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Ecology and Aerobiology of Dispersing Citrus Rust Mites (Acari: Eriophyidae) in

Central Florida
Author(s): J. C. Bergh
Source: Environmental Entomology, 30(2):318-326. 2001.
Published By: Entomological Society of America

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Ecology and Aerobiology of Dispersing Citrus Rust Mites

(Acari: Eriophyidae) in Central Florida
IFAS, Citrus Research and Education Center, University of Florida, 700 Experiment Station Road, Lake Alfred, FL 33850

Environ. Entomol. 30(2): 318Ð326 (2001)

ABSTRACT Aerial dispersal of citrus rust mite, Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead), in central
Florida showed a diel periodicity peaking between late morning and early afternoon. The abiotic
factors that best described the dispersal pattern were solar radiation, time, and leaf wetness; whereas
wind speed, humidity, temperature, and rainfall had minimal effect. The longevity of adult mites
removed from fruit was inversely related to constant temperatures between 25 and 35⬚C. The
longevity of mites removed from fruit at 2-h intervals between 0700 and 1300 hours and exposed to
ambient temperature and humidity outdoors was inversely related to the time of removal from the
host. There was a linear relationship between the number of mites captured in traps and population
density on fruit. Mites left fruit harboring extremely low populations and some fruit supporting dense
populations yielded hundreds of dispersing mites per day. Mites were readily carried on air currents
between adjacent citrus groves. Nearly all of the mites captured in dispersal traps were adult females,
and were found in greater proportions in traps than would be expected from the sex ratio of mites
on fruit. Studies using isolated fruit in the laboratory showed that a single virgin or inseminated
female could initiate a local population through oedipal mating and sibmating. The data are discussed
in relation to the selective forces that may shape the dispersal behavior of citrus rust mite and to the
potential impact of aerial dispersal on mite management and the development of acaricide resistance.

KEY WORDS Phyllocoptruta oleivora, dispersal, traps, mite management

CITRUS RUST MITE, Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead), and Bruin 1996). In Florida, the citrus rust mite is
is a key pest of citrus grown in humid climates. Cu- regularly exposed to extreme climatic conditions that
mulative feeding on the surface of fruit by P. oleivora may increase the risks associated with dispersal, rel-
results in cosmetic damage and rejection of fruit for ative to those for species of eriophyids living in tem-
the fresh market. In Florida citrus, the majority of perate climates. Daily maximum temperatures from
pesticide applications each year are for management June through September often reach levels that are
of this mite. lethal (Reed et al. 1964) or exceed the limits for re-
Colonization of new citrus hosts by P. oleivora is production and development (Allen et al. 1995), and
primarily by aerial dispersal (Bergh and McCoy 1997). frequent late afternoon or evening storms bring heavy
Like other eriophyid species (Sabelis and Bruin 1996), precipitation and high wind. Heavy dew that fre-
adult citrus rust mites exhibit dispersal behaviors, in- quently develops during the night often does not dry
cluding standing erect on their caudal lobes and leap- until midmorning, and the combination of dew and
ing, which are thought to elevate them above the rainfall frequently results in citrus fruit and foliage
boundary layer within which they live (Frost 1997). remaining wet for extended periods. Being only ⬇150
Mites that release their hold on the host plant are ␮m long (Jeppson et al. 1975), adult citrus rust mites
borne away on air currents and can be captured in are physically constrained from dispersing from wet
traps (e.g., Slykhuis 1955, Nault and Styer 1969, East- fruit and foliage.
erbrook 1978, Bergh and McCoy 1997). Although P. oleivora is one of the most economically
Most eriophyid mites, including citrus rust mite, are important pests of citrus, little is known about its
host-speciÞc (Cromroy 1979). Although mites ac- population dynamics. Given the fundamental impor-
tively initiate dispersal, once aloft, dispersal is a passive tance of immigration and emigration to the structure
process resulting in their random deposition through- and development of arthropod populations, the over-
out the environment. Mites deposited on a plant can riding objective of the study reported here was to
probably choose to stay or leave, depending on its improve our understanding of how aerial dispersal
suitability as a host, but it is believed that dispersal- may inßuence the population dynamics and manage-
related mortality is high (Jeppson et al. 1975, Sabelis ment of citrus rust mite. SpeciÞc objectives of labo-
ratory and Þeld experiments spanning 3 yr were to
Current address: Alson H. Smith, Jr., Agricultural Research and
determine the following: (1) the effect of abiotic,
Extension Center, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, environmental factors on the temporal pattern of dis-
595 Laurel Grove Road, Winchester, VA 22602. persal and the survival of dispersing mites; (2) the

