Teaching Philosophy

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My Teaching Philosophy

Teaching, to me, is all about leaving a mark on someone's journey of learning. It's not just

about sharing knowledge or skills; it's about igniting curiosity and guiding students as they

navigate their own paths of discovery. Asking questions, rather than just giving answers, is key

as it encourages students to think critically and connect the dots themselves. An example of this

is encouraging every student to be a doer of science by allowing them to each act as scientists,

using their tools to discover the answer to the investigation question, giving students the

necessary means and skills to collaborate with their peers and use their own strategies to work

towards a common goal. Not to mention the engagement this builds for students compared to


Teaching is also about leading by example. We have to practice what we preach and treat

others with the same respect and kindness we hope they'll show to us and to each other. Even

when we think students aren't paying attention, they're watching and learning from our actions.

This applies both in social norms as well as in academics. Modeling expectations and effective

strategies for your students to pick up on is crucial. Part of this is holding your students

accountable, there should be clear, appropriate expectations for every student. This is effective in

creating a community within the classroom as well as motivated learners that try their best.

Having expectations and holding children accountable gives student’s a sense of responsibility

ultimately benefiting the classroom environment.

Building connections with students is another crucial aspect to teaching. When you form

respectful relationships with your students, you become more aware of their personal lives,

interests, strengths, weakness, etc. Using this information by relating lessons to student’s lives

and experiences, makes learning more meaningful and engaging. It's about recognizing and
celebrating the diversity of our students and tailoring our teaching to meet their needs. There is

research to support this claim, that building off students’ prior knowledge or experiences is an

effective way to increase the comprehension and understanding of new material. An example of

this practice would be when I taught a math lesson using an image taken from a grocery store in

the community. This was in an effort to create relatability allowing for connections to be made.

All in all playing an important role in not only their engagement, but their success within the

lesson as well.

Lastly, teaching involves creating a supportive environment where every student feels

comfortable and ready to learn. This means being flexible and understanding, accommodating

different learning styles and needs. It's about fostering an inclusive community where everyone

has the opportunity to thrive. Not to mention, meeting student’s basic needs above curriculum

goals. When children’s basic needs are not met prior to learning, they will be less likely to obtain

the information they are receiving. This could be as simple as having daily check ins to ensure

that each student is doing well or allowing for a bathroom or snack break. Recognizing your

students’ needs is crucial to a happy classroom as well as an effective learning environment.

Learning, to me, is about seeing students actively engaged in the material they're

learning. Whether they're working collaboratively in groups or tackling tasks independently, it's

all about applying what they've been taught and showing that they understand it. With emphasis

on collaborative work, I believe learning involves talking. When students are asked to move

around and formulate discussions, they are pushed to expand their thinking beyond their own

ideas. Not to mention, they learn how to politely converse with their peers by challenging other’s

thoughts respectfully, offering other ideas in return.

In conclusion, my teaching philosophy centers on sparking curiosity, leading by example,

building connections, and nurturing a supportive learning atmosphere. I believe in empowering

students to take charge of their learning journey, fostering an environment where they feel

encouraged to explore and engage actively. By demonstrating respect, kindness, and

accountability, I aim to foster a classroom culture founded on mutual trust and responsibility.

Establishing genuine connections with students allows for personalized learning experiences

tailored to their interests and backgrounds, ultimately enhancing their comprehension and

involvement. Additionally, I prioritize creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment

that addresses students' diverse needs and promotes their overall well-being. In essence, my

philosophy reflects the idea that learning is a collaborative and dynamic process, driven by

curiosity, interaction, and meaningful dialogue.

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