Cidex Disadvantage1

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.:ijwrd5.t'1,WorlcersAgamstsens€lesslolqc Exposure ri1gF r 9r'r


Toxic Exposure
(US Medical PersonnelInjuried by Glutaraldehyde)

WASTE is a national support group comprisingwell over 100 individuals within fhe medical
communiQr who have been injured by the toxic chemical called Glutaraldehvde-

MISSION STATEMENT: Maintain current information through our newsletter and website,
sharehealth concernswith other interestedparties and provide emotional support.

LOGO: Our logo'portraysthe chemicallyinjured body in constantturmoil. This imageofthe spiral

has beenin use in the art of civilization for thousandof years.It archetypaclyrefers to an inner or
outwardjourney. Many of us feel that onceinjured it is quite a journey.

Allow the logo to representwhat your beliefsare, whetherit be a religious orientationor another.It
can be seenas a symbolof the Trinity, of Faith,I{ope and Charity,orunify..

PI{YSICAL PROPERTIES: Glutaraldehyde, a fir,e carbondialdehyde,is a highly reactive
compoundthat hasbeenisolatedas an oil and is usuallystoredas an aqueoussolution. On storage,it
a fomrs mixturescontaininghydrates,pyrans,and polymers.(3)
*s Aldehyde;Glutaric Acid Dialdehyde;Alhydex;Cidex; Dioxopentane;Glutaral;Glutardialdehyde;
Glutarol; Sporicidin,Ucarcide,Veruca-sep;Gluteraldehyde;1,5-pentanedione;
gluiaraldehyde; Aidesan;Colcicide-25
sonacide;Pentane-i,5-dial; microbiocide;Glutaralum;

USES.,Glutaraldeiiyde is a rvidely useddisinfcctaniusedboth as an activeingredientaiid an incrt

ingredient(a) Applicationsincludepersonalcareproductsalongu'ith the medicaluse. The NiOSIT
invcsiigationsrevealed-thatglutaraldehydehasa varieiy of usesin hospitalsincluding sterilization
of. sigmoidoscopes and respiratorytherapS,equipment (87-175);pulmonarydiagnosticequipment-
physicalthcrapl' equipmerri(wirirlpools),and surgicalirrstnrmei-ris
(86-226);disirrfectionof X-ra1'
? tables,bronchoscopes,and surgicalinstruments(85-257);generaluse as a cold sterilant(97-0062);
and endoscopesand bronchoscopes(90-296).It rvasalso reportedthat glutaraldehydehad general
use throughouthospitals,dental laboratories,and in other healthcarefacilitiesas a generalsterilant,
and a tissuefixative(87-176).(1)

CFIENfICAL INJURY: Glutaraldehydemay be absorbedinto the body by inhalation,ingestionand

skin contact.WASTE membershavereportedsignificantinjuries.Someof the symptomsinclude:
reactiveairway diseasesyndrome,asthma,sinusitis,extremeheadaches, dry eyes,macular
dcgeneration,dry nose,soresin anteriornostrils,choking,inflaniedlaryn+ insomnia,cluonic
dermatitis,joint and niuscleproblems,immunedamage,
fatigue-heart problems,hypei-tension,
I I t r.p. / / \^/\v w. uuullcttl. uoltv wastg. ntlu ) / z) tvv
intestinal initatiorq malabsorption,and lsss ofvital nutrientsjust to name a few. Maoy ofus have
gone on to become-very sensitive to many other chemicals creating a feeling that ones body is
reacting to everything such as: medicatiorl cleaning products, petroleum products, fumes,
make-up,perfume, shampoos,soaps,fabric softener and many more-

NIOSH has zummarized their evaluation of the health hazards of Glutaraldehyde:

1) Symptomsof expozureappearto be associatedwith exposuresat concentrationsbelow the

NIOSH REL and ACGIH TLV of 0.2 ppm C.

2). Exposures can be dramatically reduced and symptoms virtually eliminated through the use of
local exhaustventilation"

3). Latex surgical gloves and surgical respiratorsdo not provide protection from either dermal
contact or inhalation exposureand should not be used.

