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YEAR: 2023


Module / Course Code: TPO 3142

Module / Course Credit Value: 12

National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level: 7

Date of Approval of Module / Course by Faculty:

(This is compulsory as it is a safeguard against the teaching of illegal modules)

Date of Review by Faculty: 09/11/2022

Name of Lecturer/s: Mr. ROFHIWA STEIN KHASHANE

Name of Module / Course Coordinator: MS. M. NKUNA

1. Welcome statement.
Welcome to the Department Tourism and Hospitality Management in the Faculty of
Management, Commerce, & Law. We hope that the time spend together will be fruitful
and above all ENJOYABLE. The Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
strives to provide quality training, research, community-focused tourism, and
Hospitality professionals: with dynamic management, entrepreneurship and leadership
skills grounded in relevant, contemporary industry experience for Southern Africa.

2. Contact Details

Title and Outcomes Office number Contact

Surname offered number
Mr. RS Khashane All No 1: School of Management 015 962 8216

2.1 Role Players

2.2 Consultation Time
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12:00-14:00
3 Overview of the Qualification
The Department is an integral part of the School of Management Sciences. It fulfils the
local, regional, and provincial needs for under-graduate studies in tourism management
and development, by offering a bachelor’s in commerce degree in Tourism
Management. In co-operation with the Department of Business Management tourism
management graduates may progress to honours-, masters-, and PhD studies. Tourism
is a dynamic and ever-changing science; dealing with people and their needs and desires
to take part in new life experiences, in South Africa and other destinations around the
3.1 Name of the Qualification or Programme
3.2 Rationale for the Degree
3.3 Purpose of the Qualification
The department strives towards integration of existing knowledge with new knowledge
and to afford the student the ability to:
• Think logically.
• Gain knowledge of development in the Travel and Tourism field.
• Make a positive contribution to the field of tourism development once they have
completed your studies.
• Gain theoretical knowledge of entrepreneurial skills.
3.4 Level, Credits and Learning Components assigned to the Qualification
[A graphic representation will be more useful]


1. Structure of the course / module

2. Level descriptors of the course / module

3. Purpose of the course / module

The tourism, and hospitality is an industry that provides ample entrepreneurial

opportunities. It is also an industry that requires you as an entrepreneur to be
innovative and create employment opportunities to people; to work hard; to respect the
cultural values and beliefs of others; to respect and work in harmony with the
environment; to maintain high levels of service quality within the tourism industry.

4. Learning Outcomes and Associated Assessment Criteria

The learning outcomes for this module is to provide students with theoretical
knowledge of entrepreneurship so that they can be able to start their own businesses.
Students should be job creators as a way of reducing high unemployment rate.
5. Content Outline

This module will cover aspects of the Business plan steps, Different types of
business structures, franchisee, characteristics of the franchise operation, qualities
related to the entrepreneur’s personality, types of entrepreneurs, market
segmentation, importance of have a market segmentation.

6. Teaching-Learning Methods
Three lecture periods per week will be offered for formal classes. You will also be
expected to attend fourth period in the form of extra lesson depending on the needs.
The attendance of both lectures and extra lesson are compulsory. Self-study will form
an integral part of your preparations. You should spend at least six hours per week on
your own studies. You will also be required to do at least one assignment/task during
the semester. This could be an individual or group project. (NB: Please note that this
will apply once everything is back to normal, for now we will be working online).

In this module, blended learning will be used (online and physical contact sessions).

6.1 Knowledge is developed through:

• Participation in lectures and tutorials

• Directed and general reading
• Elementary research

6.2 Thinking skills are developed through:

• Successful completion of set assessment tasks

• Self-appraisal and self-evaluation
• Critical evaluation of concepts, assumptions, and arguments

6.3 Practical skills are developed through:

• General interpretation of case studies.

6.4 Skills for life and work (general skills) are developed through:

• Working in groups to complete work set, such as presentations

• Managing time to complete assessments by deadlines.

7. Assessment Methods

Two tests and one group assignment will be given to formulate your semester mark(s).

8. Learning Activities.
A lot of work will be done through entrepreneurship articles, books, research, group
work and classroom interactions. There is no prescribed textbook for this module.

