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Senior High School Department

Third Summative Test

General Chemistry 2
(Quarter 3)

Name: _____________________________ Grade and Section: ____________________

Date: ______________________________ Score: ______________________________

Note 1. If possible, you are discouraged or NOT allowed to change your answers.

Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the BEST answer to each of the
following questions. Then, encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.

1. How is the electrolyte solution contrasted with the nonelectrolyte solution?


A. By looking at the solutes that dissociate into ions when dissolved and can
conduct electricity
B. By examining the solutes that do not dissociate into ions when dissolved and
therefore do not conduct electricity
C. By testing the solutes that dissociate into ions when dissolved and can conduct
D. By measuring the solutes that do dissociate into ions when dissolved and
therefore do not conduct electricity

2. If an electrical current can run through a solution, it is said to contain

A. water.
B. nonelectrolytes.
C. electricity.
D. electrolytes.

3. Which of the following is an example of a nonelectrolyte?

A. CaO
C. BaCl2
D. Br2

4. Calculate the freezing point and boiling point of a soln containing 4.27 g of sucrose
(C12H22O11) and 50.0 g of water. (Note: MM of (C12H22O11) = 342 g/mol, Kf of H2O = 1.86°C/m,
Kb of H2O = 0.52°C/m). (Round off your answer to the correct number of significant figures.)


Sucrose Water

A. fp = 0.130°C; bp = 100.°C
B. fp = 0. 13°C; bp = 100.13°C
C. fp = 100.°C; bp = 0.130°C
D. fp = 100.13°C; bp = 0.13°C

5. When 4.35 g of ethylene glycol (C2H6O2) is dissolved in 100 g of water, the resulting soln
has a freezing point of -1.31°C. Find the molar mass of C2H6O2. (Round off your answer to the
correct number of significant figures.)

Ethylene glycol Water

A. 61.8 g/mol
B. 60 g/mol
C. 6.18 g/mol
D. 6.0 g/mol

6. A soln is prepared by dissolving 2.40 g of biphenyl, C 12H10 (molar mass = 154 g/mol), in 75.0
g benzene. What is the boiling point of the soln? (Round off your answer to the correct
number of significant figures.)



A. 80.4ᵒC
B. 80.5ᵒC
C. 80.6ᵒC
D. 80.7ᵒC

7. Refer to question 6. What is its freezing point? (Round off your answer to the correct
number of significant figures.)
A. 4.42ᵒC
B. 4.44ᵒC
C. 4.45ᵒC
D. 4.43ᵒC

8. A solution prepared from 0.3 g of unknown nonvolatile solute and 30 g of carbon

tetrachloride (CCl4) has a boiling point of 0.392ᵒC higher than that of pure CCl4. What is the
molar mass of the solute? (Round off your answer to the correct number of significant


X nonvolatile solute(s)

A. 100 g/mol
B. 128 g/mol
C. 126 g/mol
D. 129 g/mol

9. Which of these actions will cause more sugar to dissolve in a saturated aqueous sugar
solution (soln)?

I. Add more sugar and heat the soln.

II. Add more sugar while stirring the soln.
III. Grind the sugar into powder, then add it to the soln while stirring.

A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. Both I and II

10. How would you prepare a 0.1M HCl soln from 10 mL of a 0.5 M HCl stock soln?

A. By using a pipet/pipette, measure 10 mL of 0.5M HCl and place the soln in a

50-mL volumetric flask
B. By adding distilled water to the flask up to the etched line
C. By diluting the acid to exactly 50 mL of 0.1M HCl
D. All of the above

11. Which of the following statements CORRECTLY explicates the First Law of

A. It states the entropy of a system approaches a constant value as the

temperature approaches absolute zero.
B. It states if the physical process is irreversible, the combined entropy of the
system and the environment must increase.
C. It states the energy cannot be created nor destroyed; it can only be converted
from one form to another.
D. It states every nonequilibrium state of a system or local subsystem for which
entropy is well defined must be equipped with a metric in state space
concerning which the irreversible component of its time evolution is in the
direction of steepest entropy ascent compatible with the conservation

12. Following are the implications of the first law of thermodynamics, EXCEPT:

A. The net energy flow to or from any system comes in the form of either work
or heat.
B. The net change in energy can either be positive or negative depending on the
means and direction of the energy transfer involved.
C. When work is done on the system, it loses energy, and work is denoted as
positive (+w).
D. When the system does the work, it uses up or transfers some of its energy so
that work is denoted as negative (-w).