PRESENTATIONS / REPRESENTATIONS : Since our injury we have been in contact with

various gorrernmentagencies.The following is one such presentationgiven to the NIH on October
3 0 , 19 9 8 .

We are pleasedto be here today in the company of such learned scholars.We represent the group
called \YASTE, Medical Workers Against SenselessToxic Exposure. We are here to seek answers
and solutions to the effects that Glutaraldehydehas had on the lives of the injured workers.

Wc rvould like you to hearthe other side of the story of how imocent people unknor+'inglyhaye
beenexposedto this dangeroustoxic chemicalwithout adequatesafety warnings and protection. We
nou'suffer from many symptoms:reactive airuay diseaseslmdrome, asthma,sinusitis, extreme
headaches, dry eyes,maculardegeneration,dry nose,soresin anterior nostrils,chokin_e,inflamed
,, larynx, insomnia,cluonic fatigue, heart problems,hypertension,dermatitis,joint and muscle
problems,immunedamage,intestinalirritation, malabsorption,and loss of vital nutrientsjust to
namea few. lr4anyof us have gone on to becomevery sensitiveto many other chemicalsireating a
feeling that oned€fts body is reacting to everything such as: medication, cleaningproduc.ts,
petroleumproducts,fumes,paints,make-up,perfume,shampoos,soaps,fabric softenerand many
more. Legally, rve have alsobeenkept out of FederalCourt by the FIFRA law. We have beenunubl"
to u'in u'orkmart'scompensationclaims.becauseof misinformationby our employers.\\/e have also
beendeniedsocial securitybenefits.Many havebeenfired.from their jobs beCause of this illness.
This in turn leavesindividualsrvithout vital healthinsurancenecessaryto receivemedicalcare. It is
impossiblefor a normal personto comprehendthe depthsof despairrve havebeenthrust into: fear
of losine homes,fear of losingspousesand family, financiallossrvhich is vital for living expenses,
bills, medicineand proper medicalcare.Along with this comesthe increasingaccumulationof debt
as you continueto sun'ive. Of coursethe employersrvho shouldbe held accountable,have gone
aboutbusinessas usual,with nary a concernor care for our suffering.We feel we have lost all our
rights as American citizens.

We leaveyou with severalunansweredquestions:

rvasn'tadequatetestingaccomplishedbeforeGlutaraldehydervas placedon the market

] I'ttv
beforedisruptingmany innocentlives?

n trp .// ww \ \ ' .nc ult er l r.(,o rrvw a s tc .rrrl n

)t / ) / vv
2. This chemical is registeredas a pesticideand in Qanadais consider toxic and a poison and yet to
our knowledge there is no current recommendedmedicaltreatment to reverseGlutaraldehyde
poisoning. Are there protocols being developedto addressthe acute poisoning by this harmful

3. In a 1996EPA report, they had questionedthe statusof carcinogenic potential becauseof a high
incidenceof Lymphatic leukemia.Are there current st-udiesunder way to establishthis point?

4. Formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde must be collected and properly disposed of as chemical waste.
None should be releasedinto the sanitary sewer system through any drain at NIH. Why are medical
facilities allowed to dilute this chemicaland freely dump it into our sewagesystem?

5. With the number of medicalfacilities in the US doesn'tthis warrant controls to prevent damage
to our aquaticlive? Once a speciesis lost it is lost forever.

_\_-. 6. If the controls and researchare not in place what future do other medical personnelface? It is
almost impossiblefor the sick to take care of the sick without disastrousresults. This has the
potential to have devastatingeffects on the Nursing Profession.Who would want to send a loved
one into a professionto be poisoned?

7. The NIH Committee is aware that marryrrredicalworkers, most ofwhom work in hospital
operatingrooms, are experiencingunexplainedillnessand disability,possiblyas a result of exposure
to Glutaraldehyde,a chemicalusedfor x-ray processingand disinfectingof medicalequipmeni.The
Committee,therefore, encouragesNIEI{S to conduct researchinto the short-term and long-te.rn
cffectsof human expos'ureio Glutaraldehyde.If the NIH recognizesour disabiliiywhy do we have
to fight so hard to get compensaiedfrom our eniployerfor our prorrrisedbenefits?

