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1)a) The CPU is the brain of a computer, containing all the circuitry needed to H) An array is a data structure used

ture used in programming, organizing elements in a

process input, store data, and output results. The CPU is constantly following sequential manner. It stores a collection of items, like numbers or strings, with each
instructions of computer programs that tell it which data to process and how to item accessible by its index.
process it. Without a CPU, we could not run programs on a computer. I) A compiler is a software tool that translates source code written in a high-level
b) Analog computers represent data using physical quantities, perform operations programming language into machine code or an intermediate code. It analyzes the
using continuous functions, and are less precise than digital computers. Digital entire code, checks for errors, and produces an executable file, enabling the computer
computers represent data using binary digits, perform operations using discrete steps, to execute the program efficiently.
and are more precise and versatile than analog computers. J) Communication, education, business, social media, entertainment, research,
c) The Time-Sharing OS provides computer resources to numerous programs healthcare, finance, and government services rely on the Internet for various
simultaneously in a time-dependent manner. As a result, it aids in providing direct functions and connectivity.
access to the main computer to a large number of users. It’s a natural progression
from multiprogramming. The CPU is swapped between numerous programs 2)B) Application Software:
provided by the different users in time-sharing on a scheduled basis. Application software is designed to perform specific tasks or solve particular
d)It is easy to use and can be accessed easily.We Can share information easily.We problems for end-users.
can send messages at any time.We Can connect to people all over the world by Word processors, web browsers, graphic design software, games, and productivity
sitting at your home.We Can work with others.Communication can be done with tools.
many people at the same time. Users directly interact with application software to accomplish their tasks.
e) Often customizable to meet the specific needs of users or organizations.
System Software:
FILE FOLDER System software provides a platform for application software to run and facilitates
communication between hardware and other software.
Operating systems, device drivers, utilities, and system management tools.
1. Files can have extensions. Folders does not have any Users typically interact with the system software indirectly; it works in the
extensions. background to manage hardware resources.
Ensures proper functioning of computer hardware and provides a foundation for
2. Serial, sequential, indexed sequential Single directory per user and running application software.
and direct file organizations. multiple directory per user
organization. C)Operating System (OS):
An operating system is system software that manages computer hardware, software
resources, and provides services for computer programs. It acts as an intermediary
3. Collection of data. A place to store a group of between the user and the computer hardware, facilitating the execution of
related files and folders. applications and ensuring efficient use of resources.

Types of Operating Systems:

4. There is a specific size of a file. Folder does not consume Single-User, Single-Tasking OS:
space in the memory. Designed for a single user and allows the execution of only one task at a time.
Examples: MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System).
Single-User, Multi-Tasking OS:
5. It has Name, Extension, Date, Time, It has Name, Date, Time and
Allows a single user to run multiple applications simultaneously.
Length and Protection attributes. Protection attributes.
Examples: Microsoft Windows, macOS.
F) The three logical operators in C are Multi-User OS:
 "&&" (logical AND), Supports multiple users concurrently, each running their own processes.
Examples: Unix, Linux.
 "||" (logical OR),
Real-Time OS (RTOS):
 "!" (logical NOT).
Designed for real-time applications where tasks must be completed within specific
time constraints.
G) A flowchart is a diagram depicting a process, a system or a computer algorithm.
Examples: VxWorks, QNX.
It is a diagrammatic representation of the solution to a given problem but, more
Embedded OS:
importantly, it provides a breakdown of the essential steps to solving the problem.
Optimized for embedded systems with limited resources. Direction: Bidirectional and simultaneous.
Examples: Embedded Linux, FreeRTOS. Description: Data can be transmitted in both directions simultaneously, allowing for
Distributed OS: real-time communication.
Coordinates and manages tasks across multiple interconnected computers. Example: Telephone conversations, most computer networks.
Examples: Amoeba, Google Fuchsia.

7)1) Generations Of Computer:

The evolution of computers is categorized into different generations, each marked by
significant advancements in technology.
First Generation (1940s-1950s):
Main Technology: Vacuum tubes.
Characteristics: Large, slow, and prone to frequent failures.
Examples: ENIAC and UNIVAC.
Second Generation (1950s-1960s):
Main Technology: Transistors.
Characteristics: Smaller, faster, and more reliable than first-gen. Assembly language
used for programming.
Examples: IBM 1401, IBM 7094.
Third Generation (1960s-1970s):
Main Technology: Integrated circuits (ICs).
Characteristics: Smaller, more powerful, and capable of multitasking. High-level
programming languages introduced.
Examples: IBM System/360, DEC PDP-11.
Fourth Generation (1970s-1980s):
Main Technology: Microprocessors, VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration).
Characteristics: Compact, affordable personal computers. GUIs and networking
became prominent.
Examples: IBM PC, Apple Macintosh.
Fifth Generation (1980s-Present):
Main Technology: VLSI continued, AI, parallel processing.
Characteristics: Advancements in artificial intelligence, natural language processing,
and parallel computing.
Examples: Modern PCs, smartphones, and supercomputers.

iii)Data Transmission Mode:

Data transmission modes define the direction and method of data flow between two
connected devices. There are three main modes:

Simplex Mode:
Direction: Unidirectional (one-way).
Description: Data flows in one direction only, from the sender to the receiver.
Example: Television broadcast.
Half-Duplex Mode:
Direction: Bidirectional but not simultaneous.
Description: Data can be transmitted in both directions, but not at the same time.
Devices take turns sending and receiving.
Example: Walkie-talkies.
Full-Duplex Mode:

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