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Kaspersky B2B
Rebate Program

for Distributors

Learn more on

1. Introduction to the Program 2

2. Terms and definitions 2

3. Rebate Calculation 3

4. Rebate Payment 3

5. Value Added Distributor status 4

6. Responsibility of Participants of this Program 5

7. Pricing Policy 5

8. Rates 5

Appendix 1. Rebate Structure 6

Appendix 2. List of Countries 7

1. Introduction to the Program
Kaspersky is delighted to offer the opportunity to participate in 2020 Kaspersky B2B Rebate
Program for Distributors (“Program”). This Program is designed to allow Distributors to receive
the Rebate for selling B2B Products available in the Kaspersky most up-to-date price list
(“Price List”), if Distributor successfully fulfils conditions as described further below.

To join the Program Distributors need to have a Distribution Agreement, allowing them to sell
B2B Products, accept Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions for Distributors and Targets that
can be found on the Kaspersky Partner Portal via

2. Terms and definitions

Accounting Period Means the following periods:
• Quarter 1 (January, February, March) of 2020;
• Quarter 2 (April, May, June) of 2020;
• Quarter 3 (July, August, September) of 2020;
• Quarter 4 (October, November, December) of 2020.

Amount of Purchases Means the total amount of purchases of B2B Products made by the Distributor during the
Accounting Period and calculated based on Shipping prices. Amount of Purchases shall
contain only orders with statuses “delivered” in KORM adjusted by the corrections in prices or
quantities of the periods in the past and “invoiced” and shall be reduced by the amount of B2B
Products returned and/or credit notes in the respective Accounting Period.

B2B Products*: – For Distributor means Kaspersky corporate B2B software products (except “Kaspersky
Anti Targeted Attack Platform”, “Threat Intelligence”, “Industrial CyberSecurity”, “DDoS
Protection” product sections) designed for the use by enterprises and listed in the
official price list of Kaspersky effective in the particular Territory.

– For Value Added Distributor status means Kaspersky corporate B2B software
products related to “Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform”, “Threat Intelligence”
(except “Kaspersky Fraud Prevention” product line), designed for the use by enterprises
and listed in the official price list of Kaspersky effective in the particular Territory.

Distribution Agreement Means a valid distribution agreement executed between Kaspersky and the Distributor.

Distributor Means the direct partner of Kaspersky in the Territory that has a Distribution Agreement entitling
the Distributor to distribute B2B Products, and complies with the conditions of this Program.

Distributor who complies with all requirements of this Program and has strong technical expertise
and capabilities in Kaspersky Enterprise Products with focus on “Threat Management & Defense”
and “Threat Intelligence” product lines can get Value Added Distributor status.

KORM Means Kaspersky Order Management System.

Rebate Means a specific bonus amount to be paid for the fulfillment of the Target for the particular
Accounting Period agreed by the Distributor and Kaspersky. Rebate is equal to the agreed
percentage of the Amount of Purchases.

Shipping price Means a royalty or distribution fees (as applicable) amount to be paid by the Distributor to
Kaspersky for B2B Products purchased under the Distribution Agreement.

Target(s) Means a minimum Amount of Purchases within the Accounting Period. Targets are set separately
for each Accounting Period. It is required to explicitly confirm Targets by Distributor prior to the
end of each Account Period on the Kaspersky Partner Portal via
to be eligible for participation in the Program. Target is necessary to be achieved by the Reseller
to become eligible for Rebate.

Territory Means the countries listed in the Appendix 2.

* Exceptions: B2B Products do not include services distributed by means of certificates as per Price List. The product “Kaspersky Small Office Security” with the package
“License” only falls under the definition of B2B Products. Other packages of “Kaspersky Small Office Security” are excluded from the definition of B2B Products and are
not covered by this Program.

3. Rebate Calculation
Distributor is entitled to receive a Rebate according to this Program and Kaspersky
Rebate Terms & Conditions for Distributors for each Accounting Period provided
it meets the requirements stated in this Program and in Kaspersky Rebate Terms &
Conditions for Distributors.

Upon acceptance of Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions for Distributors, Kaspersky
Partner Portal will reflect Targets for specific Accounting Period achieving which
Distributor will be entitled for the Rebate. Distributors will be able to access the Targets
at any time via Kaspersky Partner Portal.

