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彰化縣溪州鄉大莊國小 111 學年度下學期第一次評量英語科

五年甲班 座號:___ 姓名:__________ 家長簽名:__________

聽力:30% 口試:10%

一、Listen and Circle 聽 CD,圈出對應的發音組合:(每題 1

分,共 5 分)
1. ai a

2. a_e i
9.( ) ( )
3. e ee

4. e_e e

5. ai ee 10.( ) ( )
二、Listen and Check 聽 CD,勾選正確的單字圖片:(每題 1
分,共 11 分)


1. ( ) ( ) 11.( ) ( )
三、Listen and Write 聽 CD,寫出正確的單字:(每題 1 分,
共 8 分)
1. _______________ 2.________________

3._______________ 4.________________
2. ( ) ( )
5._______________ 6.________________

7._______________ 8.________________
3. ( ) ( ) 四、Listen and Choose 聽 CD,選出正確的句子代號:(每題
1 分,共 6 分)
( )1.

4.( ) ( )

( )2.

5.( ) ( )

6.( ) ( ) ( )3.

( )4.
7.( ) ( )

( )5.
8.( ) ( )

( )6.

五、Spoken English Exam:請仔細聽老師問的發音或對話:

(共 10 分) SCORE:_____________
1. Where are you going? (2%)

2. Where is your friend going? (2%)

3. How can you get to the Dajuang Primary?


4. E-E is for Pete. (2%)

5. Ay is for play. (2%)

彰化縣溪州鄉大莊國小 111 學年度下學期第一次評量英語科
五年甲班 座號:___ 姓名:__________ 家長簽名:__________
筆試: 64%
六、Look and Spell 看圖拼出正確的單字:(每題 2 分,共 30 11.

p k 12.

_ _a_n


sc_ _ _e_

_o_t _ffi_e

_ak_ _y 15.

_ _n_ t_ _ _
6. 七、Choose 文法選擇:(每題 1 分,共 14 分)
( )1. Jenny is ________ to the hospital.
(A) goes(B) go(C) going
h_s_i_ _l ( )2. Cindy and I ________ going to the
(A) am(B) is(C) are
( )3. A: I’m going ________ the bank. How
about you?
s_ _er_ark_t B: Me, ________.
8. (A) to, too(B) on, too(C) too, too
( )4. A: Is Tom going to the post office?
B: No, he ________.
(A) isn’t (B) aren’t(C) doesn’t
b_ _t
( )5. A: Where ________ you going?
B: I ________ going to the restroom.
(A) am, are (B) are, am (C) are, is
c_ _ ( )6. A: ________ are they going?
10. B: They’re going to the classroom.
(A) How(B) Where(C) What

_ _T 背面還有試題

( )7. A: ______ Andy going to the music 3. your ∕Is ∕ going ∕ sister ∕ the ∕ library
show? ∕ ? ∕ to ∕ again
B: Yes, he ______.
(A) Is, is(B) Is, isn’t(C) Are, are ____________________________________
( )8. Amy can ________ to the bakery by
bike. 十、Reading Comprehension 閱讀測驗:(每題 2 分,共 6 分)
(A) getting(B) gets(C) get 1. It’s Sunday. Nick’s mother is going to the
( )9. You can get to the post office ________ gym. She wants to jog there. Nick’s father is
bus. going to the supermarket. He wants to buy
(A) on(B) in(C) by some apples. Nick’s aunt and uncle are going to
( )10. A: ________ can Shelly get to the gym? the KTV. They want to sing there. Nick’s sister,
B: She can get there by scooter. Ella, is going to the library. She wants to read
(A) How(B) What(C) Where books there. How about Nick? He’s going to the
( )11. A: ________ we get to the park by MRT? hospital. He is sick. Oh, poor Nick.
B: Yes, we ________.
(A) Are, are(B) Can, can(C) Do, don’t *poor 可憐的
( )12. A: ________ you want to go to the
bakery? (1) What day is today?
B: No, I ________.
(A) Do, don’t(B) Can, can’t(C) Are, ___________________________________
aren’t (2) Where are Nick’s aunt and uncle going?
( )13. A: Don’t play ________ water.
They ______________________________
B: OK.
(3) Is Ella going to the gym?
(A) to(B) of(C) with
( )14. Let’s ______it together.
(A)do(B) of(C) by

八、Read and Copy 依提示完成句子:(每格 1 分,共 8 分)

1. post office bananas supermarket
A: _________________ are you going?
B: I’m going to the _________________. I
want to buy some ________________. How
about you?
A: I’m going to the _________________. I
want to mail a letter.*mail a letter 寄信

2. Come wrong restroom need

A: What’s _________________, Nancy?
B: I _________________ to go to the
A: OK. _________________ back soon.

九、Unscramble 重組句子:(每題 2 分,共 6 分)

1. you∕ going, ∕ Where ∕ ? ∕are ∕ Julia

2. piece ∕ cake∕ . ∕ of∕ a∕ It’s


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