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Biological Foundations Of Behaviour - II



Topic: Sleep and Dream Journal

Submitted by:
Yashita Chhabra (22223134)

Submitted to:
Prof. Hema
Assistant Professor

Submitted on:
8th April, 2023

Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences

CHRIST (Deemed To Be University, Delhi NCR
Sleep and Dream Journal

Day 1:

Date: April 3rd, 2023

Bedtime: 12:00 AM

Wake up time: 7:00 AM

Medications: Cold medicines - Wikoryl which induces sleep

Sleep duration: 7 hours


I do not remember my dream completely but I thought about my friends and I slept. Therefore, I

feel that I had a dream about them only. I was sitting in a restaurant and it was my birthday. My

friends who lived far away came there at the restaurant to surprise me. It turned out to be the best

birthday for me.

Day 2:

Date: April 4th, 2023

Bedtime: 2:30 AM

Wake up time: 11:00 AM

Medications: Wikoryl for cold

Sleep duration: 7.5 hours

I don’t really remember my dream, as I slept taking my medications. I don’t even remember

waking up in the middle of the night to check the time or something. I directly woke up in the

morning at 7 first but I slept again. Then I woke up at 11. Even then I did not remember if I had

any dreams in between that time period.

Day 3:

Date: April 5th, 2023

Bedtime: 1:30 AM

Wake up time: 7:00 AM

Medications: Wikoryl for cold

Sleep duration: 5.5 hours


I remember early in the morning after my alarm went off I had slept again for a brief time and I

had a dream that I was at home sitting in my room. Suddenly, I heard voices from my living

room, I went out running, there were people with guns and knives, and came to ask for money

from my father. As I was the first one running outside they caught me at the gunpoint and started

asking for money. As my dad asked him to leave me because he doesn't have any money on him

right now. The kidnappers told him that he is taking me. The sooner he gets the money, the

sooner he can take me back from them. As they were taking me, I just kept screaming and telling

my parents to save me and in the middle of that dream I woke up with my eyes teary and sweat

on my face.

Day 4:
Date: April 6th, 2023

Bedtime: 1:30 AM

Wake up time: 7:00 AM

Medications: WIkoryl for cold

Sleep duration: 5.5 hours


I don't remember having any dreams last night. I don't even remember waking up last night from

my sleep to drink water or anything. I woke up directly in the morning after my alarm rang.

Day 5:

Date: April 7th, 2023

Bedtime: 2:30 AM

Wake up time: 9:30 AM

Medications: Wikoryl for cold

Sleep duration: 7 hours


I had a dream of missing my exam because of oversleeping. And I remember waking up all

anxious because I thought I had missed my exam of one of the very core papers. But somehow,

after some time, I realized that it was just a dream.

Analysis of Sleep and dreams from the journal.

My sleep schedule has been a little disturbed as I am not able to sleep at night. But as

soon as I had started taking medications for a cold which induced sleep in me I was sleeping

more than expected and I felt sleepy more than I usually did.

I usually sleep very late at night and wake up early in the morning for college. It

eventually became a habit and I used to survive on a few hours of sleep which wasn’t a problem

anymore for me. My usual bedtime recently is between 12-2 AM and my usual wake up time

during college hours is between 6:30-7 AM. I do get dreams but they are usually quite scary. The

times are very rare, when I have happy dreams and I wake up with a smile on my face. Like the

time when I had a dream where my friends surprised me on my birthday. I woke up with a

smiling face until I realized that I had lost some of those friends.

Even though I have had a few hours of sleep only, it doesn’t really bother me. It feels as if

it’s more than enough hours of sleep for me. Before the medications it took me more than 30

mins to fall asleep but after medications it only took me around 5 mins approximately to fall

asleep. Also, I used to wake up in the middle of the night at least once without medications but

after medications, I used to wake up in the morning on my usual time.

I have noticed, most of the time I have thoughts running in my mind whenever I go to

bed which bothers me a lot. Therefore, it results in me sleeping late even after trying to sleep,

which in turn I guess have bad dreams. I have tried stopping those thoughts but it didn't help

much. Then these days I ask one of my best friends to stay on the call till I fall asleep which

helps me to sleep a little faster.

I usually sleep just for 5-6 hours but I guess working on my anxiety issues would make a

much better sleeper. Working on my triggering points which triggers these thoughts would really
help me with my sleep. I recently lost some of my very close people because of some small

misunderstandings which has increased my anxiety. If I am scrolling through my gallery or

instagram, and I happen to see their pictures, it results into those thoughts. So my sleep habits

have drastically changed in a negative way, which I would love to change and work on myself

and for once would love to get a peaceful sleep.

Dreams have been terrifying for me most of my life. I either get cockroaches or I see

myself getting kidnapped somehow or someone dying in my dream. I have no idea why. They

just come randomly, even without me thinking of the people in it or the actions happening in it.

These dreams come once every 2-3 months. There is no connection between what I do in my

daily life or the daily activities I perform in my routine and these dreams.

As Sigmund Freud suggested in his theory of dreams, wishes are fulfilled in dreams.

Wish fulfillment is Freud's most well-known hypothesis, which holds that when wishes cannot or

will not be granted in our waking life, they are granted in dreams. According to him, even

unpleasant or punitive nightmares have their origins in wish fulfillment.

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