8. This statementis fiom an MSDS. Personalprotectiveequipmentmay not preventhealth effectsin

alreadysensitizedstaff Many of our membershavebeenforced to go back to rvork within close
proximity of this chemical.Who can help us insureno one once sensitizedwill work with anv form
of a glutaraldehydeproduct?

s Wh.vis it not mandatoryof all institutionsusinga glutaraldehyde

mix to haveenclosedwork
proceduresand processesrvhereqlutaraldehyde is used,nameiy;appropriatew-orkpractices,local
cxhaust,veniilaiion and personalprotectiveequiprnentand clothing including eyervashesand

10. And most importantly,what are rve doing to oiir future generations?Most medicalrvorkers are
yQungwomen. Most will get pregnantand rvork aroundor with this chemical.We haye
a duty to
protect the innocent.Dr. Lynn Goldmanrrr€ssdg€ states,0€? significantchangcsin labeling are
being proposedto proteci all rvorkers,eventhe most sensitiveones.

1l - llorv canwe makeblankeistaiements abouta chemicallike Glutaraldehyde when the companies

mix the chemicalwith manyother darrgerouschen-,icals and then keepingthe inert ingredients
secret?We will only find the ansrversrvhenthe companiesdirn:lge the irrerts and tlie mixure is
testedas a rvhole.Couid this e;<plainr.r'hy'
manyof us havehigh levelsmethylpentaneZ & 3 and n-
he;<ane in our bodies?

-1rLtl). / / ly \v \v. I l (jut lcr r r.(i(] r I v w,ast€. rrt I I I

) t:) tv
us MedicalPersonnelInjured by Glutaraldehyde
Currently, \r'eare a subchaptcrof thc LancasterArea ChemicalIn-jury'/Sensiti'itv
WASTE group st;lrtedto dcl'eloprvhentrvonurseswcre injured b1.'a high lcr,eld'isinfectnnt

Managcrnent ollicialsat theirrncdicalfacilityinfonnedbothnruscsancitheopcnrtingroornsLrll'tirattliis

causeno pcrrnanentinjury. Conventionaldoctorscouldnot cxplainthe ntanl,iymptomsthcy ucrc
cxhibiting nor could thc,r.
olTeradviceon hou'to dctect,so theysearched out the local supportgroup.
The l-rst two yearsrveremedicallvthe tougltest.We reliedon the membersin the supportgroupfor guidancc
in creatinga non-toxicenvironment.We uere on a slorvpathto recovery.
After gainingsomestength back.both nursesdecidedto searchfor ansucrsutry this chemicalcauscd
so muchdamasc.
Amazadat the information thev found they'l'ere appalledthey had not beeninformec tlr; A;;;il;#;tritl'"
of safetyprecautionsthe,vweregiven.we havervorkedhardthese-past 6 yearsto gain"finsight*i Lr1oril"ageinr.o*.hat has
fappenedto us andin so doinghavefoundothermedicalpersonnefacrosi tte .ouoqv poisonedb' the samechemical.To
dqtewe have92 nredicallrcrsomelinjure<tby GLUTARALDEI{YDE acrossthe.o"n.-"."-. We hai.eooopr"othe logo
WAsrE - w-orkers
Agai.nstsenselgqgToxic Exposure.
- i . what a uaste of life and talenr.
t'or exalnple,lasl sunrneronemetnberhada hr;o-idchyellorvstainingu.itha wicking line acrossherbra
and at both
armpils.This s'as followedby a sleepless nightandthet a horribletu,o n'eeksof toric illness.The tab fett lhis inclicatrxlrhc
chcrnicalcould still bc activeand recomtncnded a chemicalbloo<lanalvsis.Thc follo*ing pancls*,crc analrzcdCo'r5o
Volatilclbr benzene' toluencethl'lene,etc.,for Pcntochlorophenol, lor KctonesolvL-nrs o"nO
to. nlpt otic VolatilcSol\.cltts,
AII tcstsuerc normalcrceptthe Aliphatic VolatileSolvcnts,rvhichvrcrc4X highc.rthannormalinioth
mcth'l l&-nranc?
This madeus *onder iiany of tlre otherinjural *'orkersh.rdhigh levels.
To date'therchal'ebeensix testsdoneandall six havehigh levelsboth in me&yl pentane,rangingirom
7 to I02 *ith
normalbeing4.5, andhexane,$'ith a rangeof 20 to I52 with nonnalbeing L dre3s-vear-oro x-r:al'
tio,r, Norrh Dakota
hadresullsof 102for 3 methvlpentane and 152for hexane.We are very cin"emed forher as sheis still *orki'g.
Sincethebreastdischarge.*e arein contaclrith the breastcanccrdivisionof the NiI{ in North Caroli'a
and the\ are \.cn
concernedabouttheselevel.sand u'erenot a*'areof this beingknoun before.Methanolis aclded
to Cfutnruia"fifti;;;d,
namebeinglrntanedioncor pcntadial).We strspect that is rvhcreglrrtaraldchyde
mctabolizesto mcthy\rcntane(gasolinc).
.. )
l. Exposedl'orkcrs ntust be idcntified and informed of the ad"-crschealtheffects

