dcr
! Nnrske Veritas A S ( D N V ) 31 N e b Iersey. L'S.4 011 2Ol0- I I-I:. ;it l l i c rcc/i~c'.t~ ~ l ' l l0\~11ers.
i? I:P
~\itrleciedf t ~ e changiovcr
l to- and operatio11 o f m a c l ~ i n e r yI - I I ~ ~ di;t~ll;ttr.
r r l l~ II~ l i ~ c:I\
l per rile ;lppro\eiI letter Pel Kr,
\ \ C K O 3 7 i 'VIl).IO ‘'321-I-l Ol Oi dntcd 2010-04-21 IAppetldi\ ,\I.

I lie li18:l cllangc over runninc ii-ntn Ihenvy fiiel (tII:O) to low sulplior fiicl tbTCi(1)) was can-ied oun in accard;rlicc \\it11 !\:ilh(,ri.
'li~.;ri-l~ctio~~ a i I\l(i(1 cn~ivcrsiono f boiler plant" (see covcr onl) i n Apprndi\ R ) . frotn IklFO I ? . l0"1!S I 15c.c
r n n n ~ ~I',i,-
?ppc~~,:li\ C') to hlCi( ( 0 . 0 5 " , ,\;. 1.9 cSt at 5 0 deg C)(see A l i l x i ~ r l Di ~l i;,~
rlie (irllowins c q l ~ i p i ~ i c ~ r l .

let! devices atid al:!rnih includinji MGO liisli trrll[xraiure alarm & sl1111do\ril ih2 cl?:. (I ~11nri116 5 ilci.. C' 41111~ I o \ ~\!i.re
\ r o r h i ~ ~s;itisl;~c!or!
Tills st:tne~ne~~t does 11~11\+:iivc (lie Oivtier's respo~~sihility
to ellsure llial 1Iie l i i c l i i~scclarc s ~ ~ i f i i h 1lr.ic .;.?I< o p e r n t i o ~01111c

I \c,ic.l'\ iniacl~iner!. I! ;\ill ;IISII he rhc O\\ner.s respolisihilit! to maintail1 ..llili~ge~1151.liroccdurt3ir i ~ l c \ ~ iiir
l i ~ c l kc:lrricd out onht.:!l.~i.
~ i ~;$!I\
i i cIl?ln~.ci'!

[]l:T \.()p,SKj: :\S,v~,,,

Vr<~.JI',$S t,5,c,c,, ~ , ~ o . I : ? ?,,,,
I I A N , ~ ~ ~ ~ , , : ~ ~ C I ~ ~ ~ I- ~~ ,- ,~- ,: -, '~) ' 8 t t t , ICILI,~~
I-,-:- ,'. 1 1 !#,.': ,.o :, '1, '1 '<I\ ,
F 0 r N N ~4 0 9 i a Issue January 2008 Page I c l :
Statem cnt
Approval and Verification of Alterations to T.1e1 Oil pipinp

\:cs$cl name: .'Gcilmar Orion"

I h l 0 Tiamber: 022-1271
Pon: M~~juro
Dz!\ i 3.: 27722

il!ic is to confirm t h a ~Dct Norske Veritas 4 S (DNV) at New Jersey. LIS.4 on 2010-1 1-12 lias approveti and verified thc
installation of alteratii7ns as per the approved letter (Appendix A ) and s u n e y repofls (Appendix 0). based on tlie DNV Rules
Ilr Classification of Stlips P t l Cli.6, C11.8 and Ch.9 and Pt.6 Ch.3. lor the above ~nentionedship

DU\' has been infornrrd that Owner's intention with these alterations is tr allow the helow listed n?acIiiner) to operate with
distillxie fuels.

1. Aus. Oilfired boiler (Port)

Aus. Oilfired boiler (Starboard)

1 This statement does na-t waive the O!\,ner's rcsponsihility to ensure that the filels used are suitable hr ?;lie opcr~tiono f t h r 1

Iisued nt Delaware. [I1?.L!SA. 20 10- 1 1 - 1 3

Son< Duh Lee

l'rincipal S ~ ~ n ~ e y a r I

I Appenciix .4: A p p r o ~ n lLcttsr dated 2010-0-1-2 1

i Appendix 13: Survey Repon dated 20 10- I I - 1 .j

II ilnlpNn rd<e*im u or darnwa x ? c n a prnrtd lo "=re men iau- w any nw8gcn8 sol o r m > r * i o no f o s vrntal ,nln 9-1 r i o m e v m s r Inel> cnmpansaonir car nln a r r ~ nlmm lor. -r
damage n , r r c r . i n a m p o n r a i o n rnntdnu~rrrcao on srnvunl m u a ~ o ~ ~ n t i~mn ai ~~ ~ ~ r n a l g w i ~ ~ i n e ~ a Dn ~~u m
,,,I I<i(~".'.Ln
q~ ~in.
~ tlla, ~c ~mslmllm
J~ a
me, N o m l a V l n , a s ' . , , " > r a n \ " "Foundolio" "el Nom.0 v o n a , o r x r : ar arn, ruDnb,anr, .I,rrnomomrn .",*,ir.rl oyr,,:r md
~ ~ o. c ~ r n m n s a i or~~ l nErcr
"in.: oil,ng .il
r x c m "$0 i milil,n
D:I li.,r,r"...'rr

DET YORSKE VEPITAS AS, I . NO-li??IIC,,,~. N,,,.,,. ; , , ~ ., 5 7

I - ~ I c ~ I , , +I- :-'x' , , c
~ V ) ~ I '~I r e ! e ~ a+<J ~ , s > JT,. .J,> .:c3 ',IS 7 1 ? Q I I \i\,?,
F o m No : 4091a Issue January 2008 Page i I ! :

I Statement
Witnessing fuel change over to- and operatio,! of machincr! on distilla!c fils1

\'cssel name: "Cjenniar Orion"

lhlO bomber- 9?21?71
1'n-t: hlajuro
I)\\' i d: 27321

1/ Tllis i. to confirm Illat De! Norske Veritas AS (DNV) at New Jersey, LISA on 20 10- - I ? . at tlic requcst ol'tlle Obvners. /la?
u.i!nes.;ed fuel chang?~rverto- and operation of machinery running on distillate fuel as per tlie approved letter ReC No.

N,\CF.;0?73iVIDJO '7311-.I-10105 dated 2010-04-21 (Appendix .4).

Tile fiiel change over running rrom heavy fuel (HFO) to low sulphur fuel :MGO) was carried out in accordance with nalhor:
..lnstniction manual !'or h4GO conversion of boiler plant'' (see cover onl) in Appendix R). fro111 HFO (2.10"; S ) (see
Zppendis C ) to MGO (0.05",b S. 7.9 cSt at 50 deg C) (see Appendix D) fi-r the following equipment: 1

Aux. 0ilfire:l boiler (Port)

Aus. Oilfirel bciler (Starboard)

Safety devices and ai7nns includins MGO high temperature alarm Xc shul do\%n(52 dcs. C ?lam1 ' 6 5 de:. i..c l l ~ l tclo\v11) \18erc
dcmonctrated workir : salisfiic101-~
1 !
Tl~isstatement does :ji,t \vai\.e the Owner's responsibility to ensure that ti-e fuels used are ruitnhle for saie operation of'tile 1I
ve;sel's inacliinery, I t ivill also he the Owner's responsihility to maintain c h z n ~ eovtr procedurec rcle\allt for ally change of I
filels carried out onh,xlrd.
1 lci~iedat Delaware. '):I. LISA. 20 10-1 1-13

, Appendix A: Appro\ sI Lencr dated 20 10-04-2 1

, Appendix B: Instrucl~n~l
inantial for MGO conversion of boiler plant ico\er otil!.'~
Appendix C: BDN for HFO dated 2010-10-04 Singapore
A(,@endisD: BDN i'oi- h4GO dated 7010-08-05 Lake Cliorles. 1.A. LISA

I *""

it, l,rr, r,",, .CP, vsniar ; ~ 3 , i m r r l ro,,"9a,,anO n Noi.,.ovm.r *r, .,

W M , l""8" (0sO l d.rnagE *n,cn $ 5 p,avra to nave won r%u.oo 4 any nag,lgen, a a or mlsrion or Dst NO*O VDnlnr ,ncn D m Nun** "ens, ,".I pel iompnw,,on to ,"ap a r a n ,or " 5 3 poi*:
darTil3L +1rnVI,tnaivmlrnrali'n ,-aIna, Plcecaan smoun, q u a i n l a " ,,mer incrae chemeiilo,me row,rc,n p u s s u n p ~ r a " n , n a t , , r m a v m u n l ~ l n r n v l l l o n v l a nrrrr
,. ,,,. .i r, r u l , , ~ ,alrarlolr
a , ~ . , ""lc.r rmmr"a., DIFnl, one olbi, r;l*2.,r
c..aei, usoimllico
irl,ril.il ril..;l.\-.Ir-.
O l r P l !el3 +I

DET NORSKE VERITAS AS. v e r , ~ a s Iv. ~N O~- eI V~? ~~ ~ m ,~h 0. - a ~~ . ~ -1: ,.. !5 - ,lo nil ~ li.!e!:t\ ~-~,i-
?''.'? i I ,:...
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YII -:h ~8,: I ~ I Y A
Form No ' 40 91a Issue January 2008 Page 1 of i

VERITAS Rev. (1 (

Name of vatael

Change of Load Line and Low Sulphur Fuel Conversion for Am. Boilers
This is to oonfirm that the following has been carried out:

S u ~ e Code
y Survey Name , Result
COLL 0 Change of load line marks - Complete
MISC.0 Miscellaneous item occasionai - low sulphur fuel convenion Complete

I Conditions and Memoranda - Given 1 Due Date 1

CC 4 Web\'ly imtalled low sulphur fuel piping (pipes. valves. flanges. etc.) to he properly 2010-12-13
shielddinsuleted a5 per requiranents of relevant SOLM regulations. Jn the mean timr.
thls piping should he continuously monitored lbr possible leakage or spray.

Survey Observations and Findings

Atowners request thevessel was a m d e d atDelaware Ray at Bbslone mmorage on 2010-1 1-12 and subseqm
dqs to carry out fouollow'mpsLW~5:
-Verifi~ationof low sulphur fuel oonversion
- Verification of l.oad Lme marks

Load line mark

Subject to prior approval granted by vessel's flag (see ernail dated 20 10-04-30). new short term lnternatlonal Load
Line Certificate corresponding to a summer freeboard of 8,734 mm (129.999 DWT) issued.
Marks correspondingto the certificate verified and found in order. Previous active ILLC 27322A rema\ cd from
sewice, placed in a waled envelop and left w~th the master for safe keeping.

- - - -

- -.
Place of s u m ~
Delaware, MD
To"zTl 2010-11-12

- - - - - --- 1 I

Page 1 of 5
Name O l vsse%l Nm*dMUnS
OlWR Orion LLC

. -.-. --
Fuel oil piping syRem fur aux. oilfired boilers has been converted to bum low sulphur fuel (MGO).
. . has carried . out sltcration
~ ~ ~
. ~ . .~ , ~ ,
as oer DNV aoorovcd letter ref. no. YACN0373NIDJ0/27322-J-I010~
> w..

dated 2010-04-21 .sabm& &d,Mrgoi&$rd.

Main conversion c a n W as falkws:

- MCiO (low sulphur Re11 supply pump unit 0450 (including contml panel and 2 screw pumps) installed
- .4 fuel cooler unit. fresh water cooled. installed
-Two (2) 3-way valtcs. automatic convol by timer, installed. One is on pipe line fiom ihc cooler ana another is on
pipe from return line from h e boiler
- Igniters has been replaced by new t ) p : with flame surveilance at each W~lerburner

altemtlon ha3 MSn v@ijiededonW@daecbadiing.to288 qtpprwed letter witb~mmpnt:

- M a ~ r a k i t p $ e a p a c i y o Y m a * E u i far , ~ iostdi@l~MGO(lpurqpj.~e$obuif
t ~ new &m current is.
W . p m p witvoi ~wel.
- Suppis fw twog2JMGO p m & s + F g l U & & t b ~ m t i a lor .~pom
purpose h e reendivided between two
(2)dii..Pbti~n&yifobb0@@hap.@g:$pi#t~t~&@plpcimu\lit%m dtffem senlonsof'nhe d n switahbesrd.
SwiWke~nndn(lpa&ol -t for betH,M& @m$#s web &e sarrwh &kt, buttby arenotseparated Prom each

; Newly h&dIBdM30 aeoler is c 0 U i 1 . e d e d & ~
- UTO tehlpPrstureanyw~MfeiB the i8 m&l~kheS 1.1 mat 65 deg.E (II~L~,)
- pipkg @Wm..

by Aislborlg w i $ i z ~ ~ ~ t d a i . a t ~ ~
~ n b a t d t ~ o f r J i P ~ t , i p n h a been
s . s mm@d
~ y gut ~iilnessedb y ~ ~ r S i . @ & ~ ~ c y ~ r .
- AsnrmeiPst programhas been # u b ~ @ @liydMIb@gtpDNV Quv$.
-so&% SCAD,& *hi*# ii;,f@ ~&@@t@i.*, htts bemrephoedmwrdtngly.
- d l ~efe-functions
f@l pu+:md lolta, sfijphw maim baas lieen &,and
in&dlag Mrfd hi& tempev&walm k , b e e n tested.&86ct@il?g:
f w d i n arder.

~gst ?&@Q~QQ:waflgltk MOO conversi@n:.&boiler plantl'ahd m i n

~a dcaniGdou$,mper&~I,@fe
predun.es;are gs fWoUS:

1. ,Rwbivg with 1iFO @.@'kh S f a c @ m ; bBm).

2; 3 '&aYwlwe0115 o h @ t o W B @iaS,%,2;%$4@srdieg ?oBDFlmanur\ll.r.
3..Wins H'FO supply ~ . . Y , i & ~ r i i @ . & far~abaut
~ @5& mh.%r Bvlshingwd &mpped=
4,T L L - ~ : ~ * # @ firted rnb;ailec&@ .mpply line will gjve sic&- to&* M D pmpvhm swap. waled
d[,WpP@abhw 80 degree.
S;Keep.nn r.mninpwl%b M d b i i w w i n g &ty w to&$% w.dfuel'Ktu~nsbaokto tiFO truik
* iimi. ~ u e n c ~6,3173
,. e si~:r@m&g,by:aur@xqiccoritrol.
~-.s~&:fBcil*y mmpldtion o f ~ c t ~ , , & ~ ( , " ~ W t n @ i r fu@chhqge
ig. Q? h- andtigettitin ofrnmMn&y on
dktillateTYPl."b k n i@u.d.
Name of owner
- -
' -
DNV id no
Jeb la

- -
- LLC -
27322 - I 21023

or\ sulphur fuel


\ I ) fined auto 3 \+a) bal\c lilted on Furl retuni

heav! IUCI running nrlorr

sulphur fuel
c n a n ~ ruvrr r u i v w
L -
port aus. boiler hurn~ngIiw sulphur fuel
- -
8- - - -
Name of owner DNV 8d no Job Id

GENMAR O R E N I GUR orion LLC - - -

27322 - 2 10923

newly titted auto 3 way valve fitted on return
from w l e r


low sulphur fuel pump control panel

pGzf"eF Ti=p --
I Job id..
GENMAR ORION - 1 27322 a 210993

new 5rl-m L I- ~ w p VwU S ~pump

ks - ~ . ~ ~

I M e l T W € ! € N l . N ~ ~ W d V i k ' M W hS
T 3T,~W~8 1 ~ R i W h x h x W W W b ? ?
Pm No:W,B lw:MMO5
Rev. 111

DblV id. no

tkarnuessd tMO no.