Distributors with Value Added Distributor status are eligible to receive separate Rebate
for the fulfillment of additional Target(s) according to this Program and Kaspersky
Rebate Terms & Conditions for Distributors for each Accounting Period provided
it meets the requirements stated in this Program and in Kaspersky Rebate Terms &
Conditions for Distributors. Rebate Structure for Value Added Distributor status is
stated in Appendix 1.

The Rebate, if any, is calculated by Kaspersky upon each Accounting Period during
the term of the Program and Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions for Distributors.
Kaspersky will set Targets for each Accounting Period (Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter
3 and Quarter 4) separately.

In order to stimulate sales in the certain Accounting Period, Kaspersky may establish
incentive provisions with specific term and for specific product(s) or product group(s).
Incentive provisions will be presented on Kaspersky Partner Portal. Rebate for the
fulfilling of incentive provisions will be calculated additionally to Rebate Structure
stated in Appendix 1.

During the term of this Program and Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions for
Distributors, the Rebate will be calculated in case of achieving or exceeding the
Targets and is based on the total Amount of Purchases for the corresponding
Accounting Period. The Rebate Percentage used for the calculation of the Rebate
is indicated in the Appendix 1 (“Rebate Structure”) below. If the Distributor did not
achieve Targets the Rebate will not be calculated and subsequently not paid.

The Amount of Purchases does not accumulate from a quarter to quarter.

If the Distributor did not achieve Targets in Quarter 1, for example, the Amount of
Purchases in Quarter 1 will not be transferred to Quarter 2. A detailed example of
the Rebate Calculation and the Rebate Percentage can be found in the Appendix 1
(“Rebate Structure”) below.

Target of B2B Products is calculated based on Shipping prices, and is determined

and agreed on the Kaspersky Partner Portal.

4. Rebate Payment
Calculation and payment of Rebate to Distributors is provided on the grounds that
the Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions for Distributors is accepted and Targets
are confirmed by the Distributor on the Kaspersky Partner Portal prior to the end of
each Accounting Period.

Payment of Rebate is made to Distributors only upon fulfillment of the agreed Target
by the Distributor.

Payment of Rebate will be made after the end of the respective Accounting Period
within reasonable period of time.

Payment of Rebate to Distributor can be refused at the sole discretion of Kaspersky

if the Distributor violates payment or other terms of Distribution Agreement, Kaspersky
B2B Rebate Terms & Conditions for Distributors, requirements of the Kaspersky
License policy or this Program.

5. Value Added Distributor status
Distributors with Value Added Distributors status are expected to:

• Actively develop “Threat Management & Defense” and “Threat Intelligence” product
lines (as detailed below) sales on assigned territory;
• Hunt, onboard and enable new enterprise partners;
• Provide sales, pre-sales and technical support to partners.

Products relevant to Value Added Distributor status

Threat Management & Defense product lines Threat Intelligence product lines

• Kaspersky Threat Data Feeds

• Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform
• Kaspersky Threat Lookup Portal
• Kaspersky Private Security Network
• Kaspersky APT Threat Intelligence Reporting
• Endpoint Detection and Response
• Kaspersky Financial Threat Intelligence Reporting Kaspersky
(excluding Standard Edition)
Cloud Sandbox

Value Added Distributor status requirements

“Threat Management and Defense”,

“Threat Intelligence” product lines

Approved Application form with Business Plan 

VAD-Driven Partner Enablement Activities 
VAD Rebates Target on Selected Products 
Quarterly Business Review 
Certified Sales Professionals* 2
Certified Technical Professionals* 2
Demo stand ready for PoC 
*According to the list of trainings and examinations presented below.

The list of trainings and examinations

Recommended Training Required Exam

Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Course code: S39 Exam code: S39

Certified Sales Specialist Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Sales Training Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Sales Exam
Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Course code: 139 Exam code: 139
Certified Professional Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Technical Training Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Technical Exam
Course code: S25 Exam code: S25
Kaspersky Threat Management and
Kaspersky Threat Management and Defense Kaspersky Threat Management and Defense
Defense Certified Sales Specialist
Sales Training Sales Training
Course code: 025 Exam code: 025
Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack
Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform, Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform,
Platform, Endpoint Detection and
Endpoint Detection and Response Technical Endpoint Detection and Response Technical
Response Certified Professional
Training Exam

The Distributor’s employees must have the latest available version of the relevant sales
or technical certificates. If – at the time of the annual renewal of the Value Added
Distributor status – any of the Distributor’s certificates relate to an obsolete version
of the relevant exam, the Distributor’s employees must pass the new exam and update
their certificates within 90 days.

