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Date of planning:

Date of teaching
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge 1 structure: - Complex sentences with adverb clauses of time
2 Vocabulary :unit
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook ,exercise book,notebook
2 teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
(Câu phức với mệnh đề trạng từ chỉ thời gian)
Một câu phức chứa một mệnh đề độc lập và ít nhất một mệnh đề phụ thuộc
+ Mệnh đề độc lập là mệnh đề khi tồn tại một mình nó vẫn có nghĩa (thường gồm một hay nhiều
chủ ngữ và một hay nhiều động từ chính)
+ Mệnh đề phụ thuộc là mệnh đề không thể tồn tại một mình vì khi đó nó sẽ vô nghĩa và thường
bắt đầu bằng liên từ hoặc trạng từ thời gian.
Ví dụ: The roads were slippery when it rained.
(Con đường trơn trượt khi trời mưa.)
Mệnh đề độc lập: The roads were slippery
Mệnh đề phụ thuộc: when it rained
- Mệnh đề trạng ngữ là mệnh đề phụ thuộc.
- Mệnh đề trạng ngữ thời gian cho thấy khi nào sự việc xảy ra. Nó thường được giới thiệu bằng
các liên từ: before (trước khi), after (sau khi), when (khi), while (trong khi), till/ until (cho đến
khi), as soon as (ngay khi),…
Ví dụ: As soon as they arrive, we’ll have luch.
(Ngay khi họ đến, chúng tôi sẽ ăn trưa.
- Sự phối hợp giữa động từ trong mệnh đề chính và mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian:
a. TLĐ + until / when / as soon as + HTĐ
Ex: I will wait here until she comes back.
b. TLĐ + after + HTHT
Ex: He will go home after he has finished his work.
c3. While / when / as + QKTD, QKĐ
Ex: While I was going to school, I met my friend.
d. QKĐ + while / when / as + QKTD
Ex: It started to rain while the boys were playing football.
e. QKTD + while + QKTD
Ex: Last night,I was watching T.V while my sister wasplaying games.
f. HTHT + since + QKĐ
Ex: I have worked here since I graduated.
g. TLHT + by / by the time + HTĐ
Ex: He will have left by the time you arrive.
h. QKHT + by the time / before + QKĐ
Ex: He had left by the time I came.
i. After + QKHT, QKĐ
Ex: After I had finished my homework, I went to bed.
II. Exercises:
1.Ex 1: Complete sentenses with adverbs clauses of time
1- Bob will come soon. .......................... Bob comes, we will see him.
2- Linda is going to leave soon. ................... she leaves, she is going to finish her work.
3- We’ll be able to leave for the airport ..................... the taxi arrives.
4- I’ll wait here .................they come back.
5- I’ll go to bed .................... I finish my homework.
6- I’ll go to bed ......................I have finished my homework.
7- She said goodbye ......................she left.
8- I started school ....................I was six.
9- We stayed there .....................we finished work.
10- My mother went home ...................she finished work at the office.
11- My mother went home ........................... she finished work at the office.
12. The telephone rang ...................... we were having dinner.
13- ...................... I was walking home, it began to rain.
14- I was cooking dinner ................ my husband was reading a book.
15- He was talking on the phone ...................... I arrived.
16- She got a job ................ she had graduated from university.
17- She got a job .................... she had graduated from university.
18- She had left ........................ he came.
19- ................................... he arrived, we had already finished work.
*Key:1- When 2- Before 3- as soon as4- until 5- after 6- after 7- before 8- when 9- until
10- after 11- as soon as 12. while 13- As 14- while 15- when 16- after 17- as soon as
18- before .19- By the time
2.Ex 2: I. Bài tập mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian
1. I will call you before I ________ over.
A. comeB. will comeC. will be comingD. came
2. After she graduates, she ________ a job.
A. gotB. will getC. had gotD. get
3. When I _________ him tomorrow, I will ask him.
A. sawB. have seenC. will seeD. see
4. As soon as it _________ raining, we will leave.
A. stopsB. stopC. had stoppedD. stopped
5. By the time he comes, we will have already __________.
A. leaveB. leavingC. leftD. leaves
6. Whenever I ________ her, I say hello.
A. seeB. will seeC. will have seenD. saw
7. The next time I go to New York, I am going ________ a ballet.
A. seeingB. seeC. sawD. to see
8. I will never speak to him again so long as I _______.
A. livesB. will liveC. am livingD. live
9. By the time Bill ____ to bed tomorrow, he will have had a full day and will be ready for sleep.
A. had goneB. will goC. goesD. went
10. As soon as I finish my report, I will call you and we ________ out for dinner.
A. wentB. will goC. will have goneD. go
11. By the time I return to my country, I _________ away from home for more than three years.
A. would beB. will have beenC. will beD. am
12. After he _______ breakfast tomorrow, he will get ready to go to work.
A. will have hadB. hasC. will be havingD. have
13. As soon as he finishes dinner, he _______ the children for a work to a nearby playground.
A. will takeB. takesC. will be takingD. took
14. When Bill gets home, his children ___________ in the yard.
A. playedB. will playC. will be playingD. play
15. He will work at his desk until he ______ to another meeting in the middle of the afternoon.
A. wentB. goC. will goD. goes
16. She ________ lunch by the time we arrived.
A. finishedB. has finishedC. had finishedD. finishing
17. Bob will come soon. When Bob _______, we will see him.
A. comeB. will comeC. will be comingD. comes
18. I will get home at 5:30. After I get home, I ________ dinner.
A. will haveB. will be havingC. hadD. have
19. As soon as the taxi _________, we will be able to leave for the airport.
A. arrivesB. arriveC. will arriveD. arrived
20. I will go to bed after I _________my work.
A. finishB. finishedC. will finishD. finishes
21. I ________ here when you arrive tomorrow.
A. amB. had beenC. could beD. will be
22. I am going to wait right here until Jessica ________.
A. comesB. will have comeC. is comingD. came
23. As soon as the war ________over, there will be great joy throughout the land.
A. areB. will beC. isD. would be
24. Right now the tide is low, but when the tide comes in, the ship ______ the harbor.
A. leftB. will leaveC. will have leftD. leave
25. I am going to start making dinner before my wife ______ home from work today.
A. getB. getsC. will getD. got
Đáp án:
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. C
6. A 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. C
11. B 12. B 13. A 14. B 15. D
16. C 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. A
21. D 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. B
3.Ex 3: Put the verbs in brackets into correct tense
1. How long do you want me to heat the oil? –heat it till it (begin) to smoke.
2. How long are you going to stay here? - I’m going to stay here until my brother (finish) his
3. When I (get) to the cinema, the film (start).
4. By the time you (read) this book, your meal will get cold.
5. Please tell me how to get to the hospital? - Go till you (come) to a square with a statue in the
middle; then turn left and you (find) it on your right.
6. I (read) book while my sister (do) her homework.
7. When he (come), I (watch) a football match on TV.
8. When I (walk) down the street, I (see) her.
9. We will go with him as soon as we (finish) the task.
10. I (learn) English since I (be) six years old.
1. begins2. has finished/ finishes3. got / had started4. read5. come/ will find
6. was reading / was doing7. came/ was watching8. was walking / saw
9. have finished10. have learned / was
Date of planning:
Date of teaching
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge
complex sentences with adverb clauses of time, từ vựng ,luyện tập /bl/ and /kl/
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook ,exercise book,notebook
2 teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
1.T: Review:
1. Cluster /bl/(Phụ âm kép)
- /bl/ = /b/ + /l/
+ /b/: mím nhẹ hai môi lại và nâng phần ngạc mềm để chặn luồng hơi trong khoang miệng, rồi
mở miệng bật hơi từ phía trong ra. Khi phát âm, dây thanh sẽ rung lên.
+ /l/: để đầu lưỡi chạm vào lợi của hàm răng trên. Khi phát âm, luồng hơi sẽ đi qua khoảng trống
giữa lưỡi và khoang miệng ra ngoài.
- Ví dụ:
+ blue, blossom, black
+ Blair blamed her for their terrible blind date
2. Cluster /cl/(Phụ âm kép /cl/)
- /cl/ = /k/ + /l/
+ /k/: miệng hơi mở ra, phần cuống lưỡi nâng lên và chạm vào phần ngạc mềm trên và chặn
luồng hơi lại, sau đó nhanh chóng hạ phần lưỡi xuống và đấy mạnh luồng hơi thoát ra ngoài và
tạo thành âm /k/ với dây thanh quản không rung (âm vô thanh).
+ /l/: để đầu lưỡi chạm vào lợi của hàm răng trên. Khi phát âm, luồng hơi sẽ đi qua khoảng trống
giữa lưỡi và khoang miệng ra ngoài.
- Ví dụ:+ clock, clothing, climb, click, clay, clear
+ These people have climbed to the top of the mountain
2.Asking for clarfication: (Hỏi xác nhận sự rõ ràng)
1.What do you mean by … ?
2.I don't understand.
3.I'm (a little) confused.
4.I don't (quite) follow.
5.You mean … ?
6.So you're saying … ?
7.If I understand you correctly …
*Ex 1: Single-underline the wordshaving the sound /bl/ and double-underline the
words having the sound /kl/ in the following sentences. Then read them aloud.
1.The clock on the wall is blue.
2.He climbed the tree and got a lot of blackberries.
3. Don't blame me for your broken ankle.
4.He posts messages, photos, and video clips on his blog.
5.The blonde girl went to buy pickles
Ex 2: Choosethe word A, B, C, or D thathasa different stresspatternin eachline.
1. A. species B. coral C. extinct D. product
2. A. protect B. reduce C. release D. notice
3. A. disease B. household C. substance D. sewage
4. A. herbicide B. nomadic C. poisonous D. resident
5. A. environment B. participate C. interaction D. conditional
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C
Ex3: Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1.Cutting down a lot of trees is very ………to the environment. (HARM)
2.My brother is working as a volunteer for an animal protection………………
3.Building a new factory in the city would be …………….. disastrous.
4.Saving natural resources is of great ……… every country. (IMPORTANT)
5.Finding a balance between what humans and animals need will help prevent habitat
6.It is toimagine the changes that robots are bringing to our world.
1. harmful 2. organisation 3. environmentally
4. importance 5. destruction 6. unbelievable
Ex 4: Combine each pair of sentences, using the connector given
1.We were planting trees. Our friends were collecting rubbish. (while)
2.The choir practised for half an hour. After that, they went on stage. (before)
3.I read my favourite book. Then I went to bed. (after)
4.The bell rang. Everyone raced out of the classroom. (when)
5.Don't go away yet. Finish cleaning up the place first. (until)
6.My sister makes a mess. My mum makes her weed the garden. (whenever)
1. We were planting trees while our friends were collecting rubbish. (Our friends were collecting
rubbish while we were planting trees.)
2.The choir practised for half an hour before they went on stage / before going on stage. (Before
they went on stage / Before going on stage, the choir practised for half an hour.)
3.After I read my favourite book / After reading my favourite book, I went to bed. (I went to bed
after I read my favourite book / after reading my favourite book.)
4.When the bell rang, everyone raced out of the classroom. (Everyone raced out of the classroom
when the bell rang.)
5.Don’t go away until you finish / have finished cleaning up the place.
6.Whenever my sister makes a mess, my mum makes her weed thegarden. (My mum makes my
sister weed the garden whenever she makes a mess.)
Ex5: Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the sentences
1.If the temperature rising, the polar ice caps will melt.
A. kept B. keeps C. has kept D. Will keep
2.Because of pollution, the bicycle maysomedayreplacethe automobile
A. water B. air C. noise D. Soil
3. Students should learn some practical ways that help to pollution.
A. saveB. cure C. reduce D. Shorten
4. ……………she left the party, Jenny said goodbye to the host.
A. Before B. After C. As soon as D. Until
5. People think that global warming lots of problems in the future.
A. causes B. is causing C. will cause D. has caused
6. We saw many beautiful birds while we in the lake.
A. fished B. would fishC. are fishing D. were fishing
7. Environmental protection refers to activities that……….. or restore the quality of
the environment
A. maintain B. participate C. concentrate D. Involve
8. Public education is probably the most important activity in wildlife…………
A. conservation B. prevention C. treatment D. Stopping
9. The environment won't help us if we it.
A . annoy B. worry C. alarm D. disturb
10. ……………………… by the 3Rs?
-They are Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
A. What are they B. What do you mean
C. When do you use D. What does it stand
1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C
6. D 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B
Ex 6: Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D for each
numbered blank
A greenhouse is a building made of glass, where you can grow flowers and vegetables
that need a lot of warmth. Sunlight (1) ……….through the glass and warms the
greenhouse while the glass keeps the heat from escaping.
The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of gases that acts just (2) …….greenhouse.
Factories, electric power plants and cars make a lot of new gases. These gases are
trapping more and more of the sun's (3) ………….This is called "the greenhouse
effect".If the Earth's temperature increases by just a few degrees, it will change the
weather all over the planet. Some places will become too hot to live in or to grow (4)
……..any more. This will cause a lot of people to starve.That is why people must do
their best to stop the greenhouse effect by(5)………..fewer energy-consuming
products and planting trees
1. A. becomes B. shines C. enters D. goes
2. A. similar B. different C. like D. as
3. A. heat B. warmth C. cold D. cool
4.A. crops B. animals C. species D. plants
5. A. making B. maintaining C. releasing D. using
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C
Ex 7:Complete the following sentences, using the words and phrases given.
1.We should finish cleaning the house before mum/ get home.
2.Don't talk to the driver whi!e he / drive.
3.After the Earth Hour was over, we I save/ a lot of power.
4.A fire started as soon as the boys/ leave/ campsite.
5.The villagers won't have electricity until they/ install/ newgenerator.
6.Whenever you can, follow / three R's / conserve natural resources
Date of planning:
Date of teaching
PERIOD 19: Adverbs of frequency and the present simple for future events;
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge
1 structure- adverbs of frequency and the present simple for future events;
2 Vocabulary :unit 8
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook ,exercise book,notebook
2 teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
1.T: Review:
(Trạng từ tần suất & thì hiện tại đơn cho sự việc tương lai)
I. Adverbs of frequency (Trạng từ chỉ tần suất)
1. Định nghĩa:Trạng từ tần suất trong tiếng Anh dùng để mô tả mức độ thường xuyên, tần suất
lặp lại của một hành động, sự việc nào đó. Chúng thường xuất hiện trong thì hiện tại đơn để nói
về các sự kiện có tính lặp đi lặp lại.

