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Jasarat Al Atun

 Disaster Management
 Phases of Disaster Management
 Impact of a Disaster
 Response to Disaster
 Recovery after Impact
 Mitigation, Contingency Planning
 Preparedness for a Disaster
 Community Based Planning
 Disaster
A serious disruption of a functioning
community involving widespread human,
material, economic or environmental
losses and impacts, which goes beyond
the ability of the affected community to
cope using its resources.
Majors Hazards Year Disaster Death
 Flood 1970 Cyclone 300,000
 Tropical Cyclone 1988 Flood 2,373
1988 Cyclone 5,704
 Storm Surge
1989 Drought 800
 Tornado 1991 Cyclone 138,868
 River Bank Erosion 1996 Tornado 545
 Drought 1997 Cyclone 550
1998 Flood 1,050
 Earthquake
2004 Flood 747
 Arsenic 2007 Flood 1,071
 Fire 2007 Cyclone (Sidr) 3,406
2009 Cyclone (Aila) 190
2013 Cyclone (Mahasen) 17
2015 Cyclone (Komen) 39
2016 Cyclone (Roanu) 26
 Disaster management
The systematic process of using
administrative directives, organizations, and
operational skills and capacities to implement
strategies, policies and improved coping
capacities in order to lessen the adverse
impacts of hazards and the possibility of


 Impact of disaster can be defined as a
dangerous phenomenon, substance, human
activity or condition that may cause:
- Loss of life
- Injury
- Health impacts
- Property damage
- Loss of livelihoods
- Social and economic disruption
- Environmental damage
 Statistics of Affected Land and People due to Pre-Monsoon Flood’17

No. of No. of
District No. of No. of Affected Total Affected Affected Household
Affected Affected
Name Upazila Families Land (Ha)
Upazila Union
Full Partial
Sunamganj 11 11 88 172617 131285 2600 15000
Netrokona 10 10 86 167180 28425 - -
Kishoregonj 13 10 56 148687 49115 - -
Habiganj 8 8 64 74440 15953 46 51
Sylhet 13 13 105 212570 15168 20 10
Moulvibazar 7 7 60 74594 9914 194 284
Total 62 59 459 850088 249860 2860 15345
 Statistics of Boro Corp Damages due to Pre-Monsoon Flood -2017
Total Boro Total Boro Total Damage of Boro
Total Nos. of
District Name Cultivation in District Cultivation Area in Cultivation Area in Haor
Affected Farmer
(Ha) Haor (Ha) (Ha)
Sunamganj 223082 166682 131285 315084
Netrokona 184320 40620 28425 73905
Kishoregonj 165515 99300 49115 127699
Habiganj 116510 38420 15953 41478
Sylhet 83065 34865 15168 39437
Moulvibazar 43426 21955 9914 25776
Total 815918 401842 249860 623379

Total damage=
249860 Ha x 3.5 Ton/Ha x BDT 23,000 /Ton = 2011.37 Crore BDT
 Response
The provision of emergency services and
public assistance during or immediately
after a disaster in order to save lives, reduce
health impacts, ensure public safety and meet
the basic subsistence needs of the people
 Recovery
The restoration, and improvement where
appropriate, of facilities, livelihoods and living
conditions of disaster-affected communities,
including efforts to reduce disaster risk
 Mitigation
The lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of
hazards and related disasters

 Contingency planning
A management process that analyses specific
potential events or emerging situations that
might threaten society or the environment
and establishes arrangements in advance
to enable timely, effective and appropriate
responses to such events and situations
Mitigation plans by the Government for pre-monsoon flood
 Substantial number of water management projects
(submersible embankments, full flood embankments,
drainage regulators, pump stations, barrages, etc.) been
implemented by Bangladesh Water Development Board
(BWDB) in the northeast region
 52 Nos. of project are under a rehabilitation program of
BWDB (GoB Fund)
 Another 29 Nos. projects (15 Nos. rehabilitation & 14 Nos.
new) are under implementation by BWDB
 Some river dredging program also there.
 Preparedness
The knowledge and capacities developed
by governments, professional response
and recovery organizations, communities
and individuals to effectively anticipate,
respond to, and recover from, the impacts of
likely, imminent or current hazard events or
National Disaster
Council (NDMC)

