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1. There are at most seven curricula that simultaneously operate in the classroom when you teach.

When teaching, which of these do you give priority to?

a. Recommended curriculum
b. Written curriculum
c. Taught curriculum
d. A, B, and C
Why: Recommended curriculum is the curriculum recommended by DepEd, CHED, or TESDA. These
agencies oversee the and regulate Philippine education. Recommended curriculum is created in
accordance with professional organizations and international bodies.

2. How would you know if you have succeeded in your teaching?

a. If the learners are happy after class
b. If the learners have changed behavior
c. If you have covered the lesson to be taught
d. If you have followed the suggestions of your principal
Why: As students, learn and gain new knowledge. A change in attitude will be observed as a result of
gaining the knowledge. The learner is able to demonstrate the new acquired knowledge.

3. While you are taking courses in your bachelors’ degree, you realized that.
a. There are many things you learned in elementary or high school that are obsolete.
b. Textbooks are not the only source of learning.
c. Teachers cannot be taken out of the classroom and be replaced.
d. There are many things taught in school that are in conflict with what is learned at home.
Why: There are many sources of learning. Using textbooks is only 1 source of learning a student may use.
Learning may be achieved by using the internet, self-experience or experiences of others, other person
such as a teacher among others. Gaining knowledge is not limited to the sources of information available
to us.

4. The PISA examination results released in 2019 revealed that the Philippines is at the bottom of
other participating countries How would you explain the dismissal results?
a. The recommended curriculum was not followed
b. The supported curriculum is inadequate
c. The hidden curriculum had greater influence than the taught curriculum
d. A, B, and C
Why: The report of PISA was not without basis and somehow, I do agree with the report published.
During this time, it was reported that the respondents were of different social status, which affects the
availability of learning materials. The report also stated the learner’s mental health. Some were victims
of bullying and some stated that they are not happy with their school. These are all examples of the
hidden curriculum that affects a learner’s ability to gain comprehension.

5. As a curricularist, what is your major role in learner's learning outcome?

a. knower of the curriculum
b. writer of the curriculum
c. implementer of the curriculum
d. evaluator of the curriculum
Why: I believe that a teacher’s major role is to facilitate the learning process. Therefore, a teacher is the
implementer of the curriculum. As he/she leads the learners on activities provide/looks for suitable
learning materials for the learners.

6. What to you is curriculum?

a. Everything that is happening in outside the school that children learn
b. The contents of the textbooks required by the teacher
c. The results of the school achievement test
d. The subject matter taught by the teacher
Why: A curriculum is the heart of education. It does not only cover the different lesson’s that a student
must learn. It affects both student and teacher. For a teacher the curriculum acts as a guide on the
different lesson’s that a learner need. It also helps the teacher have an understanding on the different
learning materials available for the delivery of the lesson.

7. As a teacher, how would you approach a school curriculum?

a. As a body of knowledge
b. As a process of achieving the content
c. As a product of learning
d. All of the above
Why: As a teacher, I would approach curriculum as a process. Approaching a curriculum as a process is
able to link the content and materials available for learning. Curriculum as a process deals with the
interaction between a learner and the teacher. The process may deviate because there is no single or
best process or method. What matters is that the learners are able to acquire the necessary knowledge.

8. Which of the criteria in the selection of the contents in the curriculum what you are going to
teach should be your utmost priority? Arrange C, B, A, and D
a. Significance
b. Validity
c. Utility
d. Learnability
Why: In my opinion, relating a lesson to daily life and its usefulness in the future and validating the topics
would motivate the students to acquire the necessary knowledge. Stating the significance would help
students to think and on how to apply these knowledges. Learnability will be focused on what lesson or
learning a learner was able to acquire and what is needed after. Arranging the lessons based on its
complexity and difficulty would be determined by the teacher. However, this arrangement may not be
the best for a student.

9. In the four phases of curriculum development process, which would indicate that you have
a. Curriculum Planning
b. Curriculum Designing
c. Curriculum Implementing
d. Curriculum Evaluating
Why: Curriculum evaluating collects the necessary data needed to determine if we were able to achieve
the desired outcomes. This data will also determine the necessary alterations to improve the curriculum.

10. Of the three models of the curriculum process models (Tyler, Taba, Saylor) all followed a similar
pattern of planning, designing, implementing and evaluating. However, Taba begins with _____.
a. Establishing objectives
b. Determining the purpose of the school
c. Organization of experiences
d. Diagnosing learners needs
Why: On the model created by Hilda Taba, she begins by establishing the needs of the learners. By
providing a diagnostic test a teacher can determine the knowledge that the learners have. It also gives
teachers the opportunity to gauge the capabilities of their learners and on what topics they need to start
and reinforce topics that may be confusing for the learners.

11. Which of the following questions does NOT refer to the philosophical foundations of curriculum?
a. What are schools for?
b. What subjects are important?
c. How should students learn?
d. Is the curriculum influenced during the time of William Kilpatrick?
Why: Philosophy is the fundamental nature of knowledge. Philosophical foundations ask about the roles
of each factor of education and how they work together. A teacher aligns his/her philosophy as time

12. Who among the prominent personalities does NOT belong to the group?
a. Ralph Tyler
b. Hilda Taba
c. Peter Oliva
d. Edward Thorndike
Why: Edward Thorndike was associated with psychological foundations under behaviorism. While Ralph
Tyler, Hilda Taba, and Peter Oliva are associated with the historical foundations and curriculum

13. All these persons contributed to the foundations in curriculum development, but one does NOT
belong to the group. Who does NOT belong?
a. Jean Piaget
b. Lev Vygotsky
c. Howard Gardner
d. William Kilpatrick
Why: William Kilpatrick is associated with the historical foundations and curriculum development. While
Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and Howard Gardner are associated with the psychological foundation under
cognitive processing.
14. School curricula are anchored on (a) philosophy (b) history (c) psychology and (d) sociology. As a
teacher, which of the four foundations do you consider as important if you are after the
development of the learners?
a. Philosophical Foundation
b. Historical Foundation
c. Psychological Foundation
d. Sociological Foundation
Why: All foundations of curriculum are important. We may choose to apply one foundation over the
other for different subject matter. In my opinion, the psychological foundation plays an important role
for the development of learners as it tackles not only the subject matter but also tackles attitudes and
behavior of the learners.

15. As a future classroom teacher, what do you consider as your most important role as a
a. Knower of curriculum
b. Writer of curriculum
c. Planner of curriculum
d. A, B, and C
Why: As a teacher, in my opinion it is important to plan the curriculum well. As the saying goes, a well-
planned curriculum is half-the-work-done. A curriculum guides a teacher on the things needed in the
classroom. It also helps in determining the lessons and how we deliver a lesson. Being a planner of a
curriculum, we prepare we make countermeasures to ensure that we deliver lessons efficiently and that
would affect the lives of our learners.

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