Bible Job

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British and American Literature

Biblical References
British American Literature – Biblical

[ The Book of Job ]

British American Literature – Biblical

In this story, there is a man named Job who perfectly

worships God, and God rewards him with a good life.
Then, Satan comes to God and makes a bet: if you take
away the good life Job has, he’ll turn on you and curse
God says, “OK, Satan, do your worst.”
Satan does exactly that and takes everything from Job:
family, riches, and even his health.
Through all of this Job does not curse God and remains

[ reading ]
British American Literature – Biblical

Though Job does not curse God, he finally breaks down

and asks “why?”
God actually answers; this is not normal. Usually God will
talk to the people he wants to (Noah, Moses, Jonah, et al),
He doesn’t respond when people call Him.
And, indeed, God answers. His answer: because I’m God.
When Job has the same power and knowledge as God,
*then* he can question God’s ways.
Job realizes he was arrogant to ask and remains faithful
to God.
[ reading ]
British American Literature – Biblical

Question: Why does God take Satan’s challenge? He’s

God. He could blink Satan out of existence if he wanted.
What could *God* possibly have to prove?
British American Literature – Biblical

That question makes the “Book of Job” very important to

“The Bible.”
If God is good, if God is all powerful, why do bad things
happen, even to good people?
It is the Biblical answer to why tragedy happens. And, the
answer is: as humans we can never understand.
British American Literature – Biblical

The Epilogue is a matter of some debate in Modern times,

particularly in the area of Existentialist philosophy.
In the Epilogue, God restores all the fortunes of Job, and
more. We know that is NOT what usually happens.
The Modern Existentialist version asks the question: This
tragedy happened, how do I face it and continue with my

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