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Match the phrases with their definitions.

1. to tackle the deadline problem a. to address the issue of completing
2. some unexpected costs have come up something by a specific date.
3. due to some unforeseen b. what is the reason for the things not
circumstances happening on time.
4. issues we're facing c. there have been additional expenses
5. we've experienced some unexpected that were not planned for.
technical problems d. to have an alternative course of action
6. to have a backup plan in case the original plan does not work
7. our goal is to implement smart out.
spending strategies e. let's think of ideas and options as a
8. what's causing the delays group to solve a problem.
9. let's brainstorm some solutions f. our aim is to use intelligent methods
together for managing and using money.
g. problems or challenges that we are
currently dealing with.
h. because of events or situations that
were not predicted or expected.
i. we have some issues with technology
that we didn't predict

Open the brackets with the correct forms of the verbs. Use Present
Continuous, Present Perfect, to be going to, will + infinitive.
John: Hey Sarah, I wanted to catch up with you about the IT project. It seems like (face)
_____________________ some challenges and (fall) _____________________ behind schedule.
Sarah: Yes, I feel the pressure too. What (cause) _____________________ the delays exactly?
John: Well, there have been a few issues we're facing. Firstly, we (encounter)
_________________ some unexpected technical problems with the software integration.
Secondly, due to some unforeseen circumstances, our team had to divert attention to
urgent tasks, which slowed down our progress.
Sarah: I understand. _____________________ these challenges (result) in any unexpected costs?
John: Unfortunately, yes. Some unexpected costs (come) _____________________ up, particularly
related to hiring additional expertise to resolve the technical issues promptly.
Sarah: That's concerning. Our goal is to implement smart spending strategies,
especially with these unexpected costs adding up. Do you think we can still tackle
the deadline problem?
John: It (be) _____________________ tough, but I think with the right approach, we can still
meet the deadline. We might need to reassess our priorities and possibly make some
adjustments to the project scope.
Sarah: Agreed. It might also be wise to have a backup plan in case things don't go as
expected. Perhaps we could allocate more resources to critical tasks or explore
alternative solutions.
John: Absolutely. Maybe we can allocate existing resources more efficiently or
collaborate with other teams to expedite certain processes.
Sarah: That sounds like a solid plan. We need to address these challenges
proactively to ensure the success of the project. I (schedule) _____________________ a
meeting with the team to discuss our options further.
John: Great idea. The sooner we tackle these issues, the better chance we have of
staying on track.

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