2. Vị trí:
2.1. Đứng trước động từ thường
Trạng từ tần suất trong câu khẳng định, phủ định và nghi vấn đều đứng trước động từ thường
cũng là động từ chính.
Công thức:
(+) S + adv + V
(-) S + don’t/ doesn’t adv + V
(?) Do/ Does + S + adv + V…?
Ví dụ: My sister usually writes to me because she’s homesick.
(Chị gái thường xuyên viết thư cho tôi vì chị ấy nhớ nhà.
2.2. Đứng sau động từ tobe
Trạng từ tần suất trong các câu đều đứng sau động từ tobe
Công thức:
(+) S + am/ is/ are + adv + …
(-) S + am/ is/ are not + adv + …
(?) Am/ Is/ Are + S + adv + … ?
Ví dụ: They’re always slower than other teams.(Họ luôn luôn chậm hơn so với những đội khác
.3. Đứng sau trợ động từ
Ví dụ: I have never been abroad. (Tôi chưa bao giờ ra nước ngoài.)
Lưu ý: Hầu hết các trạng từ tần suất đều có thể đứng đầu câu hoặc cuối câu, ngoại trừ always,
hardly, ever và never. Khi đứng đầu câu, chúng có vai trò nhấn mạnh hành động được nhắc tới.
Ex: My parents usually remind us to do homework early.
(Bố mẹ luôn nhắc chúng tôi làm bài tập về nhà từ sớm.)
Sometimes, my husband and I go to the beach on the weekend.
(Thi thoảng, tôi và chồng đi đến bãi biển vào cuối tuần
II. Thì hiện tại đơn chỉ sự việc tương lai
-Chúng ta sử dụng thì hiện tại đơn với ý nghĩa tương lai để nói về thời khóa biểu hoặc lịch
Ví dụ:I have to go now. My art lesson starts at one o’clock.
(Tôi phải đi bây giờ. Lớp học vẽ của tôi bắt đầu lúc 1 giờ.)
-The train leaves at 4:30, so we still have a lot of time.
(Tàu hỏa rời đi lúc 4:30, vì vậy chúng tôi vẫn còn nhiều thời gian
So sánh về cấu trúc thì hiện tại đơn và tương lai đơn
Loại câu Thì hiện tại đơn Thì tương lai đơn

S + am/is/are + O (động từ tobe)

Khẳng định S + Will + V (0) + O
HoặcS + V (S/ES) + O (động từ thường)

S + am/is/are + not + O
Phủ định S + Will + not + V(0) + O
HoặcS + do/does + not + V (0)

Am/is/are + S + O?
Nghi vấn Will + S + V(0) + O?
HoặcDo/does + S + V(0) + O

Cách dùng Chỉ thói quen, sở thích của ai đó. + Diễn tả sự việc hay một quyết định
Ex: I like listening BTS’s song because it nào đó xảy ra ngay tại thời điểm nói.
make me relax Ex: My sister is calling me. I will talk
+ Chỉ hành động được lặp đi lặp lại nhiều to you tomorrow.
lần + Diễn tả một sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong
tương lai.
Ex: Tomorrow, it will be your turn to
clean the class.
Ex: I go to work by bus everyday
+ Diễn tả một hành động, sự việc dự
+ Chỉ một sự thật hiển nhiên hay một chân
đoán sẽ được xảy ra nhưng không chắc
lý không thê chối cãi.
Ex: There are 4 season in a year
Ex: Probably, my dream will come true
+ Nói lên kế hoạch đã được định sẵn.
+ Dùng trong câu đề nghị, mệnh lệnh,
Ex: The plane tak
mời gọi.
Ex: I will wash the dishes
Will you drive slowly, please?

+ Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ tần Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ
suất như: Never, Always, Often, Usually, thời gian như: Tomorrow, soon, in +
Rarely, occasionally, sometimes, seldom, khoảng thời gian (như in 30 days…),
every day/ week,… next + đơn vị thời gian ( như next
dấu hiệu nhận
+ Hay trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ week, next day…)
thời gian ví dụ như: once, twice, three + Hay có các trạng từ như Maybe,
times, a day, a week, a month, daily, Probably…
weekly, yearly, every day/ week/year + Hay có các động từ như Think,
promise, suppose…

II. Exercises:Give the correct form of verbs in simple future and simple present.
1: We (think) ____________ this mountain-climbing is very dangerous.
2: My brother (like) ____________ collecting superman so much.
3: I (take) ____________ a lot of clothes when I (go) ____________ on holidays.
4: My son (like)______ drawing very much. His hobby is (paint) ____________.
5: Lan’s father says when he (retire) ____________, he (go) ____________ back to his village to
do the gardening.
6: ____________ you (like) (make) ____________gamer in her free time?
7: My sister (promise) ____________ that she (give) ____________ me a smartphone on my
8: Jack says he loves swimming but he (not/ continue) ____________ this hobby from next year.
9: My uncle (play) ____________ the piano twice a week.
10: Don’t worry. I (sing) ____________ with you next Sunday.
11: I __________ (have) History twice a week.
12: Linh __________ (visit) the dentist next Tuesday.
13: Our house is old. We __________ (buy) a new one.
14: I like music. I always __________ (listen) to music before going to bed.
1 5: Trang __________ (go) to the bale center every week.
16: My brother__________ (love) animals. He __________ (be) a cat when he grows up.
17: My father __________ (work) in a museum.
18: The sky is grey. We think it __________ (rain)
19: Khanh __________ (play) computer games every day.
20: It often __________ (rain) in summer in this country.
21: I _________ (meet) with my boyfriend everyday. Next month we ________ (go) to the sea.
22: Kim and Thanh are in love. They __________ (get married) next year.
*Key:1. think 2.likes 3.take 4.likes – painting 5.retires – will go
6.Do – like making 7.promises – will give 8.will not continue 9.plays 10. will sing
11.have 12will visit 13.will buy 14.listen 15.goes 16.loves – will be 17. works
18.will rain 19.plays 20. rains 21. meet – will go 22.will get married
Ex 2: Choose the best answer.
1: I’m told Trang is sick. I hope she ________ better again.
A. will feel B. feels C. is feeling D.doesn’t feel
2: ______ she ______ to school every morning?
A. Does … walk B.Do … walks C.Will… walks D.Is … walking
3: You needn’t wear your glove. It ________ warm today.
A. be B. won’t be C.will be
4: People needs oxygen to live. We ________ without oxygen.
A. lives C.don’t live D. doesn’t live
5: I ________ swimming because it’s relax and good exercise.
A.likes B. are liking C.will like
*Key 1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D
Ex 3: Fill in the blank with Future Simple or Present Simple
1.If you ______ (to leave) now, you ______ (to catch) the bus.
2.She ______ (to take) a photo as soon as she ______ (to find) her camera.
3.Eric ______ (to lend) you his power bank if you ______ (to ask) him.
4.We ______ (to wait) until Alex ______ (to get) here.
5.If it ______ (to rain), we ______ (to wear) a raincoat.
6.If they ______ (to book) the hotel today, they ______ (to pay) only $50.
7.Lisa ______ (to be) very happy if we ______ (to buy) her some cupcakes.
8.He ______ (to phone) you after he ______ (to finish) his dinner.
9.If it ______ (to be) cold outside, I______ (to read) a book at home.
10.They ______ (to go) shopping before they ______ (to go) on holiday.
1.If you leave now, you will catch the bus.
2.She will take a photo as soon as she finds her camera.
3.Eric will lend you his power bank if you ask him.
4.We will wait until Alex gets here.
5.If it rains, we will wear a raincoat.
6.If they book the hotel today, they will pay only $50.
7.Lisa will be very happy if we buy her some cupcakes.
8.He will phone you after he finishes his dinner.
9.If it is cold outside, I will read a book at home.
10.They will go shopping before they go on holida
Ex4: Rewrite these sentences using Future Simple or Present Simple tense
1. When (does / will) the last race begin ?⇒ ________________________ ?
2. The taxi (arrives / will arrive) at 11.30. ⇒ ______________________________.
3. I (will be back / am back) as soon as possible.⇒ ______________________________.
4. We (are visiting / visit) the National Gallery some time soon.⇒_______________________.
5. You (ask / will ask) the secretary for the forms to fill in.⇒______________________________.
6. I (start / will start) a diet after the holidays. ⇒______________________________.
7. How (do / will) I switch this off ? ⇒______________________________?
8. The end-of-term test (is / will be) on the 22nd of June. ⇒______________________________.
9. We (have / will have) a biology lesson on Mondays.⇒ ______________________________.
10. Number 15 bus (won’t / doesn’t) stop far from the cathedral.⇒ _________________________.
11. I (come / will come) for tea.⇒ ______________________________.
12. Where (do / will) candidates go for the results ? ⇒ ______________________________?
13. I (play / am playing) the second part next week.⇒ ______________________________.
14. What time (does / will) the lecture begin? ⇒ ______________________________.
15. I (fill / will fill) in the form for you.⇒ ______________________________.
1. When does the last race begin?
2. The taxi arrives at 11.30.
3. I will be back as soon as possible.
4. We are visiting the National Gallery sometime soon.
5. You ask the secretary for the forms to fill in.
6. I will start a diet after the holidays.
7. How do I switch this off?
8. The end-of-term test is on the 22nd of June.
9. We have a biology lesson on Mondays.
10. Number 15 bus doesn’t stop far from the cathedral.
11. I will come for tea.
12. Where do candidates go for the results?
13. I am playing the second part next week.
14. What time does the lecture begin?
15. I will fill in the form for you.
Date of planning:
Date of teaching
PERIOD 20: Revision and Make complaints
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge
1 structure- revision and Make complaints, sound /sp/ and /st/
2 Vocabulary :unit 8
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook ,exercise book,notebook
2 teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
1.T: Review:
1.Tổ hợp âm /sp/ Tổ hợp phụ âm /sp/ được kết hợp bởi hai phụ âm /s/ và /p/, để phát âm tốt
được tổ hợp phụ âm này ta cần tìm hiểu cách phát âm hai âm /s/ và /p/
Eg: Space /speɪs/
Sport /spɔːt/
2.Tổ hợp âm /st/
Tổ hợp phụ âm /st/ được kết hợp bởi hai phụ âm /s/ và /t/, để phát âm tốt được tổ hợp phụ âm này
ta cần tìm hiểu cách phát âm hai âm /s/ và /t/
Station /ˈsteɪʃn/
State /steɪt/
2.Making complaints
1.I'm sorry to say this, but…
2.I'd like / I’m calling to make a complaint about…
3.I'm afraid I'd like to complain to you.
4. I'm really not happy with…
5.Excuse me, but there seems to be a problem…
6.There appears to be something wrong with…
7.I was really upset when…
II. Exercises:
1. Underline the words with the sounds /sk/, /sp/, and /st/.Then read the sentences.
1. The items on display in Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture are very interesting.
2. Most ethnic peoples in Viet Nam speak their own languages.
3. Gathering and hunting still play an important role in the life of some ethnic peoples in the
4. In the Central Highlands, the biggest and tallest house in the village is the communal house.
5. The Hoa women have a special style of colourful dress.
2.Ex 2: Put the words in the correct column. Then practise saying them aloud.
display customer assistant sport system honest special speaker cost crisp
/sp/ /st/