0046-225X/01/0318Ð0326$02.00/0 䉷 2001 Entomological Society of America


relationship between population density and dispers- within the cage. Fruit were prevented from swaying
al; (3) the dispersal distance in commercial citrus within the cage, using string to secure the branch to
groves; (4) the sex-ratio of dispersing mites; and (5) the tops of opposite corner posts. A sliding wooden
the potential for dispersing females to initiate new sleeve around the bottom of the cage allowed the petri
populations through oedipal and sibmating. dish to be centered below the fruit and replaced with-
out touching or moving the fruit.
After trapping, the Þlter paper circles were partially
Materials and Methods
dried and live mites were counted using backlighting.
Traps. Three types of traps were used to capture Because hundreds of mites were often captured by
dispersing mites: unidirectional, omnidirectional, and these traps, counts were by made placing a black ink
Þlter paper. dot on each mite.
The unidirectional trap was a 2.5 by 7.6-cm glass Temporal Distribution. To examine the temporal
microscope slide with silicone grease (Dow Corning, distribution of aerial dispersal, four omnidirectional
Midland, MI) applied thinly to 5.1 cm along the length traps were deployed in two ÔValenciaÕ orange groves
of one side. The slide was inserted into a vertical slit near Lake Alfred, FL (Citrus Research and Education
cut in a 1.5-cm i.d. (0.6-inch) conduit pipe coupling Center (CREC) and Berry), for seven nonconsecu-
attached to a 1.5-m section of conduit pipe, and held tive days in September and October 1997. Beginning
in place by the second screw on the coupling. The at 0700 hours, the traps were replaced at 2-h intervals
conduit pipe was inserted vertically into the soil so until 1900 hours and then again at 0700 hours the
that the trapping surface was at ⬇1.2 m elevation. The following day. Preliminary studies in 1996 had shown
unidirectional trap was designed to capture airborne that very few mites were trapped between 1900 and
mites coming only from the direction the trap was 0700 hours. Live mites captured were counted imme-
facing. Captured mites were counted using a dissect- diately after trap replacement. This test was repeated
ing microscope at 16 Ð25⫻. in September 1999 using Þve Þlter paper and Þve
The omnidirectional trap was designed to capture omnidirectional traps in a Valencia orange grove at
airborne mites regardless of wind direction, and it was the CREC for four consecutive days. Omnidirectional
placed in row middles within a grove. The trap con- traps were replaced at the same intervals as in 1997.
sisted of a 1.5-m length of 1.5-cm i.d. conduit pipe with Filter paper traps were adversely affected by rain and
a threaded adapter attached to one end. A PVC therefore were not deployed from 1900 to 0700 hours.
adapter was screwed to the conduit pipe adapter and Data from each site in 1997 and each trap-type in
a 0.3-m section of 2.2-cm o.d. PVC pipe (seven-eighths 1999 were analyzed separately, using PROC analysis of
in) inserted into the unthreaded end of the PVC variance (ANOVA) of SAS (SAS Institute 1988) and
adapter. The trapping surface was a thin layer of sil- the least signiÞcant difference (LSD) test to compare
icone grease applied in a 1.5 cm wide band along the the number of mites captured among trapping inter-
length of one side of a 7 cm long by 2.5-cm wide strip vals. All statistical comparisons of data from this and
of clear transparency Þlm (Apollo W0100C, Apollo subsequent tests were made at the 5% level.
Presentation Products, Ronkonkoma, NY). The strip Data recorded hourly by the CREC weather station
was wrapped around the PVC pipe, 8.0 cm from one were used in a stepwise regression (SAS Institute
end, and held in place using double-sided tape at- 1988) to determine which of the following variables
tached to the pipe. The conduit pipe was inserted best described the dispersal pattern in 1997 and 1999;
vertically into the ground and the trapping surface was time of day, solar radiation (Mjcm-2 in 1997, W/m2 in
at an elevation of ⬇1.7 m. After trapping, the strip was 1999), temperature (⬚C), relative humidity (%), wind
laid ßat on a 10 by 3.8-cm piece of clear glass (0.25 cm speed (kph), rain (cm), and leaf wetness (% of leaf
thick) using double-sided tape, and mites were surface). Different instrumentation used in 1997 and
counted as described above. 1999 measured solar radiation differently, precluding
The Þlter paper trap was designed to capture mites an analysis of pooled data.
dispersing from individual fruit growing singly in the Survival of Mites Off the Host. The survival of mites
outer canopy and hanging vertically at 0.75Ð1.25 m off the host under constant and ambient conditions
above the ground. Other fruit near the fruit selected was examined. A cohort of adult mites was reared from
were pruned, but foliage was pruned minimally. The late-stage nymphs transferred from Þeld-collected to
trapping surface was a 7-cm-diameter Þlter paper cir- clean fruit late in the afternoon. These fruit were held
cle (Whatman No. 50, Whatman International, Maid- under humid conditions in a controlled environment
stone, England) marked with a grid pattern, sitting on chamber set at 25⬚C and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D)
wet cotton in a petri dish (19 cm diameter). A h. At 0630 hours on the morning of the second day
screened cage (1.5-mm2 mesh) with an 18 by 18-cm thereafter, 45 adults were placed individually in the
wood bottom was screwed to an adapter on a 60 cm depression on “hanging drop” microscope slides and
long section of conduit pipe (1.8 cm o.d.; 0.71 inch), conÞned there by a square piece of Þne mesh, nylon
which inserted into an 80 cm long section of pipe (1.9 screen glued to the slide using ElmerÕs School glue
cm i.d.; 0.75 inch). After the thicker section of pipe had (ElmerÕs Products, Columbus, OH). At 0700 hours,
been placed in the ground below a fruit, an adjustable slides with mites were placed on plastic trays, with the
collar around the thinner pipe allowed the cage bot- screen facing upward, and held in partially covered,
tom to be positioned ⬇5 cm below a fruit suspended clear plastic boxes lined with wet paper towel in con-

