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What documents must Ssentumbwe Traders Limited provide the registrar of titles to prove that it quali-
fies to own this land.
(i). The sales agreement for the land
(ii). The death certificate of James Ssentumbwe
(iii). An identity card of James Ssentumbwe
(iv). The will
(V). Letters of administration
(Vi). Certificate of incorporation of Ssentumbwe Traders Limited

(D). Obtain title to the land in 5. Above.

To obtain title for the land in 5, an application for a vesting order must be made.
Section 78 of the RTA provides that a person who claims that he/she obtained a title by possession to land
under this act may apply to the registrar for an order vesting the land in him/her for an estate in fee simple or
other estate claimed.
Section 167 of the RTA states the circumstances under which a vesting order can be granted. In the case of
RE IVAN MUTAKA (1980) HCB 27 by Odoki Ag. J (as he was then) held that “…before the court makes a
vesting order, the following circumstances must be proved:-
1. That there has been a sale of land of which is registered under the Act;
2. That the whole of the purchase price has been paid;
3. That the purchaser (or those claiming under him or her) has taken possession of the land;
4. That the entry into possession by the purchaser has been acquiesced in by the vendor or his or her repre-
5. That a transfer has not been executed and cannot be obtained because’
- The vendor is dead, or
- the vendor is residing out of jurisdiction; or
-The vendor cannot be found
Inorder to obtain title, his wife who is the Executor of Ssentumbwe’s will should make an application for a
vesting order supported by a statutory declaration in support of the application to the registrar.

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