3.Ex3: Say the sentences aloud, paying attention to the underlined words containing
the sounds /sp/ and/st/.
1.How much did you spend on the trip to Cuc Phuong Forest?
2.A lot of steam came from the hot spaghetti.
3.My brother was a guest speaker at the conference.
4.You are wasting a lot of money on Spiderman toys.
5.There's not much space at the railway station.
Ex 4:Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
1.All the items at Timan Shop are............ for two days.. Some of them are 50% off.
A. on line B. on sale C. out of stock D. expensive
2.Two examples of …………. shops are the florist's and the bakery.
A. goods B. convenience C. discount D. speciality
3.Shopping at a shopping centre is . Ithas almost everything
you want there.
A. difficult B. cheap C. convenient D. time-consuming
4.Some people go to shopping centres just to with
friends or browse.
A. hang out B. discuss C. buy D. play
5.Some people may get t oo nl i n e shopping. They
cannot stop buying things, even things they don't really need.
A. interested B. excited C. addicted D. amused
1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C
Ex4: Usethe wordin bracketsin the correct formto complete eachsentence.
1. For online shopping, you just visit a 's website, select the product you want,
and order it. (SELL)
2. Online sellers often ask you to pay for the cost of _ (SHIP)
3. One of an open-air market is that it is different from place to place.
4. During holidays, a lot of people go to shopping centres to see………….
5. Almost every big city has a department store with a wide range of……..
1. seller 2. shipping 3. attraction 4. decorations 5. products
Ex5: Underline the correct adverb of frequency to describe each activity.
1.never I sometimes
Not once in his life has my father shopped online.
2.always I frequently
The convenience shop opposite my house is open every day.
3.sometimes I rarely
I'm not interested in going shopping, so I just go a few times a year.
4.always I sometimes
I go to the shopping centres with my friends every four or five weeks.
5.often I rarely
I'm in the habit of browsing online for clothes
1. never 2. always 3. rarely 4. sometimes 5. Often
Ex6: Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
1.We …most of our grocery shopping at large supermarkets.
A. do B. are doing C. will do D. is doing
2.The sale on all video equipment……….on Monday next week.
A. started B. is starting C. are starting D. starts
3.We quickly......all the products and put everything away.
A. unpack B. are unpacking C. unpacked D. will unpack
4.The Walmart store near my home……… between 6 a.m. and 11p.m. throughout
the week.
A. are B. Is C. were D. will be
5.At 10 o'clock tomorrow, the new bookshop in the corner
. Let's go and visit it.
A. opens B. opened C. is open D. has opened
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A
Ex7: Choose the most suitable response A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following
1.A: Do you have open-air markets in your city?
B: ……………………………………….
A. No, we aren't B. Not really. But we have similar farmers' markets
C.Why not? D. I like them
2. A: Would you like to go shopping with me?
A The maths lesson starts in 10 minutes. B. I don't like
C. I want some donuts D. I'm afraid I'm busy now.
3. A: In a supermarket, you cannot bargain. All the items have fixed prices
A. I know B. Why do they have prices?
C. No problem D. This is a price tag
4. A: Try our home-made bread, Tom.
A. The bread at the bakery is fresh B. Wow, did you make it yourself
C. What will you do next? D. Is it fresh
5. A: …………………………………………..
B: Well, I'm looking for a birthday present for my dad.
A. This is a nice tie B. Do you like this shop?
C. What can I help you with? D. What can you look for?
1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C
Ex 8: Read the passage and write the short answers to the following questions.
Thrift Stores
You can find a thrift store, or thrift shop, or charity shop throughout cities in many
countries. These shops mainly sell used goods, such as clothing, books, music
albums, shoes, DVDs, toys, and furniture. Most of the goods are donations from the
public, so they are very cheap. Shopping at thrift stores is traditionally an
economical way to buy clothes and basic necessities for low-income families and
individuals. Today thrift store shopping has become a fun and exciting way for many
people to find rare and expensive goods at a low price.
The purpose of thrift stores is to raise money for charities. The money you spend at a
thrift shop usually benefits a church, school, or community group. They help support
charitable purposes like helping homeless people, supporting a cancer association, or
job training and placement programs for people with disabilities and the
disadvantaged. Shopping at thrift shops is a great way to save money while
supporting a good cause.
1.Where can you find a thrift store?
2.Where do thrift stores get their goods?
3.Is thrift store shopping for low-income people only?
4.What is the purpose of thrift stores?
5.Who benefits from the money that thrift stores make?
Key:1. Throughout cities in many countries.
2.From the public.
3.No, it isn’t.
4.To raise money for charities.
5.Homeless people, people with disabilities, and the disadvantaged
Date of planning:
Date of teaching
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge
1 structure- past continuous
2 Vocabulary :unit 9
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook ,exercise book,notebook
2 teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
1.T: Review:
I. Cấu trúc:
Chủ ngữ số ít/ I/ she/ he/ it Chủ ngữ số nhiều/ you/ we/ they
Khẳng định S + was V-ing S + were V-ing
Phủ định S + was + not + V-ing S + were + not + V-ing
Câu hỏi (Wh) Was + S + V-ing? (Wh) Were + S + V-ing?

II. Cách sử dụng:

Chúng ta sử dụng thì quá khứ tiếp diễn để miêu tả
- một hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể trong quá khứ.
Ví dụ: I was having dinner at 6 p.m. yesterday?
Were you having dinner at 6 p.m. yesterday? – Yes, I was.
một hành động đang diễn ra thì có một hành động khác chen ngang làm gián đoạn nó. Chúng ta
sử dụng thì quá khứ đơn cho hành động chen ngang đó
Ví dụ: When/ While we were watching TV, we felt the earthquake.
What were they doing when they felt the earthquake? – They were watching TV.
Chú ý:
- Chúng ta có thể sử dụng when hoặc while trước thì quá khứ tiếp diễn.
- Chúng ta chỉ sử dụng when trước quá khứ đơn
III. Dấu hiệu nhận biết:
Trạng từ quá khứ tiếp diễn thường gặp là:
-At + giờ + thời gian trong quá khứ. (at 5 o’clock yesterday,…)
-At this time + thời gian trong quá khứ. (at this time last year,…)
-In + năm (in 2001, in 1992)
-In the past
Ví dụ của thì quá khứ tiếp diễn:
In 1998, he was staying with his parents.
At this time last week, we were playing soccer on the beach.
III. Exercises: 1.Give the correct form of verbs.
1. I lost my keys when I ________ (walk) home.
2. It was raining while we ________ (have) dinner.
3. I saw the department stores when I ________ (sit) on the bus.
4. Her phone rang while she ________ (talk) to her new boss.
5. My friends ________ (drive) to work when they heard the news on the radio.
6. He ________ (ride) his bicycle when the cat ran across the road.
7. We couldn’t go to the beach yesterday because it ________. (rain)
8. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining and the birds ________ (sing) in the trees.
9. The tourist lost his camera while he _____ (walk) around the city.
10. The lorry _____ (go) very fast when it hit our car.
11. I _______ (walk) down the street when it began to rain.
12. At this time last year, I _______ (attend) an English course.
13. Jim ________ (stand) under the tree when he heard an explosion.
14. While I _____ (study) in my room, my roommates ________ (have) a party in the other room.
15. Mary and I _________ (dance) the house when the telephone rang.
Đáp án 1.was walking 2.were having 3.was sitting 4.was talking 5.were driving
6.was riding 7.was raining 8.were singing 9.was walking 10. was going
11.was walking 12.was attending 13.was standing 14.was studying – was having
15.were dancing
2.Ex 2: Give the correct form of past simple and past continuous.
1. When I (arrive) at this house, he still (sleep)
2. The light (go) out while we (have) dinner.
3. Bill (have) breakfast when I (stop) at this house this morning.
4. When I (come) to his house, he (work)
5. As we (cross) the street, we (see) an accident.
6. Tom (see) a serious accident while he (stand) at the bus stop.
7. The children (play) football when their mother (come) back home.
8. The bell (ring) while Tom (take) a bath.
9. He (sit) in a car when I (see) him.
10. We (clean) the house when she (come) yesterday.
3.Ex3:Find the mistakes.
1. I was play football when she called me.
2. Was you study Math at 5 p.m. yesterday?
3. What was she do while her mother was making lunch?
4. Where did you went last Sunday?
5. They weren't sleep during the meeting last Monday.
6. He got up early and have breakfast with his family yesterday morning.
7. She didn't broke the flower vase. Tom did.
8. Last week my friend and I go to the beach on the bus.
9. While I am listening to music, I heard the doorbell.
10. Peter turn on the TV, but nothing happened.
1. Play => playing 2. Was…study => Were…studying 3. Do => doing 4. Went => go
5. Sleep => sleeping 6. Have => had 7. Broke => break 8. Go => went
9. Am => was 10. Turn => turned
4.Ex 4. Complete these sentences.
1.At 8 o’clock yesterday evening, I ……………………………………………
2.At 5 o’clock last Monday, ………………………………………………..…
3. At 10.15 yesterday morning, ………………………………………………..
4.At 7:45 yesterday evening, ………………………………………………….
5.Half an hour ago, ……………………………………………………………
6.Matt phoned while we …………………………………………………....…
7.The doorbell rang while I …………………………………………………...
8.We saw an accident while we ………………………………………………
9.Ann fell asleep while she …………………………………………………..
10.The television was on, but nobody …………………………………………
Key:1. At 8 o’clock yesterday evening, I was having dinner with my parents.
2. At 5 o’clock last Monday, I was doing exercise.
3. At 10.15 yesterday morning, my dad was cooking lunch.
4. At 7:45 yesterday evening, my mom was helping my brother with his homework.
5. Half an hour ago, I was playing cards with John.
6. Matt phoned while we were chatting.
7. The doorbell rang while I was washing my hair.
8. We saw an accident while we were watching TV.
9.Ann fell asleep while she was chatting with her boyfriend.
10. The television was on, but nobody was watching.
Ex5: Complete the sentences.
1.When Don/ arrive/ we/ have/ coffee.
2. He/ sit down/ on the chair/ while/ I/ paint/ it.
3.When Magraret/ open/ the door/ the phone/ ring.
4. The students/ play/ a game/ when/ professor/ arrive.
1.When Don arrived, we were having coffee.
2.He sat down on the chair while I was painting it.
3. When Margaret opened the door, the phone was ringing.
4.The students were playing a game when the professor arrived
Exercise 6. Rearrange these words and phrases to make sentences.
1. was/ at 6:30 this morning/ my younger brother/ doing exercise/ .
2. were/ you came/ , /when/ watching a movie/ we/ .
3. while/ her husband/ her daughter/ was playing with the doll/ was moving the furniture/ .
4. presenting their idea/ entered the meeting/ they/ I/ when/ were/ .
5. was play / to Singapore/my aunt/ this time last week/ .
1. My younger brother was doing exercise at 6:30 this morning.
2. When you came, we were watching a movie.
3. Her husband was moving the furniture while her daughter was playing with the phone.
4. They were presenting their idea when I entered the meeting.
5. My aunt was flying to Singapore this time last week.
Ex 8: Choose the best answer.
1. Alice saw/ was seeing the accident when she was catching the bus.
2. What were you doing/ did you do when I called?
3. I didn’t visit/ weren’t visiting my friends last summer holiday.
4. It rained/ was raining heavily last July.
5. While people were talking to each other, he read/ was reading his book.
6. My sister was eating/ ate hamburgers every weekend last month
7. While we were running/ ran in the park, Mary fell over.
8. Did you find/ Were you finding your keys yesterday?
9. Who was she dancing/ did she dance with at the party last night?
10. They were watching/ watched football on TV at 7 p.m. yesterday.
1.saw2. were you doing3. didn’t visit4. rained5. was reading6. ate
7. were running8. did you find9. did she dance10. were watching
Ex9: choose when/while to fill in the blanks.
1. I had a bad dream _____________ I was sleeping on the sofa
2. I was talking to my husband in the park _____________ two cars crashed behind us.
3. You called me last night _____________ I was studying for an important exam.
4. The students were doing an exercise _____________ the bell rang.
5. Anna was doing her homework _____________ the lights went out.
1. I had a bad dream _____while________ I was sleeping on the sofa
2. I was talking to my husband in the park ______when_______ two cars crashed behind us.
3. You called me last night _____while________ I was studying for an important exam.
4. The students were doing an exercise ____when_________ the bell rang.
5. Anna was doing her homework ______when_______ the lights went out
Date of planning:
Date of teaching
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge
1 structure- give and respond to bad news, pronounce the words ending in -al and -ous
2 Vocabulary:unit 9
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook, exercise book,notebook
2. teacher: teacher’s book, exercise book, notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
1.T: Review:
*Give and respond to bad news.
1.I'm afraid I've got some bad news for you...
2.I'm sorry I've got a bit of bad news to tell you..
3.I really don’t know how to say it, but …
4.I’m sorry to have to say this, but …
5.I really feel bad to have to say this, but …
1.I’m awfully sorry that…
2.I’m sorry to hear that..
3.I’m sorry to hear such terrible news.
4.I can’t believe it!
5.Poor you!
6.I do sympathize with you.
7.I know how you must be feeling.
8.That must be awful
9.Oh, dear !
10. Too bad !
11.That’s awful / a pity / unfortunate.
*Trọng âm: Những từ có đuôi –ic luôn có trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết ngay trước nó
-Những từ có 3 âm tiết có đuôi –ous. Trọng âm rơi vào âm thứ nhất.
1.Ex 1: Give responding for these news.
1. Your mother is sick! -………………………………..
2. Your friend has failed the test! -…………………………………
3. The weather forcast said. There will be a storm in your town!. -………………………………..
4. Your car is broken. -………………………………….
5. Your cousin is fell dowm the tree! -……………………………..
6. The flood destroyed their house! -…………………………….
7. The typhoon damaged all the bridges in our town. -………………………….
8. The volcano erupted the town! -………………………….
9. You got 2 marks in Maths! -……………………………..
10. You didn’t watch the football match yesterday! -…………………………………..
2. Ex 2:Choose the word thathasa different stresspattern fromthatof theothers
1.A. general B. property C. disaster D. fabulous
2.A. yesterdayB. optional C. natural D. prediction
3.A. glamorousB. eruption C. volcanic D. tornado
4.A. fabulous B. volunteer C. evening D. happening
5.A. thunderstormB. prosperous C. important D. resident
1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C
3.Ex 3: Practise reading the sentences below. Pay attention to the words ending in -al
and -ous
1.Our country has a tropical climate with many rainy months.
2.Areas near the sea are usually not very mountainous.
3.My uncle is a generous and sociable man.
4.Natural disasters can have effects at the regional level.
5.There are cultural differences between Viet Nam and Britain
4.Ex 4: Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence
1.A strong earthquake caused a lot of ……to eastern Japan last week.
A.damaged 8. damages C. damaging D. damage
2.Two tornadoes struck Florida on Saturday morning a n d … … 3 0 homes.
A.destroy B. destroyed C. destruction D. destroying
3.We cannot prevent natural disasters, but can……..some of them.
A.damage 8. destroy C. predict D. Erupt
4. ……………from other states came to Oklahoma to help find the survivors.
A. Scientists B. Victims C. People D. Rescue workers
5. A……..can save you in life-threatening situations because its sound can attract
people's attention.
A.whistle 8. kit C. warning D. tool
1. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A
5.Ex 5:Fill in each blank with a suitable word / phrase from the box
warning emergency kit victims erupted property
1.The workshop will teach you to build a(n)……with the items you need to survive a
natural disaster.
2. Don't do that. You're damaging other people's _
3.They sent goods and supplies to the …….the fl o o d in central Viet Nam.
4.My province has a……..system to tell people when there is a danger of a landslide.
5.The Taal volcano south of Manila…..on 26 Ma r c h , 2022, sending plumes of ash
1,500 metres into the air
1. emergency kit 2. property 3. victims 4. warning 5. erupted
6. Ex 6:Fill in each blank with the correct form of the verb in the past
1.They (have) a discussion about natural disasters at 9 a.m. yesterday
2. …………… (tal k ) ……..with your classmates when the teacher came in?
3. While my mother (water)………… the flowers in the garden, she heard a
warning about the coming storm.
4. My brother (not do) his homework at 8 p.m. yesterday. He (play) computer
5. We (watch) news on TV when we heard a big noise.
1.. were having 2. Were … talking 3. was watering
4.wasn’t doing; was playing 5. were watching
7. Ex 7: Fillin each blank with the correct tense of the verb in brackets. Use the past
continuous or the past simple.
1.When the earthquake (happen)…….. , they (do) ………….their homework.
2. …………….you……….(talk) to your friend on the phone at 9 p.m. yesterday?
3.While he (cook) …………. dinner, his mother (come) ………………..home.
4.Darkclouds (gather)………….and after a few minutes, the storm (break).......
5. What they (do) when you (arrive) …………at their house
1. happened; were doing 2.Were … talking 3.was cooking; came
4. gathered; broke 5. were … doing; arrived
8.Ex 8:Choose A, B, C, or D to indicate the incorrect part. Then correct it.
1.When I was going to school, I was seeing an old friend.
2.I wasn't go for walk because it was raining.
3. While we returned home, he was still working.
4.I listened to the radio, so I didn't hear the fire alarm.
1. What was you doing when the earthquake started?
1. C (was seeing  saw) 2. A (wasn’t  didn’t) 3. A (While  When)
4.A (listened  was listening) 5. B (was  were)
Ex 9:Choose the most suitable response A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following
1.A: The earthquake yesterday destroyed their house.
B: ……………………………………….
A. Yes, I know it B. Yes, I don't like it
C. That's awful D.They should stay inside
2. A: The teacher said that I failed the exam again
B: ………………………………………………
A.I passed it. B. I'm sorry to hear that
C Why are you so sad? D. I don't agree with you
3.. A: They lost all of their property in the storm last month
B: …………………………………………
A. What awful news! I'm sorry B. No, I'm sorry
C. Can you speak louder? D. I think they can
4.A: I left my newmobile phone on the bus yesterday
B: ………………………………………..
A.I didn't know that B. Can you say that again
C. I know what you mean D. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that
5. A: Our dog got lost last weekend in our neighbourhood.
B: ………………………
A I don't agree with you. B. Sorry, that's awful
C. I like your dog D. I love playing with dogs
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. B
Date of planning:
Date of teaching
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge: check sts’s understanding through 3 unit 7,8,9
1 structure: unit 7, 8, 9
2 Vocabulary: unit 7. 8. 9
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook ,exercise book,notebook
2 teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
1.T: Review:
I. Choose the word (A, B, c or D) which is pronounced differently from the others
1. A. leisure B. eight C. celebrate D. penalty
2. A. populated B. loaded C. harvested D. lived
3. A. around B. delicious C. house D. ground
4. A. sound B. touch C. down D. account
5. A. laughed B. washed C. danced D. played

