Upgrade From O13B GA To FP and Further CU

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Summary of Upgrade Steps from ServiceOn

Element Manager 13B GA to 13B FP and

Further CUx


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© Ericsson AB 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be

reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner.


The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due to
continued progress in methodology, design, and manufacturing. Ericsson shall
have no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use
of this document.

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All trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.
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1 General Information about This Guide 1

1.1 Assumptions 1
1.2 Typographic Conventions 2

2 General Tools Explanations 3

3 Prerequisites 5

4 Supported Upgrade Paths 7

5 General commands 9

6 Summary of Upgrade Steps from GA to FP/CUx 11

7 Upgrade Steps from GA to FP/CUx 13

7.1 Backup Old ServiceOn EM 13B Database 13
7.2 Stop Old ServiceOn EM 13B GA Application 13
7.3 Upgrade to ServiceOn 13B FP/CUx 13
7.4 Clean Job List and Data Obsolete Plug-Ins 19
7.5 Restart New ServiceOn EM 13B FP/CUx Application 20
7.6 Remove Old Ericsson_HA and Install New Ericsson HA 20
7.7 ServiceOn EM Web Client Upgrade 21

8 Rollback 23

Reference List 25

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Summary of Upgrade Steps from ServiceOn Element Manager 13B GA to 13B FP and Further CUx

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General Information about This Guide

1 General Information about This Guide

This document describes the procedures to upgrade ServiceOn Element

Manager (ServiceOn EM) 13B from General Availability (GA) release to
Feature Pack (FP) release and to further CU's (Correction Update). In the
following of this guide, the generic CU is referred as CUx, where "x" identifies
the CU number.

ServiceOn EM is a scalable solution able to manage data communication

equipment based on different technologies.

For a ServiceOn EM general introduction, for the main modules and delivery
packages see the corresponding sections of Reference [2].

For detailed configuration description of the recommended hardware platform,

refer to Ericsson Representative.

For detailed list of the required software to be installed and related versions,
refer to Reference [8] document.

For more details about ServiceOn EM architecture and configurations, DSP,

CSP, PMS terms and definitions, Dedicated and Co-Located PMS scenarios,
see the document introducing the ServiceOn EM installation guides (Reference
[2]) and the technical description (Reference [7]).

The upgrade path described in this document are

• from ServiceOn EM 13B GA to ServiceOn EM 13B FP

• from ServiceOn EM 13B GA to ServiceOn EM 13B CUx

Note: Only the upgrade from ServiceOn EM 13B GA is possible.

1.1 Assumptions
The following assumptions have been made as per the technical abilities of
the user:

• Basic computer knowledge and familiarity with the common technical terms.

• Basic understanding of Linux.

• Administrative knowledge about network management systems.

• Ability and authorization to work on the network devices being installed

and managed.

• Full knowledge of the complete final configuration to be set.

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Summary of Upgrade Steps from ServiceOn Element Manager 13B GA to 13B FP and Further CUx

1.2 Typographic Conventions

The typographic conventions are given in Reference [1].

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General Tools Explanations

2 General Tools Explanations

For a detailed description of mounting/unmounting the delivery media,

installing/removing the software with "rpm" and using "attila" utility to
start, stop, and perform other control operations on ServiceOn EM, refer to the
appropriate sections in Reference [2] guide.

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3 Prerequisites

Before starting the upgrade to ServiceOn EM 13B FP, the installed ServiceOn
Element Manager system must be into the 13B GA version. For ServiceOn EM
13B installation refer to Reference [2].

The upgrade from ServiceOn EM 13B GA to ServiceOn EM 13B FP and to
CUx is supported only where the platform and node role do not change. If an
upgrade requires platform or node role change, this upgrade is not supported.

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Supported Upgrade Paths

4 Supported Upgrade Paths

The upgrades apply to scenarios where the starting release is EM 13B GA and
the target release is EM 13B FP or CUx.

This procedures can be applied to High Availability scenarios too. The upgrade
procedures described in this document can be applied for all the configuration
scenarios (standalone and multiserver).

The upgrade procedure can be applied only within the same target platforms
and preserving the host role.

The order for the software removal must be the following: CSPs, DSP, PMS.
The order for software installation must be the following: PMS, DSP, CSPs.