9. Resources

University library for reading, and internet will be major resources to be utilised.

10. Laboratory work / Practical work / Experiential learning

/Cooperative Education (Where and as applicable)

11. Time allocation

12. Roles and responsibilities of the Learner

Late submission: Two percent (2%) is deducted per day including weekend days.
Copying fellow students work: Marks will be divided by the number of students with
the same assignment.
N/B: Don’t let somebody borrow your memory stick. They will copy your work!
Do your work beforehand. Do not try the following excuses: Saved assignment gone,
no printer/paper available, my memory stick does not work, computer crashed etc.

Students should hand in assignments during their normal class periods decided upon
for the handing in of assignments (The date is indicated at the end of the assignment
topic). No assignments may be handed in on the corridors, at the staff office or during
the periods of other students or at other staff members! The date indicated is considered
final and any changes, if necessary, will be made during lecture times.

Once again, it is the responsibility of the STUDENT to arrange with the lecturer if
something unexpected comes up that hinders the handing in of the assignment. An
assignment will be marked only once. There is no second chance to hand in an
assignment. The lecturer will only hand out marked assignments during normal class
periods/e learning platforms. If you miss the class in which the assignments were
handed out, you must wait until the next normal class period during which the
assignments will be handed out. If you miss the class for the second time, the
assignment will be left in the office corridor.

13. Roles and responsibilities of the Lecturer

• Deliver lectures, seminars, and tutorials.
• Design, prepare and develop courses, modules, and teaching materials.
• Develop and implement new methods of teaching to reflect changes in research.
• Assess students' coursework.
• Set, mark and moderate examinations and assessments.
14. Assessment information [Administration]

14.1 Assessment plan

14.2 Assessment timetable

Will be communicated in class during lecturing sessions.

14.3 Rules and requirements during assessment activities

The dates for semester tests will be arranged with the students very early in the
semester. After we have decided upon the dates, and all parties have agreed that those
dates are suitable, NO CHANGES will be made. Too much work or too many tests
will not be accepted as excuse, as the dates for tests will be determined well in advance.
Students should plan their own time management.
This means that you are DELIBERATELY coping material from a textbook, magazine,
video or some other source of information, word for word, without a single change in
the text. Or you copy from a classmate. Either way, if you are caught copying from a
source to do a task you will lose marks or receive a 0 for that task. Likewise, if you are
caught copying in a test or the examinations you will be subjected to a hearing of some
sort and or receive a 0, and the chances are then very good that you will fail the semester
and will have to repeat the work.

14.4 Self-assessment activities :

• attentively study the outcomes on all levels (module, learning unit, learning
• view the module plan for a bird’s eye view of what the module entails;
• view the list of contents of the first learning unit;
• page through the learning materials to determine the organization, difficulty
level, and volume;
• read the learning material according to the instructions provided in the learning
guide and learning outcomes;
• do all learning activities (exercises) in every learning section (or learning part)
of the learning guise;
• be well prepared for all group meetings (discussions) according to the time
schedule, in other words study the sections indicated/listed in the learning
guide in order to take part in the group discussion;
• complete all self-evaluation exercises and mark each according to the
answers/instructions/solutions provided;
• submit fully completed assignments according to the time schedule;

14.5 Assignment and Project details

To be communicated in class

14.6 Group / teamwork assessment criteria

15. Learner Support

List of handouts / support material for the course / module

Glossary of unfamiliar terms / concepts / acronyms

Academic Development

Guidance and Counselling Services

Using the Library

16. Readings

Compulsory readings

Additional Readings

17. Conclusion

Hopefully we will have a good working relationship, respect each other as well as to
learn from one another. Thank you!






Person Name Roo Telephon Email address

m e
Lecturer(s) Mr. 01 8216
Rofhiwa za
Course Ms. 03 8052
Coordinator Nkuna
Class Gift
Representativ Ndolvu &
e Xolile
Laboratory N/A
Technician /
Student Dr
Development Ravhuhali
Faculty Ivy
Librarian Mukwevh
& Career
Etc. (Any Mr.
other matodzi
person) E.g.


Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 12:00-14:00

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