trolled-environment chambers set at 25, 30, and 35⬚C The mites captured in each omnidirectional trap
(15 mites per temperature). Beginning at 0800 hours, were concentrated in small spots of grease on a glass
mortality was assessed at 1-h intervals until all mites slide for storage. A subsample of ⬇30 live, adult mites
had died, using a dissecting microscope at 10 Ð16⫻. from each Þlter paper trap and ⬇50 adults from each
Dead mites had a contracted body with legs curled fruit was similarly collected and stored. The species
underneath the prodorsal shield. This test was re- and gender was determined for all of the mites cap-
peated twice in late August 1999. One-way ANOVA tured in omnidirectional traps and for groups of 25
followed by the Tukey test were used to compare the from the subsamples taken from Þlter paper traps and
longevity of mites among temperatures. fruit. Mites were Þrst degreased and Þxed in Hemo-De
To determine the effect of time of removal from the (Fisher, Pittsburgh, PA), then cleared in NesbittÕs
host on the mortality of mites exposed to ambient solution and slide-mounted in groups in a drop of
conditions outdoors, a cohort of adult mites was gen- NesbittÕs solution. A phase contrast microscope was
erated as described previously. At 2-h intervals from used for identiÞcation of species and gender. Gender
0700 to 1300 hours, groups of 15 mites were removed determinations were based on examination of the gen-
from fruit and placed individually in depression slide italia (Lindquist 1996).
cages. The slides were placed on plastic trays, with the The proportion of female P. oleivora in each sample
screened side facing up, and the trays were placed was calculated and transformed by arcsine square-root
under a cardboard canopy on a wooden table exposed before comparisons among samples from each day
to full sunlight. Beginning 1 h after removal from the using ANOVA and the Tukey test.
host, mortality was assessed at 1-h intervals until all Dispersal Distance. The aerial movement of mites
mites had died. Ambient temperature and humidity between adjacent citrus groves was examined at three
data were provided by the CREC weather station, locations near Davenport, FL, in September and Oc-
located ⬇75 m from where the test was performed. tober 1997. This experiment used the east/southeast
This experiment was repeated twice in early Septem- wind that prevails in Florida during the summer and
ber 1999. One-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey the fact that unidirectional traps capture only mites
test were used to compare the longevity of mites being carried from one direction. At each location,
removed from the host at different times. two commercial citrus groves with north-south ori-
ented rows were separated by a Þeld or a secondary
Population Density. Mite population density on 10
road. The east grove at each site supported a heavy
fruit was measured in the afternoon in an unsprayed
population of P. oleivora and was considered the
Valencia orange grove at the CREC. Using a 16⫻
source of dispersing mites. The adjacent grove, west of
hand-lens, the Rogers et al. (1994) modiÞcation of the
each source grove, was considered the sink for dis-
Horsfall-Barratt system (Horsfall and Barratt 1945)
persing mites.
was used to determine the number of mites in four lens
At the Highway 547 (H547) and Minute Maid Road
Þelds around the circumference of each fruit. This (MMR) sites, a Þeld separated ÔHamlinÕ orange groves
method involves assigning the mites to one of seven by 98 and 103 m, respectively. Four unidirectional
size classes (0, 1Ð3, 4 Ð 6, 7Ð12, 13Ð25, 26 Ð50, and ⬎50) traps were deployed ⬇3 m from the edge of the source
without counting the actual number of individuals. grove, spaced ⬇12 m apart, with trapping surfaces
After density measurements were taken, the fruit facing east. Lines of four east-facing traps were also
were suspended with the screened cage of the Þlter deployed approximately half-way between the two
paper trap. The traps were deployed the following day groves and at ⬇2 m from the edge of the sink groves.
from 0800 to 1200 hours, and captured mites were At the Orchid Drive site, a road separated Valencia
counted. Ten new fruit were used each day for Þve orange groves by 13 m. Only two lines of four traps
nonconsecutive days in August 1999. (12 m apart) were deployed at Orchard Drive, one at
Least-squares linear regression on pooled data were ⬇2.4 m from the source grove and the other at ⬇1.2 m
used to describe the relationship between mite den- from the sink grove.
sity and the number of mites captured. Traps were deployed for three consecutive 7-d in-
Sex Ratio. Mites were captured in omnidirectional tervals at H547 and MMR, and for two consecutive 7-d
and Þlter paper traps and sampled from fruit using a periods at Orchard Drive. Traps were replaced after
small camelÕs-hair brush on Þve nonconsecutive days each 7-d interval and the number of mites captured in
in September and October 1999. Samples were taken each trap was recorded. Comparisons of trap-catches
on different days from two groves at the CREC, Lake among distances from the source grove at each site
Alfred. Five heavily infested fruit were selected in the used one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey test
afternoon and suspended within the screened cage of (SAS Institute 1988). Linear regression with a re-
the Þlter paper traps. At 0800 hours the following peated measures function was used to predict the log
morning, a trap was placed in each cage and Þve number of mites trapped as a function of distance.
omnidirectional traps were also deployed in the row Nonrandom Mating. The potential for the develop-
middles within the grove. Traps were retrieved at 1200 ment of local populations based on oedipal mating and
hours. At 1000 hours on each day that traps were sibmating was examined by generating cohorts of in-
deployed, mites from Þve heavily infested fruit from seminated and virgin females. Unsprayed Valencia or-
the same grove were brushed onto the greased surface anges were collected from the Þeld in early June,
of microscope slides. washed in distilled water, dried, and dipped in liquid

Table 1. Mean ⴞ SD number of citrus rust mites captured in dispersal traps deployed in citrus groves near Lake Alfred, FL, in 1997
and 1999

Trapping interval (time of day)