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General commands

5 General commands

Table 1 Commands
Command Type Command
get rpm –qa | grep –i <component>
remove rpm –e <component_name>
install rpm –ivh <rpmname>

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Summary of Upgrade Steps from GA to FP/CUx

6 Summary of Upgrade Steps from GA to


This chapter describes the main steps of the upgrade. The source release
is referred as ServiceOn EM 13B GA and the target release is referred as
ServiceOn EM 13B FP or CUx.

Here following, the summary of the upgrade steps:

1. Backup old ServiceOn EM 13B Database (optional) (Section 7.1 on page


2. Stop old ServiceOn EM 13B GA Application (mandatory) (Section 7.2 on

page 13).

3. Execute the script to perform the upgrade to ServiceOn EM 13FP/CUx

(mandatory) (see Section 7.3 on page 13).

4. Clean Job List And Data Obsolete Plug-Ins (optional) (Section 7.4 on page

5. Restart new ServiceOn EM 13B FP/CUx application (mandatory) (Section

7.5 on page 20).

6. Remove old Ericsson_HA and Install New Ericsson HA (mandatory if

Ericsson HA package is present) (Section 7.6 on page 20)

7. If you were using the New GUI, manually upgrade it: uninstall the previous
version, install and start the new version (for the detail about uninstall, install
and start, see the relevant sections of Reference [3] or Reference [4]).

8. Depending on the Plug-ins installed, upgrade ServiceOn EM Web Client

(Section 7.7 on page 21).

Individual plug-ins may require additional steps such as a database restore.

Before starting the upgrade, determine the plug-in requirements and have the
appropriate EM Plug-in documentation available for reference.

All the steps must be run as root user, unless differently specified to be
logged in as a different user.

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Upgrade Steps from GA to FP/CUx

7 Upgrade Steps from GA to FP/CUx

This chapter provides the detailed steps for the upgrade from GA to FP/CUx.

7.1 Backup Old ServiceOn EM 13B Database

The ServiceOn EM database backup and PM Database backup are not strictly
required but they are recommended as a precautionary measure to be able to
restore the system if a fault occurs during the upgrade. For backup operations,
refer to the ServiceOn EM System Administration Guide Reference [10].

7.2 Stop Old ServiceOn EM 13B GA Application

The ServiceOn EM application is stopped using the "attila" utility, as
described in ServiceOn EM System Administration GuideReference [10]:

1. Log in as "attila".

2. Run the stop procedure.

Note: The procedure must be executed on each server in the following

mandatory order:

• CSPs (in case of multiserver configuration)


7.3 Upgrade to ServiceOn 13B FP/CUx

The upgrade to ServiceOn 13B FP/CUx is based on the script
setupEM-suse11-<version>.bin with the proper parameters to be used
on the servers involved in the upgrade, executing the following steps:

1. Copy 13B media file in <temporary_directory> (using "tar" file or

"ISO" image) and "unzip" it.

• By "tar":

"cp <tar file name> <temporary_directory>"[Return]

"cd <temporary_directory>"[Return]

"tar xvf <tar file name>"[Return]

"gunzip -r *"[Return]

• By "ISO":

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Summary of Upgrade Steps from ServiceOn Element Manager 13B GA to 13B FP and Further CUx

Mount from ISO image (see Reference [2])

"cp -r <iso mount point> <temporary_directory>"[Return]

"cd <temporary_directory>"[Return]

"gunzip -r *"[Return]

2. Only in case of Dedicated PMS scenario, execute on Dedicated PMS the

operations described as in Section 7.3.1 on page 16.

3. Login as "root" on the servers (on DSP and, in case of multiserver

configuration, on CSPs).

4. Start the wizard process, running the script setupEM-suse11-<version

>.bin, located in the<temporary_directory> (where the 13B media
copy has been previously "unzipped"), by the following command:

"perl setupEM-suse11-<version>.bin -c upgradeGA_FP_CU


where <version> indicates the script version

The process creates in the /tmp directory the setupEM_InputFile.txt

file where the proper parameters are set depending on the answer provided
to the next prompt:

Enter the path for main repository: <temporary_directory>

Where <temporary directory> is the same directory as you stated at

Step 1.

