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SĐT: 0886616610

In recent years, a growing number of people rely on restaurants and

convenience food( frozen food and packaged meals) rather than home-cook food to
supply most of their meals => eating at a restaurant is becoming increasingly
popular. People hold different opinions about it. In my opinion, everythings
everything in this universe has positive and negative sides, depending on each
person’s perspective. Some people think that A growing number of people rely on
restaurants and convenience food (frozen food and packaged meals) rather than
home-cooked food to supply most of their meals. I partly agree with this idea
because of the following reasons.
On the one hand, we cannot deny that a growing number of people rely on
restaurants and convenience food( frozen food and packaged meals) rather than
home-cook food to supply most of their meals => eating at a restaurant brings
people many benefits. First and foremost, no need for any cooking skills apply
prepare to them. Besides, no more usage of utensils because every convenience
food is available in the good package which is directly apply put in microwave and
just ready in a few minutes. Additionally, individual have a variety of choice to
select their food according to their taste and budget. Lastly, save the time and effort
to prepared it. It can be seen that a growing number of people rely on restaurants
and convenience food( frozen food and packaged meals) rather than home-cook
food to supply most of their meals => eating at a restaurant is actualy actually very
beneficial in many ways. (e không dùng những câu bên ngoài, em dùng những câu
chị cho ghi để nhớ nhé)
 Đoạn này em cần nêu ưu điểm của việc ăn tại nhà hàng nhé.
- Em tham khảo những câu sau nhé:
+ It saves a great deal of time. In fact, instead of spending hours cooking,
nowadays people can eat anything at a restaurant.
+ when today’s modern life has a lot of pressure, eating at a restaurant is a
great way to people relieve stress after tiring hours of work and study.
+ thêm câu mọi người muốn trải nghiệm thứ mới……
SĐT: 0886616610

On the other hand, we must also admit that a growing number of people rely
on restaurants and convenience food (frozen food and p packaged meals) rather
than home-cook food to supply most of their meals => eating at a restaurant also
has various negative aspects. In the first place, a growing number of people rely on
restaurants and convenience food (frozen food and packaged meals) rather than
home-cook food to supply most of their meals => eating at a restaurant makes (e
thêm đuôi s) people lazy, dependent, and irresponsible in life. Furthermore, foods
high in fat and containing preservatives can cause obesity and cancer. If people
don’t cook our own food, it is very difficult to control calories. Last but not least, a
growing number of people rely on restaurants and convenience food (frozen food
and packaged meals) rather than home-cook food to supply most of their meals
creates invisible pressures, sometimes even crushing people’s resilience to
overcome difficulties e sửa thành => eating at a restaurant costs a great deal of
money. Its cost is quite expensive. Therefore, it can create a heavy financial burden
for them. It can be proved that a growing number of people rely on restaurants and
convenience food (frozen food and packaged meals) rather than home-cook food to
supply most of their meals => eating at a restaurant also has quite a few
- Em tham khảo thêm nhé:
+ service quality at some restaurants is relatively low, unstable, and
inconvenient, so many people still wonder whether should eat at a restaurant
or not.

In conclusion, all of the things I mentioned above are just my own

opinions on this matter. I think that each person will have a different assessment of
the problem and it will affect each person differently, depending on the particular
case. As far as I am cancerned concerned, I put more highlight on the idea that we
eat at home a restaurant. People should have further consideration on this issue.
SĐT: 0886616610

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