7Ð9 9 Ð11 11Ð13 13Ð15 15Ð17 17Ð19 19 Ð7
CREC (omnidirectional) 0.71 ⫾ 1.1ab 4.0 ⫾ 2.5c 2.1 ⫾ 1.1b 1.9 ⫾ 1.3ab 1.3 ⫾ 0.9ab 0.6 ⫾ 0.9a 0.6 ⫾ 0.8a
Berry (omnidirectional) 1.0 ⫾ 1.0a 15.7 ⫾ 8.8c 14.4 ⫾ 5.3bc 12.7 ⫾ 7.1bc 9.0 ⫾ 6.5b 2.7 ⫾ 1.8a 1.4 ⫾ 1.7a
CREC (omnidirectional) 1.0 ⫾ 0.8a 6.0 ⫾ 4.7b 4.0 ⫾ 1.6bc 1.3 ⫾ 1.0ac 1.0 ⫾ 1.2a 0.8 ⫾ 1.0a 0.5 ⫾ 0.6a
CREC (Þlter paper) 27.8 ⫾ 5.2ab 266.3 ⫾ 153.0c 124.5 ⫾ 51.8b 58.8 ⫾ 32.5ab 40.3 ⫾ 40.6ab 11.0 ⫾ 11.0a NA

Four omnidirectional traps per site for 7 d in September and October 1997 at the CREC and Berry groves, respectively. Five omnidirectional
and Þlter paper traps at the CREC for 4 d in September and October 1999. Means within rows followed by the same letter are not signiÞcantly
different at the 5% probability level by ANOVA and the LSD test.

parafÞn wax, leaving about one-third of the surface The chi-square test with Yates correction for con-
unwaxed. The circular, unwaxed area was divided into tinuity was used to compare the number of insemi-
four cells using Tangletrap (Tanglefoot, Grand Rapids, nated and virgin females that had initiated a popula-
MI), and a single nymph, about to enter the imago- tion on fruit by day 28. The criterion used for
chrysalis stage (Sternlicht and Goldenberg 1971), was population initiation was the presence of more than
transferred from Þeld-collected fruit to each cell. The Þve individuals from all life stages counted within the
fruit were held for 2 d under humid conditions in a four, 0.5-cm2 observation areas on day 28. One-way
controlled-environment chamber at 25⬚C. Citrus rust ANOVA followed by the Tukey test were used to
mite reproduction is arrhenotokous (Swirski and Ami- compare the mean number of eggs, juveniles, and
tai 1959), and virgin females that had developed from adults found in the observation areas after 28 d.
isolated nymphs were identiÞed by their deposition of
male eggs within the cell.
Inseminated females were generated by placing vir-
gins on the unwaxed area of fruit on which numerous Temporal Distribution. The capture of dispersing
males (generated previously by virgin females) had mites by omnidirectional traps in the Berry and CREC
deposited spermatophores (OldÞeld et al. 1970) dur- groves in 1997 showed a diel periodicity. The onset of
ing the previous 24 h. To maximize the probability of dispersal was pronounced, beginning after 0900 hours
insemination, virgin females were transferred to areas (Table 1). Mite captures were statistically largest be-
with many spermatophores and left on the fruit for 4 h tween 0900 and 1100 hours at the CREC, and numer-
(OldÞeld and Newell 1973). ically, though not statistically, largest during the same
Forty unsprayed Valencia fruit were washed and interval at the Berry grove. In 1997, 75.8 and 71.8% of
waxed as described above, leaving a 3.5-cm-diameter the total catch occurred between 0900 and 1500 hours
circular area unwaxed. A dissecting microscope was at the Berry and CREC groves, respectively, and very
used to check for extraneous citrus rust mites, their few mites were captured after 1700 hours.
eggs, or other arthropods in the unwaxed area. Using The same diel dispersal patterns were recorded at
a Þne-tipped, indelible ink marker and a template, four the CREC grove in 1999 and were independent of the
0.5-cm2 observation areas were marked at approxi- type of trap or sample size (n ⫽ 2,116 and 59 mites in
mately equidistant locations around the perimeter of Þlter paper and omnidirectional traps, respectively)
the unwaxed area. A single inseminated or virgin fe- (Table 1). The dispersal peak between 0900 and 1100
male mite was placed in the center of the unwaxed hours was signiÞcantly different from other trapping
area on fruit (n ⫽ 20 per group). The fruit were placed intervals in the Þlter paper traps, and numerically
in covered, plastic boxes in a controlled environment largest in the omnidirectional traps. The majority of
chamber set at 25⬚C and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) mites were captured during the 6-h period from 0900
h. High humidity was maintained in the boxes by lining to 1500 hours (84.9 and 76.3% in Þlter paper and
the bottom with wet paper towel. omnidirectional traps, respectively).
After 7 d, the entire unwaxed area on each fruit was The effect of abiotic variables on the capture of
examined for the presence of the female mite and any dispersing mites was generally consistent among the
of her progeny. During this examination, several adults four data sets (Table 2). Solar radiation was the best
were found in the unwaxed area on Þve fruit (two with one-variable model in all cases. The relationship was
inseminated and three with virgin females). The ex- improved considerably by a two-variable model in-
traneous adults were assumed to have developed from corporating time and leaf wetness for three data sets,
citrus rust mite eggs overlooked during the inspection and solar radiation and humidity for one data set. None
on the Þrst day of the test, and those fruit were dis- of the other variables made important improvements
carded. At 7, 21, and 28 d after the onset of the test, the to the models.
number of eggs, juveniles, and adult mites inside the Survival of Mites Off the Host. The longevity of a
four observation areas on the remaining fruit was cohort of adult mites off the host plant was inversely
recorded. related to the constant temperature to which they

Table 2. Results of stepwise regression describing the effect of abiotic factors on the capture of dispersing citrus rust mites in traps
replaced at intervals throughout the day