Then some warning messages are present, here following on output


Some files Not Found in /opt/13B-FP-EU04/IPBBNMS

Mosquito.rpm Not Found
COM-3PP.rpm Not Found
COM-3.5.2-1.rpm Not Found
COM-3.5.4-1.rpm Not Found
COM-3.5.5-1.rpm Not Found
COM-SRE-3.6.2-1.suse9.rpm Not Found
COM-SRE-4.1.1-1.suse10.rpm Not Found
COM-SRE-4.1.2-1.suse10.rpm Not Found
COM-SRE-4.2.1-1.suse10.rpm Not Found
COM-SRE-4.2.2-1.suse10.rpm Not Found
COM-SRE-5.1.1-1.suse11.rpm Not Found
COM-SRE-6.1.1-1.suse11.rpm Not Found
Java16.rpm Not Found

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Upgrade Steps from GA to FP/CUx

Java16_x64.rpm Not Found

Java17.rpm Not Found
Java17_x64.rpm Not Found
LiMa.rpm Not Found
MICO.rpm Not Found
MICO_Multithread.rpm Not Found
MICO2.rpm Not Found
MICO2_Multithread.rpm Not Found
MICO3.rpm Not Found
MICO3_Multithread.rpm Not Found
Utility.rpm Not Found
Watchdog.rpm Not Found
net-snmp- Not Found
ServiceOnEM-Ingres.rpm Not Found
BBA-EM.rpm Not Found
EOL_EMClient.rpm Not Found
EOX_EMClient.rpm Not Found
EOL_LCT.rpm Not Found
../EM_MW_plug-in/EMClient_MLEadapter.rpm Not Found
../EM_MW_plug-in/EMClient_LMT.rpm Not Found

These warnings does not affect the successful installation and you can
ignore them.

Note: The procedure must be executed on each server in the following

mandatory order:


• CSPs (in case of multiserver configuration)

Note: The script setupEM-suse11-<version>.bin performs the

installation/update of plug-in and/or interfaces already present in 13B
GA, eventual new ones must be manually installed.

Note: At the end of the script execution, all the Broadband Access Plug-ins
(EM-PEM, EM-EDJ, EM-EDK, EM-EDX Plug-ins), if provided, must be
always manually installed, even if already present in old release (13B
GA). Detailed instructions are out of the scope of this document. The
ServiceOn Element Manager 13 installation or upgrade
guides contain the installation procedure to be used for a generic EM
plug.in. Refer to the specific guides of each relevant Plug-In to verify if
a specific EM Plug-In dependent installation procedure is required.

Note: If you have Tellabs nodes (see Reference [16]) configured in 13B GA,
they must be always manually installed via "rpm".

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Note: ASTN-DD add-on "rpm" is not delivered in ServiceOn Element Manager

13B GA, but it is delivered in ServiceOn Element Manager 13B
FP/CUx. Then if you need the ASTN-DD add-on, it must be manually
installed via "rpm" (for the add-ons installation instruction see the
relevant section of Reference [3] or Reference [4]).

Note: If you install EM-EDJ, EM-EDK, EM-EDX Plug-ins, uninstall/install

"easyon" library after their installation.

Note: In case of fault occurring during this procedure (see Section 8 on page
23), the restore is possible if a previous back up has been performed
as a precautionary measure.

Note: The log is saved in the /tmp/setupEm_SOEMR13B_YYYYMMDD_HH

MMSS.log file.

Before starting the ServiceOn EM, logged as "root" on DSP, CSP main server
and, for multiserver configuration, on all CSP servers, the rmiregistry
process must be killed, executing the following commands:

• login as "root".

• ps –aef | grep rmiregistry

In the output of the previous "ps" command, take note of the process identifier
related to the rmiregistry process (/opt/mv36/core/java/bin/rmireg
istry), to be reused in the next "kill" command.

Here following an example of output:

root 15294 1 0 Jun08 ? 00:01:37 /opt/mv36/core/java/bin


• kill -9 <PID rmiregistry>

where <PID rmiregistry> is the process identifier obtained from the

previous command. In the example <PID rmiregistry> is "15294".

• The rmiregistry process will be restarted in about 1 minute.

