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1. Primary relationships are characterised in one of the following ways.

A. Display of goals. B. Major concern centres upon specific

functions fulfilled.

C. Involvement of the total self. D. Relationship itself is not regarded as

2. Human and animal societies differ in one characteristic.
A. Shared beliefs. B. Population and common territory.

C. Division of labour D. Persistence in time.

3. Conflict is most likely to arise as a result of
A. prejudice B. clash of interests

C. hatred D. radicalism
4. One of the following is not a baisc institution.
A. Education B. Family

C. Religion D. War
5. The population of the world is expected to double in
A. 25 years B. 35 years

C. 45 years D. 65 years
6. The pattern of pressure which a society exerts to maintain order and establish rules is known
as its system of
A. social approval B. group

C. public opinion D. social control

7. When one part of the culture develops more rapidly than other parts, the following
description is made
A. accommodation B. cultural lag

C. cultural accumulation D. revolution

8. The concept anomie, together with the concept that it is a trait conspicuous of town life was
originated by
A. Durkheim B. Reisman

C. Tonnes D. Comte
9. Criminal behaviour is learnt primarily
by same process as non-crimina l
A. in large groups. B.

C. by a definite criminal process. D. none of above.

10. "The Sociology of Religion" was written by
A. Cuber B. Reisman

C. Max Weber D. None of these

11. Inference means

A. argument B. logic

C. theorem D. finding

12. Anomie is
A. a type of deliquency B. a serious offence

C. a value clash behaviour D. a self-indulgence

13. Social stratification describes

A. correlation of man to society. B. status and roles in group.

C. role of individuals in society. D. division of work.

14. Cultural lag is a state in a society when
A. value clash to change B. the society stagnates

C. a culture fails
15. Variance is
A. census B. motivating voters

C. population D. trends of people

16. Demography is the social science of

A. a person B. type of attitude

C. mid of the way D. average

17. Diffusion is a stage of
A. confusion B. integration

C. losing identity D. mental disturbance

18. Resocialisation is
A. social get-together B. group assimilation

C. adjusting offender to family D. victim offender relation

19. Variance is a
A. finding of things B. variety of things

C. negation of facts D. justified difference

20. Contemporary Sociological Theories" was written by
A. Ogburn and Nimkoff B. Cuber

C. Pitirm Sorokin D. Merton

21. The book "Anthropology" was written by
A. Cuber B. Ogburn and Nimkoff

C. Hoebel D. Robert and Merton

22. Indigenous medical care means
A. cure by home medicine B. by swallowing herbs

C. treatment by hakeem D. medical care by local medication

23. Scientific social construction means
A. establishing a scientific society. B. by a local welfare body.

C. master degree science expert. D. push-in drugs for earning booty.

24. Drug dependence means
A. earning by selling drugs. B. family livelihood drug manufacture.

C. depend on drugs as addict. D. push-in drugs for earning booty.

25. Sociology is the
A. objective study of human interaction. B. science of human mind.

C. study of ethnic groups D. analysis of human nature.

26. Devolution means
A. accelerated revolution. B. purging the revolutionaries.

socio-economic confusion with

C. the antonym of revolution. D.
poliitical upheaval.
27. Etiology of deviance means
study of causes of violation of offic ia l
A. B. crime data.

C. correcting deviant minds. D. court findings to punish the accused.

28. Basic sociological study of Emilie Durkhiem was
A. about social changes B. about cultural lag

C. about disorganisation D. about causes of suicide

29. Norco traffic means
A. traffic controlled by narcotics B. pushing drugs

C. addiction D. purchase of marijuana

30. Detoxification includes
A. abouse of toxics B. rehabilitation of drugs
C. meney laundering from drug proceeds D. clearance of toxic refuse

31. Urbanisation means

A. population increase. B. population shift from rural to urban.

C. resident of suburbs. D. unequal opportunity for employment.

32. Diffusion is
the spread of culture traits from group to cultural differences within a common
A. B.
group. society.

the time lag between social and cultural

C. D. limiting opportunity or reward.

33. Fatalism means

A. loose kinship ties B. absence of child

belonging to fate, ill fortune to a

C. D. materialistic values.
particular individual.
34. Juvenile delinquency means
A. a professional criminal B. armed robbery

young offender must be of age usually

C. D. murder or aggravated assault.
18 years.
35. Homo sapiens means
the species of modern humans that first
A. an early hominid that was erected. B.
appeared in the middle Pleistocene.