GENMAR ORION -- I 8224271
Dle:xeth& CqngitianofCl,iW(;cc
This isto corrfuin @it @ Riltowing kas!bnsWb'kdout:

I ilictiom
%fuelpi$in& %hi& ~ n
i md
l* ~ &low p;ulphe fuel convemi@n.hsrs new been!
p-ly 'i,nml~taCtr&eEdedandKPuad in order.

Survey Observations and Findings

Fuel oil piping

Newly installed lo,, sulphur fuel piping (pipes. valbes. tlanges. ctc ) has now been sh~elded'insulalcdas per
requirements of relelant SOLAS regulations and considered satisfactor).

N w KQF~ Mjawah ZQl@l'l-ZO
C d sirvwesirsme
Lee, S.&I~:DPX

- -

Name of owner Wld.nh

1 GMROrion LLC ~732~

fuel pipe insulation

a l b o r g 1ndt:~tries.WS
Art.: HHT / Henrik Flavn .rhomp
Llarinc Boilrrs LQ llcaters Division
Gasvarksvcj 24, P.O.Box 844
9100 Aalbor;;

Your rcf.: 01;r reC: Darc.

GESMAR O R l i "2 NACNO37?A'lDJO/?i3??-J-
l o liii 201 0-04.2 i

GENMAR ORION, Id. No. 27322

General Maritime Management (Portupal) Lda. Low Snlphul. Fuel Conversion
Reference is made to your submittal lor GENMAK ORION 3a1ed 2010-03-29. Please ir!' cncloscil 1-
copies of the following documents staniped 2010-04-20.2010-04-14 and 2010-01-31 :
Drawing Nib. Rev. DNV Title Cntlc Srntuc
10040 List of parts - rue1 oil s u ~ ~ pfor
l y I<l3SD ;:or lni.
IOflS03 0 5 ~ l S S 10038 MGO Power Pancl 500. 5 1 5 4 2 . :\j>:r.\v;c~nxi:
62 1
92X02:0572!2 I: 10039 I'RLID, FUEL 011. SLJPPI,\' SYSTEM 63 I Appr \v:coin~n
.I ~ 7 I!I~'.
? r
[,SF0 10014 General design infomiatlor! 612.4
I 10047- Operating instl~lction? 612.6 !-.ar Iril'
OM?306_2'i:i,4.2 I0043 Operating principles 612 6 l'ot. In:.

SD9306_0R93.I 10041 Control Systern 612.C . ~i~.\\I.~il~lir~i

~ .\ ~

Drawing Kc,. 100S03 058158, "MGO Power Panel" is apprnucd in accurda~ice\\,ill1 thc Statt~c
oiPt.1 Ch8. with the following comments
10012 Mnkinghrzliing capacity of new circuit breakers (ior new installed MG(1 Pending
pumps) versus short circuit current at place o i locaion shall hc st~bl~iitted
apl-l-oval. If spare breakers on MSWBD are used tkcn illis is not r-quired.
P1e:lse revert to the approval centre.
10013 According ro Pt.3 Ch.8 Sec.2 F 101 c) supply i@r:wo pumps. serving tile ianic !lciiding
essential or important purpose shall be divided bet7,veen at least two distrib~rtinn
s\vitchboards when such are used, cach having a ctpnrate supply ci~.cuilf i o n ~
di!'f,:re~~t sections of the main swjtchboard(s).
Plt5ase confirm to the approval centre.
10014 Wt: have noted that switchgear and control circuit (or both MGO pump5 are i n Pc..:!ding
rh? same whinet. According Pt.4 Ch.8 Sec.4 A105 su.itchgear shall bc
se:)nrille:l from each otllcr by flame retardant partitions providing protcctioii in
cavr oTctri arcing fault. Please clarify/cxplain ati ieucrl lo the appro\,al ccrlrt,
D. wing No. 92X':32:05721 :/a, "P&ID, FUEL OIL yI!PPI,Y SYSTEM" is a ~ p r o v e din Statu~
ac, lrdance with tile requir ilnents ot'Pt.4 Ch.6. \vi..i; lhe icllowing comments
I0 36 We note thar a cocllcr has been fined. Plcnst indicate the cooling medium (FW Pending
or SW) atid updatt. relevant cooling system ;Irawin~with regard to the inodified
FO suppl:! system Plearc r-verl lo the app! ~\:alcentre.
1 '97 We assume that the tamperalure of LSFO It rlie LSFO pumps and thc burner For lnf
does not result in .: viscosity which is belov the manufaclurcs mici~num
viscosity spccificarion. Sor!nally it should be ensured hat tile LSFO
ten1perah:re anyv+lere in thc system is meis'lained belo\\, 40 de3.C (assuming
a]: 1,SDO specific.!ion 3 cst 15;
-. 440 dcg. C I .

1 8 Pleasc nole that thrcadecl joints are nct to I?:: ~!scdTor piping systeins col?vcyins Pending
flammable media .IS services where fatigue. sevcrc crosion is expec:?d to occur
according to Pt.4 Ch.6 Scc.G E206. Please opccify where the joints art i~scdand
rcvcrt to ripproval centre.
111 39 The 1,SD.I) pumps arc ?c be delivered with i)NV certificates. Thi: is 1'3 be ['ending
confimlei! by the trending DXV sur\,e,vcr

Dr wing No. SD9iC6-08tB.1, "Control Systcm' is approved in accordance wi!h the Status
Ire: ~irementsof DNV liuics for Ships Pt.4 Ch.9, \~:i!ii the following comments
11 10 Inspection m d onl)oard testing oi'thc motlilicntion shall be l.vitne-;seti by ihc l'ending
anending DNV Surveyor (DNV Rules For Ships Pt.4 Ch.9 Sec.1 .$. 3 x7 1
1 ( ' 11 Please sulmit the lest program to ine appro..nl center (DNV Rulcs fim Ships Pending
1'1.4 Ch.9 S e c l T.r5lr C2)

L ,I
I L . 1
T . ]as llebcr Tro!istad
H d of Secticn Vidar . ohjinse!?
Y .liner) Conta .t -'erson

losure: Drawings
List of parts fuel oil supply for KBSD -
Boiler plant: ............................................................................................... 3 x 35 1/11- 210 V
Request numbe-:. .............................................................................................................................
Canfigwation r umber: ..
Holl number(s)
Project numbcn
P&I diagram drawing nu:nber: ......................................................................... .92X0?:057?17
P&l diagram revisio
Date: ..............................

Reading guide:
List of Pans reiccrs parts ricli\~eredby i\alborg llidui! ii-s.
Tag Numbers ;.re given ~uitho.:t 11.c index uscd O I I t!te 1'&
Diagram as "1C2" ;md "21::2" for boiler I and 2 rsspcciocly.


Qtv. Din1 llh7]


- Air receiver unit 7000 00007P

I?. 1 p ~ ~
Fan unit-
GIII.1 I Micro switch box for vb-t
9660000013 valve
C437 1 s,‘,
' Ball t!~ree-wayvalve
B ~ l velvc
l 6070 000089
G430 1 65 Ball tliree-\\fay valve
Rrll i'a;vc 6070 000091
I .,
GU.2 I t.llter rcgulntor ivil!; autnnlatic drain
291 5101
; iF:!ilF-l 2 Dllrncr lance (Xol slao,.$rl i u the dialram)
i ---Lp ( L ) Z Y : O S ~ ~p
1 G459 ! 6i stop valve sto7V,IV-. fin~nonon~z
I -. bsll, sirniqhr
1 G46G 1 !/: Test cock 6010 000335
1 G477 I l(lG Check valve. disc-sprlil : 6020 000086
LI? I Poivcr pancl

DGII5U 9294 002167

Rcniore startistop box 8001 OODOl fi
SO01 000Ol5 i
Coolers --
(7432 I Heating eachun:!cr \fX I 5 T !;, 8641 002066
(3433 1 I I I5 1 Pressilre relief valve Safety u ~ l v r 8730032


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Operating principles

I General
The system offers a wide range of operatlug modes. The boilcr plant call be operated
in automatic mode, inert gas mode, manual mode, or cmcrgency modc. In automalic
mode it is possible to operate in both lo\\, pressure modc and higll pressure mode. Tile
system also offers the possibility to opcrate the boiler p l a t as master:slave hoilcrs in
fully automatic mode depending only on tile stearn load. Altcr-natively, illc bollcrs il;ay
be operated inmanualmode independently or simultaneously. Anothcr working meth-
od is that one of the boilers is operating in manual niode at a fixed load and the other
boilcr operates in automatic modc. If oil selector switch (3-way valve, GI i 5) bas been
changed since lastposition, the system\villpc~fomanautumatic flush ofthc oilsunpl?
pipe lines.

2 Operating modes

2.1 Automatic mode --

Before bumer is able to start up, the system will check if oil selector sw'itclr (3-way
valvc, G I 15) has been changed, if it has. iil~automatic flush out of tbc oil sutpply line
will be performed. The control systcm automalically starts, stops, and reylatcs the
burner in normal operation depending on the steam demand. When the steam presmlrc
is below the set point for operation, the buner commences the stan-up scquencc. I(
the main steam valve and by-pass valve are closed, tlie burner operates in n~inimum
firing p s i t i o n after stafl-up until the differential pressure trehveen the boiler and the
main stcarn line is within the set point for which modulation free mode I S allowed. 1r.
on the other hand, the main steam valvc and by-pass valve are opcn prior to btiner
start-up, the pressure in the boiler and the pressure of the main steam line are rqualiscd.
and ihe burner operates in modulation frce modc.

ln modulation free mode, the control systcm attempts to maintain thc steam pressure
at the desired set point by regulation of lhc burner load. Thc hurner can be rc.~uIstcd
through the complete load range from minimum firing load to full load,

However, should the steam demand decrease below the minimum f i g load ofthe
burner, the steam pressure will increasr to the set ~ o i n for
t bumer stop. The hurner
stops and remains stopped until the set point for burner operation is reached again. lf
oil selector switch (3-way valve, G115) is changed during operation. Ihc system *,ill
the system with the ucw oil sclcctcd.

I.anguac,,- IJK I i
Note: Operating instruction should he followed when changing oil type

2.1.1 Hiqh pressure mode

Wllen high pressure mode is selected l i e boiler pressure rises until t j c modulating sct
point is ri.?ched. 41 this point c o n i r ~$.)stern
l atlempts to maintain thc steam pressure
al ihc desirzd set point hy rcglation of tile burner load. Thc h i ~ hprcssure mode can
bc selectrd on the loca! concol panel ,r the computer.

Vote: If the hniler plant is not intended to operate a t different pressure modes
thr set point should he pet to the same levels.

2.1.2 Lory pressure mode

Thc burner operates in a similar way as when it opcrales in high pressurc mode. The
7nly difference between high prcssurc modc and low pressure mode is that it is possible
lo reduce 111emaximum load of the buincr in low pressure mode by settings in lhe
,;ontrol syitem. The low pressure modc can be selected on the local control panel or
.he compuycr.

When the burner opcratcs in high prcssure modc and low pressure modc is selected
c.g. during sailing conditions, the hun~erstops, and the pressure in the boiler bcgins to
tlro?. Excess steam will in this mode lic dumped and condensed in 1 . k condcns?.r dc-
pendent on thc set point for Lhe stcam ciunlp valve.

2.2 lnert gas mode

The boiler plant is dcsiged so that go:d quality incrt gas can he pruvided. The incrt
pas modc can be selected and controlled hy scltings in the control s:istem. When the
1,oiler operates as mastel-~slavclaloneand inen gas modc is selcctcd (internal or ester-
11al)thc burncr will be forccd to start,ifnot already staled. The burner load will ramp
up to minii~umincrt gas load. If thc steam prcssure in thc conlmon !inc drops below
the set point the burner load follows tlls common stream pressure repilator. However3
if the comrnol stream pressure regulator scts (he load below the minimum incrt gas
load the hurner load is kept on minimum inert gas load. In this case cxccss stcarn will
eumpcd ad condensed via the steanl dump cquipmcnt. Note thzt if t?e niaster boiler
sians thcslnve boilerand inert gasmode isnot selected fortheslavehoilerthcmiDimuin
I.,ad for this builer will he minimum men gas load provided this sct point is highcr
<?an the normal set point for stop. In incrt gas modc the normal sct point for stop is
inactive and the burner is only sloppcil l ~ an
y off signal for inen 425 rnodc or the high
e downs. If the minimum inert gas load is chanzed to a different
srcam p r e s ~ ~ ushut
,due durin? operation the bumer loa0 ivili be adjuwed to the new ss't point.

Note: lnert gasopcrationis possihlc in hntl~lowpressuremodeandhighpressure

modr. Rut the maximum burner load might be limitcd in low pressure
morlc by settings in the control system.
2.3 Manual mode

Before burner is able to start up, tbe system will check if oil selcctor snitch (3-way
valve, GI 15) has been changcd, if it has, an automatic flush out of the oil supply line
will be performed. !&\en manual operation mode is selected only the operating per-
sonnel can start the bumer. But during start-up the bumer scquence is handled euio-
matically by the control system. After start-up the desired load al:era:ions rnwt hc
carried out manually. In manual mode the normal set point for stop is inactive and tl?c
burner can only bc stoppetl by the operating personnel or a shut down (e.g. high sti.;lrn
pressure). If oil selector switch (3-way valve. GI 15) is changed during op?ration, ih;.
system will create a shutdo\vn, and perform a tlush-out of the system with tlie ne\v oil

2.4 Mixed manual and automatic modes

This operation mode providcs faci!ities to opcrate one of the boilers in normal auto-
matic mode and the other boiler in manual mode. The boiler in manual mode must bh
given a start signal and after start up the humer load cnn be tnanually set to the dcsircd
Load position. The boiler in automatic mode starts, stops, and replates ihc humer in
normal operation depending on the steam demand. When the steam pressure is bclow
tlie setpoint for operation, the burner cornliiences the start-up sequence ;and if the stcani
prcssluc is abovc tbc set point for operation, the burner stops.

2.5 Masterislave mode

The boilers can be operated in a master/siave principle. In this control nin~lconc boilcr
is chosen as the master boilcr and the other as the slave boiler. Please nolc i?at t11c
boilers must operate in the same pressure mods (lowhigh pressure mutic). The selcc-
tion of masterislave boiler is optional ,and any one of the hvo boilers c:in !>cseicctcd
as the master boiler.

If the steam pressure in the common steam Linc drops hclow tiic set point ibr operation
the master boiler will start. ARer start-up the burner begins to modulate until tlie pres-
sllre is equal to the choscu set point. Star-up oitbc slave boilcr ,.\,ill only takc place 8t'
the load of the master boiler exceeds anti remains above a predctcrminsd valul- for a
certain pcriod of time. The set point for siatt-up is normally set to npproxima!ely 75%
load. When the slave boiler has been stnrtcd the bumcr remain5 in minimuln fiI-iug
position until the differential pressure between the slave boiler and thc nlnh slcam line
is within the limit for which the slave boiler is released to go into rising mode In rising
mode the burner load will rampup until the oil now is higher than the n1as:er hoiler
oil flow. At this point the slave boiler is i~llowcdto go into modulation free mode and
the load will be cqually shared between the two boilers. Stop of the slave hoilcr will
be initiated when the load on the mastcr burner rcaches a predetermined slop load
which is normally set to approximately 25%.