• Check if the rmiregistry process is running, by the following command:

ps –aef | grep rmiregistry.

At the end of the setup procedure and configuration steps (on all the servers),
the ServiceOn EM is ready to run.

7.3.1 Upgrade on Dedicated PMS

Execute the following steps on Dedicated PMS:

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Upgrade Steps from GA to FP/CUx

1. Stop EMPM using "attila" utility (see ServiceOn EM System

Administration GuideReference [10]) .

2. Login as "root".

"cd /opt/IPBBNMSvA.B"[Return]


A.B indicates the version of the related IP BB NMS software release.

"./setup ALL"[Return]

3. Select the 3PP packages model matching with your product installation
(that is ServiceOn EM):

# #
# IP BB NMS v A.B #
# #

Please select a Product Type

1 - ServiceOn EM

2 - TMF

3 - IP Transport NMS - Circuit

4 - PSB

5 - IP Transport NMS - Packet

6 - Exit

Enter option (1-6): 1

4. Select the 3PP packages model matching with your node role:

# #
# IP BB NMS v A.B #
# #

Please select the Node Role

1 - DSP CSP with PM co-located server

3 - CSP
4 - PM dedicated server

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Summary of Upgrade Steps from ServiceOn Element Manager 13B GA to 13B FP and Further CUx

Enter option (1-4):4

Choice 4 must be used on PMS to install the dedicated server for the PM
data DB management.

5. At the end of the Installation it will be shown a report table in order to verify
if all the expected packages have been installed:

CHK Expected PACKAGE Installed PACKAGE

OK <pkg name> <pkg release> ..<pkg name> <pkg release>

Then some warning messages are also present, here following on output

Some files Not Found in /var/13B_FP_EU05/IPBBNMS

MySqlEM-suse11.bin Not Found

Attila.rpm Not Found
Java17.rpm Not Found
Java17_x64.rpm Not Found
Watchdog.rpm Not Found
ServiceOnEM-Ingres.rpm Not Found
MV36msgbroker.rpm Not Found

Some Packages File not found

These warnings does not affect the successful installation and you can
ignore them.

6. Verify that PPM interface is installed by the following command:

• rpm -qa | grep -i ppm

If installed the following output appears:


7. If PPM interface is installed

• Stop PPM interface using "attila" utility

• Remove old PPM interface by the following command:

rpm -e MV36ppm-<old_version>

• Install new PPM interface, by the following command:

rpm -ivh MV36ppm-<new_version>.rpm

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Upgrade Steps from GA to FP/CUx

8. In any moment it is available the verification of the installed packages,

executing the following:

"cd /opt/IPBBNMSvA.B"[Return]

"./setup CHECK"[Return]

When entering the "setup check" command, you are asked as for the
previous Step 3 and Step 4. Provide all the answers as for the installation.

9. An installation log is always provided at:

/opt/IPBBNMSvA.B/LOG/SOBASE.report.log.<time stamp>

10. Start new EMPM using "attila" utility (see Section 7.5 on page 20).

7.4 Clean Job List and Data Obsolete Plug-Ins

This section describes how to delete all the network elements and related PM
and Inventory jobs (if present) of the obsolete plug-ins on the upgraded system.

Specifically , the OssNeRemovalTool script removes:

• Configured NEs

• Configured jobs (PM, Inventory, SW download, Bulk, Licensing and so on)

• Data from DB related to the license report info

If ServiceOn EM is already installed and automatically started, in order to halt
all processes stop manually all Plug-ins and Interfaces, using the "attila"

Login as nmcman and run this commands:

1. "csh"[Return]

2. "source /etc/mv36.cshrc"[Return]

3. "$NCS/script/OssNeRemovalTool.ksh $NCS/data/config/Linu

For example:

in order to remove network element of no more compliant plug-in EM-WNL,

run the following commands:

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Summary of Upgrade Steps from ServiceOn Element Manager 13B GA to 13B FP and Further CUx

1. Login as nmcman

2. "csh"[Return]

3. "source /etc/mv36.cshrc"[Return]

4. "$NCS/script/OssNeRemovalTool.ksh $NCS/data/config/Linu

7.5 Restart New ServiceOn EM 13B FP/CUx Application

The ServiceOn EM 13B FP/CUx application is started using the "attila"
utility (see ServiceOn EM System Administration GuideReference [10]):

1. Log in as "Attila".

2. Restart the new ServiceOn Element Manager on the server, using

"attila" utility.