1 - B; 2 - D; 3 - B; 4 - B; 5 - D
II.Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each of the sentences
1.A ……………….. is a violent storm with very strong winds that move in a circle.
A. tornado B. flood C. volcano D. landslide
2. The earthquake caused a lot of the infrastructure of this area.
A. disaster B. loss C. damage D. property
3. Shopping online saves you t h e … . . o f t h e t ravelling
A. joy B. pleasure C.. convenience D. trouble
4. During………, shopping centres attract a lot of customers
A. open hours B. sales C office hours D. flood
5 There are mainly two…… o f w ater pollution: man-made and natural
A. ways B causes C reasons D. result
6.What do shopping centres……….. offer customers on special occasions?
-Mostly sales and entertainment.
A.never B. rarely C. usually D occasionally
2.It is………….easier to prevent harm to the environment than to repair it. "·
A . always B. never C. sometimes D rarely
3 ……………he heard the warning of the tornado, he went searching for his
A. During B• As soon as C- While D. When
4.They were searching for information for their project ……. their parents were
A as soon as B while C. when D. till
5.I had no idea about the dangers of tsunamis …….Isaw the film.
A. as soon as B while C. when D. till
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. D
III. Use a word or phrase from the box to connect the sentences in each group.
till while as soon as before after
1.They heard the cracking sound.They ran out of the house.
2.We stayed in the shelter. We left only when the storm ended.
3.You should make a shopping list first. Then you go shopping
4.The flood waters drained. We returned home
5.We were surfing the Internet. We saw calls for joining programmes to save endangered
*Key:1.As soon as they heard the cracking sound, they ran out of the house. (They ran out of the
house as soon as they heard the cracking sound.)
2.We stayed in the shelter till the storm ended.
3.You should make a shopping list before you go shopping / before going shopping. (Before
you go shopping / Before going shopping, you should make a shoping list.)
4.After the flood waters drained, we returned home. (We returned home after the flood waters
5.While we were surfing / While surfing the Internet, we saw calls for joining programmes
to save endangered species.
(We saw calls for joining programmes to save endangered)
IV. Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
El Nino is a weather phenomenon of the Pacific Ocean which is (1) by an abnormal (2) of water
on the surface of the ocean. It has the (3) to influence global weather patterns as it brings drought
to some continents and (4) rain to others.It was first (5) by fishermen coming from Spanish ports
in the Pacific in the 17th century. It got its name (Spanish for “boy child”) because it usually
takes (6) near Christmas time. It can cause catastrophic (7) . The 1982 El Nino (8) in 1,500
deaths, but it can be a lot worse than that. Sea animals, (9) fish and birds, also die in large
numbers. It is(10) that sailors in the Pacific can smell the dead sea-life during El Nino.
1. A. caused B. happened C. origin D. done
2. A. increase B. warming C. heater D. extra
3. A. proficiency B. practice C. power D. performance
4. A. heavy B. shower C. plenty D. wet
5. A. saw B. time C. caught D. noticed
6. A. away B. place C. part D. care
7. A. problem B. difficulty C. hurt D. damage
8. A. caused B. led C. resulted D. gave
9. A. including B. holding C. containing D. involving
10. A. mistaken B. felt C. told D. said
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. D
V. Read the following passage and choose the best answers each of the questions.
Nylon was invented in the early 1930s by an American chemist, Julian Hill. Other scientists
worked with his invention and finally on 27 October 1938, Nylon was introduced to the world. It
was cheap and strong and immediately became successful, especially in the making of ladies‟
stocking. Today, nylon is found in many things: carpets, ropes, seat belts, furniture, computers,
and even spare parts of the human body. It has played an important part : in our lives for over 50
1. Julian Hill was a/ an …………………...
A. chemist B. American C. inventor D. all are correct
2. Nylon can be found in………………………. .
A. many things B. spare parts of the human body C. furniture D. all are correct
3. What does the word “introduce” in line 3 mean?
A. tell somebody your name B. tell somebody the name of a person
C. bring something new into use for the 1st time D. bring something somewhere
4. Nylon………………………….. .
A. was invented by Julian Hill B. was strong but expensive
C. was not very popular D. all are correct
5. Which of the following is not true?
A. Nylon was used to make ladies’ stocking. B. At first, people didn’t want to use Nylon.
C. Today, Nylon still plays an important part in our lives.
D. We can found Nylon in computers.
1. D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B
VI. Choose the correct sentence.
1.A. Rarely I buy clothes online B. I buy clothes rarely online
C. I rarely buy clothes online D. I clothes online rarely buy
2.A. Do usually you go shopping at a corner shop?
B.Do you usually go shopping at a corner shop?
C. Do you go shopping at a corner shop usually?
D. Do you go shopping usually at a corner shop?
3. A. According to the timetable, we have Home Economics in Semester 2
B. For the timetable, we have Home Economics in Semester 2.
C. The timetable, we will have Home Economics in Semester 2.
D. In the timetable, we will have Home Economics Semester 2.
4. A. Let's go to the Mid-Winter Fair. It is starting on the 4th next month.
B. Let's go to the Mid-Winter Fair. It starts the 4th next month.
C. Let's to go to the Mid-Winter Fair. It started on the 4th.
D. Let's go to the Mid-Winter Fair. It starts on the 4th next month.
5. A. I'd like to try shopping at an open-air market and learn how to bargain.
B. I'd like to try shopping at open-air market and learn how to bargain.
C. I'd like to try shopping at a open-air market and learn bargain.
D. I'd like shopping at an open-air market and learn how to bargain.
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. A
VII. Circle A, B,C, or D to indicate the sentence that isclosest in meaning to each
of the following questions.
1.If we want to save the environment, we need to stop using so much energy.
A.We won't save the environment unless we stop using so much energy.
B.We want to save the environment ifwe need to stop using so much energy.
C.Using so much energy, we want to save the environment.
D.We need to stop using so much energy when we can save the environment
2.It was not until midnight that the noise next door stopped.
A.The noise next door stopped before it was midnight.
B.The noise next door only stopped at midnight.
C.The next-door neighbours made noise after midnight.
D.I wanted the noise next door to stop before midnight.
3.They travelled across India, and then flew on to Japan.
A.They travelled across India as soon as they flew on to Japan.
B.After flying on to Japan, they travelled across India.
C.They didn't travel across India until they flew on to Japan.
D.After travelling across India, they flew on to Japan.
4.My father rides his bike to work every day to help protect the environment.
A.My father rides his bike to work and to help protect the environment.
B.My father rides his bike to work by helping protect the environment.
C.To go to work by bike every day, my father helps protect the environment.
D.To help protect the environment, my father goes to work by bike every day.
5.Forests help release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.
A.It's good when forests release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide.
B.Releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide help forests.
C.Forests contribute by releasing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide.
D.Without forests, we would have no oxygen and carbon dioxide
1. A 2. B 3. D 4. D 5. C
Date of planning:
Date of teaching
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge
1 structure: preposition of place and time, possessive pronounce.
2. Vocabulary: unit 10
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook, exercise book,notebook
2. Teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
1.T: Review:
I. Prepositions of place and time (Giới từ chỉ địa điểm và thời gian)
1. Prepositions of place (Giới từ chỉ địa điểm)
1.1. IN (trong)
- được dùng để chỉ địa danh (đất nước, thành phố,…)
Ví dụ: I lived in Hanoi.
- chỉ vị trí nằm trong một khu, một địa điểm, hoặc được bao quanh bởi thứ gì đó
in a country: ở trong một đất nước in a town: ở trong thị trấn
in a forest: ở trong rừng in a building: ở trong tòa nhà
in a garden: ở trong vườn in a box: ở trong hộp
Ví dụ:
My grandfather is watering the tree in a garden.
I got stuck in a traffic jam for half an hour.
2. ON (trên)
- miêu tả sự vật nằm ở trên bề mặt
Ví dụ:They live in that old house on the hill.
on the floor: trên sàn nhà on the table: trên bàn
on the wall: trên đường on the ceiling: trên trần nhà
on the page: ở trên trang on a farm: ở nông trại
on the street: ở trên đường on the beach: ở trên biển
Ví dụ: Have you ever gone on the beach
3. AT (ở tại) - được dùng để chỉ vị trí chính xác
Ví dụ: at 169 Tran Hung Dao, Ha Noi
She’s sitting at the table in the corner.
She was standing at the top of the stairs.
Một số danh từ kết hợp với at chỉ nơi chốn thường dùng:
at home: ở nhà at work: ở chỗ làm
at the office: ở cơ quan/ở văn phòng at school: ở trường học
at university: ở trường đại học at the door: ở cửa ra vào
at the bus stop: ở trạm dừng xe buýt
4. Các gới từ khác: in front of: phía trước
Ví dụ: There is a pond in front of the house.
opposite: đối diện Ví dụ: The cinema is opposite the bakery.
under: bên dưới Ví dụ: The school bag is under the table
2. Prepositions of time (Giới từ chỉ thời gian)
- in + khoảng thời gian: thể hiện nghĩa tương lai
Ví dụ: Robots will replace human shop assistants in ten years.
- for + khoảng thời gian: thể hiện sự việc kéo dài trong bao lâu
Ví dụ: It rained for three hours yesterday.
- by + thời gian cụ thể: trước thời điểm đó
Ví dụ: We’ll be there by 6 p.m