2. Injured n'orkcrs ntust bc retnovcdfrom furl.hcrr

cxposurcas rccognizedin all Glutarlldchl.rtc litcraturt.
3. Hospitalsmust be maderespottsiblefor thc injured $'orkcrs $'ith regard to salan.and
nrcdicalbills. With
Ixesentkrtou'lcdgc-this illrrcssis for LIFE and bcnef]tsshould rcflcct suclr.

'1' OSHA ncedsto conductunamortnccdinspectiottsand lcsting of hospitalslnd placcsrvherc Gltrt'rllrteh''tlc

is uscd. not dictatcdbr. hospitalsor cmplovcrs.
ln sunlman'.this illncssltltsnot onlv dcstro'cdour licalthbut also liuritsoir- iilc
choiccsrncl rc'clcrs r.rr. ol
tts ttllablcto clcr rrork agltiuitl our choscttprofcssion.Wc arc proniisccliib,,rlr lrld-jgstice
lor ull u,'c{ti*ri ric.
citizens of the Unitcd Statcsof Anrcrica luvc tlrc righl to lilc. lil]€rtl aud the piirsuit lapr)i.css.
of \,cn 1-rr'iir.
$'c ln\.e bccu dcnicd our b.rsiccbnstitntionalrights.
Wc despcratclvnccd ntcchlnisursin placc to ttitp thoscu,ho har.ctrcu c'lctriiirutcd

J anc tlr r d Sh a ro rr

JarrctKcncpp ShurorrSou'crs
l-i7 h4aplct)rir c I iOfi Dccr [,lnc
Nqr Holhnci. P..\ l7-ii7 I-lncrstcr. PA 1760I
Il 7 1 7-ti 9s-29-i 7
EKeneppr,0,aoI.corrr SSou,erslQDaoLconl
(. '---_.=-
LJ \ --

i pproxi nrrl cl l
i-i A l i cr u',i rg C l uttr rrl tlchi 'Jc.for a
z','".,r, ro',lisinfoctimprcssions,and noticing a
.l D(-iNI'f :l ,pj rl r}:i ni ni tati on.I w antcdto
6rrd a P roduct
'r t 1/i1 nrJ," ur., '.rirndly.Aficr rcrdiog the rclc-:scltdone
I IK. T, on IIIII I d,r:iilcd to changcovcr' I anr
',: ti tcti cul ous about di si ofccri al
ng l i rnprcssi cns
/-11 r';'r.r
j , il A! T .L)
DTll{\4)F )L ur,du'i ni ri Rout rl 'c pl rsti cxotk boxcs aftcr
Ur.!-f -J 11 t-Lf t-t r L )J rvotk bcncl tcs
.t.* i *. l ^ bccn hni shcd 6l l
ard srrfrrccs':,lc rsipcd ovcr sith u spcciriJ

#ru di l Ldcctarr $'i pc.

