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Monday, February 5, 2024 11:40 PM

错题整理 (阅读填空) 词汇

34. Despite pressure from reporters to discuss the scandal in which Senator Scottsdale was currently embroiled, the
press secretary would not _____ the details of the senator's upcoming public address.

A. Rewind 倒回
B. Recourse 求助、依赖
C. Alleviate 减轻
D. Divulge 泄露


35. The critics found the play _____, in that its social message was unfortunately lost in the awkward twists and
turns of the plot.

A. Convoluted 复杂的
B. Susceptible 易受影响的
C. Compliant 服从的、顺从的
D. Dubious 质量不佳的、可疑的


38. Despite the director's lifelong reputation for humility, the retirement celebration found him unable to modify the
urge to _____ his success.

A. Downplay 贬低
B. Embellish 修饰
C. Diminish 减弱
D. Supplant 取代

题中提到了虽然这个人一生都很低调,但是在他的退休典礼上,他难以不修饰一下自己的成功 主打一

39. Those who took Clark's old-mannered compliance (服从) for obsequiousness (谄媚) _____ him: his apparent
acquiescence (默许) veiled a fervent detestation (狂热的厌恶) of the authority that others exercised (对…施加
压力) over him, one that he occasionally expressed by discreetly (谨慎地) sabotaging (破坏) their most
important projects.

A. Misconstrued 曲解
B. Condemned 谴责、判刑
C. Respected 尊重
D. Interpreted 理解


错题整理 (阅读填空)

64. It is an essential part of every national character to pique (深感自豪) itself mightily upon its
faults, and to deduce tokens of its virtue (美德的象征) or its wisdom from their very
exaggeration. One great blemish (污点) in the popular mind of America, and the prolific parent
(源头) of an innumerable brood (不计其数的) of evils (弊端、邪恶), is Universal Distrust. Yet
the American citizen plumes2 himself upon this spirit, even when he is sufficiently dispassionate
(理性) to perceive (意识到) the ruin (破坏) it works; and will often adduce it, in spite of his own
reason, as an instance of the great sagacity and acuteness of the people, and their superior
shrewdness (精明) and independence.

As used in jump to line 29, "reason" most nearly means

A. Judgement
B. Explanation
C. Cause
D. Defense

从文中"dispassionate" 可以判断出这句意思大概是即使他们足够理智意识到这一点,他们还

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66. But, my friends, this is a slavery of race; it is a slavery which those white people have been
taught, for thirty years, is a divine institution. I ask you, has the Southern heart been fired for
thirty years for nothing? Have these doctrines been sown, and no fruit reaped? Have they been
taught that the negro is not fit for freedom, have they believed that, and are they converted in a
day? Besides all that, they look upon the negro as cause of their defeat and humiliation…

As used in line 60, "fired" most nearly means

A. Dismissed. 开除、解散
B. Illuminated. 照亮、照明
C. Propelled. 推进、助推
D. Roused. 唤醒、振奋

从文中 "for thirty years for nothing" 可以判断出来 fired 应该是个正面情感色彩的词汇,因此


70. I see a government anxiously bent on the public good. Even in its errors I recognize a paternal
feeling toward the great people committed to its charge… I see the public mind of India …
expanding itself to just and noble views of the ends of government and of the social duties of man.

As used in line 40, "charge" most nearly means

A. Care.
B. Invasion.
C. Accusation.
D. Expense.


72. I hold that [Banks's] policy is our chief danger at the present moment; that it practically enslaves
the Negro, and makes the [Emancipation] Proclamation of 1863 a mockery and delusion. What is
freedom? It is the right to choose one's own employment. Certainly it means that, if it means
anything; and when any individual or combination of individuals undertakes to decide for any
man when he shall work, where he shall work, at what he shall work, and for what he shall work,
he or they practically reduce him to slavery. He is a slave. That I understand Gen. Banks to do-- to
determine for the so-called freedman, when, and where, and at what, and for how much he shall
work, when he shall be punished, and by whom punished. It is absolute slavery. It defeats the
beneficent intention of the Government, if it has beneficent intentions, in regards to the freedom
of our people.

As used in line 10, "practically" most nearly means

A. Effectively.
B. Reasonably.
C. Cleverly.
D. Partially.

以he or they practically reduce him to slavery 应该意思为对个体成功施加奴隶制。因此,

73. This is the hour. Our streets are mourning, tears are falling at every fireside, and under the
chastisement of this Rebellion we have almost come up to the point of conceding this great, this
all-important right of suffrage. I fear that if we fail to do it now,… we may not see, for centuries
to come, the same disposition that exists at this moment.