II. Possessive pronouns (Đại từ sở hữu)

1. Định nghĩa:
Đại từ sở hữu là những đại từ dùng để chỉ sự sở hữu.
Ví dụ: His car is red and my car is blue.
= His car is red and mine is blue.
-> Đại từ mine dùng để chỉ sự sở hữu của tôi và để thay thế cho cụm my car.
- Có 7 đại từ sở hữu, bao gồm:
mine: của tôi yours: của bạn / của các bạn his: của anh ấy
hers: của cô ấy ours: của chúng tôi theirs: của họ
its: của nó
2. Vị trí của đại từ sở hữu trong câu
+ Đại từ sở hữu có thể được sử dụng như một chủ ngữ, tân ngữ hoặc đứng sau giới từ
Ví dụ:
Vị trí chủ ngữ: His car is red and mine is blue.
Vị trí tân ngữ: Her house is bigger than mine.
Đứng sau giới từ: I could deal with their problem, but I don’t know what to do with mine
3. Cách dùng đại từ sở hữu trong tiếng Anh
- Đại từ sở hữu được sử dụng để thay thế cho cụm tính từ sở hữu + danh từ đã đề cập trước đó.
- Đại từ sở hữu được sử dụng để tránh trùng lặp trong cách dùng từ và giúp câu văn trở nên trôi
chảy hơn.
Ví dụ:
This is my book, not yours. = This is my book, not your book.
=> Đại từ sở hữu yours được sử dụng để thay thế cho cụm your book.
- Lưu ý:
+ Đại từ sở hữu không đứng trước 1 danh từ.
+ Đại từ sở hữu và tính từ sở hữu của ‘it’ và ‘he’ giống nhau, các bạn cần để ý khi sử dụng để
tránh sai ngữ pháp.
It -> Its (tính từ sở hữu) -> Its (đại từ sở hữu)
He -> His (tính từ sở hữu) -> His (đại từ sở hữu
II. Exercises:
1.Fill the preposition of place.
1. The wine is ______ the bottle.
2. Pass me the dictionary, it’s ______ the bookshelf.
3. Jennifer is ______ work.
4. Berlin is ______ Germany.
5. You have something ______ your face.
6. Turn left ______ the traffic lights.
7. She was listening to classical music ______ the radio.
8. He has a house ______ the river.
9. The answer is ______ the bottom of the page.
10. Julie will be ______ the plane now.
11. There are a lot of magnets ______ the fridge.
12. She lives ______ London.
13. John is ______ a taxi. He’s coming.
14. I’ll meet you ______ the airport.
15. She stood ______ the window and looked out.
*Key: 1. in 2. on 3. at 4. in 5. on 6. at 7. on 8. on 9. at 10. on 11. on. 12. in.13. in 14. at.15. at
2.Complete sentences using the correct prepositions: at, in, on
1.It’s a good idea to ban smoking ______ public places.
2.The picture ______ the wall looks so beautiful.
3.She lives ______ the corner of the road.
4.He stopped ______ my house.
5.Do they enjoy walking ______ the garden?
6.I found my pen ______ the desk.
7.He proposed to her ______ Paris.
8.The child is crying ______ the back of the classroom.
9.I saw this movie ______ TV.
10.These people live ______ her hometown. 2. on 3. in 4. at 5. in 6. on 7. in 8. at 9. on
3.Underline and correct mistakes in these sentences. Write “True” if the sentence is right
1.The bus leaves at six minutes.
2.I’m going to visit my hometown on September.
3.He doesn’t work on Sundays.
4.In Vietnam, the shops shut at 10pm.
5.She never feels so bad on the evening.
6.He started working here in June 18th.
7.I often go to bed in midnight.
8.Where are you going to do in summer?
9.Peter and David play in the same time.
10.I will give my mother flowers on Mothers’ Day.
1. at -> in 2. on -> in 3.True 4.True 5.on -> in -> on -> at 8.True -> at 10.True
4. Rewrite these sentences.
1. My house is behind the hotel.
2. The drug store is to the right of the bakery.
3. The supermarket is behind the bank.
4. The garden is behinh Nam’s classroom.
5.The book store is in front of the restaurant.
6. He goes to work at seven fifteen.
-He goes to work ……………………………………………
7. He goes to work at seven fourty-five..
-He goes to work ………………………………………
8. Mai gets up at 6.30
-Mai gets up ……………………………………........
4. My mother comes back home at half past seven.
My mother comes back home ……………………………p.m
5. Tony goes to school at a quarter past sevevn.
-Tony goes to school ………………………………………
1.The hotel is in front of my house.
2. The bakery is to the left of the drug store.
3. The bank is in front of the supermarket.
4. Nam's classroom is in front of the garden.
5. The restaurant is behind the book store.
6.He goes to work at a quarter past seven.
7. He goes to work at a quarter to eight.
8. Mai gets up at half past six.
9. My mother comes back home at 7.30 p.m.
10. Tony goes to school at seven fifteen.
5. Fill the gap with suitable preposition of place and time.
1. The train leaves ………… tomorrow morning ………… 8:00 am.
2. I love going skiing ………… January.
3. We met at the restaurant ………… 8pm.
4. The class is ………… 9am ………… Monday mornings.
5. I like to drink coffee ………… the morning and tea ………… the afternoon.
6. We went out for dinner ………… last Wednesday.
7. She left London ………… the 4th of March.
8. I had a party ………… my birthday.
9. Lucy went to New York ………… New Year.
10. We’re meeting ………… lunchtime ………… next Tuesday.
*key: 1.– / at /on / in 6.on 7.on /
6.Choose the best answer.
1. Is this cup ____ (your / yours)?
2. The coffee is ____ (my/mine).
3. That coat is ____ (my/mine).
4. He lives in ____ (her/hers) house.
5. You might want ____ (your/yours) phone.
6. The new car is ____ (their/theirs).
7. She cooked ____ (our/ours) food.
8. Don't stand on ____ (my/mine) foot!
9. She gave him ____ (her/hers) suitcase.
10. I met ____ (their/theirs) mother.
*key: 1. yours2. mine3. mine4. her5. your6. theirs7. our8. my9. her10. their
7. Choose A,B,C, D to complete these sentences.
1. Jane has already done her work , but I’m saving ……… until later
a. hers b. her c. mine d. my
2. She has broken ……… arm.
a. hers b. her c. his d.its
3. My car needs to be fixed, but ……… is working.
a. mine b. his c. our d. their
4. (1)……… computer is a laptop, but (2)……… is a desktop.
(1) a. hers b. her c. mine d. my (2) a. you b. your c. yours d. my
5. We gave them (1)……… ID number, and they gave us (2)……… .
(1) a. ours b. mine c. our d. yours (2) a. their b. theirs c. ours d. mine
6. (1)……… pen is broken. Can I borrow (2)……… ?
(1) a. Mine b. My c. Yours d. You (2) a. your b. yours c. him d. its
7. (1)……… motorbike is cheap, but (2)……… is expensive .
(1) a. Ours b. Our c. Your d. My (2) a. you b. your c. yours d. my
8. You can’t have any fruit! It’s all ……… !
a. mine b. my c. ours d. yours
Date of planning:
Date of teaching
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge
1 structure: review unit 10, interrupt politely, pronounce words ending in -ese and –ee.
2 Vocabulary :unit 10
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook ,exercise book,notebook
2 teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
1.T: Review:
I.Interupt pholitely someone:
1.Do you mind if I just jump in really quick?
2.I don't mean to interrupt, but…
3.May I interrupt briefly?
4.Can I just add my two cents?
5.Can I quickly share an idea that just popped in?
6.Can I just add something here?
Các từ chứa hậu tố “ee, ese” thì trọng âm rơi vào chính âm tiết chứa hậu tố đó.
1. Từ kết thúc bằng đuôi -ese
Một số danh từ thường là chỉ quốc tịch, được hình thành bằng cách thêm đuôi -ese vào sau danh
từ riêng chỉ tên quốc gia
đó. Các danh từ hoặc tính từ có đuôi -ese thường có trọng âm nằm ở âm tiết chứa đuôi đó.
Như vậy trọng âm của các từ chứa đuôi -ese nằm ở âm tiết cuối cùng.
Ví dụ:
Danh từ gốc Danh từ đuôi -ese
China /ˈtʃaɪnə/ Chinese /ˌtʃaɪˈniːz/
Japan /dʒəˈpæn/ Japanese /ˈnætʃrəl/
Portugal /ˈpɔːtʃʊɡl/ Portuguese /ˌpɔːtʃʊˈɡiːz/
Vietnam /ˌvjɛtˈnɑːm/ Vietnamese /ˌvjɛtnəˈmiːz/
2. Từ có kết thúc –ee
Các từ có hậu tố là –ee luôn có trọng âm rơi vào chính âm – ee
interview /ˈɪntəvjuː/ interviewee /ˌɪntəvju(ː)ˈiː/
employ /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ employee /ˌɛmplɔɪˈiː/
attend /əˈtɛnd/ attendee /ə.tenˈdiː/
Chú ý: Với những từ có tận cùng –ee nhưng không phải là phần hậu tố được thêm vào từ thì
trọng âm từ có thể không rơi vào –ee
agree /əˈgriː/
committee /kəˈmɪti/
coffee /ˈkɒfi/
III. Exercises:
1. Choose one word {A, B, C, or D) whose stress pattern is different from the others.
1. A. trainee B. between C. Chinese D. seafood
2. A. engineer B. wonderful C. refugee D. referee
3. A. Vietnamese B. guarantee C. Bhutanese D. committee
4. A. degree B. obese C. coffee D. Maltese
5. A. employee B. Japanese C. Taiwanese D. absentee
1. D 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A
2. Say the sentences aloud, paying attention to the stress of the underlined
1.The coach disagreed with the referee at the game yesterday.
2. He was the first Lebanese ever to be a Maths Olympiad awardee.
3.Last year, I was a trainee at a Japanese company.
4.Thechairman of our school social media committee is a Portuguese student.
5.The Vietnamese model got a degree in fashion design from London.
3. Choose the correct option A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
1.Please leave a…………on my ph o n e if you are unable to reach me.
A.message B. Call C. letter D. note
2.Many people think ………. will replace human translators in the future.
A.voice messages B. translation machines C. dictionaries D. emojis
3. Parents should pay due attention to their children's use of …………… networking sites B. real time C. telepathy D. holography
4.We made a(n)……………to discuss our project. call B. social network C. emoji D. family member
5.I think there will be no language … the future . People will speak a common
A.use B. Development C. skill D. barrier
6.She sent me a(n) ………..message to ask about the homework.
A.warning B. Heartfelt C. instant D. strong
7.If ……..becomes popular in the future, it will save communicators a lot of travelling
time and money.
A.private messaging B. Holography C. language barrier D. translation
8.Video conferencing is a technology that allows………….
A.private B. Social C. real-time D. smartphone
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A
5. D 6. C 7. B 8. C
4. Choose the option which is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined phrase in each
1.Hold on! I think this isn't the right road. Let's turn back

A.Continue! B. Move back! C. Keep to the right! D Wait!

