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Carbon Neutrality,
Decarbonisation And
Sustainability Taking A Multi-
Pronged Approach To Achieve
Climate-Critical Results - Prof.
(Dr.) G. D. Yadav
Improving the efficiency of energy technologies along with the use
of AI and ML is a key mitigation strategy where emission mitigation
and decoupling policies should focus on improving energy
efficiency. New technologies will emerge, but a lot of improvement
is required in the existing processes to enhance energy efficiency
and reduce the use of materials and energy, shares Prof. (Dr.) G. D.
Yadav, National Science Chair (SERB/DST/GoI), Emeritus Professor
of Eminence, Former Vice Chancellor & R.T. Mody Distinguished
Professor & Former Tata Chemicals Darbari Seth Distinguished
Professor of Leadership and Innovation, Institute of Chemical

(To read the full text, subscribe to the POLYMERS Communique magazine.)

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(News is as sourced.)

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