One-variable model Two-variable model

Grove/trap Parameter Model Parameter Model
year (SE) F P (SE) F P
estimate r2 estimate r2
CREC/omni 9/97 Intercept 0.64 (0.36) 0.186 10.74 ⬍0.01 Intercept 5.43 (0.82) 0.364 13.18 ⬍0.001
Solar radiation 0.66 (0.20) Time ⫺0.25 (0.06)
Leaf wetness ⫺2.65 (0.63)
Berry/omni 10/97 Intercept 1.40 (1.40) 0.437 36.52 ⬍0.001 Intercept ⫺11.40 (5.29) 0.505 23.43 ⬍0.001
Solar radiation 4.28 (0.71) Solar radiation 5.73 (0.89)
Humidity 0.16 (0.06)
CREC/omni 9Ð10/99 Intercept 0.26 (0.66) 0.327 12.65 ⬍0.01 Intercept 12.92 (2.63) 0.441 9.86 ⬍0.001
Solar radiation 0.006 (0.002) Time ⫺0.68 (0.17)
Leaf wetness ⫺0.75 (0.17)
CREC/Þlter 9Ð10/99 Intercept ⫺2.11 (31.92) 0.350 11.85 ⬍0.01 Intercept 586.79 (99.11) 0.559 13.33 ⬍0.001
paper Solar radiation 0.24 (0.07) Time ⫺32.08 (6.40)
Leaf wetness ⫺28.39 (6.39)

No three-variable model signiÞcantly improved the correlation coefÞcient, according to the maximum r2 improvement procedure.

were exposed (Table 3). Adult mites removed from 35), 13% (0.3, 20), and 150% (73, 307) for the H547,
the host at 2-h intervals between 0700 and 1300 hours MMR, and Orchard Drive sites, respectively.
and exposed to ambient temperature and humidity Nonrandom Mating. Based on the criterion used,
showed an inverse relationship between longevity and equal numbers of inseminated (n ⫽ 13) and virgin
time of removal (Table 4). (n ⫽ 12) females initiated populations (␹20.05, 1 ⫽
Population Density. There was a signiÞcant, linear 1.261, P ⬎ 0.25). The mean (⫾SD) number of eggs,
relationship between population density and the num- juveniles, and adults counted in the observation areas
ber of mites captured (Fig. 1). Mites were captured after 28 d was the same whether they were produced
even when populations on fruit averaged less than one by virgin or inseminated females: eggsÐinseminated ⫽
per lens Þeld and ⬎300 mites were captured from 29.3 ⫾ 44.9; virgin ⫽ 12.3 ⫾ 7.5; F ⫽ 1.68; df ⫽ 1, 23;
some fruit during the 4-h trapping interval. P ⫽ 0.2078; juvenilesÐinseminated ⫽ 10.6 ⫾ 16.1; vir-
Sex Ratio. With exceptions in two traps, the mites gin ⫽ 5.2 ⫾ 3.3; F ⫽ 1.31; df ⫽ 1, 23; P ⫽ 0.2633;
sampled from Þlter paper and omnidirectional traps adultsÐinseminated ⫽ 10.1 ⫾ 14.0; virgin ⫽ 3.3 ⫾ 2.2;
were adult females (Table 5). The percentage of fe- F ⫽ 2.70, df ⫽ 1, 23; P ⫽ 0.1140.
male mites in samples from Þlter paper and omnidi-
rectional traps was signiÞcantly greater than from
samples of mites brushed from fruit in all but one Discussion
comparison. The percentage of adult male mites in
samples brushed from individual fruit ranged from 0 to The dispersal behavior of the citrus rust mite ap-
52% (mean ⫾ SD ⫽ 16.8 ⫾ 13.5%). pears to be shaped by a combination of abiotic factors.
Dispersal Distance. At H547 and MMR, more mites The onset of dispersal each day is probably triggered
were captured next to the upwind, source grove than by the drying of dew. Mites submerged in rain or dew
in traps halfway between the groves or next to the are physically prevented from dispersing by the wa-
downwind grove; whereas at Orchard Drive, the num- terÕs surface tension. This effect may account for the
ber of mites trapped next to the source and sink groves consistent contributions of solar radiation and time
was not different (Fig. 2). The estimated percentages and leaf wetness to the one- and two-variable models
and 95% conÞdence intervals of mites that left the describing the relationship between abiotic factors
source grove and arrived at the sink grove was 22% (1, and the dispersal pattern, and may partially explain the
lack of dispersal at night. Peak dispersal activity occurs
from late morning until early afternoon, declining
thereafter to relatively low levels during the remain-
Table 3. Mean ⴞ SD longevity (hours) of a cohort of adult
citrus rust mites removed from fruit and exposed to constant ing daylight hours.
temperatures In contrast to the results reported here, the aerial
dispersal of other eriophyid species was correlated
Temp, ⬚C with wind velocity alone (Staples and Allington 1956)
25 30 35 or a combination of temperature and wind velocity
(n ⫽ 12) (n ⫽ 15) (n ⫽ 15) (Nault and Styer 1969). These variables had negligible
27 Aug 1999 14.7 ⫾ 1.2a 9.2 ⫾ 1.4b 4.7 ⫾ 0.9c impact on the dispersal model developed for citrus
30 Aug 1999 14.5 ⫾ 1.3a 10.3 ⫾ 2.8b 5.7 ⫾ 1.0c rust mite, probably due to the different species of
mites studied and to the different sampling regimes.
Means within rows followed by the same letter are not signiÞcantly
different at the 5% probability level by ANOVA and the Tukey test.
Whereas the current study used 2-h sample intervals
Sample sizes vary as a result of a few mites being discarded because throughout most of the day and 12-h intervals over-
of being stuck in the glue or escaping from the cage. night, Nault and Styer (1969) and Staples and Alling-

Table 4. Longevity of a cohort of adult citrus rust mites removed from the host at intervals and exposed to ambient conditions