2.She can do telepathy? You're kidding! It's impossible.
A.I don't believe it. B. You're a kid C. She can do telepathy. D. It doesn't work
3. Learning to speak English is not a piece of cake. It requires lots of practice and hard
A.delicious B. easy C. fun D. Hard
4. The picture is so large that it doesn't fit the computer screen. Can you zoom out of
A.make it smaller b.make it bigger c. make it sharper D. make it stronger
5. Lan: Kien is in a bad mood today
Jack: That's exactly what I feel. He got angry with me for nothing this morning.
A. What do you mean? B. Can you repeat it?
C. He said that to me this morning. D. I completely agree with you
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. D
5. Circle the correct preposition in each sentence
1.We arrived (at I on I in) New York earlier than we expected.
2.Be careful! There's a piece of glass (on I under I in front of) the grass.
3.Jane's classmates held a birthday party for her (on I at I for) a bubble tea shop.
4.Many people chat (in I by I for) hours on the Internet because it is free.
5.(By I On I For) 2030, smartphones will become supersmart and super thin.
6.Theman sitting (next to I from I along) me on the plane said that he could do
7.I think robot carrier pigeons will become popular (on I in I at)twentyyears' time.
8.Lan's house is (opposite I by I next to) mine, just across the street
1. in 2. on 3. at 4. for
5. By 6. next to 7. in 8. opposite
6.Circle a mistake in each sentence below
1.I will be in the countryside on two weeks this summer holiday.
2.The video conference starts at 10:15 a.m. Please be ready _\2y10:10 a.m. so that it can
start for time.A B C
3.Let's meet for coffee _\2y Wednesday afternoon. I'll be busy in the morning.
4.After starting the test, the teacher asked us to remove our phones from the
test room.
5.A friend of my got virtual reality device as a birthday gift.
6.I always bring a charger because my smartphone's battery doesn't last in long.
7.Two of Ron's brothers are twins, and they study at the same class at my school. A
8.Be quick, Lisa! We need to leave _\2y a few minutes; otherwise, we'll miss the train.
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A
5. A 6. C 7. B 8. B
7.Make sentences using the words and phrases below to help you. You can make
changes to the words and phrases, and add more words if necessary
1.we /talk/ phone / more / an hour/ yesterday.
2.near future,/ mobile phones/ run/ solar energy.
3.telepathy devices / become / popular/ 30 years
4.if we use / our phones / much, / become dependent/ them.
5. many teenagers/ prefer/ chat/ Internet/ meet/ their friends/ person.
*Key: 1. We talked on the phone for more than an hour yesterday.
2.In the near future, mobile phones will run on solar energy.
3.Telepathy devices will become popular in 30 years.
4.If we use our phones too much, we will become dependent on them.
5.Many teenagers prefer chatting on the Internet to meeting their friends in person.
8.Read the passage and do the exercises on page 85
When Smartphones Become Even Smarter
Mobile phone technologies have developed rapidly over the last decades, and
experts are making interesting predictions about smartphones of the future. They say
that by 2035, smartphones will be able to change their shapes to meet the users' needs.
For example, you can fold your phone like a sheet of paper and put it in your wallet.
Similarly, you can bend it and wear it as a watch. Moreover, new generations of
smartphones can send and receive holographic pictures. By using holography, you
will be able to participate in meetings without having to be at the meeting venue in
person. You will also be able to interact in computer games as if you were a character
in it. Besides, smartphones will have super strong sensors to read your mind and
complete some tasks, such as making to-do lists and shopping online. They will be able
to sense your mood, give advice and play suitable music. In the near future, many
people may consider their smartphones their best friend, and they may interact with
them even more than they do with their human friends.
a.Choose the correct answer A, B, or C
1.The passage describes predictions about future smartphones offered by ……
A.companies B. experts C. users
2.According to the passage, what can a user do to his/ her smartphone by 2035?
a.Change its shape.B. Wear it as a necklace.C. Make it into a wallet.
3.According to the passage, future smartphones may use ….to help their users interact
in computer games.
A. sensors B. generators C. holography
4.Which of the following tasks can a super smartphone NOT do for its users?
A.Check to-do lists. B. Shop online. C. Give advice.
5.According to the passage, people may treat their super smartphones as in the
near future.
A.their servants B. their colleagues C. their best friends
b.Complete each gap in the note below with no more than THREE words
*Smartphones of the future can ...
+ (1) …………..according to their users' demand.
+ exchange (2) …………pictures.
+ (3) ……………their user's mind.
+ sense their users' (4)… play appropriate music.
+In the near future, people may interact with their phones more than they do with
their (5)…………..
a. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C
b. 1. change their shapes 2. holographic 3. read
4. mood 5. human friends

Date of planning:
Date of teaching
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge
1 structure: reported speech (statements)
2 Vocabulary :unit 11
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook ,exercise book,notebook
2 teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
1.T: Review:
(Tường thuật câu trần thuật)
- Câu tường thuật được sử dụng để tường thuật lại điều mà người khác đã nói.
Ví dụ: Mi said, “I want a new computer.”
-> Mi said (that) she wanted a new computer
1. Câu tường thuật ở dạng câu kể
S + said + (that) + S + V(lùi thì)
-says/say to + O -> tells/tell + O
-said to + O ->told+O
Eg: He said to me”I haven’t finished my work” -> He told me he hadn’t finished his work.
*Khi chúng ta chuyển câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp chúng ta thay đổi:
+hình thức của động từ
1.Hiện tại đơn: Mi said, “I love science.”
->Quá khứ đơn: Mi said (that) she loved science.
2.Hiện tại tiếp diễn: Mi said, “I am learning English.”
->Quá khứ tiếp diễn: Mi said (that) she was learning English.
3.Will =“I will become a scientist,” he said.
->Would : He said (that) he would become a scientist.
+cụm từ thời gian và địa điểm
now => then
today => that day
ago => before
tomorrow => the following day/ the next day
this week => that week
here => there
+các đại từ tùy theo tình huống
I => he/ she
we => they
me => him/ her
I. Put into the reported speech.
1. Tom said: “I want to buy a pocket calculator for my father.”.......................................................
2. She said; “I once spent a summer in this village.”.............................................................
3. The nurse said: “The patient in this room didn‟t obey your orders, doctor.”
4. They said to me : “You taught us English last year.”....................................
5. Mr. Brown said : “Our trip cost us two thousand dollars.”...........................................................
6. He said to her : “ I can’t find my hat anywhere in this room.”............................
7. My father said to them : “My secretary is going to finish this job.”......................
8. They said : “We can’t meet you here either today or tomorrow.”...................
9. My mother said : “I think it won’t rain tomorrow.”.......................................................
10. He said: “Your car has been stolen, John.”............................................................
11. They said : “The river is rising early this year.”..............................................................
12. He said : “I’ll expect her to come soon.”.....................................................
13. Our teacher said : “World War II broke out in 1939.”...............................................
14. The students said : “We’ll be sitting for our next exam next Monday.”.....................
15. He said : “I’m going to finish this work.”...................................................................
16. Lan said “I want to buy this pen.”
17.My son said “I want to buy these pens.”
18. She said “I want to sit here.”
19. Nam said “I am sitting in front of TV now.”
20. Mai told me “Today I have a test”
21. They told me that“I had a test yesterday.”
22.: She said “I’ll have a test tomorrow.”
23.: He said “I had a test 2 days ago.”
24. She said “I watched TV with my mother last night.”
25. Mr Pike said “I will go on a picnic next week.”
26: She told“I had a test the day before yesterday.”

1. Tom said that he wanted to buy a pocket calculator for his father.
2. She said that she had once spent a summer in that village.
3. The nurse told doctor that the patient in that room hadn‟t obeyed his orders.
4. They told me that I had taught them English the previous year.
5. Mr. Brown said that their trip had cost them two thousand dollars.
6. He told her that she couldn‟t find his hat anywhere in that room.
7. My father told them that his secretary was going to finish that job.
8. They said that they couldn‟t meet her there either that day or the next day.
9. My mother said that she thought it wouldn‟t rain the following day.
10. He told John that his car had been stolen.
11. They said that the river was rising early that year.
12. He said that he would expect her to come soon.
13. Our teacher said that World War II had broken out in 1939.
14. The students said that they would be sitting for their next exam the next Monday.
15. He said that he was going to finish that work.
16.She said she wanted to buy that pen.
17.My son said he wanted to buy those pens.
18: She said she wanted to sit there.
19.He said he was waiting in front of TV then.
20. Mai told she had a test that day.
21. They told me that they had a test the day before.
22. She said she would have a test the next day.
23. He said he had had a test 2 days before.
24. She said she had watched TV with her mother the night before.
25. Mr Pike said he would go on a picnic the following week.
26.She told she had had a test 2 days before.
2.Choose the best answer.
1. Lily said she was leaving for Hanoi _________.
A. next week B. the week previous C. following week D. the following week
2. Daniel said that Tokyo _________ more lively than Seoul.
A. is B. be C. was D. were
3. Henry told me that he _________ home after the event.
A. walked B. had walked C. walking D. was walking
4. My friend _________ me there’s been an accident on that street.
A. asked B. said C. spoke D. told
5. She told me she _________.
A. didn’t finish her homework B. hadn’t finished her homework
C. had not been finishing her homework D. wasn’t finishing her homework
6. He says he _________ London the next week.
A. goes B. was going to C. is going to D. had been gone
7. I told Nick that my parents would come there to visit us _________.
A. the following day B. tomorrow C. yesterday D. next day
8. Emma told me that she _________ anymore.
A. didn’t love me B. not to love me C. wasn’t loving me D. would not be loving me
9. My dad said that he had done it the week before.
A. the following week B. the week before C. the next week D. last week
*Key: 1.D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5.B 6. C 7. A 8. A 9. B
3.Supply the correct verb form
1.She told me she (buy) _______ ___ that car
2. She said to him he (be) _________ from American.
3. They said that they (sell) _________ their house
4. He said he (can) _________ help me
6. She said to me that she______________ (sell) that car the following day
7. He said he(go) ______ __ the previous day
8. The teacher said to her she (not do) _________ the test
9. She told me that she (pass) _________ the final exam
10. He said he (must) _________ go then

Date of planning:
Date of teaching
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge
1 structure: Give and respond to good news, say sentences with correct stress,
2 Vocabulary :unit 11
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook ,exercise book,notebook
2 teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
1.T: Review:
I. Give and respond to good news.
1.I'm really pleased to tell you...
2.I've got a bit of good news to tell you..
3.I've got some good / great / wonderful / news for you...
4.You know what! I've got a bit of great news for you...
5.Great news for you/us...
1.Wow, that sounds exciting !
2.That’s great !
3.How fantastic !
4.What fantastic / good / great / wonderful news!
5.That sounds like great news!
7.That’s wonderful / fantastic!
8.I’m glad to hear that!
9.Great news!
10. Incredible!
11.Sounds great!
12.Lucky you!
13.Oh, how wonderful!
14.I can’t believe that!
III. Exercises:
1.Ex 1: Give and respond to good news below.
1.A: ……………………………… I have succeeded in the TOEFL exam
B: Great news! . Well-done
2. A: they are going to build a new gym in the neighborhood
B: ………………………………………….!
3.A: Your friend has just passed the examination.
B: …………………………………………
4.A: A supermarket will be built in your village next year.
B: …………………………………………………………………………..
5.A: Your daughter is getting married!
B: ……………………………………………………………..
6.A: …………………………………………, Holiday will start tomorrow.
B: Oh, how wonderful!
7.A: Great news for you! You have succeeded!
B: ………………………………………………………………………….
2.Ex 2: Read the sentences aloud. Pay attention to the bold syllables.
1.I am not a scientist.
2.Who inventE=>d the air balloon?
3.We can't deny the role of technology.
4.Don't forget to scan your finger to check in.
5.Did you read about the invention of blue jeans?- Yes, we did.
3. Ex 3: Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. You may have to
change the form of the words. One is not used
experiment application attendance platform face recognition video conferencin
1.He developed a new medicine after he did many ………………..
2.Which ……did your teacher use for your online classes? Google Classroom or
Microsoft Team?
3.This smartphone uses ……………… a password.
4.Our school checks …………………. using a fingerprint scanner.
5. ………… allows us to have online meetings and still see and hear others clearly
1. experiments 2. platform 3. face recognition
4. attendance 5. Video conferencing
4.Ex 4:Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete the passage.
Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician and physicist who lived from 1642
to 1727. He was the (1) ofgravity. He discovered gravity in 1666 when he saw a
(2) apple. He thought that there was a (3) of nature moving the apple.
Newton called this force "gravity". He then determined that there are forces between
all (4) .This discovery is very important and has many (5)………in
1. A.discoverer B. inventor C. creator D.developer
2. A.ripping B. falling C. hanging D. rolling
3. A. pull B. push C.force D. press
4. A. distances B. people C.locations D. objects
5. A. applications B.uses C. advantages D. problem
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A
5. Ex 5:Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentence.
1.My teacher said that she………………meet me next week.
A. can B. Will C. would D. must
2.Minh told me that he often……….. his favourite pictures on Twitter.
A. shared B. will share C. share D. sharing
3.Mai said that she was reading a sci-fi book ………………
A. at the moment B. now C. then D. yet
4.All the students told methat they were working on …… projects.
A. their B. my C. our D. them

