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PV Sim – SOP

I. Purpose
The PV SIM model gives us the solar generation of a PV system.
II. Scope
In a PV SIM model it is easy to design a system and enter variables which helps us to
know the long term power generation of a PV system. It determines the amount of solar
power generation from a desired PV system. The electrical losses and solar access % to
the PV system are used to calculate the PV generation of the system.
III. Definitions/Abbreviations
Yeild- Total AC energy calculated in the simulation interval divided by system nameplate
Performance ratio- Total AC energy calculated in the simulation interval divided by
product of system nameplate rating and total in-plane insolation calculated in
simulation interval.
Capacity factor- Total AC energy calculated in the simulation interval divided by the
product of system AC rating and total hours in simulation interval.
IV. Inputs
Site location, System design parameters, Losses.
V. Outputs
Solar generation.
1. Enter Address from Array Layout
2. Add Layout
3. Enter System Details
 Product type from Array Layout
 Tilt type from Array Layout
 Module manufacturer
 Module name from Array Layout
 System Azimuth from Array Layout (If not mentioned by client, calculate and enter)
 Roof Pitch from Survey Drawing
 Roof Height from Array Layout
4. Enter Inverter Details
 Select specific Inverter Model
 Inverter manufacturer from Array Layout
 Inverter type from Array Layout
5. Check DC and AC power as per PV Sim tool system tab and Array Layout
6. Enter Losses
 Soiling rate multiplier from PV Sim Excessive Soiling Guideline
- Specify location type
- Last cleaned dates (16th July & 5th September)
Note- Apply a fixed loss % of 0.25% if project is in Illinois State.
 Enter shading loss % as obtained from Aurora Shading Report
Shading Loss % = (100 – solar access from Aurora Shading Report + 1)
 Enter DC electrical loss from Electrical losses page
 Enter AC electrical loss from Electrical losses page and 1L drawing
7. Simulate
8. Load output report and check parameters
 AC & DC system size
 AC & DC Losses
 Roof Pitch
 Tilt angle
 Azimuth
 Module Details
 Total no of modules
9. Save configuration shared key

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