When the slave boiler has not been started for a long period of time e.g. if thc slcam
demand is low, the pressure ofthe s1aL.e !,oiler rvill drop. The control svslern starts the
bumer automatically and keep it in minimum filing position by means ot" the signal
from the pressure transmitter of the boilcr. Whcn the pressure ofthe clnve boiler has
been raiscd the control system stops llio burner again. This temporay operation ofthe
.;lave boil??,also called slavc mainleria~iccoperation, is carried out to avoid a too long
sta? lime .!'a cold sla\,i:.

2.5.1 Ch:inge ofmastcrlslavc during operation

Thc change ofmasterlslave state on on=oftheboiler control panels will influence both
panels aut~~maticdly. If b o b boilers \r :.rs in automatic modc and thc old masterboilcr
lwa? in operation at the time of changinq statc the new master boiler hegins start-up in

:t slavc manner. This means that it \rill ramp-up until the oil flow is higher than the old
master boilcr oil flow. ARer this it operates as a real master hoiler and the new slave
boilcr stops if ncccssat)..
1.5.2 Shiitdnwn of the master hoilcr
if both bo:lcrs arc in automatic rnodc and the mastcr boiler rcccivcs 2 shutdown signal
;he slave hailer autornaticaily becomes the maser boiler. This is valid in all operarion
ttatcs, e.g stoppcd, nlnning, ctc. Ry rz-CIof rhc old mastcr boilcr shut down the new
na-,ter still continues as the mastcr boiicr.

Jlense note that if one of the boilers is :n manual inode the master/sia\,e state will not
',e changrrl by a shutdo\vli signal of Ill:: master boiler.

?.53 Automatic and manual opernlion of the boilers

-Ulien the Inaster boiler 1s in automatic mude and the sltve boilcr is i11 manual mode,
h c steam pressure in the main steam line will only be maintained by the mastcr boilcr.
'I'b~nthe slave boiler can be stened iii manual node and set cx a f~xedload. If the
inaster boilcr is stopped and thc slave hoiler is set into automatic modc the state of tlte
I?oilcrs wii! automatically chmgc.

' , n e n the master hoilcr is in manual nludc and thc slave boilcr is in automatic mode
Ihe syslerr .will not operate correctly brcause the mastcr only czn "call" for star?istnp
uf tSe slaw hoiler. The tnusfer boiler mr~s:bc in modulation free mode belbre it can
control thc slave boilcr. In this sih1;ttioii thc slavc boilcr will only bc keep its maintc-
nan:e pressixc.

2.6 Emergency mode

I, the rarc <:vent o r n total break doivn of t l ~ cconlrol system, (he burner unit with
t:elonging systems can bc operated in imcrgency operation. Due to tic fact that the
maiorily o-':he safety inlerlock trips and shut downs are overruled in emersency modc,
liic safety precautions for the plant rnllst be ohserved very careii!lly.

I'lease notc that in emergency operatior mode thc safety interlocks arc rcduccd to:

Too 1015 water level

Flamc ;!~lurc
Warning: When tlir burner operates in emergency mode, it is very important
that the boiler plant is carefully and coatinuously supenised hy the
ship engineering personnel. Pay special attention to the steam pressnrc
and water level.

In emergency mode, the burner unit and supply systems are operaled rro~ninsidc the
!ocalcontrolpanel and thcpowerpmel. Various operating slvitches and potentiornriers
are provided inside the pancls for operating purposes.
Operating instructions

1 General

Th?: folloiving operation instn~ctiousare valid for steam atomising bumcrs of t y c

KBSD with Y-atomiscrs and wi::~a standard delivery of individual parts for thc humcr
uni- 2nd supply systems from .\.\LBORCi LVDUSTRIES.

Attrntion: If the burner unit and supply systems include parts, whicl~are not
standard dclivcry from AALBORG LNDUS'I'IUES, the specific in-
structions for these parts should h c ignored in the following scctions.
The actual insh~lctionsfur the specific p.drts ~ h o u l dhe thoroughly
studied and fol101~t.dduring operation of the burner.

Thc- operation instructions in tbc following scctiom describe ihc nosmsl burner oper-
ations with regard to preparatio~~ Cor stan-up on the selccted fuel type. normal s t a d
stop, changc of i~icl,clc. I t is irnnlied Coal Ule boiler, burner. control system, and ad-
ditional cquipment for the boilcr plant havc becn commirsioncd and arc fillly opcra-

1 . Descriptions

1.1.1 Descriptions
In ti;? foll,owing sections \,ariou; operating procedures arc described such as:

. #,;as oil mode

i e a y fuel oil mode
\'ornial sta~dstop
1:hange from gas oil ope
~'hangcfrom h a v y fuel
I hangc oloperational
Change of hcavy h c l
Prolongcd slop
.- 7- ~ . ~~ ...
1.1.2Porition numbers
The ~ositionnumbers mentioned i i i the following sectionq refer to the illust~atiunsin
F i g i r d a d Figure 2. Thc position numhers consist of an identification letter and a
posilion numbcr code. Position n!lmhcr- with the idcntification !etters "G and R" refer
to Fiyure 1, and position numbcrs with the identification letter "F" refer to Figurc 2.
The ..il systcm is shown as a pinnt wirh two boilers, hut i ? also valid for a plent with
onli onc boiler.
Illustration of the ail system
Illestratinn nf the hurner unir and supply systems
- --

9 0

r ~ . t ' l far lqnlfion burner

f : ~ D i e s erdi

2 Operating Instructions

2.1 Gas oil mode

-~- ~ ..

This section describes the action; that must hc carried 011: hefgre the bunier unit and
oil systcrn are operational on gar oil.

Step A: Check that oil is prcscot in the gas oil tank. Open tihe quick closing valve
( G O 9 \vhich connects llie gas oil tank to the oil system.
Step B: Select gas oil on the rnon~!allyoperated three-way ~;ll\,e(GI 15).
Step C: Turn Lhc manually operated !hree-way valve (G24') for oil flow through
50th pumps.
Step D: Open the slop valvcs i;x Lhr pressure gauges (GO?. GI 1. G16, and G37).
Note: T h e stop valves for the pressure %auger on the pump unit should o n h h r
opened for pressure control purposes. During normal opcration, the tor,
valves should be closed.

Stcp E: Openthe stop valves (G97 and GlOI), and closc the by-pas valw 1G102I
Stcp F: By-pass the pre-heateis by means ofthe manually operated three-way valve
(GSI), and close the stop valves (G25 and G26) for both pre-heaters (6221.
Step G: Check that the stop valve (G109) is closed.
Step H: Close the stop valves (G73) for both prc-heaters.
Step I: Open the stop valves Cor the pressure gauges (G44 and F68) and tlic prcssul-c
transmiller (G99).
Step J: Open the stop valves (G69 and G77) for the ignition oil pumps (G721
Step K: Opcn the stop valves (F93 and Fh4).
Step I,: Check the position of the three-way ~ralvc(F99). The position must hc 3CI
for oil flow throush the burner unit.
Stcp M: Opcn the stop valves (Fl7 ,and P73).
Stcp U: Check that the throttle valve (F152) is w t in closed position.
Stcp 0: Open the stop valve for the pressure transmitter (F90).
Step P: Open the stop valve (F41) and thc nm-rchlrn valvc (F45).
Step Q: Openthe stopvalve (F92) foratomising steam supply from the steam systc.111.
Step R: Opcn the valves for the steam trap.
Step S: Set one of the oil pumps into operation mode and tlie other oil pump into
stand-by mode. If the burner is in automatic operation mode, the oil pilrnps
will not be operational bcrore start-i~pofthe burner is ioitiaicil.

Note: I i atomising steam is not available from the steam system, close thc ctop
valve ( f 9 2 ) s a d open the stop valve (F87) for supply from the compressed
air system. Compressed air for atomising should only be used if Ytcam i~
not available.

2.2 Heavy fuel oil mode

This sccdon describes the actions. which musr bc canied out beFore the hilrncr u n i t
and oil system are operational on heavy rue1 oil. It is implied that steam is av;iilnl,le
h r healing. and atomising.

Step .4: Check that oil is present in the healy fuel oil settling tank. Open thc quick
closing valve (G95) tlial connects the Ileaby fucl oil settling tank to !he oil
Step B: Select heavy fuel oil on the manually operated three-way valve (GI 15).
Step C: Open the stop valve (G49) for Lhc mixing tubc.
Step D: Turn the manually operated tbree-\v;:y valve (G247) Ibr oil flow ilimu~l!
both pumps.
Step E: Open the stop valves i'or thc prcssurc gauges ((304, GI I . G 16, ;tnd G??t
Note: The slop valves for thr pressure gauges on ~ I I Cpump unit should only be
opened for pressure control parpnses. During normal operalion, the. stop
valves should be closed.

Step F: Opcn the slop valvc? 1097 and GIOl), and close the by-pass valve (G102).
Ster, 6: Open the stop valves ibr the pressure gauges (EJ4 and F68) and theprcssue
transmitter (G99).
Step H: Open the stop valves :F93 and F64).
Step I: Check the position of the three-way valve (F99). Tje position must be set
for oil flout through the burner uni:.
Step .I: Opcn the stop valves (G25 and G26) for the pre-beater (G22), wbich should
be in operation and ctieck that the stop valvc (Cil5; is closed for lhc stand-
by prc-heater.
Stc,p K: Turn thc mimually opcratcd thrce-way valve ( G i l i for oil flow through thc
Slrp L: Check that the valvcs :n thc drain pipes from the pre-heaters are closed and
that thc valves from rile prc-beaters to the stearn (rap are open.
Step M: Open t h stop
~ valves iC53 and G54) and close the stop valve (GlO9).
Step N: Open the stop valve ((373)fix the operational prc-heater and close the stop
valve jG73) lor the stnnd-by pre-heater.
Step 0: Start one of the oil pumps and set the other into stand-by mode.
Slrp P: Check lhat the tracin!! syslcms for the oil system and the burlier t l i t are
Strp Q: Open thc stop valve? 1Gh9and F77) for the i.gni1ion oil pumps ('372).
Step R: Opcn the stop valves IF17 and F73).
Step S: Check that the throtlle valve (F152) is not in closed position.
Stel! T: Open the stop \'alvc f i ~ the
r prcssurc transmitter (FQ0).
Step U: Open the stop val\se 11'41) and the non-return vxlve. F 4 5 ) .
Step V: Opcnthcstopvalvc ~.FO:?)foratomisingstemsupplyfro~n thestcam system.
Strp W: Open thc valves for t i e stcam trap.
2.3 Normal startlstop

Thc control systcrn au1omaticali:i starts, stops, and re~mlatesthe hurncr in nomai op-
eration depending on the steam demand. When the steam pressure is below tlle sct
point for operation, the bumcr commences the start-up sequence. If the main steam
val\.c and by-pass valvc are closed, the buner operates in minimum firing position
after %tan-upuntil the differential pressure between the boiler and (he main steam linc
is within thc set point forwhich tniodulation freemode isallowcd. If,onthe other hand,
the main stcam va!ve and by-pas, vzlve are open prior to burn:( start-up, the Dressure
in ti?? boiler znd the pressure oi' Ilic main steam line ar;. ctloalised, and the burner
ope,-aresi n modulation free nlor!,:.

In nlr~dulationfrcc modc, the co~ifrolrystem attempts to maintain the steam pressurc

at thc desired set point by regulation of the bumcr load. Thc hurner can be rcplated
thrvtwh the complete Load r2nF.c %om minimum tiring load to $111 load.
I-Iowever, should the steam demand decrease below the minimum firing load of lhc
burner, the steam pressure will increase to the set point for bumcr stop. Thc bcrncr
stops and rcmains stopped unlil tDc set point for bumcr operation is reached azain.

2.4 Change from gas oil operation to heavy fuel oil operation

When the fuel supply is changed from gas oil operation to heavy tiel oil opcr?.tion. ihc
fol;owing work steps should be caried out:

Step A: Check that oil is present in the heavy Fuel oil settling tank. Open the quick
closing valve (G95) which connects the heavy iucl oil senling tank to the
oil system. To avoid cavitation of the oil pumps, the viscosity of;he nil i n
the heavy fuel oil tank should not exceed 380 cSt. If necessan., the oil tank
should be heated.
Step B: Step B: Select heavy fuel oil on the manually operated three-~vayvalvc
(GI 15). When heavy fuel oil is selected, the control system automatically
changes lo heavy fuel oil pump operation. The return valvc G I ! I is cncr-
gized and returns Lo tank for a pre-set period (G337 holds the ~lijxingluh:
ARer the time has expired, thc valve changes and relums to mixing tube i;,i
normal henvy rucl oil operation (G43C' is set to heavy fuel oil setl!in~ lank).
The fuel oil flow is set to 100% during the flushing sequence. to avoid hcai-
ing of gas oil.
(iT a cooler is present in the return line the manually operalccl ilu?c-aay
valve ((3436) must be set to by-pass the cooler.)

Vote: When the fuel type is changed from gas oil to lleaw fuel oil. a shut d o n n
for low oil temperaturemay arise. If the burner is in operation, it \>,illstop
due to this shut down. l'o prevent burner cut off, the set point for lo* oil
temperattlre can be temporarily decreased in the control 5ysteni.

Step C: Select one of the pre-heaters for opcratio.1. The other pre-heater ;hon!d hc
in stand-by mode.

. .
Step E: Turn the manually opcratcd tlucc-way valvc ((351) for oil iloi*' throuch th::
Step F: Check that the valves in U2cdrrliD pipe.s from thcpre-heaters are closerl and
that the valves from the pre-heaters tr, thc steam trap arc open.
Step G : Check that the stop valves (G53 and S51) are opcn and thal the stop vaivi.
(GI 09) is closed.
Step H: Check that the steam regulating valve (G20) I'm the pre-hcaters ic in zi~!o-
matic mode.
Step I: Open the stop valve ((373) for the operational pre-heater and clocr tllr l o p
valve (G73) for thc stand-by prc-heotcr.
Step J: Check that the iracitlg systems for the oil system and !he humci- ~ ~ i iJrr
Step K: Check the heavy fuel oil temperature. The viscosity of the oil at the atomiser
should be between 15-20 cSt. The prc-heating tcmpcrature can be deter-
mined by means of the chart in tbe chapler "Viscosity-temperalure charl".
. .. ..
AA'. ' X ,G-

2.5 Change from heavy fuel oil operation to gas oil operation

When the fucl supply is changcil tiom heavy fuel oil opcr;..tion to gas oil opsn~tion,the
folinwine work steps should hc :arried out:

Stcp A: Check that oil is present in the gas oil t a d . Open the quick closing valve
(1393, which c0nncci.i thc g:is oil tank to the c11syctem.
Sten B: Select was oil on the n~znuallvonerated three-\vzv valve (GI 1%. The btuner

&el oil oumns. until the luei o11?emoeraturchas decreased to an~roxtmatelv

60 degrkes ~ e l s i u s . hen the tcmp'eraturc h a dropped the p&ips arc act;-
vated and three-way v:ilvzs ( C i l 11 and G437) automstically change position
and return the fuel~- oil to the l ~ e a w
~ fucl oil settline tank for a nre-set neriod
of time. After the prc-sct time period has cxpGed. rhe &e-way'valve
(GI 11) returns lo no~malposition to flush thc ni.xing tube, while the thrcc-
way valve G437 holds its position. When the second timer has cxpircd, tilt
threc-way valve GI 1 I is rc-activated and return^ the fuel oil to the tznk, and
rhc tank selection val-,:? G439 returns the fuel oil to the gas oil t'mk. If thc
burner is in stop modc: thc oil pumps will not be opzrational, and the pump
will start and stop wit11 the bwner. (If a cooler is present in the return linc,
the manually operated thee-way valve, must be set to retun1 the oil throogh
the cooleri

Step D: Close tbe stop valvc (ii73) for the opcratlonalpre-heater and check that the
stop valve (G7?) fbr l11cstnnd-by pre-heater is clossd.
Stcp E: Check that the tracing ofthc piping system is cff when the burner is in sas
oil operation.