The server will now be live and able to manage the network.

3. Ensure that the ServiceOn Element Manager is live before continuing.

The installation process is now complete.

7.6 Remove Old Ericsson_HA and Install New Ericsson

Note: If you do not have Ericsson_HA package in your system, do not
execute this step.

The Ericsson_HA package, if present, must be removed.

Verify if it is present on system using the "get" command as specified inTable 1.

For removal, use the "remove" command as specified in Table 1.

The Ericsson_HA package installation file of is provided as "rpm" file:

Ericsson_HA-[X].[Y].[Z]-SLES11.rpm .


• [X].[Y].[Z] indicates the major version, minor version and revision of

the Ericsson_HA software release.

For the detailed instructions about the installation of Ericsson HA, the High
Availability documents (Reference [13], Reference [14] and Reference [15])
make available the installation/configuration procedures to be used in High
Availability for Xen Virtual Machines.

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Upgrade Steps from GA to FP/CUx

The new HA is present in the High_Availability folder.

For the installation use the "install" command as specified in Table 1.

7.7 ServiceOn EM Web Client Upgrade

For the client upgrade is required to reinstall the ServiceOn EM Web Client and
MINI-LINK Craft depending on the plug-in. The dependencies are specified in
the Microwave Plugins Client installation guide (Reference [19]), where the
ServiceOn EM Web Client and MINI-LINK Craft installation instructions are
provided for both the Remote Desktop Service Access (see Reference [17])
and the local PC Windows7 access (see Reference [18]).

Then, check for the java version. On local PC Windows7 and on server hosting
Remote Desktop Service, it is required to install, if not present, the Sun Java
Runtime Environment (JRE) version indicated as client basic software in
Reference [8]. JRE is not included in the ServiceOn EM Application package,
then in order to obtain the required version from the manufacturer, follow the
Oracle official site.

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8 Rollback

In case of a fault occurring during the upgrade:

• remove the target software installed;

• install the previous source version;

• restore the database (for the restore instructions refer to the ServiceOn EM
System Administration Guide Reference [10]).

Note: The backup executed on a version cannot be restored on a different


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Reference List

Reference List

[1] Library Typographic Conventions, 1/154 43-AOM 901 097

[2] ServiceOn Element Manager 13B Installation Guide Introduction,

21/1531-1/AOM 901 097

[3] ServiceOn Element Manager 13B Multserver DSP and CSPs Installation
Guide, 22/1531-1/AOM 901 097

[4] ServiceOn Element Manager 13B DSP, CSP Installation Guide,

23/1531-1/AOM 901 097

[5] ServiceOn Element Manager 13B Dedicated PM Server Installation

Guide, 24/1531-1/AOM 901 097

[6] ServiceOn Element Manager 13B SLES11 Installation Guide,

25/1531-1/AOM 901 097

[7] ServiceOn Element Manager - Technical Description, 221 02-FGC 101


[8] Basic SW List, 21/006 51-AOM 901 097

[9] Glossary, 0033-AOM 901 097

[10] ServiceOn Element Manager 13B System Administration Guide,

135/1543-1/AOM 901 097

[11] ServiceOn Element Manager 13B User Guide, 135/1553-1/AOM 901 097

[12] ServiceOn Element Manager 13B User Guide for New GUI,
136/1553-1/AOM 901 097

[13] High Availability Hot Standby, 21/197 02-CRA 119 1616

[14] High Availability Warm Remote Standby, 22/197 02-CRA 119 1616

[15] High Availability System Administration Guide, 21/1543-CRA 119 1616

[16] EM-XSA Handbook For Tellabs8630 And Tellabs8660, 2/1553-CRA 119


[17] Remote Desktop Service (RDS) Installation and Configuration,

22/1531-AOM 901 097

[18] Thick Client Installation and Configuration, 21/1531-AOM 901 097

[19] Microwave Plugins Client Installation Guide, 21/1531-CBA 901 95-1

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