Time of removal from fruit

0700 0900 1100 1300
hours hours hours hours
2 Sept 1999 (n ⫽ 15) (n ⫽ 13) (n ⫽ 15) (n ⫽ 14)
Mean ⫾ SD longevity (hours) 7.6 ⫾ 0.5a 5.8 ⫾ 0.4b 4.1 ⫾ 0.3c 3.6 ⫾ 0.9c
Temp, ⬚C 22.8 27.4 30.7 31.6
% RH 99.1 80.4 65.5 56
3 Sept 1999 (n ⫽ 15) (n ⫽ 15) (n ⫽ 14) (n ⫽ 14)
Mean ⫾ SD longevity (hours) 7.3 ⫾ 0.5a 5.1 ⫾ 0.5b 3.7 ⫾ 0.5c 2.6 ⫾ 0.5d
Temp, ⬚C 21.4 27.7 30.8 33.6
% RH 100 63.3 53.3 38.9

Means within rows followed by the same letter are not signiÞcantly different at the 5% probability level by ANOVA and the Tukey test. Sample
sizes vary as a result of a few mites being discarded because of being stuck in the glue or escaping from the cage.

ton (1956) related environmental data to 24-h cap- velocity in a column of still air, which implies in-
tures of Aculodes dubius and Aceria tulipae creased buoyancy and potentially greater time aloft.
(tosichella), respectively. A 24-h sampling regime may Citrus rust mites do not show any apparent mor-
or may not reveal the key environmental factors that phological adaptations that could enhance survival
regulate the dispersal of eriophyid mites, especially if during dispersal; however, they may maximize their
the dispersal of a given species shows a diel period- potential Þtness through adaptive migratory behavior.
icity. Measurements of the mortality of mites removed from
Frost (1997) discussed the conditions that favor the the host suggest that dispersal during a 2- to 3-h period
successful arrival of an aerially dispersing eriophyid following the drying of dew should increase survival
mite at a new host, including the spatial distribution of by reducing the duration of exposure to the higher
hosts and the duration of survival during dispersal, as temperatures and lower humidity which characterize
inßuenced by the miteÕs buoyancy and ability to avoid the afternoon hours (Tables 3, 4, and 6).
desiccation. Adult grain rust mites, Abaracus hystrix Based on the environmental conditions character-
(Nalepa), increased their production of wax Þlaments istic of the period of peak dispersal in the morning, the
in response to high temperatures (Frost 1997). Com- late afternoon and early evening periods would also
pared with unwaxed individuals, waxed mites lived appear favorable for the dispersal of mites (Table 6).
longer at low humidity and showed reduced terminal The lack of dispersal from late afternoon onward may
be an adaptive response to the brief, but intense rain-
fall that frequently occurs in the interior of central
Florida during the summer months. These storms
rarely occur before ⬇1400 hours, but are common in
the late afternoon and evening. Citrus rust mites can
attach themselves Þrmly to the host plant using their
caudal lobes, and are probably not washed off by
heavy rain. Whether this attachment behavior occurs
in response to changing barometric pressure or hu-
midity associated with the onset of these storms is
unknown. J.C.B. (unpublished data) has found that
citrus rust mites transferred to a wet surface cease
moving immediately and do not struggle or attempt to
walk. This behavioral response to wetting may be an
adaptation that conserves energy during regular pe-
riods of immersion in rain and dew.
The aerial dispersal of citrus rust mites from fruit
was independent of population density; mites were
captured from 49 of 50 fruit sampled, even though the
density of mites on nine fruit averaged less than two
per lens Þeld. Bergh and McCoy (1997) captured
dispersing mites very early in the season, when pop-
ulations on fruit were nearly undetectable. These re-
sults concur with those of previous studies showing
Fig. 1. Least squares linear regression of the relationship
that aerial dispersal of eriophyid mites occurs through-
between the population density of citrus rust mites on fruit out the season and seems to be independent of pop-
and the number of dispersing mites captured in traps. Pa- ulation density or host plant quality (Sabelis and Bruin
rameter estimate ⫾ SE; intercept: 5.30 ⫾ 2.37, trap 11.73 ⫾ 1996). Lawson et al. (1996) reported similar observa-
1.56, model r2 ⫽ 0.546; F ⫽ 56.58; df ⫽ 1, 47; P ⬍ 0.0001. tions for the European red mite, Panonychus ulmi

Table 5. Mean ⴞ SD percentage of female citrus rust mites in samples of mites brushed from fruit and captured while dispersing

Date Brushed from fruit Filter paper traps Omnidirectional traps

(1999) Na % female n % female n % female
17/9 125 67.2 ⫾ 18.0a 125 100 ⫾ 0b 5 100 ⫾ 0b
28/9 125 81.6 ⫾ 12.8a 125 100 ⫾ 0b 7 100 ⫾ 0b
30/9 125 95.2 ⫾ 3.3a 125 100 ⫾ 0b 3 100 ⫾ 0b
7/10 125 88.0 ⫾ 6.3a 111 100 ⫾ 0b 26 88.6 ⫾ 18.6ab
12/10 124 83.9 ⫾ 4.8a 115 98.2 ⫾ 2.5b 20 100 ⫾ 0b

Means within rows followed by the same letter are not signiÞcantly different at the 5% probability level based on ANOVA and Tukey test
analyses on arcsine transformed percentages.
Total number of Phyllocoptruta oleivora in subsamples of 25 mites taken from Þve fruit and Þve Þlter paper traps per day. Sample size from
omnidirectional traps represent the total number of P. oleivora captured by Þve traps each day.