Caution: HeaGng of diesel oil in the. piping system mupt be avoided.

2.6 Change of pre-heater.


\l/li,.r the pre-licater is chmeed, t l ~ rfollowing work stcps shrr~ldbe carried cut:

Step A: Open the stop valve.. ( G 2 5 and (326) for the ?rc-h=ter which should be
Step B: Open the stop valve ((173) ?or the pre-heater which should be operational.
l d in stand-by
Step C: Close the stop valve \ ( i 7 ? ) for the pre-heater which s b o ~ ~be
Step D: Closz the stop ,alvc l(i75) for the prc-heater which should be in stand-by

2.7 Change of heavy fuel oil bunker type

If the heavy fuel oil bunker type 1s changed and the calorific value of the oil changes.
the :ilr!fuel ratio should be adjustrd to obtain the correct combustion data. 'This is done
by chnngin_ethe correction factor of thc airlfuel ratio on L!e local panel or computer.
If the correction facttor is set to :I i~tloeahove 100, the alr flow for the combustion
procrys decreases. If the correctir,n factor is set to a value below 100, the air llo\rr for

.anguuge IJK 7 , s
~ h combustion
c process increases. This means that if the cnloritic valuc oilhe oil in-
creases, the value ofthe correction factor should be decreased to obtain tllc sanle corn-
hustion data and visa vcrsa.

2.8 Prolonged stop

When the boiler plant is stoppedfor a long periot! of tine, thc oil system including :tic
pre-beaters should be flushed with gas oil before the plant is shut down. Fu!thcmiorc.
Ihc tracing must be switched off.
Control system

1 General
- p~

The :ontrol system is designed lir p~ovidesafe and functional operation of tbc boiler
plant both at the boiler and in thc engine control room. T'k. general design comprises
a local control section for each inclurled boiler. a common power section and n PC
hascd control and monitoring s\i>tcni.

I'igcrc. 1 illustrates a typical conliguration for a boilcr systm. The example shown is
for- M I S S I O P OL lwin boilci plant. 'Thc conlrol system is c~nslruclcdin a similar
way far other boiler QCS.

The c a m n ~ u ~ c a t i obetween
n thc local control panels, poirer pmcls, and cngine room
PC i < achieved tbl.ough a 2-wirc 1.:5485 network. The cabls type is a twisted pair with
shiel-!. The 2 x 0.5-1.5 mm2 cahlr should not exceed 1000 metres in total length.

illustration o f t h e control systrm


Local control section

The !ocal control section contain:; the local panel, commrinic~tionintcrfacc, rclays,
flamc monitoring equipment. water level control equipment, switches for emergency
oper:lr.on, erc. The cabinet givcs ul IP 55 insulationclass and c2n be located in ambient
tr1nperah1res between 045°C with a relative humidity up to 900.4,. The maximum vi-
brazion lcvcl is 100 Gal at 10-30 Hz. The 115 or -30 V AC, 45-65 IIz power supply.
is supplied from the common power section. The maximum power consumption oithc
local panel is approximatcly 50 VA. F i y r c 2 illustrates the complctc local control

Thc local panel as well as the power panels are constructed as a computerised control
and monitoring system. The pauels are equipped with a number ofdigital and aunlocuc
input/ou(put connections. These input and oupllt romcctions arc 11andledby the C:PU.
which opcntes the panels, the EPROM, which contains the prosramme, and the
FPROM, which stores speci5ed plant data.

rile local control section is located on the boilcr. This providcs thc operator wit11 n
clear view of the boilcr operation. Thc complete boiler systcm can bc operated from
the local panel with or without the PC system in scrvice. By use of the socl keys placed
to the left of the display, the burner can be operatcd in manual mode, and shut do\vns!
alarms can be acknowledged. Thesoftkeys placed to thc right ofthe display give ncccsi
to ihc mcnu structure. The actual menu levels or rrirnu item lines are displayed o!i the
four line crystal display (LCD).

Acccss to a number of different parameters, senings, etc. is limited by password cn-

tering. This secures the operation from unintentional entering and modification. which
might cause damage to the boiler plant. The password routine is divided into hvo steps.
The entering ofthc common user password provides access to the most common mcnu
items, and the super user password, which is only known by Aalborg Indusrrics. ?In-
vidcs access to thc more vilal functions.

In ii twin boiler system alterations of settings for common equipment such as, e.ci. ?tiel
oil pumps can only be performed Cram the boiler ielected as the master boiler.
lllr~strationof the local control section

C o n ~ m o npower section
Thc common powcr scction conlains powcr supply systems, common power pauel(s),
mot;lr starters and optional compuncnls likc smokedensity monitoringsystcrn. salinity
alarrn equipment, oil detection cuuiprnent, etc. Furtl~ennorz,switches for emergency
opcr-!tion are provided inside the common power section.

The :omman powcr section can iic located almost anywhere in the engine room. but
it shc~uldhe easv accessible becalise thc powcr section must be operated during cmcr-
gency operation. Thc 6imensions of thc cahinct may diffcr from plant to p!ant due to
thc ~IiITerentalmanlen;.

The aumher of power panels pr@i,ideddcpcnds on thc individoal nccds for thc planl.
E.g. :ontrol of the file1 oil pumps is achieved hy means of powcr panel I and control
of th: Teed ivater pumps. iFprovii!cd. bv means of powerpanei 2. Figure 3 illustrates
a po-rrer pailel.

By 11s- of tbe soft kcys pararnclcr.;, settings, ctc. can be entered or modified, and the
actuil menu levels or menu itcn~li~iesarc displayed on t i e display. During normal
oper:~tion,tlic cntering or modit7:ation of parameters, settings, ctc., should be per-
form-d from the local panel(s). This is possible becausc all pancls included in a plant
arc c?nnecled via the RS485 nctuarl:.
Illustration of a power panel

Common LSFO powcr section

Thc common LSFO power scction contains powcr supply systems iir~dmo!or starters
(for LSFO pumps), 110 etc. It can be located almost anywhere in the cnginc room, but
it should bc easy accessible becausc it must be in operation during emergency opera-
tion. The panel (measures 60Ox600mm)is needed to control extra pumps and to handle
additional in-andoutputs required for LSFO. The pancl does not have a LCD display.
so to control theadditional equipment which is added in the existing plant, pammeterc.
settings, etc. must be entered From local control panel section. andior pnivcr pancl

- -
Figure 4 sd9306~09~04x1097960~n.~vmf

PC based monitoring systcm

The control bystcm is provided with a PC with r a p h i c user interface, which can he
installed in the engine control room.

The K g 8 5 nctwork connection enables the PC based monitoring systcm to rciricvc

data fmthe control panels in thc system and pi-csent the complete boiler plant on the
PC. This nieans that active control ofthe boiler planr can takc place from the keyboar(1
or mousc input device. All parameters, settings, c:c. can he controlled from the PC and
down loaded to the control system.

The graphic user inlerfacc is programmed in the well-known and standard window!;
environment. This gives the operator a feeling of comfort from the vet). iirct time 111s
system is operated. Traditional windows pull d o u ~ m e n uprovide
s acccss to shut down;
alarm lists as well as swapping facilities between the different pictures desig~cdto
present thc complete systcm. Pop-up pictures cnablc ihc opcralnr to slart anil stop
boi-rs or ro change steam prcssure set points, etc. In a twin boiler plant selection of
martcr and slave hailers can nlsc he cmicd ont from the ?C.

A password system provides the lo_sged-onuser with permissionslres~ictionsand cn-

sur::s that no parameters can he r.hnnzed bv unauthorised personnel.

As ihown m Figure 5 below, an rrplional hook up to the sptem may be provided from
ap;~rtablePC (laptop or simil;~r's

oflhe PC and optional laptop


PC in ,-11<2 ,:, :urtrol room Podable PC (gptional)

LSFO modification -Single & D o ~ ~ bline
l c fuel 1

With this document we guarantee that, our eqnil~mentfullil Classificatinn society requircmcnt
~ t a t e dbelov, information a r e related to dralvin~s1planmentionetl in co\er letter.

-Full Oil Suppty System

-Burner unit diaeram
- Wi-ing diagram boilcr additional power
- Alarnl lisl
-Shutdown list
- Aa:rOp Stud!
1 . Dcslgn condi~ionpressure and temperatul-c
Fuel oil operntioddesign prcssurc 25132 b;i
Dcs!gntempcraturc 60'1160'
Ignition/diescl oil 7 bar =-
Steam pressii-r operation 7 har
Air Jressure i~pcratian7 bzr

2. Fac s: Joint, ..~ives,'ittines is according I:, Classification society reqiiirsment, Screwed

fillings zsed are o f a n approvd iyp- ; r ~ thcjoiilt
d has rncial lo n?:tal connection.

T Fac:s: All valses anc pipcs are steel m:ilcr!al

I. Fac-s: l'ucl o?l pipes are prolectcd to avoid ?il spray onto hot surlkcci.

5. Facts: Burner arrangement is designed sa tile burner c:mot bc withci;nv.n in

operation duc lo position sw~tchcu:,fi.

6. Fac s: Scantliygs of pipes Ls according tc ('1assitication society rcqt:iremnr, 0 1 2

instrurrcnl pipe thickness 2mm.

7 . Facs: Flcnib!: !~oscsare lire tested aud nyi,roved types.

8. Fac s: Fucl oi: cooler are approved t p c , k'iiid and tested under sun:y.

9. Facs: 13all valves llsed as tcrminal \,alves in way of pumps and fi!tcrs arc
approv:d and fire tested M c ($lcnst: see !ist of parts).

10. Facts: ,'urangxnent of the steam conncc~ionto the steam atomising burner is made so
oil fuel cannot iind its way into (lie :te:im system.

1 I . Fac.s: llazard and Operability Study will i w c r ihc subrnittcd design

(please see H.zOp St~.idi.).

12. F a c : ~The
: bu-ner ?rangcmcnt is desipi:ii sn that atomising s t a m izl hz used in
combil~ationqith distillate hie! oil j!rades.

(ieneial design info'marion khc d o c

1.; Facts: r2alborg industries confirm that the hoilcr. bumcr and control system arc d c s i , ~ c d
~ DMA as pcr I S 0 8217:2005(E)
?or o p e ~ . ! i non

14 Facts: Electrical and conirol engineering

Descn;ionr of manual, auto~naticand emergency mode with cha!~geover procedures fro111H F O to

MGO 2nd irom MGO to HFO is attached to this letter. The injtructions will be include? in l?t~tur:
submis?;onsfor y o u easy reference.

O M 9 3 0 < ~ _-~ Operaiing

x Principles
OM55*0_xx - Operating Instructions

In the :vent of power failure, thc boiler safeguard will force the air darnpcr to fully open positioll
utilizing the natural draft through the uptake to ventilate possible Sasscs from thc furnace. Durin:
power f?.ilure, it will not be possible to run ihc boilcr in manual, automatic nor emergency 111ode
until power has heen restored.

Thcrc iiave been no changes to the hard-wired safcty shutoffs already present in thc control pancl.
The st;!ndanl of the control software in the programmable electronic cquipment (Unisab) has not
bccn changed compared to the control soilware alrcady approved by Classification socicly. and
are f o ~ ~ ntodbe in compliance with mentioned rules.

All hardulare equipment is to the normal standard orAalbor&Industries, and is not found to i.iolals
the rcq~iirementsof Classification society.

Please iind allachcd a complete alarm & shutdown list with additional alarms Tor your easy
rcfcre;.ce. Reference is made to the equipment tag numbers on thc piping diagrams.

All valves and control system related equipment is installed with a fail safe statc in casc of power
failurc-. All valves are installed with a fail safc position designed !o avoid contamination of fuels anrl
any to :!void any safety risks.

Thc flame failure detection equipment is installed with full redundancy. The control systetn will
monitor the flame eithcr with 2 active flame scanners at all times. or with a single flamc scanllcr
with self mon~tnringcapabilitics to comply with above statement.

We hcrcby confim~that the control system will lock out the possibility of initiating the iyition
sequence in cast ol'flarne failures until the lock out period (post purging) has been finalized.

Aalbnr2 lndushics
Glob-l After Sales Division

General dc: y, i n ~ o m a l i o nk h d d o c
*. *.
D l ?

- -
N N iV

d d i

131 OILTEMPERAlURE N O # ilkAL.HtL1 24 24 2 x x x


General design information kbsd.doc

, ~ ., .
10 BURNER SCRVcl t R R C I 1
; j 2 ; L SEi<.jG gz;<G&?

General design information kbsd.dac

28 WATER L W E L HlGH 1 x x x x x x r x x x x x x
29 WATER LEVEL LOW l x x v x x n x x x x x x
~ Y S 7 ~ ~ . . . " . . X . ~ .
21 ATOM :;TtAM I'l<tSSU!:l- Lt!.',!
1 X X X Y X r X X X X X X X
33 LANCE REDRAWN 1 Y X X X X X x Y x x X * I




37 SALlNllY HlGH 1 n x x x x x n x x x x x x
38 TEMP. UPTAKE HlGH l x x x x x x x x x x x n x


41 AIR FLOW LOW 1 X X X X X X X X X Y X x x


43 TEMP. INLET LOW l x x i i x x u x x x x x x

44 TEMP. OUTLFT HlGH 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x

46 D l F F PRESS. HIGH 1 X X X X X X ~ X X X x X X

47 D l F F PRESS. LOW I X X X X X X X X X X X X *

48 ME LOAD HIGH 1 X X I i X X X X X X X X x


50 MF SI OW OOWN 1 r . . , r * x x x r r r x











E? FUEL OIL PRESSURE HlGH 1 x Y x r ~ . . : x ~ > ~ , x x

61 FiJEL Oil TEMPERATURE HIGH IbI BIJRNEP 1 ' X 1 * s : i X * > : : i I x

G e n e r a l design i n f o r m a t i o n kbsd.rloc
..em. Aatlmtg Inddiies NS
Gamaet*Ne] 24 Tel + 0 5 99 30 40 30
Lmm; a31&33lli:j :.C.>!l.dI
h(tw,I.w.aa[lulg nd..rlles

~ ~

- ~

I P. .~
P 0 Bar 844
91W AalW
CVR No. 1783L635
Far - 4 5 9 8 1 6 0 3 16
Telex 69105 alba 3k
G>,"l." LL;~C

VAT No. OK i7',37h"

@ankern:Dan." UankNS, Cow81l7agm
\BAN- OK 73 30013 320' Eh(ii3il
:iu,d"":u'S, iru" V s
A . 1 , I , ..?'.I


bad conncition in 49K3F. Faultrcct~tiedand HFO pump ]to 2 staned up.

