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Marma Therapy-An ancient Technique (Sushrut Sanhita)

I have learnt the technique of Marma Therapy under the able guidance of well renowned Vaidya
Dr Lokesh Kumar Raturi, an expert in Nadi Pariksha and Marma Chikitsa having 30 years of
experience. It was a 6 days full day program from 22 nd to 27th November 2023 at 12, Vigyan Lok,

About Marma-----In our body there are 107 vital points which are important for our well being.
The energy passes through these channels. A free flow of energy results in the well being and any
obstruction in the passage of these channels results in manifestation of certain diseases. Through
the technique of Marma, these passages are opened up or activated which results in the free flow
of energy. Through the natural healing capacity present in our body, it heals itself. A gentle
touchand attention on different parts of the body is sufficient to activate the blocked energy
channels. It is a non invasive, powerful and a highly effective technique.

Requirements---- A bed, sheet, navel marker, palm measurement

Steps: Chants---Dhanvantari Mantra

Om Namami Dhanvantarim Adidevam

Sura Surair vandit Padapadmamam

Loke jararuk bhay mrityunasham

Dhata Ramisham vividhaushadhinaam

Guru Ahwahan

Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu

Gurur devo maheshwarah

Gurur sakshaat parambrahma,

Tasmai shree guruvenamah

Jai Gurudev!

Part 1- Gentle shoulder hold after the chants

0- Cradle with neck release

1- First polarity point around the ear
2- Second polarity point-occiput and frontal
3- Gently straighten right hand,take out and skull pressb
4- Butterfly
5- Shoulder press
6- Janu ----Aura cleaning thrice
7- Gulpha-----Aura cleaning once
8- A. Nabhi hold with right hand on the back and left above the navel
B. Chest hold with right hand on the back of the chest and the left above
9. A. Left Shoulder press and right hip rock

B. Right shoulder press and left hip rock

10. Hand on forehead and cup rotations on navel

11. Vayu Mudra with right hand on shiv randhra and left on forehead

Part 2
Rotations on--
Vishnu randhra
Shiv randhra
Brahma randhra
Devi randhra

Part 3
Bhru lift
Apanga-4-8 position
Eye ball rotation

Part 4

Part 5
Manya dhamani
Kshira manya
Kantha mula
Urdhwa granthi
Kantha granthi

Part 6
Solar plexus

3 times aura cleaning

Pray and bless
7 times wash hands from elbow or may take shower

My experiences with Marma---So far I have given 25 Marma therapy to different kinds and age
groups of persons. Though the same technique was applied on everyone, Each body had a very
different experience. On the day we were being told to start applying it on people i.e. on 27 th
November, we started giving Marmas in a camp oraganised at Vigyan Lok and afterwards gave it
to the family members, friends and relatives.

