Being Organized Can Save Time and Money

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1. Being organized can save time and money.

2. A cluttered and untidy environment can reduce productivity.

3. Firstly, the writer uses pronouns such as ‘I’ to help the readers relate with her better. She offers
the readers a view through her perspective, showing them how she relates with the topic
personally: “I’m very absent minded”, “I’m incapable of remembering”. The writer then uses
many different types of sentence structures and lengths to add variety to the text: “I’m very
absent minded”, “I’m incapable of…messiest people I know”. This keeps the text from being
repetitive and ‘boring’ for the readers. The writer also makes sure to use subheadings to
segment her text into bite sized pieces of information for her reader to process easily: “Tidy
room, Tidy mind”. We can also see that the writer addresses the reader directly in her text, this
is as direct as the writer can be which gives the reader the feeling that the writer is ‘looking out’
for them: “even if you’ve written”, “if your working environment”. The writer uses slightly
informal terms, such as “scatter-brained” to show the reader that she is not restricted by
formalities and that she is willing to get to the point for the audience. Finally, the writer
concludes with all the potential contexts her advice could be used in, mentioning a wide variety
of lifestyles which would include most of her audience and help them relate further with the
text: “related to work, school, college, or life in general”.
4. All of his clothes were at the bottom of the wardrobe.
5. The more the parents make it an issue, the longer the problem will last. Teenagers are too busy
figuring out who they are inside that they fail to see what’s happening outside.
6. The writer uses descriptive writing to emphasize just how untidy Brandon’s room was, offering
to paint a vivid picture of what parents have to go through in such a situation: “nearly tripped
over a bowl of crushed potato chips”, “Which are on top of papers”. The writer then uses direct
quotations from the characters mentioned in the story to add depth to the text: “Parents are
embarrassed”, “It’s hard for parents to have to let go of their child”. We can also see that the
writer presents his ideas in an analytic fashion, choosing to explain both sides and find the root
cause of the problem: “but what does it mean to Brandon Krueger”, “But there is a parallel
universe on teenage blogs”. The writer also finds use in using expert advice to present a
professional outlook on the issue at hand, this adds more credibility to his text: “Experts say
that”, “Dr. Barbara Greenburg, a psychologist and author”. The writer also uses defining
adjectives to describe modern teenagers such as ‘stubborn’ and ‘defensive’ to present his
thoughts in a more indictive way.
7. There are many similarities and differences to be found within the ways both writers express
their ideas.

For example, we can start with the similarities to be found within the way both writers use
perspective to explain their thought process behind the way they do things: “I’m very absent
minded”, “My privacy, my place to relax”. We can also see how both writers structure their
texts, they use small bite-sized paragraphs to get pieces of information out, one at a time.
Writer one and writer two also use emotions in their texts such as ‘stressed’ in Text one and
‘frustration’ in Text two. We can also point out how both writers point out the negatives of
untidiness, with points such as how there is a lack of control and a decrease in productivity
being brought up in the process.
For every similarity, there is also a difference. While writer one focuses strictly on the
importance of cleanliness and how to maintain it, writer two emphasizes on the problems
associated with having a messy bedroom and issues that arise as a result of it. Writer one has a
more positive outlook in their text and explains how to fix the issue while writer two focuses
more on explaining the problem at hand: “. There is also a difference to be found in the way
writer one uses subheadings while writer two does not. Writer one uses the first perspective
way more, explaining her point through her own scope, while writer two uses perspectives
varying across many different people.

It is with these comparisons and contrasts that we can see how the writers of both texts lay out
their ideas in a greatly effective way.

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