- Flue gab [:st performed on HFO 'Omrrl 20-50u/0 load. 0xygn1 level rruintainctj hcribccl! ;.I1 4 il 'I,, T~,\lc,i,.i]!I]
ships 1ti S:.IC~L !
- . i l l tsrcci,. :I connccicd tu positioners on butii FD F:III\ !
10 11-10
- C'11an~e( 8 , cr proccdurc frorn PITO lu MG( I 1 ~ 5 t ci\vicc.
d ( ' i ~ i i~ t ~ ? t r ~ t iin
t ccIi~li%
d ii', ;r ::iti,.i.:Iu~:
- l'r~,p;irin!~iirumc~~l:tiion for i l ~ i p

11 i l - I 0
- Tcb~ing;ii:u-nts.
- Niiting h r arrival Portsmouth. I

I?.'l I;1o i
- DNV Sucveyor attending ship at lightering, I'ortsmouth. Changc ovcr scquence MT(~1 to \ i ( i i ) ;ind M(.;O l i l Hi0 1I
tcbted witr~csscdin front of surveyor. MGO upgrade approved hy DM' Snrvcyor.
- Llcctric:~!dr;i\vings and s c t t ~ ~ lisb
g hitodud over to c r c v
- ( ~ ' L S I ! I I I I ~c~~. )~~<~I~I p~lIcItIe~d .

- High c x l ~ . ~ ~ tcmpcrature
t\t was noted on txiilcr no 2. Iloilcr lo be inhpected and clc:incil ;~ccorcIingly.
- T{esist;i~l.: , h ~ CXIULUS~
r - tcmpcKiture to bc cxchanpud both local p:~ncls(clcc@lc:!l ~lr:i\vttt:i slicer 3 5 . !crnrin:il
X I 311321
- Several !:rodcrsen timcrj and PK ~ ~ t o d u l1 e st.afound hanging in thc wires. duc tu hrokct~wckct>. N t . 1 ~>o,ki.i.<
\vi.ra :;lcrltiorledin Service Certifimte fr<,nlprevious visit 17"'of August -101 0. ( ~ : i l s c ~ t ~I i rq: l i l ~ ~ r i'I'CZ'>
(spxc part, arc listcd below in " R c ~ o m n r ~ ; dspllri ~ , l piiiti"j.
- I 11cl rcg.~latingvdlves (Masone1i:in) on both boilers h l s limitcd~rcstrictedmovemcnt nt lo\\. load. Suspcci Uidl
nthhcr d~;i~hr;igrns havc turned l i : ~ ~:1fler8
d years ofservicc. Ovt-rhaul k i t art.reconrmcndcil lijr both filcl rcgul:tt-
ing v a l v c ~isce below io "Recommended spare parts").

Rccomrntltdcd sp;lre parts:

:\~nuunt 'Type
8 i I .[N;, .i'ktt (br PR i i ~ d u l e s
4 Ijro~lerscnTinier, UNIC YMW D l
4 ~potcnlii~nrler. 0 . 8 - 5 . 5 11
2 llre&er. 2P C60N
I Ilur~lcl-I.~ncc,MGCI
.7. 422 ( 1 r~sistancc
L,[' c~vn\,erler,Faircl~ild'TD780tl
Z Uicriluul kt, Mas~itlai~il valvc
2 r13111~ s~:lnne~,QR:\?
I 'Trip anlplifier, PR 2231
I ?4olll?for hurncr lance, MGO
I I'ositiuncr Single Action. FD Fan
I I'osi~ioner,Double ;\CI~<I:I
I C n l ~ ~ ~ lignitor
Aalbwgl"drnSsAIS E ~ r n , ! aal@aa,:,:,,$
. ,: ,.,, 518 ,:'. 2..
W' r,"~:,k,".w .'.,
~ ~

Gasvsehnel 24 Tcml 1 4 5 '1130 40 aalkss: ,r < W J S >1: ;, L

POBoreU Fax 4 5 9 8 1681 15 mnke. o a n s h m.8 ws, -:;-.;?ager i '! .'--

91W AD I
W Telex BY703 almr OF IBAN: DK 73 3CIIYI J i c l ' h h ' s ' 0 , '
owo,ah G\,b r:,,. %$
.:. 77% : , " ,<?, .
& as4

I E! ' 5 CVR NO. 17830635 VAT No. DK 1753767; BAW DK M ZWO i l Z i 0 i:;: c:'.

Spare parts delivered by S/E: I

.\!ln\t$!il '??j)e i i c i l l ils~oi!l~:l

1 : %.iV?P32,U r a k e r Cur MGO Pancl

i:l.lme Scanner Igution Uumer Ob.)OOjj
2 Packing S e t OMG32 Flowmeter 9670600003
2 3 a l l bearing set OMG32 Flowmctcr 06701~0004 I
! i:i!!cr rc:!!i;ltnr 118" 667'1077 !

,. ,---. ~ . .. ~

: i, ~j it.

A~,"ov" of tI1c itsslsl.il!cc
according to the abctvo
TeI 145 99 30 40 00 balkers C a r h e Bank ''I
nner Sales Owlson Fax 145 58 1 3 22 2: l\lili~ woe C # ? B & C K ~ L
~:asuaerksve~2a gafs@aalboi~~ndustrics
ar; @AN
i- 6ox 844 Exood VAT no DK 31 i 3 A S '. @K 75 3005 32C1 6 6 9 i 3 e ? U Y l
AALqQRG 7i00 Aalborg "&-No DK31211!'7 7 K j : 30003201 " 7 3 2 6 EdPm
CV" '10 !7830S35 ji, -1 3000 2-95 ?z:r: .Jsi

I~ e ~ l e rLlwifinlc
ill \.lnna~ernmlI P ~ r r I u ~ aLda
:r,! F.'loor.
l.;~vyc IRaiiel Bortkii,.~l'itilieirn 2:. Uilllihcr. , . . S[~l.XL.Xll~?4.~2-l
I?[ 11-.:6~1 Lishoa Daic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 h o \ Ill
Co11t;st p u l i r r . . hlani~sll'ctlrw
\ o u r rcl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reqi~tsition . . . . . . Sen 1i.c Ceriifii.:!lr
\dual ihiptlail!~ . (;rri~iiar 0iln11

l k l i v c ~ ?address
i rt,~3.til:trIUriun

De.;cril)tion Quantih Price each Del.


S'lchrl S.OI1 7 111

T~~IICI. J.011 O . 54 Ill
Polrnii~~~~ieier -1.O~l
,I I
- 1 I0
V C R C ~ r c i ~hrcaker
il 2U(l 2It,(8 111
\ h w s i \ 2 \ - pleas? canfirnm at order
hl('H (~trcititbreaker 2.110
'\ht>\c i s h,\ - p l e a e confirm at order
I\ICH ( ' i r c i ~ ihreaker
t loll I!ilih Ill
\hii\c i.; 4:\ - plcase confirni at nrder
Burner lance svcl. iO i l
.. --
,- /. ,_(I ill! Ill
423 KO Resist;inci. 2.[1i1
I I' coti\?rier ?.OO
5pnlrpatl.; kt1 lor O i l 3Ul1
rez. \;11v<
PI!0+> ;ell 2.011
\'-.lei 1,LlIl
r~><iI,,o,,cr:',>r c ~ ~ l l l r o l 1 .Ol1
Pc,~itm~ier <or fa11 I !l(l
Izndbr. KHSD 7650 I Oil
L = l 7.391OIl
~ 1 ~ ) 2 :Il I175
('1rci111brmhdr ?0(1
PIi~~n~-rcsisti\e deiecter 211iI
i~in<hci i c t 10-rincs) 2.llfl
Bush i c t for f l t niaer ~ 2.00
I i l l c i rc!+~Ialur I S" ?.ll(I
&her Sales Oviron
Gasvaekrve! 21
? 5 Box 842

i ,c~iclnlLlaritlnic biann$cmcn! il'om~gallLda

:rd !?Ioc>s.
I.:~rroRafael I3orcl;!iii P~IIIICIS~I 23. Lunihcr . . . . . . . . 5( I\ L , \ 0 . ~ ? 4 ~ 2 - 1
I ?~,il-.?f~O
Lishoa I)F,l? . . . . . . . . . . 2 i N\,\ i l l

Cilnt;ii.l pcrii\n . . l l n l i l ~ rI'alril

\'n~r ref: . . . . . . . . . .:
Rtquisirion Serb ic? ( ? n i l i c : ~ l ~ .
:Zctual sliipnanie . . . Crt'111iixiIri,>il

I,, lenii\
\ l l ,,ilieri ~CCU~~III~: fi Cundilic~nso i \alhorg lnclu.;trit'c dated .la~il~ii!?

Dhh 0'!.?4?.5R


Boiler No. 10759 & 10760

Samsung Heavy Industries Co.

N ~ w bNO.:
. 1353
Project No.: 308699

>>,.c,k<?.;:..: -,.

KI;;IL AG 132787-001 3
B t l d g a s s e 40 G,+:P.),.
6890 L u s t e n a u ...
-*a lesrqMuor 5%a *.a
M 160 .82 'lunlt nctudlng pumps v i t n nos 2 a ~ ) ~ ann d 2dsZ90 ! 245788
or,:irl Ji
,-,.,>? v,

Aalborg Industries A 6 POM143154-308699.01.1-70

"a.: NJ. o r s i g r a lesi: , + : F,,,

not s p e c i f i e d 1353
T i ! S IS TO CERTlrb lha; ll7+ p w r p d e s c r b a d below, has beer boil: ana tested n Z L C R ~ O ~ ~wC l Ch ? C:-l.
11'8 - e ~ , ~ l r i m l r :31
Rules 'or Classlfca: o r
::a;i~rvw'awere (i-iked ~ ~; d i z d u ni :PSI Crii;,>c~lv 1%d u,e:e :!iiicie~ !.Y r e i i . . ~ i i . IC c r e v t n ~ c:;pi..

196.2 llmin 196.3 I1 ~~.


iirceo~purn~ transfer p u m p
I,*.-offhe p , v ~ ~?rir,fr.g?l
0 ~
Rolarv rl8;p;
@ Rec;ri:n'~,v; -1

P u l l p IEChniCaldata Pump materra1

Sa;.a:W 194.6 limin F.2-p h5:i No0 castlron. E N 4 2 5 4 0 0
3- re? ilraa 25.0 bar I~~~~Ic~~~~'?-IvII:. -
5t.rt807 w o o 0.0 bar s~?i~:icre;vs Alloy sicel 16hjnCrS5
j j ~ f :o!wer
i 10.0 kW iliiirr

?e, s,m,c 1750 llmin ~ l e r - -

r v ~ ;c f 1 ~ 3 ~ 3 HFO p u m p body pressure tesled to
s::.: 9.aw', ... kglm' 6 0 bar i t s s t d u r a l ~ c ~ 60 qec