As used in line 46, "disposition" most nearly means

A. Habit
B. Placement
C. Settlement
D. Attitude



14. In the first eighty thousand years of their one-hundred-thousand-year window, Nevada lake
sticklebacks had almost no protective weapon (only one dorsal spine, rudimentary pelvic
spines, and very few lateral plates.) But then, eighty-four thousand years into the time
sequence, this type of stickleback was replaced entirely by armored sticklebacks, meaning
three long dorsal spines and full pelvic spines. Bell suspects that marine fish flooded into the

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14. In the first eighty thousand years of their one-hundred-thousand-year window, Nevada lake
sticklebacks had almost no protective weapon (only one dorsal spine, rudimentary pelvic
spines, and very few lateral plates.) But then, eighty-four thousand years into the time
sequence, this type of stickleback was replaced entirely by armored sticklebacks, meaning
three long dorsal spines and full pelvic spines. Bell suspects that marine fish flooded into the
lake around this time, because both forms co-occurred for about one hundred years before the
early fish types disappeared. Remarkably, over the following thirteen thousand years, the
defensive structures in this new fish regressed: in graded steps through time, the spine got
shorter and shorter, until by the end of this period the new sticklebacks resembled the earlier
form that they'd replaced. Lake-bound fish lost their weapons.

The passage best supports which conclusion about sticklebacks that entered the Nevada lake
during periods of high water?

A. Since the conditions of freshwater were different from those of salt water, the sticklebacks
evolved with more elaborate armor.
B. Though they were plentiful at the beginning of the time period Bell studied, the
stickleback gradually declined in number.
C. In the absence of predators, the sticklebacks passed on fewer armor traits to their
D. Since predators preferred to prey on armored sticklebacks, the sticklebacks without
armor flourished.

18. Bai and Uberuaga suspect that the self-healing mechanism they've found will work with
certain other metals and ceramics, and could reopen the consideration of whole classes of
structural materials thought not to be sufficient radiation resistant for use in reactors.
Radiation does tend to make crystal grain size grow over time in some metals such as copper,
but using an alloy of two materials that don't mix, and therefore can't create larger crystals,
could solve that problem. A bigger roadblock may be that nanocrystalline materials are not yet
mass-produced. "There are a number of challenges like that before any kind of reactor material
is really designed from the nanoscale," says Uberuaga. "But these results give some insight
into what kind of interfaces you might need to get some benefit in nuclear environments, both
for fission and fusion reactors."

A researcher suggests that brass, which is created by blending copper with zin, should be used
in parts for nuclear reactors since it is harder than copper. Based on the passage, which
question would need to be answered to determine whether the researcher's suggestion is

A. Is nanocrystalline zin harder than nanocrystalline copper?

B. Does nanocrystalline brass change from a solid to a liquid at a higher temperature than
does nanocrystalline copper?
C. Does nanocrystalline zin behave differently in a fission reactor than it does in a fusion
D. Do nanocrystalline copper and zinc combine in such a way that the size of the resulting
crystal is stable?

19. First, the good news. These experiment suggested that people are pretty good, overall, at
guessing how a group of others would evaluate them, on average. The overall correlation in
these experiments between predicted impressions and the average actual impression of the
group was quite high (.55, if you are quantitatively inclined). To put that into perspective, this
is roughly the same magnitude as the correlation between the heights of fathers and the
heights of sons (around .5). It is not perfect insight, but it is also very far from being clueless.
In other words, you probably have a decent sense of what others generally think of you, on

Based on the passage, in which situation would individual stand the greatest chance of
accurately predicting how he or she is perceived?

A. An intern predicts the impression that her supervisor holds of her.

B. A manager predicts the collective opinions employees about her ability
C. An instructor predicts the enthusiasm of class after talking with two students
D. A biographer predicts the esteem in which held by the living subject of his book


25. Whereas the effects of reserves within their boundaries have strong empirical support, evidence that they
enhance fishers is sparse. Several studies have suggested export by showing high densities of exploited
species or greater catch per unit effort adjacent to reserve borders. When a reserve in the Philippines was
reopened to fishing, catches collapsed in nearby areas, which suggests that the reserve had previously
supported fisheries. Catches rose again after renewed compliance. However, none of these studies showed
an increase in total production after reserve creation. We investigated the effects on neighboring fisheries
of marine reserves in Saint Lucia.

Based on the passage, which statement most accurately reflects the relationship between the status of the
Philippines marine reserve and fish catches in nearby areas?

A. After fishing in the reserve was prohibited for several years, overall catch rates declined in nearby
B. The longer the reserve remained in operation, the more the catch rates fluctuated in local fisheries.
C. When the reserve was reopened to fishing nearby fisheries reported increases in their catch rates.
D. When fishing in the reserve was halted after been temporarily permitted, catches in nearby fisheries

这里通过文中高亮句可以看出reserve areas 只是短暂开过,再关闭之后,保护区的临区的钓鱼数增


26. "This is very strange!" said Sir Thomas, in a voice of calm displeasure. "There is something in this which
my comprehension does not reach. Here is a young man wishing to pay his addresses to you, with
everything to recommend to him: not merely situation in life, fortune, and character, but with more than

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everything to recommend to him: not merely situation in life, fortune, and character, but with more than
common agreeableness, with address and conversation pleasing to everybody. And he is not an
acquaintance of to-day; you have now known him some time. His sister, moreover, is your intimate friend."