Disintlction o f l-rup rcssions lla tc ri al

to I'rcvcn't,V i ral C ross C ontnmi nn ti on :
I hc IntcrnationalJournalofProsthodontics \/olume 6
g Nurrbcr5,:1991

'ltr pilnclpa! pottntialroutco! trarsmision ol

.\Z NURSNCJOUfu\AI MARCH1992 inlcition lron a rr'ticnt lo a dcntal tcchncianis vio
E x c c i p t 5 : V , ' h cnSu sa n 'r 4 0 yce r o ld r ld io lo g y ,onnrri,ioi id trip r essionsatd oIhcr pr ostl rcti c
nursc, 6tst stancd S,cttrnginfcctions oad large ' materials,std it is k:q.r+tttlta! nicroorgani'sas catt
v u n c x p l a i n e db r u ir csb a ck in 1 9 8 8 ' sh ch a d n o . bt rccotcrcdJtomcasopourcdfromimpressions
idca q'hat $'as vtong r'lit} hcr .. takenoJdtiial moklstlst lww bccn
v G{utrrrJdchydc *'as uscd cvcry dry in radio.- e>pcrimtnlallyittxuleled v'itlt hactcria"
logy r:rd n'as also in the drak roorn clicrnicall' .
n s"f solutions
I-IST OF SYhCIl'ONlS ""riniit,.rolcal
it is importalt to rccosnjse thatall hsvcsonre
Tbe;-includcdcirculitor-vproblcmslcodin.g - disadvantagts-'gtu teruldchydc fo rnrrrlations'for
to ki;iud's slroPtoms,fcclingvery coltl o:anrple,sh<,uld bc uso3rs surfaccdisinfccrantsor
..n in *r,-.t. prnicularly allcr cating, a:;a.iosols.bccrwc rl,cirYapoursuc knownto bc
) hworcnsion,boxcl andlrladdbrproblotts, toxic rvhcnrclc-accd into tlrc.air-
-P u',.ost..l q'clc,u'ciglrt lossOfa stotto
jaudicc,cnrcmc frtiguc,griny I].{FECTIbNCONTROLANDT}IE
Uruisiog, "yts, -. .
vulr,crobi)ity to infcctions,;,t. ITEALTIICAREPRO\{DER
\ brc:tlJcs:ncs:,lu'nosc'throut Problcms, Etcq'trcrlrhcrrc Providcrbrs a minimumof
rnucttusmcmbraae including
ProbleDsn thrccfrrodiocntnliufcctioncootrol
sinusiris, n)oulhulc.;s' heqis simplcxjoint n'bichlonynot bc tvoidcd'Tlrtsc
) inabitiryto pcrspirc,
pa:r',headachcs. 1'ourrclfrod ;'our
pelpilrrotls, arrllcocdcmr,skinirriution femiJy,1'ourPrticn(trnd to thc cnvirolnrcn('
*d tt i.t ).1';rtfrishtcningof dl rvcretlrc
' "
brrin cJ.r'ngcs. niood :wings, irritebility'.loss . lvLrnvdisiofrctunt! llc rlowavulablcto lhc dcntal
ofi.rCaonJrrt. hcl: of conccnlntion and' a:'.i:tI'ouin thc selcutionProcass \\'c
slron'.crmrncmorylosl' ' o{t.r tl,c follorr'ing chcck-list
5rl ur"::uticrirrgnuli-rystcm ovcdord + lstbis mr,tcrialspcci.fic to my nccds?
undi,rri::t;nc d1liunctionfronrclrcnucal | \\t3t cliimsarctnrdciry thc lebclon thc
r+hilctr-rirrgto holddorvna
grirc;',.irli1, . .' pnrductarrdby tt,cpcntonlcllingit?
rc:1 rt'n:il ,n,
lcr r s ingjob, .. { 15indq,trrihntcliriicrlwidcnccatail:it'lcto
, ..
suPPort thosoclrjms'l
()nc ui tjic rcl',or: '.rl,ySusanrvrrsso bedly'.' ',' i Is thc nrtct-ielofltrcd by a rcllllc and
al[crtcdbi i:tutarrliiclil'Jc \Yu lhrt :Jtclrns rep<;nrit;lc dictributPr?
con:l.trly *.;,o:cd ro ir ovcr tltc ycnrs,"ird { ls tbonrucrirJrrfc to usc in nrysrrrgcryurd
Lcr u r',(l:sctcl wa5lrot aadpoollyvcntiLtoJ' safcfqr nrYstafftohqndlc?
srfc ior nry cquipnturtr,nd
ls tlti rr'ralcri:rl
ls il-rcrnatcrial cost ct1l'ctivc I
Is thc nu,rcri:rlit:.clf.ud thc packaging, u:cr -
fiicn<llyond s.rfcf;r thc crrvirontncn:? :-"