13. When applying the first law of thermodynamics to a system, when is heat a positive

A. When the system does work

B. When the system has work done on it
C. When the system absorbs heat
D. When the system loses heat

14. When ammonium nitrate dissolves in water, the solution gets cold. Which is TRUE?


Ammonium nitrate Water

A. Reaction is ENDOTHERMIC with positive ΔH.

B. Reaction is ENDOTHERMIC with -ΔH.
C. Reaction is EXOTHERMIC with a -ΔH.
D. Reaction is EXOTHERMIC with +ΔH.

15. Solid magnesium dissolves in a hydrochloric acid releasing hydrogen gas and heat from a
solution of magnesium chloride. What is the sign on ΔH for this reaction?

Magnesium(s) Hydrochloric acid Magnesium chloride

A. Negative because it is exothermic.

B. Negative because it is endothermic.
C. Positive because it is exothermic.
D. Positive because it is endothermic.

16. What statement about enthalpy is TRUE?

A. Enthalpy, H, is equal to the amount of heat flow in a system with constant

pressure QP.
B. It is a measure of the randomness or disorder of a system.
C. It is related to the natural log of the number of microstates.

D. It shows the probability of occurrence of a particular distribution (state)

depends on the number of ways (microstates) in which the distribution can be

17. Calculate the change in internal energy when 2 moles of carbon monoxide (CO) are
converted to 2 moles of CO2 at 1 atm and 25ᵒC. Round off your answer to the correct number
of significant figures.


2CO(g) + O2(g) 2CO2(g) ∆H = - 566.0 kJ/mol

A. -563.5 kJ/mol
B. -564.4 kJ/mol
C. - 562.7 kJ/mol
D. -565.9 kJ/mol

18. The standard enthalpy change of formation values of two oxides of phosphorus is:
P4(s) + 3O2(g) → P4O6(s) ΔH°f = –1600 kJ / mol
P4(s) + 5O2(g) → P4O10(s) ΔH°f = –3000 kJ / mol

What is the enthalpy change, in kJ / mol, for the reaction below?

P4O6(s) + 2O2(g) → P4O10(s)

A. +4600
B. +1400
C. –1400
D. –4600

19. The enthalpy change for the reaction C (s, graphite) + 1⁄2O2(g) --> CO(g) cannot be measured
directly since some carbon dioxide is always formed in the reaction. It can be calculated using
Hess's Law and the enthalpy changes of combustion of graphite and carbon monoxide.

Carbon(s, graphite)
Carbon monoxide(g)

C(s, graphite) + O2(g) --> CO2 ΔH=-394 kJ/mol

CO(g) + 1⁄2O2(g) --> CO2 ΔH=-283 kJ/mol

The enthalpy change for the reaction of graphite with oxygen to give carbon monoxide is:

A. -677 kJ/mol
B. +111 kJ/mol
C. -111 kJ/mol
D. +677 kJ/mol

19. One of the most important industrial reactions is the formation of ammonia from its
N≡N + 3HꟷH → 2HꟷNꟷH
Use bond energies to calculate ∆H°rxn.

(a) Σ∆H°bonds broken = 1 N≡N + 3HꟷH

= 945 kJ + 1296 kJ
= 2241 kJ

(b) Σ∆H°bonds formed = 6NꟷH

= 2346 kJ

A. -105 kJ
B. +105 kJ
C. -106 kJ
D. +106 kJ

20. Two gaseous pollutants that form in the auto exhaust are CO and NO. An environmental
chemist is studying ways to convert them to less harmful gases through the following

CO(g) + NO(g) → CO2(g) + ½N2(g) ∆H = ?

Given the following information, calculate the unknown ∆H.

Equation A: CO(g) + ½O(g) → CO(g) ∆H = -283.0 kJ

Equation B: N2(g) + O2(g) → 2NO ∆H = +180.6 kJ

A. -373.3 kJ
B. +373.3 kJ
C. -733.3 kJ
D. +733.3 kJ

Prepared by:
Chemistry Specialist

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