Based on the passage, which of the following is indisputably true Mr. Crawford?
A. He is unattractive
B. He is dishonest
C. He is stubborn.
D. He is wealthy


32. Young Tchartkoff was an artist of talent, which promised great things: his work gave evidence of
observation, thought, and a strong inclination to approach nearer to nature.
"Look here, my friend," his professor said to him more than once, "you have talent; it will be a shame if
you waste it; but you are impatient; you have but to be attracted by anything, to fall in love with it, you
become engrossed with it, and all else goes for nothing, and you won't even look at it. See to it that you do
not become a fashionable artist. At present your colouring began to assert itself too loudly; and your
drawing is at times quite weak; you are already striving after the fashionable style, because it strikes the
eye at once. Have a care! Society already begins to have its attraction for you: I have seen you with a shiny
hat, a foppish neckerchief… It is seductive to pain fashionable little pictures and portraits for money; but
talent is ruined, not developed, by that means. Be patient; think out every piece of work, discard you
foppishness; let others amass money, your own will not fail you."

The passage suggests that Tchartkoff's professor believes that great art should be
A. Technically accomplished and not garish
B. Pleasing the eye but not overly popular
C. Original in approach and spontaneous in execution.
D. Representative of the artist's morals and beliefs.

Garish为过度绚烂的、过分绚烂的,对应文中的 assert itself too loudly, 然后前面他的talent就是

evidence of observation, 对应technically accomplished.还有后面 Be patient.


17. This passage is adapted from Nikolai Gogol, "The Mysterious Portrait"
Which choice best supports the idea that to some extent, Tchartkoff finds maintaining his high artistic standards
to be a laborious undertaking that doesn't provide suitable compensation?

A. "Yes, it is all very well, to be patient, be patient!" he exclaimed, with vexation, "but there is an end to
patience at last."
B. If I did bring myself to sell all my pictures and sketches, they would not give me twenty kopeks for the
whole of them.
C. And who will buy, not even knowing me by name?
D. "Who do I worry, and toil like a learner over the alphabet, when I might shine as brightly as the rest, and
have money, too, like them?"

这里最直接的对应是D选项,laborious undertaking对应 toil like a learner. 然后 might shine as brightly as the

rest 是对应的suitable compensation. 虽然B也说了一点: sell all my pictures and sketches 来换取20 kopeks, 但
是这个没有D来的直接,也没有完全体现他的laborious undertaking.

18. Which choice best supports the idea that Carrie regards her day-to-day lifestyle as one that has not been
conducive to help her achieve her ambitions?

A. She wondered at her own solitude these two years past - her indifference to the fact that she had never
achieved what she had expected
B. She wanted to take her sufferings, whatever they were, in such a world, or failing that, at least to simulate
them under such charming conditions upon the stage.
C. The scene she had witnessed coming so down was now augmented and at its height
D. Flowers, candy, jewelry, seemed the principal things in which the elegant dames were interested

这里对应的最好的就是A了,conducive是有用的,never conducive 对应never achieved what she had

expected. B的意思是在台上表演出来,与我们要证明的东西无关。

21. In response to viral infection, the immune system of mice typically produce antibodies that destroy the virus by
binding to proteins on its surface. Mice infected with the herpesvirus generally develop keratitis, a degenerative
disease affecting part of the eye. Since the proteins on the surface of cells in this part of the eye closely resemble
those on the herpesvirus surface, scientists hypothesize that these cases of keratitis are caused by antibodies to the

Which of the following, if true, most helps to support the scientists' reasoning?
A. Other types of virus have surface proteins that closely resemble proteins found in various organs of mice
B. Mice that are infected with the herpesvirus but do not develop keratitis produce as many antibodies as
infected mice that do develop keratitis.
C. Mice infected with a new strain of the herpesvirus that has different surface proteins didn't develop keratitis.
D. Mice that have never been infected with the herpesvirus can sometimes develop keratitis.
E. There are mice that are unable to form antibodies in response to herpes infections, and these mice contract
herpes at roughly the same rate as other mice.

文中说的是H 会导致K, A说的是其他的也有,与题意不符。B说的是感染h但是没有k的老鼠和有k的老鼠抗

体一样,与题意相悖。C说的是新型h导致了一个新的surface protein,这种新的并未导致k,与题意相符。D
完全不对。E的rates在文中并未提及,且未曾提及k. 故选C。

24. Among the three 24-hour pharmacies in the city, Sonny's Pharmacy is consistently the most profitable. Sonny's

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24. Among the three 24-hour pharmacies in the city, Sonny's Pharmacy is consistently the most profitable. Sonny's
claims that since the three pharmacies carry the same products, the store's success is attributable to its superior
customer service.

Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports Sonny's claim?

A. The other two pharmacies in town advertise less than Sonny's.
B. The other two pharmacies' products are sold for approximately the same prices as similar products at
C. Sonny's is near the center of the city, a location that is convenient for most the city's pharmacy customers.
D. Sonny's customer service was, according to a city-wide survey, comparable to that of the city's other two
E. The three pharmacies in town often require different wait times for the same prescription.

务一定是有不同之处且是有吸引人之处的。C没有提到customer service,讲了一些无关的内容。D离题,E说

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