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1 a.Write a program to locate user’s current location.

b. Write a program to accept and display personal

information of the student.

2 a.Write a program to send email.

b. Write a program to display 5 students basic
information in a table form using Table layout.

3 a.Develop a program to send SMS

b. Write a program to create a first display screen of any
search engine using Auto Complete Text View.

4 a.Write a program to create the login form with

necessary validations like length of username and
password, empty text fields, count of unsuccessful login
attempts. Display the login successful/Unsuccessful
toast message.
b. Write a program to create a HelloWorld Activity using all
lifecycles methods to display messages using Log.d.

5 a. Write a program to turn on, get visible, list devices

and turnoff Bluetooth
b. Write a program to create a toggle button to display
ON / OFF Bluetooth on the display screen.

6 a. Write a program to capture an image and display it

using image view.
b. Write a program to create button “Start Dialer”. When u
click on this button it should open the phone dialer.

7 a. Write a program to display the list of sensors

supported by the mobile device
b. Write a program to create a text field and a button
“Navigate”. When you enter “” and press
navigate button it should open google page
8 a.Write a program to create two screens. First screen
will take one number input from user. After click on
Factorial button, second screen will open and it should
display factorial of the same number. Also specify
which type of intent you will use in this case.
b. Write a program to create a login form for a social
networking site

9 1. Write a program to display three checkboxes and one

button named “Order” .Once you click on button it
should toast different selected checkbox’s along with
items individual and total price.
2. Write a program to create a toggle button to display
ON / OFF Bluetooth on the display screen

10 a.Write a program to show the following output.

b.Write a program to display circular progress bar.

11 1. Write a program to display an image using Image view
and a button named as ” Change Image” .Once you
click on button another image should get displayed.

12 Write a program to start a Wi-Fi using service.

13 a.Write a program to demonstrate all the system
broadcast messages
b.Write a program to changes the background color when
device is shuffled.
14 2.Write a program to create a simple calculator.

1.Write a program to record a video using various camera


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