mental image that embodies cmmon

C. D. common man.
36. Gesellschaft is used by
A. P. A. Sprokin B. Emile Durkheim

C. Ferdinand Tonnies D. Max Weber

37. Folkways means
behaviour that departs unvarying degree
A. centring on beliefs and practices. B.
of conduct.

ordinary modes of behaviour governed

C. D. a criterion for role performance
by norms.
38. Universalism is
B. The criterion for role performance
A. The covariance of measure of two leading us to behave in accordance with
variables. certain standards.

C. D.
Confronting evidence to test the nature The quality of being divinely favoured
of reality. with extraordinary capacities.
39. Caste system is

A tendancy to feel and act in a certain B. A stratified social system in which

way. social position is entirely determined by
Parentage, with no provision for change
of position.

C. mutual cultural traits D. a gathering of people

40. Mores means

A. strong ideas of right and wrong which B. an inborn behaviour.

requires certain actions and forbid

C. a new culture traits. D. intended effect of an institution.

41. The term "Anomie Suicide" is used by
A. Max Weber B. August Comte

C. Emile Durkheim D. Herbert Spencer

42. Crowd means
aspect of personality that confers
A. B. a social category of people.

a group of people who performs certain a temporary collection of persons react

C. D.
duties. in spontaneous interaction.

43. Invention means

A. process of utilising knowledge. B. some unknown facts.

C. a new utilisation of existing knowledge. D. ways of classifying things.

44. Participant observation means

A. unity of a human group. B. integration and interaction.

an observer seeks insight by taking part

C. D. a set of action.
himself in whatever he is studying.
45. Role performance indicates
overt action that occurs in a situatio n
A. irregular behaviour. B.
governed by normative regulation.

C. awareness of common characteristics. D. interconnected activities.

46. Rumour means
A. correct statements. B. prescribed behaviour of people.

statements, assertions and speculatio ns

C. circulate among people in response to D. specific behaviour and attitude.
unstructured situation.
47. Social mobility means
A. specific conduct of behaviour of people. B. formal attitude of people.

the movement of people between

C. positions that are on different social D. modification of relationship.
48. Values means
conception of what a person, group or
A. specific behaviour of people. B. society considers desirable from, sets of

C. acquisition of social skills. D. orderly change in socialisation process.

49. Variables means

A. a set of scientific generalisation. B. a network of social positions.

any dimension of a social relations hip

C. D. selected means of achieving goals.
that can take on differing values.
50. Status means
A. abstract concept of unity. B. the give and take between two persons.

a position, where a person stands in the

C. the development of relationship. D.
group structure.
51. The deliberate, systematic killing of entire people or nation is called
A. genocide B. atrocity

C. massacre
52. Social problem means
A. state of affairs B. moral approach to problem

C. personal problem
53. A pattern of behaviour that constitutes" is called
A. social problem B. economic problem

C. political problem
54. "Threat to society" is definition of
A. economic problem B. cultural problem
C. social problem
55. Which of the following is characteristic of social problem?
A. It affects on a large section of a society. B. Always creates frustrations.

C. None of above.
56. Which of the following is not characteristic of social problem?
Generally regarded harmful for the It has effect on a large section of a
A. B.
society. society.