V i oslv 380 rnm2kicSt Test medium 150 V G 46

~ p ~- -
150 e
- -
Molortechnical data Remarks
u2.e AC-Motoren GmbH maik!ng of the pumps
09091941~09091929 hard stamping sera1 no. 245789 and 245790
,,c5: FCM 160 M B 4 IP 55 DM160 20
Clri.5 ll!13.2 kW The safely valve(5) , 0 3 5 (were1s e t % an openlng
RFL ~~r 1460 !I752 Ilrnln pressure of 28.4 bar and full flaw pressure a t 37.2 (bar
/lir 380.420 1660-720 Volt
380-480 1660-830 volt Pumps tested in accordance wltn VDMA24284, c a r s II
F.~~JB~CY 50160 Hz - -
w i t h test bed drwer
~~~ ~ ~

-ni. u n p i\d5 l-wkec ESN-09.34966 12 N.V. 09 1iarn;~is

245788 .lie f c c r iq IIF~:. *,- ,:r aner
be S.llmyrr! t i

245789 a n d 245790 ?;l,?lli!~oi q l -I,>. :.?I.ll?d , lh;. , r?#Gc;:n

(3, pressure housing Control and Monitoring s y s l e m
~. - .. ~ ~
-~ -- - - ~ ~

r:,pt52aes ann cra,a.-s ;d 1') ca!l~.;<.iaporovai see sz.ge 2 -/ace Lustenau ' Essen
W i i n , h s csn~lcawI - I.WC CT 1I.e izsis of lne manuiec1u;eri.
~ : . ~ , ~ w S ~iintl
l e2m~Ini,tfnci~:r,.*i S ~ ~ e ) . 4 : r a n g e m e m l H 5 4 ~
1 gtves !he manu',>,:'urer ~ e r v , s s ~ : nic rrnn1e:c 1l.i; c ~ v f w l e SL,~;?,
b:,~h ) c a~ ~ :ent5caw
d ? : # ~ 9 e rlkx
s I!,&.cI,lfer?fil p2qs

Cast identification nark on pump housing. 18.11.2009

Material certificate 'or the pump housing no.: 9921 I 26 11.2009
Mctorcertificate nr: 132767-0010~0909194109091929~Motar

- 'usL,P~?FI ~ a",) !esLe:i ,r c c , f 3 - ~r!r

:-L ,#no?r%tgqe$~ ~ a r ~ ~ ~ ' - - l L . r e r c e r lll>s' s saezt5eU
a r e lw "~O~UC! I : %,J,(- ,mn)er:; s,?:ec::-,,.,
?IT :he cnndta-s ,elr,-** lo ,n


rd;, .~fac!~;i?g suwev .'.rznoemr~a P;: M S A No R-1873

;:ji . 1:-!-ri 18- lne r . ~ l a ~ ~ . ! : :: :~, r~v:-n

vA~ r~: a n ~ ~ n r n fur :he oingicts n q c i ? ~0.3
: h a m . I ~ F ? C - , ? . L I Cw~tr

~ ~.. ,-7
1,>3-~k+rt~,r~r K R A L AG: A-6890 Lustenau i i
1 , . : 1
. bi
Lustenau 29 1 2 2 0 0 9
PI=,: 0a:i S. Harnrnerle
Aalborg Indus-ries AfS
Nanne Boilers & Heaters D~vision

Confirmati03 1.1 mrn2/s for KRAL double station

Ljear Mr Arp

We herby c o ~ ~ i rthatfoilow~ng
m double station type DM16C 20 can h a ~ d ae viscos~tbdow-
t r 7 1 mm21s -ileI tyoe DMA acc to I S 0 82171

POM143154-308699-01-1-70 - Hull-no 1353 - Genmar Or107

Ser~alno purr, station 245788

Fdmp no 1 - serial number 245789
P U ~ 10 number 245790

Wfth bes! regards


KRAL A;. . . ; ? ~ s i .4C.

Industrie Naro, fie!:. I ..rtenau. Austria
Abnahn~epriifzertifikatM (DIN 5 ~ 3 5 ~ -4I3R31 manufacturer test report rn
- ~

aesie lei <RAL ~ ' l r i i ~ : ~ u v r n e ~

Aalborg Industries N S 132787-0010
.ciis!c.mer YRdL n iprcumSc-r
- - ~- ~ . -. ~ ~ - ~ ~-
Bes:eilnurnn'i '. aesie ;1: 1.-
POM143154-308699-01-1-70 23.11 2009
urderntlmnr-, dzte s i : ir-r
- - - - - ~ -~
W e n '.;,

$er,a,! :
.,,,,>, 245789 245790

W e n ';,
.- -- ~~~

Molarsr e - l - ~ n l n e r
,7,9lG:s+.,e. q,>91:e.
. ~

Werkstoff material
%hause 0 7040 (EN-GJS4OO)
$acing ASTM 6 0 4 0 - 1 8

Betriebsdaten (VDMA 242843 operating data

- ~

Drehzahl.I~,"-I F11~dersli~nltli;;ir~
ie~oI"t10Os L?"STIl,.
- - -
Saugdncli ~ h ' : , l Enddruci Ibii-' ' ) r e r ~ n l c ! ~ , :a,?.;
0 25 25
strntian press;ru IOi3! S'<'sSLlie d,Ferori.-c CC?SS.~:P
~ ~ ~~ - -

Messergebnisse ,.....,~.
- -~
,,.. T~
~ ~ . . ~ ~ , , ~ : , ~ ,
~. ~ . ~.
- , , v , . : .,. ?.. ....,.... ,.
test - results
V e r s ~ c h ~ l l e, IC
T tesll8ouid IS0 'JG :C
Ser;ennumn:e s ~ r ~niinih-i
al 215789 >:57'i-
~~ -. ~ -~ -.
. -.. ~.~.
D~Re'emdruC' z8H vessuri bar L " 12 r ..,c .. :
~ - -

,~,T-.E~~LIc <:

3.) 5 --.
- -

, *. .,, ., ..

' nscos~-y' mn. '5 61 n ii4 - 6 '

P I Y~~ I nn,: nW 52 -
. -,

Jier~a,?l leMlLll>n
l l m ~
li5d :754
8 - -.;~
apaclv limn 194;: 192 ; . - , , ~.
~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ -

" converted test - results

~ ~

Messergebnisse umgerechnet "

D#Helr~zdr~c~ :I;!I~ I S S E , ~ ~ . tir 125 12.5 250
n ~ e b l ~ l rewl,l~or itnlln 1750 1750 1750
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This ic to c e n i v that the pump has been festedwim satisfactory resu;ts acmrdmg to the Rules o f D e t Noiske Ventas
This c-nlflcate is i s s o e d b y Me manuracturer under the aufhonlahon oiManufactorlng Survey Arrangemen1Nn R - I 8 7 3
which 1s coolrolled b y regular audning. The cenificare is validcnly when endorsed by a DNV Sonreyor


The pump is marked 8 L

:e716EdDy ? Ydm7elle I/
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KRAL A G B~dpasse40. Ihdusl.,? hs.3 Ex90 Lur:ersi .h.s:r 4 T e 4: 55 ;;i hi: 4 >
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Corfiflcatc ABG-09.02843


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nr?ducl descnpltr;:. 1 OHHEAT EXCHANGER / Preheater - Steam or Water Heated

Sr:ial Yo 308699 Marklnq Shellnl~benest @ ABG 09-02843 TP 24 BAR


T:",,,e:,.-m. 7 r c c>:aL,> 8

0:clered by ::,.~,F'c General Maritime Management (Portugal) Lda

ntindeO for GENMAR ORION

ti ~forrnsw l h the '~Ilawlngspec~f!ca!ionislandard

, I InCess3Y U I Q A y O e 7 d i 'I:LF",lhslei lorn r o ? I l i l u ,



Hprnarksltest resul:.
The preheater has been pressure tested i n finished condition i n tubenest and shellside to 24 bar and found
tight and i n o r d e ~ .

Prescribed certti~cateshave been produced and are avatlable

'I?larked x sncl

Fcr Det Norske V e - tas AS 1

Aalborg 2010-01-07
{,,/I ,.,.

PI? .: Lkato Luddig H. Jensen

- - - -

Dc,;laration bv r n a ~ ~ t n c l u r (when
er applccablcl

T . e undersigned minutad>rrerdeclares that !he specified prnducf i a s been buiI i : l d tested In con!nmm~!y \vi:h :he ~ i i ~ ~ f ~ c ~ l ~ ~ r ~ ! s t ~ n ~ ~ - i r c
s i i ' e d anove and v 5onditions referred 10 in

i u..e Approval Cert '~,a!c No P-12527, valid until 2011-06-30

0,ally System Cer i ! c ~ l eNo 2001-ABG-AQ-05741

Tn;s Proouct Cetitii:;te 1s valid only when endorsed by a DNV Survevor The endor-emen! IS a slderneri: lliaf !hc ,;nnrl!:i:tis $I,i,ul21?d
n .,e Marufaaunn; ' ~ U W E VArrangemenl lor lhe product n queslion have hnr-n crnplleii w t b

Mr.iutacture:. Aalborg Industries A!S

AALBORG 2010-01-07
pl~.:~> I'lale ,
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~ n r NO
r 79 9 i a I S S L ~October
P 2000 " 7 0 ~' nt 1
.a!borg Industries AIS
Art.: HHT 1 Henrik Havn Thomp
Marine Boilers Rr IIcaters Division
Gasvzrksvej 2,i. P.O.Box 844
? i 00 Aalborg

Y Z L Iref..
~ Our ref.: Datc:
GF\lMAR ORION NACN0?71ArIDJ0!27322-JiIOI05 20 10-011-21

GENMAR ORION, Id. No. 27322

General Maritime Management (Portugal) Lda. Low Sulphur Fuel Convet.sion
Reference is made to your submittal for GENMAR ORION dated 2010-03-29, Please !ind enclosed 2
ccjpies of the hllowing documents stamped 2010-04-20,2010-04-14 and 2010-04-31 :
Drawing No. Rev. DNV Title Code Statue
10040 List orparts - fuel oil supply for KBSD For lnf.
lOOX03 058155 10038 MGO Power Panel 500. 515.4;. Appr.w/conim
62 1
P'1X02:057212 a 10039 l-'&lD, FUEL 011. SUPPLY SYSTEM 62 I :\pr w!comm
LSFO 1 0044 General design infonualion 6 12.6 For lnf.
OM5550_61fiiS,.l 10042 Operating instructions 612.6 For Inr.
Obl9306-29S1.2. 10043 Operating principles 612.4 For Inf.
SD9306-08RIll. I 10041 Control System 617.6 ..\ppr.w/curnnl

Drawing No. 1 OOXO? 0581 58, "MGO Power Panel" is approved in accordance witll the Status
~requiremcntsvCPt4 Ch8, with the following comments
10012 Makinghaking capacity of new circuit breakers (fixnew installed MGO Pending
pumps) versus short circuit current at place of location shall be submitted for
approval. If' spare breakers on MSWBII are used t!xn this is not required.
Plea.:. revcn to the approval centre.
10013 According to Pt.4 Ch.8 Sec.?. F I01 c) supply for two pumps, serving the same Pcnding
esseniial or important purpose shall be divided between at least two distribution
swi~chboardswhen such arc used, each having a separate supply circuit from
diffeycnt sections of the main switchboard(s).
Plea.;e confirm to the approval centre.
10014 We !lave noted that switchgear and control circuit for both MGO pumps are in Pendins
the szme cabinet. According Pt.4 Ch.8 Sec.4 ,4105 switchgear shall be
sepaiated from each other by flame retardant parti:ions providing protection in
case of an arcing fault. Please clarify/explain ad revert to the approval centre.
Corporate tlcndqa:, ?:rr Oet Nnrik? Verlfas AS. 1322 Hnvrk. h'onva). - ~ r w w d n v c x ~ r n
~S:IFII.'I\ I.,> I: : sre-yeo 1:o;tr-.
Drawing No. VX02:057212/a, "P&ID, FUEL OIL SUPPLY SYSTEM" is approved in Stiltus
accordance with the requirements of Pt.4 Ch.6, with the following comments
!,7006 We note that a cooler has been fined. Pleasc indica~ethe cooling medium iFW Pending
or SIT!) and update relevant cooling system drawing with regard to the modified
FO supply system. Please revert to the approvai centre.
13007 We assume that the temperature of LSFO to the LSFO pumps and the burner l:@r Ini.
does ~ oresult
t in a viscosity which is below the manufactures minimum
viscosity specification. Normally it should be ensured that the LSFO
temperature anywhere in the system is maintained below 40 deg.C (assuming
an LSDO specification 2 cst @ 40 deg. C).
10008 Pleasc note that threaded joints are not to be used for piping systems conveying Pending
flammable niedia or services where fatigue, severe erosion is expected lo occur
accolding to Pt.4 Ch.6 Sec.6 E206. Please specify ..vhere the joints are used and
revcr! to approval centre.
10009 The L S D 0 pumps are to be delivered with DM' certificates. This is to be Pending
confirmed by the attending DNV surveyor.

Drawing No. SD9306_08#B.l. "Control System" is approved in accordance with thc Status
requirements , ~ DNV
f Rules for Ships Pt.4 Ch.9, with the following comments
10010 Inspection and onboard testing of the modification shall be witnessed b) the F'cnd~ng
atten2ing DNV Surveyor (DIU'V Rules for Ships 1'1 4 Ch.9 Sec.1 A 302)
1001 1 Please submit the test program to the approval center (DNV Rules for Ships Pending
Pt.4 C:h.9 3ec.l Table C2)

Yours faithfullv A

Tornas Mebe,-Tronslad
Head of Section

Page 2 o r ?
0 6 I ? I C W > Y I - I o t Ir LSFC~SLI.ICOi8 - I u~CVol~iVlD~~~~?~::~.!.lDl~~
List of parts - fuel oil supply for KBSB

, -7-
P&I diagram drawing number: ................. ..........................................................................92X02:0> 1-12

Reading tibide:
List of Parts reflects parts delivered by Aalborg lndustries.
T a g N u m l - u s are given without the index used on the P&
Diagram as "IC2" and "2C2" for boiler I and 2 respectivelv.


Fuel oil supply

I Datashcct or

R40 i 2 Air receiver unit 7000000078

i RI i -7 Fan unit Lxis1in.q
I Glll.1 / I / Micro switch box for three-wav valve 9660000017
G437 I 50 Ball three-way valve Ball valve 6070n00n~ri

G439 1 I 65 Ball three-way valve Ball valve 1 6070 OiJ(iOi)l
G442 ] I 114" Filter regulator with automatic drain 1 291 5lOi
! lF.aiIF4 ? Brlrner lilncc (Not shown in the diagram) 1 1XOOOOOI44
! ,
I ,
. 0 1 \ 1' . (-.l <
l .
i h 7 i 9-.>.'
,I I

' UljS I 65 Srop valve Sto:: valve. 6iliO 000i)l3

ball, straight
G466 I %" Test cock 60 10 000335
G477 100 Check valve, disc-spring 6020 OOOOSh
LI3 1 Power panel -
1 Fuel oil supply pump ,- . .. ...,,,* .1
G450 1 1 , I tuel 011 supply puinp unit I "IWIO"

G224 1 I 1 I Remote startistop box 1 ~001000016

G424 1 I I 1 Rcrnote staltistop box 1 : 9001
-- OOII01i
[ Coolers
Heating exchanger k'fXISTI6 564 1 002066
15 Pressure relief valve 1 Safety valve I 0730032
Air vent, valvc for cooler
G448 1
1 I-l 1
6468,469 1
G 4 7
Stop valve, MGO From cooler
Stop valve, cooling water inlout
Temperature ga11~eMGO h m tank
Stop valve
Safety va!ve
6010 000343
~475 i I 1 %" Needlc valve Straight ?111002 1
G476 1 I I Pressltre switch !a's 43
Chan e over valve(s)
G436 65 / Three-way valvc
1 G~RO I1 I I Diptray for MXI 0115 LSFO
jlrN "I"""


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Operating principles

1 General

The system offers a wide range of operating modes. The boiler plant can be operated
in automatic mode, inert gas mode, manual mode! or emergency mode. In automatic
mode it is possible to operate in both low pressure mode and high pressure mode. Tne
system also offers the possibility to operate the boiler plant as masterislave boilers in
fully automatic mode depending only on the steam load. Alternatively, the boilers may
be operated in manual mode independently or simultaneously. Another working meth-
od is that one of the boilers is operating in manual mode at a fixed load and the other
boiler operates in automatic mode. If oil selector switch (3-way valve, GI 15) has been
changedsincelastposition,thesystem willperformanilutomatic flush of'thcoil supply
pipe lines.

Operating modes

2.1 Automatic mode

Before burner is able to start up, the system will check if oil selector switch (3-way
valve, GI 15) has been changed, if it has, an automatic flush out of the oil supply line
will he performed. The control systcm automatically starts, stops, and regulates the
burner in normal operation depending on the steam demand. When the steam pressure
is bclow the set point for operation, the burner commences the stzrt-up sequence. If
the main steam valve and by-pass valve arc closed, the burner operates in minimum
firing position after start-up until the differential pressure behveco tbc boilcr and the
main steam line is within the set point for which modulation free mode is allowed. If,
on the other hand, the main steam valve and by-pass valve are open prior to bumer
start-up, the pressure in the boiler and the pressure of the main steam line are equalised.
and the burner operates in modulation free mode.

In modulation free mode, the control system attempts to maintain the steam pressure
at the desired set point by regulation of the burner load. The burner can be re~ulated
through the complete load range from minimum firing load to fill1 load.

However, should the steam demand decrease below the minimum firing load of thc
burner, the steam pressure will increase to the set point for burner stop. Thc bumer
stops and remains stopped until the set point for burner operation is reached again. If
oil selector switch (3-way valve, GI 15) is changed during operation, ibe system will

c @ t e y p $ h u c d ~ ~ ~ p @ f 4 1 i ~ f l ~ & @ ~ t o the system with the new oil selected.

O V $ ~ ~ -oc-yloro

+I#G&+ / Lg5-759 --

1anguagc I.",: ZIGN.~L<...-....... ....... ( 5

DET Not<8~=
-- .-
Note: Operating instruction should be followed when changing oil type

2.1.1 High pressure mode

When high pressure mode is selected the boilcr pressure rlses until the modulating sct
point is reached. At this point control system attempts to mantain the steam pressure
a1 the desired set point by regulation of the burner load. Thc high pressure mode can
be selected on the local control pancl or the computer.

Note: If the boiler plant is not intended to operate a t different pressure modec
the set point should be set to the same levels.

2.1.2 Low pressure mode

'Chc burner operates in a similar way as when it operates in high pressure mode. The
only difference between higb pressure mode and low pressure modc is that it is possiblc
to reduce the maximum load of the burner in low pressure mode by setting in thc
control system. The low pressure mode can be sclected on the local control panel or
the computer.

When the burner operates in high pressure modc and low pressure mode IS selected
e.g. during sailing conditions, the bumer stops, and the pressure in thc boiler begins to
drop. Excess steam wili in this mode be dumped and condensed in the condenser de-
pendent on thc set point for the steam dump valve

2.2 Inert gas mode

The boiler plant is designed so that good qualily inert gas 'an be provided. Thc inert
gas mode can be selected and controlled by settings in the control system. When the
hoiler operates as masterlslavelalone and inert gas modc is selectcd (internal or exter-
nal) the bumer will be forced to start, ifnot already started. The burner load will ramp
up to minimum inert gas load. If the steam pressure in the common linc drops below
the set point the burner load follows the common stream pressure regulator. However.
if the common stream pressure regulator sets the load below the minimum inert gzs
load the bumer load is kept on minimum inert gas load. In chis case exccss stem will
dumped and condensed via the steam dump equipment. Note that if the master boilel-
starts the slave boiler andinert gas mode isnot selectedfortheslave hoiler the minimum
load for this boiler will be minimum inert gas load provided this set point is higher
than the normal set point for stop. In inert gas mode the normal set point for stop is
inactive and the bumer is only stopped by an off signal for inert ga? mode or ihe high
steam pressure shut downs. If the minimum inert gas load is changed to a differcnl
value during operation the burner load will be adjusted to the new set point.

Note: lnert gas operation is possible in both low pressure mode and high pressure
mode. Rut the maximum burner load might be Limited in low pressure
mode by settings in thc control system.