Inter- National
National Earthquake National
Ministerial Platform Cyclone Cyclone
Disaster Preparedness Disaster
Disaster for Preparedness Preparedness
Management and Response
Management Disaster Programme Programme
Advisory Awareness Coordinati
Coordination Risk (CPP) Policy Implementation
Committee Committee on Group
Committee Reduction Committee Board (CPPIB)
Prime Minister

Minister, Secretary,
Minister, Minister, Disaster Minister,
A person Ministry of Disaster
Ministry of Ministry of Manageme Ministry of
nominated by Food and Management &
Food and Food and nt & Relief Food and
the Disaster Relief Division
Disaster Disaster Division Disaster
Chair NDMC Manageme (DM&RD),
Management Management (DM&RD), Management
nt MoFDM
Ministry of Food and Disaster

Directorate Directorate Disaster Cyclone

of Food of Relief Preparedness
District Disaster Board
Municipal Disaster
Upazila Disaster Management Disaster Union
Committee Management
Union Disaster Management Village
Residents responding to flood in Aguas Calientes, Peru
Residents and fire fighters responding to land slide, Chittagong
 Risks varies from one community to another
 Being more specific in planning for disaster
 A well informed public within the locality
 Community resilience resource needs are identified
 Improved fund allocation for the locality/community
 Enhanced core infrastructure to support other
community concerns
 Demonstrated benefits to the public showing how
their tax money is being spent in hazard programs
 Operating emergency rescue work with the
facilities locally available
 Take emergency measures to prevent diarrhea
and other water borne diseases
 Preparing oral-saline and water purification
tablets by the trained students, youths, club
members and volunteers
 Arranging quick funeral ceremonies of dead
bodies and quick disposal of dead domestic
 Relief materials are to be distributed
 Ensuring the security of the local and outside
relief workers
 Arrangement of counseling for the psycho-
traumatic people due to disaster
 Providing appropriate and adequate care to
disaster affected people
 Arrangement of workshops on the lessons
learned from the disaster experience
 Capacity Development
The process by which people, organizations
and society systematically stimulate and
develop their capacities over time to achieve
social and economic goals, including through
improvement of knowledge, skills, systems,
and institutions.
 Preparation of contingency plan for natural and human
induced disasters
 Determining specific safe centre/shelters around the locality
 Arrangement of regular training and workshops on disaster
management especially on earthquake
 Identifying community at risk, based on- age, sex, physical
fitness, social status, profession and economic condition
 Preparation of capacity building action plan for the high-risk
 Establish effective coordination with utility services for
immediate restoration of lifeline services
 Preparing plans for search, rescue and primary relief operation
 Arrangements of rehearsals or drills to locality
 Ensuring that the local people are kept informed
 Dissemination of widely the success stories among the local
people about reducing risks at households
 Build the capacity of local institution, volunteers, and the
community to adopt disaster resistant housing and agriculture
 Assigning responsibilities to different individuals and
organizations for providing various services and securities at
the shelters
 Training the students, youth, local club members and
volunteers on community based water purification techniques
 Identifying open space to establish field hospitals & medical
operations for mass causalities management
Evacuation map for Disaster management
should contain-
1. Emergency Escape routes
2. Location of emergency medical services
3. Identification of dangerous substances
4. Emergency contacts list
5. Location of emergency control room
6. Parking points for ambulances and fire
service routes
Forecast and Warning System
 Engaging trained institutions, volunteers and people in the
field for speedy dissemination of warnings
 Evacuation of the vulnerable people as per evacuation plan
 Preparing the rescue team for rescue operation
 Ensuring that different organizations and individuals are
alert and ready to provide essential services at the centers.
 Ensuring the supply of safe drinking water nearby the
shelter centre.
 Filling up the stock of life saving drugs
 Preparation of a checklist of emergency activities during
disaster including the time schedule of the assigned

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