5.Yesterday Tom told me that he uploaded his homework to the link two days.
A. ago B. before C.ahead D. after
1. C 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B
6. Ex 6:Choose the most suitable response A, B, C, or D to complete each of the
following sentences or exchanges
1.Minh: Mai, We'll have a new badminton court at our school.
A.I'm sorry to tell you the news. B.guess what?
C.I'm so glad. D.I don't think you want to hear this.
2.Tom: We won the chess competition.
A.Can you believe it? B. You can't believe. C.Do you believe me?
D.Don't be shocked!
3.Mai:Minh, I have some amazing news! My mum bought me a newcalculator.
Minh: ……………………….
A.Incredible. B.Are you sure? C.Congratulations! D.I have one too
4.Nick: Our club will have a scientist come to talk about science soon.
A.That's weird. B.That's too bad. C.Are you kidding? D.That's great.
5.Student: Our science project attracted the attention of many students at school.
Teacher: _
A.That's fantastic. B.Are you telling the truth?
C. Thanks for your efforts. D. Are you sure
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. A
7.Ex 7Read the passage and fill in each blank with ONE word
The Importance of Science Education in Schools
Why should we teach science to children in schools? Why do many schools teach
STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and maths)? One reason is every
day children can see the benefits of{1)…..and techhnology around them, so they
can be aware of the (2)………….that science plays in their everyday life. Secondly,
when (3)…………. learn science, they will learn to think in a scientific way, learn to
search for the answers and to (4)………..reasons. In other words, students can gain both
knowledge of science as well as critical thinking and problem-solving (5)… …
These will be important in their (6)… and studies. Moreover, if children learn
science at an early age, they will be more ready to get involved (7)…….science-related
fields when they grow up
1. science 2. role 3. children / they 4. give 5. skills 6. future 7. in
8.Ex 8:Make sentences using the words and phrases. You can make changes to the
words and phrases, and add more words if necessary.
1.Charles Babbage / an English polymath / design / three computers.
2.He / never/ construct/ computer/ because I he / not / enough / money.
3.1842/Babbage/ start working/ first computer/ and/ it was called/ Difference
4.1847to 1849/Babbage/ create/ second computer.
5.1991/ British Science Museum/ construct/ computer from / Babbage's plans.
6.It / take / 6 years / build /this/ newcomputer/ and / it/ work
1.Charles Babbage, an English polymath, designed three computers.
2.He never constructed a computer because he did not have enough money.
3.In 1822, Babbage started working on the first computer and it was called the Difference
4.From 1847 to 1849, Babbage created the second computer.
5.In 1991, the British Science Museum constructed the computer from Babbage’s plans.
6.It took 6 years to build this new computer, and it worked
Date of planning:
Date of teaching
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge
1 structure-
2 Vocabulary :unit
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook ,exercise book,notebook
2 teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
Test 45:
LISTENING (2.5 points)
I. Listen to the conversation between two students about aliens. Circle the best answer A,
B, or C. You will listen TWICE
1. Why is Henry tired?
A.Why is Henry tired? B.Why is Henry tired? C.Why is Henry tired?
2.What is the show Our Frontier about?
A.Human life on Mars B.Alien life on Earth C.The possibility of alien life
3. What does Sarah think about aliens?

A.Human space science and exploration are not advanced enough to find them.
B. Aliens are billions of light years away.
C. People haven’t found extra-terrestrial life because it doesn’t exist.
4. What did the US Navy Commander say in 2004?
A.He saw an alien flying a plane.
B.He saw an unidentified flying object.
C.He saw a plane from another planet
5.What can change Sarah’s mind about aliens?
A.Real evidence of aliens B. A video of the 2004 event C. A visit to Mars
II. Listen to some information about emojis. Complete a student’s note. Write NO MORE
THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER in each blank. You will listen TWICE.
in the 1990s in (1) ____________
can be found on every smartphone, (2) ____________ platform and
communication application.
more than (3) ____________ emojis
2015’s (4) ____________of the Year
encourages laziness and (5) _________________
II. READING (2.5 points)
I.Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B, or C to each of the questions
Jeremy has a great passion about astronomy in general and the solar system in particular. His dad
bought him a telescope on his sixth birthday, and since then he has been using it to observe
enormous faraway stars and other celestial objects at night, which helps him recognise most of
the constellations such as Serpent, The Great Bear, Taurus, etc. at the very young age. Besides
that, he thinks the science books and journals involving interesting facts of planets are utterly
compelling. He can quickly answer tough questions relating to the rings of Saturn, the weight of
Jupiter or the storms on Uranus. Additionally, the more he reads the more curious about life on
other planets he grows. He knows the fact that except for his beloved earth, there is currently no
other planet in the solar system having the traces of life due to their uninhabitable living
conditions. However, Jeremy still believes astronomers, with the assistance of an autonomous
space shuttle, will find the steps of aliens in the immense universe one day
1.What is the passage mainly about?
A. A brilliant boy dreaming of becoming an astronomer.
B. A well-informed boy taking interest in astronomy.
C. A studious boy passionate about aliens and spaceships.
2.What does the word it in line 3 mean?
A. A telescope
B. A faraway star
C. A celestial object
3.Which of the following is true about the passage?
A. The Great Bear is the name of a planet.
B. Jeremy thinks the astronomy books and journals are disgusting.
C. Jeremy usually spends time finding out about other planets.
4.Why are the storms on Uranus recommended in the passage?
A. To show that Jeremy’s knowledge of planets is very extensive.
B. To indicate that Jeremy’s friends are proud of his astronomy knowledge.
C. To assume that no other student is better at astronomy than Jeremy.
5.Which of the following is NOT given in the passage?
A. The possibility of finding traces of life on other planets in the vast universe.
B. The planetary habitability of many planets in the solar system.
C. The help of advanced technology in search of the steps of aliens in outer space.
II. Complete the reading passage. Write ONE suitable word in each blank
In about fifty years, people might apparently realise that the technological limitations of
communication will nearly be eradicated. As for the interaction between humans, thanks to
advancements of virtual reality, people will be (1) ___________ to communicate with each other
more authentically. Virtual images will not be restricted in smartphone screens any longer, and
their 4-D self-images can talk and move lively instead. What’s more, businessmen will attend
(2) ___________ from home through small virtual reality glasses. They will discuss with (3)
___________ another in a multi-dimensional meeting room, nothing out of line with what we do
today. Moreover, the human-machine communication will step up (4) ___________ another
level. Conversational AI robots, surpassing current chatbot versions, will be the reliable
companions in many aspects of life. Intelligent human-like virtual assistants filled with various
remarkable features can perform many (5) ___________, such as searching for information
quickly, controlling the operation of household appliances as well as making wise plans if
humans need.
III. WRITING (2.5 points)
I. For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use the word in brackets and do not change it. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
The bookshop is opposite the library.
_______________ a bookshop opposite the library. (THERE)
Answer: 0. There is

1.Ms Tram is one of my aunts.

Ms Tram is an ____________________. (AUNT)
2.Many students are standing in front of me to receive the free film tickets.
I ____________________ many students to receive the free film tickets. (AM)
3.Their principal said, “We will have a trip to Cat Ba Island next weekend.”
Their principal said ____________________ on a trip to Cat Ba Island the following
weekend. (GO)
4.My friend asked me how I could overcome language barriers when I studied abroad.
My friend asked, “____________________ overcome language barriers when you study
abroad?” (CAN)
5.During his visit to Cuc Phuong National Park, he discovered many kinds of rare
While ____________________ Cuc Phuong National Park, he discovered many kinds of
rare flowers. (WAS)
IV. LANGUAGE FOCUS (2.5 points)

Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part. Circle A, B,
C, or D.
1.A. sting B. system C. whistle D. almost
2.A. rocket B. promise C. oppose D. shopping
II.Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others. Circle A, B,
C, or D
1. A. shopaholic B. telepathy C. convenience D. advertisement
2.A. Japanese B. national C. dangerous D. natural
3. A. spaceship B. robot C. discount D. effect

II.Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, C, or D

1.Earth is the only ___________ planet in our solar system.
A. habit B. inhabitant C. habitat D. habitable
2.The computer shop is _________ the clothes shop. We need to cross the street to get there.
A. next to B. behind C. between D. opposite
3.The teachers at our school use a __________ application to check students’ presence via our
A. biometric B. volumetric C. decametric D. hydrometric
4.Leon said he was having a math test __________, so he was very worried.
A. now B. then C. the next day D. tomorrow
5.Lisa looks like Susan and Naomi. She may be a cousin of __________.
A. their B. theirs C. her D. hers
6.We often use Messenger on Facebook to __________ group calls. It’s so convenient.
A. click B. make C. zoom D. dial
7.Three days of torrential rain caused a terrible ________ in many villages in Ha Tinh.
A. thunderstorm B. tornado C. cyclone D. flood
8.The locals ran quickly to the safe places when they saw ash and gas begin to ________ from the
A. pour B. sweep C. erupt D. funnel
9.If you love home-grown food, you cannot ___________ the farmers’ market at the weekend.
A. miss B. find C. seek D. join
10.He established a volunteer group to help save the endangered ___________.
A. means B. series C. species D. types
11.Using reusable bags can help us reduce our carbon ___________.
A. footprint B. blueprint C. newsprint D. handprint
12.I’m not good at ___________, so I often buy things that are more expensive than usual.
A. conserving B. reducing C. bargaining D. developing
13.I can say the ___________ of the violent storm are unpredictable.
A. affects B. effectiveness C. effects D. effectively
14.___________ is the first planet from the sun. It has the same name as a metal.
A. Venus B. Jupiter C. Saturn D. Mercury
15.___________ the tsunami hit, many beach hotels were destroyed.
A. Before B. After C. As soon as D. Until
III.Fill each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets
1.- Who ___________ (invent) the World Wide Web?
- Tim Berners-Lee.
2.I can’t leave the classroom until my teacher ___________ (give) me feedback.
3.Naomi ___________ (run) around the park when an apple fell on her head.
4.I hope Viet Nam _________ (be) a powerful country in cyberspace in about 50 years.
5.My teacher ___________ (say) she was happy to see me become more mature.
6.While I was telling my child a folk story, my husband _________ (work) at the desk.
7.She found it difficult ___________ (teach) 50 students online.
8.When I was in primary school, I ___________ (not visit) the city zoo.
9.At present, my mother ___________ (prepare) some warm clothes for me to go camping in
the forest.
10.I ___________ (try) to climb the ladder to avoid the flood water at 8 p.m. yesterday.
11.The rescue team ___________ (find) two survivors in the collapsed building after the
12.- The play ___________ (start) at 7 p.m. on Monday. Would you like me to book your ticket
in advance?
- If you wouldn't mind.
13.I asked my cousin why he ___________ (not like) watching environmental documentaries.
14.The book fair ___________ (end) before 10 p.m. We should leave there earlier to take the
last bus.
15.Mi said her brothers ___________ (draw) a diagram of the solar system then.
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A
Sarah: You look tired, Henry. What did you do last night?
Henry: Hi, Sarah. I watched the new season of Our Frontier. I didn’t stop until my mother told
me to go to sleep at midnight.
Sarah: What is the show about?
Henry: It’s about human life on Mars with aliens. Do you believe aliens exist?
Sarah: We have many achievements in space science and exploration. If there were aliens,
humans would have found them by now.
Henry: Well, I don't think we're the only intelligent life in the galaxy. In 2004, a US Navy
commander said he saw a UFO when he was flying a plane. This claim was later supported by a
video of the event.
Sarah: I won't change my view until I see concrete proof of extra-terrestrial life.
Henry: That’s why we’re trying to go to Mars, the most likely habitable planet after Earth.
1. Japan 2. social network 3. 3000
4. Word 5. destroys languages
Emoji has become integral to digital communication in the past few decades. Invented in the
1990s in Japan, emoji was originally a collection of 176 symbols. These little pictures that
people can send to one another are on every smartphone, social network platform and
communication application. Its popularity exploded after Apple included emojis in their latest
smartphone in 2011. By 2021, there will be more than 3000 emojis representing many different
emotions, people, food, jobs… Emoji has become so important to the way we communicate that
the Oxford Dictionary chose the tears-of-joy emoji to be Word of the Year in 2015. Some written
phrases can usually be understood with a single emoji. However, not everyone supports the
increasing usage of emojis. Critics said that this type of communication made people lazy and it
destroyed languages.
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B
1. able 2. Conferences/ Meetings 3. one
4. on 5. tasks
1. aunt of mine
2. am standing behind
3. they would go
4. How can you
5. he was visiting
Sample writing:
I agree that robots will play an important role at home. First, in the future, robot helpers will be
able to do most hard household chores like doing the laundry, cleaning the rooms, etc., so
humans will no longer put up with these boring chores. Second, intelligent robots will be a great
companion for single people. They can listen to their problems and give them useful advice
without any complaints. Finally, these robots will also take on the role of babysitters. They can
play with children, help them do their homework and protect them from bad people. I believe
human life at home will change for the better thanks to robot helpers.
1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A 5. D
1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B
6. B 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. C
11. A 12. C 13. C 14. D 15. B
1. invented 6. was working 11. found
2. gives 7. to teach 12. starts
3. was running 8. didn’t visit 13. didn’t like
4. will be 9. is preparing 14. ends
5. said 10. was trying 15. were drawing
(UNITS 7 & 8)
Let’s talk about a national park in Viet Nam.
The following questions may help you.