2.3 Manual mode

Before burner is able to start up, the system will check if oil selector switch (%way
valve. G115) has bcen changed, if it has, an automatic flush out ofthe oil supply line
will be performed. When manual operation mode is selected only the operating per-
sonnel can start the burner. But during start-up the burner sequence is handlcd auto-
matically by the control system. After start-up the desired load alterations must he
carried out manually. In manual mode the normal set point for stop is inactivc and the
burner can only be stopped by the operating personnel or a shut down (e.g. high steam
pressure). If oil selector switch (3-way valve, GI IS) is chanped during operation, the
system will create a shutdown, and perform a flush-out of the system with the new oil

2.4 Mixed manual and automatic modes

This operation mode provides facilities io opcratc one of the boilers in normal auto-
matic mode and the other boiler in manual mode. The boiler in manual nlode must be
given a start signal and afcer startup the burner load can he manually set to the desired
load position. The boiler in automatic mode starts, stops, and regulates the burner in
normal operation depending on the steam demand. When the steam pressure is below
the set point for operation, the burner commences the start-up sequence and ifthe steam
pressure is above the set point for operation, the burner stops.

2.5 Masterlslave mode

The boilers can be operated in a master/s!ave principle. In this control mode one boiler
is chosen as the master boiler and the other as the slave boiler. Please uote that the
boilers must operate in the same pressure mode (lowhigh pressure modc). Thc selec-
tion of masterlslave boiler is optional and any one oftbe hvo boilers can bc selectcd
as the master boiler.

If the steam pressure in the common steam line drops below the set point for operdtion
the master boiler will start. After start-up the burner begins to moddatc until the pres-
sure is equal to the chosen set point. Start-up of thc slave boiler \\,ill only take placc if
thc load of tbc master boiler exceeds and remains above a predetermined value for a
certain period oftime. The set point for start-up is normally set to approximatcly 75%
load. When the slave hoiler has been started the burner remains in minimum firing
position until the differential pressure between thc slave hoiler md the main steam h e
is within the l i t for which the slave boiler is released to go into rising mode. In rising
mode the burner load will ramp-up until the oil flow is higher than the master boiler
oil flow. At this point the slave boiler is allowed to go into modulation free mode ?ad
the load wiU be equally shared hetwcen the two boilers. Stop of the slave boilcr will
be initiated when the load on the master burner reaches a predetermined stop load
which is normally set to approximately 15%.

When the slave boiler has not been started Tor a long period or time e.g. if thc steam
demand is low, the pressure of the slave boiler will drop. The control system starts the
burner automatically and kcep it in minimum ruing position by means ol' the signal
From the pressure transmitter of the boiler. \?'hen the pressure of the slave bo~lcrhas

Language U'
- 3 :
.I i _
been raised the control system stops the burner again. This temporary opemtion of the
slave boiler, also callcd slave maintcnancc operation, is carried out to avoid a too lono,
start time of a cold slave.
2.5.1 Change of masterlslave during operation
Thc change of master/slave state on one of the boiler control panels will influence both
panels automatically. If both boilers were in aotomatic mode and the old master boiler
was in operation at the time of changing slate the new master boiler begins start-up in
a slave manner. This means that it will ramp-up until the oil flow is higher than the old
master boiler oil flow. ARer this it operates as a real master boiler and the ne\v slavc
boiler stops if necessary.
2.5.2 Shutdown of the master boiler
If both boilers are in automatic mode and the master boiler receives a shutdown signal
the slave boiler automatically becomes the master boiler. This is valid in all operation
states, e.g. stopped, running, etc. Ry reset of thc old master boilcr shut down the new
master still continues as the mastcr boiler.

Please note that if one of the boilers is in manual mode the masterlslavc state \vdl not
be changed by a shutdown signal of the master boilcr.
2.5.3 Automatic and manual operation of the hoilers
When the master boiler is in automatic mode and the slave boiler is in manual mode.
the steam pressure in the main steam line will only be maintained by the mastcr holler.
Then the slave boiler can be started in manual mode and set on a fixed load. If the
master boiler is stopped and the slavc boilcr is set into automatic mode the stzte of !he
boilers will automatically change.

When thc master boilcr is in manual mode and the slave boiler is in automatic mode
thc system will not operate correctly because the master only can "call" for start/stop
of the slave boiler. The master boiler must bc in modulation ficc mode before it can
control the slave boiler. In this situation the slave boilcr \rill only be keep its mainte-
nancc pressure.
2.6 Emergency mode

In the rare event of a total break down of the control systcm, the burner unit with
belonging systems can be operated in emergency operation. Due to the fact that Lhe
majority of the safety interlock trips and shut downs are ovemled in emergencv mode.
the safety precautions for the plant must be observed v e v carefilly.

Please note that in emergency operation modc the safety interlocks are reduced to

Too low water level

Flame failure
Warning: When the burner operates in emergency mode, it is very important
that the boiler plant is carefully and continuously supenrised by the
ship engineering personnel. Pay special attention to the steam pressure
and water level.

In emergency mode, the burner unit and supply systems are operated Tmm insidc ibc
local control panel and the powerpanel. Various operating switches and potentiorneten
are provided inside thc panels for operating purposes.
Operating instructions

1 General
The following operation instructions arc valid for steam atomising burners of type
RBSD with Y-atomism and with a standard delivery of individual parts for the burner
unit and supply systems from M L B O R G INDUSTRIES.

Attention: If the burner unit and supply systems include parts, which are not
standard delivery from AA1,BORG INDUSTRIES, the ~pecificin-
structions for these parts should he ignored in the following sections.
The actual instructions for the specific parts should be thornnghly
studied and followed during operation of the burner.

The operation instruct~onsin thc following sections describe thc normal burner oper-
ations with regard to preparation for start-up on the selected fuel type, normal start1
stop, change of fuel. etc. It is implied that tile boiler, burner, control system, and ad-
ditional equipment for the boiler plant have been commissioned and are fully opera-

1.1.1 Descriptions
In the following sections various operating procedures are described such as:

Gas oil mode

IIeavy fuel oil mode
Nonnal startlstop
Change from gas oil ope
Change l?om heavy fuel
Change of operational
Change of heavy fuel
Prolonged stop
-.- - ~. . .~~
1.1.2 Position numbers
The position numbers mentioned in the t^ollowingsections rere: to the illustrations in
Figure I and Figure 2. The position numbers consist of an identification letter and a
position number code. Position numbers with the identification letters "G and R" refer
to Figure i, and position numbers with the identification letter "F" refer to Figure 2.
The oil system is shown as a plant with two boilers, but is also valid for a plant with
only one boiler.
Figure 1 f-oilsysl lx128323Oen.wrnf
Illustration of the burner unit and supply systems

isDlesel oil for ignition burnel

.-... ~"*-,:-~",-"-."-


Furnace pressure

Figure 2 om5580-60-hurnoix0056160en.amf

2 Operating Instructions

2.1 Gas oil mode


This section describes the actions that must be carried out before the burner unit and
oil system are operational on gas oil.

Step A: Check that oil is present in the gas oil rank. Open the quick closing valve
(G94), which connects the ga'. oil lank to the oil system.
Step B: Select gas oil on the manually operated three-way vzlve (GI !51.
Step C: Turn the manually operated three-way valve (G247) for oil flow through
both pumps.
Step D: Open the stop valves for the pressure gauges (G04, G1I. G I 6; and G47).

Language LY 5 1S
Note: The stop valves for the pressure gauges on the pump unit should only be
opened for pressure control purposes. During normal operation, the stop
valves should be closed.

Step E: Open the stop valves (G97 and GlOll, and close the by-pass valve ((31021.
Step F: By-pass thepre-heaters by means ofthe manually operated three-way valve
(GS l), and close the stop valves (G25 and G26) for both pre-heaters (G22).
Step G: Check that tbestop valve (G109) is closed.
Step H: Close the stop valves ((373) for both pre-heaters.
Step 1: Open the stop valves for the pressure gauges (G44 and F6S) and thc pressure
transmitter (G99).
Step J: Open the stop valves (G69 and G77) for the ignition oil pumps (G72).
Step K. Open the stop valves (F93 and F64j.
Step I,: Check the position of the three-way valvc (F99). The position must bc set
for oil flow through the burner unit.
Step M: Open the stop valves (F17 and F73).
Step N: Check that the throttle valvc (F152) is no! in closed position.
Step 0: Open the stop valve for the pressurc :ransnutter (F90).
Step P: Open the stop valve (F41) and the non-return valvc iF45).
Step Q : Open thestop valve (F92) for atomising steam supply from tbc steam system
Step R: Open the valves for the steam trap.
Step S: Set one of the oil pumps into operation mode and the other oil pump into
stand-by mode. If the burner is in automatic operation mode, the oil pumps
will not be operational before start-up of the burner is initiate(!.

Note: If atomising steam is not available from the steam system, close the stop
valve (F92) and open the stop valve (F87) for supply from the compressed
air system. Compressed air for atomising should only be used if steam is
not available.

2.2 Heaw fuel oil mode

This scction describes the actions, which must bc carried out beforc the burner unit
and oil system are operational on heavy fuel oil. It is implied that steam is available
for beating and atomising.

Step A: Check that oil is present in the heavy fuel oil settling tank.Open thc quick
closing valve (G95j that connects the heavy fuel oil settling tank to the o i l
Step B: Select heavy fuel oil on the manuallv operated three-way valve (GI 15).
Step C : Open the stop valve (G49) for the mixing tube.
Step D: Turn thc manually operated t h e - w a y valve (G247) for oil flour through
both pumps.
Step E: Open the stop valves for the pressure gauges ((304; G I I . G 16, aod G47j
Note: The stop valves for the pressure gauges on the pump unit should only be
opened for pressure control purposes. During normal operation, the stop
valves should be closed.

Step F: Open the stop valves (G97 and C101), and close the by-pass valvc (Gl02).
Step G : Open the stop valves for the pressurc gauges (G44and F68) and the prcsstirc
transmitter (G99).
Step H: Open the stop valves (F93 and F64).
Step I: Check the position of the three-way valve (F99). The position Inus( be set
for oil flow through the burner unit.
Step J: Open the stop valves (G25 and G26) for the pre-heater (G22), which should
be in operation and check that the stop valvc (G25) is closed for the stand-
by pre-heater.
Step K: Turn the manually opcrated three-way valvc (Cr51) for oil flow through the
Step I,: Check that the valves in the drain pipes from the pre-heaters are closed and
that the valves from the pre-heaters to the steam trap are open.
Step M: Open the stop valves (G53 and G54) and close the stop valve (G 109).
Step N: Open the stop valve ((373) for the operational pre-heater and close the stop
valve (G73) for the stand-by pre-heater.
Step 0:Start one of the oil pumps and set the other into stand-by mode.
Step P: Check that the tracing systems for the oil system and the burner unit are
Step Q: Open the stop valves (G69 and G77) for the iznition oil pumps (G73).
Step R: Open the stop valves (F17 and F73).
Step S: Check that the throttle valve (F152) is not in closed position.
Step T: Open the stop valve for the pressure transmitter (F90).
Step U: Open the stop valve (F41) and the non-return valve (F45).
Step V: Open the stopvalve (F92) foratomising steam supply from the steamsystem.
Step W: Open the valves for the steam trap.

2.3 Normal startlstop

Thc control system automatically starts, stops, and regulates the bumcr in nonnal op-
eration depending on the steam demand. When thc steam pressure is below h e set
point for operation, the burner commences the start-up sequence. If the main steam
valve and by-pass valve are closed, the burner operates in minimum firing position
after start-up until the differential pressure between the boiler and the main steam line
is within the set point for which modulation free mode is allowed. If, on the other hand,
the main steam valve and by-pass valve are open prior to burncr start-up. the pressure
in tbe boiler and the pressure of the main steam line are equalised, and the hurncr
operates in modulation free mode.

In modulation free mode, the control system attempts to malntain the steam pressure
at the desired set point by regulation of the burner load. The burner can he replated
through the complete load range from minimum firing load to S~llload
However, should the steam demand decrease below the minimum firing load of the
burner, the steam pressure will increase to the set point for burner stop. Thc burncr
stops and remains stopped until the set point for burner operation is rcached again.

2.4 Change from gas oil operation to heavy fuel oil operation -

When the fuel supply is changed !?om gas oil operation to heavy fuel oil operation. the
foilowing work steps should he carried out:

Step A: Check that oil is present in the heavy fuel oil settling tank. Open the cluick
closing valve (G95) which connects the hcavy fuel oil settling tank to the
oil system. To avoid cavitation of the oil pumps, the viscosity of tile oil in
the heavy fuel oil tank should not exceed 380 cSt. If necessarv, the oil lank:
should he heated.
Step B: Step B: Select heavy fuel oil on the manually operated three-way valvc
(GI 15). When heavy lie1 oil is selected, the control system automatically
changes to heavy fuel oil pump operation. The return valve GI i 1 is ener-
gized and returns to tank for a pre-se: period ((3437 holds the mixing tubc
Aftcr the time has expircd, the valve changes and returns to mixing tube for
normal heavy fuel oil operation (Gb30 is set to heaw fuel oil sett!ing tank:).
The fuel oil flow is set to 100% during the flushing sequence, to avoid heal-
ing of gas oil.
(if a cooler is present in the retum line the manually opcrated thrce-way
valve (G436) must be set to by-pass the cooler.)

Note: When the fuel type is changed from gay oil to h e a y fuel oil, a shut down
for low oil temperature may arise. If the burner is in operation, it will stop
due to this shut down. To prevent burner cut off, the set point for low oil
temperature can be lemporarilv decreased in the control system.

Step C: Select one of the pre-heaters for operation. The other pre-heater should bc
in stand-by mode.
Step D: Openthestop valves (C25 and (326) forthe operational pre-heater and check
that the stop valve (G25) is closcd for the stand-by pre-hcatcr.
Step F.: Turn the manually operated three-wav \:al\,e (G51) for oil ilow throi:gh tll?
Step F: Check that the valves in the drainpipes from the pre-heaters arc closcd and
that thc valves from the pre-hcaters to the steam trap arc opc11.
Step G : Check that the stop valves (ti53 and G54) are open and that thc slop v a l ~ , ?
(G109) is closed.
Step EL Check that the steam regulating valvc (G20) for thc pre-heaters is in auto-
matic mode.
Step I: Open the stop valve (G73) for the operational pre-heater and close tile sin!?
valve (G73) for the stand-by prc-heater.
Step J: Check that the tracing systems for the oil system and the humer unit are
Step K: Check the heavy fuel oil temperature. f i e viscosity ofthe oil at the atomiser
should be between 15-20 cSt. The pre-heating temperature can be deter-
mined by means ofthe chart in the chapter "\'iscosiv-femperature charl".
2.5 Change from heavy fuel oil operation to gas oil operation

When the fuel supply is changed from heavy fuel oil operation to gas oil opcration, the
following work steps should bc canicd o ~ ~ t :

Step A: Check that oil is present in the gas oil tank. Open the quick closing valve
((399,which connects the gas oil tank to the oil system.
Step B: Select gas oil on the manually operated three-way valve (G I 15). The burner