Thc b,rsis of rhc c6im rrrs tjrrt glrrtara,ldchltc cxpOstrrc

hcadachcs, cxucmc
l cczuscd[.hcnurscto bcgirrttrffcrittg to hatc
fadguc:rndgritw c1'cs,Thc nursc is bclicvcd
ln of dollarsin scnlcmcnt'Dr'
) lrrcccivcdtcrtsof thous'ruds
dircctoref f'pvironmctl$l Mcdicinc
) ilMerkDonohoc,a srid to lCrrnrddchydc
Ccnrrcin 5;-dncl'. rvtlrkcxposurc
lI \ylt I u.ry impoitlnt issuc thlt hrd bccn t'rrgcly:
ignorctl. :'
I' w:nr'ctrt')ctoir"t" l)r'
lcth, irr,,. is biggcr rltut en1'<lnc
Donohocsaidthl nrorcqenlmooeilntcncr includcd
brca,thirrgtlitlcuttics,chrotticfarigucwrrdromc,ind thc'
d."clopricntof allcrgics to othcrchcmicals iirctuding
bc urcd
which s'houldnl't
is ln i\g:c.n(
-lt (gttrt;rraldchi'dc)
just rs
ar thcrc arc mrl'l)'othcr lcssdlnFcrous:tnd
A scniorlart'partttcrin MettriccBlackburrt'and'
Conrprnvbciic.'c,d ctscs\\'crcpcndingirt othcr statc's


brt4 ,t-tb CI 4 <--'J- i.'-,..

\\o'rA(C: ?t^...,t l'le't-- I

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i Thc b,rsisof thc c6im rvts d13tglrrtara,ldchitccxpOstrrc

hcadachcs, <xL(cmc
l cczuscdthc nurscto bcgirrtttffcrirtg to hatc
fadguclnd gritw c!'cs,Thc nursc is bclicvcd
le of dollers in scnlcmint' Dr'
) lrrcccivcdtcrltof thous'ruds
dircctorof Environmctl$l Mcdicinc
) ilMarkDonohoc,a srid to llhrnrddchydc
Ccntrcin Sy'dnc1'. rvtrrkc:(posurc
lr\v13I ,.ry impoitlnt issucth:rt hrd bccn t'rrgcly:
l rignorctl. w:nt'\trt')ctoir"i" l)r'
Icth. irr,,. is biggcrthattcnr'onc
Donohobraidthc inorcconlmonzilntcncr includcd
farigucrytldrbmctind thc'
d."clopricnrof allcrgicsro othcrchcmicals.iircl.udi ng
'lt (gttrt;rraldchvdc)is :ul i\gic.n( which s'houldnl.r bc uscd
ju s t rs
aJthcrcarc mrtl)' ot f t c rlc s sd ln F c ro u s: t n d
A scniorlert'prrtttcrin MrtrriccBlackburrr'etld'
Conrprnvbciic.'tdqtr5q5 irt
rr'ctcpcnding otlcr statc's


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