1. What is the name of the national park?

2. Where is it?
3. When was it established?
4. How wide is it?
5. What kind of animals and plants does it have?
(UNITS 9 & 10)

Let’s talk about a natural disaster you experienced or heard about.

The following questions may help you.

1. What kind of natural disasters did you experience/ heard about?

2. When and where did it occur?
3. How did you/ people prepare for it?
4. What were its consequences?
5. How did the rescue workers do to help the victims?

Date of planning:
Date of teaching
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge
1 structure:all structures from unit 1-11
2 Vocabulary :unit 1-11
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook ,exercise book,notebook
2 teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure

LISTENING (2.5 points)

Listen to an advertisement for a messaging application. Circle the best answer A, B, or C.
You will listen TWICE.
1.What is people’s top concern when it comes to messaging applications?
A. Stable connection
B. Late update
C. Too many competing applications
2.What can users have when they choose to use ConnectABC?
A. The best network
B. Unreliable connection
C. Frequent interruptions
3.What do developers commit to doing twice a month?
A. Looking for security issues
B. Gathering users’ feedback
C. Updating the application
4.How many users does ConnectABC currently have?
A. 50 thousand
B. 30 thousand
C. 60 thousand
5.What will people get when they sign up today?
A. A free smartphone
B. An exclusive voice message from the creator
C. New features
Listen to Kevin and his mother talking about his studying at school and complete the
summary. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/ OR A NUMBER in each blank.
You will listen TWICE

Kevin’s mother is praising him because he received a positive comment from his (1)
___________. Kevin reveals that he has been assisted by an application with (2) ___________
AI technology. The (3) ___________ can create personalised learning methods and exercises
using students’ information. It can also provide (4) ___________ as soon as Kevin finishes an
assignment. Many of Kevin’s classmates are also using the application and sharing their (5)
READING (2.5 points)

Read the passage. Circle the best answer A, B or C to each of the questions.

These days, students have great chances to get hold of learning applications to assist them in
their schoolwork. However, many of them tend to rely on these apps too much, especially using
homework helper apps. Instead of doing assignments on their own, idle students frequently
capture English questions or mathematical problems, upload them on these apps, and then copy
the suggested answers as well as solutions into their notebooks. The shortcoming is that these
students can hardly understand what they are writing down, which leaves them a big gap of
knowledge. Moreover, it’s very unfair for diligent students who burn the midnight oil to
complete the tasks without any help. Plus, depending on these apps is a double-edged sword
because when teachers are suspicious of cheating ones, they have many ways to examine
whether students solve problems themselves or not. In short, it is advisable that learning apps,
Photomath, QANDA, to name but a few, should be used as a last resort or by advanced learners
who prefer finding out more various solutions to their problems.
1.What is the passage mainly about?
A. The downsides of using homework helper apps
B. The encouragement of using homework helper apps
C. The positive impact of using homework helper apps
2.What does the word they in line 12 mean?
A. Cheating students
B. Teachers
C. Problems
3.According to the passage, who might not rely on homework helper apps?
A. Idle students
B. Intelligent students
C. Hard-working students
4.Why is a homework helper app considered a double-edged sword?
A. Because cheating students find it hard to deal with a new problem in exams.
B. Because cheating students can’t solve even a simple problem without this app.
C. Teachers are capable of discovering cheating students.
5.Which of the following is true about the passage?
A. QANDA is an entertaining app that helps students relax after school.
B. There will be a lack of knowledge if students count on learning apps excessively.
C. Advanced learners always use homework helper apps to finish their homework.
Complete the reading passage. Write ONE suitable word in each blank
Last Friday night, a tropical storm abruptly hit Xuan’s town and caused a lot of damage. Its gale-
force winds blew down several trees,
(1) ___________ of houses and electric poles leading to a widespread power cut. Then, it caused
torrential rains leaving most of the town under water. Consequently, 1.5-metre-deep (2)
___________ waters isolated many of the main roads and communities. While the storm was
attacking, the rescue teams (3) ___________ making every effort to evacuate the locals in low-
lying areas, including Xuan’s family, to safer places. The residents spent a sleepless night
together in a large supplied shelter waiting for water to recede. They were really upset and
worried because that ferocious storm (4) ___________ their houses and swept away many
valuable properties like motorbikes and household appliances. It was a painful lesson for them as
a result (5) ___________ their underestimation of storm warnings issued by the local
government before.
III. WRITING (2.5 points)
For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use
the word in brackets and do not change it. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.
0. The bookshop is opposite the library.
_______________ a bookshop opposite the library. (THERE)
Answer: 0. There is

1. My brother doesn’t have the habit of going browsing at the shopping centres.
My brother ____________________ browsing at the shopping centres. (NEVER)
2. During her stay in the hotel, she heard a loud thunderstorm sound.
While ____________________ in the hotel, she heard a loud thunderstorm sound. (SHE)
3. Can I borrow one of your tablets?
Can you lend me a ____________________? (OF)
4. The robots will have the ability to help around the house in a few years.
The robots ____________________ to help around the house in a few years. (BE)
5. She asked, “How many planets are there in the solar system, Dad?”
She asked her dad how many ____________________ in the solar system. (THERE)
IV. LANGUAGE FOCUS (2.5 points)
TASK 1 Choose the word with a different way of pronunciation in the underlined part.
Circle A, B, C, or D.
1. A. instant B. castle C. sticker D. substance
2. A. crater B. tablet C. webcam D. scanner
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
Circle A, B, C, or D.

3. A. guarantee B. awardee C. committee D. absentee

4. A. gravity B. truancy C. disaster D. habitat

TASK 2 Choose the best option to complete each sentence. Circle A, B, C, or D.

1. One of the most outstanding features of Zoom Meeting is ___________ rooms which allow
small split groups of students to discuss a particular subject.
A. breakout B. breakthrough C. break-up D. break-in
2. Mark’s mother ___________ him becoming an astronomer because she didn’t think this job
would suit him.
A. proposed B. disposed C. imposed D. opposed
3. The famous sports programme was ___________ live over the Internet.
A. permitted B. admitted C. transmitted D. predicted
4. My flat started ___________ when I was watching TV with my son. It scared us a lot.
A. frightening B. trembling C. strengthening D. warning
5. I will submit my assignment on the future role of teacher robots ___________ Friday.
A. of B. for C. in D. by
6. ___________ I have a new smartphone, I will pass my old one on to you.
A. Although B. As soon as C. While D. Therefore
TASK 3 Fill each blank with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. Please stop ___________ (litter). You are making the school yard dirty.
2. The coach ___________ (not leave) till 11.30, so my dad is preparing his luggage at a
slow pace.
3. My mother allowed me ___________ (go) to the discount shop to get some stuff alone.
4. The flood water swiftly washed away the village while many families ___________
5. Before my grandfather ___________ (drink) tea, he bought a newspaper.
6. Ruby thinks language tools ___________ (play) an important role in human
communication in 20 years.
7. Jack said he ___________ (learn) chemistry online then.
8. He asked what brand of tablet his father ___________ (choose) to buy the following day.
9. ___________ Ms Lan ___________ (mark) students’ work when you came in class?
10. - ___________ you ___________ (see) a shooting star last night?
- Yes. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C
According to a survey, a majority said their top concern regarding messaging applications was
connection and privacy. With ConnectABC, our latest application, this concern is no more. Our
network is better than other competitors’. While their connection might be spotty and unreliable,
ours are strong and stable thanks to two dedicated servers. Our users will rarely experience
interruptions while they use the app. As developers, we commit to updating the application twice
a month to fix any potential security issues so our users’ privacy can be protected. Available in
more than 50 countries, ConnectABC already has a user base of more than 30 thousand. We
estimate that this number will double by the end of the year. ConnectABC is available for free
on every smartphone brand. Sign up today and you will get to try out experimental features such
as instantly-translated voice messages, exclusively-designed emojis and many more…
1. teacher 2. advanced 3. application
4. feedback 5. learning problems
Kevin: Hi, Mom. Can you sign my report card?
Mom: Let me see... Your teacher said that there were promising signs of improvement in your
academic performance. Great job, Kevin!
Kevin: Thanks, Mom. But the credit must go to this application I've been using on my tablet.
Mom: What application?
Kevin: It's a student assistant application with advanced AI technology that provides a new
learning experience.
Mom: Is it that good?
Kevin: Yes. Like most artificial intelligence, this application will become smarter with more
users' data.
Mom: How does it help you?
Kevin: Having feedback instantly after finishing an assignment is helpful for me. Using my
results, the application also gives me more exercises in the area where I often make mistakes.
Mom: That's amazing.
Kevin: There is a new social network feature. My classmates are sharing their learning problems
and I can share mine. This application is becoming popular in my school.
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B
1. Roofs 2. flood 3. were
4. destroyed 5. of
1. never goes
2. she was staying
3. tablet of yours
4. will be able
5. planets there were
Sample writing:
Today, voice messaging is a popular function that people use to send their spoken recorded
messages. In terms of its advantages, mobile users can create voice messages quickly and easily
via smartphones. It can help save time on typing and avoid spelling mistakes. It’s also very
convenient to contact others if you don’t want to show your face or cannot make video calls. As
for its disadvantages, this modern communication needs a stable Internet access. In addition, for
some people, checking voice messages is rather inconvenient and answering them might be done
later. In short, voice messaging has both pros and cons. I think people will still use it as a
common way of communication in the future.
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C
1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. B
1. littering 6. will play
2. doesn’t/ does not leave 7. was learning
3. to go 8. would choose
4. were sleeping 9. Was… marking
5. drank 10. Did… see
Date of planning:
Date of teaching
PERIOD 30: Reported speech (Cont)
A .Objectives
B Language knowledge
1 structure- Reported speech (Cont)
2 Vocabulary :unit 12
C Teaching aids 1 Students: workbook ,exercise book,notebook
2 teacher :teacher’s book, exercise book,notebook
D Skills 4 skills
E Procedure
1.T: Review:
Chúng ta thường sử dụng ask (hỏi), wonder (tự hỏi) và want to know (muốn biết) khi chúng ta
tường thuật các câu hỏi. Trong câu hỏi gián tiếp, chúng ta sử dụng trật tự từ giống như trong câu
trần thuật nhưng bỏ đi dấu hỏi.
- Cấu trúc: S1 + asked/ wondered/ wanted to know + Wh-word + S2 + V (lùi thì).
he asked me, “What are you doing now?”
=> She asked me what I was doing then.
- Nhớ rằng các đại từ, tính từ sở hữu, thì của động từ, cụm từ chỉ thời gian và địa điểm thay
đổi trong câu hỏi được tường thuật như trong tường thuật câu trần thuật
I.Complete the reported speech (Yes/ no questions).
1. "May I ask you a few questions?"
- The woman asked John …………………..
2. "Have you done your project about space exploration?"
- The teacher asked me ……………….
3. "Will we be able to live on Mars in 2050?"
- Debbie asked her father …………………..
4. "Are you having a barbecue tonight?"
-I asked the Browns ………………
5. "Do you like sci-fi films that feature extraterrestrial life?"
-Jane asked Tom …………………….
6. "Did scientists find life on Mars many years ago?"
- Vai asked me …………………..
7. "Are aliens or UFOs real?"
- Many people wondered …………………
8. "Can we go to the National Museum tomorrow?"
- Sally asked her best friend …………………
9. "Do you know NASA has found two new planets?"
- Due asked Trang ……………………..
10. "Were you here yesterday?"
- She wanted to know …………………..
II. Complete the reported speech (Wh- questions).
1. "Where will we live in 20 years' time?"
-Jane asked me ………………….
2. "How was your trip to Toronto?"
- I asked Peter ………………………
3. "Why didn't Judy wait for fireballs last night?"
- Sue asked ………………………..
4. "How many planets are there in the solar system?"
- The teacher asked us……………………………
5. "How many days does it take to get to Mars from Earth?"
-Elliot wanted to know ………………………..
6. "What are you staring at?"
-I asked Sally …………………
7. "Who discovered the planet Neptune?"
-Joe asked his teacher ……………………..
8. "How long have you been living on the International Space Station?"
- He asked the astronaut ……………………………
9. "When will humans go to Venus?"
- The students wanted to know ……………………………
10. "Where are you going this summer holiday?"
- I asked Sally and And………………………..
II.Supply the correct verb form
1. She asked me whether I (buy) _______ ___ that car
2. She asked him where he (be) _________ from
3. They said that they (sell) _________ their house
4. I asked them if they (pass) _________ the final exam
5. I asked him if he (can) _________ help me
6. She said to me that she______________ (sell) that car the following day
7. He asked me where I (go) ______ __ the previous day
8. The teacher asked her why she (not do) _________ the test
9. I asked her if she (pass) _________ the final exam
10. They asked him if he (must) _________ go then

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