is stopped, and the pump is activated for a pre-set period of time to flush the
DumD . unit. As soon as the pumps are flushed, the conirol syctem stops the
he1 oil pumps, unt:l thc i d o!I i:rnpcrature has dccreaced to approx:~?arrly
GO deprees Ce!siur. When the tcrnpcratwc has dropped 111epumps arc rc!:-
\atcd and thrce-\r.x! \alves Gl 1 I and Ci-137)automauca..) chance pov:lnn
ant return tile h e : 011to the hcivv fuel oil setll~nelxnr <or a vt?-bet ~er:o(l
of time. Atter the pre-set timc period bas expGed, the thrke-way' valve
( G l l l ) returns Lo normal position to flush the mixing tube, while the three-
way valve G437 holds its position. When the second timer has expired, the
three-way valve GI 11 is re-activated and r e m s the fuel oil to the tank, and
the tank selection valve G439 returns the fuel oil to the gas oil tank. If the
burner is in stop mode, the oil pumps will not be operational, and the pump
will s t m and stop with the burner. (If a cooler is present in the return line,
the manually operated three-way valve, must hc set to return the oil through
the cooler)
Step C: By-pass the pre-hcaters by means of the manually operated ihree-way valve
(G5 I), and close the stop valves (G25 and G26) for both pre-heaters (G2Z).
Step D: Close the stop valve (G73)for the operational pre-heater and check that the
stop valve (G73) for the stand-by pre-heater is closed.
Step E: Check that the tracing of the piping system is off when tl~cbumcr is in gas
oil operation.

Caution: Heating o f diesel oil in the piping system must be avoided.

2.6 Change of pre-heater

When the pre-heater is changed, thc following work steps should be carr~ednut:

Step A: Open the stop valves (G25 and (326) for the pre-hcatcr which should be
Step B: Open the stop valve (G73) for the pre-heater which should be operational.
Step C: Close the stop valve (G73) for the pre-heater which should he in stand-by
Step D: Close the stop valve (G25) for the pre-heater which should bc in stand-bv
2.7 Change of heavy fuel oil bunker type

If the heavy fuel oil bunker type is changed and the calorific value of the oil changes,
the airlfuel ratio should be adjusted to obtain the correct combustion data. This is done
by changing the correction factor of the airlfuel ratio on the local panel or computer.
If the correction factor is set to a value above 100, the air flow for the combustion
process decreases. If the correction factor is set to a value hclo\v 100. the air flow Tor
the combustion process increases. This means that if the calorific value of the oil in-
creases, the value of the correction factor should be decreased to obtain the same com-
bustion data and visa versa.

2.8 Prolonged s t o ~

When the boiler plant is stopped for a long period of time, the oil system including the
pre-heaters should be flushed with gas oil before the plant is shut d o u n Futihermorc.
the trdcing must be switched off.
Cont*ol system

1 General
Tbe control system is designed to provide safe and functional operation of thc boiler
plant both at the boiler and in the engine control room. The general dcsign comprises
a local control section for each included boiler, a common power section and a PC
based control and monitoring system.

Figure 1 illustrates a typical configuration for a boiler systnn. 'The example s h o w is

for a MISSIOWMOL twin boiler plant. The control system is constructed in a similar
way for other boiler types.

The communication between the local control panels, power pane!^, and L-n gine room
PC is achieved tb~ougba 2-wire RS48.5 network. Tlle cable type is a hvistcd pair with
shield. The 2 x 0.5-1.5 mm2cable should not exceed 1000 metres in total length.

Illustration of the control system

- ~- I I -
Figure 1 sd9306-UZ-cons~sx006476Oen.wmf

Local control section

The local control section contains the local panel, communication interface, relays,
flame monitoring equipment, water level control equipment, switclies for emcrgcncy
operation,etc. Thecabinet givesan IP 55 insulation class andcan be located in arnhicnt
temperatures between 0-45°Cwith a relative humidity up to 90%. The maximum vl-
bmtion level is 100 Gal at 10-30Hz. The 115 or 230 V AC, 45-65Hz power supply,
is supplied from the common power section. The maximum power consumption ol'the
local panel is approximately 50 VA. Figtire 2 illustrates the complete local control

The local panel as we11 as the power panels are constructed as a computerised control
and monitoring system. The panels are equipped with a number of digital and analogue
inputloutput connections. These input and output connections are handled by the CPU.
which opcntes the panels, the EPROM, which contains the programme, and thc
E2PROM, which stores specified plant data.

The local control section is located on tbc boiler. This provides thc operator with a
clear view of the boiler operation. The complete boiler system can be operated kom
the local panel with or without the PC system in sclvice. By use ofthe soft keys placed
to the left of the display, the burner can be operated in manual mode, and shut dowas;
alarms can be acknowledged. The soft keys placed to the right ofthe display give access
to the menu structure. The actual menu levels or menu item lines are displayed on the
four line crystal display (LCD).

Access to a number of different parameters, setfings, etc. is limited by password en-

tering. This secures the operation %om unintentional entering and modification, which
might cause damage to the boilcr plant. The password routine is divided into two steps.
The entering of the common user password provides access to the most colnmon menu
itcms, and the super user password which is only known by Aalborg Induarics, pro-
vides access lo thc more vital functions.

In a twin boiler system alterations of settings for common equipment such as. e.y. fuel
oil pumps can only be perfomled from the boiler selected as the master boiler.
lllushation of the local control section

Figure 2

Common power section

The common power section contains power supply systems, common power panel(s),
motor starters andoptional components likc smoke density monitoring system, salilty
a i m equipment, oil detection equipment, erc. Furthemlore, switches for emerxency
operation are provided inside the common power section.

The common power section can be locateti almost aoywhcrc in the engine room, but
it should be easy accessible because the power section must be operated during emcr-
gency operation. The dimensions of the cabinet may differ fiom plant to plant due to
the different armament.

The number ofpower panels provided depends on the individual needs for the plant.
E.g. confrol o f the fuel oil pumps is achieved by means of power panel 1 and control
of the feed water pumps, if provided, by means of power panel 2. F~pur e .1 11
I ustrates
a power panel.

By use of the soft keys parameters, settings, etc. can be entered or modified, ant1 the
actual menu levels or menu item lines are displayed on the display. During normal
operation, the entering or modification of parameters, settings, ctc., should be pcr-
formed kom the local panel(s). This is possible because all panels included in a plant
are connected via the RS485 network.
illustration of a power panel

Common LSFO power section

The common LSFO power scction contains power supply systems and motor ctarters
(for LSFO pumps), VO etc. It can be located almost anywhere in the engine room, but
it should be easy accessible because it must be in operation during emergency opera-
tion. The panel (measures 60Ox600mm)is needed to control extra pumps and to handle
additional in- and outputs required for LSFO. The panel does not have a LCD display,
so lo conhol the additional equipment which is added in the existing plant, parameters,
settings, etc. must be entered from local contrcl panel section. andio: power panel

- -

Figure 4 ~d9306-09-04x1097960en.wmf

PC based monitoring system

The control system is provided with a PC with qaphic user interface, which call be
installed in the engine control room.

The RS485 network c o ~ e c t i o nenables the PC based monitoring system to rctrieve

data From the control panels in the system and present the cumplete boiler plant on the
PC. This means that active control ofthe boiler plant can take place from the keyboard
or mouse input device. All parameters, settings. etc. can be controlled fromthc PC and
down loaded to the control system.

The graphic user interface is programmed in thc well-known and standard windows
environment. This gives the operator a feeling of co~nfortfrom the v e v first time the
system is operated. Traditional windows pulldownmenus provide access toshut down/
alarm lists as well as swapping facilities betwccn the different pictures designed to
present the completc system. Pop-up pictures enable the operator to stafl and stop
boilers or to change steam pressure set points, etc. In a twin boiler plant selection of
master and slave boilers can also be carried out from the PC.

A password system provides the logged-on user with permissionsireshictions and en-
sures that no parameters can be changed by unautborised personnel.

As shown in Figure 5 below, an optional hook up to the system may be prov~dedFrom

a portable PC (laptop or similar).

Illustration of the PC and optional laptop

PC in enyrlc c3r;rol room Portable PC ,optional)

Figure 5 sd9306-02-unisabx0064790cn.wml

Language UK S .' 5
LSFO modification - Sinele & Double line fuel svstem
With this document we guarantee that, our equipment fulfil Classification society requirement
stated below, information are related to dra>vingslplan mentioned in cover letter.

- Fuel Oil Supply System

-Burner unit diagram
-Wiring diagram boiler additional power
-Alarm list
-Shutdown list KOT SIIRJFCT TO A?PROV!~L
- HazOp Study
I. Design condition pressure and
Fuel oil operationidesign pressure 25/32
Design temperature 60~/160'
!gition/diesel oil 7 bar
Steam pressure operation 7 bar
Air pressure operation 7 b a

2. Facts: Joint, valves, fittings is according lo Classification society requiremenl, Scrcwcd

fittings used are of an approved type and the joint has metal to metal connectio:~.

3. racts: All valves and pipes are steel material.

4 :acts: Fuel oil pipes are protected to avoid oil spray onlo hot surfaces.

5 Facts: Burner arrangement is desiped so the bumer cannot be withdrawn in

operation due to position switch cutoff.

6. Facts: Scantlings of pipes is according to Classification society requirement, 0 1 2

instrument pipe thickness Zmm.

7. Facts: Flexible hoses are fire tested and approved ty?es.

8. !:acts: Fuel oil cooler are approved type, build and tested under survey.

9. Facts: Ball valves used as terminal valves in way of pumps and filters arc
approved and fire tested type (please see list ofparts).

I 0 Facts: Arrangement of the steam connection to the steam atomising bumer is made so
oil fuel cannot find its way into the steam system.

1 1 Facts: H a ~ a r dand Operability Study will cover thc submitted desigc

(please see HazOp Study).

12. Facts. The burner arrangement is designed so that atomising steam can be used in
combination with distillate fuel oil grades.
13. Facts: Aalborg Industries c o n f m that the boiler, burner and control system are designed
for operating on DMA as per I S 0 8217:2005(E)

14. Facts: Electrical and control engineering

Descriptions of manual, automatic and emergency mode with change over procedures from HFO to
MGO an<!from MGO to HFO is attached to tbis letter. The instructions will be included in fi~ture
submissions for your easy reference.

OM9306-xx - Operating Principles

OM55R(l_xs - Operating Instructions

In the evcnt of power failure, the boiler safeguard will force the air damper to fully open position
utilizing the naiural draft through the uptake to ventilate possible gasses from the furnace. During
power fiilure, it will not be possible to run the boiler in manual, automatic nor emergency modc
until pori cr has been restored.

There hzve been no changes to the hard-wired safety shutoffs already present in the control panel.
The standard of the control software in the programmable electronic equipment (Unisab) ha? not
been ch?.nged compared lo the control software already approved by Classification socicty, and
are foun!i to be in compliance with mentioned rules.

All hardivare equipment is to the normal standard of Aalborg Indushies, and is not found lo vjolat~.
the requtrcments of Classification society.

Please find attached a complete alarm & shutdown List with additional alanns for your easy
reference. Reference is made to the equipment tag numbers on the piping diagrams.

All valvcs and control system related equipment is installed with a fail safe state in casc of power
failure. ;'.I1 valves arc installed with a fail safe position designed to avoid contamination or^.?ufuels and
any to avoid any safety risks.

The flame failure detection equipment is installed with full redundancy. The control system will
monitor h e flame either with 2 active flame scanners at all times, or with a single flame scanner
with self monitoring capabilities to comply with above statement.

We herc5v confirm that the control system will lock out the possibility of initiating the ignition
sequence in case of flame failures until the lock out period (post purging) has been finalized.

Aalborg lndustrtes
Global ,\.2er Sales Division
3 . . .-
#LL t?,.!hAC :,,\,#:, '.,:F7n,r<!',.: -
t . , . . , ' 8 1 , . d ' , I ., :, \ , , , i i . r X

2 WATER PUMP 1 NO FEEDSACK 0.1.2,3,4 2 x x x x x x x r x x r x x

3 WATER PUMP 2 NO FEEDBACK 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
4 WATER PUMP 3 NO FEEDBACK 0.1,2,3.4 0,1.2,3.4 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
5 WATER PUMP 4 NO FEEDBACK 0,1,2,3,4 2 r x x x x x x x x x x x x
6 CIRC. PUMP INO FEEDBACK 0,1.2,3,4 4 i x x x x x x x x x x x x
7 CIRC. PUMP 2 NO FEEDBACK 4 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
8 OIL CONTENT HlGH 0.1,2,3,4 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
9 SALINITY HIGH 0.1,2,3.4 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
10 PARTNER OFFLINE 0,1,2.3.42 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
1 1 PARTNER NOT IN AUTO 0,1.2.3,4 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
12 HlGH GAS TEMP AT EGB n.i.2.3.4 2 x x x r x x x x x x x x x
13 CIRCULATION PUMP 1 LOW FLOW 0.1.2,3.4 0,1.2.3,4 4 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
I 4 not used X X X X X X X X X X X X X

15 BOILER PRESSURE ILOW 0,1.2.3,4 0,1,2,3.4 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x

16 ATMOMlZlNG STEAM PRESSLIRE LOW 2 x x x x n x x x x x x x x
17 WATER LEVEL HIGH 4 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
18 WATER LEVEL ILOW 0,1.2.3,4 3 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
19 FUEL OIL PRESSURE LOW 0,1.2:3.4 0,1.2,3,4 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
20 FUEI. OILTEMPERATURE LOW n,i,;,3,4 2 x x x x x x x x x : x x x
21 STEAM PRESSURE COMMON LOW 0.1,2.;3,4 x x x x x x x x x x x x x
22 SMOKE DENSITY HlGH 0.1,2.3.40,1,2.3,4i2 x x x x x x x x x x r x x
23 OWGEN SENSOR HlGH 0.1.2,3.4 7 Y X X X X X

74 FUEL PUMP 1 OVERLOAD 2 x r x x x x v x x x x r x

25 FUEI. PUMP 7 OVER1OAD 2 x x x x r x x n x r x x x
26 WATER POMP 1 OVERLOAD 7 x r x r x x r x x x x r r
27 WATER PUMP 2 OVERLOAD x r x x x x r r r x x x x

General design information kbsd.doc

115 I_.-~__

-." i_:DIT
I s Y. p ~ ~ ...51; .
s _.,,..
~ .c 6 o L E R ~ $ ~ ~ ~. ~ f l ~ @ ~ ~ .~ ~
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- i - .<..-
A ~ ...~,.. .~.., ..&.
~ !!ti3 . .....,..
~ ~d...~ j n V ' ? : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :
a,. .-

131 OIL TEMPERATURE NO1 RtACI~IEL: 24 2.4 2 x x x

132 OIL FLOW TOO LOW 2 r x n

General design information kbsd.doc


, ,,!<;:: :,l~,rrp,h. t:s!?:.:~,:;:,J'q:~ L,:.p,: .


General design informaiicn kbsd.doc

28 WATER LEVEL HlGH l r x x x x x n x i x x x x

29 WATER LEVEL LOW 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x








37 SALlNllY HIGH 1 X X X X X X X X X X X X X

38 TEMP. UPTAKE HlGH 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x

4 0 EXTERN SHWDOWN 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x


43 TEMP. INLET LOW l r x i i x x x u x x x x x

4 4 TEMP. OUTLET HlGH l x x x x x x x x x x x x x
45 TEMP. OUTLET LOW I x x n x x x x x x x x x x

47 DIFF. PRESS. LOW 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x x

48 ME LOAD HlGH l x x x x x x x x x x x x x

5C h4E SLOW DOWN l r x x r x r r s x x ~ ~ r










60 COMB AIR FAN MOTOR OVERLOAD l x x x x x x x x x x x x x


67 FUEL 011 PRESSURE HlGH l x x r x r x x r n x x x r


General design information kbsd.doc

Siiutdowri List

M FUEL OIL TEMPERATURE LOW IN BURNER l x v x x x x x x x x x X ~

65 TEMPERAWRE IN WINDBOX HIGH l x x x x x x x x x x x ~ ~

General design information kbsd.doC

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