Artwork Processing Workflow Standard Operating Procedure

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Artwork Processing Workflow SOP

Objective: The objective of this SOP is to establish a standardized process for handling artwork in
Marketing Department.

1. Initiation:
- LS receive artwork submission.
- Verify the completeness and accuracy of the artwork files.
- Assign a unique identifier to the artwork for tracking purposes.

2. Pre-processing:
- Review the artwork files for compliance with technical specifications and design guidelines.
- Communicate with the submitter to resolve any discrepancies or issues identified.
- Prepare the artwork files for further processing, including file conversion or optimization if necessary.

3. Quality Check:
- Conduct a thorough content proofread of the artwork to ensure accuracy and integrity.
- Verify dimensions, color accuracy, resolution, and any other relevant specifications.
- Document any issues or deviations found during the quality check process.

4. Approval Process:
- Route the artwork files for approval to the designated stakeholders or approvers.
- Obtain necessary approvals or feedback within the specified timeframe.
- Communicate approval status to the submitter and relevant team members.

5. Production Preparation:
- Prepare the approved artwork files for for various output channels (e.g., print, digital).
- Coordinate with production teams or vendors to ensure seamless execution of the artwork production
- Document production specifications and requirements for reference.

6. Production Execution:
- Oversee the production process to ensure adherence to approved artwork specifications.
- Monitor production progress and address any issues or delays promptly.
- Coordinate with relevant teams or stakeholders to resolve production-related issues as needed.

7. Post-Production Review:
- Review the produced artwork to ensure alignment with initial requirements and quality standards.
- Gather feedback from stakeholders and end-users regarding the produced artwork.
- Address any post-production issues or adjustments required.

**8. Archiving and Documentation:**

- Archive all versions of the artwork files, including approved and final versions.
- Maintain detailed documentation of the entire artwork processing workflow, including approvals,
changes, and communications.
- Ensure that all documentation is organized, accessible, and up-to-date for future reference.

**9. Continuous Improvement:**

- Conduct regular reviews of the artwork processing workflow to identify opportunities for
- Implement any necessary changes or updates to streamline the process and enhance efficiency.
- Encourage feedback from team members and stakeholders to inform ongoing improvements.

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