C. Develops gradually and slowly.

57. Which of the following is not general attitude towards social problems?
A. Indifference B. Fatalism

C. Scepticism D. None of these

58. Which of the following is not source of social problem?
A. Social change B. Poverty

C. Personal development
59. Which of the following is not source of social problem?
A. Industrial development B. Cultural gap

C. Progress of country
60. Point out which one of the following is not source of social problem.
A. Complexity of life B. Social conflict

C. Religion
61. Which one of the following is not source of social problem?
A. Social disintegration B. Orthodox approach

C. Rural urban migration D. None of these

62. In mid-1986, Pakistan's population is estimated at
A. 97.68 million B. 97.67 million

C. 97.65 million
63. Population is growing at the natural rate of
A. 3.20% per year B. 3.40% per year

C. 3.50% per year

64. In Pakistan, population resides in urban areas
A. 38% B. 28%

C. 48%
65.According to the 1981 census, a total number of persons had migrated within the country
A. 5.95 million B. 5.15 million

C. 5.92 million
In Pakistan, population belongs to working age group is
A. 59% B. 35%

C. 52%

66. Human population can

exist both apart from socio-cultura l
A. exist apart from cultural interaction. B.

not exist apart from socio-cultura l

67. Decrease in population of a society
A. is always a welcome B. can create crisis at some stages.

C. is never a welcome.

68. Socially it may be said that procreation is

A. a biological factor. B. socially motivated factor.

C. None of above.
69. Modern societies allow the young couple to
A. fully use their reproductivity. B. partially use their reproductive capacity.

C. None of above.
70. Process of controlling production in many cases is
A. conscious process B. social compulsion

C. unconscious process
71. Which of the following is not unconscious control on reproduction?
A. Taboos on social intercourse. B. Taboos against adultery.

Taboos against meeting of husband and

72. Which of the following is not covered under the category of conscious control on fertility?
A. Fixing minimum marriage age. B. Encouraging widow re-marriage.

C. None of above.
73. Which of the following is not covered under the category of conscious control of fertility?
A. Insistence on polygamy B. Limiting on family size
C. None of these
74. Which of the following is not covered under the category of conscious controls?
A. Infanticide B. Use of contraceptives

C. Taboos against fornication

75. Point out the factor which is not unconscious encouragement of fertility?
A. Rebate on income tax. B. Marriage of couples at mature age.

C. None of above.
76. Which of the following is not important from reproduction viewpoint?
A. Creation of property B. Old age security

C. Production of goods
77. Which of the following is not an encouragement of fertility?
A. Approval of non-marriage B. Sterility

C. Impotency
78. Which of the following is not an encouragement of fertility?
A. Miscarriage B. Abortion

C. Legal prohibition on the use of

79. So far as society is concerned it
A. sometimes causes deaths B. encourages death

C. None of these
80. Which of the following is not a practice for killing an individual by the society?
A. Leaving the orphans to destitute homes. B. Leaving the infirms to their care.

C. None of above.
81. Which one of the following is not a practice for killing an individual by the society?
A. Capital punishment B. Shooting of the people by dacoits

C. None of above.
82. One of the following was an approved practice of the society for killing an individual.
A. Sati system. B. Suicide as frustration in love.

C. Suicide as failure in the examination.

83. Important cause of death in society is
A. individualistic suicide only B. situationalised suicide

C. both a and b

84. In primitive societies oracles were consulted to treat a person

A. on prolonged illness. B. of a disease attributed witchcraft.

C. undergoing pains.
85. The practice of religio-medical has
A. completely come to an end. B. existed in one form or the other.

C. None of above.
86. When harmful effects of folkways are socially pointed out people
A. strongly define it B. gradually drop those

C. None of these
87. Which of the following is not an important cause of migration of the people from one
society to other?

A. Cost of travel to the new country. B. Form of government in the home


C. None of above.
88. Which of the following is important cause of migration of the people from one society to
Better chances of employment in the
A. B. Cultural unity of the receiving country.

C. Political unity of both the countries.

89. Which one of the following is not a major consideration for the migration of people from
one country to the other?
A. Economic policy B. Physical conditions

C. Extent of available labour

90. Who of the following usually migrate in less numbers?
A. Young females with families. B. Young with unmarried families.

C. None of above.
91. According to Gist and Clark studies,
intelligent migrate in less numbers than intelligent migrate in more numbers than
A. B.
the others. the others

C. None of above
92. Unchecked migration is unwelcome, which one of the following is not an important cause
for it?
A. It causes economic depression. B. It increases poverty.