(Koch), and speculated that a density-independent fungal spores are often produced in the lower portions
proportion of mites is committed to disperse. Sabelis of the plant canopy because of favorable conditions
and Bruin (1996) made the same tentative interpre- there. Lower wind-speed and less turbulence in the
tation from data on vagrant species of eriophyids. The lower canopy limit the escape of those spores except
dispersal behavior of citrus rust mite is gender-spe- during a period around midday, when wind-speed and
ciÞc, concurring with KrantzÕs (1973) observations on turbulence near the ground are usually highest. Gra-
the rust mite Aculus cornutus (Nalepa). The underly- dients of disease severity typically decrease rapidly
ing mechanisms that trigger dispersal in some propor- with increasing distance from the source of spores. As
tion of females in every population remain unknown. suggested by the distribution of citrus rust mites
Gender-speciÞc dispersal may have contributed to within a tree, the majority of dispersal is from lower
some of the variability not explained by the model portions of the canopy. A potential consequence of
describing the relationship between population den- this is a shorter distance traveled, relative to mites that
sity on fruit and the number of mites captured in traps. leave from higher in the canopy, and a large percent-
Because the Þlter paper traps capture mites leaving a age of dispersing mites settling out of the air onto
single fruit, the sex ratio of mites on a fruit would nonhost plants. This settling of dispersing mites should
inßuence the proportion of the population available be examined using ßat traps positioned horizontally at
for trapping. On each of 2 d, a single fruit with a high ground level with the trapping surface facing upward.
mite population yielded very few dispersers. The per- One aspect of the aerial dispersal of citrus rust mite
centage of males in samples brushed from individual that has received only cursory attention is the long-
fruit with high populations varied from 0 to 52%, and distance transport of mites. In previous studies (J.C.B.,
Swirski and Amitai (1960) reported that the percent- unpublished data), sticky traps were deployed at an
age of male citrus rust mite on leaves and fruit in late elevation of ⬇25 m by attaching them to the frame of
summer in Israel could exceed 80%. It is impossible to two Þre towers in central Florida for two 2- to 3-wk
distinguish male and female citrus rust mites without periods in July and August 1996. Citrus rust mites were
examining the genitalia, and this lack of information on captured in all eight traps on each tower during each
the sex ratio on fruit from which dispersing mites were sample period. However, eriophyid mites carried up-
trapped may have introduced some variability into the ward from the canopy and transported long distances
model. would likely suffer extremely high mortality as a func-
The Þtness of dispersing female citrus rust mites tion of prolonged exposure to the elements, and a
depends ultimately on their arrival at suitable host greatly reduced probability of being deposited on a
plants and their contribution to or initiation of a pop- suitable host plant.
ulation. Relative to eriophyid species colonizing hosts Regardless of the mortality that occurs during dis-
that are patchy in distribution, citrus rust mites in persal, these data show that some mites were carried
Florida may have a higher probability of arriving at a from a grove to an adjacent grove downwind and that
new host because of citrus monoculture over large and the percentage of mites arriving at the downwind
contiguous areas. However, dispersal-related mortal- location depended on the distance between the
ity is probably high and may be partially affected by groves. For groves separated only by a secondary road,
within-tree rust mite distributions. Allen and McCoy which occurs commonly in central Florida, the re-
(1979) found high rust mite populations in the north- gression model predicted a greater percentage of
and south-bottom quadrants of trees, where temper- mites arriving at the sink grove than had left the source
atures were favorable for development, and the lowest grove. Although this prediction is nonsensical and
mite densities in the south-top quadrant, where lethal probably a function of the sampling method, it does
temperatures were recorded. indicate the magnitude of movement possible be-
Given this distribution pattern, research on the aer- tween adjacent groves. Bergh and McCoy (1997) dis-
ial dissemination of fungal spores from a plant canopy cussed the potential implications of such movement
may help our understanding of the dispersal success of on mite management programs in central Florida,
citrus rust mite. Aylor (1990) reviewed the dissemi- where the majority of citrus is grown in adjacent 2- to
nation of fungal pathogens by wind. The majority of 9-ha blocks and where pest management practices

Table 6. Representative temperature, humidity and wind

speed data recorded at Lake Alfred, FL, between the 14th and 16th
day of the 4 mo that span the period of peak citrus rust mite
population growth in Florida

0900 Ð1200 1300 Ð1600 1700 Ð2000

hours hours hours
Mean temp (⬚C) and range
June 30.3 (28.1Ð32.8) 32.0 (26.4Ð35.4) 27.1 (23.8Ð33.7)
July 30.8 (28.8Ð33.5) 32.0 (26.9Ð34.9) 26.6 (24.2Ð29.1)
Aug 31.6 (29.4Ð33.6) 34.2 (31.6Ð35.8) 27.9 (22.4Ð32.4)
Sept 28.8 (25.1Ð32.2) 30.6 (28.2Ð33.6) 27.5 (24.5Ð32.9)
Mean relative humidity (%) and range
June 70.5 (57.1Ð86.5) 59.1 (42.5Ð86.6) 81.2 (45.7Ð100)
July 65.7 (50.4Ð81.2) 57.8 (45.7Ð76.8) 85.1 (72.3Ð98.5)
Aug 71.6 (60.2Ð84.5) 56.5 (49.4Ð69.8) 81.0 (59.4Ð100)
Sept 76.9 (59.6Ð90.8) 65.4 (43.7Ð89.3) 76.1 (44.6Ð100)
Mean wind speed (kph) and range
June 5.9 (4.3Ð7.2) 7.1 (2.6Ð18.5) 5.8 (1.1Ð14.8)
July 6.8 (3.9Ð10.6) 9.3 (2.9Ð14.0) 7.9 (3.9Ð10.9)
Aug 5.8 (3.2Ð9.0) 6.3 (3.9Ð9.9) 9.7 (4.7Ð20.1)
Sept 15.6 (4.3Ð25.4) 15.8 (9.0Ð23.0) 10.8 (6.0Ð19.0)

