Tilenga - Tas-Wsc Res Kampala

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PRICE CONDITIONS RESIDENT ‐ UGANDA Normal services days on location (5 working days per week).

Work & charge for WE & public holidays solely with written Company approval
Location: KAMPALA ‐ UGANDA for an estimated period of 12 months
FAMILY STATUS / ANNUAL LEAVE: Civil single = 2 round‐trip tickets for unmarried Designee during a complete year (220 days of work).

Geographic single (only if the dependent family remains at point of origin of Designee) = 5 round‐trip tickets for Designee in “geographic single” status during a complete year (220 days of work).

Resident with accompanying family members

1 round‐trip ticket for Designee and the accomanying family member(s)

Airfare allowances as detailed below.

Amount in USD
(unless specified otherwise)

Work Permit recommendation from Petroleum Authority of Uganda

Visa Contractor Company: reimbursed at cost shall be requested by COMPANY
Supporting documentation provided by Contractor

Supporting documentation required

Work permits Contractor Company: reimbursed at cost
Including accompanying family member(s) when applicable

50% of daily rate per travel day (with max of 1 day travel time for mob
Payment of SERVICE during travel Company Contractor: Included in Daily Rate
+ 1 day travel for demob)

Mobilisation / Demobilisation
and all travel related expenses for DESIGNEE and accompanying
Airfares for DESIGNEE and accompanying family
Contractor Company: reimbursed at cost family member(s) only, at initial mobilization and final demobilization
members if applicable
on the basis of a fully flexible Economy class return ticket as
applicable from point of origin
Mobilisation/ Demobilisation
Incidental travel expenses for DESIGNEE and
Contractor - Included above
accompanying family members if applicable

Personal effects shipment & insurance for DESIGNEE Weight limits below
Contractor Company: reimbursed at cost
and accompanying family members if applicable Tarifs limits subject to adjustment

50% of daily rate per travel day (with max of 1 day travel time for mob
Payment of SERVICE during travel Company Contractor: Included in Daily Rate
+ 1 day travel for demob)

Adult Childred < 12 years

Reimbursed at Cost to a maximum of the sums indicated.
Paris 3250 2540
Pau 3750 3800 COMPANY reserves the right to modify the allowances at its
Airfares for DESIGNEE and accompanying family UK 3500 2650 convenience.
Leave travel expenses Contractor Company: reimbursed at cost Other Europe 3250 2540
members if applicable Latin America 6000 4500
Austral Asia 6000 4500 Contractor shall invoice and provide supporting documentation of
West Africa 1400 1050 travel taking place: copy of boarding pass for Designee and
accompanying family members (if applicable).

Incidental travel expenses for DESIGNEE and

Contractor - Included above airfare allowance
accompanying family members if applicable

Monthly lump sum net allowance, excluding VAT and applicable taxes, reimbursed
COMPANY reserves the rights to adjust the monthly lump sum
by COMPANY with supporting documentation:
Single : 3,000 USD
Accommodation at SERVICE Location, including all
Accommodation Contractor Company: Monthly Allowance Resident couple: 3,600 USD
related costs (insurance, utilities consumption etc.) CONTRACTOR shall find and assign suitable furnished apartments for
Couple + 1 child: 3,850 USD
DESIGNEEs in Kololo, Nakasero and Naguru and invoice the amount
Couple + 2 children: 4,200 USD
taking into account taxes.
Couple + 3 children: 4,700 USD

Hotel until residence availability and limited to 3 weeks (mobilization)

At mobilisation / demobilisation Company Company: direct payment and 1 week (demobilization). Hotel reimbursed by COMPANY within
the limits of COMPANY rules.

Onshore & Offshore sites Company Company: direct payment -

Offices Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

CONTRACTOR shall lease and assign a vehicle to his DESIGNEE

Monthly lump sum gross allowance
At SERVICE Location Contractor Company: Monthly Allowance
2,100 USD, excluding VAT COMPANY reserves the rights to adjust the monthly lump sum

COMPANY reserves the rights to adjust the monthly lump sum

Monthly lump sum gross allowance allowance. Allowance to include basic salary (8h/d working - 6d/wk),
Ground transportation Driver Contractor Company: Monthly Allowance
3M UGX, excluding VAT fixed overtime (4h/d - 6d/wk), lunch allowance, transport allowance,
NSSF, PAYE, medical insurance,

Airport from/to SERVICE location Contractor - Included in Incidental travel expenses -

Mobile telephone equipment provision Monthly lump sum allowance COMPANY Mobile phone and plan provided by COMPANY according
Mobile telephone Contractor Company: Monthly Allowance
Mobile telephone calls expenses 150 USD, excluding VAT to operational requirements