C. It results in religious disharmony.

93. Nationalism and population

A. have nothing to do with each other. B. are closely linked with each other.

C. None of above.
94. Main reason for less population in Africa is
A. less technological advancement. B. form of government.

C. None of above.
95. The continent which is gradually increasing in population is
A. Africa B. Europe

C. Asia
96. Density of population is very much related to
A. climate B. political system

C. environmental study
97. Which of the following does not very much influence the density of population?
A. Rainfall B. Humidity

C. Soil fertility
98. Which of the following is important cause of increase in world's population?
A. Society has controlled fertility. B. Society has controlled death rate

C. None of above.
99. Social benefit of population statistics is that

A. we come to know about child morality. B. we gather information about


C. both of these.
100. Which of the following is not a social benefit of population statistics?
A. We can formulate new labour laws. B. We can formulate new social amenities.

C. None of above.
101. Which of the following is social benefit of population statistics?

A. We gather information about density of B. We come to know about the numbers of

population. voters.
C. None of these
102. The theory of social capillarity about population was expounded by
A. Arisene Dumont B. P. V. Young

C. Karl Marx
103. "What gravity is to physical world, social capillarity is to the social order", is said by
A. Spencer B. Max Weber

C. A. Dumont
104. According to theory of capillarity, movement from one class to the other was due to
A. decline in birth rate B. decline in death rate

C. urbanisation trends
105. According to Dumont, social capillarity is more effective in a country where moveme nt
from class to class
A. is very strong. B. is weak and hindrances are very few.

C. is very weak.

106. According to Dumont theory, in a rigid society there was tendency for
A. birth rate to decline. B. no tendency for birth ration to decline.

C. None of above.
107. According to theory of social capillarity, people in the cities produce less children because
A. they have desire to go up. B. they are social cleavages

C. they have social values.

108. "On the whole this statement of relation between individualisation and genesis seems a
decided improvement over Spencer's", is said by
A. Ginni B. P. V. Young

C. Lewis and Thompson

109. Whose name is associated with the theory of voluntarism?
A. A. Dumont B. Ginni

C. Frank Fetter
110. According to the theory of voluntarism, the rich produce less children because
they wish to enjoy the benefits of
A. they have low fertility. B.

C. None of above.
111. According to theory of voluntarism, the poor in every society have more children because
A. they spend less on their bringing up. B. they live in a joint family.
C. None of above.
112. While discussing population increase Henry George believed that fecundity
will increase with intellec tua l will decrease with intellec tua l
A. B.
development. development.

C. neither increase nor decrease.

113. "Population and social system" is the work of
A. F. S. Nitti B. P. V. Young

C. Carr Sounders
114. Who of the following believed that increase in population in many causes helped in the
progress and growth of human society and civilisation?
A. A Dumont B. Karl Marx

C. F. S. Nitti D. P. V. Young
115. Which of the following is not common between a demographer and social demographer?
A. Both collect data. B. Both lay stress on quality.

C. None of above.
116. Which of the following is not an aspect one which social demographer will not lay stress?
A. On quality alone. B. On accuracy.

C. On quantity alone.

117. Which of the following is not common between a demographer and social demographer?

A. Both deal with human and anima l B. Both help the policy-makers.

C. None of above.

118. Which of the following does not fall within the purview of social demographer?

A. To collect information about source of B. To collect information about populatio n

water supply. growth rate.

C. None of above.
119. What of the following does not fall within the preview of social demographer?

A. To collect data about infant. B. To provide information about forms of


To provide feedback for social policy

120. Prostitution can define as

A. meeting of one man and woman. B. Woman who exchanges sexual favours
for tangible gain.

C. None of these
121. Families in which there is only one parent present to care the children is called
A. parent families B. single parent families

C. None of these
122. A child's ability to understand the attitude, viewpoints and expectations of society as a
whole is called
A. generalised others B. understand

C. wit
123. Pleasurable mass involvements in some particular taste of lifestyle that have a line of
historical continuity is called
A. fashion B. custom

C. tradition

124. An indicator of people's attitudes or behaviour is called

A. preface B. index

C. context
“Wish You Best Of Luck, For Your Fruitful Journey”

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