1. Sanjeev Pradhan— He was quite relaxed and slept during the process. As he himself was a
Marma Therapist was the one most experienced amongst us, he guided me and corrected
me with certain different positions.
2. Sachin ji—It was a very beautiful experience. He had already took the therapy with
someone else and wanted to go for another session. I was also excited as he was an
outsider so was curious to know his experience. He felt completely relaxed, and during the
therapy only, tears rolled down his eyes. He became very emotional. After the therapy
was complete, he kept laying down for a while and later he told me that I have a motherly
touch. It was overwhelming.
3. Usha Rani--- It was her 2nd Marma on the same day. I saw she was very restless during her
first session with someone as she had severe pain in her legs. I offered to give her a
session to which she happily agreed. This time she felt very relaxed, also slept during the
therapy and felt much lighter after the session. I gave her another therapy when we were
together at Kosi Ashram for an advance course. She was my room partner and was feeling
very tired one day. She pointed me to give her marma. She felt very relaxed after that and
gave me many blessings after opening of the silence. On yet another occasion, when she
was very sick because of fever and bad throat condition, I gave her Marma twice. She felt
quite relieved after that.
4. Lady with Pooja—She slept quickly soon after I started the therapy. To my amazement
tears started coming from my eyes for no reason while that lady was enjoying her sleep.
She kept sleeping for quite some time after the therapy was over.
5. Pratham Arya ---- My first experiment was on my 22 year old son. According to him, it was
irrelevant and inconsequential. Though I was discouraged, I knew it worked on him as he
slept during the therapy which itself shows it was relaxing.
6. Yuvan Arya—My second experience was with my 16 year old young son. It had not
affected him much but he felt relaxed. On yet another occasion, he was quite impatient.
Though I could feel good pulses, he said he didn’t feel anything.
7. Smt Sudesh Khattar—My friend’s mother who had come from Bangalore aged 72 was
here with her for a few days. I gave her 4 marma sessions. Her experience was magical.
On the first day she felt little relaxed though she remained quite alert during the whole
process. On the second day she felt very tired on the contrary. On the third day she felt
very light and the magical part was that her arm which she couldn’t lift much was moving
freely now. She felt very elated on this new discovery. I also got very excited. On the
fourth day, she fell asleep during the process. As I was in a hurry as had to rush into the
kitchen, I instructed my friend to give her water and light food when she wakes up and
came back to my home. In about 20 minutes, my friend came rushing to my house saying
that her mother is crying non stop. I realized that her stuck emotions or unwanted
impressions have melted and are uprooting. I assured my friend and went to meet her
mother after some time. By that time she was settled but was very quite. I assured her and
instructed her to take light food and sleep. Next day she was quite well.
8. Ruchika Dhingra—I went to meet my friend and because of shortage of time, I gave her
Marma only till head points. After the therapy, she told me that she is feeling energetic.
Next day she told me that she was feeling energetic but was getting angry on everyone. It
may be because her Marma was not complete. Next day I went to give her complete
Marma. She went on vibration mode. Felt noticeable vibrations all over her body and was
very happy and relaxed after the therapy. One day I was feeling little low on energy so
instead of giving marma thought of meeting her and get a feedback on her and her
mother’s well being and feedbacks of previously given sessions.. She was in severe back
pain that day. Seeing her condition, I prayed to Gurudev, sat with my eyes closed for a
while and gathered energy to give her another therapy. She was quite relaxed after the
9. Sunil---My husband was very tired as he had come back from Bangalore tour. After I gave
her therapy, he felt very energetic. He said he felt like a man in the air. In another session,
he slept and felt relaxed. I have given him atleast 6 sessions till now. Most of the times, he
remains alert but feel soothing and relaxed afterwards. On one occasion, he said he didn’t
feel anything but he said he was very relaxed within 15 minutes. Afterwards he told that
he was very disturbed earlier.
10. Harshita—Usha ji’s daughter in law was very low on energy as she had infection in
stomach. After the therapy, she felt very relaxed and thanked me.
11. Anupama Arora----One day I visited her unexpectedly in early morning hours to give her a
taste of the therapy. Though she couldn’t understand much but was quite relaxed after
the therapy. She had an issue with her gut.
12. Smt Sudesh Arya--My mother, I visited her especially for the purpose. She felt quite
relaxed after the therapy. On one more occasion, when I was giving her therapy, she was
trembling and couldn’t relax as it was a winter evening. Realised that the bed and room
should be cozy for the therapy otherwise there is every chance of distraction.
13. Sandhya Arya---Her nose was blocked. After the session, her nose got opened. She slept
between the process but couldn’t realise. After the session, she kept laying down
assuming that the therapy is still going on and was enjoying the feeling. She felt relaxed.
14. Neeraj Dhingra---He didn’t feel anything much but was quite relaxed. On yet another
occasion, I gave her the therapy after he fell ill and was low on energy. This time he felt
very energetic and relaxed.
15. Neera Arya—She has several issues including diabetes, knee joints issue and several
emotional issues. She felt relaxed after the therapy. I could give her only one session.
16. Manju Bhabhi – She is my neigbour. She is hyper active and has a restless mind and acidity
issues. She remained alert during the whole process but I could see she felt very relaxed
afterwards. Next day she told me that she had nausea and vomitings during the day and
now feeling empty. After the second session, she felt quite relaxed. She used to wait for
the time I would come and give her the therapy. I gave her 3 Marma sessions. She felt
very happy and relaxed.
17. Hansika—She is a young 21 years old girl. She is impatient by nature but that day she took
the therapy very patiently, was drowsy during the process and was quite relaxed after the
18. Udant- He had an ankle injury. I gave him full marma. Though he was diagnosed with
ligament injury but was quite relieved of the pain before going to the doctor.
In addition to these full marmas given, I have given several localized marmas for headache
and knee joints. All were very effective and gave relief immediately.

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