Value Added Distributor status is valid for one year. Distributor must comply with all
relevant Program requirements, get the confirmation from Kaspersky about assigning
a status and has a valid Distribution Agreement with Kaspersky entitling the Distributor
to distribute B2B Products. Distributors with Value Added Distributors status are
entitled to receive a Rebate according to this Program and the Kaspersky Rebate
Terms & Conditions for Distributors for each Accounting Period provided it meets
the requirements stated in this Program and Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions
for Distributors.

At the start of each calendar year, Distributors that wish to remain in the Value Added
Distributor status must continue to comply with all relevant Program requirements
and has a valid Distribution Agreement with Kaspersky entitling the Distributor to
distribute B2B Products.

In case if Distributor wish to get the Value Added Distributor status during the year
all requirements of this Program must be met and the confirmation from Kaspersky must
be received. Targets for the Value Added Distributor status will be set by Kaspersky until
the end of the year and starting date will be agreed between Kaspersky and Distributor
and presented on the Kaspersky Partner Portal via
It is required to explicitly confirm Targets by Distributor with Value Added Distributor
status prior to the end of each Account Period.

Kaspersky will have the final decision on granting the Value Added Distributor status.
Kaspersky reserves the right not to award Value Added Distributor status to certain
companies, even if the requesting company meets all of the formal Program requirements.

6. Responsibility of Participants of this Program

All participants of this Program undertakes the following:

• To comply with the Distribution Agreement;

• To accept and comply with the Kaspersky Rebate Terms & Conditions for Distributors;
• To comply with Kaspersky License policy;
• To comply with the intellectual property rights to the products of Kaspersky as well
as the intellectual property rights to its registered trademarks;
• Avoid taking actions that may harm any activity or image of Kaspersky.

In case of breach of any of the above obligations by the Distributor, Kaspersky

remains its right at its sole discretion upon a notice to terminate such Distributor’s
rights to the Rebates in any volume.

7. Pricing Policy

Only B2B Products are subject to this Program, which are listed in the Price List of
Kaspersky. No other commercial offers of Kaspersky are subject to this Program. Prices
for the products (including B2B Products) listed in the official Price List of Kaspersky
are recommended.

8. Rates
This Program is effective for a period of 12 (twelve) months starting from January 1, 2020

Kaspersky reserves the right to amend or discontinue the Program at any time,
without limitation to any conditions, requirements or benefits contained in this
Program. All such changes shall be effective upon their publications on the
Kaspersky Partner Portal.

Appendix 1. Rebate Structure
Rebate Structure for Distributor.

Accounting periods
Products Rebate Percentage
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
B2B Products* Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Target 4 5%

Rebate Structure for Value Added Distributor.

Accounting periods
Products Rebate Percentage
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
B2B Products* Target 1 Target 2 Target 3 Target 4 3%

A simple description and example of calculation:

(All amounts and conditions indicated in the tables below are not program conditions, but are given as an example)

Amounts and conditions:

Accounting periods
Rebate Percentage
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Targets set by
100 000 150 000 120 000 200 000
Amount of 3%
Purchases made 100 000 160 000 100 000 250 000
by the Distributor

Rebate Calculation:

Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4

The Distributor achieved the The Distributor exceeded the The Distributor did not The Distributor exceeded
Target. Target. achieve the Target. the Target.

Rebate = 100 000 * 3% Rebate = 160 000 * 3% Rebate = 0 Rebate = 250 000 * 3%
Rebate earned = 3 000 Rebate = 4 800 Rebate = 7 500

* B2B Products do not include services distributed by means of certificates as per Price List. The product “Kaspersky Small Office Security” with the package “License” only
falls under the definition of B2B Products. Other packages of “Kaspersky Small Office Security” are excluded from the definition of B2B Products and are not covered by
this Program.

Appendix 2. List of Countries

Afghanistan Malawi
Angola Mauritania
Bahrain Mauritius
Botswana Mozambique
Burkina Faso Namibia
Burundi Nigeria
Cameroon Oman
Congo (DRC) Pakistan
Djibouti Palestinian Authority
East Africa Qatar
Egypt Rwanda
Eritrea Saudi Arabia
Eswatini Senegal
Ethiopia Seychelles
Gabon South Africa
Ghana Tanzania
Kenya Turkey
Kuwait Uganda
Lesotho United Arab Emirates
Levant Yemen
Libya Zambia
Madagascar Zimbabwe

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