Registration fees Contractor Company: reimbursed at cost

Education fees Contractor Company: reimbursed at cost French School in Kampala: Ecole Française Les Grands Lacs for French
Education Registration and Fees shall be reimbursed at cost to a maximum limit
Local schooling expatriates
set by Company
Consumables charges (books…) Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate International school of Kampala for non-French expatriates

Extra-curricular activities Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate

Medical Fitness Certificate (including annual renewals) Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

Day to day local medical support Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

Only in case of mission to Buliisa Site : cost shall be Back charged to

Medical First Aid on worksite Company Company: direct payment

Only in case of mission to Buliisa Site : cost shall be Back charged to

MEDEVAC: From worksite to medical facilities Company N/A

MEDEVAC: From country of Service execution Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

All Training Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate


Personnel Protection Safetywear Company Company Included in Daily Rate

DESIGNEE's disease, injury or death Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

DESIGNEE's property & personal effects Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

Insurances DESIGNEE's Medical Insurance Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

MEDEVAC Insurance N/A Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

CONTRACTOR’s third party liability Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

Corporate tax Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

Customs/import duties on personal effects Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

Clearance services for personal effects Contractor Company: reimbursed at cost Contractor to submit supporting documentation

Taxes & Leviers

PRICE CONDITIONS RESIDENT ‐ UGANDA Normal services days on location (5 working days per week).
Work & charge for WE & public holidays solely with written Company approval
Location: KAMPALA ‐ UGANDA for an estimated period of 12 months
FAMILY STATUS / ANNUAL LEAVE: Civil single = 2 round‐trip tickets for unmarried Designee during a complete year (220 days of work).

Geographic single (only if the dependent family remains at point of origin of Designee) = 5 round‐trip tickets for Designee in “geographic single” status during a complete year (220 days of work).

Resident with accompanying family members

1 round‐trip ticket for Designee and the accomanying family member(s)

Airfare allowances as detailed below.

Amount in USD
(unless specified otherwise)
Taxes & Leviers
DESIGNEE’s income tax declaration & liability at
Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate
SERVICE location
PAYE Tax certificate shall be submitted by Contractor as supporting
DESIGNEE’s income tax payment Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate

All local taxes and withholding taxes Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

100% of daily rate per travel day (with max of 1 day travel time
Payment of Service during travel Company Contractor: Included in Daily Rate
outward + 1 day travel for return)

Company reserves the right, in exceptional circumstances, to manage

the travel of CONTRACTOR personnel.

Airfares Contractor Company: reimbursed at cost ≥ 4 hours flight time: business class airfare
< 4 hours flight time: economy class airfare
When mission travel booked by Contractor, itinerary to be approved by
Company Representative

Business trips expenses Incidental travel expenses Contractor Company: reimbursed at cost

Local transportation Contractor Company: reimbursed at cost

Hotel accommodation per night, breakfast and taxes included:
Euro zone 150 EUR
Accommodation Company Company: reimbursed at cost United Kingdom 150 EUR Company reserves the right the request that Contractor provide this
Other countries 150 EUR Service : Reimbursed at cost to a maximum of limits set by Company
(unless derogation granted)
Catering per meal, including taxes, excluding breakfast:
Euro zone 35 EUR
Meals Contractor Company: reimbursed at cost United Kingdom 35 EUR
Other countries 35 EUR
(unless derogation granted)
Insurances Contractor Contractor: Included in Daily Rate Included in Daily Rate

Jean-Yves POULET
for TOTAL E&P UGANDA Jacqueline ROMANI URASA Tilenga IPG Director
Tilenga Project Services Leader

Signé numériquement par : Jean-
Yves POULET J0371955
Nom DN : CN = Jean-Yves POULET
Signé numériquement par : Jacqueline ROMANI-
URASA J0230238 J0371955 C = FR O = TOTAL OU =
URASA J0230238 J0230238 C = FR O = TOTAL OU = TOTAL
Date : 2023.01.27 09:59:18 +03'00'
Date : 2023.01.26 17:06:12 +01'00'

Assignment status Single Accompanied (spouse/civil union partner) Supplement per child living at the assignment location with Designee
Personal effects shipment
Notes with no children
Departure location Net max weight limit 300 kg 450 kg 80 kg

Europe Reimbursable Amount : Limit in Euro 2450 3559 1372

Reimbursement shall be made against actual documented cost up to the limits specified below.
The specified amounts are fully inclusive of packing, handling, freight, insurance, clearance, delivery and unpacking costs. Export/Import duties shall be to CONTRACTOR's account and are not reimbursed
At demobilization The weight limits and reimbursable amount specified for mobilisation shall be uplifted to a maximum of 25%. Reimbursement shall be made against actual documented cost up to the applicable weight limits derived from above The applicable amounts are fully inclusive of packing, handling, freight,
insurance, clearance, delivery and unpacking costs. Export/Import duties shall be to CONTRACTOR's account and are not reimbursed.

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