founding of local populations through nonrandom,

sibmating could have important implications for the
development of acaricide resistance in citrus rust mite
populations. Population structure is inßuenced by the
size of breeding units, the number of founding fe-
males, the sex ratio, immigration and emigration, and
nonrandom mating (Roush and Daly 1990). Resis-
tance to dicofol (Omoto et al. 1994) and shifts in
susceptibility to abamectin (Bergh et al. 1999) have
been reported in Þeld populations of citrus rust mite,
and the genetic consequences of these reproductive
Fig. 2. Number of dispersing citrus rust mites captured in strategies for the evolution of resistance in citrus rust
traps deployed between two adjacent citrus groves at three mite populations merit investigation.
locations. For each of three 7-d trapping intervals at Minute The traps used in these studies have proven useful
Maid Road and Highway 547, bars from left to right are data for addressing questions about the aerial dispersal of
from traps next to the source grove, half-way between the citrus rust mite. Bergh and McCoy (1997) used uni-
source and sink groves, and next to the sink grove, respec- directional traps to monitor the dispersal of citrus rust
tively. For the two trapping intervals at Orchid Drive, left and mite through time and reported strong correlations
right bars are data from traps next to the source and sink between trap-catch and population density on fruit.
groves, respectively.
They discussed the possibility of using dispersal traps
to monitor mite populations for management pur-
may differ widely between groves. Whether the aerial poses. This objective was pursued over several years
movement of mites adversely affects the success and by examining the effects of grove location and age,
cost of management programs in some situations is not fruit variety, trap placement, sample interval, and trap
known, but is worthy of further investigation. type (i.e., unidirectional and omnidirectional) on the
Laboratory tests have shown that a combination of relationship between trap-catch and population den-
oedipal mating and sibmating can result in the found- sity. Although some data sets yielded strong correla-
ing of a local population by a single virgin or insem- tion coefÞcients, the variability among locations and
inated female citrus rust mite. It is probable that most years was great and was not consistently improved by
female eriophyids are inseminated before dispersal any approach (J.C.B., unpublished data). Although
(OldÞeld and Newell 1973), in which case sibmating the traps are useful research tools, they are not suit-
among F1 progeny would be most relevant to the able for use in a monitoring program upon which pest
initiation of a local population. A dispersing female management decisions are based.
mite might also arrive in the midst of an established Further research on the biology of dispersing citrus
population on a new host. Alternatively, when popu- rust mites could use the advantages associated with
lations are low early in the season or following a the Þlter paper trap. Whereas unidirectional and om-
pesticide application, there could be few or no con- nidirectional traps kill the mites they capture and yield
speciÞcs in her vicinity, and these divergent scenarios relatively small samples, the Þlter paper trap can pro-
would have very different outcomes with respect to vide large numbers of live mites that could be used to
the genetic structure of the ensuing population. The address questions about population dynamics and

management. For example, comparing the fecundity mata: Eriophyoidea) in Oregon. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am.
and longevity of dispersing females with females of 66: 709 Ð717.
known age would establish the age at which females Lawson, D. S., J. P. Nyrop, and T. J. Dennehy. 1996. Aerial
disperse and their potential reproductive capacity. dispersal of European red mites (Acari: Tetranychidae)
Bergh and McCoy (1997) also captured dispersing in commercial apple orchards. Exp. Appl. Acarol. 20:
citrus rust mites infected with the entomopathogenic Lindquist, E. E. 1996. External anatomy and notation of
fungus, Hirsutella thompsonii. Filter paper traps could structures, pp. 3Ð31. In E. E. Lindquist, M.W. Sabelis, and
be deployed under fruit on which a fungal epizootic J. Bruin [eds.], World crop pests: eriophyoid mitesÑtheir
was occurring; and by culturing captured mites on biology, natural enemies and control. Elsevier, Amster-
media, the effect of a fungal epizootic on the dispersal dam.
behavior of populations and individuals could be mea- Nault, L. R., and W. E. Styer. 1969. The dispersal of Aceria
sured. tulipae and three other grass-infesting eriophyid mites in
Ohio. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 62: 1446 Ð1455.
Oldfield, G. N., and I. M. Newell. 1973. The role of the
Acknowledgments spermatophore in the reproductive biology of Aculus cor-
nutus (Acarina: Eriophyidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 66:
Thanks to J. Waldow, T. Wilkinson, S. Blackburn, and S. 160 Ð163.
Sloan for technical assistance; J. Harrison and J. Fan for Oldfield, G. N., R. F. Hobza, and N. S. Wilson. 1970. Dis-
statistical help; R. Kerr and Holly Hill Groves for their gen- covery and characterization of spermatophores in the
erous cooperation; and the Florida Citrus Production Re- Eriophyoidea (Acari). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 62: 269 Ð
search Advisory Council for partial Þnancial support. The 277.
general assistance of the faculty and staff at the Lake Alfred Omoto, C., T. J. Dennehy, C. W. McCoy, S. E. Crane, and
Citrus Research and Education Center over the past 5 yr is J. W. Long. 1994. Detection and characterization of the
greatly appreciated. Florida Agricultural Experiment Station inter-population variation of citrus rust mite (Acari: Erio-
Journal Series No. R07577. phyidae) resistance to dicofol in Florida citrus. J. Econ.
Entomol. 87: 566 Ð572.
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